path: root/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
3 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c7f8c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# taken from perf which was based on Linux Kbuild
+# try-cc
+# Usage: option = $(call try-cc, source-to-build, cc-options)
+try-cc = $(shell sh -c \
+ 'TMP="$(BUILD_OUTPUT)$(TMPOUT).$$$$"; \
+ echo "$(1)" | \
+ $(CC) -x c - $(2) -o "$$TMP" > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo y; \
+ rm -f "$$TMP"')
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/ptrace.h>
+int main (void)
+ int ret;
+ ret = ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, 0, NULL, 0);
+ ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, NULL, 0);
+ ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/scripts/utilities.mak b/scripts/utilities.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4852b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/utilities.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# This allows us to work with the newline character:
+define newline
+newline := $(newline)
+# nl-escape
+# Usage: escape = $(call nl-escape[,escape])
+# This is used as the common way to specify
+# what should replace a newline when escaping
+# newlines; the default is a bizarre string.
+nl-escape = $(if $(1),$(1),m822df3020w6a44id34bt574ctac44eb9f4n)
+# escape-nl
+# Usage: escaped-text = $(call escape-nl,text[,escape])
+# GNU make's $(shell ...) function converts to a
+# single space each newline character in the output
+# produced during the expansion; this may not be
+# desirable.
+# The only solution is to change each newline into
+# something that won't be converted, so that the
+# information can be recovered later with
+# $(call unescape-nl...)
+escape-nl = $(subst $(newline),$(call nl-escape,$(2)),$(1))
+# unescape-nl
+# Usage: text = $(call unescape-nl,escaped-text[,escape])
+# See escape-nl.
+unescape-nl = $(subst $(call nl-escape,$(2)),$(newline),$(1))
+# shell-escape-nl
+# Usage: $(shell some-command | $(call shell-escape-nl[,escape]))
+# Use this to escape newlines from within a shell call;
+# the default escape is a bizarre string.
+# NOTE: The escape is used directly as a string constant
+# in an `awk' program that is delimited by shell
+# single-quotes, so be wary of the characters
+# that are chosen.
+define shell-escape-nl
+awk 'NR==1 {t=$$0} NR>1 {t=t "$(nl-escape)" $$0} END {printf t}'
+# shell-unescape-nl
+# Usage: $(shell some-command | $(call shell-unescape-nl[,escape]))
+# Use this to unescape newlines from within a shell call;
+# the default escape is a bizarre string.
+# NOTE: The escape is used directly as an extended regular
+# expression constant in an `awk' program that is
+# delimited by shell single-quotes, so be wary
+# of the characters that are chosen.
+# (The bash shell has a bug where `{gsub(...),...}' is
+# misinterpreted as a brace expansion; this can be
+# overcome by putting a space between `{' and `gsub').
+define shell-unescape-nl
+awk 'NR==1 {t=$$0} NR>1 {t=t "\n" $$0} END { gsub(/$(nl-escape)/,"\n",t); printf t }'
+# escape-for-shell-sq
+# Usage: embeddable-text = $(call escape-for-shell-sq,text)
+# This function produces text that is suitable for
+# embedding in a shell string that is delimited by
+# single-quotes.
+escape-for-shell-sq = $(subst ','\'',$(1))
+# shell-sq
+# Usage: single-quoted-and-escaped-text = $(call shell-sq,text)
+shell-sq = '$(escape-for-shell-sq)'
+# shell-wordify
+# Usage: wordified-text = $(call shell-wordify,text)
+# For instance:
+# |define text
+# |hello
+# |world
+# |endef
+# |
+# |target:
+# | echo $(call shell-wordify,$(text))
+# At least GNU make gets confused by expanding a newline
+# within the context of a command line of a makefile rule
+# (this is in constrast to a `$(shell ...)' function call,
+# which can handle it just fine).
+# This function avoids the problem by producing a string
+# that works as a shell word, regardless of whether or
+# not it contains a newline.
+# If the text to be wordified contains a newline, then
+# an intrictate shell command substitution is constructed
+# to render the text as a single line; when the shell
+# processes the resulting escaped text, it transforms
+# it into the original unescaped text.
+# If the text does not contain a newline, then this function
+# produces the same results as the `$(shell-sq)' function.
+shell-wordify = $(if $(findstring $(newline),$(1)),$(_sw-esc-nl),$(shell-sq))
+define _sw-esc-nl
+"$$(echo $(call escape-nl,$(shell-sq),$(2)) | $(call shell-unescape-nl,$(2)))"
+# is-absolute
+# Usage: bool-value = $(call is-absolute,path)
+is-absolute = $(shell echo $(shell-sq) | grep -q ^/ && echo y)
+# lookup
+# Usage: absolute-executable-path-or-empty = $(call lookup,path)
+# (It's necessary to use `sh -c' because GNU make messes up by
+# trying too hard and getting things wrong).
+lookup = $(call unescape-nl,$(shell sh -c $(_l-sh)))
+_l-sh = $(call shell-sq,command -v $(shell-sq) | $(call shell-escape-nl,))
+# is-executable
+# Usage: bool-value = $(call is-executable,path)
+# (It's necessary to use `sh -c' because GNU make messes up by
+# trying too hard and getting things wrong).
+is-executable = $(call _is-executable-helper,$(shell-sq))
+_is-executable-helper = $(shell sh -c $(_is-executable-sh))
+_is-executable-sh = $(call shell-sq,test -f $(1) -a -x $(1) && echo y)
+# get-executable
+# Usage: absolute-executable-path-or-empty = $(call get-executable,path)
+# The goal is to get an absolute path for an executable;
+# the `command -v' is defined by POSIX, but it's not
+# necessarily very portable, so it's only used if
+# relative path resolution is requested, as determined
+# by the presence of a leading `/'.
+get-executable = $(if $(1),$(if $(is-absolute),$(_ge-abspath),$(lookup)))
+_ge-abspath = $(if $(is-executable),$(1))
+# get-supplied-or-default-executable
+# Usage: absolute-executable-path-or-empty = $(call get-executable-or-default,variable,default)
+define get-executable-or-default
+$(if $($(1)),$(call _ge_attempt,$($(1)),$(1)),$(call _ge_attempt,$(2)))
+_ge_attempt = $(if $(get-executable),$(get-executable),$(call _gea_err,$(2)))
+_gea_err = $(if $(1),$(error Please set '$(1)' appropriately))
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7139088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1
+# Utils
+ PWD := $(shell /bin/pwd)
+ GOBJ = $(notdir $(strip $@))
+ BASE1 = $(notdir $(strip $1))
+ BASE2 = $(notdir $(strip $2))
+ BASEPWD = $(notdir $(strip $(PWD)))
+ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)
+ Q =
+ S =
+ Q = @
+ S = -s
+# Use empty print_* macros if either SILENT or VERBOSE.
+ifeq ($(findstring 1,$(SILENT)$(VERBOSE)),1)
+ print_compile =
+ print_app_build =
+ print_fpic_compile =
+ print_shared_lib_compile =
+ print_plugin_obj_compile =
+ print_plugin_build =
+ print_install =
+ print_uninstall =
+ print_gen =
+ print_update =
+ print_descend =
+ print_clean =
+ print_compile = echo ' COMPILE '$(GOBJ);
+ print_app_build = echo ' BUILD '$(GOBJ);
+ print_fpic_compile = echo ' COMPILE FPIC '$(GOBJ);
+ print_shared_lib_compile = echo ' COMPILE SHARED LIB '$(GOBJ);
+ print_plugin_obj_compile = echo ' COMPILE PLUGIN OBJ '$(GOBJ);
+ print_plugin_build = echo ' BUILD PLUGIN '$(GOBJ);
+ print_static_lib_build = echo ' BUILD STATIC LIB '$(GOBJ);
+ print_install = echo ' INSTALL '$1' to $(DESTDIR_SQ)$2';
+ print_uninstall = echo ' UNINSTALL $(DESTDIR_SQ)$1';
+ print_gen = echo ' GEN '$(GOBJ);
+ print_update = echo ' UPDATE '$(GOBJ);
+ print_descend = echo ' DESCEND '$(BASE1) $(BASE2);
+ print_clean = echo ' CLEAN '$(BASEPWD);
+do_fpic_compile = \
+ ($(print_fpic_compile) \
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(EXT) -fPIC $< -o $@)
+do_compile = \
+ ($(if $(GENERATE_PIC), $(do_fpic_compile), \
+ $(print_compile) \
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(EXT) $< -o $@))
+do_app_build = \
+ ($(print_app_build) \
+ $(CC) $^ -rdynamic -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(CONFIG_LIBS) $(LIBS))
+do_build_static_lib = \
+ ($(print_static_lib_build) \
+ if [ -f $@ ]; then \
+ mv $@ $@.rm; $(RM) $@.rm; \
+ fi; \
+ $(AR) rcs $@ $^)
+do_compile_shared_library = \
+ ($(print_shared_lib_compile) \
+ $(CC) --shared $^ '-Wl,-soname,$(1),-rpath=$$ORIGIN' -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS))
+do_compile_plugin_obj = \
+ ($(print_plugin_obj_compile) \
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -fPIC -o $@ $<)
+do_plugin_build = \
+ ($(print_plugin_build) \
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -nostartfiles -o $@ $<)
+do_compile_python_plugin_obj = \
+ ($(print_plugin_obj_compile) \
+do_python_plugin_build = \
+ ($(print_plugin_build) \
+ $(CC) $< -shared $(LDFLAGS) $(PYTHON_LDFLAGS) -o $@)
+do_clean = \
+ ($(print_clean) \
+ $(RM) $1)
+do_sample_build = \
+ $(Q)($(print_sample_build) \
+ $(CC) -o $1 $2 $(CFLAGS) $(LIBTRACEEVENT_STATIC) -ldl)
+do_sample_obj = \
+ $(Q)($(print_sample_obj) \
+ $(CC) -g -Wall -c $(CFLAGS) -o $1 $2 -I../include/)
+# Define a callable command for descending to a new directory
+# Call by doing: $(call descend,directory[,target])
+descend = \
+ ($(print_descend) \
+ mkdir -p $(obj)/$(BASE1); \
+ $(MAKE) $(PRINT_DIR) bdir=$(obj)/$(BASE1) -C $(1) $(2))
+descend_clean = \
+ $(MAKE) $(PRINT_DIR) bdir=$(obj)/$(BASE1) -C $(1) clean
+define make_version.h
+ (echo '/* This file is automatically generated. Do not modify. */'; \
+ echo \#define VERSION_CODE $(shell \
+ expr $(VERSION) \* 256 + $(PATCHLEVEL)); \
+ echo '#define EXTRAVERSION ' $(EXTRAVERSION); \
+ echo '#define FILE_VERSION '$(FILE_VERSION); \
+ if [ -d $(src)/.git ]; then \
+ d=`git diff`; \
+ x=""; \
+ if [ ! -z "$$d" ]; then x="+"; fi; \
+ echo '#define VERSION_GIT "'$(shell \
+ git log -1 --pretty=format:"%H" 2>/dev/null)$$x'"'; \
+ else \
+ echo '#define VERSION_GIT "not-a-git-repo"'; \
+ fi \
+ ) > $1
+define update_version.h
+ ($(call make_version.h, $@.tmp); \
+ if [ -r $@ ] && cmp -s $@ $@.tmp; then \
+ rm -f $@.tmp; \
+ else \
+ $(print_update) \
+ mv -f $@.tmp $@; \
+ fi);
+define update_dir
+ (echo $1 > $@.tmp; \
+ if [ -r $@ ] && cmp -s $@ $@.tmp; then \
+ rm -f $@.tmp; \
+ else \
+ $(print_update) \
+ mv -f $@.tmp $@; \
+ fi);
+define build_prefix
+ (echo $1 > $@.tmp; \
+ if [ -r $@ ] && cmp -s $@ $@.tmp; then \
+ rm -f $@.tmp; \
+ else \
+ $(print_update) \
+ mv -f $@.tmp $@; \
+ fi);
+define do_install_mkdir
+ if [ ! -d '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$1' ]; then \
+ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$1'; \
+ fi
+define do_install
+ $(print_install) \
+ $(call do_install_mkdir,$2); \
+ $(INSTALL) $(if $3,-m $3,) $1 '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$2'
+define do_install_pkgconfig_file
+ if [ -n "${pkgconfig_dir}" ]; then \
+ $(call do_install,$(PKG_CONFIG_FILE),$(pkgconfig_dir),644); \
+ else \
+ (echo Failed to locate pkg-config directory) 1>&2; \
+ fi