# # @synopsis: report-demo [] # @description: Generate a report for requests in access_log files # # Figure out the file path where the report should be written to, default is # stdout ;SELECT CASE WHEN $1 IS NULL THEN '-' ELSE $1 END AS out_path # Redirect output from commands to $out_path :redirect-to $out_path # Print an introductory message ;SELECT printf('\n%d total requests', count(1)) AS msg FROM access_log :echo $msg ;WITH top_paths AS ( SELECT cs_uri_stem, count(1) AS total_hits, sum(sc_bytes) as bytes, count(distinct c_ip) as visitors FROM access_log WHERE sc_status BETWEEN 200 AND 300 GROUP BY cs_uri_stem ORDER BY total_hits DESC LIMIT 50), weekly_hits_with_gaps AS ( SELECT timeslice(log_time_msecs, '1w') AS week, cs_uri_stem, count(1) AS weekly_hits FROM access_log WHERE cs_uri_stem IN (SELECT cs_uri_stem FROM top_paths) AND sc_status BETWEEN 200 AND 300 GROUP BY week, cs_uri_stem), all_weeks AS ( SELECT week FROM weekly_hits_with_gaps GROUP BY week ORDER BY week ASC), weekly_hits AS ( SELECT all_weeks.week, top_paths.cs_uri_stem, ifnull(weekly_hits, 0) AS hits FROM all_weeks CROSS JOIN top_paths LEFT JOIN weekly_hits_with_gaps ON all_weeks.week = weekly_hits_with_gaps.week AND top_paths.cs_uri_stem = weekly_hits_with_gaps.cs_uri_stem) SELECT weekly_hits.cs_uri_stem AS Path, printf('%,9d', total_hits) AS Hits, printf('%,9d', visitors) AS Visitors, printf('%9s', humanize_file_size(bytes)) as Amount, sparkline(hits) AS Weeks FROM weekly_hits LEFT JOIN top_paths ON top_paths.cs_uri_stem = weekly_hits.cs_uri_stem GROUP BY weekly_hits.cs_uri_stem ORDER BY Hits DESC LIMIT 10 :write-table-to - :echo :echo Failed Requests :echo ;SELECT printf('%,9d', count(1)) AS Hits, printf('%,9d', count(distinct c_ip)) AS Visitors, sc_status AS Status, cs_method AS Method, group_concat(distinct cs_version) AS Versions, cs_uri_stem AS Path, replicate('|', (cast(count(1) AS REAL) / $total_requests) * 100.0) AS "% of Requests" FROM access_log WHERE sc_status >= 400 GROUP BY cs_method, cs_uri_stem ORDER BY Hits DESC LIMIT 10 :write-table-to -