path: root/src/third-party/CLI/Error.hpp
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diff --git a/src/third-party/CLI/Error.hpp b/src/third-party/CLI/Error.hpp
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+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, University of Cincinnati, developed by Henry Schreiner
+// under NSF AWARD 1414736 and by the respective contributors.
+// All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+#pragma once
+// [CLI11:public_includes:set]
+#include <exception>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+// [CLI11:public_includes:end]
+// CLI library includes
+#include "StringTools.hpp"
+namespace CLI {
+// [CLI11:error_hpp:verbatim]
+// Use one of these on all error classes.
+// These are temporary and are undef'd at the end of this file.
+#define CLI11_ERROR_DEF(parent, name) \
+ protected: \
+ name(std::string ename, std::string msg, int exit_code) : parent(std::move(ename), std::move(msg), exit_code) {} \
+ name(std::string ename, std::string msg, ExitCodes exit_code) \
+ : parent(std::move(ename), std::move(msg), exit_code) {} \
+ \
+ public: \
+ name(std::string msg, ExitCodes exit_code) : parent(#name, std::move(msg), exit_code) {} \
+ name(std::string msg, int exit_code) : parent(#name, std::move(msg), exit_code) {}
+// This is added after the one above if a class is used directly and builds its own message
+#define CLI11_ERROR_SIMPLE(name) \
+ explicit name(std::string msg) : name(#name, msg, ExitCodes::name) {}
+/// These codes are part of every error in CLI. They can be obtained from e using e.exit_code or as a quick shortcut,
+/// int values from e.get_error_code().
+enum class ExitCodes {
+ Success = 0,
+ IncorrectConstruction = 100,
+ BadNameString,
+ OptionAlreadyAdded,
+ FileError,
+ ConversionError,
+ ValidationError,
+ RequiredError,
+ RequiresError,
+ ExcludesError,
+ ExtrasError,
+ ConfigError,
+ InvalidError,
+ HorribleError,
+ OptionNotFound,
+ ArgumentMismatch,
+ BaseClass = 127
+// Error definitions
+/// @defgroup error_group Errors
+/// @brief Errors thrown by CLI11
+/// These are the errors that can be thrown. Some of them, like CLI::Success, are not really errors.
+/// @{
+/// All errors derive from this one
+class Error : public std::runtime_error {
+ int actual_exit_code;
+ std::string error_name{"Error"};
+ public:
+ int get_exit_code() const { return actual_exit_code; }
+ std::string get_name() const { return error_name; }
+ Error(std::string name, std::string msg, int exit_code = static_cast<int>(ExitCodes::BaseClass))
+ : runtime_error(msg), actual_exit_code(exit_code), error_name(std::move(name)) {}
+ Error(std::string name, std::string msg, ExitCodes exit_code) : Error(name, msg, static_cast<int>(exit_code)) {}
+// Note: Using Error::Error constructors does not work on GCC 4.7
+/// Construction errors (not in parsing)
+class ConstructionError : public Error {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(Error, ConstructionError)
+/// Thrown when an option is set to conflicting values (non-vector and multi args, for example)
+class IncorrectConstruction : public ConstructionError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ConstructionError, IncorrectConstruction)
+ CLI11_ERROR_SIMPLE(IncorrectConstruction)
+ static IncorrectConstruction PositionalFlag(std::string name) {
+ return IncorrectConstruction(name + ": Flags cannot be positional");
+ }
+ static IncorrectConstruction Set0Opt(std::string name) {
+ return IncorrectConstruction(name + ": Cannot set 0 expected, use a flag instead");
+ }
+ static IncorrectConstruction SetFlag(std::string name) {
+ return IncorrectConstruction(name + ": Cannot set an expected number for flags");
+ }
+ static IncorrectConstruction ChangeNotVector(std::string name) {
+ return IncorrectConstruction(name + ": You can only change the expected arguments for vectors");
+ }
+ static IncorrectConstruction AfterMultiOpt(std::string name) {
+ return IncorrectConstruction(
+ name + ": You can't change expected arguments after you've changed the multi option policy!");
+ }
+ static IncorrectConstruction MissingOption(std::string name) {
+ return IncorrectConstruction("Option " + name + " is not defined");
+ }
+ static IncorrectConstruction MultiOptionPolicy(std::string name) {
+ return IncorrectConstruction(name + ": multi_option_policy only works for flags and exact value options");
+ }
+/// Thrown on construction of a bad name
+class BadNameString : public ConstructionError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ConstructionError, BadNameString)
+ CLI11_ERROR_SIMPLE(BadNameString)
+ static BadNameString OneCharName(std::string name) { return BadNameString("Invalid one char name: " + name); }
+ static BadNameString BadLongName(std::string name) { return BadNameString("Bad long name: " + name); }
+ static BadNameString DashesOnly(std::string name) {
+ return BadNameString("Must have a name, not just dashes: " + name);
+ }
+ static BadNameString MultiPositionalNames(std::string name) {
+ return BadNameString("Only one positional name allowed, remove: " + name);
+ }
+/// Thrown when an option already exists
+class OptionAlreadyAdded : public ConstructionError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ConstructionError, OptionAlreadyAdded)
+ explicit OptionAlreadyAdded(std::string name)
+ : OptionAlreadyAdded(name + " is already added", ExitCodes::OptionAlreadyAdded) {}
+ static OptionAlreadyAdded Requires(std::string name, std::string other) {
+ return OptionAlreadyAdded(name + " requires " + other, ExitCodes::OptionAlreadyAdded);
+ }
+ static OptionAlreadyAdded Excludes(std::string name, std::string other) {
+ return OptionAlreadyAdded(name + " excludes " + other, ExitCodes::OptionAlreadyAdded);
+ }
+// Parsing errors
+/// Anything that can error in Parse
+class ParseError : public Error {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(Error, ParseError)
+// Not really "errors"
+/// This is a successful completion on parsing, supposed to exit
+class Success : public ParseError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ParseError, Success)
+ Success() : Success("Successfully completed, should be caught and quit", ExitCodes::Success) {}
+/// -h or --help on command line
+class CallForHelp : public Success {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(Success, CallForHelp)
+ CallForHelp() : CallForHelp("This should be caught in your main function, see examples", ExitCodes::Success) {}
+/// Usually something like --help-all on command line
+class CallForAllHelp : public Success {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(Success, CallForAllHelp)
+ CallForAllHelp()
+ : CallForAllHelp("This should be caught in your main function, see examples", ExitCodes::Success) {}
+/// -v or --version on command line
+class CallForVersion : public Success {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(Success, CallForVersion)
+ CallForVersion()
+ : CallForVersion("This should be caught in your main function, see examples", ExitCodes::Success) {}
+/// Does not output a diagnostic in CLI11_PARSE, but allows main() to return with a specific error code.
+class RuntimeError : public ParseError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ParseError, RuntimeError)
+ explicit RuntimeError(int exit_code = 1) : RuntimeError("Runtime error", exit_code) {}
+/// Thrown when parsing an INI file and it is missing
+class FileError : public ParseError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ParseError, FileError)
+ static FileError Missing(std::string name) { return FileError(name + " was not readable (missing?)"); }
+/// Thrown when conversion call back fails, such as when an int fails to coerce to a string
+class ConversionError : public ParseError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ParseError, ConversionError)
+ CLI11_ERROR_SIMPLE(ConversionError)
+ ConversionError(std::string member, std::string name)
+ : ConversionError("The value " + member + " is not an allowed value for " + name) {}
+ ConversionError(std::string name, std::vector<std::string> results)
+ : ConversionError("Could not convert: " + name + " = " + detail::join(results)) {}
+ static ConversionError TooManyInputsFlag(std::string name) {
+ return ConversionError(name + ": too many inputs for a flag");
+ }
+ static ConversionError TrueFalse(std::string name) {
+ return ConversionError(name + ": Should be true/false or a number");
+ }
+/// Thrown when validation of results fails
+class ValidationError : public ParseError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ParseError, ValidationError)
+ CLI11_ERROR_SIMPLE(ValidationError)
+ explicit ValidationError(std::string name, std::string msg) : ValidationError(name + ": " + msg) {}
+/// Thrown when a required option is missing
+class RequiredError : public ParseError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ParseError, RequiredError)
+ explicit RequiredError(std::string name) : RequiredError(name + " is required", ExitCodes::RequiredError) {}
+ static RequiredError Subcommand(std::size_t min_subcom) {
+ if(min_subcom == 1) {
+ return RequiredError("A subcommand");
+ }
+ return RequiredError("Requires at least " + std::to_string(min_subcom) + " subcommands",
+ ExitCodes::RequiredError);
+ }
+ static RequiredError
+ Option(std::size_t min_option, std::size_t max_option, std::size_t used, const std::string &option_list) {
+ if((min_option == 1) && (max_option == 1) && (used == 0))
+ return RequiredError("Exactly 1 option from [" + option_list + "]");
+ if((min_option == 1) && (max_option == 1) && (used > 1)) {
+ return RequiredError("Exactly 1 option from [" + option_list + "] is required and " + std::to_string(used) +
+ " were given",
+ ExitCodes::RequiredError);
+ }
+ if((min_option == 1) && (used == 0))
+ return RequiredError("At least 1 option from [" + option_list + "]");
+ if(used < min_option) {
+ return RequiredError("Requires at least " + std::to_string(min_option) + " options used and only " +
+ std::to_string(used) + "were given from [" + option_list + "]",
+ ExitCodes::RequiredError);
+ }
+ if(max_option == 1)
+ return RequiredError("Requires at most 1 options be given from [" + option_list + "]",
+ ExitCodes::RequiredError);
+ return RequiredError("Requires at most " + std::to_string(max_option) + " options be used and " +
+ std::to_string(used) + "were given from [" + option_list + "]",
+ ExitCodes::RequiredError);
+ }
+/// Thrown when the wrong number of arguments has been received
+class ArgumentMismatch : public ParseError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ParseError, ArgumentMismatch)
+ CLI11_ERROR_SIMPLE(ArgumentMismatch)
+ ArgumentMismatch(std::string name, int expected, std::size_t received)
+ : ArgumentMismatch(expected > 0 ? ("Expected exactly " + std::to_string(expected) + " arguments to " + name +
+ ", got " + std::to_string(received))
+ : ("Expected at least " + std::to_string(-expected) + " arguments to " + name +
+ ", got " + std::to_string(received)),
+ ExitCodes::ArgumentMismatch) {}
+ static ArgumentMismatch AtLeast(std::string name, int num, std::size_t received) {
+ return ArgumentMismatch(name + ": At least " + std::to_string(num) + " required but received " +
+ std::to_string(received));
+ }
+ static ArgumentMismatch AtMost(std::string name, int num, std::size_t received) {
+ return ArgumentMismatch(name + ": At Most " + std::to_string(num) + " required but received " +
+ std::to_string(received));
+ }
+ static ArgumentMismatch TypedAtLeast(std::string name, int num, std::string type) {
+ return ArgumentMismatch(name + ": " + std::to_string(num) + " required " + type + " missing");
+ }
+ static ArgumentMismatch FlagOverride(std::string name) {
+ return ArgumentMismatch(name + " was given a disallowed flag override");
+ }
+ static ArgumentMismatch PartialType(std::string name, int num, std::string type) {
+ return ArgumentMismatch(name + ": " + type + " only partially specified: " + std::to_string(num) +
+ " required for each element");
+ }
+/// Thrown when a requires option is missing
+class RequiresError : public ParseError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ParseError, RequiresError)
+ RequiresError(std::string curname, std::string subname)
+ : RequiresError(curname + " requires " + subname, ExitCodes::RequiresError) {}
+/// Thrown when an excludes option is present
+class ExcludesError : public ParseError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ParseError, ExcludesError)
+ ExcludesError(std::string curname, std::string subname)
+ : ExcludesError(curname + " excludes " + subname, ExitCodes::ExcludesError) {}
+/// Thrown when too many positionals or options are found
+class ExtrasError : public ParseError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ParseError, ExtrasError)
+ explicit ExtrasError(std::vector<std::string> args)
+ : ExtrasError((args.size() > 1 ? "The following arguments were not expected: "
+ : "The following argument was not expected: ") +
+ detail::rjoin(args, " "),
+ ExitCodes::ExtrasError) {}
+ ExtrasError(const std::string &name, std::vector<std::string> args)
+ : ExtrasError(name,
+ (args.size() > 1 ? "The following arguments were not expected: "
+ : "The following argument was not expected: ") +
+ detail::rjoin(args, " "),
+ ExitCodes::ExtrasError) {}
+/// Thrown when extra values are found in an INI file
+class ConfigError : public ParseError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ParseError, ConfigError)
+ CLI11_ERROR_SIMPLE(ConfigError)
+ static ConfigError Extras(std::string item) { return ConfigError("INI was not able to parse " + item); }
+ static ConfigError NotConfigurable(std::string item) {
+ return ConfigError(item + ": This option is not allowed in a configuration file");
+ }
+/// Thrown when validation fails before parsing
+class InvalidError : public ParseError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ParseError, InvalidError)
+ explicit InvalidError(std::string name)
+ : InvalidError(name + ": Too many positional arguments with unlimited expected args", ExitCodes::InvalidError) {
+ }
+/// This is just a safety check to verify selection and parsing match - you should not ever see it
+/// Strings are directly added to this error, but again, it should never be seen.
+class HorribleError : public ParseError {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(ParseError, HorribleError)
+ CLI11_ERROR_SIMPLE(HorribleError)
+// After parsing
+/// Thrown when counting a non-existent option
+class OptionNotFound : public Error {
+ CLI11_ERROR_DEF(Error, OptionNotFound)
+ explicit OptionNotFound(std::string name) : OptionNotFound(name + " not found", ExitCodes::OptionNotFound) {}
+#undef CLI11_ERROR_DEF
+/// @}
+// [CLI11:error_hpp:end]
+} // namespace CLI