path: root/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt
diff options
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6 files changed, 1030 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xz.txt b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xz.txt
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+XZ(1) XZ Utils XZ(1)
+ xz, unxz, xzcat, lzma, unlzma, lzcat - Compress or decompress .xz and
+ .lzma files
+ xz [option]... [file]...
+ unxz is equivalent to xz --decompress.
+ xzcat is equivalent to xz --decompress --stdout.
+ lzma is equivalent to xz --format=lzma.
+ unlzma is equivalent to xz --format=lzma --decompress.
+ lzcat is equivalent to xz --format=lzma --decompress --stdout.
+ When writing scripts that need to decompress files, it is recommended
+ to always use the name xz with appropriate arguments (xz -d or xz -dc)
+ instead of the names unxz and xzcat.
+ xz is a general-purpose data compression tool with command line syntax
+ similar to gzip(1) and bzip2(1). The native file format is the .xz
+ format, but also the legacy .lzma format and raw compressed streams
+ with no container format headers are supported.
+ xz compresses or decompresses each file according to the selected oper-
+ ation mode. If no files are given or file is -, xz reads from standard
+ input and writes the processed data to standard output. xz will refuse
+ (display an error and skip the file) to write compressed data to stan-
+ dard output if it is a terminal. Similarly, xz will refuse to read com-
+ pressed data from standard input if it is a terminal.
+ Unless --stdout is specified, files other than - are written to a new
+ file whose name is derived from the source file name:
+ o When compressing, the suffix of the target file format (.xz or
+ .lzma) is appended to the source filename to get the target file-
+ name.
+ o When decompressing, the .xz or .lzma suffix is removed from the
+ filename to get the target filename. xz also recognizes the suf-
+ fixes .txz and .tlz, and replaces them with the .tar suffix.
+ If the target file already exists, an error is displayed and the file
+ is skipped.
+ Unless writing to standard output, xz will display a warning and skip
+ the file if any of the following applies:
+ o File is not a regular file. Symbolic links are not followed, thus
+ they are never considered to be regular files.
+ o File has more than one hardlink.
+ o File has setuid, setgid, or sticky bit set.
+ o The operation mode is set to compress, and the file already has a
+ suffix of the target file format (.xz or .txz when compressing to
+ the .xz format, and .lzma or .tlz when compressing to the .lzma for-
+ mat).
+ o The operation mode is set to decompress, and the file doesn't have a
+ suffix of any of the supported file formats (.xz, .txz, .lzma, or
+ .tlz).
+ After successfully compressing or decompressing the file, xz copies the
+ owner, group, permissions, access time, and modification time from the
+ source file to the target file. If copying the group fails, the permis-
+ sions are modified so that the target file doesn't become accessible to
+ users who didn't have permission to access the source file. xz doesn't
+ support copying other metadata like access control lists or extended
+ attributes yet.
+ Once the target file has been successfully closed, the source file is
+ removed unless --keep was specified. The source file is never removed
+ if the output is written to standard output.
+ Sending SIGINFO or SIGUSR1 to the xz process makes it print progress
+ information to standard error. This has only limited use since when
+ standard error is a terminal, using --verbose will display an automati-
+ cally updating progress indicator.
+ Memory usage
+ The memory usage of xz varies from a few hundred kilobytes to several
+ gigabytes depending on the compression settings. The settings used when
+ compressing a file affect also the memory usage of the decompressor.
+ Typically the decompressor needs only 5 % to 20 % of the amount of RAM
+ that the compressor needed when creating the file. Still, the worst-
+ case memory usage of the decompressor is several gigabytes.
+ To prevent uncomfortable surprises caused by huge memory usage, xz has
+ a built-in memory usage limiter. The default limit is 40 % of total
+ physical RAM. While operating systems provide ways to limit the memory
+ usage of processes, relying on it wasn't deemed to be flexible enough.
+ When compressing, if the selected compression settings exceed the mem-
+ ory usage limit, the settings are automatically adjusted downwards and
+ a notice about this is displayed. As an exception, if the memory usage
+ limit is exceeded when compressing with --format=raw, an error is dis-
+ played and xz will exit with exit status 1.
+ If source file cannot be decompressed without exceeding the memory
+ usage limit, an error message is displayed and the file is skipped.
+ Note that compressed files may contain many blocks, which may have been
+ compressed with different settings. Typically all blocks will have
+ roughly the same memory requirements, but it is possible that a block
+ later in the file will exceed the memory usage limit, and an error
+ about too low memory usage limit gets displayed after some data has
+ already been decompressed.
+ The absolute value of the active memory usage limit can be seen near
+ the bottom of the output of --long-help. The default limit can be
+ overridden with --memory=limit.
+ Integer suffixes and special values
+ In most places where an integer argument is expected, an optional suf-
+ fix is supported to easily indicate large integers. There must be no
+ space between the integer and the suffix.
+ k or kB
+ The integer is multiplied by 1,000 (10^3). For example, 5k or
+ 5kB equals 5000.
+ Ki or KiB
+ The integer is multiplied by 1,024 (2^10).
+ M or MB
+ The integer is multiplied by 1,000,000 (10^6).
+ Mi or MiB
+ The integer is multiplied by 1,048,576 (2^20).
+ G or GB
+ The integer is multiplied by 1,000,000,000 (10^9).
+ Gi or GiB
+ The integer is multiplied by 1,073,741,824 (2^30).
+ A special value max can be used to indicate the maximum integer value
+ supported by the option.
+ Operation mode
+ If multiple operation mode options are given, the last one takes
+ effect.
+ -z, --compress
+ Compress. This is the default operation mode when no operation
+ mode option is specified, and no other operation mode is implied
+ from the command name (for example, unxz implies --decompress).
+ -d, --decompress, --uncompress
+ Decompress.
+ -t, --test
+ Test the integrity of compressed files. No files are created or
+ removed. This option is equivalent to --decompress --stdout
+ except that the decompressed data is discarded instead of being
+ written to standard output.
+ -l, --list
+ View information about the compressed files. No uncompressed
+ output is produced, and no files are created or removed. In list
+ mode, the program cannot read the compressed data from standard
+ input or from other unseekable sources.
+ This feature has not been implemented yet.
+ Operation modifiers
+ -k, --keep
+ Keep (don't delete) the input files.
+ -f, --force
+ This option has several effects:
+ o If the target file already exists, delete it before compress-
+ ing or decompressing.
+ o Compress or decompress even if the input is not a regular
+ file, has more than one hardlink, or has setuid, setgid, or
+ sticky bit set. The setuid, setgid, and sticky bits are not
+ copied to the target file.
+ o If combined with --decompress --stdout and xz doesn't recog-
+ nize the type of the source file, xz will copy the source
+ file as is to standard output. This allows using xzcat
+ --force like cat(1) for files that have not been compressed
+ with xz. Note that in future, xz might support new com-
+ pressed file formats, which may make xz decompress more types
+ of files instead of copying them as is to standard output.
+ --format=format can be used to restrict xz to decompress only
+ a single file format.
+ o Allow writing compressed data to a terminal, and reading com-
+ pressed data from a terminal.
+ -c, --stdout, --to-stdout
+ Write the compressed or decompressed data to standard output
+ instead of a file. This implies --keep.
+ -S .suf, --suffix=.suf
+ When compressing, use .suf as the suffix for the target file
+ instead of .xz or .lzma. If not writing to standard output and
+ the source file already has the suffix .suf, a warning is dis-
+ played and the file is skipped.
+ When decompressing, recognize also files with the suffix .suf in
+ addition to files with the .xz, .txz, .lzma, or .tlz suffix. If
+ the source file has the suffix .suf, the suffix is removed to
+ get the target filename.
+ When compressing or decompressing raw streams (--format=raw),
+ the suffix must always be specified unless writing to standard
+ output, because there is no default suffix for raw streams.
+ --files[=file]
+ Read the filenames to process from file; if file is omitted,
+ filenames are read from standard input. Filenames must be termi-
+ nated with the newline character. If filenames are given also as
+ command line arguments, they are processed before the filenames
+ read from file.
+ --files0[=file]
+ This is identical to --files[=file] except that the filenames
+ must be terminated with the null character.
+ Basic file format and compression options
+ -F format, --format=format
+ Specify the file format to compress or decompress:
+ o auto: This is the default. When compressing, auto is equiva-
+ lent to xz. When decompressing, the format of the input file
+ is autodetected. Note that raw streams (created with --for-
+ mat=raw) cannot be autodetected.
+ o xz: Compress to the .xz file format, or accept only .xz files
+ when decompressing.
+ o lzma or alone: Compress to the legacy .lzma file format, or
+ accept only .lzma files when decompressing. The alternative
+ name alone is provided for backwards compatibility with LZMA
+ Utils.
+ o raw: Compress or uncompress a raw stream (no headers). This
+ is meant for advanced users only. To decode raw streams, you
+ need to set not only --format=raw but also specify the filter
+ chain, which would normally be stored in the container format
+ headers.
+ -C check, --check=check
+ Specify the type of the integrity check, which is calculated
+ from the uncompressed data. This option has an effect only when
+ compressing into the .xz format; the .lzma format doesn't sup-
+ port integrity checks. The integrity check (if any) is verified
+ when the .xz file is decompressed.
+ Supported check types:
+ o none: Don't calculate an integrity check at all. This is usu-
+ ally a bad idea. This can be useful when integrity of the
+ data is verified by other means anyway.
+ o crc32: Calculate CRC32 using the polynomial from IEEE-802.3
+ (Ethernet).
+ o crc64: Calculate CRC64 using the polynomial from ECMA-182.
+ This is the default, since it is slightly better than CRC32
+ at detecting damaged files and the speed difference is negli-
+ gible.
+ o sha256: Calculate SHA-256. This is somewhat slower than CRC32
+ and CRC64.
+ Integrity of the .xz headers is always verified with CRC32. It
+ is not possible to change or disable it.
+ -0 ... -9
+ Select compression preset. If a preset level is specified multi-
+ ple times, the last one takes effect.
+ The compression preset levels can be categorised roughly into
+ three categories:
+ -0 ... -2
+ Fast presets with relatively low memory usage. -1 and -2
+ should give compression speed and ratios comparable to
+ bzip2 -1 and bzip2 -9, respectively. Currently -0 is not
+ very good (not much faster than -1 but much worse com-
+ pression). In future, -0 may be indicate some fast algo-
+ rithm instead of LZMA2.
+ -3 ... -5
+ Good compression ratio with low to medium memory usage.
+ These are significantly slower than levels 0-2.
+ -6 ... -9
+ Excellent compression with medium to high memory usage.
+ These are also slower than the lower preset levels. The
+ default is -6. Unless you want to maximize the compres-
+ sion ratio, you probably don't want a higher preset level
+ than -7 due to speed and memory usage.
+ The exact compression settings (filter chain) used by each pre-
+ set may vary between xz versions. The settings may also vary
+ between files being compressed, if xz determines that modified
+ settings will probably give better compression ratio without
+ significantly affecting compression time or memory usage.
+ Because the settings may vary, the memory usage may vary too.
+ The following table lists the maximum memory usage of each pre-
+ set level, which won't be exceeded even in future versions of
+ xz.
+ FIXME: The table below is just a rough idea.
+ Preset Compression Decompression
+ -0 6 MiB 1 MiB
+ -1 6 MiB 1 MiB
+ -2 10 MiB 1 MiB
+ -3 20 MiB 2 MiB
+ -4 30 MiB 3 MiB
+ -5 60 MiB 6 MiB
+ -6 100 MiB 10 MiB
+ -7 200 MiB 20 MiB
+ -8 400 MiB 40 MiB
+ -9 800 MiB 80 MiB
+ When compressing, xz automatically adjusts the compression set-
+ tings downwards if the memory usage limit would be exceeded, so
+ it is safe to specify a high preset level even on systems that
+ don't have lots of RAM.
+ --fast and --best
+ These are somewhat misleading aliases for -0 and -9, respec-
+ tively. These are provided only for backwards compatibility
+ with LZMA Utils. Avoid using these options.
+ Especially the name of --best is misleading, because the defini-
+ tion of best depends on the input data, and that usually people
+ don't want the very best compression ratio anyway, because it
+ would be very slow.
+ -e, --extreme
+ Modify the compression preset (-0 ... -9) so that a little bit
+ better compression ratio can be achieved without increasing mem-
+ ory usage of the compressor or decompressor (exception: compres-
+ sor memory usage may increase a little with presets -0 ... -2).
+ The downside is that the compression time will increase dramati-
+ cally (it can easily double).
+ -M limit, --memory=limit
+ Set the memory usage limit. If this option is specied multiple
+ times, the last one takes effect. The limit can be specified in
+ multiple ways:
+ o The limit can be an absolute value in bytes. Using an integer
+ suffix like MiB can be useful. Example: --memory=80MiB
+ o The limit can be specified as a percentage of physical RAM.
+ Example: --memory=70%
+ o The limit can be reset back to its default value (currently
+ 40 % of physical RAM) by setting it to 0.
+ o The memory usage limiting can be effectively disabled by set-
+ ting limit to max. This isn't recommended. It's usually bet-
+ ter to use, for example, --memory=90%.
+ The current limit can be seen near the bottom of the output of
+ the --long-help option.
+ -T threads, --threads=threads
+ Specify the maximum number of worker threads to use. The default
+ is the number of available CPU cores. You can see the current
+ value of threads near the end of the output of the --long-help
+ option.
+ The actual number of worker threads can be less than threads if
+ using more threads would exceed the memory usage limit. In
+ addition to CPU-intensive worker threads, xz may use a few aux-
+ iliary threads, which don't use a lot of CPU time.
+ Multithreaded compression and decompression are not implemented
+ yet, so this option has no effect for now.
+ Custom compressor filter chains
+ A custom filter chain allows specifying the compression settings in
+ detail instead of relying on the settings associated to the preset lev-
+ els. When a custom filter chain is specified, the compression preset
+ level options (-0 ... -9 and --extreme) are silently ignored.
+ A filter chain is comparable to piping on the UN*X command line. When
+ compressing, the uncompressed input goes to the first filter, whose
+ output goes to the next filter (if any). The output of the last filter
+ gets written to the compressed file. The maximum number of filters in
+ the chain is four, but typically a filter chain has only one or two
+ filters.
+ Many filters have limitations where they can be in the filter chain:
+ some filters can work only as the last filter in the chain, some only
+ as a non-last filter, and some work in any position in the chain.
+ Depending on the filter, this limitation is either inherent to the fil-
+ ter design or exists to prevent security issues.
+ A custom filter chain is specified by using one or more filter options
+ in the order they are wanted in the filter chain. That is, the order of
+ filter options is significant! When decoding raw streams (--for-
+ mat=raw), the filter chain is specified in the same order as it was
+ specified when compressing.
+ Filters take filter-specific options as a comma-separated list. Extra
+ commas in options are ignored. Every option has a default value, so you
+ need to specify only those you want to change.
+ --lzma1[=options], --lzma2[=options]
+ Add LZMA1 or LZMA2 filter to the filter chain. These filter can
+ be used only as the last filter in the chain.
+ LZMA1 is a legacy filter, which is supported almost solely due
+ to the legacy .lzma file format, which supports only LZMA1.
+ LZMA2 is an updated version of LZMA1 to fix some practical
+ issues of LZMA1. The .xz format uses LZMA2, and doesn't support
+ LZMA1 at all. Compression speed and ratios of LZMA1 and LZMA2
+ are practically the same.
+ LZMA1 and LZMA2 share the same set of options:
+ preset=preset
+ Reset all LZMA1 or LZMA2 options to preset. Preset con-
+ sist of an integer, which may be followed by single-let-
+ ter preset modifiers. The integer can be from 0 to 9,
+ matching the command line options -0 ... -9. The only
+ supported modifier is currently e, which matches
+ --extreme.
+ The default preset is 6, from which the default values
+ for the rest of the LZMA1 or LZMA2 options are taken.
+ dict=size
+ Dictionary (history buffer) size indicates how many bytes
+ of the recently processed uncompressed data is kept in
+ memory. One method to reduce size of the uncompressed
+ data is to store distance-length pairs, which indicate
+ what data to repeat from the dictionary buffer. The big-
+ ger the dictionary, the better the compression ratio usu-
+ ally is, but dictionaries bigger than the uncompressed
+ data are waste of RAM.
+ Typical dictionary size is from 64 KiB to 64 MiB. The
+ minimum is 4 KiB. The maximum for compression is cur-
+ rently 1.5 GiB. The decompressor already supports dictio-
+ naries up to one byte less than 4 GiB, which is the maxi-
+ mum for LZMA1 and LZMA2 stream formats.
+ Dictionary size has the biggest effect on compression
+ ratio. Dictionary size and match finder together deter-
+ mine the memory usage of the LZMA1 or LZMA2 encoder. The
+ same dictionary size is required for decompressing that
+ was used when compressing, thus the memory usage of the
+ decoder is determined by the dictionary size used when
+ compressing.
+ lc=lc Specify the number of literal context bits. The minimum
+ is 0 and the maximum is 4; the default is 3. In addi-
+ tion, the sum of lc and lp must not exceed 4.
+ lp=lp Specify the number of literal position bits. The minimum
+ is 0 and the maximum is 4; the default is 0.
+ pb=pb Specify the number of position bits. The minimum is 0 and
+ the maximum is 4; the default is 2.
+ mode=mode
+ Compression mode specifies the function used to analyze
+ the data produced by the match finder. Supported modes
+ are fast and normal. The default is fast for presets 0-2
+ and normal for presets 3-9.
+ mf=mf Match finder has a major effect on encoder speed, memory
+ usage, and compression ratio. Usually Hash Chain match
+ finders are faster than Binary Tree match finders. Hash
+ Chains are usually used together with mode=fast and
+ Binary Trees with mode=normal. The memory usage formulas
+ are only rough estimates, which are closest to reality
+ when dict is a power of two.
+ hc3 Hash Chain with 2- and 3-byte hashing
+ Minimum value for nice: 3
+ Memory usage: dict * 7.5 (if dict <= 16 MiB);
+ dict * 5.5 + 64 MiB (if dict > 16 MiB)
+ hc4 Hash Chain with 2-, 3-, and 4-byte hashing
+ Minimum value for nice: 4
+ Memory usage: dict * 7.5
+ bt2 Binary Tree with 2-byte hashing
+ Minimum value for nice: 2
+ Memory usage: dict * 9.5
+ bt3 Binary Tree with 2- and 3-byte hashing
+ Minimum value for nice: 3
+ Memory usage: dict * 11.5 (if dict <= 16 MiB);
+ dict * 9.5 + 64 MiB (if dict > 16 MiB)
+ bt4 Binary Tree with 2-, 3-, and 4-byte hashing
+ Minimum value for nice: 4
+ Memory usage: dict * 11.5
+ nice=nice
+ Specify what is considered to be a nice length for a
+ match. Once a match of at least nice bytes is found, the
+ algorithm stops looking for possibly better matches.
+ nice can be 2-273 bytes. Higher values tend to give bet-
+ ter compression ratio at expense of speed. The default
+ depends on the preset level.
+ depth=depth
+ Specify the maximum search depth in the match finder. The
+ default is the special value 0, which makes the compres-
+ sor determine a reasonable depth from mf and nice.
+ Using very high values for depth can make the encoder
+ extremely slow with carefully crafted files. Avoid set-
+ ting the depth over 1000 unless you are prepared to
+ interrupt the compression in case it is taking too long.
+ When decoding raw streams (--format=raw), LZMA2 needs only the
+ value of dict. LZMA1 needs also lc, lp, and pb.
+ --x86[=options]
+ --powerpc[=options]
+ --ia64[=options]
+ --arm[=options]
+ --armthumb[=options]
+ --sparc[=options]
+ Add a branch/call/jump (BCJ) filter to the filter chain. These
+ filters can be used only as non-last filter in the filter chain.
+ A BCJ filter converts relative addresses in the machine code to
+ their absolute counterparts. This doesn't change the size of the
+ data, but it increases redundancy, which allows e.g. LZMA2 to
+ get better compression ratio.
+ The BCJ filters are always reversible, so using a BCJ filter for
+ wrong type of data doesn't cause any data loss. However, apply-
+ ing a BCJ filter for wrong type of data is a bad idea, because
+ it tends to make the compression ratio worse.
+ Different instruction sets have have different alignment:
+ Filter Alignment Notes
+ x86 1 32-bit and 64-bit x86
+ PowerPC 4 Big endian only
+ ARM 4 Little endian only
+ ARM-Thumb 2 Little endian only
+ IA-64 16 Big or little endian
+ SPARC 4 Big or little endian
+ Since the BCJ-filtered data is usually compressed with LZMA2,
+ the compression ratio may be improved slightly if the LZMA2
+ options are set to match the alignment of the selected BCJ fil-
+ ter. For example, with the IA-64 filter, it's good to set pb=4
+ with LZMA2 (2^4=16). The x86 filter is an exception; it's usu-
+ ally good to stick to LZMA2's default four-byte alignment when
+ compressing x86 executables.
+ All BCJ filters support the same options:
+ start=offset
+ Specify the start offset that is used when converting
+ between relative and absolute addresses. The offset must
+ be a multiple of the alignment of the filter (see the ta-
+ ble above). The default is zero. In practice, the
+ default is good; specifying a custom offset is almost
+ never useful.
+ Specifying a non-zero start offset is probably useful
+ only if the executable has multiple sections, and there
+ are many cross-section jumps or calls. Applying a BCJ
+ filter separately for each section with proper start off-
+ set and then compressing the result as a single chunk may
+ give some improvement in compression ratio compared to
+ applying the BCJ filter with the default offset for the
+ whole executable.
+ --delta[=options]
+ Add Delta filter to the filter chain. The Delta filter can be
+ used only as non-last filter in the filter chain.
+ Currently only simple byte-wise delta calculation is supported.
+ It can be useful when compressing e.g. uncompressed bitmap
+ images or uncompressed PCM audio. However, special purpose algo-
+ rithms may give significantly better results than Delta + LZMA2.
+ This is true especially with audio, which compresses faster and
+ better e.g. with FLAC.
+ Supported options:
+ dist=distance
+ Specify the distance of the delta calculation as bytes.
+ distance must be 1-256. The default is 1.
+ For example, with dist=2 and eight-byte input A1 B1 A2 B3
+ A3 B5 A4 B7, the output will be A1 B1 01 02 01 02 01 02.
+ Other options
+ -q, --quiet
+ Suppress warnings and notices. Specify this twice to suppress
+ errors too. This option has no effect on the exit status. That
+ is, even if a warning was suppressed, the exit status to indi-
+ cate a warning is still used.
+ -v, --verbose
+ Be verbose. If standard error is connected to a terminal, xz
+ will display a progress indicator. Specifying --verbose twice
+ will give even more verbose output (useful mostly for debug-
+ ging).
+ -Q, --no-warn
+ Don't set the exit status to 2 even if a condition worth a warn-
+ ing was detected. This option doesn't affect the verbosity
+ level, thus both --quiet and --no-warn have to be used to not
+ display warnings and to not alter the exit status.
+ -h, --help
+ Display a help message describing the most commonly used
+ options, and exit successfully.
+ -H, --long-help
+ Display a help message describing all features of xz, and exit
+ successfully
+ -V, --version
+ Display the version number of xz and liblzma.
+ 0 All is good.
+ 1 An error occurred.
+ 2 Something worth a warning occurred, but no actual errors
+ occurred.
+ Notices (not warnings or errors) printed on standard error don't affect
+ the exit status.
+ XZ_OPT A space-separated list of options is parsed from XZ_OPT before
+ parsing the options given on the command line. Note that only
+ options are parsed from XZ_OPT; all non-options are silently
+ ignored. Parsing is done with getopt_long(3) which is used also
+ for the command line arguments.
+ The command line syntax of xz is practically a superset of lzma,
+ unlzma, and lzcat as found from LZMA Utils 4.32.x. In most cases, it is
+ possible to replace LZMA Utils with XZ Utils without breaking existing
+ scripts. There are some incompatibilities though, which may sometimes
+ cause problems.
+ Compression preset levels
+ The numbering of the compression level presets is not identical in xz
+ and LZMA Utils. The most important difference is how dictionary sizes
+ are mapped to different presets. Dictionary size is roughly equal to
+ the decompressor memory usage.
+ Level xz LZMA Utils
+ -1 64 KiB 64 KiB
+ -2 512 KiB 1 MiB
+ -3 1 MiB 512 KiB
+ -4 2 MiB 1 MiB
+ -5 4 MiB 2 MiB
+ -6 8 MiB 4 MiB
+ -7 16 MiB 8 MiB
+ -8 32 MiB 16 MiB
+ -9 64 MiB 32 MiB
+ The dictionary size differences affect the compressor memory usage too,
+ but there are some other differences between LZMA Utils and XZ Utils,
+ which make the difference even bigger:
+ Level xz LZMA Utils 4.32.x
+ -1 2 MiB 2 MiB
+ -2 5 MiB 12 MiB
+ -3 13 MiB 12 MiB
+ -4 25 MiB 16 MiB
+ -5 48 MiB 26 MiB
+ -6 94 MiB 45 MiB
+ -7 186 MiB 83 MiB
+ -8 370 MiB 159 MiB
+ -9 674 MiB 311 MiB
+ The default preset level in LZMA Utils is -7 while in XZ Utils it is
+ -6, so both use 8 MiB dictionary by default.
+ Streamed vs. non-streamed .lzma files
+ Uncompressed size of the file can be stored in the .lzma header. LZMA
+ Utils does that when compressing regular files. The alternative is to
+ mark that uncompressed size is unknown and use end of payload marker to
+ indicate where the decompressor should stop. LZMA Utils uses this
+ method when uncompressed size isn't known, which is the case for exam-
+ ple in pipes.
+ xz supports decompressing .lzma files with or without end of payload
+ marker, but all .lzma files created by xz will use end of payload
+ marker and have uncompressed size marked as unknown in the .lzma
+ header. This may be a problem in some (uncommon) situations. For exam-
+ ple, a .lzma decompressor in an embedded device might work only with
+ files that have known uncompressed size. If you hit this problem, you
+ need to use LZMA Utils or LZMA SDK to create .lzma files with known
+ uncompressed size.
+ Unsupported .lzma files
+ The .lzma format allows lc values up to 8, and lp values up to 4. LZMA
+ Utils can decompress files with any lc and lp, but always creates files
+ with lc=3 and lp=0. Creating files with other lc and lp is possible
+ with xz and with LZMA SDK.
+ The implementation of the LZMA1 filter in liblzma requires that the sum
+ of lc and lp must not exceed 4. Thus, .lzma files which exceed this
+ limitation, cannot be decompressed with xz.
+ LZMA Utils creates only .lzma files which have dictionary size of 2^n
+ (a power of 2), but accepts files with any dictionary size. liblzma
+ accepts only .lzma files which have dictionary size of 2^n or 2^n +
+ 2^(n-1). This is to decrease false positives when autodetecting .lzma
+ files.
+ These limitations shouldn't be a problem in practice, since practically
+ all .lzma files have been compressed with settings that liblzma will
+ accept.
+ Trailing garbage
+ When decompressing, LZMA Utils silently ignore everything after the
+ first .lzma stream. In most situations, this is a bug. This also means
+ that LZMA Utils don't support decompressing concatenated .lzma files.
+ If there is data left after the first .lzma stream, xz considers the
+ file to be corrupt. This may break obscure scripts which have assumed
+ that trailing garbage is ignored.
+ Compressed output may vary
+ The exact compressed output produced from the same uncompressed input
+ file may vary between XZ Utils versions even if compression options are
+ identical. This is because the encoder can be improved (faster or bet-
+ ter compression) without affecting the file format. The output can vary
+ even between different builds of the same XZ Utils version, if differ-
+ ent build options are used or if the endianness of the hardware is dif-
+ ferent for different builds.
+ The above means that implementing --rsyncable to create rsyncable .xz
+ files is not going to happen without freezing a part of the encoder
+ implementation, which can then be used with --rsyncable.
+ Embedded .xz decompressors
+ Embedded .xz decompressor implementations like XZ Embedded don't neces-
+ sarily support files created with check types other than none and
+ crc32. Since the default is --check=crc64, you must use --check=none
+ or --check=crc32 when creating files for embedded systems.
+ Outside embedded systems, all .xz format decompressors support all the
+ check types, or at least are able to decompress the file without veri-
+ fying the integrity check if the particular check is not supported.
+ XZ Embedded supports BCJ filters, but only with the default start off-
+ set.
+ xzdec(1), gzip(1), bzip2(1)
+ XZ Utils: <>
+ XZ Embedded: <>
+ LZMA SDK: <>
+Tukaani 2009-08-27 XZ(1)
diff --git a/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzdec.txt b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzdec.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee2b820a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzdec.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+XZDEC(1) XZ Utils XZDEC(1)
+ xzdec, lzmadec - Small .xz and .lzma decompressors
+ xzdec [option]... [file]...
+ lzmadec [option]... [file]...
+ xzdec is a liblzma-based decompression-only tool for .xz (and only .xz)
+ files. xzdec is intended to work as a drop-in replacement for xz(1) in
+ the most common situations where a script has been written to use xz
+ --decompress --stdout (and possibly a few other commonly used options)
+ to decompress .xz files. lzmadec is identical to xzdec except that
+ lzmadec supports .lzma files instead of .xz files.
+ To reduce the size of the executable, xzdec doesn't support multi-
+ threading or localization, and doesn't read options from XZ_OPT envi-
+ ronment variable. xzdec doesn't support displaying intermediate
+ progress information: sending SIGINFO to xzdec does nothing, but send-
+ ing SIGUSR1 terminates the process instead of displaying progress
+ information.
+ -d, --decompress, --uncompress
+ Ignored for xz(1) compatibility. xzdec supports only decompres-
+ sion.
+ -k, --keep
+ Ignored for xz(1) compatibility. xzdec never creates or removes
+ any files.
+ -c, --stdout, --to-stdout
+ Ignored for xz(1) compatibility. xzdec always writes the decom-
+ pressed data to standard output.
+ -M limit, --memory=limit
+ Set the memory usage limit. If this option is specified multi-
+ ple times, the last one takes effect. The limit can be specified
+ in multiple ways:
+ o The limit can be an absolute value in bytes. Using an integer
+ suffix like MiB can be useful. Example: --memory=80MiB
+ o The limit can be specified as a percentage of physical RAM.
+ Example: --memory=70%
+ o The limit can be reset back to its default value (currently
+ 40 % of physical RAM) by setting it to 0.
+ o The memory usage limiting can be effectively disabled by set-
+ ting limit to max. This isn't recommended. It's usually bet-
+ ter to use, for example, --memory=90%.
+ The current limit can be seen near the bottom of the output of
+ the --help option.
+ -q, --quiet
+ Specifying this once does nothing since xzdec never displays any
+ warnings or notices. Specify this twice to suppress errors.
+ -Q, --no-warn
+ Ignored for xz(1) compatibility. xzdec never uses the exit sta-
+ tus 2.
+ -h, --help
+ Display a help message and exit successfully.
+ -V, --version
+ Display the version number of xzdec and liblzma.
+ 0 All was good.
+ 1 An error occurred.
+ xzdec doesn't have any warning messages like xz(1) has, thus the exit
+ status 2 is not used by xzdec.
+ xzdec and lzmadec are not really that small. The size can be reduced
+ further by dropping features from liblzma at compile time, but that
+ shouldn't usually be done for executables distributed in typical non-
+ embedded operating system distributions. If you need a truly small .xz
+ decompressor, consider using XZ Embedded.
+ xz(1)
+Tukaani 2009-06-04 XZDEC(1)
diff --git a/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzdiff.txt b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzdiff.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f64568f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzdiff.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ xzcmp, xzdiff, lzcmp, lzdiff - compare compressed files
+ xzcmp [cmp_options] file1 [file2]
+ xzdiff [diff_options] file1 [file2]
+ lzcmp [cmp_options] file1 [file2]
+ lzdiff [diff_options] file1 [file2]
+ xzcmp and xdiff invoke cmp(1) or diff(1) on files compressed with
+ xz(1), lzma(1), gzip(1), or bzip2(1). All options specified are passed
+ directly to cmp or diff. If only one file is specified, then the files
+ compared are file1 (which must have a suffix of a supported compression
+ format) and file1 from which the compression format suffix has been
+ stripped. If two files are specified, then they are uncompressed if
+ necessary and fed to cmp(1) or diff(1). The exit status from cmp or
+ diff is preserved.
+ The names lzcmp and lzdiff are provided for backward compatibility with
+ LZMA Utils.
+ cmp(1), diff(1), xz(1), gzip(1), bzip2(1), zdiff(1)
+ Messages from the cmp(1) or diff(1) programs refer to temporary file-
+ names instead of those specified.
+Tukaani 2009-07-05 XZDIFF(1)
diff --git a/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzgrep.txt b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzgrep.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f665bce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzgrep.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ xzgrep - search compressed files for a regular expression
+ xzgrep [grep_options] [-e] pattern file...
+ xzegrep ...
+ xzfgrep ...
+ lzgrep ...
+ lzegrep ...
+ lzfgrep ...
+ xzgrep invokes grep(1) on files which may be either uncompressed or
+ compressed with xz(1), lzma(1), gzip(1), or bzip2(1). All options
+ specified are passed directly to grep(1).
+ If no file is specified, then the standard input is decompressed if
+ necessary and fed to grep(1). When reading from standard input,
+ gzip(1) and bzip2(1) compressed files are not supported.
+ If xzgrep is invoked as xzegrep or xzfgrep then egrep(1) or fgrep(1) is
+ used instead of grep(1). The same applies to names lzgrep, lzegrep,
+ and lzfgrep, which are provided for backward compatibility with LZMA
+ Utils.
+ GREP If the GREP environment variable is set, xzgrep uses it instead
+ of grep(1), egrep(1), or fgrep(1).
+ grep(1), xz(1), gzip(1), bzip2(1), zgrep(1)
+Tukaani 2009-07-05 XZGREP(1)
diff --git a/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzless.txt b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzless.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f3dc9fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzless.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ xzless, lzless - view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
+ xzless [file...]
+ lzless [file...]
+ xzless is a filter that displays pagefulls of uncompressed text from
+ compressed file(s) to a terminal. It works on files compressed with
+ xz(1) or lzma(1). If no files are given, xzless reads from standard
+ input.
+ xzless uses less(1) as its only pager. Unlike xzmore, the choice of
+ pagers is not alterable by an environment variable. Commands are based
+ on both more(1) and vi(1), and allow back and forth movement and
+ searching. See the less(1) manual for more information.
+ The command named lzless is provided for backward compatibility with
+ LZMA Utils.
+ A list of characters special to the shell. Set by xzless unless
+ it is already set in the environment.
+ Set to a command line to invoke the xz(1) decompressor for pre-
+ processing the input files to less(1).
+ less(1), xz(1), xzmore(1), zless(1)
+Tukaani 2009-07-05 XZLESS(1)
diff --git a/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzmore.txt b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzmore.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f6cfe93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/doc/man/txt/xzmore.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ xzmore, lzmore - view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
+ xzmore [filename ...]
+ lzmore [filename ...]
+ xzmore is a filter which allows examination of xz(1) or lzma(1) com-
+ pressed text files one screenful at a time on a soft-copy terminal.
+ To use a pager other than the default more, set environment variable
+ PAGER to the name of the desired program. The name lzmore is provided
+ for backward compatibility with LZMA Utils.
+ e or q When the prompt --More--(Next file: file) is printed, this com-
+ mand causes xzmore to exit.
+ s When the prompt --More--(Next file: file) is printed, this com-
+ mand causes xzmore to skip the next file and continue.
+ For list of keyboard commands supported while actually viewing the con-
+ tent of a file, refer to manual of the pager you use, usually more(1).
+ more(1), xz(1), xzless(1), zmore(1)
+Tukaani 2009-07-05 XZMORE(1)