--source include/no_valgrind_without_big.inc --source include/default_optimizer_switch.inc --source include/default_charset.inc --source include/have_sequence.inc set names utf8; CREATE DATABASE world; use world; --source include/world_schema.inc --disable_query_log --disable_result_log --disable_warnings --source include/world.inc --enable_warnings --enable_result_log --enable_query_log SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Country; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM City; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CountryLanguage; CREATE INDEX Name ON City(Name); --disable_query_log --disable_result_log --disable_warnings ANALYZE TABLE City; --enable_warnings --enable_result_log --enable_query_log set session optimizer_switch='index_merge_sort_intersection=off'; # The following 4 queries are added for code coverage #the exptected # of rows differ on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms for innodb --replace_column 9 4079 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Population >= 100000 OR Name LIKE 'P%' OR Population < 100000); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Population >= 100000 OR Name LIKE 'P%') AND Country='CAN' OR (Population < 100000 OR Name Like 'T%') AND Country='ARG'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Population < 200000 AND Name LIKE 'P%' AND (Population > 300000 OR Name LIKE 'T%') AND (Population < 100000 OR Name LIKE 'Pa%'); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Population > 100000 AND Name LIKE 'Aba%' OR Country IN ('CAN', 'ARG') AND ID BETWEEN 120 AND 130 OR Country <= 'ALB' AND Name LIKE 'L%' OR ID BETWEEN 3807 AND 3810; # The output of the next 3 commands tells us about selectivities # of the conditions utilized in 2 queries following after them EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Population > 101000 AND Population < 115000); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'F')); # The pattern of the WHERE condition used in the following 2 queries is # (range(key1) OR range(key2)) AND range(key3) # Varying values of the constants in the second conjunct of the condition # we can get either a plan with range index scan for key3 or a plan with # an index merge retrieval over key2 and key3 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'F')) AND (Population > 101000 AND Population < 115000); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'F')) AND (Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000); # The following 4 queries check that the plans # for the previous 2 plans are valid SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'F')) AND (Population > 101000 AND Population < 115000); SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'F')) AND (Population > 101000 AND Population < 115000); SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'F')) AND (Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000); SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'F')) AND (Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000); # The output of the next 7 commands tells us about selectivities # of the conditions utilized in 4 queries following after them EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Name < 'Ac'); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Name < 'Bb'); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'B'); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'Pb'); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'S'); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Population > 101000 AND Population < 110000); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000); # The pattern of the WHERE condition used in the following 4 queries is # (range1(key1) AND range(key2)) OR (range2(key1) AND range(key3) # Varying values of the constants in the range conjuncts of the condition # we can get: # 1. a plan with range index over key1 # index merge retrievals over: # 2. key1 and key3 # 3. key2 and key1 # 4. key2 and key3 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Name < 'Ac' AND (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'B')) OR (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'Pb' AND (Population > 101000 AND Population < 110000)); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Name < 'Ac' AND (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'B')) OR (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'S' AND (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000)); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Name < 'Bb' AND (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'B')) OR (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'Pb' AND (Population > 101000 AND Population < 110000)); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Name < 'Bb' AND (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'B')) OR (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'S' AND (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000)); # The following 8 queries check that the plans # for the previous 4 plans are valid SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE (Name < 'Ac' AND (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'B')) OR (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'Pb' AND (Population > 101000 AND Population < 110000)); SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Name < 'Ac' AND (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'B')) OR (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'Pb' AND (Population > 101000 AND Population < 110000)); SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE (Name < 'Ac' AND (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'B')) OR (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'S' AND (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000)); SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Name < 'Ac' AND (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'B')) OR (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'S' AND (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000)); SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE (Name < 'Bb' AND (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'B')) OR (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'Pb' AND (Population > 101000 AND Population < 110000)); SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Name < 'Bb' AND (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'B')) OR (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'Pb' AND (Population > 101000 AND Population < 110000)); SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE (Name < 'Bb' AND (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'B')) OR (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'S' AND (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000)); SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Name < 'Bb' AND (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'B')) OR (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'S' AND (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000)); # The output of the next 6 commands tells us about selectivities # of the conditions utilized in 3 queries following after them EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (ID < 10) OR (ID BETWEEN 100 AND 110); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (ID < 200) OR (ID BETWEEN 100 AND 200); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (ID < 600) OR (ID BETWEEN 900 AND 1500); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Country > 'A' AND Country < 'ARG'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Name LIKE 'H%' OR Name LIKE 'P%' ; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Name LIKE 'Ha%' OR Name LIKE 'Pa%' ; # The pattern of the WHERE condition used in the following 3 queries is # (range1(key1) AND (range1(key2) OR range(key3)) OR # (range2(key1) AND (range2(key2) OR range(key4)) # Varying values of the constants in the range predicates of the condition # we can get: # 1. a plan with range index over key1 # 2. an index merge retrieval over key1, key2 and key3 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((ID < 10) AND (Name LIKE 'H%' OR (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'ARG'))) OR ((ID BETWEEN 100 AND 110) AND (Name LIKE 'P%' OR (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000))); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((ID < 800) AND (Name LIKE 'Ha%' OR (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'ARG'))) OR ((ID BETWEEN 900 AND 1500) AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR (Population > 103000 AND Population < 105000))); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((ID < 200) AND (Name LIKE 'Ha%' OR (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'ARG'))) OR ((ID BETWEEN 100 AND 200) AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR (Population > 103200 AND Population < 104000))); # The following 6 queries check that the plans # for the previous 3 plans are valid SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((ID < 10) AND (Name LIKE 'H%' OR (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'ARG'))) OR ((ID BETWEEN 100 AND 110) AND (Name LIKE 'P%' OR (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000))); SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((ID < 10) AND (Name LIKE 'H%' OR (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'ARG'))) OR ((ID BETWEEN 100 AND 110) AND (Name LIKE 'P%' OR (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000))); SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX() WHERE ((ID < 800) AND (Name LIKE 'Ha%' OR (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'ARG'))) OR ((ID BETWEEN 900 AND 1500) AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000))); SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((ID < 800) AND (Name LIKE 'Ha%' OR (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'ARG'))) OR ((ID BETWEEN 900 AND 1500) AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000))); SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((ID < 200) AND (Name LIKE 'Ha%' OR (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'ARG'))) OR ((ID BETWEEN 100 AND 200) AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000))); SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((ID < 200) AND (Name LIKE 'Ha%' OR (Country > 'A' AND Country < 'ARG'))) OR ((ID BETWEEN 100 AND 200) AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR (Population > 103000 AND Population < 104000))); # The output of the next 8 commands tells us about selectivities # of the conditions utilized in 2 queries following after them EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Population > 101000 AND Population < 110000; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Country < 'C'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Country < 'AGO'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'S'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'Pb'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ID BETWEEN 3400 AND 3800; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Name LIKE 'P%'; # The pattern of the WHERE condition used in the following 2 queries is # (range(key1) AND (range1(key2) OR range1(key3)) OR # (range(key4) AND (range2(key2) OR range2(key3)) # Varying values of the constants in the range predicates of the condition # we can get: # index merge retrievals over: # 1. key1, key2 and key3 # 2. key4, key2 and key3 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000) AND (Country < 'C' OR Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'S')) OR ((ID BETWEEN 3400 AND 3800) AND (Country < 'AGO' OR Name LIKE 'Pa%')); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 110000) AND (Country < 'AGO' OR Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'Pb')) OR ((ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND (Country < 'C' OR Name LIKE 'P%')); # The following 4 queries check that the plans # for the previous 2 plans are valid SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000) AND (Country < 'C' OR Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'S')) OR ((ID BETWEEN 3400 AND 3800) AND (Country < 'AGO' OR Name LIKE 'Pa%')); SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000) AND (Country < 'C' OR Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'S')) OR ((ID BETWEEN 3400 AND 3800) AND (Country < 'AGO' OR Name LIKE 'Pa%')); SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 110000) AND (Country < 'AGO' OR Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'Pb')) OR ((ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND (Country < 'C' OR Name LIKE 'P%')); SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 110000) AND (Country < 'AGO' OR Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'Pb')) OR ((ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND (Country < 'C' OR Name LIKE 'P%')); CREATE INDEX CountryPopulation ON City(Country,Population); --disable_query_log --disable_result_log --disable_warnings ANALYZE TABLE City; --enable_warnings --enable_result_log --enable_query_log # The output of the next 5 commands tells us about selectivities # of the conditions utilized in 2 queries following after them EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Name LIKE 'Pas%'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Name LIKE 'P%'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Population > 101000 AND Population < 103000); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Country='USA'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Country='FIN'; # The pattern of the WHERE condition used in the following 3 queries is # (range(key1_p2) OR (range(key2)) AND key1_p1=c # Varying values of the constants in the range predicates of the condition # we can get: # 1. a plan with range index over key1_p1 # 2. an index merge retrieval over: key1 and key2 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 103000) OR Name LIKE 'Pas%') AND Country='USA'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 103000) OR Name LIKE 'P%') AND Country='EST'; # The following 4 queries check that the plans # for the previous 2 plans are valid SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 103000) OR Name LIKE 'Pas%') AND Country='USA'; SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 103000) OR Name LIKE 'Pas%') AND Country='USA'; SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 103000) OR Name LIKE 'P%') AND Country='FIN'; SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 103000) OR Name LIKE 'P%') AND Country='FIN'; CREATE INDEX CountryName ON City(Country,Name); --disable_query_log --disable_result_log --disable_warnings ANALYZE TABLE City; --enable_warnings --enable_result_log --enable_query_log # The output of the next 12 commands tells us about selectivities # of the conditions utilized in 3 queries following after them EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Country='USA'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Country='FIN'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Country='BRA'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ID BETWEEN 4025 AND 4035; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ID BETWEEN 4028 AND 4032; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ID BETWEEN 3500 AND 3800; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ID BETWEEN 4000 AND 4300; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ID BETWEEN 250 and 260 ; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE (Population > 101000 AND Population < 103000); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Name LIKE 'Pa%'; # The pattern of the WHERE condition used in the following 3 queries is # (range(key1_p2) OR range1(key3)) AND # range(key1|2_p1=c) AND # (range(key2_p2) OR range2(key3)) # Varying values of the constants in the range conjuncts of the condition # we can get: # 1. a plan with range index over key1|2_p1 # index merge retrievals over: # 2. key1 and key3 # 3. key2 and key3 set @tmp_range_vs_index_merge=@@optimizer_switch; set optimizer_switch='extended_keys=off'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000) OR ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR ID BETWEEN 4025 AND 4035); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 103000) OR ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR ID BETWEEN 4028 AND 4032); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 110000) OR ID BETWEEN 3500 AND 3800) AND Country='FIN' AND (Name BETWEEN 'P' AND 'T' OR ID BETWEEN 4000 AND 4300); # The following 6 queries check that the plans # for the previous 3 plans are valid SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000) OR ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR ID BETWEEN 4025 AND 4035); SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000) OR ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR ID BETWEEN 4025 AND 4035); SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000) OR ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR ID BETWEEN 4028 AND 4032); SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000) OR ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR ID BETWEEN 4028 AND 4032); SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000) OR ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND Country='FIN' AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR ID BETWEEN 4025 AND 4035); SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 102000) OR ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND Country='FIN' AND (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR ID BETWEEN 4025 AND 4035); # The pattern of the WHERE condition used in the following query is # (range(key1_p2) OR range1(key3)) AND range(key1|2_p1=c1) AND # (range(key2_p2) OR range1(key3)) AND range(key1|2_p1=c2) # We get an index merge retrieval over key1, key2 and key3 for it EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 and Population < 102000) OR ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' OR (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR ID BETWEEN 250 AND 260) AND Country='BRA'; # The following 2 queries check that the plans # for the previous plan is valid SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((Population > 101000 and Population < 102000) OR ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' OR (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR ID BETWEEN 250 AND 260) AND Country='BRA'; SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 and Population < 102000) OR ID BETWEEN 3790 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' OR (Name LIKE 'Pa%' OR ID BETWEEN 250 AND 260) AND Country='BRA'; # The pattern of the WHERE condition used in the following query is # (impossible_range(key1_p2) OR range1(key3)) AND # range(key1|2_p1=c1) AND # (range(key2_p2) OR range2(key3)) # where range1(key3) and range2(key3) are disjoint # Varying values of the constant in range predicates we get plans: # 1. with an index scan over key2 # 2. with an index scan over key4=key2_p2 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 11000) OR ID BETWEEN 3500 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' AND (Name LIKE 'P%' OR ID BETWEEN 4000 AND 4300); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 11000) OR ID BETWEEN 3500 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' AND (Name LIKE 'Pho%' OR ID BETWEEN 4000 AND 4300); # The following 4 queries check that the plans # for the previous 2 plans are valid SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 11000) OR ID BETWEEN 3500 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' AND (Name LIKE 'P%' OR ID BETWEEN 4000 AND 4300); SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 11000) OR ID BETWEEN 3500 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' AND (Name LIKE 'P%' OR ID BETWEEN 4000 AND 4300); SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX () WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 11000) OR ID BETWEEN 3500 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' AND (Name LIKE 'Pho%' OR ID BETWEEN 4000 AND 4300); SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Population > 101000 AND Population < 11000) OR ID BETWEEN 3500 AND 3800) AND Country='USA' AND (Name LIKE 'Pho%' OR ID BETWEEN 4000 AND 4300); DROP INDEX Population ON City; DROP INDEX Name ON City; set optimizer_switch=@tmp_range_vs_index_merge; # The pattern of the WHERE condition used in the following query is # (key1|2_p1=c AND range(key1_p2)) OR (key1|2_p1=c AND range(key2_p2)) # We get an index merge retrieval over key1, key2 for it EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Country='USA' AND Population BETWEEN 101000 AND 102000 OR Country='USA' AND Name LIKE 'Pa%'; # The following 2 queries check that the plans # for the previous plan is valid SELECT * FROM City USE INDEX() WHERE Country='USA' AND Population BETWEEN 101000 AND 102000 OR Country='USA' AND Name LIKE 'Pa%'; SELECT * FROM City WHERE Country='USA' AND Population BETWEEN 101000 AND 102000 OR Country='USA' AND Name LIKE 'Pa%'; # The pattern of the WHERE condition used in the following query is # key1|2_p1=c AND (range(key1_p2) OR range(key2_p2)) # We get an index merge retrieval over key1, key2 for it EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE Country='USA' AND (Population BETWEEN 101000 AND 102000 OR Name LIKE 'Pa%'); # The following 2 queries check that the plans # for the previous plan is valid SELECT * FROM City WHERE Country='USA' AND (Population BETWEEN 101000 AND 102000 OR Name LIKE 'Pa%'); SELECT * FROM City WHERE Country='USA' AND (Population BETWEEN 101000 AND 102000 OR Name LIKE 'Pa%'); # # LP bug #954262: index merge over long disjunction in WHERE # set @save_optimizer_switch=@@optimizer_switch; CREATE INDEX CityName on City(Name); let $cond = (Name='Manila' AND Country='PHL') OR (Name='Addis Abeba' AND Country='ETH') OR (Name='Jakarta' AND Country='IDN') OR (Name='Bangalore' AND Country='IND') OR (Name='Teheran' AND Country='IRN') OR (Name='Roma' AND Country='ITA') OR (Name='Delhi' AND Country='IND') OR (Name='Venezia' AND Country='ITA') OR (Name='Tokyo' AND Country='JPN') OR (Name='Toronto' AND Country='CAN') OR (Name='Peking' AND Country='CHN') OR (Name='Lagos' AND Country='NGA') OR (Name='Tijuana' AND Country='MEX') OR (Name='Rabat' AND Country='MAR') OR (Name='Seoul' AND Country='KOR') OR (Name='Vancouver' AND Country='CAN') OR (Name='Kaunas' AND Country='LTU') OR (Name='Paris' AND Country='FRA') OR (Name='Dakar' AND Country='SEN') OR (Name='Basel' AND Country='CHE') OR (Name='Praha' AND Country='CZE') OR (Name='Ankara' AND Country='TUR') OR (Name='Dresden' AND Country='DEU') OR (Name='Lugansk' AND Country='UKR') OR (Name='Caracas' AND Country='VEN') OR (Name='Samara' AND Country='RUS') OR (Name='Seattle' AND Country='USA'); eval EXPLAIN SELECT Name, Country, Population FROM City WHERE $cond; --sorted_result eval SELECT Name, Country, Population FROM City WHERE $cond; set optimizer_switch='index_merge=off'; eval EXPLAIN SELECT Name, Country, Population FROM City WHERE $cond; --sorted_result eval SELECT Name, Country, Population FROM City WHERE $cond; set optimizer_switch=@save_optimizer_switch; --echo # --echo # Bug mdev-585: range vs index-merge with ORDER BY ... LIMIT n --echo # (LP bug #637962) --echo # DROP INDEX CountryPopulation ON City; DROP INDEX CountryName ON City; DROP INDEX CityName on City; CREATE INDEX Name ON City(Name); CREATE INDEX Population ON City(Population); --disable_view_protocol --replace_column 9 # EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'H')) AND (Population >= 100000 AND Population < 120000); FLUSH STATUS; SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'H')) AND (Population >= 100000 AND Population < 120000); SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Handler_read_%'; --replace_column 9 # EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'H')) AND (Population >= 100000 AND Population < 120000) ORDER BY Population LIMIT 5; FLUSH STATUS; SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'H')) AND (Population >= 100000 AND Population < 120000) ORDER BY Population LIMIT 5; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Handler_read_%'; set @tmp_mdev585=@@optimizer_use_condition_selectivity; set optimizer_use_condition_selectivity=1; --replace_column 9 # EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'H')) AND (Population >= 100000 AND Population < 120000) ORDER BY Population LIMIT 5; FLUSH STATUS; SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'H')) AND (Population >= 100000 AND Population < 120000) ORDER BY Population LIMIT 5; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Handler_read_%'; set optimizer_use_condition_selectivity=@tmp_mdev585; set optimizer_switch='index_merge=off'; --replace_column 9 # EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'H')) AND (Population >= 100000 AND Population < 120000) ORDER BY Population LIMIT 5; FLUSH STATUS; SELECT * FROM City WHERE ((Name > 'Ca' AND Name < 'Cf') OR (Country > 'E' AND Country < 'H')) AND (Population >= 100000 AND Population < 120000) ORDER BY Population LIMIT 5; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Handler_read_%'; --enable_view_protocol set optimizer_switch=@save_optimizer_switch; DROP DATABASE world; use test; # # Bug #17259: a bad range scan and a good index merge plan # CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, account_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, first_name varchar(50) default NULL, middle_name varchar(50) default NULL, last_name varchar(100) default NULL, home_address_1 varchar(150) default NULL, home_city varchar(75) default NULL, home_state char(2) default NULL, home_postal_code varchar(50) default NULL, home_county varchar(75) default NULL, home_country char(3) default NULL, work_address_1 varchar(150) default NULL, work_city varchar(75) default NULL, work_state char(2) default NULL, work_postal_code varchar(50) default NULL, work_county varchar(75) default NULL, work_country char(3) default NULL, login varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY login (login,account_id), KEY account_id (account_id), KEY user_home_country_indx (home_country), KEY user_work_country_indx (work_country), KEY user_home_state_indx (home_state), KEY user_work_state_indx (work_state), KEY user_home_city_indx (home_city), KEY user_work_city_indx (work_city), KEY user_first_name_indx (first_name), KEY user_last_name_indx (last_name) ); insert into t1(account_id, login, home_state, work_state) values (1, 'pw', 'ia', 'ia'), (1, 'pw', 'ia', 'ia'), (1, 'pw', 'ia', 'ia'), (1, 'pw', 'ia', 'ia'), (1, 'pw', 'ia', 'ia'), (1, 'pw', 'ia', 'ia'); insert into t1(account_id, login, home_state, work_state) select 1, 'pw', 'ak', 'ak' from t1; insert into t1(account_id, login, home_state, work_state) select 1, 'pw', 'ak', 'ak' from t1; insert into t1(account_id, login, home_state, work_state) select 1, 'pw', 'ak', 'ak' from t1; insert into t1(account_id, login, home_state, work_state) select 1, 'pw', 'ak', 'ak' from t1; insert into t1(account_id, login, home_state, work_state) select 1, 'pw', 'ak', 'ak' from t1; insert into t1(account_id, login, home_state, work_state) select 1, 'pw', 'ak', 'ak' from t1; insert into t1(account_id, login, home_state, work_state) select 1, 'pw', 'ak', 'ak' from t1; insert into t1(account_id, login, home_state, work_state) select 1, 'pw', 'ak', 'ak' from t1; insert into t1(account_id, login, home_state, work_state) select 1, 'pw', 'ak', 'ak' from t1; analyze table t1; select count(*) from t1 where account_id = 1; select * from t1 where (home_state = 'ia' or work_state='ia') and account_id = 1; explain select * from t1 where (home_state = 'ia' or work_state='ia') and account_id = 1; drop table t1; # # Bug #17673: no index merge plan if the condition for the last used # index component is factored out of the or formula # CREATE TABLE t1 ( c1 int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, c2 decimal(10,0) default NULL, c3 decimal(10,0) default NULL, c4 decimal(10,0) default NULL, c5 decimal(10,0) default NULL, cp decimal(1,0) default NULL, ce decimal(10,0) default NULL, cdata char(20), PRIMARY KEY (c1), KEY k1 (c2,c3,cp,ce), KEY k2 (c4,c5,cp,ce) ); insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) values(1,1,1,1,1); insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) values(2,1,1,1,4); insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) values(2,1,2,1,1); insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) values(2,1,3,1,4); insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) values(3,1,4,1,4); insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) select c2, c3, c4, c5, cp from t1 where cp = 4; insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) select c2, c3, c4, c5, cp from t1 where cp = 4; insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) select c2, c3, c4, c5, cp from t1 where cp = 4; insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) select c2, c3, c4, c5, cp from t1 where cp = 4; insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) select c2, c3, c4, c5, cp from t1 where cp = 4; insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) select c2, c3, c4, c5, cp from t1 where cp = 4; insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) select c2, c3, c4, c5, cp from t1 where cp = 4; insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) select c2, c3, c4, c5, cp from t1 where cp = 4; insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) select c2, c3, c4, c5, cp from t1 where cp = 4; insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) select c2, c3, c4, c5, cp from t1 where cp = 4; insert into t1 (c2, c3, c4, c5, cp) select c2, c3, c4, c5, cp from t1 where cp = 4; analyze table t1; explain select * from t1 where (c2=1 and c3=1) or (c4=2 and c5=1); explain select * from t1 where (c2=1 and c3=1 and cp=1) or (c4=2 and c5=1 and cp=1); explain select * from t1 where ((c2=1 and c3=1) or (c4=2 and c5=1)) and cp=1; select * from t1 where (c2=1 and c3=1 and cp=1) or (c4=2 and c5=1 and cp=1); select * from t1 where ((c2=1 and c3=1) or (c4=2 and c5=1)) and cp=1; drop table t1; # # Bug #23322: a bad range scan and a good index merge plan # create table t1 ( c1 int auto_increment primary key, c2 char(20), c3 char (20), c4 int ); alter table t1 add key k1 (c2); alter table t1 add key k2 (c3); alter table t1 add key k3 (c4); insert into t1 values(null, 'a', 'b', 0); insert into t1 values(null, 'c', 'b', 0); insert into t1 values(null, 'a', 'd', 0); insert into t1 values(null, 'ccc', 'qqq', 0); insert into t1 (c2,c3) select c2,c3 from t1 where c2 != 'a'; insert into t1 (c2,c3) select c2,c3 from t1 where c2 != 'a'; insert into t1 (c2,c3) select c2,c3 from t1 where c2 != 'a'; insert into t1 (c2,c3) select c2,c3 from t1 where c2 != 'a'; insert into t1 (c2,c3) select c2,c3 from t1 where c2 != 'a'; insert into t1 (c2,c3) select c2,c3 from t1 where c2 != 'a'; insert into t1 (c2,c3) select c2,c3 from t1 where c2 != 'a'; insert into t1 (c2,c3,c4) select c2,c3,1 from t1 where c2 != 'a'; insert into t1 (c2,c3,c4) select c2,c3,2 from t1 where c2 != 'a'; insert into t1 (c2,c3,c4) select c2,c3,3 from t1 where c2 != 'a'; insert into t1 (c2,c3,c4) select c2,c3,4 from t1 where c2 != 'a'; analyze table t1; select count(*) from t1 where (c2='e' OR c3='q'); select count(*) from t1 where c4 != 0; explain select distinct c1 from t1 where (c2='e' OR c3='q'); explain select distinct c1 from t1 where (c4!= 0) AND (c2='e' OR c3='q'); drop table t1; # # Bug #30151: a bad range scan and a good index merge plan # create table t1 ( id int unsigned auto_increment primary key, c1 char(12), c2 char(15), c3 char(1) ); insert into t1 (c3) values ('1'), ('2'); insert into t1 (c3) select c3 from t1; insert into t1 (c3) select c3 from t1; insert into t1 (c3) select c3 from t1; insert into t1 (c3) select c3 from t1; insert into t1 (c3) select c3 from t1; insert into t1 (c3) select c3 from t1; insert into t1 (c3) select c3 from t1; insert into t1 (c3) select c3 from t1; insert into t1 (c3) select c3 from t1; insert into t1 (c3) select c3 from t1; insert into t1 (c3) select c3 from t1; insert into t1 (c3) select c3 from t1; update t1 set c1=lpad(id+1000, 12, ' '), c2=lpad(id+10000, 15, ' '); alter table t1 add unique index (c1), add unique index (c2), add index (c3); analyze table t1; explain select * from t1 where (c1=' 100000' or c2=' 2000000'); explain select * from t1 where (c1=' 100000' or c2=' 2000000') and c3='2'; select * from t1 where (c1=' 100000' or c2=' 2000000'); select * from t1 where (c1=' 100000' or c2=' 2000000') and c3='2'; drop table t1; # # Bug #637978: invalid index merge access plan causes to wrong results # CREATE TABLE t1 ( a smallint DEFAULT NULL, pk int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, b varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, c varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, INDEX idx1 (a), INDEX idx2 (b), INDEX idx3 (c) ); --disable_query_log --disable_result_log INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (30371,99001,'dl','e'),(3,99002,'Ohio','t'),(9,99003,'Delaware','xb'), (0,99004,'Pennsylvan','i'),(-199,99005,'y','d'),(0,99006,'with','Rhode Island'), (3,99007,'km','qkmiimdxbdljsejtsfrvwlrgacinbmfuosflnenlpomkmvbig'), (22860,99008,'ovqkmiimdx','uovqkmiimdxbdljsejtsfrvwlrgacinbmfuosflnenlpomkmvbig'), (212,99009,'f','p'),(NULL,99010,'i','k'),(20426,99011,'Vermont','New York'), (0,99012,'Oregon','w'),(31831,99013,'s','isrcijpuovqkmiimdxbdljsejtsfrvwl'), (123,99014,'t','p'),(32767,99015,'q','Maine'), (NULL,99016,'know','qqqpisrcijpuovqkmiimdxbdljsejtsfrvwlrgacinbmfuosflnenlpo'), (1,99017,'going','North Carolina'),(-717,99018,'ad','Indiana'), (32767,99019,'Maryland','aa'),(31280,99020,'Nebraska','Colorado'), (0,99021,'q','Ohio'), (5989,99022,'rovaadtqqq','lrovaadtqqqpisrcijpuovqkmiimdxbdljsejtsfrvwlrgacinb'), (89,99023,'n','Pennsylvania'),(0,99024,'Florida','c'),(97,99025,'Maine','y'), (149,99026,'xaemnl','Idaho'),(NULL,99027,'h','y'),(26276,99028,'going','New York'), (242,99029,'bdhxaemnlr','sbdhxaemnlrovaadtqqqpisrcijpuovqkmiimdxb'), (32767,99030,'if','a'),(26581,99031,'Arizona','q'),(45,99032,'ysazsbdhxa','f'), (0,99033,'qv','s'),(NULL,99034,'Louisiana','lqvfysazsbdhxaemnlrovaadtqqqpisrc'), (160,99035,'Connecticu','x'),(23241,99036,'lx','q'),(0,99037,'u','Colorado'), (-19141,99038,'w','h'),(218,99039,'s','uo'),(4,99040,'Montana','Oklahoma'), (97,99041,'r','ls'),(32767,99042,'q','v'),(7,99043,'mlsuownlnl','did'), (NULL,99044,'ui','i'),(2,99045,'to','I\'ll'),(0,99046,'Nevada','g'), (3251,99047,'y','New York'),(0,99048,'wyttuimlsu','you\'re'), (7,99049,'he','South Carolina'),(32767,99050,'s','right'), (172,99051,'Arizona','e'),(0,99052,'x','lxmvwyttuimlsuownlnlxklq'), (NULL,99053,'f','wfjlxmvwyttuimlsuownlnlxklqvfysazs'),(44,99054,'s','n'), (-17561,99055,'me','wm'),(88,99056,'y','my'),(7313,99057,'jx','New Hampshire'), (63,99058,'zl','South Carolina'),(9,99059,'ma','Illinois'), (6,99060,'lamazljxpg','like'),(17021,99061,'x','v'),(0,99062,'New Mexico','j'), (179,99427,'fliq','because'), (107,99063,'Virginia','Mississippi'), (0,99064,'si','to'),(113,99065,'Illinois','Kansas'),(20808,99066,'tsi','d'), (-15372,99067,'d','vdftsidjtvulamazljxpgiwmbnmwfjlxmvwyttuimlsuownlnl'), (0,99068,'y','then'),(2,99069,'all','b'),(NULL,99070,'by','Wisconsin'), (4,99071,'about','right'),(5,99072,'m','s'),(0,99073,'e','Pennsylvania'), (-28284,99074,'x','f'),(1,99075,'Rhode Isla','Georgia'),(NULL,99076,'p','was'), (168,99077,'Tennessee','Minnesota'),(18349,99078,'x','Rhode Island'), (5,99079,'as','d'),(12217,99080,'c','i'),(0,99081,'rdvdxboydm','s'), (19132,99082,'her','jerdvdxboydmpefbiesqbyyvdftsidjtvulamazljxpgiwmbn'), (0,99083,'all','jhjerdvdxboydmpefbiesqbyyvdftsidjtvulamazljx'), (32767,99084,'s','flj'),(-4947,99085,'something','Vermont'), (0,99086,'cjfljhjerd','Washington'); ANALYZE TABLE t1; --enable_query_log --enable_result_log SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 IGNORE INDEX (idx2,idx3) WHERE c = 'i' OR b IN ( 'Arkansas' , 'd' , 'pdib' , 'can' ) OR (pk BETWEEN 120 AND 79 + 255 OR a IN ( 4 , 179 , 1 ) ) AND a > 8 ; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE c = 'i' OR b IN ( 'Arkansas' , 'd' , 'pdib' , 'can' ) OR (pk BETWEEN 120 AND 79 + 255 OR a IN ( 4 , 179 , 1 ) ) AND a > 8 ; EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE c = 'i' OR b IN ( 'Arkansas' , 'd' , 'pdib' , 'can' ) OR (pk BETWEEN 120 AND 79 + 255 OR a IN ( 4 , 179 , 1 ) ) AND a > 8 ; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #684117: ORing of two index merge that caused a crash # CREATE TABLE t1 ( f1 int, f2 int, f3 int, f4 int, f5 int, PRIMARY KEY (f4), KEY (f1), KEY (f2), KEY (f3) ) ; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0,0,NULL,9,5), (0,0,1,9425,NULL); SELECT f5 FROM t1 WHERE f2 != 1 OR f1 IS NULL OR f4 = 4 OR f2 AND (f4 BETWEEN 6 AND 255 OR f3 IS NULL); DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #685952: An invalid index merge union plan # CREATE TABLE t1 ( f1 int, f2 int, f3 int, f4 int, PRIMARY KEY (f1), KEY (f3), KEY (f4) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,0,0,0), (2,0,0,0), (3,0,0,0); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9,0,2,6), (9930,0,0,NULL); insert into t1 select seq,seq,seq,seq from seq_100_to_400; analyze table t1; SET SESSION optimizer_switch='index_merge_intersection=off'; SET SESSION optimizer_switch='index_merge_sort_union=off'; SET SESSION optimizer_switch='index_merge_union=off'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 FORCE KEY (PRIMARY,f3,f4) WHERE ( f3 = 1 OR f1 = 7 ) AND f1 < 10 OR f3 BETWEEN 2 AND 2 AND ( f3 = 1 OR f4 < 7 ); SELECT * FROM t1 FORCE KEY (PRIMARY,f3,f4) WHERE ( f3 = 1 OR f1 = 7 ) AND f1 < 10 OR f3 BETWEEN 2 AND 2 AND ( f3 = 1 OR f4 < 7 ); SET SESSION optimizer_switch='index_merge_union=on'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 FORCE KEY (PRIMARY,f3,f4) WHERE ( f3 = 1 OR f1 = 7 ) AND f1 < 10 OR f3 BETWEEN 2 AND 2 AND ( f3 = 1 OR f4 < 7 ); SELECT * FROM t1 FORCE KEY (PRIMARY,f3,f4) WHERE ( f3 = 1 OR f1 = 7 ) AND f1 < 10 OR f3 BETWEEN 2 AND 2 AND ( f3 = 1 OR f4 < 7 ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (93,0,3,6), (9933,0,3,3), (94,0,4,6), (9934,0,4,4), (95,0,5,6), (9935,0,5,5), (96,0,6,6), (9936,0,6,6), (97,0,7,6), (9937,0,7,7), (98,0,8,6), (9938,0,8,8), (99,0,9,6), (9939,0,9,9); analyze table t1; SET SESSION optimizer_switch='index_merge_union=off'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 FORCE KEY (PRIMARY,f3,f4) WHERE ( f3 = 1 OR f1 = 7 ) AND f1 < 10 OR f3 BETWEEN 2 AND 2 AND ( f3 = 1 OR f4 < 7 ); SELECT * FROM t1 FORCE KEY (PRIMARY,f3,f4) WHERE ( f3 = 1 OR f1 = 7 ) AND f1 < 10 OR f3 BETWEEN 2 AND 2 AND ( f3 = 1 OR f4 < 7 ); SET SESSION optimizer_switch='index_merge_union=on'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 FORCE KEY (PRIMARY,f3,f4) WHERE ( f3 = 1 OR f1 = 7 ) AND f1 < 10 OR f3 BETWEEN 2 AND 2 AND ( f3 = 1 OR f4 < 7 ); SELECT * FROM t1 FORCE KEY (PRIMARY,f3,f4) WHERE ( f3 = 1 OR f1 = 7 ) AND f1 < 10 OR f3 BETWEEN 2 AND 2 AND ( f3 = 1 OR f4 < 7 ); SET SESSION optimizer_switch=DEFAULT; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #752353: valgrind complain on a jump depending # on an uninitialised value # CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 int) ; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0), (0); CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 int, f2 int, f3 int, f4 int, INDEX idx (f3,f2)) ; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (5,6,0,0), (0,4,0,0); CREATE TABLE t3 (f1 int, f2 int, INDEX idx1 (f2,f1) , INDEX idx2 (f1)) ; INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (6,0),( 4,0); SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3 WHERE (t2.f3 = 1 OR t3.f1=t2.f1) AND t3.f1 <> t2.f2 AND t3.f2 = t2.f4; DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3; # # LP bug #823301: index merge sort union with possible index scan # CREATE TABLE t1 ( a int, b int, c int, d int, PRIMARY KEY(b), INDEX idx1(d), INDEX idx2(d,b,c) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0,58,7,7),(0,63,2,0),(0,64,186,8),(0,65,1,-2), (0,71,190,-3), (0,72,321,-7),(0,73,0,3),(0,74,5,25),(0,75,5,3); ANALYZE TABLE t1; SET SESSION optimizer_switch='index_merge_sort_union=off'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.b>7 AND t1.d>1 AND t1.d<>8 OR t1.d>=7 AND t1.d<8 OR t1.d>7; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.b>7 AND t1.d>1 AND t1.d<>8 OR t1.d>=7 AND t1.d<8 OR t1.d>7; SET SESSION optimizer_switch='index_merge_sort_union=on'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.b>7 AND t1.d>1 AND t1.d<>8 OR t1.d>=7 AND t1.d<8 OR t1.d>7; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.b>7 AND t1.d>1 AND t1.d<>8 OR t1.d>=7 AND t1.d<8 OR t1.d>7; SET SESSION optimizer_switch=DEFAULT; DROP TABLE t1; # # LP bug #800184: possible index merge sort union # CREATE TABLE t1 (a int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, b int, c int, INDEX idx(c,b)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (19,1,NULL), (20,5,7); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.a>300 AND t1.c!=0 AND t1.b>=350 AND t1.b<=400 AND (t1.c=0 OR t1.a=500); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.a>300 AND t1.c!=0 AND t1.b>=350 AND t1.b<=400 AND (t1.c=0 OR t1.a=500); DROP TABLE t1; # # LP bug #891953: always true OR # CREATE TABLE t1 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int, INDEX idx(b)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (167,9999), (168,10000); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a BETWEEN 4 AND 5 AND b IN (255,4) OR a IN (2,14,25) OR (a<2 or a>2); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a BETWEEN 4 AND 5 AND b IN (255,4) OR a IN (2,14,25) OR (a<2 or a>2); DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-8603: Wrong result OR/AND condition over index fields --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 ( id INT NOT NULL, state VARCHAR(64), capital VARCHAR(64), UNIQUE KEY (id), KEY state (state,id), KEY capital (capital, id) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'Arizona','Phoenix'), (2,'Hawaii','Honolulu'), (3,'Georgia','Atlanta'), (4,'Florida','Tallahassee'), (5,'Alaska','Juneau'), (6,'Michigan','Lansing'), (7,'Pennsylvania','Harrisburg'), (8,'Virginia','Richmond') ; ANALYZE TABLE t1; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 FORCE KEY (state,capital) WHERE ( state = 'Alabama' OR state >= 'Colorado' ) AND (id<9 or id>9) OR ( capital >= 'Topeka' OR state = 'Kansas' ) AND state != 'Texas'; SELECT * FROM t1 FORCE KEY (state,capital) WHERE ( state = 'Alabama' OR state >= 'Colorado' ) AND (id<9 or id>9) OR ( capital >= 'Topeka' OR state = 'Kansas' ) AND state != 'Texas'; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # mdev-11574: do not build index merge of two indexes when --echo # one index is an infix of the other index --echo # set names utf8; CREATE DATABASE world; use world; --source include/world_schema.inc --disable_query_log --disable_result_log --disable_warnings --source include/world.inc --enable_warnings --enable_result_log --enable_query_log DROP INDEX Country ON City; CREATE INDEX CountryName ON City(Country,Name); CREATE INDEX Name ON City(Name); --disable_query_log --disable_result_log --disable_warnings ANALYZE TABLE City; --enable_warnings --enable_result_log --enable_query_log let $q= select * from City where Country='FIN' AND Name IN ('Lahti','Imatra') OR Country='RUS' AND Name IN ('St Petersburg', 'Moscow') OR Country='SWE' AND Name IN ('Stockholm', 'Uppsala') OR Country='DEU' AND Name IN ('Berlin', 'Bonn') OR Country='BEL' AND Name IN ('Antwerpen', 'Gent') OR Country='PRT' AND Name IN ('Braga', 'Porto') OR Country='FRA' AND Name IN ('Paris', 'Marcel') OR Country='POL' AND Name IN ('Warszawa', 'Wroclaw') OR Country='NOR' AND Name IN ('Oslo', 'Bergen') OR Country='ITA' AND Name IN ('Napoli', 'Venezia'); eval $q; eval explain $q; DROP DATABASE world; #the following command must be the last one in the file set session optimizer_switch='index_merge_sort_intersection=default';