/* -*- c-basic-offset: 2; coding: utf-8 -*- */ /* Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Kouhei Sutou This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ /* Groonga: ed300a833d44eaefa978b5ecf46a96ef91ae0891 CFLAGS: -O2 -g % make --quiet -C benchmark run-bench-nfkc run-bench-nfkc: (total) (average) (median) map1 - switch : (0.0060ms) (0.00060000ms) (0.00000000ms) map1 - table : (0.00000000ms) (0.00000000ms) (0.00000000ms) map2 - switch - no change: (0.0010ms) (0.00010000ms) (0.00000000ms) map2 - table - no change: (0.00000000ms) (0.00000000ms) (0.00000000ms) map2 - switch - change: (0.0010ms) (0.00010000ms) (0.00000000ms) map2 - table - change: (0.0010ms) (0.00010000ms) (0.00000000ms) */ #include #include #include #include #include "lib/benchmark.h" #include "../lib/nfkc50.c" #define MAX_UNICODE 0x110000 #define BUFFER_SIZE 0x100 static inline int ucs2utf8(unsigned int i, unsigned char *buf) { unsigned char *p = buf; if (i < 0x80) { *p++ = i; } else { if (i < 0x800) { *p++ = (i >> 6) | 0xc0; } else { if (i < 0x00010000) { *p++ = (i >> 12) | 0xe0; } else { if (i < 0x00200000) { *p++ = (i >> 18) | 0xf0; } else { if (i < 0x04000000) { *p++ = (i >> 24) | 0xf8; } else if (i < 0x80000000) { *p++ = (i >> 30) | 0xfc; *p++ = ((i >> 24) & 0x3f) | 0x80; } *p++ = ((i >> 18) & 0x3f) | 0x80; } *p++ = ((i >> 12) & 0x3f) | 0x80; } *p++ = ((i >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80; } *p++ = (0x3f & i) | 0x80; } *p = '\0'; return (p - buf); } static void bench_char_type(gpointer user_data) { uint64_t code_point; char utf8[7]; for (code_point = 1; code_point < MAX_UNICODE; code_point++) { ucs2utf8(code_point, (unsigned char *)utf8); grn_nfkc50_char_type(utf8); } } static void bench_decompose(gpointer user_data) { uint64_t code_point; char utf8[7]; for (code_point = 1; code_point < MAX_UNICODE; code_point++) { ucs2utf8(code_point, (unsigned char *)utf8); grn_nfkc50_decompose(utf8); } } static void bench_compose_no_change(gpointer user_data) { uint64_t prefix_code_point; uint64_t suffix_code_point = 0x61; /* a */ char prefix_utf8[7]; char suffix_utf8[7]; ucs2utf8(suffix_code_point, (unsigned char *)suffix_utf8); for (prefix_code_point = 1; prefix_code_point < MAX_UNICODE; prefix_code_point++) { ucs2utf8(prefix_code_point, (unsigned char *)prefix_utf8); grn_nfkc50_compose(prefix_utf8, suffix_utf8); } } static void bench_compose_change(gpointer user_data) { uint64_t prefix_code_point; uint64_t suffix_code_point = 0x11ba; char prefix_utf8[7]; char suffix_utf8[7]; ucs2utf8(suffix_code_point, (unsigned char *)suffix_utf8); for (prefix_code_point = 1; prefix_code_point < MAX_UNICODE; prefix_code_point++) { ucs2utf8(prefix_code_point, (unsigned char *)prefix_utf8); grn_nfkc50_compose(prefix_utf8, suffix_utf8); } } /* static void check_char_type(gpointer user_data) { uint64_t code_point; char utf8[7]; for (code_point = 1; code_point < MAX_UNICODE; code_point++) { grn_char_type a; grn_char_type b; ucs2utf8(code_point, (unsigned char *)utf8); a = grn_nfkc_char_type(utf8); b = grn_nfkc50_char_type(utf8); if (a == b) { continue; } printf("%lx: %s: %d != %d\n", code_point, utf8, a, b); } } static void check_decompose(gpointer user_data) { uint64_t code_point; char utf8[7]; for (code_point = 1; code_point < MAX_UNICODE; code_point++) { const char *a; const char *b; ucs2utf8(code_point, (unsigned char *)utf8); a = grn_nfkc_decompose(utf8); b = grn_nfkc50_decompose(utf8); if (a == b) { continue; } if (!a || !b) { printf("%lx: %s: %s != %s\n", code_point, utf8, a, b); continue; } if (strcmp(a, b) != 0) { printf("%lx: %s: %s != %s\n", code_point, utf8, a, b); } } } static void check_compose(gpointer user_data) { uint64_t prefix_code_point; uint64_t suffix_code_point; char prefix_utf8[7]; char suffix_utf8[7]; for (prefix_code_point = 1; prefix_code_point < MAX_UNICODE; prefix_code_point++) { ucs2utf8(prefix_code_point, (unsigned char *)prefix_utf8); for (suffix_code_point = 1; suffix_code_point < MAX_UNICODE; suffix_code_point++) { const char *a; const char *b; ucs2utf8(suffix_code_point, (unsigned char *)suffix_utf8); a = grn_nfkc_compose(prefix_utf8, suffix_utf8); b = grn_nfkc50_compose(prefix_utf8, suffix_utf8); if (a == b) { continue; } if (!a || !b) { printf("%lx-%lx: %s-%s: %s != %s\n", prefix_code_point, suffix_code_point, prefix_utf8, suffix_utf8, a, b); continue; } if (strcmp(a, b) != 0) { printf("%lx-%lx: %s-%s: %s != %s\n", prefix_code_point, suffix_code_point, prefix_utf8, suffix_utf8, a, b); } } if ((prefix_code_point % 10000) == 0) { printf("%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT "\n", prefix_code_point); } } } */ int main(int argc, gchar **argv) { grn_rc rc; BenchReporter *reporter; gint n = 10; rc = grn_init(); if (rc != GRN_SUCCESS) { g_print("failed to initialize Groonga: <%d>: %s\n", rc, grn_get_global_error_message()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } bench_init(&argc, &argv); reporter = bench_reporter_new(); if (g_getenv("N")) { n = atoi(g_getenv("N")); } #define REGISTER(label, bench_function) \ bench_reporter_register(reporter, label, n, \ NULL, \ bench_function, \ NULL, \ NULL) REGISTER("char_type ", bench_char_type); REGISTER("decompose ", bench_decompose); REGISTER("compose - no change", bench_compose_no_change); REGISTER("compose - change", bench_compose_change); /* REGISTER("check - char_type", check_char_type); REGISTER("check - decompose", check_decompose); REGISTER("check - compose ", check_compose); */ #undef REGISTER bench_reporter_run(reporter); g_object_unref(reporter); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }