path: root/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb/r/rocksdb_icp.result
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb/r/rocksdb_icp.result b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb/r/rocksdb_icp.result
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..101e159e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb/r/rocksdb_icp.result
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+select * from information_schema.engines where engine = 'rocksdb';
+drop table if exists t0,t1,t2,t3;
+create table t0 (a int) engine=myisam;
+insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
+create table t1(a int) engine=myisam;
+insert into t1 select A.a + B.a* 10 + C.a * 100 from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (
+pk int primary key,
+kp1 int,
+kp2 int,
+col1 int,
+key (kp1,kp2) comment 'cf1'
+) engine=rocksdb;
+insert into t2 select a,a,a,a from t1;
+# Try a basic case:
+select * from t2 where kp1 between 1 and 10 and mod(kp2,2)=0;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 SIMPLE t2 range kp1 kp1 5 NULL # Using index condition
+select * from t2 where kp1 between 1 and 10 and mod(kp2,2)=0;
+pk kp1 kp2 col1
+2 2 2 2
+4 4 4 4
+6 6 6 6
+8 8 8 8
+10 10 10 10
+# Check that ICP doesnt work for columns where column value
+# cant be restored from mem-comparable form:
+create table t3 (
+pk int primary key,
+kp1 int,
+kp2 varchar(10) collate utf8_general_ci,
+col1 int,
+key (kp1,kp2) comment 'cf1'
+) engine=rocksdb;
+insert into t3 select a,a/10,a,a from t1;
+# This must not use ICP:
+select * from t3 where kp1=3 and kp2 like '%foo%';
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 SIMPLE t3 ref kp1 kp1 5 const # Using where
+explain format=json
+select * from t3 where kp1 between 2 and 4 and mod(kp1,3)=0 and kp2 like '%foo%';
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "t3",
+ "access_type": "range",
+ "possible_keys": ["kp1"],
+ "key": "kp1",
+ "key_length": "5",
+ "used_key_parts": ["kp1"],
+ "rows": 1000,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "index_condition": "t3.kp1 between 2 and 4 and t3.kp1 MOD 3 = 0",
+ "attached_condition": "t3.kp2 like '%foo%'"
+ }
+ }
+# Check that we handle the case where out-of-range is encountered sooner
+# than matched index condition
+select * from t2 where kp1< 3 and kp2+1>50000;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 SIMPLE t2 range kp1 kp1 5 NULL # Using index condition
+select * from t2 where kp1< 3 and kp2+1>50000;
+pk kp1 kp2 col1
+select * from t2 where kp1< 3 and kp2+1>50000;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 SIMPLE t2 range kp1 kp1 5 NULL # Using index condition
+select * from t2 where kp1< 3 and kp2+1>50000;
+pk kp1 kp2 col1
+# Try doing backwards scans
+# MariaDB: ICP is not supported for reverse scans.
+select * from t2 where kp1 between 1 and 10 and mod(kp2,2)=0 order by kp1 desc;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 SIMPLE t2 range kp1 kp1 5 NULL # Using where
+select * from t2 where kp1 between 1 and 10 and mod(kp2,2)=0 order by kp1 desc;
+pk kp1 kp2 col1
+10 10 10 10
+8 8 8 8
+6 6 6 6
+4 4 4 4
+2 2 2 2
+select * from t2 where kp1 >990 and mod(kp2,2)=0 order by kp1 desc;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 SIMPLE t2 range kp1 kp1 5 NULL # Using where
+select * from t2 where kp1 >990 and mod(kp2,2)=0 order by kp1 desc;
+pk kp1 kp2 col1
+998 998 998 998
+996 996 996 996
+994 994 994 994
+992 992 992 992
+select * from t2 where kp1< 3 and kp2+1>50000 order by kp1 desc;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 SIMPLE t2 range kp1 kp1 5 NULL # Using where
+select * from t2 where kp1< 3 and kp2+1>50000 order by kp1 desc;
+pk kp1 kp2 col1
+drop table t0,t1,t2,t3;
+# Check how ICP affects counters
+# First, some preparations
+# in facebook/mysql-5.6, it was:
+# In MariaDB, we do:
+create procedure save_read_stats()
+set @rr=(select ROWS_READ
+from information_schema.table_statistics
+where table_name='t4' and table_schema=database());
+set @rif= (select VARIABLE_VALUE
+from information_schema.session_status
+where VARIABLE_NAME='Handler_read_first');
+set @rin=(select VARIABLE_VALUE
+from information_schema.session_status
+where VARIABLE_NAME='Handler_read_next');
+set @icp_attempts=(select VARIABLE_VALUE
+from information_schema.session_status
+where VARIABLE_NAME='Handler_icp_attempts');
+set @icp_matches=(select VARIABLE_VALUE
+from information_schema.session_status
+where VARIABLE_NAME='Handler_icp_match');
+create procedure get_read_stats()
+(select ROWS_READ
+from information_schema.table_statistics
+where table_name='t4' and table_schema=database()
+) - @rr as ROWS_READ_DIFF,
+(select VARIABLE_VALUE - @rif
+from information_schema.session_status
+where VARIABLE_NAME='Handler_read_first') as ROWS_INDEX_FIRST,
+(select VARIABLE_VALUE - @rin
+from information_schema.session_status
+where VARIABLE_NAME='Handler_read_next') as ROWS_INDEX_NEXT,
+(select VARIABLE_VALUE - @icp_attempts
+from information_schema.session_status
+where VARIABLE_NAME='Handler_icp_attempts') as ICP_ATTEMPTS,
+(select VARIABLE_VALUE - @icp_matches
+from information_schema.session_status
+where VARIABLE_NAME='Handler_icp_match') as ICP_MATCHES;
+create table t4 (
+id int,
+id1 int,
+id2 int,
+value int,
+value2 varchar(100),
+primary key (id),
+key id1_id2 (id1, id2) comment 'cf1'
+) engine=rocksdb charset=latin1 collate latin1_bin;
+insert into t4 values
+(1,1,1,1,1), (2,1,2,2,2), (3,1,3,3,3),(4,1,4,4,4),(5,1,5,5,5),
+(6,1,6,6,6), (7,1,7,7,7), (8,1,8,8,8),(9,1,9,9,9),(10,1,10,10,10);
+# Now, the test itself
+call save_read_stats();
+call get_read_stats();
+0 0 0 0 0
+# ============== index-only query ==============
+select id1,id2 from t4 force index (id1_id2) where id1=1 and id2 % 10 = 1;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 SIMPLE t4 ref id1_id2 id1_id2 5 const # Using where; Using index
+call save_read_stats();
+select id1,id2 from t4 force index (id1_id2) where id1=1 and id2 % 10 = 1;
+id1 id2
+1 1
+call get_read_stats();
+# ============== Query without ICP ==============
+set optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=off';
+select * from t4 force index (id1_id2) where id1=1 and id2 % 10 = 1;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 SIMPLE t4 ref id1_id2 id1_id2 5 const # Using where
+call save_read_stats();
+select * from t4 force index (id1_id2) where id1=1 and id2 % 10 = 1;
+id id1 id2 value value2
+1 1 1 1 1
+call get_read_stats();
+# ============== Query with ICP ==============
+set optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=on';
+select * from t4 force index (id1_id2) where id1=1 and id2 % 10 = 1;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 SIMPLE t4 ref id1_id2 id1_id2 5 const # Using index condition
+call save_read_stats();
+select * from t4 force index (id1_id2) where id1=1 and id2 % 10 = 1;
+id id1 id2 value value2
+1 1 1 1 1
+call get_read_stats();
+drop table t4;
+drop procedure save_read_stats;
+drop procedure get_read_stats;
+# Issue #67: Inefficient index condition pushdown
+create table t0 (a int) engine=myisam;
+insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
+create table t1 (
+pk int not null primary key,
+key1 bigint(20) unsigned,
+col1 int,
+key (key1)
+) engine=rocksdb;
+insert into t1
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+set @count=0;
+select * from t1 force index(key1) where key1=1;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 SIMPLE t1 ref key1 key1 9 const #
+set @count_diff =(select (value - @count) from information_schema.rocksdb_perf_context
+where table_schema=database() and table_name='t1' and stat_type='INTERNAL_KEY_SKIPPED_COUNT');
+select * from t1 force index(key1) where key1=1;
+pk key1 col1
+1 1 1234
+set @count_diff =(select (value - @count) from information_schema.rocksdb_perf_context
+where table_schema=database() and table_name='t1' and stat_type='INTERNAL_KEY_SKIPPED_COUNT');
+# The following must be =1, or in any case not 999:
+select @count_diff as "INTERNAL_KEY_SKIPPED_COUNT increment";
+drop table t0,t1;