path: root/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/ft/cachetable/cachetable.h
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1 files changed, 588 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/ft/cachetable/cachetable.h b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/ft/cachetable/cachetable.h
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+/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
+// vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4:
+#ident "$Id$"
+This file is part of PerconaFT.
+Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ PerconaFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ PerconaFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with PerconaFT. If not, see <>.
+ PerconaFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ PerconaFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with PerconaFT. If not, see <>.
+======= */
+#ident "Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved."
+#pragma once
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "ft/logger/logger.h"
+#include "ft/serialize/block_table.h"
+#include "ft/txn/txn.h"
+#include "ft/ft-status.h"
+#include "util/minicron.h"
+// Maintain a cache mapping from cachekeys to values (void*)
+// Some of the keys can be pinned. Don't pin too many or for too long.
+// If the cachetable is too full, it will call the flush_callback() function with the key, the value, and the otherargs
+// and then remove the key-value pair from the cache.
+// The callback won't be any of the currently pinned keys.
+// Also when flushing an object, the cachetable drops all references to it,
+// so you may need to free() it.
+// Note: The cachetable should use a common pool of memory, flushing things across cachetables.
+// (The first implementation doesn't)
+// If you pin something twice, you must unpin it twice.
+// table_size is the initial size of the cache table hash table (in number of entries)
+// size limit is the upper bound of the sum of size of the entries in the cache table (total number of bytes)
+class checkpointer;
+typedef class checkpointer *CHECKPOINTER;
+typedef struct cachetable *CACHETABLE;
+typedef struct cachefile *CACHEFILE;
+typedef struct ctpair *PAIR;
+// This struct hold information about values stored in the cachetable.
+// As one can tell from the names, we are probably violating an
+// abstraction layer by placing names.
+// The purpose of having this struct is to have a way for the
+// cachetable to accumulate the some totals we are interested in.
+// Breaking this abstraction layer by having these names was the
+// easiest way.
+typedef struct pair_attr_s {
+ long size; // size PAIR's value takes in memory
+ long nonleaf_size; // size if PAIR is a nonleaf node, 0 otherwise, used only for engine status
+ long leaf_size; // size if PAIR is a leaf node, 0 otherwise, used only for engine status
+ long rollback_size; // size of PAIR is a rollback node, 0 otherwise, used only for engine status
+ long cache_pressure_size; // amount PAIR contributes to cache pressure, is sum of buffer sizes and workdone counts
+ bool is_valid;
+static inline PAIR_ATTR make_pair_attr(long size) {
+ PAIR_ATTR result={
+ .size = size,
+ .nonleaf_size = 0,
+ .leaf_size = 0,
+ .rollback_size = 0,
+ .cache_pressure_size = 0,
+ .is_valid = true
+ };
+ return result;
+void toku_set_cleaner_period (CACHETABLE ct, uint32_t new_period);
+uint32_t toku_get_cleaner_period_unlocked (CACHETABLE ct);
+void toku_set_cleaner_iterations (CACHETABLE ct, uint32_t new_iterations);
+uint32_t toku_get_cleaner_iterations (CACHETABLE ct);
+uint32_t toku_get_cleaner_iterations_unlocked (CACHETABLE ct);
+void toku_set_enable_partial_eviction (CACHETABLE ct, bool enabled);
+bool toku_get_enable_partial_eviction (CACHETABLE ct);
+// cachetable operations
+// create and initialize a cache table
+// size_limit is the upper limit on the size of the size of the values in the table
+// pass 0 if you want the default
+int toku_cachetable_create_ex(CACHETABLE *result, long size_limit,
+ unsigned long client_pool_threads,
+ unsigned long cachetable_pool_threads,
+ unsigned long checkpoint_pool_threads,
+ LSN initial_lsn, struct tokulogger *logger);
+#define toku_cachetable_create(r, s, l, o) \
+ toku_cachetable_create_ex(r, s, 0, 0, 0, l, o);
+// Create a new cachetable.
+// Effects: a new cachetable is created and initialized.
+// The cachetable pointer is stored into result.
+// The sum of the sizes of the memory objects is set to size_limit, in whatever
+// units make sense to the user of the cachetable.
+// Returns: If success, returns 0 and result points to the new cachetable. Otherwise,
+// returns an error number.
+// Returns a pointer to the checkpointer within the given cachetable.
+CHECKPOINTER toku_cachetable_get_checkpointer(CACHETABLE ct);
+// What is the cachefile that goes with a particular filenum?
+// During a transaction, we cannot reuse a filenum.
+int toku_cachefile_of_filenum (CACHETABLE t, FILENUM filenum, CACHEFILE *cf);
+// What is the cachefile that goes with a particular iname (relative to env)?
+// During a transaction, we cannot reuse an iname.
+int toku_cachefile_of_iname_in_env (CACHETABLE ct, const char *iname_in_env, CACHEFILE *cf);
+// Get the iname (within the cwd) associated with the cachefile
+// Return the filename
+char *toku_cachefile_fname_in_cwd (CACHEFILE cf);
+void toku_cachetable_begin_checkpoint (CHECKPOINTER cp, struct tokulogger *logger);
+void toku_cachetable_end_checkpoint(CHECKPOINTER cp, struct tokulogger *logger,
+ void (*testcallback_f)(void*), void * testextra);
+// Shuts down checkpoint thread
+// Requires no locks be held that are taken by the checkpoint function
+void toku_cachetable_minicron_shutdown(CACHETABLE ct);
+// Prepare to close the cachetable. This informs the cachetable that it is about to be closed
+// so that it can tune its checkpoint resource use.
+void toku_cachetable_prepare_close(CACHETABLE ct);
+// Close the cachetable.
+// Effects: All of the memory objects are flushed to disk, and the cachetable is destroyed.
+void toku_cachetable_close(CACHETABLE *ct);
+// Open a file and bind the file to a new cachefile object. (For use by test programs only.)
+int toku_cachetable_openf(CACHEFILE *,CACHETABLE, const char *fname_in_env, int flags, mode_t mode);
+// Bind a file to a new cachefile object.
+int toku_cachetable_openfd(CACHEFILE *,CACHETABLE, int fd,
+ const char *fname_relative_to_env);
+int toku_cachetable_openfd_with_filenum (CACHEFILE *,CACHETABLE, int fd,
+ const char *fname_in_env,
+ FILENUM filenum, bool* was_open);
+// reserve a unique filenum
+FILENUM toku_cachetable_reserve_filenum(CACHETABLE ct);
+// Effect: Reserve a fraction of the cachetable memory.
+// Returns the amount reserved.
+// To return the memory to the cachetable, call toku_cachetable_release_reserved_memory
+// Requires 0<fraction<1.
+uint64_t toku_cachetable_reserve_memory(CACHETABLE, double fraction, uint64_t upper_bound);
+void toku_cachetable_release_reserved_memory(CACHETABLE, uint64_t);
+// cachefile operations
+// Does an fsync of a cachefile.
+void toku_cachefile_fsync(CACHEFILE cf);
+enum partial_eviction_cost {
+ PE_CHEAP=0, // running partial eviction is cheap, and can be done on the client thread
+ PE_EXPENSIVE=1, // running partial eviction is expensive, and should not be done on the client thread
+// cachetable pair clean or dirty WRT external memory
+enum cachetable_dirty {
+ CACHETABLE_CLEAN=0, // the cached object is clean WRT the cachefile
+ CACHETABLE_DIRTY=1, // the cached object is dirty WRT the cachefile
+// The flush callback is called when a key value pair is being written to storage and possibly removed from the cachetable.
+// When write_me is true, the value should be written to storage.
+// When keep_me is false, the value should be freed.
+// When for_checkpoint is true, this was a 'pending' write
+// Returns: 0 if success, otherwise an error number.
+// Can access fd (fd is protected by a readlock during call)
+typedef void (*CACHETABLE_FLUSH_CALLBACK)(CACHEFILE, int fd, CACHEKEY key, void *value, void **disk_data, void *write_extraargs, PAIR_ATTR size, PAIR_ATTR* new_size, bool write_me, bool keep_me, bool for_checkpoint, bool is_clone);
+// The fetch callback is called when a thread is attempting to get and pin a memory
+// object and it is not in the cachetable.
+// Returns: 0 if success, otherwise an error number. The address and size of the object
+// associated with the key are returned.
+// Can access fd (fd is protected by a readlock during call)
+typedef int (*CACHETABLE_FETCH_CALLBACK)(CACHEFILE, PAIR p, int fd, CACHEKEY key, uint32_t fullhash, void **value_data, void **disk_data, PAIR_ATTR *sizep, int *dirtyp, void *read_extraargs);
+// The cachetable calls the partial eviction estimate callback to determine if
+// partial eviction is a cheap operation that may be called by on the client thread
+// or whether partial eviction is expensive and should be done on a background (writer) thread.
+// The callback conveys this information by setting cost to either PE_CHEAP or PE_EXPENSIVE.
+// If cost is PE_EXPENSIVE, then the callback also sets bytes_freed_estimate
+// to return an estimate of the number of bytes it will free
+// so that the cachetable can estimate how much data is being evicted on background threads.
+// If cost is PE_CHEAP, then the callback does not set bytes_freed_estimate.
+typedef void (*CACHETABLE_PARTIAL_EVICTION_EST_CALLBACK)(void *ftnode_pv, void* disk_data, long* bytes_freed_estimate, enum partial_eviction_cost *cost, void *write_extraargs);
+// The cachetable calls the partial eviction callback is to possibly try and partially evict pieces
+// of the PAIR. The callback determines the strategy for what to evict. The callback may choose to free
+// nothing, or may choose to free as much as possible. When the partial eviction callback is finished,
+// it must call finalize with the new PAIR_ATTR and the given finalize_extra. After this point, the
+// write lock will be released on the PAIR and it is no longer safe to operate on any of the passed arguments.
+// This is useful for doing expensive cleanup work outside of the PAIR's write lock (such as destroying objects, etc)
+// on entry, requires a write lock to be held on the PAIR in the cachetable while this function is called
+// on exit, the finalize continuation is called
+typedef int (*CACHETABLE_PARTIAL_EVICTION_CALLBACK)(void *ftnode_pv, PAIR_ATTR old_attr, void *write_extraargs,
+ void (*finalize)(PAIR_ATTR new_attr, void *extra), void *finalize_extra);
+// The cachetable calls this function to determine if get_and_pin call requires a partial fetch. If this function returns true,
+// then the cachetable will subsequently call CACHETABLE_PARTIAL_FETCH_CALLBACK to perform
+// a partial fetch. If this function returns false, then the PAIR's value is returned to the caller as is.
+// An alternative to having this callback is to always call CACHETABLE_PARTIAL_FETCH_CALLBACK, and let
+// CACHETABLE_PARTIAL_FETCH_CALLBACK decide whether to do any partial fetching or not.
+// There is no particular reason why this alternative was not chosen.
+// Requires: a read lock to be held on the PAIR
+typedef bool (*CACHETABLE_PARTIAL_FETCH_REQUIRED_CALLBACK)(void *ftnode_pv, void *read_extraargs);
+// The cachetable calls the partial fetch callback when a thread needs to read or decompress a subset of a PAIR into memory.
+// An example is needing to read a basement node into memory. Another example is decompressing an internal node's
+// message buffer. The cachetable determines if a partial fetch is necessary by first calling CACHETABLE_PARTIAL_FETCH_REQUIRED_CALLBACK.
+// The new PAIR_ATTR of the PAIR is returned in sizep
+// Can access fd (fd is protected by a readlock during call)
+// Returns: 0 if success, otherwise an error number.
+typedef int (*CACHETABLE_PARTIAL_FETCH_CALLBACK)(void *value_data, void* disk_data, void *read_extraargs, int fd, PAIR_ATTR *sizep);
+// The cachetable calls the put callback during a cachetable_put command to provide the opaque PAIR.
+// The PAIR can then be used to later unpin the pair.
+// Returns: 0 if success, otherwise an error number.
+typedef void (*CACHETABLE_PUT_CALLBACK)(CACHEKEY key, void *value_data, PAIR p);
+typedef int (*CACHETABLE_CLEANER_CALLBACK)(void *ftnode_pv, BLOCKNUM blocknum, uint32_t fullhash, void *write_extraargs);
+typedef void (*CACHETABLE_CLONE_CALLBACK)(void* value_data, void** cloned_value_data, long* clone_size, PAIR_ATTR* new_attr, bool for_checkpoint, void* write_extraargs);
+typedef void (*CACHETABLE_CHECKPOINT_COMPLETE_CALLBACK)(void *value_data);
+typedef struct {
+ void* write_extraargs; // parameter for flush_callback, pe_est_callback, pe_callback, and cleaner_callback
+typedef void (*CACHETABLE_GET_KEY_AND_FULLHASH)(CACHEKEY* cachekey, uint32_t* fullhash, void* extra);
+typedef void (*CACHETABLE_REMOVE_KEY)(CACHEKEY* cachekey, bool for_checkpoint, void* extra);
+void toku_cachefile_set_userdata(CACHEFILE cf, void *userdata,
+ void (*log_fassociate_during_checkpoint)(CACHEFILE, void*),
+ void (*close_userdata)(CACHEFILE, int, void*, bool, LSN),
+ void (*free_userdata)(CACHEFILE, void*),
+ void (*checkpoint_userdata)(CACHEFILE, int, void*),
+ void (*begin_checkpoint_userdata)(LSN, void*),
+ void (*end_checkpoint_userdata)(CACHEFILE, int, void*),
+ void (*note_pin_by_checkpoint)(CACHEFILE, void*),
+ void (*note_unpin_by_checkpoint)(CACHEFILE, void*));
+// Effect: Store some cachefile-specific user data. When the last reference to a cachefile is closed, we call close_userdata().
+// Before starting a checkpoint, we call checkpoint_prepare_userdata().
+// When the cachefile needs to be checkpointed, we call checkpoint_userdata().
+// If userdata is already non-NULL, then we simply overwrite it.
+void *toku_cachefile_get_userdata(CACHEFILE);
+// Effect: Get the user data.
+CACHETABLE toku_cachefile_get_cachetable(CACHEFILE cf);
+// Effect: Get the cachetable.
+CACHEFILE toku_pair_get_cachefile(PAIR);
+// Effect: Get the cachefile of the pair
+void toku_cachetable_swap_pair_values(PAIR old_pair, PAIR new_pair);
+// Effect: Swaps the value_data of old_pair and new_pair.
+// Requires: both old_pair and new_pair to be pinned with write locks.
+typedef enum {
+ PL_READ = 0,
+} pair_lock_type;
+// put something into the cachetable and checkpoint dependent pairs
+// if the checkpointing is necessary
+void toku_cachetable_put_with_dep_pairs(
+ CACHEFILE cachefile,
+ CACHETABLE_GET_KEY_AND_FULLHASH get_key_and_fullhash,
+ void *value,
+ PAIR_ATTR attr,
+ void *get_key_and_fullhash_extra,
+ uint32_t num_dependent_pairs, // number of dependent pairs that we may need to checkpoint
+ PAIR* dependent_pairs,
+ enum cachetable_dirty* dependent_dirty, // array stating dirty/cleanness of dependent pairs
+ CACHEKEY* key,
+ uint32_t* fullhash,
+ );
+// Put a memory object into the cachetable.
+// Effects: Lookup the key in the cachetable. If the key is not in the cachetable,
+// then insert the pair and pin it. Otherwise return an error. Some of the key
+// value pairs may be evicted from the cachetable when the cachetable gets too big.
+void toku_cachetable_put(CACHEFILE cf, CACHEKEY key, uint32_t fullhash,
+ void *value, PAIR_ATTR size,
+ );
+// Get and pin the memory object of a PAIR, and write dependent pairs to disk
+// if the dependent pairs are pending a checkpoint.
+// Effects: If the memory object is in the cachetable, acquire a PAIR lock on it.
+// Otherwise, fetch it from storage by calling the fetch callback. If the fetch
+// succeeded, add the memory object to the cachetable with a PAIR lock on it.
+// Before returning to the user, if the PAIR object being retrieved, or any of the
+// dependent pairs passed in as parameters must be written to disk for checkpoint,
+// then the required PAIRs are written to disk for checkpoint.
+// KEY PROPERTY OF DEPENDENT PAIRS: They are already locked by the client
+// Returns: 0 if the memory object is in memory, otherwise an error number.
+int toku_cachetable_get_and_pin_with_dep_pairs (
+ CACHEFILE cachefile,
+ uint32_t fullhash,
+ void**value,
+ pair_lock_type lock_type,
+ void* read_extraargs, // parameter for fetch_callback, pf_req_callback, and pf_callback
+ uint32_t num_dependent_pairs, // number of dependent pairs that we may need to checkpoint
+ PAIR* dependent_pairs,
+ enum cachetable_dirty* dependent_dirty // array stating dirty/cleanness of dependent pairs
+ );
+// Get and pin a memory object.
+// Effects: If the memory object is in the cachetable acquire the PAIR lock on it.
+// Otherwise, fetch it from storage by calling the fetch callback. If the fetch
+// succeeded, add the memory object to the cachetable with a read lock on it.
+// Returns: 0 if the memory object is in memory, otherwise an error number.
+int toku_cachetable_get_and_pin (
+ CACHEFILE cachefile,
+ uint32_t fullhash,
+ void**value,
+ bool may_modify_value,
+ void* read_extraargs // parameter for fetch_callback, pf_req_callback, and pf_callback
+ );
+// does partial fetch on a pinned pair
+void toku_cachetable_pf_pinned_pair(
+ void* value,
+ void* read_extraargs,
+ uint32_t fullhash
+ );
+struct unlockers {
+ bool locked;
+ void (*f)(void* extra);
+ void *extra;
+ struct unlockers *next;
+typedef struct unlockers *UNLOCKERS;
+// Effect: If the block is in the cachetable, then return it.
+// Otherwise call the functions in unlockers, fetch the data (but don't pin it, since we'll just end up pinning it again later), and return TOKUDB_TRY_AGAIN.
+int toku_cachetable_get_and_pin_nonblocking (
+ uint32_t fullhash,
+ void**value,
+ pair_lock_type lock_type,
+ void *read_extraargs, // parameter for fetch_callback, pf_req_callback, and pf_callback
+ UNLOCKERS unlockers
+ );
+int toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin (CACHEFILE, CACHEKEY, uint32_t /*fullhash*/, pair_lock_type, void**);
+// Effect: Maybe get and pin a memory object.
+// This function is similar to the get_and_pin function except that it
+// will not attempt to fetch a memory object that is not in the cachetable or requires any kind of blocking to get it.
+// Returns: If the the item is already in memory, then return 0 and store it in the
+// void**. If the item is not in memory, then return a nonzero error number.
+int toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin_clean (CACHEFILE, CACHEKEY, uint32_t /*fullhash*/, pair_lock_type, void**);
+// Effect: Like maybe get and pin, but may pin a clean pair.
+int toku_cachetable_get_attr(CACHEFILE, CACHEKEY, uint32_t /*fullhash*/, PAIR_ATTR *);
+// Effect: get the attributes for cachekey
+// Returns: 0 if success, non-zero if cachekey is not cached
+// Notes: this function exists for tests
+int toku_cachetable_unpin(CACHEFILE, PAIR, enum cachetable_dirty dirty, PAIR_ATTR size);
+// Effect: Unpin a memory object
+// Modifies: If the memory object is in the cachetable, then OR the dirty flag,
+// update the size, and release the read lock on the memory object.
+// Returns: 0 if success, otherwise returns an error number.
+// Requires: The ct is locked.
+int toku_cachetable_unpin_ct_prelocked_no_flush(CACHEFILE, PAIR, enum cachetable_dirty dirty, PAIR_ATTR size);
+// Effect: The same as tokud_cachetable_unpin, except that the ct must not be locked.
+// Requires: The ct is NOT locked.
+int toku_cachetable_unpin_and_remove (CACHEFILE, PAIR, CACHETABLE_REMOVE_KEY, void*); /* Removing something already present is OK. */
+// Effect: Remove an object from the cachetable. Don't write it back.
+// Requires: The object must be pinned exactly once.
+// test-only wrapper that use CACHEKEY and fullhash
+int toku_test_cachetable_unpin(CACHEFILE, CACHEKEY, uint32_t fullhash, enum cachetable_dirty dirty, PAIR_ATTR size);
+// test-only wrapper that use CACHEKEY and fullhash
+int toku_test_cachetable_unpin_ct_prelocked_no_flush(CACHEFILE, CACHEKEY, uint32_t fullhash, enum cachetable_dirty dirty, PAIR_ATTR size);
+// test-only wrapper that use CACHEKEY
+int toku_test_cachetable_unpin_and_remove (CACHEFILE, CACHEKEY, CACHETABLE_REMOVE_KEY, void*); /* Removing something already present is OK. */
+int toku_cachefile_prefetch(CACHEFILE cf, CACHEKEY key, uint32_t fullhash,
+ void *read_extraargs, // parameter for fetch_callback, pf_req_callback, and pf_callback
+ bool *doing_prefetch);
+// Effect: Prefetch a memory object for a given key into the cachetable
+// Precondition: The cachetable mutex is NOT held.
+// Postcondition: The cachetable mutex is NOT held.
+// Returns: 0 if success
+// Implement Note:
+// 1) The pair's rwlock is acquired (for write) (there is not a deadlock here because the rwlock is a pthread_cond_wait using the cachetable mutex).
+// Case A: Single-threaded.
+// A1) Call cachetable_fetch_pair, which
+// a) Obtains a readlock on the cachefile's fd (to prevent multipler readers at once)
+// b) Unlocks the cachetable
+// c) Does the fetch off disk.
+// d) Locks the cachetable
+// e) Unlocks the fd lock.
+// f) Unlocks the pair rwlock.
+// Case B: Multithreaded
+// a) Enqueue a cachetable_reader into the workqueue.
+// b) Unlock the cache table.
+// c) The enqueue'd job later locks the cachetable, and calls cachetable_fetch_pair (doing the steps in A1 above).
+int toku_cachetable_assert_all_unpinned (CACHETABLE);
+int toku_cachefile_count_pinned (CACHEFILE, int /*printthem*/ );
+// Close the cachefile.
+// Effects: All of the cached object associated with the cachefile are evicted from
+// the cachetable. The flush callback is called for each of these objects. The
+// close function does not return until all of the objects are evicted. The cachefile
+// object is freed.
+// If oplsn_valid is true then use oplsn as the LSN of the close instead of asking the logger. oplsn_valid being true is only allowed during recovery, and requires that you are removing the last reference (otherwise the lsn wouldn't make it in.)
+void toku_cachefile_close (CACHEFILE*, bool oplsn_valid, LSN oplsn);
+// Return on success (different from pread and pwrite)
+//int cachefile_pwrite (CACHEFILE, const void *buf, size_t count, toku_off_t offset);
+//int cachefile_pread (CACHEFILE, void *buf, size_t count, toku_off_t offset);
+// Get the file descriptor associated with the cachefile
+// Return the file descriptor
+// Grabs a read lock protecting the fd
+int toku_cachefile_get_fd (CACHEFILE);
+// Get the iname (within the environment) associated with the cachefile
+// Return the filename
+char * toku_cachefile_fname_in_env (CACHEFILE cf);
+void toku_cachefile_set_fname_in_env(CACHEFILE cf, char *new_fname_in_env);
+// Make it so when the cachefile closes, the underlying file is unlinked
+void toku_cachefile_unlink_on_close(CACHEFILE cf);
+// is this cachefile marked as unlink on close?
+bool toku_cachefile_is_unlink_on_close(CACHEFILE cf);
+void toku_cachefile_skip_log_recover_on_close(CACHEFILE cf);
+void toku_cachefile_do_log_recover_on_close(CACHEFILE cf);
+bool toku_cachefile_is_skip_log_recover_on_close(CACHEFILE cf);
+// Return the logger associated with the cachefile
+struct tokulogger *toku_cachefile_logger(CACHEFILE cf);
+// Return the filenum associated with the cachefile
+FILENUM toku_cachefile_filenum(CACHEFILE cf);
+// Effect: Return a 32-bit hash key. The hash key shall be suitable for using with bitmasking for a table of size power-of-two.
+uint32_t toku_cachetable_hash(CACHEFILE cf, CACHEKEY key);
+uint32_t toku_cachefile_fullhash_of_header(CACHEFILE cf);
+// debug functions
+// Print the contents of the cachetable. This is mainly used from gdb
+void toku_cachetable_print_state (CACHETABLE ct);
+// Get the state of the cachetable. This is used to verify the cachetable
+void toku_cachetable_get_state(CACHETABLE ct, int *num_entries_ptr, int *hash_size_ptr, long *size_current_ptr, long *size_limit_ptr);
+// Get the state of a cachetable entry by key. This is used to verify the cachetable
+int toku_cachetable_get_key_state(CACHETABLE ct, CACHEKEY key, CACHEFILE cf,
+ void **value_ptr,
+ int *dirty_ptr,
+ long long *pin_ptr,
+ long *size_ptr);
+// Verify the whole cachetable that the cachefile is in. Slow.
+void toku_cachefile_verify (CACHEFILE cf);
+// Verify the cachetable. Slow.
+void toku_cachetable_verify (CACHETABLE t);
+// Not for use in production, but useful for testing.
+void toku_cachetable_print_hash_histogram (void) __attribute__((__visibility__("default")));
+void toku_cachetable_maybe_flush_some(CACHETABLE ct);
+// for stat64
+uint64_t toku_cachefile_size(CACHEFILE cf);
+void toku_cachetable_get_status(CACHETABLE ct, CACHETABLE_STATUS s);
+void toku_cachetable_set_env_dir(CACHETABLE ct, const char *env_dir);
+char * toku_construct_full_name(int count, ...);
+char * toku_cachetable_get_fname_in_cwd(CACHETABLE ct, const char * fname_in_env);
+void cachefile_kibbutz_enq (CACHEFILE cf, void (*f)(void*), void *extra);
+// Effect: Add a job to the cachetable's collection of work to do. Note that function f must call remove_background_job_from_cf()
+void remove_background_job_from_cf (CACHEFILE cf);
+// Effect: When a kibbutz job or cleaner thread finishes in a cachefile,
+// the cachetable must be notified.
+// test-only function
+int toku_cachetable_get_checkpointing_user_data_status(void);
+// test-only function
+int toku_cleaner_thread_for_test(CACHETABLE ct);
+int toku_cleaner_thread(void *cleaner_v);
+// test function. Exported in the ydb layer and used by tests that want to run DRD
+// The default of 1M is too high for drd tests, so this is a mechanism to set a smaller number.
+void toku_pair_list_set_lock_size(uint32_t num_locks);
+// Used by to figure out if it has the write lock on a pair.
+// Pretty hacky and not accurate enough, should be improved at the frwlock
+// layer.
+bool toku_ctpair_is_write_locked(PAIR pair);