package My::Suite::GALERA_3NODES_SR; use lib 'suite'; use wsrep::common; @ISA = qw(My::Suite); return wsrep_not_ok() if wsrep_not_ok(); push @::global_suppressions, ( qr(WSREP: wsrep_sst_receive_address is set to ', qr(WSREP: Could not open saved state file for reading: .*), qr(WSREP: Could not open state file for reading: .*), qr(WSREP: Gap in state sequence. Need state transfer.), qr(WSREP: Failed to prepare for incremental state transfer:), qr(WSREP:.*down context.*), qr(WSREP: Failed to send state UUID:), qr(WSREP: last inactive check more than .* skipping check), qr(WSREP: SQL statement was ineffective), qr(WSREP: Releasing seqno [0-9]* before [0-9]* was assigned.), qr|WSREP: access file\(.*gvwstate.dat\) failed\(No such file or directory\)|, qr(WSREP: Quorum: No node with complete state), qr(WSREP: Initial position was provided by configuration or SST, avoiding override), qr|WSREP: discarding established \(time wait\) .*|, qr(WSREP: There are no nodes in the same segment that will ever be able to become donors, yet there is a suitable donor outside. Will use that one.), qr(WSREP: evs::proto.*), qr|WSREP: Ignoring possible split-brain \(allowed by configuration\) from view:.*|, qr(WSREP: no nodes coming from prim view, prim not possible), qr(WSREP: Member .* requested state transfer from .* but it is impossible to select State Transfer donor: Resource temporarily unavailable), qr(WSREP: user message in state LEAVING), qr(WSREP: .* sending install message failed: Transport endpoint is not connected), qr(WSREP: .* sending install message failed: Resource temporarily unavailable), qr(WSREP: Sending JOIN failed: -107 \(Transport endpoint is not connected\). Will retry in new primary component.), qr(WSREP: Could not find peer:), qr|WSREP: gcs_caused\(\) returned .*|, qr|WSREP: Protocol violation. JOIN message sender .* is not in state transfer \(SYNCED\). Message ignored.|, qr|WSREP: Protocol violation. JOIN message sender .* is not in state transfer \(JOINED\). Message ignored.|, qr(WSREP: Action message in non-primary configuration from member [0-9]*), qr(WSREP: --wsrep-causal-reads=ON takes precedence over --wsrep-sync-wait=0. WSREP_SYNC_WAIT_BEFORE_READ is on), qr(WSREP: JOIN message from member .* in non-primary configuration. Ignored.), ); bless { };