----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_verbose (default = 10, min = 0, max = 10000) Specify the logging verboseness. ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_address (default = '') Specify the address to bind. If empty, it binds to ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_port (default = '9998') Specify the port to bind. This option is for the listener for read requests. If empty, the listener is disabled. ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_port_wr (default = '9999') Specify the port to bind. This option is for the listener for write requests. If empty, the listener is disabled. ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_epoll (default = 1, min = 0, max = 1) Specify whether handlersocket uses epoll for I/O multiplexing. ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_threads (default = 16, min = 1, max = 3000) Specify the number of handlersocket worker threads. This option is for the listener for read requests. Recommended value is (the number of CPU cores * 2). ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_threads_wr (default = 1, min = 1, max = 3000) Specify the number of handlersocket worker threads. This option is for the listener for write requests. Recommended value is 1. ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_timeout (default = 300, min = 30, max = 3600) Specify the socket timeout in seconds. ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_backlog (default = 32768, min = 5, max = 1000000) Specify the length of the listen backlog. ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_sndbuf (default = 0, min = 0, max = 1677216) Specify the maximum socket send buffer in bytes. If 0, the system-wide default value is set. ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_rcvbuf (default = 0, min = 0, max = 1677216) Specify the maximum socket receive buffer in bytes. If 0, the system-wide default value is set. ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_readsize (default = 0, min = 0, max = 1677216) Specify the minimum length of the handlersocket request buffer. Larger value can make handlersocket faster for large requests, but can consume memory. The default value is possibly 4096. ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_accept_balance (default = 0, min = 0, max = 10000) When this option is set to non-zero, handlersocket tries to balance accepted connections among threads. Non-zero is recommended if you use persistent connections (i.e., connection pooling on the client side). ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_wrlock_timeout (default = 12, min = 0, max = 3600) Specify the lock timeout in seconds. When a write request is performed, handlersocket acquires an advisory lock named 'handlersocket_wr'. This option sets the timeout for the locking. ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_plain_secret (default = '') When this option is specified, a plain-text authentication is enabled for the listener for read requests. This option specifies the secret key for the authentication. ----------------------------------------------------------------- handlersocket_plain_secret_wr (default = '') This option specifies the secret key for the listener for write requests.