--- layout: post title: Playground and Tutorial excerpt: Try lnav without having to install anything --- To make it easier to try out **lnav**, I've deployed an ssh-based playground and tutorial. You can SSH as follows to try them out: ```console $ ssh playground@demo.lnav.org $ ssh tutorial1@demo.lnav.org ``` The playground has a couple of example logs to play with. The tutorial tries to guide you through the basics of navigating log files with lnav. The server is running on the free-tier of [fly.io](https://fly.io), so please be kind. This effort was inspired by the `git.charm.sh` SSH server and by the [fasterthanli.me](https://fasterthanli.me/articles/remote-development-with-rust-on-fly-io) post on doing remote development on fly.io.