# Note that this test requires a fresh restart to not have problems with the # old status values set @save_use_stat_tables=@@use_stat_tables; set use_stat_tables='preferably'; --disable_warnings DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS dbt3_s001; --enable_warnings CREATE DATABASE dbt3_s001; use dbt3_s001; set @save_optimizer_switch=@@optimizer_switch; set optimizer_switch='extended_keys=off'; --disable_query_log --disable_result_log --disable_warnings --source include/dbt3_s001.inc truncate mysql.table_stats; truncate mysql.column_stats; truncate mysql.index_stats; ANALYZE TABLE customer, lineitem, nation, orders, part, partsupp, region, supplier; --enable_warnings --enable_result_log --enable_query_log select * from mysql.table_stats; select * from mysql.index_stats; # # Test for parallel memory allocation for statistical data # # assumes that start the code of memory allocation for stats data has this line: # # DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "statistics_mem_alloc_start1"); # DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "statistics_mem_alloc_start2"); # let $Q6= select round(sum(l_extendedprice*l_discount),4) as revenue from lineitem where l_shipdate >= date '1994-01-01' and l_shipdate < date '1994-01-01' + interval '1' year and l_discount between 0.06 - 0.01 and 0.06 + 0.01 and l_quantity < 24; flush table lineitem; set use_stat_tables='never'; eval $Q6; connect (con1, localhost, root,,); connect (con2, localhost, root,,); connection con1; set debug_sync='statistics_mem_alloc_start1 WAIT_FOR second_thread_started_too'; set debug_sync='statistics_mem_alloc_start2 SIGNAL first_thread_working'; use dbt3_s001; set use_stat_tables='preferably'; --send_eval $Q6 connection con2; set debug_sync='statistics_mem_alloc_start1 SIGNAL second_thread_started_too'; set debug_sync='statistics_mem_alloc_start2 WAIT_FOR first_thread_working'; use dbt3_s001; set use_stat_tables='preferably'; --send_eval $Q6 connection con1; --reap connection con2; --reap connection default; set use_stat_tables='preferably'; disconnect con1; disconnect con2; set debug_sync='RESET'; # # Test for parallel statistics collection # # assumes that start of stats collection code has this line: # # DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "statistics_collection_start1"); # DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "statistics_collection_start2"); # select * from mysql.index_stats where table_name='lineitem' order by index_name; delete from mysql.index_stats where table_name='lineitem' and index_name in ('i_l_shipdate', 'i_l_receiptdate'); select * from mysql.index_stats where table_name='lineitem' order by index_name; --disable_result_log --disable_warnings analyze table lineitem persistent for columns() indexes (i_l_shipdate); --enable_warnings --enable_result_log select * from mysql.index_stats where table_name='lineitem' order by index_name; delete from mysql.index_stats where table_name='lineitem' and index_name= 'i_l_shipdate'; select * from mysql.index_stats where table_name='lineitem' order by index_name; connect (con1, localhost, root,,); connect (con2, localhost, root,,); connection con1; set debug_sync='statistics_collection_start1 WAIT_FOR second_thread_started_too'; set debug_sync='statistics_collection_start2 SIGNAL first_thread_working'; use dbt3_s001; set use_stat_tables='preferably'; --send analyze table lineitem persistent for columns() indexes (i_l_shipdate) connection con2; set debug_sync='statistics_collection_start1 SIGNAL second_thread_started_too'; set debug_sync='statistics_collection_start2 WAIT_FOR first_thread_working'; use dbt3_s001; set use_stat_tables='preferably'; --send analyze table lineitem persistent for columns() indexes (i_l_receiptdate) connection con1; --disable_result_log --disable_warnings --reap --enable_warnings --enable_result_log connection con2; --disable_result_log --disable_warnings --reap --enable_warnings --enable_result_log connection default; disconnect con1; disconnect con2; set debug_sync='RESET'; select * from mysql.index_stats where table_name='lineitem' order by index_name, prefix_arity; # # Test for parallel statistics collection and update (innodb) # select * from mysql.index_stats where table_name='lineitem' order by index_name, prefix_arity; set debug_sync='RESET'; let $innodb_storage_engine= 0; if (`SELECT UPPER(@@default_storage_engine) = 'INNODB'`) { let $innodb_storage_engine= 1; } connect (con1, localhost, root,,); connect (con2, localhost, root,,); connection con1; set debug_sync='statistics_collection_start SIGNAL parked WAIT_FOR finish'; use dbt3_s001; set use_stat_tables='preferably'; --send analyze table lineitem persistent for all connection con2; set debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR parked'; use dbt3_s001; set use_stat_tables='never'; if ($innodb_storage_engine) { select * from lineitem where l_orderkey=1 and l_partkey=156; delete from lineitem where l_orderkey=1 and l_partkey=156; select * from lineitem where l_orderkey=1 and l_partkey=156; } set debug_sync='now SIGNAL finish'; connection con1; --disable_result_log --disable_warnings --reap --enable_warnings --enable_result_log connection default; disconnect con1; disconnect con2; set debug_sync='RESET'; select * from mysql.index_stats where table_name='lineitem' order by index_name, prefix_arity; # # Bug mdev-3891: deadlock for ANALYZE and SELECT over mysql.index_stats # set @save_global_use_stat_tables=@@global.use_stat_tables; set global use_stat_tables='preferably'; set debug_sync='RESET'; connect (con1, localhost, root,,); connect (con2, localhost, root,,); connection con1; set debug_sync='statistics_update_start SIGNAL parker WAIT_FOR go1 EXECUTE 1'; set debug_sync='thr_multi_lock_before_thr_lock SIGNAL go2 EXECUTE 3'; use dbt3_s001; --send analyze table lineitem persistent for all connection con2; set debug_sync='open_and_process_table WAIT_FOR parker'; set debug_sync='statistics_read_start SIGNAL go1 WAIT_FOR go2'; use dbt3_s001; --send select * from mysql.index_stats, lineitem where index_name= 'i_l_shipdate' and l_orderkey=1 and l_partkey=68 order by prefix_arity; connection con1; --disable_result_log --disable_warnings --reap --enable_warnings --enable_result_log connection con2; --disable_warnings --reap --enable_warnings connection default; disconnect con1; disconnect con2; set debug_sync='RESET'; set global use_stat_tables=@save_global_use_stat_tables; DROP DATABASE dbt3_s001; use test; # # Bug mdev-4019: crash when executing in parallel ANALYZE and # SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics # set @save_global_use_stat_tables=@@global.use_stat_tables; set global use_stat_tables='preferably'; set debug_sync='RESET'; create table t1 (a int, b int, key(a)); insert t1 values (1,1),(2,2); analyze table t1; SET debug_sync='after_open_table_ignore_flush WAIT_FOR go'; send select * from information_schema.statistics where table_schema='test'; connect(con1, localhost, root); connection con1; select * from t1; SET DEBUG_SYNC= "now SIGNAL go"; connection default; reap; connection default; disconnect con1; set debug_sync='RESET'; drop table t1; set global use_stat_tables=@save_global_use_stat_tables; set use_stat_tables=@save_use_stat_tables;