--source include/not_embedded.inc --echo # --echo # MDEV-21973 Bind REPLICATION {MASTER|SLAVE} ADMIN to gtid_* GLOBAL-only system variables --echo # # # Binlog is not opened in this test. # So the test returns "access denied" on the lack of privileges, # or "Binlog closed, cannot RESET MASTER" on success. # --let var = gtid_binlog_state --let grant = REPLICATION MASTER ADMIN --let value = '0-1-10' --echo # Test that "SET $var" is not allowed without $grant or SUPER CREATE USER user1@localhost; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO user1@localhost; --eval REVOKE $grant, SUPER ON *.* FROM user1@localhost --connect(user1,localhost,user1,,) --connection user1 --error ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR --eval SET GLOBAL $var=$value --error ER_GLOBAL_VARIABLE --eval SET $var=$value --error ER_GLOBAL_VARIABLE --eval SET SESSION $var=$value --disconnect user1 --connection default DROP USER user1@localhost; --echo # Test that "SET $var" is allowed with $grant CREATE USER user1@localhost; --eval GRANT $grant ON *.* TO user1@localhost --connect(user1,localhost,user1,,) --connection user1 --error ER_FLUSH_MASTER_BINLOG_CLOSED --eval SET GLOBAL $var=$value --error ER_GLOBAL_VARIABLE --eval SET $var=$value --error ER_GLOBAL_VARIABLE --eval SET SESSION $var=$value --disconnect user1 --connection default DROP USER user1@localhost; --echo # Test that "SET $var" is allowed with SUPER CREATE USER user1@localhost; GRANT SUPER ON *.* TO user1@localhost; --connect(user1,localhost,user1,,) --connection user1 --error ER_FLUSH_MASTER_BINLOG_CLOSED --eval SET GLOBAL $var=$value --error ER_GLOBAL_VARIABLE --eval SET $var=$value --error ER_GLOBAL_VARIABLE --eval SET SESSION $var=$value --disconnect user1 --connection default DROP USER user1@localhost;