// vim:sw=2:ai #include <signal.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <vector> #include <stdlib.h> #include <memory> #include <errno.h> #include <mysql.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "util.hpp" #include "auto_ptrcontainer.hpp" #include "socket.hpp" #include "thread.hpp" #include "hstcpcli.hpp" #if __GNUC__ >= 4 long atomic_exchange_and_add(volatile long *valp, long c) { return __sync_fetch_and_add(valp, c); } #else #include <bits/atomicity.h> using namespace __gnu_cxx; long atomic_exchange_and_add(volatile long *valp, long c) { return __exchange_and_add((volatile _Atomic_word *)valp, c); } #endif namespace dena { struct auto_mysql : private noncopyable { auto_mysql() : db(0) { reset(); } ~auto_mysql() { if (db) { mysql_close(db); } } void reset() { if (db) { mysql_close(db); } if ((db = mysql_init(0)) == 0) { fatal_abort("failed to initialize mysql client"); } } operator MYSQL *() const { return db; } private: MYSQL *db; }; struct auto_mysql_res : private noncopyable { auto_mysql_res(MYSQL *db) { res = mysql_store_result(db); } ~auto_mysql_res() { if (res) { mysql_free_result(res); } } operator MYSQL_RES *() const { return res; } private: MYSQL_RES *res; }; struct auto_mysql_stmt : private noncopyable { auto_mysql_stmt(MYSQL *db) { stmt = mysql_stmt_init(db); } ~auto_mysql_stmt() { if (stmt) { mysql_stmt_close(stmt); } } operator MYSQL_STMT *() const { return stmt; } private: MYSQL_STMT *stmt; }; namespace { double gettimeofday_double() { struct timeval tv; if (gettimeofday(&tv, 0) != 0) { fatal_abort("gettimeofday"); } return static_cast<double>(tv.tv_usec) / 1000000 + tv.tv_sec; } // unused void wait_close(int fd) { char buf[1024]; while (true) { int r = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (r <= 0) { break; } } } // unused void gentle_close(int fd) { int r = shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR); if (r != 0) { return; } wait_close(fd); } }; struct hstest_shared { config conf; socket_args arg; int verbose; size_t loop; size_t pipe; char op; long num_threads; mutable volatile long count; mutable volatile long conn_count; long wait_conn; volatile char *keygen; long keygen_size; mutable volatile int enable_timing; int usleep; int dump; hstest_shared() : verbose(0), loop(0), pipe(0), op('G'), num_threads(0), count(0), conn_count(0), wait_conn(0), keygen(0), keygen_size(0), enable_timing(0), usleep(0), dump(0) { } void increment_count(unsigned int c = 1) const volatile { atomic_exchange_and_add(&count, c); } void increment_conn(unsigned int c) const volatile { atomic_exchange_and_add(&conn_count, c); while (wait_conn != 0 && conn_count < wait_conn) { sleep(1); } // fprintf(stderr, "wait_conn=%ld done\n", wait_conn); } }; struct hstest_thread { struct arg_type { size_t id; const hstest_shared& sh; bool watch_flag; arg_type(size_t i, const hstest_shared& s, bool w) : id(i), sh(s), watch_flag(w) { } }; hstest_thread(const arg_type& a) : arg(a), io_success_count(0), op_success_count(0), response_min(99999), response_max(0), response_sum(0), response_avg(0) { } void operator ()(); void test_1(); void test_2_3(int test_num); void test_4_5(int test_num); void test_6(int test_num); void test_7(int test_num); void test_8(int test_num); void test_9(int test_num); void test_10(int test_num); void test_11(int test_num); void test_12(int test_num); void test_21(int test_num); void test_22(int test_num); void test_watch(); void sleep_if(); void set_timing(double time_spent); arg_type arg; auto_file fd; size_t io_success_count; size_t op_success_count; double response_min, response_max, response_sum, response_avg; }; void hstest_thread::test_1() { char buf[1024]; unsigned int seed = arg.id; seed ^= arg.sh.conf.get_int("seed_xor", 0); std::string err; if (socket_connect(fd, arg.sh.arg, err) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "connect: %d %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return; } const char op = arg.sh.op; const int tablesize = arg.sh.conf.get_int("tablesize", 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < arg.sh.loop; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < arg.sh.pipe; ++j) { int k = 0, v = 0, len = 0; if (op == 'G') { k = rand_r(&seed); v = rand_r(&seed); /* unused */ if (tablesize != 0) { k &= tablesize; } len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c\tk%d\n", op, k); } else { k = rand_r(&seed); v = rand_r(&seed); if (tablesize != 0) { k &= tablesize; } len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c\tk%d\tv%d\n", op, k, v); } const int wlen = write(fd.get(), buf, len); if (wlen != len) { return; } } size_t read_cnt = 0; size_t read_pos = 0; while (read_cnt < arg.sh.pipe) { const int rlen = read(fd.get(), buf + read_pos, sizeof(buf) - read_pos); if (rlen <= 0) { return; } read_pos += rlen; while (true) { const char *const p = static_cast<const char *>(memchr(buf, '\n', read_pos)); if (p == 0) { break; } ++read_cnt; ++io_success_count; arg.sh.increment_count(); if (p != buf && buf[0] == '=') { ++op_success_count; } const size_t rest_size = buf + read_pos - (p + 1); if (rest_size != 0) { memmove(buf, p + 1, rest_size); } read_pos = rest_size; } } } } void hstest_thread::test_2_3(int test_num) { #if 0 char buf_k[128], buf_v[128]; unsigned int seed = arg.id; op_base_t op = static_cast<op_base_t>(arg.sh.op); micli_ptr hnd; if (test_num == 2) { hnd = micli_i::create_remote(arg.sh.conf); } else if (test_num == 3) { // hnd = micli_i::create_inproc(arg.sh.localdb); } if (hnd.get() == 0) { return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < arg.sh.loop; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < arg.sh.pipe; ++j) { int k = 0, v = 0, klen = 0, vlen = 0; k = rand_r(&seed); klen = snprintf(buf_k, sizeof(buf_k), "k%d", k); v = rand_r(&seed); /* unused */ vlen = snprintf(buf_v, sizeof(buf_v), "v%d", v); string_ref arr[2]; arr[0] = string_ref(buf_k, klen); arr[1] = string_ref(buf_v, vlen); pstrarr_ptr rec(arr, 2); if (hnd->execute(op, 0, 0, rec.get_const())) { ++io_success_count; arg.sh.increment_count(); const dataset& res = hnd->get_result_ref(); if (res.size() == 1) { ++op_success_count; } } } } #endif } void hstest_thread::test_4_5(int test_num) { #if 0 char buf_k[128], buf_v[8192]; memset(buf_v, ' ', sizeof(buf_v)); unsigned int seed = arg.id; op_base_t op = static_cast<op_base_t>(arg.sh.op); micli_ptr hnd; if (test_num == 4) { hnd = micli_i::create_remote(arg.sh.conf); } else if (test_num == 5) { hnd = micli_i::create_inproc(arg.sh.localdb); } if (hnd.get() == 0) { return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < arg.sh.loop; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < arg.sh.pipe; ++j) { int k = 0, klen = 0, vlen = 0; k = i & 0x0000ffffUL; if (k == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "k=0\n"); } klen = snprintf(buf_k, sizeof(buf_k), "k%d", k); vlen = rand_r(&seed) % 8192; string_ref arr[2]; arr[0] = string_ref(buf_k, klen); arr[1] = string_ref(buf_v, vlen); pstrarr_ptr rec(arr, 2); if (hnd->execute(op, 0, 0, rec.get_const())) { ++io_success_count; const dataset& res = hnd->get_result_ref(); if (res.size() == 1) { ++op_success_count; } } } } #endif } void hstest_thread::test_6(int test_num) { int count = arg.sh.conf.get_int("count", 1); auto_file fds[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const double t1 = gettimeofday_double(); std::string err; if (socket_connect(fds[i], arg.sh.arg, err) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "id=%zu i=%d err=%s\n", arg.id, i, err.c_str()); } const double t2 = gettimeofday_double(); if (t2 - t1 > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "id=%zu i=%d time %f\n", arg.id, i, t2 - t1); } } } void hstest_thread::test_7(int num) { /* set foo 0 0 10 0123456789 STORED get foo VALUE foo 0 10 0123456789 END get var END */ char buf[1024]; const int keep_connection = arg.sh.conf.get_int("keep_connection", 1); unsigned int seed = arg.id; seed ^= arg.sh.conf.get_int("seed_xor", 0); const int tablesize = arg.sh.conf.get_int("tablesize", 0); const char op = arg.sh.op; for (size_t i = 0; i < arg.sh.loop; ++i) { const double tm1 = gettimeofday_double(); std::string err; if (fd.get() < 0 && socket_connect(fd, arg.sh.arg, err) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "connect: %d %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return; } for (size_t j = 0; j < arg.sh.pipe; ++j) { int k = 0, v = 0, len = 0; if (op == 'G') { k = rand_r(&seed); v = rand_r(&seed); /* unused */ if (tablesize != 0) { k &= tablesize; } len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "get k%d\r\n", k); } else { k = rand_r(&seed); v = rand_r(&seed); if (tablesize != 0) { k &= tablesize; } char vbuf[1024]; int vlen = snprintf(vbuf, sizeof(vbuf), "v%d" // "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" , v); len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "set k%d 0 0 %d\r\n%s\r\n", k, vlen, vbuf); } const int wlen = write(fd.get(), buf, len); if (wlen != len) { return; } } size_t read_cnt = 0; size_t read_pos = 0; bool read_response_done = false; bool expect_value = false; while (!read_response_done) { const int rlen = read(fd.get(), buf + read_pos, sizeof(buf) - read_pos); if (rlen <= 0) { return; } read_pos += rlen; while (true) { const char *const p = static_cast<const char *>(memchr(buf, '\n', read_pos)); if (p == 0) { break; } ++read_cnt; if (expect_value) { expect_value = false; } else if (p >= buf + 6 && memcmp(buf, "VALUE ", 6) == 0) { expect_value = true; ++op_success_count; } else { if (p == buf + 7 && memcmp(buf, "STORED\r", 7) == 0) { ++op_success_count; } read_response_done = true; } const size_t rest_size = buf + read_pos - (p + 1); if (rest_size != 0) { memmove(buf, p + 1, rest_size); } read_pos = rest_size; } ++io_success_count; } arg.sh.increment_count(); if (!keep_connection) { fd.close(); } const double tm2 = gettimeofday_double(); set_timing(tm2 - tm1); sleep_if(); } } struct rec { std::string key; std::string value; }; void hstest_thread::test_8(int test_num) { #if 0 char buf_k[128], buf_v[128]; unsigned int seed = arg.id; // op_base_t op = static_cast<op_base_t>(arg.sh.op); using namespace boost::multi_index; typedef member<rec, std::string, &rec::key> rec_get_key; typedef ordered_unique<rec_get_key> oui; typedef multi_index_container< rec, indexed_by<oui> > mic; #if 0 typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> m_type; m_type m; #endif mic m; for (size_t i = 0; i < arg.sh.loop; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < arg.sh.pipe; ++j) { int k = 0, v = 0, klen = 0, vlen = 0; k = rand_r(&seed); klen = snprintf(buf_k, sizeof(buf_k), "k%d", k); v = rand_r(&seed); /* unused */ vlen = snprintf(buf_v, sizeof(buf_v), "v%d", v); const std::string ks(buf_k, klen); const std::string vs(buf_v, vlen); rec r; r.key = ks; r.value = vs; m.insert(r); // m.insert(std::make_pair(ks, vs)); ++io_success_count; ++op_success_count; arg.sh.increment_count(); } } #endif } struct mysqltest_thread_initobj : private noncopyable { mysqltest_thread_initobj() { mysql_thread_init(); } ~mysqltest_thread_initobj() { mysql_thread_end(); } }; void hstest_thread::test_9(int test_num) { /* create table hstest * ( k varchar(255) not null, v varchar(255) not null, primary key(k)) * engine = innodb; */ auto_mysql db; // mysqltest_thread_initobj initobj; std::string err; const char op = arg.sh.op; const std::string suffix = arg.sh.conf.get_str("value_suffix", "upd"); unsigned long long err_cnt = 0; unsigned long long query_cnt = 0; #if 0 my_bool reconnect = 0; if (mysql_options(db, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect) != 0) { err = "mysql_options() failed"; ++err_cnt; return; } #endif unsigned int seed = time(0) + arg.id + 1; seed ^= arg.sh.conf.get_int("seed_xor", 0); drand48_data randbuf; srand48_r(seed, &randbuf); const std::string mysql_host = arg.sh.conf.get_str("host", "localhost"); const int mysql_port = arg.sh.conf.get_int("mysqlport", 3306); const int num = arg.sh.loop; const std::string mysql_user = arg.sh.conf.get_str("mysqluser", "root"); const std::string mysql_passwd = arg.sh.conf.get_str("mysqlpass", ""); const std::string mysql_dbname = arg.sh.conf.get_str("dbname", "hstest"); const int keep_connection = arg.sh.conf.get_int("keep_connection", 1); const int verbose = arg.sh.conf.get_int("verbose", 1); const int tablesize = arg.sh.conf.get_int("tablesize", 10000); const int moreflds = arg.sh.conf.get_int("moreflds", 0); const std::string moreflds_prefix = arg.sh.conf.get_str( "moreflds_prefix", "column0123456789_"); const int use_handler = arg.sh.conf.get_int("handler", 0); const int sched_flag = arg.sh.conf.get_int("sched", 0); const int use_in = arg.sh.conf.get_int("in", 0); const int ssps = use_in ? 0 : arg.sh.conf.get_int("ssps", 0); std::string flds = "v"; for (int i = 0; i < moreflds; ++i) { char buf[1024]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ",%s%d", moreflds_prefix.c_str(), i); flds += std::string(buf); } int connected = 0; std::auto_ptr<auto_mysql_stmt> stmt; string_buffer wbuf; for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { const double tm1 = gettimeofday_double(); const int flags = 0; if (connected == 0) { if (!mysql_real_connect(db, mysql_host.c_str(), mysql_user.c_str(), mysql_user.empty() ? 0 : mysql_passwd.c_str(), mysql_dbname.c_str(), mysql_port, 0, flags)) { err = "failed to connect: " + std::string(mysql_error(db)); if (verbose >= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "e=[%s]\n", err.c_str()); } ++err_cnt; return; } arg.sh.increment_conn(1); } int r = 0; if (connected == 0 && use_handler) { const char *const q = "handler hstest_table1 open"; r = mysql_real_query(db, q, strlen(q)); if (r != 0) { err = 1; } } if (connected == 0 && ssps) { stmt.reset(new auto_mysql_stmt(db)); const char *const q = "select v from hstest_table1 where k = ?"; r = mysql_stmt_prepare(*stmt, q, strlen(q)); if (r != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ssps err\n"); ++err_cnt; return; } } connected = 1; std::string result_str; unsigned int err = 0; unsigned int num_flds = 0, num_affected_rows = 0; int got_data = 0; char buf_query[16384]; int buf_query_len = 0; int k = 0, v = 0; { double kf = 0, vf = 0; drand48_r(&randbuf, &kf); drand48_r(&randbuf, &vf); k = int(kf * tablesize); v = int(vf * tablesize); #if 0 k = rand_r(&seed); v = rand_r(&seed); if (tablesize != 0) { k %= tablesize; } #endif if (op == 'G') { if (use_handler) { buf_query_len = snprintf(buf_query, sizeof(buf_query), "handler hstest_table1 read `primary` = ( '%d' )", k); // TODO: moreflds } else if (ssps) { // } else if (use_in) { wbuf.clear(); char *p = wbuf.make_space(1024); int len = snprintf(p, 1024, "select %s from hstest_table1 where k in ('%d'", flds.c_str(), k); wbuf.space_wrote(len); for (int j = 1; j < use_in; ++j) { /* generate more key */ drand48_r(&randbuf, &kf); k = int(kf * tablesize); p = wbuf.make_space(1024); int len = snprintf(p, 1024, ", '%d'", k); wbuf.space_wrote(len); } wbuf.append_literal(")"); } else { buf_query_len = snprintf(buf_query, sizeof(buf_query), "select %s from hstest_table1 where k = '%d'", flds.c_str(), k); } } else if (op == 'U') { buf_query_len = snprintf(buf_query, sizeof(buf_query), "update hstest_table1 set v = '%d_%d%s' where k = '%d'", v, k, suffix.c_str(), k); } else if (op == 'R') { buf_query_len = snprintf(buf_query, sizeof(buf_query), "replace into hstest_table1 values ('%d', 'v%d')", k, v); // TODO: moreflds } } if (r == 0) { if (ssps) { MYSQL_BIND bind[1] = { }; bind[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG; bind[0].buffer = (char *)&k; bind[0].is_null = 0; bind[0].length = 0; if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(*stmt, bind)) { fprintf(stderr, "err: %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(*stmt)); ++err_cnt; return; } r = mysql_stmt_execute(*stmt); // fprintf(stderr, "stmt exec\n"); } else if (use_in) { r = mysql_real_query(db, wbuf.begin(), wbuf.size()); } else { r = mysql_real_query(db, buf_query, buf_query_len); // fprintf(stderr, "real query\n"); } ++query_cnt; } if (r != 0) { err = 1; } else if (ssps) { if (verbose >= 0) { char resbuf[1024]; unsigned long res_len = 0; MYSQL_BIND bind[1] = { }; bind[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING; bind[0].buffer = resbuf; bind[0].buffer_length = sizeof(resbuf); bind[0].length = &res_len; if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(*stmt, bind)) { fprintf(stderr, "err: %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(*stmt)); ++err_cnt; return; } if (mysql_stmt_fetch(*stmt)) { fprintf(stderr, "err: %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(*stmt)); ++err_cnt; return; } if (!result_str.empty()) { result_str += " "; } result_str += std::string(resbuf, res_len); // fprintf(stderr, "SSPS RES: %s\n", result_str.c_str()); got_data = 1; } else { got_data = 1; } } else { auto_mysql_res res(db); if (res != 0) { if (verbose >= 0) { num_flds = mysql_num_fields(res); MYSQL_ROW row = 0; while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != 0) { got_data += 1; unsigned long *const lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(res); if (verbose >= 2) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_flds; ++i) { if (!result_str.empty()) { result_str += " "; } result_str += std::string(row[i], lengths[i]); } } } } else { MYSQL_ROW row = 0; while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != 0) { got_data += 1; } } } else { if (mysql_field_count(db) == 0) { num_affected_rows = mysql_affected_rows(db); } else { err = 1; } } } if (verbose >= 2 || (verbose >= 1 && err != 0)) { if (err) { ++err_cnt; const char *const errstr = mysql_error(db); fprintf(stderr, "e=[%s] a=%u q=[%s]\n", errstr, num_affected_rows, buf_query); } else { fprintf(stderr, "a=%u q=[%s] r=[%s]\n", num_affected_rows, buf_query, result_str.c_str()); } } if (err == 0) { ++io_success_count; if (num_affected_rows > 0 || got_data > 0) { op_success_count += got_data; } else { if (verbose >= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "k=%d numaff=%u gotdata=%d\n", k, num_affected_rows, got_data); } } arg.sh.increment_count(); } if (!keep_connection) { if (stmt.get() != 0) { stmt.reset(); } db.reset(); connected = 0; } const double tm2 = gettimeofday_double(); set_timing(tm2 - tm1); sleep_if(); if (sched_flag) { sched_yield(); } } if (verbose >= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "thread finished (error_count=%llu)\n", err_cnt); } } void hstest_thread::test_10(int test_num) { const int keep_connection = arg.sh.conf.get_int("keep_connection", 1); unsigned int seed = time(0) + arg.id + 1; seed ^= arg.sh.conf.get_int("seed_xor", 0); drand48_data randbuf; srand48_r(seed, &randbuf); std::string err; int keepconn_count = 0; const char op = arg.sh.op; const int verbose = arg.sh.conf.get_int("verbose", 1); const std::string suffix = arg.sh.conf.get_str("value_suffix", "upd"); const int tablesize = arg.sh.conf.get_int("tablesize", 10000); const int firstkey = arg.sh.conf.get_int("firstkey", 0); const int sched_flag = arg.sh.conf.get_int("sched", 0); const int moreflds = arg.sh.conf.get_int("moreflds", 0); const std::string dbname = arg.sh.conf.get_str("dbname", "hstest"); const std::string table = arg.sh.conf.get_str("table", "hstest_table1"); const std::string index = arg.sh.conf.get_str("index", "PRIMARY"); const std::string field = arg.sh.conf.get_str("field", "v"); const int use_in = arg.sh.conf.get_int("in", 0); const std::string moreflds_prefix = arg.sh.conf.get_str( "moreflds_prefix", "column0123456789_"); const int dump = arg.sh.dump; const int nodup = arg.sh.conf.get_int("nodup", 0); std::string moreflds_str; for (int i = 0; i < moreflds; ++i) { char sbuf[1024]; snprintf(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), ",%s%d", moreflds_prefix.c_str(), i); moreflds_str += std::string(sbuf); } string_buffer wbuf; char rbuf[16384]; for (size_t i = 0; i < arg.sh.loop; ++i) { int len = 0, rlen = 0, wlen = 0; #if 0 const double tm1 = gettimeofday_double(); #endif if (fd.get() < 0) { if (socket_connect(fd, arg.sh.arg, err) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "connect: %d %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return; } char *wp = wbuf.make_space(1024); len = snprintf(wp, 1024, "P\t1\t%s\t%s\tPRIMARY\t%s%s\n", dbname.c_str(), table.c_str(), field.c_str(), moreflds_str.c_str()); /* pst_num, db, table, index, retflds */ wbuf.space_wrote(len); wlen = write(fd.get(), wbuf.begin(), len); if (len != wlen) { fprintf(stderr, "write: %d %d\n", len, wlen); return; } wbuf.clear(); rlen = read(fd.get(), rbuf, sizeof(rbuf)); if (rlen <= 0 || rbuf[rlen - 1] != '\n') { fprintf(stderr, "read: rlen=%d errno=%d\n", rlen, errno); return; } if (rbuf[0] != '0') { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open table\n"); return; } arg.sh.increment_conn(1); } const double tm1 = gettimeofday_double(); for (size_t j = 0; j < arg.sh.pipe; ++j) { int k = 0, v = 0; { while (true) { double kf = 0, vf = 0; drand48_r(&randbuf, &kf); drand48_r(&randbuf, &vf); k = int(kf * tablesize) + firstkey; v = int(vf * tablesize) + firstkey; if (k - firstkey < arg.sh.keygen_size) { volatile char *const ptr = arg.sh.keygen + (k - firstkey); // int oldv = __sync_fetch_and_or(ptr, 1); int oldv = *ptr; *ptr += 1; if (nodup && oldv != 0) { if (dump) { fprintf(stderr, "retry\n"); } continue; } } else { if (nodup) { if (dump) { fprintf(stderr, "retry2\n"); } continue; } } size_t len = 0; if (op == 'G') { if (use_in) { char *wp = wbuf.make_space(1024); len = snprintf(wp, 1024, "1\t=\t1\t\t%d\t0\t@\t0\t%d\t%d", use_in, use_in, k); wbuf.space_wrote(len); for (int j = 1; j < use_in; ++j) { drand48_r(&randbuf, &kf); k = int(kf * tablesize) + firstkey; char *wp = wbuf.make_space(1024); len = snprintf(wp, 1024, "\t%d", k); wbuf.space_wrote(len); } wbuf.append_literal("\n"); } else { char *wp = wbuf.make_space(1024); len = snprintf(wp, 1024, "1\t=\t1\t%d\n", k); wbuf.space_wrote(len); } } else if (op == 'U') { char *wp = wbuf.make_space(1024); len = snprintf(wp, 1024, "1\t=\t1\t%d\t1\t0\tU\t%d_%d%s\n", k, v, k, suffix.c_str()); wbuf.space_wrote(len); } break; } } } wlen = write(fd.get(), wbuf.begin(), wbuf.size()); if ((size_t) wlen != wbuf.size()) { fprintf(stderr, "write: %d %d\n", (int)wbuf.size(), wlen); return; } wbuf.clear(); size_t read_cnt = 0; size_t read_pos = 0; while (read_cnt < arg.sh.pipe) { rlen = read(fd.get(), rbuf + read_pos, sizeof(rbuf) - read_pos); if (rlen <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "read: %d\n", rlen); return; } read_pos += rlen; while (true) { const char *const nl = static_cast<const char *>(memchr(rbuf, '\n', read_pos)); if (nl == 0) { break; } ++read_cnt; ++io_success_count; const char *t1 = static_cast<const char *>(memchr(rbuf, '\t', nl - rbuf)); if (t1 == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error \n"); break; } ++t1; const char *t2 = static_cast<const char *>(memchr(t1, '\t', nl - t1)); if (t2 == 0) { if (verbose > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "key: notfound \n"); } break; } ++t2; if (t1 == rbuf + 2 && rbuf[0] == '0') { if (op == 'G') { ++op_success_count; arg.sh.increment_count(); } else if (op == 'U') { const char *t3 = t2; while (t3 != nl && t3[0] >= 0x10) { ++t3; } if (t3 != t2 + 1 || t2[0] != '1') { const std::string mess(t2, t3); fprintf(stderr, "mod: %s\n", mess.c_str()); } else { ++op_success_count; arg.sh.increment_count(); if (arg.sh.dump && arg.sh.pipe == 1) { fwrite(wbuf.begin(), wbuf.size(), 1, stderr); } } } } else { const char *t3 = t2; while (t3 != nl && t3[0] >= 0x10) { ++t3; } const std::string mess(t2, t3); fprintf(stderr, "err: %s\n", mess.c_str()); } const size_t rest_size = rbuf + read_pos - (nl + 1); if (rest_size != 0) { memmove(rbuf, nl + 1, rest_size); } read_pos = rest_size; } } if (!keep_connection) { fd.reset(); arg.sh.increment_conn(-1); } else if (keep_connection > 1 && ++keepconn_count > keep_connection) { keepconn_count = 0; fd.reset(); arg.sh.increment_conn(-1); } const double tm2 = gettimeofday_double(); set_timing(tm2 - tm1); sleep_if(); if (sched_flag) { sched_yield(); } } if (dump) { fprintf(stderr, "done\n"); } } void hstest_thread::sleep_if() { if (arg.sh.usleep) { struct timespec ts = { arg.sh.usleep / 1000000, (arg.sh.usleep % 1000000) * 1000 }; nanosleep(&ts, 0); } } void hstest_thread::set_timing(double time_spent) { response_min = std::min(response_min, time_spent); response_max = std::max(response_max, time_spent); response_sum += time_spent; if (op_success_count != 0) { response_avg = response_sum / op_success_count; } } void hstest_thread::test_11(int test_num) { const int keep_connection = arg.sh.conf.get_int("keep_connection", 1); const int tablesize = arg.sh.conf.get_int("tablesize", 0); unsigned int seed = arg.id; seed ^= arg.sh.conf.get_int("seed_xor", 0); std::string err; hstcpcli_ptr cli; for (size_t i = 0; i < arg.sh.loop; ++i) { if (cli.get() == 0) { cli = hstcpcli_i::create(arg.sh.arg); cli->request_buf_open_index(0, "hstest", "hstest_table1", "", "v"); /* pst_num, db, table, index, retflds */ if (cli->request_send() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "reuqest_send: %s\n", cli->get_error().c_str()); return; } size_t num_flds = 0; if (cli->response_recv(num_flds) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "reuqest_recv: %s\n", cli->get_error().c_str()); return; } cli->response_buf_remove(); } for (size_t j = 0; j < arg.sh.pipe; ++j) { char buf[256]; int k = 0, v = 0, len = 0; { k = rand_r(&seed); v = rand_r(&seed); /* unused */ if (tablesize != 0) { k &= tablesize; } len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", k); } const string_ref key(buf, len); const string_ref op("=", 1); cli->request_buf_exec_generic(0, op, &key, 1, 1, 0, string_ref(), 0, 0); } if (cli->request_send() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "reuqest_send: %s\n", cli->get_error().c_str()); return; } size_t read_cnt = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < arg.sh.pipe; ++j) { size_t num_flds = 0; if (cli->response_recv(num_flds) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "reuqest_recv: %s\n", cli->get_error().c_str()); return; } { ++read_cnt; ++io_success_count; arg.sh.increment_count(); { ++op_success_count; } } cli->response_buf_remove(); } if (!keep_connection) { cli.reset(); } } } void hstest_thread::test_watch() { const int timelimit = arg.sh.conf.get_int("timelimit", 0); const int timelimit_offset = timelimit / 2; int loop = 0; double t1 = 0, t2 = 0; size_t cnt_t1 = 0, cnt_t2 = 0; size_t prev_cnt = 0; double now_f = 0; while (true) { sleep(1); const size_t cnt = arg.sh.count; const size_t df = cnt - prev_cnt; prev_cnt = cnt; const double now_prev = now_f; now_f = gettimeofday_double(); if (now_prev != 0) { const double rps = static_cast<double>(df) / (now_f - now_prev); fprintf(stderr, "now: %zu cntdiff: %zu tdiff: %f rps: %f\n", static_cast<size_t>(now_f), df, now_f - now_prev, rps); } if (timelimit != 0) { if (arg.sh.wait_conn == 0 || arg.sh.conn_count >= arg.sh.wait_conn) { ++loop; } if (loop == timelimit_offset) { t1 = gettimeofday_double(); cnt_t1 = cnt; arg.sh.enable_timing = 1; fprintf(stderr, "start timing\n"); } else if (loop == timelimit_offset + timelimit) { t2 = gettimeofday_double(); cnt_t2 = cnt; const size_t cnt_diff = cnt_t2 - cnt_t1; const double tdiff = t2 - t1; const double qps = cnt_diff / (tdiff != 0 ? tdiff : 1); fprintf(stderr, "(%f: %zu, %f: %zu), %10.5f qps\n", t1, cnt_t1, t2, cnt_t2, qps); size_t keycnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arg.sh.keygen_size; ++i) { if (arg.sh.keygen[i]) { ++keycnt; } } fprintf(stderr, "keygen=%zu\n", keycnt); break; } } } #if 0 int loop = 0; double t1 = 0, t2 = 0; size_t cnt_t1 = 0, cnt_t2 = 0; size_t prev_cnt = 0; while (true) { sleep(1); const size_t cnt = arg.sh.count; const size_t df = cnt - prev_cnt; prev_cnt = cnt; const size_t now = time(0); fprintf(stderr, "%zu %zu\n", now, df); if (timelimit != 0) { ++loop; if (loop == timelimit_offset) { t1 = gettimeofday_double(); cnt_t1 = cnt; } else if (loop == timelimit_offset + timelimit) { t2 = gettimeofday_double(); cnt_t2 = cnt; const size_t cnt_diff = cnt_t2 - cnt_t1; const double tdiff = t2 - t1; const double qps = cnt_diff / (tdiff != 0 ? tdiff : 1); fprintf(stderr, "(%f: %zu, %f: %zu), %10.5f qps\n", t1, cnt_t1, t2, cnt_t2, qps); size_t keycnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arg.sh.keygen_size; ++i) { if (arg.sh.keygen[i]) { ++keycnt; } } fprintf(stderr, "keygen=%zu\n", keycnt); _exit(0); } } } #endif } void hstest_thread::test_12(int test_num) { /* NOTE: num_threads should be 1 */ /* create table hstest * ( k varchar(255) not null, v varchar(255) not null, primary key(k)) * engine = innodb; */ mysqltest_thread_initobj initobj; auto_mysql db; std::string err; unsigned long long err_cnt = 0; unsigned long long query_cnt = 0; #if 0 my_bool reconnect = 0; if (mysql_options(db, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect) != 0) { err = "mysql_options() failed"; ++err_cnt; return; } #endif const std::string mysql_host = arg.sh.conf.get_str("host", "localhost"); const int mysql_port = arg.sh.conf.get_int("mysqlport", 3306); const unsigned int num = arg.sh.loop; const size_t pipe = arg.sh.pipe; const std::string mysql_user = arg.sh.conf.get_str("mysqluser", "root"); const std::string mysql_passwd = arg.sh.conf.get_str("mysqlpass", ""); const std::string mysql_dbname = arg.sh.conf.get_str("db", "hstest"); const int keep_connection = arg.sh.conf.get_int("keep_connection", 1); const int verbose = arg.sh.conf.get_int("verbose", 1); const int use_handler = arg.sh.conf.get_int("handler", 0); int connected = 0; unsigned int k = 0; string_buffer buf; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { const int flags = 0; if (connected == 0 && !mysql_real_connect(db, mysql_host.c_str(), mysql_user.c_str(), mysql_user.empty() ? 0 : mysql_passwd.c_str(), mysql_dbname.c_str(), mysql_port, 0, flags)) { err = "failed to connect: " + std::string(mysql_error(db)); if (verbose >= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "e=[%s]\n", err.c_str()); } ++err_cnt; return; } int r = 0; if (connected == 0 && use_handler) { const char *const q = "handler hstest open"; r = mysql_real_query(db, q, strlen(q)); if (r != 0) { err = 1; } } connected = 1; std::string result_str; unsigned int err = 0; unsigned int num_flds = 0, num_affected_rows = 0; int got_data = 0; buf.clear(); buf.append_literal("insert into hstest values "); for (size_t j = 0; j < pipe; ++j) { const unsigned int v = ~k; if (j != 0) { buf.append_literal(","); } char *wp = buf.make_space(64); int buf_query_len = snprintf(wp, 64, "('k%u', 'v%u')", k, v); buf.space_wrote(buf_query_len); ++k; } if (r == 0) { r = mysql_real_query(db, buf.begin(), buf.size()); ++query_cnt; } if (r != 0) { err = 1; } else { auto_mysql_res res(db); if (res != 0) { if (verbose >= 0) { num_flds = mysql_num_fields(res); MYSQL_ROW row = 0; while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != 0) { got_data = 1; unsigned long *const lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(res); if (verbose >= 2) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_flds; ++i) { if (!result_str.empty()) { result_str += " "; } result_str += std::string(row[i], lengths[i]); } } } } } else { if (mysql_field_count(db) == 0) { num_affected_rows = mysql_affected_rows(db); } else { err = 1; } } } if (verbose >= 2 || (verbose >= 1 && err != 0)) { if (err) { ++err_cnt; const char *const errstr = mysql_error(db); fprintf(stderr, "e=[%s] a=%u q=[%s]\n", errstr, num_affected_rows, std::string(buf.begin(), buf.size()).c_str()); } else { fprintf(stderr, "a=%u q=[%s] r=[%s]\n", num_affected_rows, std::string(buf.begin(), buf.size()).c_str(), result_str.c_str()); } } if (err == 0) { ++io_success_count; if (num_affected_rows > 0 || got_data > 0) { ++op_success_count; } arg.sh.increment_count(pipe); } if (!keep_connection) { db.reset(); connected = 0; } } if (verbose >= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "thread finished (error_count=%llu)\n", err_cnt); } } void hstest_thread::test_21(int num) { /* fsync test */ unsigned int id = arg.id; std::string err; #if 0 if (socket_connect(fd, arg.sh.arg, err) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "connect: %d %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return; } #endif auto_file logfd; char fname[1024]; snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "synctest_%u", id); int open_flags = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_APPEND; logfd.reset(open(fname, open_flags, 0644)); if (logfd.get() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "open: %s: %d %s\n", fname, errno, strerror(errno)); return; } char buf[1024]; unsigned long long count = 0; while (true) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u %llu\n", id, count); const size_t len = strlen(buf); if (write(logfd.get(), buf, len) != (ssize_t)len) { fprintf(stderr, "write: %s: %d %s\n", fname, errno, strerror(errno)); return; } #if 0 if (write(fd.get(), buf, len) != (ssize_t)len) { fprintf(stderr, "write(sock): %d %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return; } #endif if (fdatasync(logfd.get()) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "fsync: %s: %d %s\n", fname, errno, strerror(errno)); return; } ++count; ++op_success_count; arg.sh.increment_count(); } } void hstest_thread::test_22(int num) { /* dd if=/dev/zero of=dummy.dat bs=1024M count=100 */ unsigned int id = arg.id; std::string err; auto_file filefd; char fname[1024]; snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "dummy.dat"); int open_flags = O_RDONLY | O_DIRECT; filefd.reset(open(fname, open_flags, 0644)); if (filefd.get() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "open: %s: %d %s\n", fname, errno, strerror(errno)); return; } char buf_x[4096 * 2]; char *const buf = (char *)(size_t(buf_x + 4096) / 4096 * 4096); unsigned long long count = 0; drand48_data randbuf; unsigned long long seed = time(0); seed *= 10; seed += id; srand48_r(seed, &randbuf); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arg.sh.loop; ++i) { double kf = 0; drand48_r(&randbuf, &kf); kf *= (209715200 / 1); // fprintf(stderr, "v=%f\n", kf); off_t v = static_cast<off_t>(kf); v %= (209715200 / 1); v *= (512 * 1); const double tm1 = gettimeofday_double(); const ssize_t r = pread(filefd.get(), buf, (512 * 1), v); const double tm2 = gettimeofday_double(); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "pread: %s: %d %s\n", fname, errno, strerror(errno)); return; } ++count; ++op_success_count; arg.sh.increment_count(); set_timing(tm2 - tm1); } } void hstest_thread::operator ()() { if (arg.watch_flag) { return test_watch(); } int test_num = arg.sh.conf.get_int("test", 1); if (test_num == 1) { test_1(); } else if (test_num == 2 || test_num == 3) { test_2_3(test_num); } else if (test_num == 4 || test_num == 5) { test_4_5(test_num); } else if (test_num == 6) { test_6(test_num); } else if (test_num == 7) { test_7(test_num); } else if (test_num == 8) { test_8(test_num); } else if (test_num == 9) { test_9(test_num); } else if (test_num == 10) { test_10(test_num); } else if (test_num == 11) { test_11(test_num); } else if (test_num == 12) { test_12(test_num); } else if (test_num == 21) { test_21(test_num); } else if (test_num == 22) { test_22(test_num); } const int halt = arg.sh.conf.get_int("halt", 0); if (halt) { fprintf(stderr, "thread halted\n"); while (true) { sleep(100000); } } fprintf(stderr, "thread finished\n"); } int hstest_main(int argc, char **argv) { ignore_sigpipe(); hstest_shared shared; parse_args(argc, argv, shared.conf); shared.conf["port"] = shared.conf["hsport"]; shared.arg.set(shared.conf); shared.loop = shared.conf.get_int("num", 1000); shared.pipe = shared.conf.get_int("pipe", 1); shared.verbose = shared.conf.get_int("verbose", 1); const int tablesize = shared.conf.get_int("tablesize", 0); std::vector<char> keygen(tablesize); shared.keygen = &keygen[0]; shared.keygen_size = tablesize; shared.usleep = shared.conf.get_int("usleep", 0); shared.dump = shared.conf.get_int("dump", 0); shared.num_threads = shared.conf.get_int("num_threads", 10); shared.wait_conn = shared.conf.get_int("wait_conn", 0); const std::string op = shared.conf.get_str("op", "G"); if (op.size() > 0) { shared.op = op[0]; } #if 0 const int localdb_flag = shared.conf.get_int("local", 0); if (localdb_flag) { shared.localdb = database_i::create(shared.conf); } #endif const int num_thrs = shared.num_threads; typedef thread<hstest_thread> thread_type; typedef std::auto_ptr<thread_type> thread_ptr; typedef auto_ptrcontainer< std::vector<thread_type *> > thrs_type; thrs_type thrs; for (int i = 0; i < num_thrs; ++i) { const hstest_thread::arg_type arg(i, shared, false); thread_ptr thr(new thread<hstest_thread>(arg)); thrs.push_back_ptr(thr); } for (size_t i = 0; i < thrs.size(); ++i) { thrs[i]->start(); } thread_ptr watch_thread; const int timelimit = shared.conf.get_int("timelimit", 0); { const hstest_thread::arg_type arg(0, shared, true); watch_thread = thread_ptr(new thread<hstest_thread>(arg)); watch_thread->start(); } size_t iocnt = 0, opcnt = 0; double respmin = 999999, respmax = 0; double respsum = 0; if (timelimit != 0) { watch_thread->join(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < thrs.size(); ++i) { if (timelimit == 0) { thrs[i]->join(); } iocnt += (*thrs[i])->io_success_count; opcnt += (*thrs[i])->op_success_count; respmin = std::min(respmin, (*thrs[i])->response_min); respmax = std::max(respmax, (*thrs[i])->response_max); respsum += (*thrs[i])->response_sum; } fprintf(stderr, "io_success_count=%zu op_success_count=%zu\n", iocnt, opcnt); fprintf(stderr, "respmin=%f respmax=%f respsum=%f respavg=%f\n", respmin, respmax, respsum, respsum / opcnt); size_t keycnt = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < keygen.size(); ++i) { if (keygen[i]) { ++keycnt; } } fprintf(stderr, "keycnt=%zu\n", keycnt); _exit(0); return 0; } }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { return dena::hstest_main(argc, argv); }