/********************************************************************************/ /* */ /* ECC Main */ /* Written by Ken Goldman */ /* IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center */ /* $Id: CryptEccMain.c 1519 2019-11-15 20:43:51Z kgoldman $ */ /* */ /* Licenses and Notices */ /* */ /* 1. Copyright Licenses: */ /* */ /* - Trusted Computing Group (TCG) grants to the user of the source code in */ /* this specification (the "Source Code") a worldwide, irrevocable, */ /* nonexclusive, royalty free, copyright license to reproduce, create */ /* derivative works, distribute, display and perform the Source Code and */ /* derivative works thereof, and to grant others the rights granted herein. */ /* */ /* - The TCG grants to the user of the other parts of the specification */ /* (other than the Source Code) the rights to reproduce, distribute, */ /* display, and perform the specification solely for the purpose of */ /* developing products based on such documents. */ /* */ /* 2. Source Code Distribution Conditions: */ /* */ /* - Redistributions of Source Code must retain the above copyright licenses, */ /* this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. */ /* */ /* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */ /* licenses, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the */ /* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. */ /* */ /* 3. Disclaimers: */ /* */ /* - THE COPYRIGHT LICENSES SET FORTH ABOVE DO NOT REPRESENT ANY FORM OF */ /* LICENSE OR WAIVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, WITH */ /* RESPECT TO PATENT RIGHTS HELD BY TCG MEMBERS (OR OTHER THIRD PARTIES) */ /* THAT MAY BE NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THIS SPECIFICATION OR OTHERWISE. */ /* Contact TCG Administration (admin@trustedcomputinggroup.org) for */ /* information on specification licensing rights available through TCG */ /* membership agreements. */ /* */ /* - THIS SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED */ /* WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR */ /* NONINFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR ANY WARRANTY */ /* OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE. */ /* */ /* - Without limitation, TCG and its members and licensors disclaim all */ /* liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary */ /* rights, relating to use of information in this specification and to the */ /* implementation of this specification, and TCG disclaims all liability for */ /* cost of procurement of substitute goods or services, lost profits, loss */ /* of use, loss of data or any incidental, consequential, direct, indirect, */ /* or special damages, whether under contract, tort, warranty or otherwise, */ /* arising in any way out of use or reliance upon this specification or any */ /* information herein. */ /* */ /* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. and others, 2016 - 2019 */ /* */ /********************************************************************************/ /* 10.2.11 CryptEccMain.c */ /* Includes and Defines */ #include "Tpm.h" #include "Helpers_fp.h" // libtpms added #include "TpmToOsslMath_fp.h" // libtpms added #if ALG_ECC /* This version requires that the new format for ECC data be used */ #if !USE_BN_ECC_DATA #error "Need to SET USE_BN_ECC_DATA to YES in TpmBuildSwitches.h" #endif /* Functions */ #if SIMULATION void EccSimulationEnd( void ) { #if SIMULATION // put things to be printed at the end of the simulation here #endif } #endif // SIMULATION /* CryptEccInit() */ /* This function is called at _TPM_Init() */ BOOL CryptEccInit( void ) { return TRUE; } /* CryptEccStartup() */ /* This function is called at TPM2_Startup(). */ BOOL CryptEccStartup( void ) { return TRUE; } /* ClearPoint2B(generic */ /* Initialize the size values of a TPMS_ECC_POINT structure. */ void ClearPoint2B( TPMS_ECC_POINT *p // IN: the point ) { if(p != NULL) { p->x.t.size = 0; p->y.t.size = 0; } } /* CryptEccGetParametersByCurveId() */ /* This function returns a pointer to the curve data that is associated with the indicated curveId. If there is no curve with the indicated ID, the function returns NULL. This function is in this module so that it can be called by GetCurve() data. */ /* Return Values Meaning */ /* NULL curve with the indicated TPM_ECC_CURVE is not implemented */ /* non-NULL pointer to the curve data */ LIB_EXPORT const ECC_CURVE * CryptEccGetParametersByCurveId( TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId // IN: the curveID ) { int i; for(i = 0; i < ECC_CURVE_COUNT; i++) { if(eccCurves[i].curveId == curveId) return &eccCurves[i]; } return NULL; } /* CryptEccGetKeySizeForCurve() */ /* This function returns the key size in bits of the indicated curve */ LIB_EXPORT UINT16 CryptEccGetKeySizeForCurve( TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId // IN: the curve ) { const ECC_CURVE *curve = CryptEccGetParametersByCurveId(curveId); UINT16 keySizeInBits; // keySizeInBits = (curve != NULL) ? curve->keySizeBits : 0; return keySizeInBits; } /* GetCurveData() */ /* This function returns the a pointer for the parameter data associated with a curve. */ const ECC_CURVE_DATA * GetCurveData( TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId // IN: the curveID ) { const ECC_CURVE *curve = CryptEccGetParametersByCurveId(curveId); return (curve != NULL) ? curve->curveData : NULL; } /* CryptEccGetOID() */ const BYTE * CryptEccGetOID( TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId ) { const ECC_CURVE *curve = CryptEccGetParametersByCurveId(curveId); return (curve != NULL) ? curve->OID : NULL; } /* CryptEccGetCurveByIndex() */ /* This function returns the number of the i-th implemented curve. The normal use would be to call this function with i starting at 0. When the i is greater than or equal to the number of implemented curves, TPM_ECC_NONE is returned. */ LIB_EXPORT TPM_ECC_CURVE CryptEccGetCurveByIndex( UINT16 i ) { if(i >= ECC_CURVE_COUNT) return TPM_ECC_NONE; return eccCurves[i].curveId; } /* CryptEccGetParameter() */ /* This function returns an ECC curve parameter. The parameter is selected by a single character designator from the set of {PNABXYH}. */ /* Return Values Meaning */ /* TRUE curve exists and parameter returned */ /* FALSE curve does not exist or parameter selector */ LIB_EXPORT BOOL CryptEccGetParameter( TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *out, // OUT: place to put parameter char p, // IN: the parameter selector TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId // IN: the curve id ) { const ECC_CURVE_DATA *curve = GetCurveData(curveId); bigConst parameter = NULL; if(curve != NULL) { switch(p) { case 'p': parameter = CurveGetPrime(curve); break; case 'n': parameter = CurveGetOrder(curve); break; case 'a': parameter = CurveGet_a(curve); break; case 'b': parameter = CurveGet_b(curve); break; case 'x': parameter = CurveGetGx(curve); break; case 'y': parameter = CurveGetGy(curve); break; case 'h': parameter = CurveGetCofactor(curve); break; default: FAIL(FATAL_ERROR_INTERNAL); break; } } // If not debugging and we get here with parameter still NULL, had better // not try to convert so just return FALSE instead. return (parameter != NULL) ? BnTo2B(parameter, &out->b, 0) : 0; } /* CryptCapGetECCCurve() */ /* This function returns the list of implemented ECC curves. */ /* Return Values Meaning */ /* YES if no more ECC curve is available */ /* NO if there are more ECC curves not reported */ TPMI_YES_NO CryptCapGetECCCurve( TPM_ECC_CURVE curveID, // IN: the starting ECC curve UINT32 maxCount, // IN: count of returned curves TPML_ECC_CURVE *curveList // OUT: ECC curve list ) { TPMI_YES_NO more = NO; UINT16 i; UINT32 count = ECC_CURVE_COUNT; TPM_ECC_CURVE curve; // Initialize output property list curveList->count = 0; // The maximum count of curves we may return is MAX_ECC_CURVES if(maxCount > MAX_ECC_CURVES) maxCount = MAX_ECC_CURVES; // Scan the eccCurveValues array for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { curve = CryptEccGetCurveByIndex(i); // If curveID is less than the starting curveID, skip it if(curve < curveID) continue; if (!CryptEccIsCurveRuntimeUsable(curve)) // libtpms added: runtime filter supported curves continue; if(curveList->count < maxCount) { // If we have not filled up the return list, add more curves to // it curveList->eccCurves[curveList->count] = curve; curveList->count++; } else { // If the return list is full but we still have curves // available, report this and stop iterating more = YES; break; } } return more; } /* CryptGetCurveSignScheme() */ /* This function will return a pointer to the scheme of the curve. */ const TPMT_ECC_SCHEME * CryptGetCurveSignScheme( TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId // IN: The curve selector ) { const ECC_CURVE *curve = CryptEccGetParametersByCurveId(curveId); if(curve != NULL) return &(curve->sign); else return NULL; } /* CryptGenerateR() */ /* This function computes the commit random value for a split signing scheme. */ /* If c is NULL, it indicates that r is being generated for TPM2_Commit(). If c is not NULL, the TPM will validate that the gr.commitArray bit associated with the input value of c is SET. If not, the TPM returns FALSE and no r value is generated. */ /* Return Values Meaning */ /* TRUE r value computed */ /* FALSE no r value computed */ BOOL CryptGenerateR( TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *r, // OUT: the generated random value UINT16 *c, // IN/OUT: count value. TPMI_ECC_CURVE curveID, // IN: the curve for the value TPM2B_NAME *name // IN: optional name of a key to // associate with 'r' ) { // This holds the marshaled g_commitCounter. TPM2B_TYPE(8B, 8); TPM2B_8B cntr = {{8,{0}}}; UINT32 iterations; TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER n; UINT64 currentCount = gr.commitCounter; UINT16 t1; // if(!CryptEccGetParameter(&n, 'n', curveID)) return FALSE; // If this is the commit phase, use the current value of the commit counter if(c != NULL) { // if the array bit is not set, can't use the value. if(!TEST_BIT((*c & COMMIT_INDEX_MASK), gr.commitArray)) return FALSE; // If it is the sign phase, figure out what the counter value was // when the commitment was made. // // When gr.commitArray has less than 64K bits, the extra // bits of 'c' are used as a check to make sure that the // signing operation is not using an out of range count value t1 = (UINT16)currentCount; // If the lower bits of c are greater or equal to the lower bits of t1 // then the upper bits of t1 must be one more than the upper bits // of c if((*c & COMMIT_INDEX_MASK) >= (t1 & COMMIT_INDEX_MASK)) // Since the counter is behind, reduce the current count currentCount = currentCount - (COMMIT_INDEX_MASK + 1); t1 = (UINT16)currentCount; if((t1 & ~COMMIT_INDEX_MASK) != (*c & ~COMMIT_INDEX_MASK)) return FALSE; // set the counter to the value that was // present when the commitment was made currentCount = (currentCount & 0xffffffffffff0000ULL) | *c; /* libtpms changed */ } // Marshal the count value to a TPM2B buffer for the KDF cntr.t.size = sizeof(currentCount); UINT64_TO_BYTE_ARRAY(currentCount, cntr.t.buffer); // Now can do the KDF to create the random value for the signing operation // During the creation process, we may generate an r that does not meet the // requirements of the random value. // want to generate a new r. r->t.size = n.t.size; for(iterations = 1; iterations < 1000000;) { int i; CryptKDFa(CONTEXT_INTEGRITY_HASH_ALG, &gr.commitNonce.b, COMMIT_STRING, (TPM2B *)name, &cntr.b, n.t.size * 8, // libtpms ubsan r->t.buffer, &iterations, FALSE); // libtpms changed // "random" value must be less than the prime if(UnsignedCompareB(r->b.size, r->b.buffer, n.t.size, n.t.buffer) >= 0) continue; // in this implementation it is required that at least bit // in the upper half of the number be set for(i = n.t.size / 2; i >= 0; i--) if(r->b.buffer[i] != 0) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* CryptCommit() */ /* This function is called when the count value is committed. The gr.commitArray value associated with the current count value is SET and g_commitCounter is incremented. The low-order 16 bits of old value of the counter is returned. */ UINT16 CryptCommit( void ) { UINT16 oldCount = (UINT16)gr.commitCounter; gr.commitCounter++; SET_BIT(oldCount & COMMIT_INDEX_MASK, gr.commitArray); return oldCount; } /* CryptEndCommit() */ /* This function is called when the signing operation using the committed value is completed. It clears the gr.commitArray bit associated with the count value so that it can't be used again. */ void CryptEndCommit( UINT16 c // IN: the counter value of the commitment ) { ClearBit((c & COMMIT_INDEX_MASK), gr.commitArray, sizeof(gr.commitArray)); } /* CryptEccGetParameters() */ /* This function returns the ECC parameter details of the given curve */ /* Return Values Meaning */ /* TRUE success */ /* FALSE unsupported ECC curve ID */ BOOL CryptEccGetParameters( TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId, // IN: ECC curve ID TPMS_ALGORITHM_DETAIL_ECC *parameters // OUT: ECC parameters ) { const ECC_CURVE *curve = CryptEccGetParametersByCurveId(curveId); const ECC_CURVE_DATA *data; BOOL found = curve != NULL; if(found) { data = curve->curveData; parameters->curveID = curve->curveId; parameters->keySize = curve->keySizeBits; parameters->kdf = curve->kdf; parameters->sign = curve->sign; /* BnTo2B(data->prime, ¶meters->p.b, 0); */ BnTo2B(data->prime, ¶meters->p.b, parameters->p.t.size); BnTo2B(data->a, ¶meters->a.b, parameters->p.t.size /* libtpms changed for HLK */); BnTo2B(data->b, ¶meters->b.b, parameters->p.t.size /* libtpms changed for HLK */); BnTo2B(data->base.x, ¶meters->gX.b, parameters->p.t.size); BnTo2B(data->base.y, ¶meters->gY.b, parameters->p.t.size); BnTo2B(data->order, ¶meters->n.b, 0); BnTo2B(data->h, ¶meters->h.b, 0); } return found; } /* BnGetCurvePrime() */ /* This function is used to get just the prime modulus associated with a curve */ const bignum_t * BnGetCurvePrime( TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId ) { const ECC_CURVE_DATA *C = GetCurveData(curveId); return (C != NULL) ? CurveGetPrime(C) : NULL; } /* BnGetCurveOrder() */ /* This function is used to get just the curve order */ const bignum_t * BnGetCurveOrder( TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId ) { const ECC_CURVE_DATA *C = GetCurveData(curveId); return (C != NULL) ? CurveGetOrder(C) : NULL; } /* BnIsOnCurve() */ /* This function checks if a point is on the curve. */ BOOL BnIsOnCurve( pointConst Q, const ECC_CURVE_DATA *C ) { BN_VAR(right, (MAX_ECC_KEY_BITS * 3)); BN_VAR(left, (MAX_ECC_KEY_BITS * 2)); bigConst prime = CurveGetPrime(C); // // Show that point is on the curve y^2 = x^3 + ax + b; // Or y^2 = x(x^2 + a) + b // y^2 BnMult(left, Q->y, Q->y); BnMod(left, prime); // x^2 BnMult(right, Q->x, Q->x); // x^2 + a BnAdd(right, right, CurveGet_a(C)); // BnMod(right, CurveGetPrime(C)); // x(x^2 + a) BnMult(right, right, Q->x); // x(x^2 + a) + b BnAdd(right, right, CurveGet_b(C)); BnMod(right, prime); if(BnUnsignedCmp(left, right) == 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } /* BnIsValidPrivateEcc() */ /* Checks that 0 < x < q */ BOOL BnIsValidPrivateEcc( bigConst x, // IN: private key to check bigCurve E // IN: the curve to check ) { BOOL retVal; retVal = (!BnEqualZero(x) && (BnUnsignedCmp(x, CurveGetOrder(AccessCurveData(E))) < 0)); return retVal; } LIB_EXPORT BOOL CryptEccIsValidPrivateKey( TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *d, TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId ) { BN_INITIALIZED(bnD, MAX_ECC_PARAMETER_BYTES * 8, d); return !BnEqualZero(bnD) && (BnUnsignedCmp(bnD, BnGetCurveOrder(curveId)) < 0); } /* BnPointMul() */ /* This function does a point multiply of the form R = [d]S + [u]Q where the parameters are bigNum values. If S is NULL and d is not NULL, then it computes R = [d]G + [u]Q or just R = [d]G if u and Q are NULL. If skipChecks is TRUE, then the function will not verify that the inputs are correct for the domain. This would be the case when the values were created by the CryptoEngine() code. It will return TPM_RC_NO_RESULT if the resulting point is the point at infinity. */ /* Error Returns Meaning */ /* TPM_RC_NO_RESULT result of multiplication is a point at infinity */ /* TPM_RC_ECC_POINT S or Q is not on the curve */ /* TPM_RC_VALUE d or u is not < n */ TPM_RC BnPointMult( bigPoint R, // OUT: computed point pointConst S, // IN: optional point to multiply by 'd' bigConst d, // IN: scalar for [d]S or [d]G pointConst Q, // IN: optional second point bigConst u, // IN: optional second scalar bigCurve E // IN: curve parameters ) { BOOL OK; // TEST(TPM_ALG_ECDH); // Need one scalar OK = (d != NULL || u != NULL); // If S is present, then d has to be present. If S is not // present, then d may or may not be present OK = OK && (((S == NULL) == (d == NULL)) || (d != NULL)); // either both u and Q have to be provided or neither can be provided (don't // know what to do if only one is provided. OK = OK && ((u == NULL) == (Q == NULL)); OK = OK && (E != NULL); if(!OK) return TPM_RC_VALUE; OK = (S == NULL) || BnIsOnCurve(S, AccessCurveData(E)); OK = OK && ((Q == NULL) || BnIsOnCurve(Q, AccessCurveData(E))); if(!OK) return TPM_RC_ECC_POINT; if((d != NULL) && (S == NULL)) S = CurveGetG(AccessCurveData(E)); // If only one scalar, don't need Shamir's trick if((d == NULL) || (u == NULL)) { if(d == NULL) OK = BnEccModMult(R, Q, u, E); else OK = BnEccModMult(R, S, d, E); } else { OK = BnEccModMult2(R, S, d, Q, u, E); } return (OK ? TPM_RC_SUCCESS : TPM_RC_NO_RESULT); } /* BnEccGetPrivate() */ /* This function gets random values that are the size of the key plus 64 bits. The value is reduced (mod (q - 1)) and incremented by 1 (q is the order of the curve. This produces a value (d) such that 1 <= d < q. This is the method of FIPS 186-4 Section B.4.1 'Key Pair Generation Using Extra Random Value Meaning */ /* TRUE success */ /* FALSE failure generating private key */ #if !USE_OPENSSL_FUNCTIONS_EC // libtpms added BOOL BnEccGetPrivate( bigNum dOut, // OUT: the qualified random value const ECC_CURVE_DATA *C, // IN: curve for which the private key // needs to be appropriate RAND_STATE *rand // IN: state for DRBG ) { bigConst order = CurveGetOrder(C); BOOL OK; UINT32 orderBits = BnSizeInBits(order); UINT32 orderBytes = BITS_TO_BYTES(orderBits); BN_VAR(bnExtraBits, MAX_ECC_KEY_BITS + 64); BN_VAR(nMinus1, MAX_ECC_KEY_BITS); // OK = BnGetRandomBits(bnExtraBits, (orderBytes * 8) + 64, rand); OK = OK && BnSubWord(nMinus1, order, 1); OK = OK && BnMod(bnExtraBits, nMinus1); OK = OK && BnAddWord(dOut, bnExtraBits, 1); return OK && !g_inFailureMode; } #else // libtpms added begin BOOL BnEccGetPrivate( bigNum dOut, // OUT: the qualified random value const ECC_CURVE_DATA *C, // IN: curve for which the private key const EC_GROUP *G, // IN: the EC_GROUP to use; must be != NULL for rand == NULL BOOL noLeadingZeros, // IN: require that all bytes in the private key be set // result may not have leading zero bytes // needs to be appropriate RAND_STATE *rand // IN: state for DRBG ) { bigConst order = CurveGetOrder(C); BOOL OK; UINT32 orderBits = BnSizeInBits(order); UINT32 orderBytes = BITS_TO_BYTES(orderBits); UINT32 requestedBits = 0; BN_VAR(bnExtraBits, MAX_ECC_KEY_BITS + 64); BN_VAR(nMinus1, MAX_ECC_KEY_BITS); if (rand == NULL) { if (noLeadingZeros) requestedBits = orderBits; return OpenSSLEccGetPrivate(dOut, G, requestedBits); } // OK = BnGetRandomBits(bnExtraBits, (orderBytes * 8) + 64, rand); OK = OK && BnSubWord(nMinus1, order, 1); OK = OK && BnMod(bnExtraBits, nMinus1); OK = OK && BnAddWord(dOut, bnExtraBits, 1); return OK && !g_inFailureMode; } #endif // USE_OPENSSL_FUNCTIONS_EC libtpms added end /* BnEccGenerateKeyPair() */ /* This function gets a private scalar from the source of random bits and does the point multiply to get the public key. */ #if !USE_OPENSSL_FUNCTIONS_EC // libtpms added BOOL BnEccGenerateKeyPair( bigNum bnD, // OUT: private scalar bn_point_t *ecQ, // OUT: public point bigCurve E, // IN: curve for the point RAND_STATE *rand // IN: DRBG state to use ) { BOOL OK = FALSE; // Get a private scalar OK = BnEccGetPrivate(bnD, AccessCurveData(E), rand); // Do a point multiply OK = OK && BnEccModMult(ecQ, NULL, bnD, E); if(!OK) BnSetWord(ecQ->z, 0); else BnSetWord(ecQ->z, 1); return OK; } #else // libtpms added begin /* In this version of BnEccGenerateKeyPair we take a dual approach to constant time requirements: For curves whose order is at the byte boundary, e.g. NIST P224/P256/P384, we make sure that bnD has all bytes set (no leading zeros) so that OpenSSL BIGNUM code will not reduce the number of bytes and the subsequent BnEccModMult() would run faster for a shoter value. For all other curves whose order is not at the byte boundary, e.g. NIST P521, we simply always add the order of the curve to bnD and call BnEccModMult() with the result bnD1, which leads to the same result. */ BOOL BnEccGenerateKeyPair( bigNum bnD, // OUT: private scalar bn_point_t *ecQ, // OUT: public point bigCurve E, // IN: curve for the point RAND_STATE *rand // IN: DRBG state to use ) { BOOL OK = FALSE; bigConst order = CurveGetOrder(AccessCurveData(E)); UINT32 orderBits = BnSizeInBits(order); BOOL atByteBoundary = (orderBits & 7) == 0; BOOL noLeadingZeros = atByteBoundary; ECC_NUM(bnD1); // We request that bnD not have leading zeros if it is at byte-boundary, // like for example it is the case for NIST P256. OK = BnEccGetPrivate(bnD, AccessCurveData(E), E->G, noLeadingZeros, rand); if (!atByteBoundary) { // for NIST P521 we can add the order to bnD to ensure we have // a constant amount of bytes; the result is the same as if we // were doing the BnEccModMult() calculation with bnD. OK = OK && BnAdd(bnD1, bnD, order); OK = OK && BnEccModMult(ecQ, NULL, bnD1, E); } else { OK = OK && BnEccModMult(ecQ, NULL, bnD, E); } if(!OK) BnSetWord(ecQ->z, 0); else BnSetWord(ecQ->z, 1); return OK; } #endif // libtpms added end /* CryptEccNewKeyPair */ /* This function creates an ephemeral ECC. It is ephemeral in that is expected that the private part of the key will be discarded */ LIB_EXPORT TPM_RC CryptEccNewKeyPair( TPMS_ECC_POINT *Qout, // OUT: the public point TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *dOut, // OUT: the private scalar TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId // IN: the curve for the key ) { CURVE_INITIALIZED(E, curveId); POINT(ecQ); ECC_NUM(bnD); BOOL OK; if(E == NULL) return TPM_RC_CURVE; TEST(TPM_ALG_ECDH); OK = BnEccGenerateKeyPair(bnD, ecQ, E, NULL); if(OK) { BnPointTo2B(Qout, ecQ, E); BnTo2B(bnD, &dOut->b, Qout->x.t.size); } else { Qout->x.t.size = Qout->y.t.size = dOut->t.size = 0; } CURVE_FREE(E); return OK ? TPM_RC_SUCCESS : TPM_RC_NO_RESULT; } /* CryptEccPointMultiply() */ /* This function computes 'R := [dIn]G + [uIn]QIn. Where dIn and uIn are scalars, G and QIn are points on the specified curve and G is the default generator of the curve. */ /* The xOut and yOut parameters are optional and may be set to NULL if not used. */ /* It is not necessary to provide uIn if QIn is specified but one of uIn and dIn must be provided. If dIn and QIn are specified but uIn is not provided, then R = [dIn]QIn. */ /* If the multiply produces the point at infinity, the TPM_RC_NO_RESULT is returned. */ /* The sizes of xOut and yOut' will be set to be the size of the degree of the curve */ /* It is a fatal error if dIn and uIn are both unspecified (NULL) or if Qin or Rout is unspecified. */ /* Error Returns Meaning */ /* TPM_RC_ECC_POINT the point Pin or Qin is not on the curve */ /* TPM_RC_NO_RESULT the product point is at infinity */ /* TPM_RC_CURVE bad curve */ /* TPM_RC_VALUE dIn or uIn out of range */ LIB_EXPORT TPM_RC CryptEccPointMultiply( TPMS_ECC_POINT *Rout, // OUT: the product point R TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId, // IN: the curve to use TPMS_ECC_POINT *Pin, // IN: first point (can be null) TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *dIn, // IN: scalar value for [dIn]Qin // the Pin TPMS_ECC_POINT *Qin, // IN: point Q TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *uIn // IN: scalar value for the multiplier // of Q ) { CURVE_INITIALIZED(E, curveId); POINT_INITIALIZED(ecP, Pin); ECC_INITIALIZED(bnD, dIn); // If dIn is null, then bnD is null ECC_INITIALIZED(bnU, uIn); POINT_INITIALIZED(ecQ, Qin); POINT(ecR); TPM_RC retVal; // retVal = BnPointMult(ecR, ecP, bnD, ecQ, bnU, E); if(retVal == TPM_RC_SUCCESS) BnPointTo2B(Rout, ecR, E); else ClearPoint2B(Rout); CURVE_FREE(E); return retVal; } /* CryptEccIsPointOnCurve() */ /* This function is used to test if a point is on a defined curve. It does this by checking that y^2 mod p = x^3 + a*x + b mod p */ /* It is a fatal error if Q is not specified (is NULL). */ /* Return Values Meaning */ /* TRUE point is on curve */ /* FALSE point is not on curve or curve is not supported */ LIB_EXPORT BOOL CryptEccIsPointOnCurve( TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId, // IN: the curve selector TPMS_ECC_POINT *Qin // IN: the point. ) { const ECC_CURVE_DATA *C = GetCurveData(curveId); POINT_INITIALIZED(ecQ, Qin); BOOL OK; // pAssert(Qin != NULL); OK = (C != NULL && (BnIsOnCurve(ecQ, C))); return OK; } /* CryptEccGenerateKey() */ /* This function generates an ECC key pair based on the input parameters. This routine uses KDFa() to produce candidate numbers. The method is according to FIPS 186-3, section B.1.2 "Key Pair Generation by Testing Candidates." According to the method in FIPS 186-3, the resulting private value d should be 1 <= d < n where n is the order of the base point. */ /* It is a fatal error if Qout, dOut, is not provided (is NULL). */ /* If the curve is not supported If seed is not provided, then a random number will be used for the key */ /* Error Returns Meaning */ /* TPM_RC_CURVE curve is not supported */ /* TPM_RC_NO_RESULT could not verify key with signature (FIPS only) */ LIB_EXPORT TPM_RC CryptEccGenerateKey( TPMT_PUBLIC *publicArea, // IN/OUT: The public area template for // the new key. The public key // area will be replaced computed // ECC public key TPMT_SENSITIVE *sensitive, // OUT: the sensitive area will be // updated to contain the private // ECC key and the symmetric // encryption key RAND_STATE *rand // IN: if not NULL, the deterministic // RNG state ) { CURVE_INITIALIZED(E, publicArea->parameters.eccDetail.curveID); ECC_NUM(bnD); POINT(ecQ); BOOL OK; TPM_RC retVal; TEST(TPM_ALG_ECDSA); // ECDSA is used to verify each key // Validate parameters if(E == NULL) ERROR_RETURN(TPM_RC_CURVE); publicArea->unique.ecc.x.t.size = 0; publicArea->unique.ecc.y.t.size = 0; sensitive->sensitive.ecc.t.size = 0; OK = BnEccGenerateKeyPair(bnD, ecQ, E, rand); if(OK) { BnPointTo2B(&publicArea->unique.ecc, ecQ, E); BnTo2B(bnD, &sensitive->sensitive.ecc.b, publicArea->unique.ecc.x.t.size); } #if FIPS_COMPLIANT // See if PWCT is required if(OK && (IS_ATTRIBUTE(publicArea->objectAttributes, TPMA_OBJECT, sign))) { ECC_NUM(bnT); ECC_NUM(bnS); TPM2B_DIGEST digest; TEST(TPM_ALG_ECDSA); digest.t.size = MIN(sensitive->sensitive.ecc.t.size, sizeof(digest.t.buffer)); // Get a random value to sign using the built in DRBG state DRBG_Generate(NULL, digest.t.buffer, digest.t.size); if(g_inFailureMode) return TPM_RC_FAILURE; BnSignEcdsa(bnT, bnS, E, bnD, &digest, NULL); // and make sure that we can validate the signature OK = BnValidateSignatureEcdsa(bnT, bnS, E, ecQ, &digest) == TPM_RC_SUCCESS; } #endif retVal = (OK) ? TPM_RC_SUCCESS : TPM_RC_NO_RESULT; Exit: CURVE_FREE(E); return retVal; } // libtpms added begin // Support for some curves may be compiled in but they may not be // supported by openssl's crypto library. LIB_EXPORT BOOL CryptEccIsCurveRuntimeUsable( TPMI_ECC_CURVE curveId ) { CURVE_INITIALIZED(E, curveId); if (E == NULL) return FALSE; CURVE_FREE(E); return TRUE; } // libtpms added end #endif // TPM_ALG_ECC