mariadb-10.5 (1:10.5.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium The latest version 10.5 of the MariaDB Server came out in June 2020 and is guaranteed to have security releases at least until summer 2025. For more information on what is new in MariaDB 10.5 check out: or video from Quick summary: - Service name is now 'mariadb', e.g. /etc/init.d/mariadb and systemctl mariadb - The main server binary is now running as 'mariadbd' instead of old 'mysqld' - Many commands are now mariadb-* instead of old mysql*, but old names continue to work as symlinks - Referencing the /etc/mysql/debian.cnf file is not advised anymore. It will be deprecated in a future Debian release and has been obsolete anyway for several years now since MariaDB in Debian introduced Unix socket authentication for the root account in 2015. MariaDB 10.5 has been tested to be backwards compatible with all previous versions of MariaDB and all previous versions of MySQL up until version 5.7. Note that MySQL 8.0 introduces significant backwards incompatible changes compared to MySQL 5.7, and thus in-place binary upgrades from MySQL 8.0 to MariaDB 10.5 are not possible, but sysadmins need to upgrade by exporting and importing SQL dumps of their databases. If you encounter any bugs, please make sure your bug report is of highest standards so we can quickly reproduce and fix the issue. Even better if you find the solution yourself, and can submit it as a Merge Request at If you appreciate the Debian packaging work done, please star us on Salsa! -- Otto Kekäläinen Thu, 17 Sep 2020 14:37:47 +0300 mariadb-10.1 (10.1.20-1) unstable; urgency=low MariaDB is now the default MySQL variant in Debian, at version 10.1. The Stretch release introduces a new mechanism for switching the default variant, using metapackages created from the 'mysql-defaults' source package. For example, installing the metapackage 'default-mysql-server' will install 'mariadb-server-10.1'. Users who had 'mysql-server-5.5' or 'mysql-server-5.6' will have it removed and replaced by the MariaDB equivalent. Similarly, installing 'default-mysql-client' will install 'mariadb-client-10.1'. Note that the database binary data file formats are not backwards compatible, so once you have upgraded to MariaDB 10.1 you will not be able to switch back to any previous version of MariaDB or MySQL unless you have a proper database dump. Therefore, before upgrading, please make backups of all important databases with an appropriate tool such as 'mysqldump'. The 'virtual-mysql-*' and 'default-mysql-*' packages will continue to exist. MySQL continues to be maintained in Debian, in the unstable release. See the page more information about the mysql-related software available in Debian. -- Otto Kekäläinen Tue, 14 Mar 2017 16:21:58 +0200