/** * Copyright (c) 2013, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @file ansi_scrubber.cc */ #include #include "ansi_scrubber.hh" #include "base/opt_util.hh" #include "config.h" #include "pcrepp/pcre2pp.hh" #include "scn/scn.h" #include "view_curses.hh" static const lnav::pcre2pp::code& ansi_regex() { static const auto retval = lnav::pcre2pp::code::from_const( "\x1b\\[([\\d=;\\?]*)([a-zA-Z])|(?:\\X\x08\\X)+"); return retval; } size_t erase_ansi_escapes(string_fragment input) { static thread_local auto md = lnav::pcre2pp::match_data::unitialized(); const auto& regex = ansi_regex(); nonstd::optional move_start; size_t fill_index = 0; auto matcher = regex.capture_from(input).into(md); while (true) { auto match_res = matcher.matches(PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK); if (match_res.is()) { break; } if (match_res.is()) { log_error("ansi scrub regex failure"); break; } auto sf = md[0].value(); auto bs_index_res = sf.codepoint_to_byte_index(1); if (move_start) { auto move_len = sf.sf_begin - move_start.value(); memmove(input.writable_data(fill_index), input.data() + move_start.value(), move_len); fill_index += move_len; } else { fill_index = sf.sf_begin; } if (sf.length() >= 3 && bs_index_res.isOk() && sf[bs_index_res.unwrap()] == '\b') { static const auto OVERSTRIKE_RE = lnav::pcre2pp::code::from_const(R"((\X)\x08(\X))"); auto loop_res = OVERSTRIKE_RE.capture_from(sf).for_each( [&fill_index, &input](lnav::pcre2pp::match_data& over_md) { auto lhs = over_md[1].value(); if (lhs == "_") { auto rhs = over_md[2].value(); memmove(input.writable_data(fill_index), rhs.data(), rhs.length()); fill_index += rhs.length(); } else { memmove(input.writable_data(fill_index), lhs.data(), lhs.length()); fill_index += lhs.length(); } }); } move_start = md.remaining().sf_begin; } memmove(input.writable_data(fill_index), md.remaining().data(), md.remaining().length()); fill_index += md.remaining().length(); return fill_index; } void scrub_ansi_string(std::string& str, string_attrs_t* sa) { static thread_local auto md = lnav::pcre2pp::match_data::unitialized(); const auto& regex = ansi_regex(); int64_t origin_offset = 0; int last_origin_offset_end = 0; replace(str.begin(), str.end(), '\0', ' '); auto matcher = regex.capture_from(str).into(md); while (true) { auto match_res = matcher.matches(PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK); if (match_res.is()) { break; } if (match_res.is()) { log_error("ansi scrub regex failure"); break; } const auto sf = md[0].value(); auto bs_index_res = sf.codepoint_to_byte_index(1); if (sf.length() >= 3 && bs_index_res.isOk() && sf[bs_index_res.unwrap()] == '\b') { ssize_t fill_index = sf.sf_begin; line_range bold_range; line_range ul_range; auto sub_sf = sf; while (!sub_sf.empty()) { auto lhs_opt = sub_sf.consume_codepoint(); if (!lhs_opt) { return; } auto lhs_pair = lhs_opt.value(); auto mid_opt = lhs_pair.second.consume_codepoint(); if (!mid_opt) { return; } auto mid_pair = mid_opt.value(); auto rhs_opt = mid_pair.second.consume_codepoint(); if (!rhs_opt) { return; } auto rhs_pair = rhs_opt.value(); sub_sf = rhs_pair.second; if (lhs_pair.first == '_' || rhs_pair.first == '_') { if (sa != nullptr && bold_range.is_valid()) { sa->emplace_back(bold_range, VC_STYLE.value(text_attrs{A_BOLD})); bold_range.clear(); } if (ul_range.is_valid()) { ul_range.lr_end += 1; } else { ul_range.lr_start = fill_index; ul_range.lr_end = fill_index + 1; } auto cp = lhs_pair.first == '_' ? rhs_pair.first : lhs_pair.first; ww898::utf::utf8::write(cp, [&str, &fill_index](auto ch) { str[fill_index++] = ch; }); } else { if (sa != nullptr && ul_range.is_valid()) { sa->emplace_back( ul_range, VC_STYLE.value(text_attrs{A_UNDERLINE})); ul_range.clear(); } if (bold_range.is_valid()) { bold_range.lr_end += 1; } else { bold_range.lr_start = fill_index; bold_range.lr_end = fill_index + 1; } try { ww898::utf::utf8::write(lhs_pair.first, [&str, &fill_index](auto ch) { str[fill_index++] = ch; }); } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { log_error("invalid UTF-8 at %d", sf.sf_begin); return; } } } auto output_size = fill_index - sf.sf_begin; auto erased_size = sf.length() - output_size; if (sa != nullptr) { #if 0 shift_string_attrs( *sa, caps->c_begin + sf.length() / 3, -erased_size); #endif sa->emplace_back(line_range{last_origin_offset_end, sf.sf_begin + (int) output_size}, SA_ORIGIN_OFFSET.value(origin_offset)); } if (sa != nullptr && ul_range.is_valid()) { sa->emplace_back(ul_range, VC_STYLE.value(text_attrs{A_UNDERLINE})); ul_range.clear(); } if (sa != nullptr && bold_range.is_valid()) { sa->emplace_back(bold_range, VC_STYLE.value(text_attrs{A_BOLD})); bold_range.clear(); } str.erase(str.begin() + fill_index, str.begin() + sf.sf_end); last_origin_offset_end = sf.sf_begin + output_size; origin_offset += erased_size; matcher.reload_input(str, last_origin_offset_end); continue; } auto seq = md[1].value(); auto terminator = md[2].value(); struct line_range lr; bool has_attrs = false; text_attrs attrs; auto role = nonstd::optional(); size_t lpc; switch (terminator[0]) { case 'm': for (lpc = seq.sf_begin; lpc != std::string::npos && lpc < (size_t) seq.sf_end;) { auto ansi_code_res = scn::scan_value( scn::string_view{&str[lpc], &str[seq.sf_end]}); if (ansi_code_res) { auto ansi_code = ansi_code_res.value(); if (90 <= ansi_code && ansi_code <= 97) { ansi_code -= 60; attrs.ta_attrs |= A_STANDOUT; } if (30 <= ansi_code && ansi_code <= 37) { attrs.ta_fg_color = ansi_code - 30; } if (40 <= ansi_code && ansi_code <= 47) { attrs.ta_bg_color = ansi_code - 40; } switch (ansi_code) { case 1: attrs.ta_attrs |= A_BOLD; break; case 2: attrs.ta_attrs |= A_DIM; break; case 4: attrs.ta_attrs |= A_UNDERLINE; break; case 7: attrs.ta_attrs |= A_REVERSE; break; } } lpc = str.find(';', lpc); if (lpc != std::string::npos) { lpc += 1; } } has_attrs = true; break; case 'C': { auto spaces_res = scn::scan_value(seq.to_string_view()); if (spaces_res && spaces_res.value() > 0) { str.insert((std::string::size_type) sf.sf_end, spaces_res.value(), ' '); } break; } case 'H': { unsigned int row = 0, spaces = 0; if (scn::scan(seq.to_string_view(), "{};{}", row, spaces) && spaces > 1) { int ispaces = spaces - 1; if (ispaces > sf.sf_begin) { str.insert((unsigned long) sf.sf_end, ispaces - sf.sf_begin, ' '); } } break; } case 'O': { auto role_res = scn::scan_value(seq.to_string_view()); if (role_res) { role_t role_tmp = (role_t) role_res.value(); if (role_tmp > role_t::VCR_NONE && role_tmp < role_t::VCR__MAX) { role = role_tmp; has_attrs = true; } } break; } } str.erase(str.begin() + sf.sf_begin, str.begin() + sf.sf_end); if (sa != nullptr) { shift_string_attrs(*sa, sf.sf_begin, -sf.length()); if (has_attrs) { for (auto rit = sa->rbegin(); rit != sa->rend(); rit++) { if (rit->sa_range.lr_end != -1) { continue; } rit->sa_range.lr_end = sf.sf_begin; } lr.lr_start = sf.sf_begin; lr.lr_end = -1; if (attrs.ta_attrs || attrs.ta_fg_color || attrs.ta_bg_color) { sa->emplace_back(lr, VC_STYLE.value(attrs)); } role | [&lr, &sa](role_t r) { sa->emplace_back(lr, VC_ROLE.value(r)); }; } sa->emplace_back(line_range{last_origin_offset_end, sf.sf_begin}, SA_ORIGIN_OFFSET.value(origin_offset)); last_origin_offset_end = sf.sf_begin; origin_offset += sf.length(); } matcher.reload_input(str, sf.sf_begin); } if (sa != nullptr && last_origin_offset_end > 0) { sa->emplace_back(line_range{last_origin_offset_end, (int) str.size()}, SA_ORIGIN_OFFSET.value(origin_offset)); } } void add_ansi_vars(std::map& vars) { vars["ansi_csi"] = ANSI_CSI; vars["ansi_norm"] = ANSI_NORM; vars["ansi_bold"] = ANSI_BOLD_START; vars["ansi_underline"] = ANSI_UNDERLINE_START; vars["ansi_black"] = ANSI_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK); vars["ansi_red"] = ANSI_COLOR(COLOR_RED); vars["ansi_green"] = ANSI_COLOR(COLOR_GREEN); vars["ansi_yellow"] = ANSI_COLOR(COLOR_YELLOW); vars["ansi_blue"] = ANSI_COLOR(COLOR_BLUE); vars["ansi_magenta"] = ANSI_COLOR(COLOR_MAGENTA); vars["ansi_cyan"] = ANSI_COLOR(COLOR_CYAN); vars["ansi_white"] = ANSI_COLOR(COLOR_WHITE); }