/* -*- c-basic-offset: 2; coding: utf-8 -*- */ /* Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Kouhei Sutou This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ /* groonga: f56f466a05d756336f26ea5c2e54e9bdf5d3d681 CFLAGS: -O0 -ggdb3 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz stepping 05 % (cd test/benchmark/ && make --quiet run-bench-geo-select) run-bench-geo-select: (time) 1st: select_in_rectangle (partial): (0.819828) 2nd: select_in_rectangle (partial): (0.832293) 1st: select_in_rectangle (all): (8.82504) 2nd: select_in_rectangle (all): (8.97628) % (cd test/benchmark; GRN_GEO_CURSOR_STRICTLY=yes make --quiet run-bench-geo-select) run-bench-geo-select: (time) 1st: select_in_rectangle (partial): (0.528143) 2nd: select_in_rectangle (partial): (0.518647) 1st: select_in_rectangle (all): (8.77378) 2nd: select_in_rectangle (all): (8.76765) groonga: f56f466a05d756336f26ea5c2e54e9bdf5d3d681 CFLAGS: -O3 -ggdb3 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz stepping 05 % (cd test/benchmark/ && make --quiet run-bench-geo-select) run-bench-geo-select: (time) 1st: select_in_rectangle (partial): (0.415439) 2nd: select_in_rectangle (partial): (0.423479) 1st: select_in_rectangle (all): (4.63983) 2nd: select_in_rectangle (all): (4.53055) % (cd test/benchmark; GRN_GEO_CURSOR_STRICTLY=yes make --quiet run-bench-geo-select) run-bench-geo-select: (time) 1st: select_in_rectangle (partial): (0.26974) 2nd: select_in_rectangle (partial): (0.250247) 1st: select_in_rectangle (all): (4.45263) 2nd: select_in_rectangle (all): (4.61558) */ #include #include #include #include #include "lib/benchmark.h" #define GET(context, name) (grn_ctx_get(context, name, strlen(name))) typedef struct _BenchmarkData { gboolean report_result; grn_ctx *context; grn_obj *database; grn_obj *table; grn_obj *index_column; grn_obj *result; grn_obj top_left_point; grn_obj bottom_right_point; } BenchmarkData; static void set_geo_point(grn_ctx *context, grn_obj *geo_point, const gchar *geo_point_text) { grn_obj point_text; GRN_TEXT_INIT(&point_text, 0); GRN_TEXT_PUTS(context, &point_text, geo_point_text); grn_obj_cast(context, &point_text, geo_point, GRN_FALSE); grn_obj_unlink(context, &point_text); } static void bench_setup_common(gpointer user_data) { BenchmarkData *data = user_data; const gchar *tokyo_station = "35.68136,139.76609"; const gchar *ikebukuro_station = "35.72890,139.71036"; data->result = grn_table_create(data->context, NULL, 0, NULL, GRN_OBJ_TABLE_HASH_KEY | GRN_OBJ_WITH_SUBREC, data->table, NULL); set_geo_point(data->context, &(data->top_left_point), ikebukuro_station); set_geo_point(data->context, &(data->bottom_right_point), tokyo_station); } static void bench_setup_query_partial(gpointer user_data) { BenchmarkData *data = user_data; const gchar *tokyo_station = "35.68136,139.76609"; const gchar *ikebukuro_station = "35.72890,139.71036"; set_geo_point(data->context, &(data->top_left_point), ikebukuro_station); set_geo_point(data->context, &(data->bottom_right_point), tokyo_station); } static void bench_setup_query_all(gpointer user_data) { BenchmarkData *data = user_data; const gchar *tokyo_station = "35.0,140.0"; const gchar *ikebukuro_station = "36.0,139.0"; set_geo_point(data->context, &(data->top_left_point), ikebukuro_station); set_geo_point(data->context, &(data->bottom_right_point), tokyo_station); } static void bench_setup_in_rectangle_partial(gpointer user_data) { bench_setup_common(user_data); bench_setup_query_partial(user_data); } static void bench_setup_in_rectangle_all(gpointer user_data) { bench_setup_common(user_data); bench_setup_query_all(user_data); } static void bench_geo_select_in_rectangle(gpointer user_data) { BenchmarkData *data = user_data; grn_geo_select_in_rectangle(data->context, data->index_column, &(data->top_left_point), &(data->bottom_right_point), data->result, GRN_OP_OR); } static void bench_teardown(gpointer user_data) { BenchmarkData *data = user_data; if (data->report_result) { g_print("result: %d\n", grn_table_size(data->context, data->result)); } grn_obj_unlink(data->context, data->result); } static gchar * get_tmp_dir(void) { gchar *current_dir; gchar *tmp_dir; current_dir = g_get_current_dir(); tmp_dir = g_build_filename(current_dir, "tmp", NULL); g_free(current_dir); return tmp_dir; } static void setup_database(BenchmarkData *data) { gchar *tmp_dir; gchar *database_path; tmp_dir = get_tmp_dir(); database_path = g_build_filename(tmp_dir, "geo-select", "db", NULL); data->database = grn_db_open(data->context, database_path); data->table = GET(data->context, "Addresses"); data->index_column = GET(data->context, "Locations.address"); g_free(database_path); } static void teardown_database(BenchmarkData *data) { grn_obj_unlink(data->context, data->index_column); grn_obj_unlink(data->context, data->table); grn_obj_unlink(data->context, data->database); } int main(int argc, gchar **argv) { grn_rc rc; BenchmarkData data; BenchReporter *reporter; gint n = 100; rc = grn_init(); if (rc != GRN_SUCCESS) { g_print("failed to initialize Groonga: <%d>: %s\n", rc, grn_get_global_error_message()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } bench_init(&argc, &argv); data.report_result = g_getenv("GROONGA_BENCH_REPORT_RESULT") != NULL; data.context = g_new(grn_ctx, 1); grn_ctx_init(data.context, 0); setup_database(&data); GRN_WGS84_GEO_POINT_INIT(&(data.top_left_point), 0); GRN_WGS84_GEO_POINT_INIT(&(data.bottom_right_point), 0); { const gchar *groonga_bench_n; groonga_bench_n = g_getenv("GROONGA_BENCH_N"); if (groonga_bench_n) { n = atoi(groonga_bench_n); } } reporter = bench_reporter_new(); #define REGISTER(label, type, area) \ bench_reporter_register(reporter, \ label, \ n, \ bench_setup_ ## type ## _ ## area, \ bench_geo_select_ ## type, \ bench_teardown, \ &data) REGISTER("1st: select_in_rectangle (partial)", in_rectangle, partial); REGISTER("2nd: select_in_rectangle (partial)", in_rectangle, partial); REGISTER("1st: select_in_rectangle (all)", in_rectangle, all); REGISTER("2nd: select_in_rectangle (all)", in_rectangle, all); #undef REGISTER bench_reporter_run(reporter); g_object_unref(reporter); grn_obj_unlink(data.context, &(data.top_left_point)); grn_obj_unlink(data.context, &(data.bottom_right_point)); teardown_database(&data); grn_ctx_fin(data.context); g_free(data.context); bench_quit(); grn_fin(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }