path: root/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/util/
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Diffstat (limited to 'storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/util/')
1 files changed, 351 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/util/ b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f821fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
+// vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4:
+#ident "$Id$"
+This file is part of PerconaFT.
+Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ PerconaFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ PerconaFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with PerconaFT. If not, see <>.
+ PerconaFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ PerconaFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with PerconaFT. If not, see <>.
+======= */
+#ident "Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved."
+#include <toku_assert.h>
+#include <util/context.h>
+#include <util/frwlock.h>
+toku_instr_key *frwlock_m_wait_read_key;
+namespace toku {
+ static __thread int thread_local_tid = -1;
+ static int get_local_tid() {
+ if (thread_local_tid == -1) {
+ thread_local_tid = toku_os_gettid();
+ }
+ return thread_local_tid;
+ }
+ void frwlock::init(toku_mutex_t *const mutex
+#if defined(TOKU_MYSQL_WITH_PFS)
+ ,
+ const toku_instr_key &rwlock_instr_key
+ ) {
+ m_mutex = mutex;
+ m_num_readers = 0;
+ m_num_writers = 0;
+ m_num_want_write = 0;
+ m_num_want_read = 0;
+ m_num_signaled_readers = 0;
+ m_num_expensive_want_write = 0;
+#if defined(TOKU_MYSQL_WITH_PFS)
+ toku_pthread_rwlock_init(rwlock_instr_key, &m_rwlock, nullptr);
+ toku_cond_init(toku_uninstrumented, &m_wait_read, nullptr);
+ m_queue_item_read.cond = &m_wait_read;
+ = nullptr;
+ m_wait_read_is_in_queue = false;
+ m_current_writer_expensive = false;
+ m_read_wait_expensive = false;
+ m_current_writer_tid = -1;
+ m_blocking_writer_context_id = CTX_INVALID;
+ m_wait_head = nullptr;
+ m_wait_tail = nullptr;
+ }
+ void frwlock::deinit(void) {
+ toku_cond_destroy(&m_wait_read);
+#if defined(TOKU_MYSQL_WITH_PFS)
+ toku_pthread_rwlock_destroy(&m_rwlock);
+ }
+ bool frwlock::queue_is_empty(void) const { return m_wait_head == nullptr; }
+ void frwlock::enq_item(queue_item *const item) {
+ paranoid_invariant_null(item->next);
+ if (m_wait_tail != nullptr) {
+ m_wait_tail->next = item;
+ } else {
+ paranoid_invariant_null(m_wait_head);
+ m_wait_head = item;
+ }
+ m_wait_tail = item;
+ }
+ toku_cond_t *frwlock::deq_item(void) {
+ paranoid_invariant_notnull(m_wait_head);
+ paranoid_invariant_notnull(m_wait_tail);
+ queue_item *item = m_wait_head;
+ m_wait_head = m_wait_head->next;
+ if (m_wait_tail == item) {
+ m_wait_tail = nullptr;
+ }
+ return item->cond;
+ }
+ // Prerequisite: Holds m_mutex.
+ void frwlock::write_lock(bool expensive) {
+#if defined(TOKU_MYSQL_WITH_PFS)
+ /* Instrumentation start */
+ toku_rwlock_instrumentation rwlock_instr;
+ toku_instr_rwlock_wrlock_wait_start(
+ rwlock_instr, m_rwlock, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ toku_mutex_assert_locked(m_mutex);
+ if (this->try_write_lock(expensive)) {
+#if defined(TOKU_MYSQL_WITH_PFS)
+ /* Instrumentation end */
+ toku_instr_rwlock_wrlock_wait_end(rwlock_instr, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ toku_cond_t cond = TOKU_COND_INITIALIZER;
+ queue_item item = {.cond = &cond, .next = nullptr};
+ this->enq_item(&item);
+ // Wait for our turn.
+ ++m_num_want_write;
+ if (expensive) {
+ ++m_num_expensive_want_write;
+ }
+ if (m_num_writers == 0 && m_num_want_write == 1) {
+ // We are the first to want a write lock. No new readers can get the
+ // lock.
+ // Set our thread id and context for proper instrumentation.
+ // see: toku_context_note_frwlock_contention()
+ m_current_writer_tid = get_local_tid();
+ m_blocking_writer_context_id = toku_thread_get_context()->get_id();
+ }
+ toku_cond_wait(&cond, m_mutex);
+ toku_cond_destroy(&cond);
+ // Now it's our turn.
+ paranoid_invariant(m_num_want_write > 0);
+ paranoid_invariant_zero(m_num_readers);
+ paranoid_invariant_zero(m_num_writers);
+ paranoid_invariant_zero(m_num_signaled_readers);
+ // Not waiting anymore; grab the lock.
+ --m_num_want_write;
+ if (expensive) {
+ --m_num_expensive_want_write;
+ }
+ m_num_writers = 1;
+ m_current_writer_expensive = expensive;
+ m_current_writer_tid = get_local_tid();
+ m_blocking_writer_context_id = toku_thread_get_context()->get_id();
+#if defined(TOKU_MYSQL_WITH_PFS)
+ /* Instrumentation end */
+ toku_instr_rwlock_wrlock_wait_end(rwlock_instr, 0);
+ }
+ bool frwlock::try_write_lock(bool expensive) {
+ toku_mutex_assert_locked(m_mutex);
+ if (m_num_readers > 0 || m_num_writers > 0 ||
+ m_num_signaled_readers > 0 || m_num_want_write > 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // No one holds the lock. Grant the write lock.
+ paranoid_invariant_zero(m_num_want_write);
+ paranoid_invariant_zero(m_num_want_read);
+ m_num_writers = 1;
+ m_current_writer_expensive = expensive;
+ m_current_writer_tid = get_local_tid();
+ m_blocking_writer_context_id = toku_thread_get_context()->get_id();
+ return true;
+ }
+ void frwlock::read_lock(void) {
+#if defined(TOKU_MYSQL_WITH_PFS)
+ /* Instrumentation start */
+ toku_rwlock_instrumentation rwlock_instr;
+ toku_instr_rwlock_rdlock_wait_start(
+ rwlock_instr, m_rwlock, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ toku_mutex_assert_locked(m_mutex);
+ if (m_num_writers > 0 || m_num_want_write > 0) {
+ if (!m_wait_read_is_in_queue) {
+ // Throw the read cond_t onto the queue.
+ paranoid_invariant(m_num_signaled_readers == m_num_want_read);
+ = nullptr;
+ this->enq_item(&m_queue_item_read);
+ m_wait_read_is_in_queue = true;
+ paranoid_invariant(!m_read_wait_expensive);
+ m_read_wait_expensive = (m_current_writer_expensive ||
+ (m_num_expensive_want_write > 0));
+ }
+ // Note this contention event in engine status.
+ toku_context_note_frwlock_contention(
+ toku_thread_get_context()->get_id(),
+ m_blocking_writer_context_id);
+ // Wait for our turn.
+ ++m_num_want_read;
+ toku_cond_wait(&m_wait_read, m_mutex);
+ // Now it's our turn.
+ paranoid_invariant_zero(m_num_writers);
+ paranoid_invariant(m_num_want_read > 0);
+ paranoid_invariant(m_num_signaled_readers > 0);
+ // Not waiting anymore; grab the lock.
+ --m_num_want_read;
+ --m_num_signaled_readers;
+ }
+ ++m_num_readers;
+#if defined(TOKU_MYSQL_WITH_PFS)
+ /* Instrumentation end */
+ toku_instr_rwlock_rdlock_wait_end(rwlock_instr, 0);
+ }
+ bool frwlock::try_read_lock(void) {
+ toku_mutex_assert_locked(m_mutex);
+ if (m_num_writers > 0 || m_num_want_write > 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // No writer holds the lock.
+ // No writers are waiting.
+ // Grant the read lock.
+ ++m_num_readers;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void frwlock::maybe_signal_next_writer(void) {
+ if (m_num_want_write > 0 && m_num_signaled_readers == 0 &&
+ m_num_readers == 0) {
+ toku_cond_t *cond = this->deq_item();
+ paranoid_invariant(cond != &m_wait_read);
+ // Grant write lock to waiting writer.
+ paranoid_invariant(m_num_want_write > 0);
+ toku_cond_signal(cond);
+ }
+ }
+ void frwlock::read_unlock(void) {
+ toku_instr_rwlock_unlock(m_rwlock);
+ toku_mutex_assert_locked(m_mutex);
+ paranoid_invariant(m_num_writers == 0);
+ paranoid_invariant(m_num_readers > 0);
+ --m_num_readers;
+ this->maybe_signal_next_writer();
+ }
+ bool frwlock::read_lock_is_expensive(void) {
+ toku_mutex_assert_locked(m_mutex);
+ if (m_wait_read_is_in_queue) {
+ return m_read_wait_expensive;
+ } else {
+ return m_current_writer_expensive ||
+ (m_num_expensive_want_write > 0);
+ }
+ }
+ void frwlock::maybe_signal_or_broadcast_next(void) {
+ paranoid_invariant(m_num_signaled_readers == 0);
+ if (this->queue_is_empty()) {
+ paranoid_invariant(m_num_want_write == 0);
+ paranoid_invariant(m_num_want_read == 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ toku_cond_t *cond = this->deq_item();
+ if (cond == &m_wait_read) {
+ // Grant read locks to all waiting readers
+ paranoid_invariant(m_wait_read_is_in_queue);
+ paranoid_invariant(m_num_want_read > 0);
+ m_num_signaled_readers = m_num_want_read;
+ m_wait_read_is_in_queue = false;
+ m_read_wait_expensive = false;
+ toku_cond_broadcast(cond);
+ } else {
+ // Grant write lock to waiting writer.
+ paranoid_invariant(m_num_want_write > 0);
+ toku_cond_signal(cond);
+ }
+ }
+ void frwlock::write_unlock(void) {
+#if defined(TOKU_MYSQL_WITH_PFS)
+ toku_instr_rwlock_unlock(m_rwlock);
+ toku_mutex_assert_locked(m_mutex);
+ paranoid_invariant(m_num_writers == 1);
+ m_num_writers = 0;
+ m_current_writer_expensive = false;
+ m_current_writer_tid = -1;
+ m_blocking_writer_context_id = CTX_INVALID;
+ this->maybe_signal_or_broadcast_next();
+ }
+ bool frwlock::write_lock_is_expensive(void) {
+ toku_mutex_assert_locked(m_mutex);
+ return (m_num_expensive_want_write > 0) || (m_current_writer_expensive);
+ }
+ uint32_t frwlock::users(void) const {
+ toku_mutex_assert_locked(m_mutex);
+ return m_num_readers + m_num_writers + m_num_want_read +
+ m_num_want_write;
+ }
+ uint32_t frwlock::blocked_users(void) const {
+ toku_mutex_assert_locked(m_mutex);
+ return m_num_want_read + m_num_want_write;
+ }
+ uint32_t frwlock::writers(void) const {
+ // this is sometimes called as "assert(lock->writers())" when we
+ // assume we have the write lock. if that's the assumption, we may
+ // not own the mutex, so we don't assert_locked here
+ return m_num_writers;
+ }
+ uint32_t frwlock::blocked_writers(void) const {
+ toku_mutex_assert_locked(m_mutex);
+ return m_num_want_write;
+ }
+ uint32_t frwlock::readers(void) const {
+ toku_mutex_assert_locked(m_mutex);
+ return m_num_readers;
+ }
+ uint32_t frwlock::blocked_readers(void) const {
+ toku_mutex_assert_locked(m_mutex);
+ return m_num_want_read;
+ }
+} // namespace toku