# Run the load generator to populate the table and generate concurrent # updates. After the load generator is complete, verify the tables on the # master and the slave are consistent --sync_slave_with_master --connection master --let $master_host = let $MYSQL_BASEDIR = `SELECT @@BASEDIR`; let $exec = python $MYSQL_BASEDIR/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_stress/t/load_generator.py \ -L $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/load_generator.log -H $master_host -t $table \ -P $MASTER_MYPORT -n $num_records -m $max_records \ -l $num_loaders -c $num_checkers -r $num_requests \ -E $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect \ -D $reap_delay; exec $exec; enable_reconnect; source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc; --let $master_checksum = query_get_value(CHECKSUM TABLE $table, Checksum, 1) # if sync_slave_with_master had a configurable timeout this would not be needed let $slave_sync_timeout = 7200; --source include/wait_for_slave_to_sync_with_master.inc --connection slave --let $slave_checksum = query_get_value(CHECKSUM TABLE $table, Checksum, 1) let $not_same = `SELECT $master_checksum-$slave_checksum`; if ($not_same) { --die "The checksums of table $table for the master and slave do not match!" } # Cleanup --connection master --let $cleanup = DROP TABLE $table eval $cleanup; # if sync_slave_with_master had a configurable timeout this would not be needed let $slave_sync_timeout = 7200; --source include/wait_for_slave_to_sync_with_master.inc --connection slave --source include/stop_slave.inc # For stress tests sometimes the replication thread can not connect to master # temporarily. This is either because the master crashed and it is recovering # or the master is too busy and could not service the slave's requests. # mtr's internal check requires that there be no errors in slave status. # restarting replication clears the errors. --source include/start_slave.inc --source include/stop_slave.inc