call mtr.add_suppression("Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction"); set global default_storage_engine='innodb'; set session default_storage_engine='innodb'; set @innodb_stats_persistent_save= @@innodb_stats_persistent; set @innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages_save= @@innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages; set global innodb_stats_persistent= 1; set global innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages=100; drop table if exists t1, t2; # # Bug#13694811: THE OPTIMIZER WRONGLY USES THE FIRST # INNODB PARTITION STATISTICS # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b varchar(64), PRIMARY KEY (a), KEY (b)) ENGINE = InnoDB PARTITION BY RANGE (a) SUBPARTITION BY HASH (a) SUBPARTITIONS 10 (PARTITION pNeg VALUES LESS THAN (0), PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (1000), PARTITION pMAX VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE); # Only one row in the first 10 subpartitions INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (-1, 'Only negative pk value'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0, 'Mod Zero'), (1, 'One'), (2, 'Two'), (3, 'Three'), (10, 'Zero'), (11, 'Mod One'), (12, 'Mod Two'), (13, 'Mod Three'), (20, '0'), (21, '1'), (22, '2'), (23, '3'), (4, '4'), (5, '5'), (6, '6'), (7, '7'), (8, '8'), (9, '9'); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a + 30, b FROM t1 WHERE a >= 0; INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a + 60, b FROM t1 WHERE a >= 0; INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a + 120, b FROM t1 WHERE a >= 0; INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a + 240, b FROM t1 WHERE a >= 0; ANALYZE TABLE t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 analyze status Engine-independent statistics collected test.t1 analyze status OK EXPLAIN SELECT b FROM t1 WHERE b between 'L' and 'N' AND a > -100; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 range PRIMARY,b b 67 NULL 90 Using where; Using index DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#13007154: Crash in keys_to_use_for_scanning with ORDER BY # and PARTITIONING # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, KEY(a)) ENGINE = InnoDB PARTITION BY KEY (a) PARTITIONS 1; SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE a > (SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM t1 LIMIT 0) ORDER BY a; 1 DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#56287: crash when using Partition datetime in sub in query # CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, c2 varchar(40) not null default '', c3 datetime not NULL, PRIMARY KEY (c1,c3), KEY partidx(c3)) ENGINE=InnoDB PARTITION BY RANGE (TO_DAYS(c3)) (PARTITION p200912 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2010-01-01')), PARTITION p201103 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2011-04-01')), PARTITION p201912 VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE); insert into t1(c2,c3) values ("Test row",'2010-01-01 00:00:00'); SELECT PARTITION_NAME, TABLE_ROWS FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 't1' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'test'; PARTITION_NAME TABLE_ROWS p200912 0 p201103 1 p201912 0 SELECT count(*) FROM t1 p where c3 in (select c3 from t1 t where t.c3 < timestamp '2011-04-26 19:19:44' and t.c3 > timestamp '2011-04-26 19:18:44') ; count(*) 0 DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#54747: Deadlock between REORGANIZE PARTITION and # SELECT is not detected # SET @old_innodb_thread_concurrency := @@innodb_thread_concurrency; SET @old_innodb_thread_sleep_delay := @@innodb_thread_sleep_delay; SET GLOBAL innodb_thread_concurrency = 1; CREATE TABLE t1 (user_num BIGINT, hours SMALLINT, KEY user_num (user_num)) ENGINE = InnoDB PARTITION BY RANGE COLUMNS (hours) (PARTITION hour_003 VALUES LESS THAN (3), PARTITION hour_004 VALUES LESS THAN (4), PARTITION hour_005 VALUES LESS THAN (5), PARTITION hour_last VALUES LESS THAN (MAXVALUE)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5); BEGIN; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1; COUNT(*) 5 connect con1,localhost,root,,; # SEND a ALTER PARTITION which waits on the ongoing transaction. ALTER TABLE t1 REORGANIZE PARTITION hour_003, hour_004 INTO (PARTITION oldest VALUES LESS THAN (4)); # Connection default wait until the ALTER is in 'waiting for table...' # state and then continue the transaction by trying a SELECT connection default; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1; COUNT(*) 5 COMMIT; # reaping ALTER. connection con1; # Cleaning up. disconnect con1; connection default; SET GLOBAL innodb_thread_concurrency = @old_innodb_thread_concurrency; SET GLOBAL innodb_thread_sleep_delay = @old_innodb_thread_sleep_delay; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#50418: DROP PARTITION does not interact with transactions # CREATE TABLE t1 ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, name CHAR(50) NOT NULL, myDate DATE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id, myDate), INDEX idx_date (myDate) ) ENGINE=InnoDB PARTITION BY RANGE ( TO_DAYS(myDate) ) ( PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (734028), PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (734029), PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (734030), PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE ) ; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'Lachlan', '2009-09-13'), (NULL, 'Clint', '2009-09-13'), (NULL, 'John', '2009-09-14'), (NULL, 'Dave', '2009-09-14'), (NULL, 'Jeremy', '2009-09-15'), (NULL, 'Scott', '2009-09-15'), (NULL, 'Jeff', '2009-09-16'), (NULL, 'Joe', '2009-09-16'); SET AUTOCOMMIT=0; SELECT * FROM t1 FOR UPDATE; id name myDate 1 Lachlan 2009-09-13 2 Clint 2009-09-13 3 John 2009-09-14 4 Dave 2009-09-14 5 Jeremy 2009-09-15 6 Scott 2009-09-15 7 Jeff 2009-09-16 8 Joe 2009-09-16 UPDATE t1 SET name = 'Mattias' WHERE id = 7; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE id = 7; id name myDate 7 Mattias 2009-09-16 connect con1, localhost, root,,; SET lock_wait_timeout = 1; # After the patch it will wait and fail on timeout. ALTER TABLE t1 DROP PARTITION p3; ERROR HY000: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction SHOW WARNINGS; Level Code Message Error 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction disconnect con1; connection default; SELECT * FROM t1; id name myDate 1 Lachlan 2009-09-13 2 Clint 2009-09-13 3 John 2009-09-14 4 Dave 2009-09-14 5 Jeremy 2009-09-15 6 Scott 2009-09-15 7 Mattias 2009-09-16 8 Joe 2009-09-16 # No changes. COMMIT; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#51830: Incorrect partition pruning on range partition (regression) # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT NOT NULL) ENGINE = InnoDB PARTITION BY RANGE(a) (PARTITION p10 VALUES LESS THAN (10), PARTITION p30 VALUES LESS THAN (30), PARTITION p50 VALUES LESS THAN (50), PARTITION p70 VALUES LESS THAN (70), PARTITION p90 VALUES LESS THAN (90)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10),(30),(50); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (70); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (80); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (89); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (90); ERROR HY000: Table has no partition for value 90 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (100); ERROR HY000: Table has no partition for value 100 insert INTO t1 VALUES (110); ERROR HY000: Table has no partition for value 110 EXPLAIN PARTITIONS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a > 90; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables EXPLAIN PARTITIONS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 90; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables EXPLAIN PARTITIONS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a = 90; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables EXPLAIN PARTITIONS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a = 89; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 p90 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 Using where EXPLAIN PARTITIONS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 89; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 p90 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 Using where EXPLAIN PARTITIONS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a > 89; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables EXPLAIN PARTITIONS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a = 100; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables EXPLAIN PARTITIONS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 100; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables EXPLAIN PARTITIONS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a > 100; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#50104: Partitioned table with just 1 partion works with fk # CREATE TABLE t2 ( id INT, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB ; CREATE TABLE t1 ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, parent_id INT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY parent_id (parent_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE t1 PARTITION BY HASH (id) PARTITIONS 1; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD CONSTRAINT test_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES t2 (id); ERROR HY000: Partitioned tables do not support FOREIGN KEY ALTER TABLE t1 PARTITION BY HASH (id) PARTITIONS 2; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD CONSTRAINT test_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES t2 (id); ERROR HY000: Partitioned tables do not support FOREIGN KEY DROP TABLE t1, t2; create table t1 (a varchar(5), b int signed, c varchar(10), d datetime) partition by range columns(b,c) subpartition by hash(to_seconds(d)) ( partition p0 values less than (2, 'b'), partition p1 values less than (4, 'd'), partition p2 values less than (10, 'za')); insert into t1 values ('a', 3, 'w', '2001-10-27 04:34:00'); insert into t1 values ('r', 7, 'w', '2001-10-27 05:34:00'); insert into t1 values ('g', 10, 'w', '2001-10-27 06:34:00'); update t1 set a = 'c' where a > 'f'; drop table t1; create table t1 (a varchar(5)) engine=memory partition by range columns(a) ( partition p0 values less than ('m'), partition p1 values less than ('za')); insert into t1 values ('j'); update t1 set a = 'z' where (a >= 'j'); drop table t1; create table t1 (a varchar(5)) engine=myisam partition by range columns(a) ( partition p0 values less than ('m'), partition p1 values less than ('za')); insert into t1 values ('j'); update t1 set a = 'z' where (a >= 'j'); drop table t1; create table t1 (a varchar(5)) engine=innodb partition by range columns(a) ( partition p0 values less than ('m'), partition p1 values less than ('za')); insert into t1 values ('j'); update t1 set a = 'z' where (a >= 'j'); drop table t1; create table t1 (a int not null, b datetime not null, primary key (a,b)) engine=innodb partition by range (to_days(b)) subpartition by hash (a) subpartitions 2 ( partition p0 values less than (to_days('2009-01-01')), partition p1 values less than (to_days('2009-02-01')), partition p2 values less than (to_days('2009-03-01')), partition p3 values less than maxvalue); alter table t1 reorganize partition p1,p2 into ( partition p2 values less than (to_days('2009-03-01'))); drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT PRIMARY KEY, data INT) ENGINE = InnoDB PARTITION BY RANGE(id) ( PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (5), PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (10), PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4), (5,5), (6,6), (7,7), (8,8), (9,9), (10,10), (11,11); SET @old_tx_isolation := @@session.tx_isolation; SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; SET autocommit = 0; UPDATE t1 SET DATA = data*2 WHERE id = 3; UPDATE t1 SET data = data*2 WHERE data = 2; SET @@session.tx_isolation = @old_tx_isolation; DROP TABLE t1; # Bug#37721, test of ORDER BY on PK and WHERE on INDEX CREATE TABLE t1 ( a INT, b INT, PRIMARY KEY (a), INDEX (b)) ENGINE InnoDB PARTITION BY HASH(a) PARTITIONS 3; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0,0),(4,0),(2,0); SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE b = 0 ORDER BY a ASC; a 0 2 4 SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE b = 0 ORDER BY a DESC; a 4 2 0 ALTER TABLE t1 DROP INDEX b; SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE b = 0 ORDER BY a ASC; a 0 2 4 SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE b = 0 ORDER BY a DESC; a 4 2 0 DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( a VARCHAR(600), b VARCHAR(600), PRIMARY KEY (a), INDEX (b)) ENGINE InnoDB PARTITION BY KEY(a) PARTITIONS 3; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (concat(repeat('MySQL',100),'1'),repeat('0',257)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (concat(repeat('MySQL',100),'3'),repeat('0',257)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (concat(repeat('MySQL',100),'2'),repeat('0',257)); SELECT right(a,1) FROM t1 WHERE b = repeat('0',257) ORDER BY a ASC; right(a,1) 1 2 3 SELECT right(a,1) FROM t1 WHERE b = repeat('0',257) ORDER BY a DESC; right(a,1) 3 2 1 ALTER TABLE t1 DROP INDEX b; SELECT right(a,1) FROM t1 WHERE b = repeat('0',257) ORDER BY a ASC; right(a,1) 1 2 3 SELECT right(a,1) FROM t1 WHERE b = repeat('0',257) ORDER BY a DESC; right(a,1) 3 2 1 DROP TABLE t1; # Bug#32948 CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT, PRIMARY KEY (c1)) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE TABLE t2 (c1 INT, PRIMARY KEY (c1), FOREIGN KEY (c1) REFERENCES t1 (c1) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=INNODB; ALTER TABLE t1 PARTITION BY HASH(c1) PARTITIONS 5; ERROR 23000: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails ALTER TABLE t1 ENGINE=MyISAM; ERROR 23000: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails DROP TABLE t2; DROP TABLE t1; create table t1 (a int) engine=innodb partition by hash(a) ; show table status like 't1'; Name Engine Version Row_format Rows Avg_row_length Data_length Max_data_length Index_length Data_free Auto_increment Create_time Update_time Check_time Collation Checksum Create_options Comment Max_index_length Temporary t1 InnoDB 10 Dynamic 2 8192 16384 0 0 0 NULL # NULL NULL latin1_swedish_ci NULL partitioned 0 N drop table t1; create table t1 (a int) engine = innodb partition by key (a); show table status; Name Engine Version Row_format Rows Avg_row_length Data_length Max_data_length Index_length Data_free Auto_increment Create_time Update_time Check_time Collation Checksum Create_options Comment Max_index_length Temporary t1 InnoDB 10 Dynamic 2 8192 16384 0 0 0 NULL Create_time NULL NULL latin1_swedish_ci NULL partitioned 0 N insert into t1 values (0), (1), (2), (3); show table status; Name Engine Version Row_format Rows Avg_row_length Data_length Max_data_length Index_length Data_free Auto_increment Create_time Update_time Check_time Collation Checksum Create_options Comment Max_index_length Temporary t1 InnoDB 10 Dynamic 4 4096 16384 0 0 0 NULL Create_time Update_time NULL latin1_swedish_ci NULL partitioned 0 N drop table t1; create table t1 (a int auto_increment primary key) engine = innodb partition by key (a); show table status; Name Engine Version Row_format Rows Avg_row_length Data_length Max_data_length Index_length Data_free Auto_increment Create_time Update_time Check_time Collation Checksum Create_options Comment Max_index_length Temporary t1 InnoDB 10 Dynamic 2 8192 16384 0 0 0 1 Create_time NULL NULL latin1_swedish_ci NULL partitioned 0 N insert into t1 values (NULL), (NULL), (NULL), (NULL); show table status; Name Engine Version Row_format Rows Avg_row_length Data_length Max_data_length Index_length Data_free Auto_increment Create_time Update_time Check_time Collation Checksum Create_options Comment Max_index_length Temporary t1 InnoDB 10 Dynamic 4 4096 16384 0 0 0 5 Create_time Update_time NULL latin1_swedish_ci NULL partitioned 0 N insert into t1 values (NULL), (NULL), (NULL), (NULL); show table status; Name Engine Version Row_format Rows Avg_row_length Data_length Max_data_length Index_length Data_free Auto_increment Create_time Update_time Check_time Collation Checksum Create_options Comment Max_index_length Temporary t1 InnoDB 10 Dynamic 8 2048 16384 0 0 0 9 Create_time Update_time NULL latin1_swedish_ci NULL partitioned 0 N drop table t1; create table t1 (a int) partition by key (a) (partition p1 engine = innodb); alter table t1 rebuild partition p1; alter table t1 rebuild partition p1; alter table t1 rebuild partition p1; alter table t1 rebuild partition p1; alter table t1 rebuild partition p1; alter table t1 rebuild partition p1; alter table t1 rebuild partition p1; drop table t1; create table t1 (a date) engine = innodb partition by range (year(a)) (partition p0 values less than (2006), partition p1 values less than (2007)); explain partitions select * from t1 where a between '2006-01-01' and '2007-06-01'; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 p1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 Using where drop table t1; SET SQL_MODE=""; create table t1 (a int) engine = x partition by key (a); Warnings: Warning 1286 Unknown storage engine 'x' Warning 1266 Using storage engine InnoDB for table 't1' show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 PARTITION BY KEY (`a`) drop table t1; create table t1 (a int) engine = innodb partition by list (a) (partition p0 values in (0)); alter table t1 engine = x; Warnings: Warning 1286 Unknown storage engine 'x' show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 PARTITION BY LIST (`a`) (PARTITION `p0` VALUES IN (0) ENGINE = InnoDB) drop table t1; SET SQL_MODE=default; create table t1 ( id int unsigned auto_increment, time datetime not null, first_name varchar(40), last_name varchar(50), primary key (id, time), index first_index (first_name), index last_index (last_name) ) engine=Innodb partition by range (to_days(time)) ( partition p1 values less than (to_days('2007-02-07')), partition p2 values less than (to_days('2007-02-08')), partition p3 values less than MAXVALUE ); insert into t1 (time, first_name, last_name) values ('2007-02-07', 'Q', 'Robert'), ('2007-02-07', 'Mark', 'Nate'), ('2007-02-07', 'Nate', 'Oscar'), ('2007-02-07', 'Zack', 'Alice'), ('2007-02-07', 'Jack', 'Kathy'), ('2007-02-06', 'Alice', 'Alice'), ('2007-02-06', 'Brian', 'Charles'), ('2007-02-06', 'Charles', 'David'), ('2007-02-06', 'David', 'Eric'), ('2007-02-07', 'Hector', 'Isaac'), ('2007-02-07', 'Oscar', 'Patricia'), ('2007-02-07', 'Patricia', 'Q'), ('2007-02-07', 'X', 'Yuri'), ('2007-02-07', 'Robert', 'Shawn'), ('2007-02-07', 'Kathy', 'Lois'), ('2007-02-07', 'Eric', 'Francis'), ('2007-02-06', 'Shawn', 'Theron'), ('2007-02-06', 'U', 'Vincent'), ('2007-02-06', 'Francis', 'George'), ('2007-02-06', 'George', 'Hector'), ('2007-02-06', 'Vincent', 'Walter'), ('2007-02-06', 'Walter', 'X'), ('2007-02-07', 'Lois', 'Mark'), ('2007-02-07', 'Yuri', 'Zack'), ('2007-02-07', 'Isaac', 'Jack'), ('2007-02-07', 'Sharon', 'Mark'), ('2007-02-07', 'Michael', 'Michelle'), ('2007-02-07', 'Derick', 'Nathan'), ('2007-02-07', 'Peter', 'Xavier'), ('2007-02-07', 'Fred', 'Harold'), ('2007-02-07', 'Katherine', 'Lisa'), ('2007-02-07', 'Tom', 'Rina'), ('2007-02-07', 'Jerry', 'Victor'), ('2007-02-07', 'Alexander', 'Terry'), ('2007-02-07', 'Justin', 'John'), ('2007-02-07', 'Greg', 'Ernest'), ('2007-02-07', 'Robert', 'Q'), ('2007-02-07', 'Nate', 'Mark'), ('2007-02-07', 'Oscar', 'Nate'), ('2007-02-07', 'Alice', 'Zack'), ('2007-02-07', 'Kathy', 'Jack'), ('2007-02-06', 'Alice', 'Alice'), ('2007-02-06', 'Charles', 'Brian'), ('2007-02-06', 'David', 'Charles'), ('2007-02-06', 'Eric', 'David'), ('2007-02-07', 'Isaac', 'Hector'), ('2007-02-07', 'Patricia', 'Oscar'), ('2007-02-07', 'Q', 'Patricia'), ('2007-02-07', 'Yuri', 'X'), ('2007-02-07', 'Shawn', 'Robert'), ('2007-02-07', 'Lois', 'Kathy'), ('2007-02-07', 'Francis', 'Eric'), ('2007-02-06', 'Theron', 'Shawn'), ('2007-02-06', 'Vincent', 'U'), ('2007-02-06', 'George', 'Francis'), ('2007-02-06', 'Hector', 'George'), ('2007-02-06', 'Walter', 'Vincent'), ('2007-02-06', 'X', 'Walter'), ('2007-02-07', 'Mark', 'Lois'), ('2007-02-07', 'Zack', 'Yuri'), ('2007-02-07', 'Jack', 'Isaac'), ('2007-02-07', 'Mark', 'Sharon'), ('2007-02-07', 'Michelle', 'Michael'), ('2007-02-07', 'Nathan', 'Derick'), ('2007-02-07', 'Xavier', 'Peter'), ('2007-02-07', 'Harold', 'Fred'), ('2007-02-07', 'Lisa', 'Katherine'), ('2007-02-07', 'Rina', 'Tom'), ('2007-02-07', 'Victor', 'Jerry'), ('2007-02-07', 'Terry', 'Alexander'), ('2007-02-07', 'John', 'Justin'), ('2007-02-07', 'Ernest', 'Greg'); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE first_name='Andy' OR last_name='Jake'; id time first_name last_name drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a DOUBLE NOT NULL, KEY(a)) ENGINE=InnoDB PARTITION BY KEY(a) PARTITIONS 10; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1),(2); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1; COUNT(*) 2 DROP TABLE t1; create table t1 (int_column int, char_column char(5)) PARTITION BY RANGE (int_column) subpartition by key (char_column) subpartitions 2 (PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (5) ENGINE = InnoDB); alter table t1 ENGINE = MyISAM PARTITION BY RANGE (int_column) subpartition by key (char_column) subpartitions 2 (PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (5)); show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `int_column` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `char_column` char(5) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 PARTITION BY RANGE (`int_column`) SUBPARTITION BY KEY (`char_column`) SUBPARTITIONS 2 (PARTITION `p1` VALUES LESS THAN (5) ENGINE = MyISAM) drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT) ENGINE=InnoDB PARTITION BY list(a) (PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (1)); CREATE INDEX i1 ON t1 (a); DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#54783: optimize table crashes with invalid timestamp default value and NO_ZERO_DATE # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b TIMESTAMP DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ENGINE=INNODB PARTITION BY LINEAR HASH (a) PARTITIONS 1; SET @old_mode = @@sql_mode; SET SESSION sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE'; OPTIMIZE TABLE t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 optimize note Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead test.t1 optimize error Invalid default value for 'b' test.t1 optimize status Operation failed Warnings: Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'b' at row 1 Error 1067 Invalid default value for 'b' SET SESSION sql_mode = @old_mode; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#57985 "ONLINE/FAST ALTER PARTITION can fail and leave the # table unusable". # CREATE TABLE t1 (a bigint not null, b int not null, PRIMARY KEY (a)) ENGINE = InnoDB PARTITION BY KEY(a) PARTITIONS 2; INSERT INTO t1 values (0,1), (1,2); # The below ALTER should fail. It should leave the # table in its original, non-corrupted, usable state. ALTER TABLE t1 ADD UNIQUE KEY (b); ERROR HY000: A UNIQUE INDEX must include all columns in the table's partitioning function # The below statements should succeed, as ALTER should # have left table intact. SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `b` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`a`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 PARTITION BY KEY (`a`) PARTITIONS 2 SELECT * FROM t1; a b 1 2 0 1 DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#57985 "ONLINE/FAST ALTER PARTITION can fail and leave the # table unusable". # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a bigint not null, b int not null, PRIMARY KEY (a)) ENGINE = InnoDB PARTITION BY KEY(a) PARTITIONS 2; INSERT INTO t1 values (0,1), (1,2); # The below ALTER should fail. It should leave the # table in its original, non-corrupted, usable state. ALTER TABLE t1 ADD UNIQUE KEY (b); ERROR HY000: A UNIQUE INDEX must include all columns in the table's partitioning function # The below statements should succeed, as ALTER should # have left table intact. SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `b` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`a`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 PARTITION BY KEY (`a`) PARTITIONS 2 SELECT * FROM t1; a b 1 2 0 1 DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #17299181 CREATE_TIME AND UPDATE_TIME ARE # WRONG FOR PARTITIONED TABLES # CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, PRIMARY KEY (a)) ENGINE=InnoDB PARTITION BY HASH (a) PARTITIONS 2; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE CREATE_TIME IS NOT NULL AND TABLE_NAME='t1'; COUNT(*) 1 DROP TABLE t1; # # BUG#12912171 - ASSERTION FAILED: QUICK->HEAD->READ_SET == # SAVE_READ_SET # CREATE TABLE t1 ( a INT, b INT, c INT, PRIMARY KEY (c,a), KEY (a),KEY (a) ) ENGINE=INNODB PARTITION BY KEY () PARTITIONS 2; Warnings: Note 1831 Duplicate index `a_2`. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,5,1),(2,4,1),(3,3,1),(4,2,1),(5,1,1); UPDATE t1 SET b = 0, c=1 WHERE a <=>0; SELECT * FROM t1; a b c 1 5 1 2 4 1 3 3 1 4 2 1 5 1 1 DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-5102 : MySQL Bug 69851 # CREATE TABLE t1 ( `col1` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL , `col2` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL , `col3` datetime NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`col3`), KEY (`col1`), KEY (`col2`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 PARTITION BY RANGE (TO_DAYS(col3)) ( PARTITION p_20130310 VALUES LESS THAN (735303) ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p_20130311 VALUES LESS THAN (735304) ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p_20130312 VALUES LESS THAN (735305) ENGINE = InnoDB ); INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (2,96,'2013-03-08 16:28:05'); INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (1,2,'2013-03-08 16:47:39'); INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (1,2,'2013-03-08 16:50:27'); INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (1,2,'2013-03-11 16:33:04'); INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (1,2,'2013-03-11 16:33:24'); INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (2,2,'2013-03-12 10:11:48'); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE col1 = 1 AND col2 = 2 AND col3 BETWEEN '2013-03-08 00:00:00' AND '2013-03-12 12:00:00' GROUP BY 1, 2, 3; col1 col2 col3 1 2 2013-03-08 16:47:39 1 2 2013-03-08 16:50:27 1 2 2013-03-11 16:33:04 1 2 2013-03-11 16:33:24 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE col1 = 1 AND col2 = 2 AND col3 BETWEEN '2013-03-08 00:00:00' AND '2013-03-12 12:00:00' GROUP BY 1, 2, 3; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 range PRIMARY,col1,col2 PRIMARY 5 NULL # Using where; Using filesort SELECT * FROM t1 USE INDEX () WHERE col1 = 1 AND col2 = 2 AND col3 BETWEEN '2013-03-08 00:00:00' AND '2013-03-12 12:00:00' GROUP BY 1, 2, 3; col1 col2 col3 1 2 2013-03-08 16:47:39 1 2 2013-03-08 16:50:27 1 2 2013-03-11 16:33:04 1 2 2013-03-11 16:33:24 DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-5177: ha_partition and innodb index intersection produce fewer rows (MySQL Bug#70703) # create table t1 ( a int not null, b int not null, pk int not null, primary key (pk), key(a), key(b) ) engine=innodb partition by hash(pk) partitions 10; insert into t1 values (1,2,4); insert into t1 values (1,0,17); insert into t1 values (1,2,25); insert into t1 values (10,20,122); insert into t1 values (10,20,123); create table t2 (a int); insert into t2 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); insert into t1 select 1,2, 200 + A.a + 10*B.a + 100*C.a from t2 A, t2 B, t2 C; insert into t1 select 10+A.a + 10*B.a + 100*C.a + 1000*D.a, 10+A.a + 10*B.a + 100*C.a + 1000*D.a, 2000 + A.a + 10*B.a + 100*C.a + 1000*D.a from t2 A, t2 B, t2 C ,t2 D; set statement optimizer_switch='rowid_filter=off' for explain select * from t1 where a=1 and b=2 and pk between 1 and 999999 ; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge PRIMARY,a,b b,a 4,4 NULL # Using intersect(b,a); Using where; Using index set statement optimizer_switch='rowid_filter=off' for create temporary table t3 as select * from t1 where a=1 and b=2 and pk between 1 and 999 ; select count(*) from t3; count(*) 802 drop table t3; create temporary table t3 as select * from t1 ignore index(a,b) where a=1 and b=2 and pk between 1 and 999 ; select count(*) from t3; count(*) 802 drop table t3; drop table t1,t2; # # MySQL Bug#71095: Wrong results with PARTITION BY LIST COLUMNS() # create table t1(c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 int, primary key(c1,c2)) engine=InnoDB partition by list columns(c2) (partition p1 values in (1,2) engine=InnoDB, partition p2 values in (3,4) engine=InnoDB); insert into t1 values (1,1,1,1),(2,3,1,1); select * from t1 where c1=2 and c2=3; c1 c2 c3 c4 2 3 1 1 drop table t1; # # MySQL Bug#72803: Wrong "Impossible where" with LIST partitioning # also MDEV-6240: Wrong "Impossible where" with LIST partitioning # CREATE TABLE t1 ( d DATE) ENGINE = InnoDB PARTITION BY LIST COLUMNS (d) ( PARTITION p0 VALUES IN ('1990-01-01','1991-01-01'), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN ('1981-01-01') ); INSERT INTO t1 (d) VALUES ('1991-01-01'); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE d = '1991-01-01'; d 1991-01-01 DROP TABLE t1; set global default_storage_engine=default; # # MDEV-9455: [ERROR] mysqld got signal 11 # CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `DIARY_TOTAL_DAY_SEQ` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `IMORY_ID` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `NAME` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `DATETIME` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `DAILY_CALL_CNT` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `DAILY_SMS_CNT` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NUMBER` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `DURATION` varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`DIARY_TOTAL_DAY_SEQ`,`DATETIME`), KEY `IDX_t1_01` (`IMORY_ID`,`DATETIME`) ) AUTO_INCREMENT=328702514 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 PARTITION BY RANGE COLUMNS(`DATETIME`) (PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN ('2015-10-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN ('2015-11-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN ('2015-12-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-01-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p4 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-02-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p5 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-03-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p6 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-04-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p7 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-05-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p8 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-06-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p9 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-07-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p10 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-08-01') ENGINE = InnoDB) ; CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `DIARY_SEQ` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `IMORY_ID` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `CALL_TYPE` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `DATA_TYPE` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `FEATURES` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NAME` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `NUMBER` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `DATETIME` datetime NOT NULL, `REG_DATE` datetime NOT NULL, `TITLE` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `BODY` varchar(4200) DEFAULT NULL, `MIME_TYPE` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `DURATION` varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL, `DEVICE_ID` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `DEVICE_NAME` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`DIARY_SEQ`,`DATETIME`,`REG_DATE`), KEY `IDX_TB_DIARY_01` (`IMORY_ID`,`DATETIME`,`CALL_TYPE`,`NUMBER`), KEY `IDX_TB_DIARY_02` (`REG_DATE`) ) AUTO_INCREMENT=688799006 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 PARTITION BY RANGE COLUMNS(REG_DATE) (PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN ('2015-10-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN ('2015-11-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN ('2015-12-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-01-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p4 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-02-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p5 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-03-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p6 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-04-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p7 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-05-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p8 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-06-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p9 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-07-01') ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION p10 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-08-01') ENGINE = InnoDB) ; SELECT A.IMORY_ID, A.NUMBER, A.NAME, DATE_FORMAT(A.DATETIME, '%Y-%m-%d') AS TARGET_DATE, SUM( CASE WHEN A.DATA_TYPE='1' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS CALL_CNT, SUM( CASE WHEN A.DATA_TYPE IN ('2', '3') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS SMS_CNT, SUM(CAST(A.DURATION AS INT)) AS DURATION, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE IMORY_ID=A.IMORY_ID AND NUMBER=A.NUMBER AND NAME=A.NAME AND DATETIME = DATE_FORMAT(A.DATETIME, '%Y-%m-%d') ) STATS_COUNT FROM t2 A WHERE A.IMORY_ID = 55094102 AND A.DATETIME LIKE ( SELECT CONCAT (DATE_FORMAT(DATETIME, '%Y-%m-%d') ,'%') FROM t2 WHERE IMORY_ID=55094102 AND DIARY_SEQ IN ( 608351221, 608351225, 608351229 ) group by DATE_FORMAT(DATETIME, '%Y-%m-%d') ) GROUP BY A.IMORY_ID, A.NUMBER, A.NAME, DATE_FORMAT(A.DATETIME, '%Y-%m-%d') ; IMORY_ID NUMBER NAME TARGET_DATE CALL_CNT SMS_CNT DURATION STATS_COUNT drop table t2, t1; set global default_storage_engine='innodb'; # # MDEV-5963: InnoDB: Assertion failure in file line 2503, # Failing assertion: 0 with "key ptr now exceeds key end by 762 bytes" # (independent testcase for Oracle Bug#13947868) # CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 VARCHAR(512) CHARACTER SET utf8) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('j'); CREATE TABLE t2 ( f2 VARCHAR(5) CHARACTER SET latin1, f3 VARCHAR(5) CHARACTER SET utf8, f4 INT, f5 VARCHAR(512) CHARACTER SET utf8, f6 VARCHAR(256) CHARACTER SET utf8, key (f2), key (f3), key (f5) ) ENGINE=InnoDB PARTITION BY LIST COLUMNS (f4) SUBPARTITION BY KEY(f6) SUBPARTITIONS 4 ( PARTITION p0 VALUES IN (1,3,9,null), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (2,4,0) ); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('k','s',3,'b','j'),('a','b',NULL,'v','j'),('c','m',9,'t',NULL), ('b','l',9,'b',NULL),('i','y',3,'o','w'),('c','m',NULL,'a','m'), ('f','o',9,'m','w'),('f','q',NULL,'o','a'); CREATE TABLE t3 LIKE t2; SELECT * FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON ( f5 = f1 ); f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 INSERT INTO t3 SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE f3 = 'm' AND f2 ='c'; DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3; set global default_storage_engine=default; # # Bug#13737949: CRASH IN HA_PARTITION::INDEX_INIT # Bug#18694052: SERVER CRASH IN HA_PARTITION::INIT_RECORD_PRIORITY_QUEUE # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b INT, PRIMARY KEY (a)) ENGINE = InnoDB PARTITION BY HASH (a) PARTITIONS 3; START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT; connect con1, localhost, root,,; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD INDEX idx1 (b); connection default; SELECT b FROM t1 WHERE b = 0; ERROR HY000: Table definition has changed, please retry transaction SELECT b FROM t1 WHERE b = 0; ERROR HY000: Table definition has changed, please retry transaction disconnect con1; DROP TABLE t1; # Same test without partitioning CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b INT, PRIMARY KEY (a)) ENGINE = InnoDB; START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT; connect con1, localhost, root,,; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD INDEX idx1 (b); connection default; SELECT b FROM t1 WHERE b = 0; ERROR HY000: Table definition has changed, please retry transaction SELECT b FROM t1 WHERE b = 0; ERROR HY000: Table definition has changed, please retry transaction disconnect con1; DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-11167: InnoDB: Warning: using a partial-field key prefix # in search, results in assertion failure or "Can't find record" error # set @save_sql_mode = @@sql_mode; set sql_mode=""; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t2 (b INT, c INT, KEY(b)) ENGINE=InnoDB PARTITION BY HASH(c) PARTITIONS 2; CREATE ALGORITHM = MERGE VIEW v AS SELECT a, b FROM t1 STRAIGHT_JOIN t2 WHERE b = 'foo' WITH CHECK OPTION; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); INSERT IGNORE INTO t2 VALUES (2,2),('three',3),(4,4); Warnings: Warning 1366 Incorrect integer value: 'three' for column `test`.`t2`.`b` at row 2 UPDATE v SET a = NULL; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'foo' DROP view v; DROP TABLE t1, t2; SET @save_isp=@@innodb_stats_persistent; SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_persistent= ON; CREATE TABLE t (f1 INT, f2 INT, KEY(f2)) ENGINE=InnoDB PARTITION BY HASH (f1) PARTITIONS 2; INSERT IGNORE INTO t VALUES (NULL,0),(NULL,0),(0,21),(4,0),(1,8),(5,66); CREATE ALGORITHM=MERGE VIEW v AS SELECT t1.* FROM t t1 JOIN t t2 WHERE t1.f1 < t2.f2 WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION; UPDATE v SET f2 = NULL; ERROR 44000: CHECK OPTION failed `test`.`v` SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_persistent= @save_isp; DROP view v; DROP TABLE t; set sql_mode= @save_sql_mode; # # Bug#28573894 ALTER PARTITIONED TABLE ADD AUTO_INCREMENT DIFF RESULT # CREATE TABLE t (a VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,b INT,PRIMARY KEY (b)) ENGINE=INNODB PARTITION BY RANGE (b) (PARTITION pa VALUES LESS THAN (2), PARTITION pb VALUES LESS THAN (20), PARTITION pc VALUES LESS THAN (30), PARTITION pd VALUES LESS THAN (40)); INSERT INTO t VALUES('A',0),('B',1),('C',2),('D',3),('E',4),('F',5),('G',25),('H',35); CREATE TABLE t_copy LIKE t; INSERT INTO t_copy SELECT * FROM t; ALTER TABLE t ADD COLUMN r INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ADD UNIQUE KEY (r,b); affected rows: 0 info: Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 ALTER TABLE t_copy ADD COLUMN r INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ADD UNIQUE KEY (r,b), ALGORITHM=COPY; affected rows: 8 info: Records: 8 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 SELECT * FROM t; a b r A 0 1 B 1 2 C 2 3 D 3 4 E 4 5 F 5 6 G 25 7 H 35 8 SELECT * FROM t_copy; a b r A 0 1 B 1 2 C 2 3 D 3 4 E 4 5 F 5 6 G 25 7 H 35 8 DROP TABLE t,t_copy; # # Bug#26390658 RENAMING A PARTITIONED TABLE DOES NOT UPDATE # MYSQL.INNODB_TABLE_STATS # CREATE DATABASE test_jfg; CREATE TABLE test_jfg.test_jfg1 (id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 STATS_PERSISTENT=1; CREATE TABLE test_jfg.test_jfg2 (id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 STATS_PERSISTENT=1 PARTITION BY RANGE ( id ) (PARTITION p1000 VALUES LESS THAN (1000) ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION pmax VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE ENGINE = InnoDB); SELECT database_name, table_name FROM mysql.innodb_table_stats WHERE database_name = 'test_jfg'; database_name table_name test_jfg test_jfg1 test_jfg test_jfg2#P#p1000 test_jfg test_jfg2#P#pmax RENAME TABLE test_jfg.test_jfg1 TO test_jfg.test_jfg11; RENAME TABLE test_jfg.test_jfg2 TO test_jfg.test_jfg12; SELECT database_name, table_name FROM mysql.innodb_table_stats WHERE database_name = 'test_jfg'; database_name table_name test_jfg test_jfg11 test_jfg test_jfg12#P#p1000 test_jfg test_jfg12#P#pmax DROP DATABASE test_jfg; set global innodb_stats_persistent= @innodb_stats_persistent_save; set global innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages= @innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages_save; create table t1 (a int) engine=innodb; create table t2 ( b int, c int, d bit not null default 0, v bit as (d) virtual, key (b,v) ) engine=innodb partition by hash (b); insert into t1 values (1),(2); insert into t2 (b,c,d) values (1,1,0),(2,2,0); explain select t1.* from t1 join t2 on (v = a); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 1 SIMPLE t2 index NULL b 7 NULL 2 Using where; Using index; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join) select t1.* from t1 join t2 on (v = a); a drop table t1, t2; # # End of 10.2 tests # # # MDEV-16241 Assertion `inited==RND' failed in handler::ha_rnd_end() # CREATE TABLE t1 (pk INT PRIMARY KEY, x INT, y INT, z INT, KEY (x), KEY (y, z)) WITH SYSTEM VERSIONING PARTITION BY SYSTEM_TIME (PARTITION p1 HISTORY, PARTITION pn CURRENT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 7, 8, 9), (2, NULL, NULL, NULL), (3, NULL, NULL, NULL); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE x IS NULL AND y IS NULL AND z IS NULL; COUNT(*) 2 DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-18244 Server crashes in ha_innobase::update_thd / ... / ha_partition::update_next_auto_inc_val # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT) ENGINE=InnoDB PARTITION BY RANGE (a) ( PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (6), PARTITION pn VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4),(5),(6); ALTER TABLE t1 MODIFY a INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY; UPDATE t1 PARTITION (p0) SET a = 3 WHERE a = 5; INSERT INTO t1 PARTITION(p0) VALUES (); ERROR HY000: Found a row not matching the given partition set INSERT INTO t1 PARTITION(p0) VALUES (-1); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (); SELECT * FROM t1; a -1 3 4 6 7 DROP TABLE t1; # # End of 10.3 tests #