--source include/not_embedded.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc # # Test GTID with multi-source # --connect (slave1,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_3) --connect (slave2,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_4) --connect (master1,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_1) --connect (master2,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_2) --connection slave1 --replace_result $SERVER_MYPORT_1 MYPORT_1 eval CHANGE MASTER 'slave1' TO master_port=$SERVER_MYPORT_1, master_host='', master_user='root'; --replace_result $SERVER_MYPORT_2 MYPORT_2 eval CHANGE MASTER 'slave2' TO master_port=$SERVER_MYPORT_2, master_host='', master_user='root'; set default_master_connection = 'slave1'; START SLAVE; --source include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc set default_master_connection = 'slave2'; START SLAVE; --source include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc set default_master_connection = ''; --connection slave2 --replace_result $SERVER_MYPORT_3 MYPORT_3 eval CHANGE MASTER TO master_port=$SERVER_MYPORT_3, master_host='', master_user='root'; start all slaves; --source include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc --connection master1 SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id= 1; SET SESSION gtid_domain_id= 1; CREATE TABLE t3 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b VARCHAR(10)) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b VARCHAR(10)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, "initial"); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (101, "initial 1"); # Make sure we have CREATE TABLE t3 from master1 before replicating INSERT INTO # t3 from master2. --connection slave1 --let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*)=1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = "t3" AND table_schema = "test" --source include/wait_condition.inc --connection master2 SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id= 2; SET SESSION gtid_domain_id= 2; CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b VARCHAR(10)) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1, "initial"); SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0; CREATE TABLE t3 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b VARCHAR(10)); SET SQL_LOG_BIN=1; INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (201, "initial 2"); --connection slave2 --let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*)=3 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name IN ("t1", "t2", "t3") AND table_schema = "test" --source include/wait_condition.inc --let $wait_condition= SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1)=1 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2)=1 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t3)=2 --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo *** Now move slave2 to replicate from both master1 and master2 instead of just slave1 *** STOP ALL SLAVES; # Let us have a couple extra transactions on the masters to check that # we resume replication at the right place even in the middle of the logs. --connection master1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2, "switch1"); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (102, "switch1 a"); --connection master2 INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2, "switch1"); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (202, "switch1 b"); --connection slave2 --replace_result $SERVER_MYPORT_1 MYPORT_1 eval CHANGE MASTER 'slave1' TO master_port=$SERVER_MYPORT_1, master_host='', master_user='root', master_use_gtid=current_pos; --replace_result $SERVER_MYPORT_2 MYPORT_2 eval CHANGE MASTER 'slave2' TO master_port=$SERVER_MYPORT_2, master_host='', master_user='root', master_use_gtid=current_pos; SET default_master_connection = 'slave1'; START SLAVE; --source include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc SET default_master_connection = 'slave2'; START SLAVE; --source include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc set default_master_connection = ''; --let $wait_condition= SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1)=2 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2)=2 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t3)=4 --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo *** Move slave1 to replicate from slave2 instead of from master1 and master2 *** --connection slave1 # Set up so that slave1 will have to start from two different positions # in the slave2 binlog (one for each domain_id). --let $wait_condition= SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1)=2 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2)=2 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t3)=4 --source include/wait_condition.inc STOP SLAVE 'slave1'; --connection master1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3, "switch 2"); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (103, "switch 2 a"); --connection slave2 --let $wait_condition= SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1)=3 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2)=2 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t3)=5 --source include/wait_condition.inc --connection master2 INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (3, "switch 2"); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (203, "switch 2 b"); --source include/save_master_gtid.inc --connection slave1 --let $wait_condition= SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1)=2 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2)=3 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t3)=5 --source include/wait_condition.inc STOP SLAVE 'slave2'; --connection master2 INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (4, "switch 3"); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (204, "switch 3 b"); --connection slave2 # Make sure that slave2 has replicated far enough before connecting slave1 to # it (otherwise we get an error that slave1 requested to start from a GTID # which is not in slave2's binlogs). --source include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc --connection slave1 --replace_result $SERVER_MYPORT_4 MYPORT_4 eval CHANGE MASTER TO master_port=$SERVER_MYPORT_4, master_host='', master_user='root', master_use_gtid=current_pos; START SLAVE; --let $wait_condition= SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1)=3 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2)=4 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t3)=7 --source include/wait_condition.inc SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; SELECT * FROM t2 ORDER BY a; SELECT * FROM t3 ORDER BY a; # Cleanup. --connection master1 DROP TABLE t1; SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0; DROP TABLE t3; SET SQL_LOG_BIN=1; --connection master2 DROP TABLE t2; DROP TABLE t3; --connection slave1 SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id=0; --let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*)=0 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name IN ("t1", "t2", "t3") AND table_schema = "test" --source include/wait_condition.inc --sorted_result STOP ALL SLAVES; --source include/reset_master_slave.inc --disconnect slave1 --connection slave2 SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id=0; --sorted_result STOP ALL SLAVES; --source include/reset_master_slave.inc --disconnect slave2 --connection master1 SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id=0; --source include/reset_master_slave.inc --disconnect master1 --connection master2 SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id=0; --source include/reset_master_slave.inc --disconnect master2