/** * @file common.h * @author Radek Krejci * @brief libyang's yanglint tool - common functions and definitions for both interactive and non-interactive mode. * * Copyright (c) 2020 CESNET, z.s.p.o. * * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause */ #ifndef COMMON_H_ #define COMMON_H_ #include #include #include "libyang.h" #define PROMPT "> " /** * @brief Default context creation options. */ #define YL_DEFAULT_CTX_OPTIONS LY_CTX_NO_YANGLIBRARY /** * @brief Default data parsing flags. */ #define YL_DEFAULT_DATA_PARSE_OPTIONS LYD_PARSE_STRICT /** * @brief log error message */ #define YLMSG_E(...) \ fprintf(stderr, "YANGLINT[E]: " __VA_ARGS__) /** * @brief log warning message */ #define YLMSG_W(...) \ fprintf(stderr, "YANGLINT[W]: " __VA_ARGS__) #ifndef _WIN32 # define PATH_SEPARATOR ":" #else # define PATH_SEPARATOR ";" #endif /** * @brief Storage for the list of the features (their names) in a specific YANG module. */ struct schema_features { char *mod_name; char **features; ly_bool applied; }; /** * @brief Data connected with a file provided on a command line as a file path. */ struct cmdline_file { struct ly_in *in; const char *path; LYD_FORMAT format; }; /** * @brief Free the schema features list (struct schema_features *) * @param[in,out] flist The (struct schema_features *) to free. */ void free_features(void *flist); /** * @brief Get the list of features connected with the specific YANG module. * * @param[in] fset The set of features information (struct schema_features *). * @param[in] module Name of the YANG module which features should be found. * @param[out] features Pointer to the list of features being returned. */ void get_features(struct ly_set *fset, const char *module, const char ***features); /** * @brief Parse features being specified for the specific YANG module. * * Format of the input @p fstring is as follows: :[,]* * * @param[in] fstring Input string to be parsed. * @param[in, out] fset Features information set (of struct schema_features *). The set is being filled. */ int parse_features(const char *fstring, struct ly_set *fset); /** * @brief Collect all features of a module. * * @param[in] mod Module to be searched for features. * @param[out] set Set in which the features will be stored. * @return 0 on success. * @return 1 on error. */ int collect_features(const struct lys_module *mod, struct ly_set *set); /** * @brief Print all features of a single module. * * @param[in] out The output handler for printing. * @param[in] mod Module which contains the features. * @param[in] set Set which holds the features. */ void print_features(struct ly_out *out, const struct lys_module *mod, const struct ly_set *set); /** * @brief Generate a string, which will contain features paramater. * * @param[in] mod Module, for which the string will be generated. * @param[in] set Set containing the features. * @param[out] features_param String which will contain the output. * @return 0 on success. * @return 1 on error. */ int generate_features_output(const struct lys_module *mod, const struct ly_set *set, char **features_param); /** * @brief Print all features of all implemented modules. * * @param[in] out The output handler for printing. * @param[in] ctx Libyang context. * @param[in] generate_features Flag expressing whether to generate features parameter. * @param[out] features_param String, which will contain the output if the above flag is set. * @return 0 on success. * @return 1 on error. */ int print_all_features(struct ly_out *out, const struct ly_ctx *ctx, ly_bool generate_features, char **features_param); /** * @brief Parse path of a schema module file into the directory and module name. * * @param[in] path Schema module file path to be parsed. * @param[out] dir Pointer to the directory path where the file resides. Caller is expected to free the returned string. * @param[out] module Pointer to the name of the module (without file suffixes or revision information) specified by the * @path. Caller is expected to free the returned string. * @return 0 on success * @return -1 on error */ int parse_schema_path(const char *path, char **dir, char **module); /** * @brief Get input handler for the specified path. * * Using the @p format_schema and @p format_data the type of the file can be limited (by providing NULL) or it can be * got known if both types are possible. * * @param[in] filepath Path of the file to open. * @param[out] format_schema Format of the schema detected from the file name. If NULL specified, the schema formats are * prohibited and such files are refused. * @param[out] format_data Format of the data detected from the file name. If NULL specified, the data formats are * prohibited and such files are refused. * @param[out] in Created input handler referring the file behind the @p filepath. * @return 0 on success. * @return -1 on failure. */ int get_input(const char *filepath, LYS_INFORMAT *format_schema, LYD_FORMAT *format_data, struct ly_in **in); /** * @brief Free the command line file data (struct cmdline_file *) * @param[in,out] cmdline_file The (struct cmdline_file *) to free. */ void free_cmdline_file(void *cmdline_file); /** * @brief Create and fill the command line file data (struct cmdline_file *). * @param[in] set Optional parameter in case the record is supposed to be added into a set. * @param[in] in Input file handler. * @param[in] path Filepath of the file. * @param[in] format Format of the data file. * @return The created command line file structure. * @return NULL on failure */ struct cmdline_file *fill_cmdline_file(struct ly_set *set, struct ly_in *in, const char *path, LYD_FORMAT format); /** * @brief Helper function to prepare argc, argv pair from a command line string. * * @param[in] cmdline Complete command line string. * @param[out] argc_p Pointer to store argc value. * @param[out] argv_p Pointer to store argv vector. * @return 0 on success, non-zero on failure. */ int parse_cmdline(const char *cmdline, int *argc_p, char **argv_p[]); /** * @brief Destructor for the argument vector prepared by ::parse_cmdline(). * * @param[in,out] argv Argument vector to destroy. */ void free_cmdline(char *argv[]); /** * @brief Get expected format of the @p filename's content according to the @p filename's suffix. * @param[in] filename Name of the file to examine. * @param[out] schema Pointer to a variable to store the expected input schema format. Do not provide the pointer in case a * schema format is not expected. * @param[out] data Pointer to a variable to store the expected input data format. Do not provide the pointer in case a data * format is not expected. * @return zero in case a format was successfully detected. * @return nonzero in case it is not possible to get valid format from the @p filename. */ int get_format(const char *filename, LYS_INFORMAT *schema, LYD_FORMAT *data); /** * @brief Print list of schemas in the context. * * @param[in] out Output handler where to print. * @param[in] ctx Context to print. * @param[in] outformat Optional output format. If not specified (:LYD_UNKNOWN), a simple list with single module per line * is printed. Otherwise, the ietf-yang-library data are printed in the specified format. * @return zero in case the data successfully printed. * @return nonzero in case of error. */ int print_list(struct ly_out *out, struct ly_ctx *ctx, LYD_FORMAT outformat); /** * @brief Process the input data files - parse, validate and print according to provided options. * * @param[in] ctx libyang context with schema. * @param[in] data_type The type of data in the input files. * @param[in] merge Flag if the data should be merged before validation. * @param[in] format Data format for printing. * @param[in] out The output handler for printing. * @param[in] options_parse Parser options. * @param[in] options_validate Validation options. * @param[in] options_print Printer options. * @param[in] operational_f Optional operational datastore file information for the case of an extended validation of * operation(s). * @param[in] rpc_f Source RPC operation file information for parsing NETCONF rpc-reply. * @param[in] inputs Set of file informations of input data files. * @param[in] xpath The set of XPaths to be evaluated on the processed data tree, basic information about the resulting set * is printed. Alternative to data printing. * @return LY_ERR value. */ LY_ERR process_data(struct ly_ctx *ctx, enum lyd_type data_type, uint8_t merge, LYD_FORMAT format, struct ly_out *out, uint32_t options_parse, uint32_t options_validate, uint32_t options_print, struct cmdline_file *operational_f, struct cmdline_file *rpc_f, struct ly_set *inputs, struct ly_set *xpaths); /** * @brief Get the node specified by the path. * * @param[in] ctx libyang context with schema. * @param[in] schema_path Path to the wanted node. * @return Pointer to the schema node specified by the path on success, NULL otherwise. */ const struct lysc_node * find_schema_path(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *schema_path); #endif /* COMMON_H_ */