libtraceevent(3) ================ NAME ---- tep_register_print_function,tep_unregister_print_function - Registers / Unregisters a helper function. SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] -- *#include * enum *tep_func_arg_type* { TEP_FUNC_ARG_VOID, TEP_FUNC_ARG_INT, TEP_FUNC_ARG_LONG, TEP_FUNC_ARG_STRING, TEP_FUNC_ARG_PTR, TEP_FUNC_ARG_MAX_TYPES }; typedef unsigned long long (*pass:[*]tep_func_handler*)(struct trace_seq pass:[*]s, unsigned long long pass:[*]args); int *tep_register_print_function*(struct tep_handle pass:[*]_tep_, tep_func_handler _func_, enum tep_func_arg_type _ret_type_, char pass:[*]_name_, _..._); int *tep_unregister_print_function*(struct tep_handle pass:[*]_tep_, tep_func_handler _func_, char pass:[*]_name_); -- DESCRIPTION ----------- Some events may have helper functions in the print format arguments. This allows a plugin to dynamically create a way to process one of these functions. The *tep_register_print_function()* registers such helper function. The _tep_ argument is the trace event parser context. The _func_ argument is a pointer to the helper function. The _ret_type_ argument is the return type of the helper function, value from the _tep_func_arg_type_ enum. The _name_ is the name of the helper function, as seen in the print format arguments. The _..._ is a variable list of _tep_func_arg_type_ enums, the _func_ function arguments. This list must end with _TEP_FUNC_ARG_VOID_. See 'EXAMPLE' section. The *tep_unregister_print_function()* unregisters a helper function, previously registered with *tep_register_print_function()*. The _tep_ argument is the trace event parser context. The _func_ and _name_ arguments are the same, used when the helper function was registered. The _tep_func_handler_ is the type of the helper function. The _s_ argument is the trace sequence, it can be used to create a custom string. The _args_ is a list of arguments, defined when the helper function was registered. RETURN VALUE ------------ The *tep_register_print_function()* function returns 0 in case of success. In case of an error, TEP_ERRNO_... code is returned. The *tep_unregister_print_function()* returns 0 in case of success, or -1 in case of an error. EXAMPLE ------- Some events have internal functions calls, that appear in the print format output. For example "tracefs/events/i915/g4x_wm/format" has: [source,c] -- print fmt: "pipe %c, frame=%u, scanline=%u, wm %d/%d/%d, sr %s/%d/%d/%d, hpll %s/%d/%d/%d, fbc %s", ((REC->pipe) + 'A'), REC->frame, REC->scanline, REC->primary, REC->sprite, REC->cursor, yesno(REC->cxsr), REC->sr_plane, REC->sr_cursor, REC->sr_fbc, yesno(REC->hpll), REC->hpll_plane, REC->hpll_cursor, REC->hpll_fbc, yesno(REC->fbc) -- Notice the call to function *yesno()* in the print arguments. In the kernel context, this function has the following implementation: [source,c] -- static const char *yesno(int x) { static const char *yes = "yes"; static const char *no = "no"; return x ? yes : no; } -- The user space event parser has no idea how to handle this *yesno()* function. The *tep_register_print_function()* API can be used to register a user space helper function, mapped to the kernel's *yesno()*: [source,c] -- #include #include ... struct tep_handle *tep = tep_alloc(); ... static const char *yes_no_helper(int x) { return x ? "yes" : "no"; } ... if ( tep_register_print_function(tep, yes_no_helper, TEP_FUNC_ARG_STRING, "yesno", TEP_FUNC_ARG_INT, TEP_FUNC_ARG_VOID) != 0) { /* Failed to register yes_no_helper function */ } /* Now, when the event parser encounters this yesno() function, it will know how to handle it. */ ... if (tep_unregister_print_function(tep, yes_no_helper, "yesno") != 0) { /* Failed to unregister yes_no_helper function */ } -- FILES ----- [verse] -- *event-parse.h* Header file to include in order to have access to the library APIs. *trace-seq.h* Header file to include in order to have access to trace sequences related APIs. Trace sequences are used to allow a function to call several other functions to create a string of data to use. *-ltraceevent* Linker switch to add when building a program that uses the library. -- SEE ALSO -------- *libtraceevent*(3), *trace-cmd*(1) AUTHOR ------ [verse] -- *Steven Rostedt* , author of *libtraceevent*. *Tzvetomir Stoyanov* , author of this man page. -- REPORTING BUGS -------------- Report bugs to LICENSE ------- libtraceevent is Free Software licensed under the GNU LGPL 2.1 RESOURCES ---------