#!/bin/bash MKFILE=`mktemp` # create and run a simple makefile # include rocksdb make file relative to the path of this script echo "include ./storage/rocksdb/rocksdb/src.mk all: @echo \$(LIB_SOURCES)" > $MKFILE for f in `make --makefile $MKFILE` do echo ./rocksdb/$f done rm $MKFILE # create build_version.cc file. Only create one if it doesn't exists or if it is different # this is so that we don't rebuild mysqld every time bv=storage/rocksdb/rocksdb/util/build_version.cc date=$(date +%F) git_sha=$(pushd storage/rocksdb/rocksdb >/dev/null && git rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null && popd >/dev/null) if [ ! -f $bv ] || [ -z $git_sha ] || [ ! `grep $git_sha $bv` ] then echo "#include \"build_version.h\" const char* rocksdb_build_git_sha = \"rocksdb_build_git_sha:$git_sha\"; const char* rocksdb_build_git_date = \"rocksdb_build_git_date:$date\"; const char* rocksdb_build_compile_date = __DATE__;" > $bv fi