path: root/wsrep-lib
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-04 18:00:34 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-04 18:00:34 +0000
commit3f619478f796eddbba6e39502fe941b285dd97b1 (patch)
treee2c7b5777f728320e5b5542b6213fd3591ba51e2 /wsrep-lib
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1:10.11.6.upstream/1%10.11.6upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'wsrep-lib')
-rw-r--r--wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep.xcfbin0 -> 79281 bytes
181 files changed, 37737 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/.clang-format b/wsrep-lib/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ea756ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Language: Cpp
+# BasedOnStyle: WebKit
+AccessModifierOffset: -4
+ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4
+AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: false
+AlignTrailingComments: false
+AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true
+AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: true
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: All
+AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: false
+AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
+BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: true
+BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true
+BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: true
+BinPackParameters: true
+ColumnLimit: 80
+ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false
+DerivePointerAlignment: false
+ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false
+IndentCaseLabels: false
+IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false
+IndentFunctionDeclarationAfterType: false
+MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
+KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: true
+NamespaceIndentation: All
+ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: true
+ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true
+PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 19
+PenaltyBreakComment: 300
+PenaltyBreakString: 1000
+PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120
+PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000
+PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60
+PointerAlignment: Left
+SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
+Cpp11BracedListStyle: false
+Standard: Cpp11
+IndentWidth: 4
+TabWidth: 8
+UseTab: Never
+BreakBeforeBraces: Allman
+SpacesInParentheses: false
+SpacesInAngles: false
+SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
+SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
+SpacesInContainerLiterals: true
+SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
+ContinuationIndentWidth: 4
+CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:'
+ForEachMacros: [ foreach, Q_FOREACH, BOOST_FOREACH ]
+SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
+DisableFormat: false
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/.github/workflows/build.yml b/wsrep-lib/.github/workflows/build.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0faa7672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+name: Build
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ build:
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }}
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: false
+ matrix:
+ config:
+ # GCC/G++
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: gcc
+ version: "7"
+ type: Debug
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: gcc
+ version: "7"
+ type: Release
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: gcc
+ version: "8"
+ type: Debug
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: gcc
+ version: "8"
+ type: Release
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: gcc
+ version: "9"
+ type: Debug
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: gcc
+ version: "9"
+ type: Release
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: gcc
+ version: "10"
+ type: Debug
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: gcc
+ version: "10"
+ type: Release
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: gcc
+ version: "11"
+ type: Debug
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: gcc
+ version: "11"
+ type: Release
+ - os: ubuntu-22.04
+ CC: gcc
+ version: "12"
+ type: Debug
+ - os: ubuntu-22.04
+ CC: gcc
+ version: "12"
+ type: Release
+ # Clang
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: clang
+ version: "6.0"
+ type: Debug
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: clang
+ version: "6.0"
+ type: Release
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: clang
+ version: "10"
+ type: Debug
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: clang
+ version: "10"
+ type: Release
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: clang
+ version: "11"
+ type: Debug
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: clang
+ version: "11"
+ type: Release
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: clang
+ version: "12"
+ type: Debug
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ CC: clang
+ version: "12"
+ type: Release
+ - os: ubuntu-22.04
+ CC: clang
+ version: "13"
+ type: Debug
+ - os: ubuntu-22.04
+ CC: clang
+ version: "13"
+ type: Release
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ submodules: "recursive"
+ - name: Update packages
+ run: sudo apt update
+ - name: Install compiler
+ run: |
+ sudo apt-get install -y ${{ matrix.config.CC }}-${{ matrix.config.version }}
+ if [ ${{ matrix.config.CC }} == "gcc" ]
+ then
+ sudo apt-get install -y g++-${{ matrix.config.version }}
+ fi
+ - name: Install build dependencies
+ run: sudo apt-get install -y libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev ccache
+ # See
+ - name: Prepare ccache timestamp
+ id: ccache_cache_timestamp
+ shell: cmake -P {0}
+ run: |
+ string(TIMESTAMP current_date "%Y-%m-%d-%H;%M;%S" UTC)
+ message("::set-output name=timestamp::${current_date}")
+ - name: Configure ccache
+ uses: actions/cache@v2
+ with:
+ path: ~/.ccache
+ key: ${{ matrix.config.os }}-${{ matrix.config.CC }}-${{ matrix.config.version }}-${{ matrix.config.type }}-ccache-${{ steps.ccache_cache_timestamp.outputs.timestamp }}
+ restore-keys: ${{ matrix.config.os }}-${{ matrix.config.CC }}-${{ matrix.config.version }}-${{ matrix.config.type }}-ccache-
+ - name: Create Build Environment
+ run: cmake -E make_directory ${{runner.workspace}}/build
+ - name: Configure CMake
+ # Use a bash shell so we can use the same syntax for environment variable
+ # access regardless of the host operating system
+ shell: bash
+ working-directory: ${{runner.workspace}}/build
+ run: |
+ export CC="ccache ${{ matrix.config.CC }}-${{ matrix.config.version }}"
+ if [ ${{ matrix.config.CC }} == "gcc" ]
+ then
+ export CXX="ccache g++-${{ matrix.config.version }}"
+ else
+ export CXX="ccache clang++-${{ matrix.config.version }}"
+ fi
+ if [ ${{ matrix.config.CC }} == "gcc" ] && [ ${{ matrix.config.version }} == "4.8" ]
+ then
+ elif [ ${{ matrix.config.CC }} == "gcc" ] && [ ${{ matrix.config.version }} == "5" ]
+ then
+ else
+ fi
+ cmake $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ matrix.config.type }} \
+ - name: Build
+ working-directory: ${{runner.workspace}}/build
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ make -j3 VERBOSE=1
+ ccache -s
+ - name: Test
+ working-directory: ${{runner.workspace}}/build
+ shell: bash
+ run: ctest -C ${{ matrix.config.type }} --output-on-failure
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/.gitignore b/wsrep-lib/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fa1627f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# CMake
+# Built binaries
+# Gcov generated files
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/.gitmodules b/wsrep-lib/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..886054a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[submodule "wsrep-API/v26"]
+ path = wsrep-API/v26
+ url =
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/CMakeLists.txt b/wsrep-lib/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdfc092e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2021 Codership Oy <>
+cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)
+# Parse version from version header file and store it into
+file (READ "include/wsrep/version.hpp" ver)
+string(REGEX MATCH "WSREP_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR ([0-9]*)" _ ${ver})
+set(ver_major ${CMAKE_MATCH_1})
+file (READ "include/wsrep/version.hpp" ver)
+string(REGEX MATCH "WSREP_LIB_VERSION_MINOR ([0-9]*)" _ ${ver})
+set(ver_minor ${CMAKE_MATCH_1})
+file (READ "include/wsrep/version.hpp" ver)
+string(REGEX MATCH "WSREP_LIB_VERSION_PATCH ([0-9]*)" _ ${ver})
+set(ver_patch ${CMAKE_MATCH_1})
+set(WSREP_LIB_VERSION "${ver_major}.${ver_minor}.${ver_patch}")
+message(STATUS "Wsrep-lib version: ${WSREP_LIB_VERSION}")
+if (POLICY CMP0048)
+ cmake_policy(SET CMP0048 NEW)
+ project(wsrep-lib VERSION ${WSREP_LIB_VERSION})
+ project(wsrep-lib)
+if (POLICY CMP0057)
+ cmake_policy(SET CMP0057 NEW)
+if (POLICY CMP0077)
+ cmake_policy(SET CMP0077 NEW)
+# Options
+# Compile unit tests
+option(WSREP_LIB_WITH_UNIT_TESTS "Compile unit tests" ON)
+ # Run tests automatically by default if compiled
+ option(WSREP_LIB_WITH_AUTO_TEST "Run unit tests automatically after build" OFF)
+ option(WSREP_LIB_WITH_UNIT_TESTS_EXTRA "Compile unit tests that may require additional software" OFF)
+# Build a sample program
+option(WSREP_LIB_WITH_DBSIM "Compile sample dbsim program" ON)
+option(WSREP_LIB_WITH_ASAN "Enable address sanitizer" OFF)
+option(WSREP_LIB_WITH_TSAN "Enable thread sanitizer" OFF)
+option(WSREP_LIB_WITH_DOCUMENTATION "Generate documentation" OFF)
+option(WSREP_LIB_WITH_COVERAGE "Compile with coverage instrumentation" OFF)
+option(WSREP_LIB_STRICT_BUILD_FLAGS "Compile with strict build flags" OFF)
+option(WSREP_LIB_MAINTAINER_MODE "Fail compilation on any warnings" OFF)
+# Compiler options
+# Set std to C++0x/C++11 if superproject has not set standard yet
+ string(FIND "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" "-std=" HAVE_STD)
+ if (HAVE_STD EQUAL -1)
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++0x")
+ else()
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ endif()
+ endif()
+# C flags
+set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion")
+# CXX flags
+set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -Woverloaded-virtual -Wconversion -g")
+check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wsuggest-override" HAVE_SUGGEST_OVERRIDE)
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wsuggest-override")
+ "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Winconsistent-missing-destructor-override")
+check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wextra-semi" HAVE_EXTRA_SEMI)
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wextra-semi")
+ set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Werror")
+# Enable extra libstdc++ assertions with debug build.
+ add_definitions("-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS")
+ # Make sure that NDEBUG is enabled in release builds even
+ # if the parent project does not define it.
+ add_definitions("-DNDEBUG")
+# Set up include directories
+# Find libraries.
+ set(WSREP_LIB_LIBDL "dl")
+set(MIN_BOOST_VERSION "1.54.0")
+ message(STATUS "Compiling extra unit tests")
+ set(json_HEADER "boost/json/src.hpp")
+ # Extra tests may require packages from very recent boost which may be
+ # unavailable on the system. In such case download private boost distro.
+ check_include_file_cxx(${json_HEADER} system_json_FOUND)
+ if (NOT system_json_FOUND)
+ set(WITH_BOOST "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party/boost")
+ endif()
+ include (cmake/boost.cmake)
+ message(STATUS "Boost includes: ${BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR}, ver: ${MIN_BOOST_VERSION}")
+ find_package(Boost ${MIN_BOOST_VERSION} REQUIRED
+ COMPONENTS json headers unit_test_framework
+ PATHS ${WITH_BOOST}/lib/cmake
+ )
+ # Include as system header to be more permissive about generated
+ # warnings.
+ check_include_file_cxx(${json_HEADER} json_FOUND)
+ if (NOT json_FOUND)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Required header 'boost/json.hpp' not found: ${json_FOUND}")
+ else()
+ include_directories(SYSTEM ${BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ else()
+ find_package(Boost ${MIN_BOOST_VERSION}
+ COMPONENTS unit_test_framework
+ )
+ # Check if we have header implementation available from
+ # extracted source tarball.
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "System Boost not found, specify Boost installation with WITH_BOOST=<install_dir>")
+ endif()
+ "
+#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
+bool init_unit_test() { return true; }
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Boost unit test header not found")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ find_package(Boost ${MIN_BOOST_VERSION} REQUIRED
+ program_options
+ filesystem
+ thread
+ )
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address")
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fsanitize=thread")
+# Coverage
+# To produce a coverage report, call cmake with -DWITH_COVERAGE=ON,
+# run
+# make
+# make test
+# make coverage_report
+# The coverage report output will be in directory coverage_report/index.html
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
+ set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
+ lcov --base-directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} --capture --directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} --output --no-external --quiet
+ COMMAND genhtml --output-directory coverage_report
+ find_package(Doxygen REQUIRED)
+ add_custom_target(doc ALL
+ COMMAND doxygen ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/Doxyfile
+ COMMENT "Generating documentation with Doxygen"
+ enable_testing()
+ add_subdirectory(test)
+ add_subdirectory(dbsim)
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/CONTRIBUTORS.txt b/wsrep-lib/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b7072d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+All contributors are required to add their name and [Github username/email]
+to this file in connection with their first contribution. If you are making
+a contribution on behalf of a company, you should add the said company name.
+By adding your name and [Github username/email] to this file you agree that
+your contribution is a contribution under a contributor agreement between
+you and Codership Oy. To the extent that you are an employee of a company and
+contribute in that role, you confirm that your contribution is a contribution
+under the contribution license agreement between your employer and Codership
+Oy; and that you have the authorization to give such confirmation. You confirm
+that you have read, understood and signed the contributor license agreement
+applicable to you.
+For the individual contributor agreement see file CONTRIBUTOR_AGREEMENT.txt
+in the same directory as this file.
+Authors from Codership Oy:
+ * Seppo Jaakola <>, Codership Oy
+ * Teemu Ollakka <>, Codership Oy
+ * Leandro Pacheco de Sousa <>, Codership Oy
+ * Alexey Yurchenko <>, Codership Oy
+ * Mario Karuza <>, Codership Oy
+ * Daniele Sciascia <>, Codership Oy
+ [Codership employees, add name and email/username above this line, but leave this line intact]
+Other contributors:
+ * Otto Kekäläinen <>
+ [add name and email/username above this line, but leave this line intact]
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/CONTRIBUTOR_AGREEMENT.txt b/wsrep-lib/CONTRIBUTOR_AGREEMENT.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bdec2fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/CONTRIBUTOR_AGREEMENT.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+ Codership
+ Contributor License Agreement
+ Codership CLA
+Thank you for your interest in contributing to Galera Cluster, a project
+managed by Codership Oy, a legal entity established under Finnish laws, with
+its principal address at Pohjolankatu 64 A, 00600 Helsinki Finland ("We", "Us"
+or "Our").
+This contributor agreement ("Agreement") documents the rights granted by
+contributors to Us. To make this document effective, please either accept it
+in an electronic service such as or sign and scan it and send it to
+Us by email. This is a legally binding document, so please read it carefully
+before agreeing to it. This Agreement covers the Galera Cluster project: the
+Galera library, the wsrep-lib library, the wsrep-API library, the Wsrep patch
+for MySQL and other eventual patches to MySQL or other technologies.
+1. Definitions
+"You" means the individual who Submits a Contribution to Us or the Legal
+Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been Submitted to Us. "Legal
+Entity" means an entity which is not a natural person. "Affiliates" means
+other Legal Entities that control, are controlled by, or under common control
+with that Legal Entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means
+(i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of
+such Legal Entity, whether by contract or otherwise, (ii) ownership of fifty
+percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares or securities which vote to
+elect the management or other persons who direct such Legal Entity or (iii)
+beneficial ownership of such entity.
+"Contribution" means any work of authorship that is Submitted by You to Us in
+which You own or assert ownership of the Copyright. If You do not own the
+Copyright in the entire work of authorship, you need to have a separate
+permission from Us.
+"Copyright" means all rights protecting works of authorship owned or
+controlled by You, including copyright, moral and neighboring rights, as
+appropriate, for the full term of their existence including any extensions by
+"Material" means the work of authorship which is made available by Us to third
+parties, i.e. the Galera library, the Wsrep patch for MySQL; other eventual
+patches to MySQL; other eventual patches to other database technologies; all
+these together with a database technology, such as MySQL, or its
+derivatives. After You Submit the Contribution, it may be included in the
+"Submit" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+to Us or our representatives, including but not limited to electronic mailing
+lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are
+managed by, or on behalf of, Us for the purpose of discussing and improving
+the Material, provided that such communication is (i) conspicuously marked or
+otherwise designated in writing by You or Your employee as a "Contribution" or
+(ii) submitted in source code control system pursuant to Section 3 (e).
+"Submission Date" means the date on which You Submit a Contribution to Us.
+"Effective Date" means the date You execute this Agreement or the date You
+first Submit a Contribution to Us, whichever is earlier.
+"Media" means any portion of a Contribution which is not software.
+2. Grant of Rights
+2.1 Copyright License
+(a) You retain ownership of the Copyright in Your Contribution and have the
+same rights to use or license the Contribution which You would have had
+without entering into the Agreement. In case we have in writing permitted
+submitting a sublicense to licensed rights, You will not transfer the original
+license, but grant us a sublicense in accordance with this Agreement.
+(b) To the maximum extent permitted by the relevant law, You grant to Us a
+perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, irrevocable
+license under the Copyright covering the Contribution, with the right to
+sublicense such rights through multiple tiers of sublicensees, to reproduce,
+modify, display, perform and distribute the Contribution as part of the
+Material; provided that this license is conditioned upon compliance with
+Section 2.3.
+2.2 Patent License
+For patent claims including, without limitation, method, process, and
+apparatus claims which You, or in case You are a Legal Entity, You or Your
+Affiliates, own, control or have the right to grant, now or in the future, You
+grant to Us a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free,
+irrevocable patent license, with the right to sublicense these rights to
+multiple tiers of sublicensees, to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale,
+import and otherwise transfer the Contribution and the Contribution in
+combination with the Material (and portions of such combination). This license
+is granted only to the extent that the exercise of the licensed rights
+infringes such patent claims; and provided that this license is conditioned
+upon compliance with Section 2.3.
+2.3 Outbound License
+As a condition on the grant of rights in Sections 2.1 and 2.2, to the extent
+we include Your Contribution or a part of it in a Material, we agree to
+license the Contribution under the terms of the license or licenses which We
+are using on the Submission Date for the Material or any licenses which are
+approved by the Open Source Initiative ("OSI") on or after the Effective Date,
+including both permissive and copyleft licenses, whether or not such licenses
+are subsequently disapproved (including any right to adopt any future version
+of a license if approved by the OSI). For clarity, this entitles us to license
+Your Contribution also under a permissive open source license, such as the MIT
+license, and include binaries created under the MIT license in a proprietary
+licensed whole.
+In addition to above defined licenses, We may use the following licenses for
+Media in the Contribution: Creative Commons BY 3.0 or Creative Commons BY-SA
+3.0 (including the right to adopt any future version of a license).
+2.4 Moral Rights.
+If moral rights apply to the Contribution, to the maximum extent permitted by
+law, You waive and agree not to assert such moral rights against Us or our
+successors in interest, or any of our licensees, either direct or indirect.
+2.5 Enforcement.
+You, as a copyright holder to Your Contribution, hereby authorize us to
+enforce the OSI approved license applied by Us to a Material, but only to the
+extent Your Contribution has been included in a Material and always subject to
+Our free discretion on whether such enforcement is necessary or not.
+2.6 Our Rights.
+You acknowledge that We are not obligated to use Your Contribution as part of
+the Material and may decide to include any Contribution We consider
+2.7 Reservation of Rights.
+Any rights not expressly licensed under this section are expressly reserved by
+3. Agreement
+You confirm that:
+(a) You have the legal authority to enter into this Agreement.
+(b) You or Your Affiliates, own the Copyright and patent claims covering the
+ Contribution which are required to grant the rights under Section 2.
+(c) The grant of rights under Section 2 does not violate any grant of rights
+ which You or Your Affiliates have made to third parties, including Your
+ employer. If You are an employee, You have had Your employer approve this
+ Agreement or sign the Entity version of this document. If You are less
+ than eighteen years old, please have Your parents or guardian sign the
+ Agreement.
+(d) You have not Submitted any Code You do not own without written permission
+ from US.
+(e) All pull or merge requests issued under usernames confirmed by You in
+ writing are issued by You; and all such pull or merge requests contain
+ Your Contributions under this Agreement. You will notify Us in writing in
+ the event of You no longer control such usernames.
+4. Disclaimer
+5. Consequential Damage Waiver
+6. Miscellaneous
+6.1 This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the
+laws of Finland excluding its conflicts of law provisions. Under certain
+circumstances, the governing law in this section might be superseded by the
+United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
+("UN Convention") and the parties intend to avoid the application of the UN
+Convention to this Agreement and, thus, exclude the application of the UN
+Convention in its entirety to this Agreement.
+6.2 Any and all Submissions done by You prior to execution of this Agreement
+shall be nonetheless covered by this Agreement.
+6.3 This Agreement sets out the entire agreement between You and Us for Your
+Contributions to Us and overrides all other agreements or understandings.
+6.4 If You or We assign the rights or obligations received through this
+Agreement to a third party, as a condition of the assignment, that third party
+must agree in writing to abide by all the rights and obligations in the
+6.5 The failure of either party to require performance by the other party of
+any provision of this Agreement in one situation shall not affect the right of
+a party to require such performance at any time in the future. A waiver of
+performance under a provision in one situation shall not be considered a
+waiver of the performance of the provision in the future or a waiver of the
+provision in its entirety.
+6.6 If any provision of this Agreement is found void and unenforceable, such
+provision will be replaced to the extent possible with a provision that comes
+closest to the meaning of the original provision and which is enforceable.
+The terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement shall apply
+notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of this Agreement or any
+limited remedy to the maximum extent possible under law.
+This document has been drafted based on Harmony Inividual Contributor License
+Agreement (HA-CLA-I) Version 1.0 July 4, 2011. HA-CLA-I is available from and is licensed by under Creative Commons Attribution
+3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/COPYING b/wsrep-lib/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7deb2f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/LICENSE b/wsrep-lib/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d159169d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/ b/wsrep-lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ab164be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Introduction
+Project name: wsrep-lib - Integration library for WSREP API
+The purpose of this project is to implement C++ wrapper
+for wsrep API with additional convenience for transaction
+This project will abstract away most of the transaction state
+management required on DBMS side and will provide simple
+C++ interface for key set population, data set population,
+commit processing, write set applying etc.
+# Build Instructions
+In order to build the library, run
+ cmake <cmake options> .
+ make
+## Build Requirements
+* C++ compiler (g++ 5.4 or later recommended)
+* CMake version 2.8 or later
+* The following Boost libraries are required if the unit tests and
+ the sample program is compiled
+ * Unit Test Framework
+ * Program Options
+ * Filesystem
+ * Thread
+## CMake Options
+* WSREP_LIB_WITH_UNIT_TESTS - Compile unit tests (default ON)
+* WSREP_LIB_WITH_AUTO_TEST - Run unit tests automatically as a part
+ of compilation (default OFF)
+* WSREP_LIB_WITH_DBSIM - Compile sample program (default ON)
+* WSREP_LIB_WITH_ASAN - Enable address sanitizer instrumentation (default OFF)
+* WSREP_LIB_WITH_TSAN - Enable thread sanitizer instrumentation (default OFF)
+* WSREP_LIB_WITH_DOCUMENTATION - Generate documentation, requires Doxygen
+ (default OFF)
+* WSREP_LIB_WITH_COVERAGE - Compile with coverage instrumentation (default OFF)
+* WSREP_LIB_STRICT_BUILD_FLAGS - Compile with strict build flags, currently
+ enables -Weffc++ (default OFF)
+* WSREP_LIB_MAINTAINER_MODE - Make every compiler warning to be treated
+ as error, enables -Werror compiler flag (default OFF)
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/cmake/boost.cmake b/wsrep-lib/cmake/boost.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..982ebe6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/cmake/boost.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# Copyright (c) 2021, Codership OY.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is also distributed with certain software (including
+# but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
+# as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
+# documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
+# permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
+# separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# We need boost verision >= 1.75 to test JSON-related code.
+# Invoke with -DWITH_BOOST=<directory> or set WITH_BOOST in environment.
+# If WITH_BOOST is *not* set, or is set to the special value "system",
+# we assume that the correct version (see below)
+# is installed on the compile host in the standard location.
+ IF(WIN32)
+ ELSE()
+ )
+ MESSAGE(STATUS "Could not find (the correct version of) boost.")
+ MESSAGE(STATUS "wsrep-lib currently requires ${BOOST_PACKAGE_NAME}\n")
+ "You can download it with -DDOWNLOAD_BOOST=1 -DWITH_BOOST=<directory>\n"
+ "This CMake script will look for boost in <directory>. "
+ "If it is not there, it will download and unpack it "
+ "(in that directory) for you.\n"
+ "You can also download boost manually, from ${BOOST_DOWNLOAD_URL}\n"
+ "If you are inside a firewall, you may need to use an https proxy:\n"
+ "export https_proxy=\n"
+ )
+# Pick value from environment if not set on command line.
+# Pick value from environment if not set on command line.
+# Update the cache, to make it visible in cmake-gui.
+ "Path to boost sources: a directory, or a tarball to be unzipped.")
+# If the value of WITH_BOOST changes, we must unset all dependent variables:
+ "Previous version of WITH_BOOST" FORCE)
+ ## Did we get a full path name, including file name?
+ IF (${WITH_BOOST} MATCHES ".*\\.tar.gz" OR ${WITH_BOOST} MATCHES ".*\\.zip")
+ )
+ ## Did we get a path name to the directory of the .tar.gz or .zip file?
+ )
+ MESSAGE(STATUS "Local boost zip: ${LOCAL_BOOST_ZIP}")
+ # A previous failed download has left an empty file, most likely the
+ # user pressed Ctrl-C to kill a hanging connection due to missing vpn
+ # proxy. Remove it!
+ MESSAGE("${LOCAL_BOOST_ZIP} is zero length. Deleting it.")
+ ## Did we get a path name to the directory of an unzipped version?
+ )
+ ## Did we get a path name to an unzippped version?
+ NAMES "boost/version.hpp"
+ )
+ MESSAGE(STATUS "Local boost source: ${LOCAL_BOOST_SOURCE}")
+ ## Did we get a path to compiled boost install?
+ NAMES "lib"
+ )
+# There is a similar option in unittest/gunit.
+# But the boost tarball is much bigger, so we have a separate option.
+OPTION(DOWNLOAD_BOOST "Download boost from sourceforge." OFF)
+ "Timeout in seconds when downloading boost.")
+# If we could not find it, then maybe download it.
+ # Download the tarball
+ )
+ ELSE()
+ MESSAGE(STATUS "Download failed, error: ${ERR}")
+ # A failed DOWNLOAD leaves an empty file, remove it
+ # STATUS returns a list of length 2
+ "You can try downloading ${BOOST_DOWNLOAD_URL} manually"
+ " using curl/wget or a similar tool,"
+ " or increase the value of DOWNLOAD_BOOST_TIMEOUT"
+ " (which is now ${DOWNLOAD_BOOST_TIMEOUT} seconds)"
+ )
+ "You can try downloading ${BOOST_DOWNLOAD_URL} manually"
+ " using curl/wget or a similar tool"
+ )
+ RESULT_VARIABLE tar_result
+ )
+ IF (tar_result MATCHES 0)
+ ELSE()
+ MESSAGE(STATUS "Failed to extract files.\n"
+ " Please try downloading and extracting yourself.\n"
+ " The url is: ${BOOST_DOWNLOAD_URL}")
+ SET(BOOST_TO_BUILD "thread,filesystem,program_options,test,json")
+ MESSAGE(STATUS "Executing Boost configure")
+ COMMAND ./ --prefix=${LOCAL_BOOST_BUILD} --with-libraries=${BOOST_TO_BUILD}
+ OUTPUT_FILE "bootstrap.log"
+ ERROR_FILE "bootstrap.err"
+ )
+ MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Boost configure failed: ${ERR}. Logs at ${LOCAL_BOOST_SOURCE}/bootstrap.log, ${LOCAL_BOOST_SOURCE}/bootstrap.err")
+ MESSAGE(STATUS "Executing Boost build")
+ COMMAND ./b2 install -q
+ OUTPUT_FILE "b2.log"
+ ERROR_FILE "b2.err"
+ )
+ MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Boost build failed: ${ERR}. Logs at ${LOCAL_BOOST_SOURCE}/b2.log, ${LOCAL_BOOST_SOURCE}/b2.err")
+ # remove the source directory so save space
+# Search for the version file, first in LOCAL_BOOST_DIR or WITH_BOOST
+ "Looking for boost/version.hpp in ${LOCAL_BOOST_BUILD}/include")
+ NAMES "boost/version.hpp"
+# Then search in standard places (if not found above).
+ NAMES "boost/version.hpp"
+ "Looked for boost/version.hpp in ${LOCAL_BOOST_BUILD}/include and default locations")
+ MESSAGE(STATUS "Found ${BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR}/boost/version.hpp ")
+# Verify version number. Version information looks like:
+# // BOOST_VERSION % 100 is the patch level
+# // BOOST_VERSION / 100 % 1000 is the minor version
+# // BOOST_VERSION / 100000 is the major version
+# #define BOOST_VERSION 107300
+FILE(STRINGS "${BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR}/boost/version.hpp"
+ REGEX "^#define[\t ]+BOOST_VERSION[\t ][0-9]+.*"
+ "^.*BOOST_VERSION[\t ]([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9]).*$" "\\1"
+ "^.*BOOST_VERSION[\t ]([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9]).*$" "\\2"
+# Boost gets confused about language support with Clang 7 + MSVC 15.9
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/CMakeLists.txt b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aee964cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ db_client.cpp
+ db_client_service.cpp
+ db_high_priority_service.cpp
+ db_params.cpp
+ db_server.cpp
+ db_server_service.cpp
+ db_server_state.cpp
+ db_simulator.cpp
+ db_storage_engine.cpp
+ db_threads.cpp
+ db_tls.cpp
+ dbsim.cpp
+target_link_libraries(dbsim wsrep-lib ${Boost_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIBRARY} ${Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY} ${Boost_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARY} ${Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY})
+set_property(TARGET dbsim PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 14)
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client.cpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5d56d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "db_client.hpp"
+#include "db_server.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+db::client::client(db::server& server,
+ wsrep::client_id client_id,
+ enum wsrep::client_state::mode mode,
+ const db::params& params)
+ : mutex_()
+ , cond_()
+ , params_(params)
+ , server_(server)
+ , server_state_(server.server_state())
+ , client_state_(mutex_, cond_, server_state_, client_service_, client_id, mode)
+ , client_service_(*this)
+ , se_trx_(server.storage_engine())
+ , data_()
+ , random_device_()
+ , random_engine_(random_device_())
+ , stats_()
+ data_.resize(params.max_data_size);
+void db::client::start()
+ for (size_t i(0); i < params_.n_transactions; ++i)
+ {
+ run_one_transaction();
+ report_progress(i + 1);
+ }
+ client_state_.close();
+ client_state_.cleanup();
+bool db::client::bf_abort(wsrep::seqno seqno)
+ return client_state_.bf_abort(seqno);
+// Private //
+template <class F>
+int db::client::client_command(F f)
+ int err(client_state_.before_command());
+ // wsrep::log_debug() << "before_command: " << err;
+ // If err != 0, transaction was BF aborted while client idle
+ if (err == 0)
+ {
+ err = client_state_.before_statement();
+ if (err == 0)
+ {
+ err = f();
+ }
+ client_state_.after_statement();
+ }
+ client_state_.after_command_before_result();
+ if (client_state_.current_error())
+ {
+ // wsrep::log_info() << "Current error";
+ assert(client_state_.transaction().state() ==
+ wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ err = 1;
+ }
+ client_state_.after_command_after_result();
+ // wsrep::log_info() << "client_command(): " << err;
+ return err;
+void db::client::run_one_transaction()
+ if (params_.sync_wait)
+ {
+ if (client_state_.sync_wait(5))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Sync wait failed");
+ }
+ }
+ client_state_.reset_error();
+ int err = client_command(
+ [&]()
+ {
+ // wsrep::log_debug() << "Start transaction";
+ err = client_state_.start_transaction(
+ wsrep::transaction_id(server_.next_transaction_id()));
+ assert(err == 0);
+ se_trx_.start(this);
+ return err;
+ });
+ const wsrep::transaction& transaction(
+ client_state_.transaction());
+ err = err || client_command(
+ [&]()
+ {
+ // wsrep::log_debug() << "Generate write set";
+ assert(;
+ assert(err == 0);
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> uniform_dist(0, params_.n_rows);
+ const size_t randkey(uniform_dist(random_engine_));
+ ::memcpy(, &randkey,
+ std::min(sizeof(randkey), data_.size()));
+ wsrep::key key(wsrep::key::exclusive);
+ key.append_key_part("dbms", 4);
+ unsigned long long client_key(;
+ key.append_key_part(&client_key, sizeof(client_key));
+ key.append_key_part(&randkey, sizeof(randkey));
+ err = client_state_.append_key(key);
+ size_t bytes_to_append(data_.size());
+ if (params_.random_data_size)
+ {
+ bytes_to_append = std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t>(
+ 1, data_.size())(random_engine_);
+ }
+ err = err || client_state_.append_data(
+ wsrep::const_buffer(, bytes_to_append));
+ return err;
+ });
+ err = err || client_command(
+ [&]()
+ {
+ // wsrep::log_debug() << "Commit";
+ assert(err == 0);
+ if (do_2pc())
+ {
+ err = err || client_state_.before_prepare();
+ err = err || client_state_.after_prepare();
+ }
+ err = err || client_state_.before_commit();
+ if (err == 0) se_trx_.commit(transaction.ws_meta().gtid());
+ err = err || client_state_.ordered_commit();
+ err = err || client_state_.after_commit();
+ if (err)
+ {
+ client_state_.before_rollback();
+ se_trx_.rollback();
+ client_state_.after_rollback();
+ }
+ return err;
+ });
+ assert(err ||
+ transaction.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted ||
+ transaction.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ assert( == false);
+ assert( == false);
+ switch (transaction.state())
+ {
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_committed:
+ ++stats_.commits;
+ break;
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_aborted:
+ ++stats_.rollbacks;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+void db::client::report_progress(size_t i) const
+ if ((i % 1000) == 0)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_info() << "client: " <<
+ << " transactions: " << i
+ << " " << 100*double(i)/double(params_.n_transactions) << "%";
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client.hpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5536a449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file db_client.hpp */
+#include "db_server_state.hpp"
+#include "db_storage_engine.hpp"
+#include "db_client_state.hpp"
+#include "db_client_service.hpp"
+#include "db_high_priority_service.hpp"
+#include <random>
+namespace db
+ class server;
+ class client
+ {
+ public:
+ struct stats
+ {
+ long long commits;
+ long long rollbacks;
+ long long replays;
+ stats()
+ : commits(0)
+ , rollbacks(0)
+ , replays(0)
+ { }
+ };
+ client(db::server&,
+ wsrep::client_id,
+ enum wsrep::client_state::mode,
+ const db::params&);
+ bool bf_abort(wsrep::seqno);
+ const struct stats stats() const { return stats_; }
+ void store_globals()
+ {
+ client_state_.store_globals();
+ }
+ void reset_globals()
+ { }
+ void start();
+ wsrep::client_state& client_state() { return client_state_; }
+ wsrep::client_service& client_service() { return client_service_; }
+ bool do_2pc() const { return false; }
+ private:
+ friend class db::server_state;
+ friend class db::client_service;
+ friend class db::high_priority_service;
+ template <class F> int client_command(F f);
+ void run_one_transaction();
+ void reset_error();
+ void report_progress(size_t) const;
+ wsrep::default_mutex mutex_;
+ wsrep::default_condition_variable cond_;
+ const db::params& params_;
+ db::server& server_;
+ db::server_state& server_state_;
+ db::client_state client_state_;
+ db::client_service client_service_;
+ db::storage_engine::transaction se_trx_;
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer data_;
+ std::random_device random_device_;
+ std::default_random_engine random_engine_;
+ struct stats stats_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client_service.cpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client_service.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb40017c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client_service.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "db_client_service.hpp"
+#include "db_high_priority_service.hpp"
+#include "db_client.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+db::client_service::client_service(db::client& client)
+ : wsrep::client_service()
+ , client_(client)
+ , client_state_(client_.client_state())
+{ }
+int db::client_service::bf_rollback()
+ int ret(client_state_.before_rollback());
+ assert(ret == 0);
+ client_.se_trx_.rollback();
+ ret = client_state_.after_rollback();
+ assert(ret == 0);
+ return ret;
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+ wsrep::high_priority_context high_priority_context(client_state_);
+ db::replayer_service replayer_service(
+ client_.server_, client_);
+ auto ret(client_state_.provider().replay(
+ client_state_.transaction().ws_handle(),
+ &replayer_service));
+ if (ret == wsrep::provider::success)
+ {
+ ++client_.stats_.replays;
+ }
+ return ret;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client_service.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be6f9ad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/client_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/transaction.hpp"
+namespace db
+ class client;
+ class client_state;
+ class client_service : public wsrep::client_service
+ {
+ public:
+ client_service(db::client& client);
+ bool interrupted(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&)
+ const override
+ { return false; }
+ void reset_globals() override { }
+ void store_globals() override { }
+ int prepare_data_for_replication() override
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void cleanup_transaction() override { }
+ size_t bytes_generated() const override
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool statement_allowed_for_streaming() const override
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ int prepare_fragment_for_replication(wsrep::mutable_buffer&,
+ size_t& position) override
+ {
+ position = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int remove_fragments() override { return 0; }
+ int bf_rollback() override;
+ void will_replay() override { }
+ void signal_replayed() override { }
+ void wait_for_replayers(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&) override { }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status replay()
+ override;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status replay_unordered() override
+ {
+ return wsrep::provider::success;
+ }
+ void emergency_shutdown() override { ::abort(); }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status commit_by_xid() override
+ {
+ return wsrep::provider::success;
+ }
+ bool is_explicit_xa() override
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool is_xa_rollback() override
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ void debug_sync(const char*) override { }
+ void debug_crash(const char*) override { }
+ private:
+ db::client& client_;
+ wsrep::client_state& client_state_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client_state.hpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client_state.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5cf71b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_client_state.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/client_state.hpp"
+#include "db_server_state.hpp"
+namespace db
+ class client;
+ class client_state : public wsrep::client_state
+ {
+ public:
+ client_state(wsrep::mutex& mutex,
+ wsrep::condition_variable& cond,
+ db::server_state& server_state,
+ wsrep::client_service& client_service,
+ const wsrep::client_id& client_id,
+ enum wsrep::client_state::mode mode)
+ : wsrep::client_state(mutex,
+ cond,
+ server_state,
+ client_service,
+ client_id,
+ mode)
+ { }
+ private:
+ client_state(const client_state&);
+ client_state& operator=(const client_state&);
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_high_priority_service.cpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_high_priority_service.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..669fe502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_high_priority_service.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "db_high_priority_service.hpp"
+#include "db_server.hpp"
+#include "db_client.hpp"
+ db::server& server, db::client& client)
+ : wsrep::high_priority_service(server.server_state())
+ , server_(server)
+ , client_(client)
+{ }
+int db::high_priority_service::start_transaction(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ return client_.client_state().start_transaction(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+int db::high_priority_service::next_fragment(const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ return client_.client_state().next_fragment(ws_meta);
+const wsrep::transaction& db::high_priority_service::transaction() const
+ return client_.client_state().transaction();
+int db::high_priority_service::adopt_transaction(const wsrep::transaction&)
+ throw wsrep::not_implemented_error();
+int db::high_priority_service::apply_write_set(
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer&)
+ client_.se_trx_.start(&client_);
+ client_.se_trx_.apply(client_.client_state().transaction());
+ return 0;
+int db::high_priority_service::apply_toi(
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer&)
+ throw wsrep::not_implemented_error();
+int db::high_priority_service::apply_nbo_begin(
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer&)
+ throw wsrep::not_implemented_error();
+int db::high_priority_service::commit(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ client_.client_state_.prepare_for_ordering(ws_handle, ws_meta, true);
+ int ret(client_.client_state_.before_commit());
+ if (ret == 0) client_.se_trx_.commit(ws_meta.gtid());
+ ret = ret || client_.client_state_.ordered_commit();
+ ret = ret || client_.client_state_.after_commit();
+ return ret;
+int db::high_priority_service::rollback(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ client_.client_state_.prepare_for_ordering(ws_handle, ws_meta, false);
+ int ret(client_.client_state_.before_rollback());
+ assert(ret == 0);
+ client_.se_trx_.rollback();
+ ret = client_.client_state_.after_rollback();
+ assert(ret == 0);
+ return ret;
+void db::high_priority_service::adopt_apply_error(wsrep::mutable_buffer& err)
+ client_.client_state_.adopt_apply_error(err);
+void db::high_priority_service::after_apply()
+ client_.client_state_.after_applying();
+int db::high_priority_service::log_dummy_write_set(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer& err)
+ int ret(client_.client_state_.start_transaction(ws_handle, ws_meta));
+ assert(ret == 0);
+ if (ws_meta.ordered())
+ {
+ client_.client_state_.adopt_apply_error(err);
+ client_.client_state_.prepare_for_ordering(ws_handle, ws_meta, true);
+ ret = client_.client_state_.before_commit();
+ assert(ret == 0);
+ ret = client_.client_state_.ordered_commit();
+ assert(ret == 0);
+ ret = client_.client_state_.after_commit();
+ assert(ret == 0);
+ }
+ client_.client_state_.after_applying();
+ return ret;
+bool db::high_priority_service::is_replaying() const
+ return false;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_high_priority_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_high_priority_service.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4a80f1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_high_priority_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/high_priority_service.hpp"
+namespace db
+ class server;
+ class client;
+ class high_priority_service : public wsrep::high_priority_service
+ {
+ public:
+ high_priority_service(db::server& server, db::client& client);
+ int start_transaction(const wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&) override;
+ int next_fragment(const wsrep::ws_meta&) override;
+ const wsrep::transaction& transaction() const override;
+ int adopt_transaction(const wsrep::transaction&) override;
+ int apply_write_set(const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer&) override;
+ int append_fragment_and_commit(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ const wsrep::xid&) override
+ { return 0; }
+ int remove_fragments(const wsrep::ws_meta&) override
+ { return 0; }
+ int commit(const wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::ws_meta&) override;
+ int rollback(const wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::ws_meta&) override;
+ int apply_toi(const wsrep::ws_meta&, const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer&) override;
+ int apply_nbo_begin(const wsrep::ws_meta&, const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer&)
+ override;
+ void adopt_apply_error(wsrep::mutable_buffer&) override;
+ virtual void after_apply() override;
+ void store_globals() override { }
+ void reset_globals() override { }
+ void switch_execution_context(wsrep::high_priority_service&) override
+ { }
+ int log_dummy_write_set(const wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer&) override;
+ virtual bool is_replaying() const override;
+ void debug_crash(const char*) override { }
+ private:
+ high_priority_service(const high_priority_service&);
+ high_priority_service& operator=(const high_priority_service&);
+ db::server& server_;
+ db::client& client_;
+ };
+ class replayer_service : public db::high_priority_service
+ {
+ public:
+ replayer_service(db::server& server, db::client& client)
+ : db::high_priority_service(server, client)
+ { }
+ // After apply is empty for replayer to keep the transaction
+ // context available for the client session after replaying
+ // is over.
+ void after_apply() override {}
+ bool is_replaying() const override { return true; }
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_params.cpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_params.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40433f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_params.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "db_params.hpp"
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+ void validate_params(const db::params& params)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ if (params.n_servers != params.topology.size())
+ {
+ if (params.topology.size() > 0)
+ {
+ os << "Error: --topology=" << params.topology << " does not "
+ << "match the number of server --servers="
+ << params.n_servers << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (os.str().size())
+ {
+ throw std::invalid_argument(os.str());
+ }
+ }
+db::params db::parse_args(int argc, char** argv)
+ namespace po = boost::program_options;
+ db::params params;
+ po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
+ desc.add_options()
+ ("help", "produce help message")
+ ("wsrep-provider",
+ po::value<std::string>(&params.wsrep_provider)->required(),
+ "wsrep provider to load")
+ ("wsrep-provider-options",
+ po::value<std::string>(&params.wsrep_provider_options),
+ "wsrep provider options")
+ ("status-file",
+ po::value<std::string>(&params.status_file),
+ "status output file")
+ ("servers", po::value<size_t>(&params.n_servers)->required(),
+ "number of servers to start")
+ ("topology", po::value<std::string>(&params.topology),
+ "replication topology (e.g. mm for multi master, ms for master/slave")
+ ("clients", po::value<size_t>(&params.n_clients)->required(),
+ "number of clients to start per master")
+ ("transactions", po::value<size_t>(&params.n_transactions),
+ "number of transactions run by a client")
+ ("rows", po::value<size_t>(&params.n_rows),
+ "number of rows per table")
+ ("max-data-size", po::value<size_t>(&params.max_data_size),
+ "maximum size of data payload (default 8)")
+ ("random-data-size", po::value<bool>(&params.random_data_size),
+ "randomized payload data size (default 0)")
+ ("alg-freq", po::value<size_t>(&params.alg_freq),
+ "ALG frequency")
+ ("sync-wait", po::value<bool>(&params.sync_wait),
+ "Turn on sync wait for each transaction")
+ ("debug-log-level", po::value<int>(&params.debug_log_level),
+ "debug logging level: 0 - none, 1 - verbose")
+ ("fast-exit", po::value<int>(&params.fast_exit),
+ "exit from simulation without graceful shutdown")
+ ("ti",
+ po::value<int>(&params.thread_instrumentation),
+ "use instrumentation for threads/mutexes/condition variables"
+ "(0 default disabled, 1 total counts, 2 per object)")
+ ("ti-cond-checks",
+ po::value<bool>(&params.cond_checks),
+ "Enable checks for correct condition variable use. "
+ " Effective only if thread-instrumentation is enabled")
+ ("tls-service",
+ po::value<int>(&params.tls_service),
+ "Configure TLS service stubs.\n0 default disabled\n1 enabled\n"
+ "2 enabled with short read/write and renegotiation simulation\n"
+ "3 enabled with error simulation.")
+ ;
+ try
+ {
+ po::variables_map vm;
+ po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
+ if (vm.count("help"))
+ {
+ std::cerr << desc << "\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ po::notify(vm);
+ validate_params(params);
+ }
+ catch (const po::error& e)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Error parsing arguments: " << e.what() << "\n";
+ std::cerr << desc << "\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Error parsing arguments\n";
+ std::cerr << desc << "\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return params;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_params.hpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_params.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5df8062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_params.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <string>
+namespace db
+ struct params
+ {
+ size_t n_servers;
+ size_t n_clients;
+ size_t n_transactions;
+ size_t n_rows;
+ size_t max_data_size; // Maximum size of write set data payload.
+ bool random_data_size; // If true, randomize data payload size.
+ size_t alg_freq;
+ bool sync_wait;
+ std::string topology;
+ std::string wsrep_provider;
+ std::string wsrep_provider_options;
+ std::string status_file;
+ int debug_log_level;
+ int fast_exit;
+ int thread_instrumentation;
+ bool cond_checks;
+ int tls_service;
+ params()
+ : n_servers(0)
+ , n_clients(0)
+ , n_transactions(0)
+ , n_rows(1000)
+ , max_data_size(8)
+ , random_data_size(false)
+ , alg_freq(0)
+ , sync_wait(false)
+ , topology()
+ , wsrep_provider()
+ , wsrep_provider_options()
+ , status_file("status.json")
+ , debug_log_level(0)
+ , fast_exit(0)
+ , thread_instrumentation()
+ , cond_checks()
+ , tls_service()
+ { }
+ };
+ params parse_args(int argc, char** argv);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server.cpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a54610d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "db_server.hpp"
+#include "db_server_service.hpp"
+#include "db_high_priority_service.hpp"
+#include "db_client.hpp"
+#include "db_simulator.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include <ostream>
+#include <cstdio>
+static wsrep::default_mutex logger_mtx;
+static void
+logger_fn(wsrep::log::level l, const char* pfx, const char* msg)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(logger_mtx);
+ struct timespec time;
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &time);
+ time_t const tt(time.tv_sec);
+ struct tm date;
+ localtime_r(&tt, &date);
+ char date_str[85] = { '\0', };
+ snprintf(date_str, sizeof(date_str) - 1,
+ "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
+ date.tm_year + 1900, date.tm_mon + 1, date.tm_mday,
+ date.tm_hour, date.tm_min, date.tm_sec, (int)time.tv_nsec/1000000);
+ std::cerr << date_str << ' ' << pfx << wsrep::log::to_c_string(l) << ' '
+ << msg << std::endl;
+db::server::server(simulator& simulator,
+ const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& address)
+ : simulator_(simulator)
+ , storage_engine_(simulator_.params())
+ , mutex_()
+ , cond_()
+ , server_service_(*this)
+ , reporter_(mutex_, name + ".json", 4)
+ , server_state_(server_service_,
+ name, address, "dbsim_" + name + "_data")
+ , last_client_id_(0)
+ , last_transaction_id_(0)
+ , appliers_()
+ , clients_()
+ , client_threads_()
+ wsrep::log::logger_fn(logger_fn);
+void db::server::applier_thread()
+ wsrep::client_id client_id(last_client_id_.fetch_add(1) + 1);
+ db::client applier(*this, client_id,
+ wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority,
+ simulator_.params());
+ wsrep::client_state* cc(static_cast<wsrep::client_state*>(
+ &applier.client_state()));
+ db::high_priority_service hps(*this, applier);
+ cc->open(cc->id());
+ cc->before_command();
+ enum wsrep::provider::status ret(
+ server_state_.provider().run_applier(&hps));
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Applier thread exited with error code " << ret;
+ cc->after_command_before_result();
+ cc->after_command_after_result();
+ cc->close();
+ cc->cleanup();
+void db::server::start_applier()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ appliers_.push_back(boost::thread(&server::applier_thread, this));
+void db::server::stop_applier()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ appliers_.front().join();
+ appliers_.erase(appliers_.begin());
+void db::server::start_clients()
+ size_t n_clients(simulator_.params().n_clients);
+ for (size_t i(0); i < n_clients; ++i)
+ {
+ start_client(i + 1);
+ }
+void db::server::stop_clients()
+ for (auto& i : client_threads_)
+ {
+ i.join();
+ }
+ for (const auto& i : clients_)
+ {
+ const struct db::client::stats& stats(i->stats());
+ simulator_.stats_.commits += stats.commits;
+ simulator_.stats_.rollbacks += stats.rollbacks;
+ simulator_.stats_.replays += stats.replays;
+ }
+void db::server::client_thread(const std::shared_ptr<db::client>& client)
+ client->start();
+void db::server::start_client(size_t id)
+ auto client(std::make_shared<db::client>(
+ *this, wsrep::client_id(id),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_local,
+ simulator_.params()));
+ clients_.push_back(client);
+ client_threads_.push_back(
+ boost::thread(&db::server::client_thread, this, client));
+void db::server::donate_sst(const std::string& req,
+ const wsrep::gtid& gtid,
+ bool bypass)
+ simulator_.sst(*this, req, gtid, bypass);
+wsrep::high_priority_service* db::server::streaming_applier_service()
+ throw wsrep::not_implemented_error();
+void db::server::log_state_change(enum wsrep::server_state::state from,
+ enum wsrep::server_state::state to)
+ wsrep::log_info() << "State changed " << from << " -> " << to;
+ reporter_.report_state(to);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server.hpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98b9a837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/gtid.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/client_state.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/reporter.hpp"
+#include "db_storage_engine.hpp"
+#include "db_server_state.hpp"
+#include "db_server_service.hpp"
+#include <boost/thread.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include <memory>
+namespace db
+ class simulator;
+ class client;
+ class server
+ {
+ public:
+ server(simulator& simulator,
+ const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& address);
+ void applier_thread();
+ void start_applier();
+ void stop_applier();
+ void start_clients();
+ void stop_clients();
+ void client_thread(const std::shared_ptr<db::client>& client);
+ db::storage_engine& storage_engine() { return storage_engine_; }
+ db::server_state& server_state() { return server_state_; }
+ wsrep::transaction_id next_transaction_id()
+ {
+ return wsrep::transaction_id(last_transaction_id_.fetch_add(1) + 1);
+ }
+ void donate_sst(const std::string&, const wsrep::gtid&, bool);
+ wsrep::client_state* local_client_state();
+ void release_client_state(wsrep::client_state*);
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* streaming_applier_service();
+ void log_state_change(enum wsrep::server_state::state,
+ enum wsrep::server_state::state);
+ private:
+ void start_client(size_t id);
+ db::simulator& simulator_;
+ db::storage_engine storage_engine_;
+ wsrep::default_mutex mutex_;
+ wsrep::default_condition_variable cond_;
+ db::server_service server_service_;
+ wsrep::reporter reporter_;
+ db::server_state server_state_;
+ std::atomic<size_t> last_client_id_;
+ std::atomic<size_t> last_transaction_id_;
+ std::vector<boost::thread> appliers_;
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<db::client>> clients_;
+ std::vector<boost::thread> client_threads_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server_service.cpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server_service.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9b1cf90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server_service.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "db_server_service.hpp"
+#include "db_server.hpp"
+#include "db_storage_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/high_priority_service.hpp"
+db::server_service::server_service(db::server& server)
+ : server_(server)
+{ }
+wsrep::storage_service* db::server_service::storage_service(
+ wsrep::client_service&)
+ return new db::storage_service();
+wsrep::storage_service* db::server_service::storage_service(
+ wsrep::high_priority_service&)
+ return new db::storage_service();
+void db::server_service::release_storage_service(
+ wsrep::storage_service* storage_service)
+ delete storage_service;
+wsrep::high_priority_service* db::server_service::streaming_applier_service(
+ wsrep::client_service&)
+ return server_.streaming_applier_service();
+wsrep::high_priority_service* db::server_service::streaming_applier_service(
+ wsrep::high_priority_service&)
+ return server_.streaming_applier_service();
+void db::server_service::release_high_priority_service(
+ wsrep::high_priority_service *high_priority_service)
+ delete high_priority_service;
+bool db::server_service::sst_before_init() const
+ return true;
+std::string db::server_service::sst_request()
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << server_.server_state().name();
+ wsrep::log_info() << "SST request: "
+ << server_.server_state().name();
+ return os.str();
+int db::server_service::start_sst(
+ const std::string& request, const wsrep::gtid& gtid, bool bypass)
+ server_.donate_sst(request, gtid, bypass);
+ return 0;
+void db::server_service::background_rollback(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&,
+ wsrep::client_state&)
+void db::server_service::bootstrap()
+void db::server_service::log_message(enum wsrep::log::level level,
+ const char* message)
+ wsrep::log(level, server_.server_state().name().c_str()) << message;
+void db::server_service::log_dummy_write_set(
+ wsrep::client_state&, const wsrep::ws_meta& meta)
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Dummy write set: " << meta.seqno();
+void db::server_service::log_view(wsrep::high_priority_service*,
+ const wsrep::view& v)
+ wsrep::log_info() << "View:\n" << v;
+ server_.storage_engine().store_view(v);
+void db::server_service::recover_streaming_appliers(
+ wsrep::client_service&)
+void db::server_service::recover_streaming_appliers(
+ wsrep::high_priority_service&)
+wsrep::view db::server_service::get_view(wsrep::client_service&,
+ const wsrep::id& own_id)
+ wsrep::view stored_view(server_.storage_engine().get_view());
+ int const my_idx(stored_view.member_index(own_id));
+ wsrep::view my_view(
+ stored_view.state_id(),
+ stored_view.view_seqno(),
+ stored_view.status(),
+ stored_view.capabilities(),
+ my_idx,
+ stored_view.protocol_version(),
+ stored_view.members()
+ );
+ return my_view;
+wsrep::gtid db::server_service::get_position(wsrep::client_service&)
+ return server_.storage_engine().get_position();
+void db::server_service::set_position(wsrep::client_service&,
+ const wsrep::gtid& gtid)
+ return server_.storage_engine().store_position(gtid);
+void db::server_service::log_state_change(
+ enum wsrep::server_state::state prev_state,
+ enum wsrep::server_state::state current_state)
+ server_.log_state_change(prev_state, current_state);
+int db::server_service::wait_committing_transactions(int)
+ throw wsrep::not_implemented_error();
+void db::server_service::debug_sync(const char*)
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server_service.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d62ff11f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/server_service.hpp"
+#include <string>
+namespace db
+ class server;
+ class server_service : public wsrep::server_service
+ {
+ public:
+ server_service(db::server& server);
+ wsrep::storage_service* storage_service(wsrep::client_service&) override;
+ wsrep::storage_service* storage_service(wsrep::high_priority_service&) override;
+ void release_storage_service(wsrep::storage_service*) override;
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* streaming_applier_service(wsrep::client_service&) override;
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* streaming_applier_service(wsrep::high_priority_service&) override;
+ void release_high_priority_service(wsrep::high_priority_service*) override;
+ bool sst_before_init() const override;
+ int start_sst(const std::string&, const wsrep::gtid&, bool) override;
+ std::string sst_request() override;
+ void background_rollback(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&,
+ wsrep::client_state&) override;
+ void bootstrap() override;
+ void log_message(enum wsrep::log::level, const char* message) override;
+ void log_dummy_write_set(wsrep::client_state&, const wsrep::ws_meta&)
+ override;
+ void log_view(wsrep::high_priority_service*,
+ const wsrep::view&) override;
+ void recover_streaming_appliers(wsrep::client_service&) override;
+ void recover_streaming_appliers(wsrep::high_priority_service&) override;
+ wsrep::view get_view(wsrep::client_service&, const wsrep::id&)
+ override;
+ wsrep::gtid get_position(wsrep::client_service&) override;
+ void set_position(wsrep::client_service&, const wsrep::gtid&) override;
+ void log_state_change(enum wsrep::server_state::state,
+ enum wsrep::server_state::state) override;
+ int wait_committing_transactions(int) override;
+ void debug_sync(const char*) override;
+ private:
+ db::server& server_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server_state.cpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server_state.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bc17d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server_state.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "db_server_state.hpp"
+#include "db_server.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server_state.hpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server_state.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49d4499e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_server_state.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/server_state.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/server_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/client_state.hpp"
+#include <atomic>
+namespace db
+ class server;
+ class server_state : public wsrep::server_state
+ {
+ public:
+ server_state(wsrep::server_service& server_service,
+ const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& address,
+ const std::string& working_dir)
+ : wsrep::server_state(
+ mutex_,
+ cond_,
+ server_service,
+ nullptr,
+ name,
+ "",
+ address,
+ working_dir,
+ wsrep::gtid::undefined(),
+ 1,
+ wsrep::server_state::rm_async)
+ , mutex_()
+ , cond_()
+ { }
+ private:
+ wsrep::default_mutex mutex_;
+ wsrep::default_condition_variable cond_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_simulator.cpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_simulator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..97a18187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_simulator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "db_simulator.hpp"
+#include "db_client.hpp"
+#include "db_threads.hpp"
+#include "db_tls.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <sstream>
+static db::ti thread_instrumentation;
+static db::tls tls_service;
+void db::simulator::run()
+ start();
+ stop();
+ std::flush(std::cerr);
+ std::cout << "Results:\n";
+ std::cout << stats() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << db::ti::stats() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << db::tls::stats() << std::endl;
+void db::simulator::sst(db::server& server,
+ const std::string& request,
+ const wsrep::gtid& gtid,
+ bool bypass)
+ // The request may contain extra trailing '\0' after it goes
+ // through the provider, strip it first.
+ std::string name(request);
+ name.erase(std::find(name.begin(), name.end(), '\0'), name.end());
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ auto i(servers_.find(name));
+ wsrep::log_info() << "SST request '" << name << "'";
+ if (i == servers_.end())
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Server " << request << " not found";
+ wsrep::log_info() << "servers:";
+ for (const auto& s : servers_)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_info() << "server: " << s.first;
+ }
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Server " + request + " not found");
+ }
+ if (bypass == false)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_info() << "SST "
+ << server.server_state().name()
+ << " -> " << request;
+ i->second->storage_engine().store_position(gtid);
+ i->second->storage_engine().store_view(
+ server.storage_engine().get_view());
+ }
+ db::client dummy(*(i->second), wsrep::client_id(-1),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_local, params());
+ if (i->second->server_state().sst_received(dummy.client_service(), 0))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Call to SST received failed");
+ }
+ server.server_state().sst_sent(gtid, 0);
+std::string db::simulator::stats() const
+ auto duration(std::chrono::duration<double>(
+ clients_stop_ - clients_start_).count());
+ long long transactions(stats_.commits + stats_.rollbacks);
+ long long bf_aborts(0);
+ for (const auto& s : servers_)
+ {
+ bf_aborts += s.second->storage_engine().bf_aborts();
+ }
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Number of transactions: " << transactions
+ << "\n"
+ << "Seconds: " << duration
+ << " \n"
+ << "Transactions per second: " << double(transactions)/double(duration)
+ << "\n"
+ << "BF aborts: "
+ << bf_aborts
+ << "\n"
+ << "Client commits: " << stats_.commits
+ << "\n"
+ << "Client rollbacks: " << stats_.rollbacks
+ << "\n"
+ << "Client replays: " << stats_.replays;
+ return os.str();
+// Private //
+void db::simulator::start()
+ thread_instrumentation.level(params_.thread_instrumentation);
+ thread_instrumentation.cond_checks(params_.cond_checks);
+ tls_service.init(params_.tls_service);
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Provider: " << params_.wsrep_provider;
+ std::string cluster_address(build_cluster_address());
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Cluster address: " << cluster_address;
+ for (size_t i(0); i < params_.n_servers; ++i)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream name_os;
+ name_os << (i + 1);
+ std::ostringstream id_os;
+ id_os << (i + 1);
+ std::ostringstream address_os;
+ address_os << "" << server_port(i);
+ wsrep::id server_id(id_os.str());
+ auto it(servers_.insert(
+ std::make_pair(
+ name_os.str(),
+ std::make_unique<db::server>(
+ *this,
+ name_os.str(),
+ address_os.str()))));
+ if (it.second == false)
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to add server");
+ }
+ boost::filesystem::path dir("dbsim_" + id_os.str() + "_data");
+ boost::filesystem::create_directory(dir);
+ db::server& server(*it.first->second);
+ server.server_state().debug_log_level(params_.debug_log_level);
+ std::string server_options(params_.wsrep_provider_options);
+ wsrep::provider::services services;
+ services.thread_service = params_.thread_instrumentation
+ ? &thread_instrumentation
+ : nullptr;
+ services.tls_service = params_.tls_service
+ ? &tls_service
+ : nullptr;
+ if (server.server_state().load_provider(params_.wsrep_provider,
+ server_options, services))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to load provider");
+ }
+ if (server.server_state().connect("sim_cluster", cluster_address, "",
+ i == 0))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to connect");
+ }
+ wsrep::log_debug() << "main: Starting applier";
+ server.start_applier();
+ wsrep::log_debug() << "main: Waiting initializing state";
+ if (server.server_state().wait_until_state(
+ wsrep::server_state::s_initializing))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to reach initializing state");
+ }
+ wsrep::log_debug() << "main: Calling initialized";
+ server.server_state().initialized();
+ wsrep::log_debug() << "main: Waiting for synced state";
+ if (server.server_state().wait_until_state(
+ wsrep::server_state::s_synced))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to reach synced state");
+ }
+ wsrep::log_debug() << "main: Server synced";
+ }
+ // Start client threads
+ wsrep::log_info() << "####################### Starting client load";
+ clients_start_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ size_t index(0);
+ for (auto& i : servers_)
+ {
+ if (params_.topology.size() == 0 || params_.topology[index] == 'm')
+ {
+ i.second->start_clients();
+ }
+ ++index;
+ }
+void db::simulator::stop()
+ for (auto& i : servers_)
+ {
+ db::server& server(*i.second);
+ server.stop_clients();
+ }
+ clients_stop_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ wsrep::log_info() << "######## Stats ############";
+ wsrep::log_info() << stats();
+ std::cout << db::ti::stats() << std::endl;
+ wsrep::log_info() << "######## Stats ############";
+ if (params_.fast_exit)
+ {
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ for (auto& i : servers_)
+ {
+ db::server& server(*i.second);
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Status for server: "
+ << server.server_state().id();
+ auto status(server.server_state().provider().status());
+ for_each(status.begin(), status.end(),
+ [](const wsrep::provider::status_variable& sv)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_info() << << " = " << sv.value();
+ });
+ server.server_state().disconnect();
+ if (server.server_state().wait_until_state(
+ wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to reach disconnected state");
+ }
+ server.stop_applier();
+ server.server_state().unload_provider();
+ }
+std::string db::simulator::server_port(size_t i) const
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << (10000 + (i + 1)*10);
+ return os.str();
+std::string db::simulator::build_cluster_address() const
+ std::string ret;
+ if (params_.wsrep_provider.find("galera_smm") != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ ret += "gcomm://";
+ }
+ for (size_t i(0); i < params_.n_servers; ++i)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream sa_os;
+ sa_os << "";
+ sa_os << server_port(i);
+ ret += sa_os.str();
+ if (i < params_.n_servers - 1) ret += ",";
+ }
+ return ret;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_simulator.hpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_simulator.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..693645e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_simulator.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/gtid.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/mutex.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/lock.hpp"
+#include "db_params.hpp"
+#include "db_server.hpp"
+#include <memory>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <map>
+namespace db
+ class server;
+ class simulator
+ {
+ public:
+ simulator(const params& params)
+ : mutex_()
+ , params_(params)
+ , servers_()
+ , clients_start_()
+ , clients_stop_()
+ , stats_()
+ { }
+ void run();
+ void sst(db::server&,
+ const std::string&, const wsrep::gtid&, bool);
+ const db::params& params() const
+ { return params_; }
+ std::string stats() const;
+ private:
+ void start();
+ void stop();
+ std::string server_port(size_t i) const;
+ std::string build_cluster_address() const;
+ wsrep::default_mutex mutex_;
+ const db::params& params_;
+ std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<db::server>> servers_;
+ std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> clients_start_;
+ std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> clients_stop_;
+ public:
+ struct stats
+ {
+ long long commits;
+ long long rollbacks;
+ long long replays;
+ stats()
+ : commits(0)
+ , rollbacks(0)
+ , replays(0)
+ { }
+ } stats_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_storage_engine.cpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_storage_engine.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4278b81d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_storage_engine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "db_storage_engine.hpp"
+#include "db_client.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+void db::storage_engine::transaction::start(db::client* cc)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(se_.mutex_);
+ if (se_.transactions_.insert(cc).second == false)
+ {
+ ::abort();
+ }
+ cc_ = cc;
+void db::storage_engine::transaction::apply(
+ const wsrep::transaction& transaction)
+ assert(cc_);
+ se_.bf_abort_some(transaction);
+void db::storage_engine::transaction::commit(const wsrep::gtid& gtid)
+ if (cc_)
+ {
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(se_.mutex_);
+ se_.transactions_.erase(cc_);
+ se_.store_position(gtid);
+ }
+ cc_ = nullptr;
+void db::storage_engine::transaction::rollback()
+ if (cc_)
+ {
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(se_.mutex_);
+ se_.transactions_.erase(cc_);
+ }
+ cc_ = nullptr;
+void db::storage_engine::bf_abort_some(const wsrep::transaction& txc)
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> uniform_dist(0, alg_freq_);
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ if (alg_freq_ && uniform_dist(random_engine_) == 0)
+ {
+ if (transactions_.empty() == false)
+ {
+ for (auto victim : transactions_)
+ {
+ wsrep::client_state& cc(victim->client_state());
+ if (cc.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local)
+ {
+ if (victim->bf_abort(txc.seqno()))
+ {
+ ++bf_aborts_;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void db::storage_engine::store_position(const wsrep::gtid& gtid)
+ validate_position(gtid);
+ position_ = gtid;
+wsrep::gtid db::storage_engine::get_position() const
+ return position_;
+void db::storage_engine::store_view(const wsrep::view& view)
+ view_ = view;
+wsrep::view db::storage_engine::get_view() const
+ return view_;
+void db::storage_engine::validate_position(const wsrep::gtid& gtid) const
+ if ( == && gtid.seqno() <= position_.seqno())
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Invalid position submitted, position seqno "
+ << position_.seqno()
+ << " is greater than submitted seqno "
+ << gtid.seqno();
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error(os.str());
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_storage_engine.hpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_storage_engine.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de5080cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_storage_engine.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "db_params.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/mutex.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/view.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/transaction.hpp"
+#include <atomic>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <random>
+namespace db
+ class client;
+ class storage_engine
+ {
+ public:
+ storage_engine(const params& params)
+ : mutex_()
+ , transactions_()
+ , alg_freq_(params.alg_freq)
+ , bf_aborts_()
+ , position_()
+ , view_()
+ , random_device_()
+ , random_engine_(random_device_())
+ { }
+ class transaction
+ {
+ public:
+ transaction(storage_engine& se)
+ : se_(se)
+ , cc_()
+ { }
+ ~transaction()
+ {
+ rollback();
+ }
+ bool active() const { return cc_ != nullptr; }
+ void start(client* cc);
+ void apply(const wsrep::transaction&);
+ void commit(const wsrep::gtid&);
+ void rollback();
+ db::client* client() { return cc_; }
+ transaction(const transaction&) = delete;
+ transaction& operator=(const transaction&) = delete;
+ private:
+ db::storage_engine& se_;
+ db::client* cc_;
+ };
+ void bf_abort_some(const wsrep::transaction& tc);
+ long long bf_aborts() const { return bf_aborts_; }
+ void store_position(const wsrep::gtid& gtid);
+ wsrep::gtid get_position() const;
+ void store_view(const wsrep::view& view);
+ wsrep::view get_view() const;
+ private:
+ void validate_position(const wsrep::gtid& gtid) const;
+ wsrep::default_mutex mutex_;
+ std::unordered_set<db::client*> transactions_;
+ size_t alg_freq_;
+ std::atomic<long long> bf_aborts_;
+ wsrep::gtid position_;
+ wsrep::view view_;
+ std::random_device random_device_;
+ std::default_random_engine random_engine_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_storage_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_storage_service.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..839253db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_storage_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/storage_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/exception.hpp"
+namespace db
+ class storage_service : public wsrep::storage_service
+ {
+ int start_transaction(const wsrep::ws_handle&) override
+ { throw wsrep::not_implemented_error(); }
+ void adopt_transaction(const wsrep::transaction&) override
+ { throw wsrep::not_implemented_error(); }
+ int append_fragment(const wsrep::id&,
+ wsrep::transaction_id,
+ int,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ const wsrep::xid&) override
+ { throw wsrep::not_implemented_error(); }
+ int update_fragment_meta(const wsrep::ws_meta&) override
+ { throw wsrep::not_implemented_error(); }
+ int remove_fragments() override
+ { throw wsrep::not_implemented_error(); }
+ int commit(const wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::ws_meta&) override
+ { throw wsrep::not_implemented_error(); }
+ int rollback(const wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::ws_meta&)
+ override
+ { throw wsrep::not_implemented_error(); }
+ void store_globals() override { }
+ void reset_globals() override { }
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_threads.cpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_threads.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10b580dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_threads.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "db_threads.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/compiler.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <array>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <map>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <thread>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+extern "C" { static void* start_thread(void* args_ptr); }
+ struct ti_obj
+ {
+ };
+ enum ti_opcode
+ {
+ oc_thread_create,
+ oc_thread_destroy,
+ oc_mutex_create,
+ oc_mutex_destroy,
+ oc_mutex_lock,
+ oc_mutex_trylock,
+ oc_mutex_unlock,
+ oc_cond_create,
+ oc_cond_destroy,
+ oc_cond_wait,
+ oc_cond_timedwait,
+ oc_cond_signal,
+ oc_cond_broadcast,
+ oc_max // must be the last
+ };
+ static const char* ti_opstring(enum ti_opcode op)
+ {
+ switch (op)
+ {
+ case oc_thread_create: return "thread_create";
+ case oc_thread_destroy: return "thread_destroy";
+ case oc_mutex_create: return "mutex_create";
+ case oc_mutex_destroy: return "mutex_destroy";
+ case oc_mutex_lock: return "mutex_lock";
+ case oc_mutex_trylock: return "mutex_trylock";
+ case oc_mutex_unlock: return "mutex_unlock";
+ case oc_cond_create: return "cond_create";
+ case oc_cond_destroy: return "cond_destroy";
+ case oc_cond_wait: return "cond_wait";
+ case oc_cond_timedwait: return "cond_timedwait";
+ case oc_cond_signal: return "cond_signal";
+ case oc_cond_broadcast: return "cond_broadcast";
+ default: return "unknown";
+ }
+ }
+ static std::vector<std::string> key_vec;
+ static std::atomic<int> key_cnt;
+ static std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> ops_map;
+ static std::vector<std::mutex*> ops_map_sync;
+ static struct ops_map_sync_deleter
+ {
+ ~ops_map_sync_deleter()
+ {
+ std::for_each(ops_map_sync.begin(), ops_map_sync.end(),
+ [](auto entry) { delete entry; });
+ }
+ } ops_map_sync_deleter;
+ static std::array<std::atomic<size_t>, oc_max> total_ops;
+ static std::atomic<size_t> total_allocations;
+ static std::atomic<size_t> mutex_contention;
+ static std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> mutex_contention_counts;
+ static int op_level;
+ // Check correct condition variable usage:
+ // - Associated mutex must be locked when waiting for cond
+ // - There must be at least one waiter when signalling for condition
+ static bool cond_checks;
+ static inline void cond_check(bool condition, const char* name,
+ const char* message)
+ {
+ if (cond_checks && !condition)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Condition variable check failed for '"
+ << name << "': " << message;
+ ::abort();
+ }
+ }
+ static inline int append_key(const char* name, const char* type)
+ {
+ key_vec.push_back(std::string(name) + "_" + type);
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Register key " << name << "_" << type
+ << " with index " << (key_cnt + 1);
+ ops_map.push_back(std::vector<size_t>());
+ ops_map_sync.push_back(new std::mutex());
+ ops_map.back().resize(oc_max);
+ return ++key_cnt;
+ }
+ template <class Key> static inline size_t get_key_index(const Key* key)
+ {
+ size_t index(reinterpret_cast<const size_t>(key) - 1);
+ assert(index < key_vec.size());
+ return index;
+ }
+ template <class Key>
+ static inline const char* get_key_name(const Key* key)
+ {
+ return key_vec[get_key_index(key)].c_str();
+ }
+ static inline const std::string& get_key_name_by_index(size_t index)
+ {
+ assert(index < key_vec.size());
+ return key_vec[index];
+ }
+ // Note: Do not refer the obj pointer in this function, it may
+ // have been deleted before the call.
+ template <class Key>
+ static inline void update_ops(const ti_obj* obj,
+ const Key* key,
+ enum ti_opcode op)
+ {
+ if (op_level < 1)
+ return;
+ total_ops[op] += 1;
+ if (op_level < 2)
+ return;
+ if (false && op == oc_mutex_destroy)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_info() << "thread: " << std::this_thread::get_id()
+ << " object: " << obj
+ << ": name: " << get_key_name(key)
+ << " op: " << ti_opstring(op);
+ }
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(*ops_map_sync[get_key_index(key)]);
+ ops_map[get_key_index(key)][op] += 1;
+ }
+ struct thread_args
+ {
+ void* this_thread;
+ void* (*fn)(void*);
+ void* args;
+ };
+ pthread_key_t this_thread_key;
+ struct this_thread_key_initializer
+ {
+ this_thread_key_initializer()
+ {
+ pthread_key_create(&this_thread_key, nullptr);
+ }
+ ~this_thread_key_initializer()
+ {
+ pthread_key_delete(this_thread_key);
+ }
+ };
+ class ti_thread : public ti_obj
+ {
+ public:
+ ti_thread(const wsrep::thread_service::thread_key* key)
+ : key_(key)
+ , th_()
+ , retval_()
+ , detached_()
+ {
+ update_ops(this, key_, oc_thread_create);
+ }
+ ~ti_thread()
+ {
+ update_ops(this, key_, oc_thread_destroy);
+ }
+ ti_thread(const ti_thread&) = delete;
+ ti_thread& operator=(const ti_thread&) = delete;
+ int run(void* (*fn)(void *), void* args)
+ {
+ auto ta(new thread_args{this, fn, args});
+ return pthread_create(&th_, nullptr, start_thread, ta);
+ }
+ int detach()
+ {
+ detached_ = true;
+ return pthread_detach(th_);
+ }
+ int join(void** retval)
+ {
+ return pthread_join(th_, retval);
+ }
+ bool detached() const { return detached_; }
+ void retval(void* retval) { retval_ = retval; }
+ static ti_thread* self()
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<ti_thread*>(
+ pthread_getspecific(this_thread_key));
+ }
+ int setschedparam(int policy, const struct sched_param* param)
+ {
+ return pthread_setschedparam(th_, policy, param);
+ }
+ int getschedparam(int* policy, struct sched_param* param)
+ {
+ return pthread_getschedparam(th_, policy, param);
+ }
+ int equal(ti_thread* other)
+ {
+ return pthread_equal(th_, other->th_);
+ }
+ private:
+ const wsrep::thread_service::thread_key* key_;
+ pthread_t th_;
+ void* retval_;
+ bool detached_;
+ };
+ class ti_mutex : public ti_obj
+ {
+ public:
+ ti_mutex(const wsrep::thread_service::mutex_key* key, bool inplace)
+ , key_(key)
+ , inplace_(inplace)
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ , locked_()
+ , owner_()
+#endif // ! NDEBUG
+ {
+ update_ops(this, key_, oc_mutex_create);
+ if (not inplace) total_allocations++;
+ }
+ ~ti_mutex() { update_ops(this, key_, oc_mutex_destroy); }
+ ti_mutex& operator=(const ti_mutex&) = delete;
+ ti_mutex(const ti_mutex&) = delete;
+ int lock()
+ {
+ update_ops(this, key_, oc_mutex_lock);
+ int ret(pthread_mutex_trylock(&mutex_));
+ if (ret == EBUSY)
+ {
+ mutex_contention++;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(*ops_map_sync[get_key_index(key_)]);
+ mutex_contention_counts[get_key_name(key_)] += 1;
+ }
+ ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_);
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ assert(owner_ == std::thread::id());
+ locked_ = true;
+ owner_ = std::this_thread::get_id();
+ }
+#endif // ! NDEBUG
+ return ret;
+ }
+ int trylock()
+ {
+ update_ops(this, key_, oc_mutex_trylock);
+ int ret(pthread_mutex_trylock(&mutex_));
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ assert(owner_ == std::thread::id());
+ locked_ = true;
+ owner_ = std::this_thread::get_id();
+ }
+#endif // ! NDEBUG
+ return ret;
+ }
+ int unlock()
+ {
+ assert(locked_);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ assert(owner_ == std::this_thread::get_id());
+ owner_ = std::thread::id();
+#endif // ! NDEBUG
+ // Use temporary object. After mutex is unlocked it may be
+ // destroyed before this update_ops() finishes.
+ auto key(key_);
+ int ret(pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_));
+ update_ops(this, key, oc_mutex_unlock);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ struct condwait_context
+ {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ bool locked;
+ std::thread::id owner;
+#endif // ! NDEBUG
+ };
+ condwait_context save_for_condwait()
+ {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ return condwait_context{ locked_, owner_ };
+ return condwait_context{};
+#endif // ! NDEBUG
+ }
+ void reset()
+ {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ locked_ = false;
+ owner_ = std::thread::id();
+#endif // ! NDEBUG
+ }
+ void restore_from_condwait(const condwait_context& ctx WSREP_UNUSED)
+ {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ locked_ = ctx.locked;
+ owner_ = ctx.owner;
+#endif // ! NDEBUG
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_t* native_handle() { return &mutex_; }
+ const wsrep::thread_service::mutex_key* key() const { return key_; }
+ bool inplace() const { return inplace_; }
+ private:
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex_;
+ const wsrep::thread_service::mutex_key* key_;
+ const bool inplace_;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ bool locked_;
+ std::atomic<std::thread::id> owner_;
+#endif // ! NDEBU
+ };
+ class ti_cond : public ti_obj
+ {
+ public:
+ ti_cond(const wsrep::thread_service::cond_key* key, bool inplace)
+ , key_(key)
+ , inplace_(inplace)
+ , waiter_()
+ {
+ update_ops(this, key_, oc_cond_create);
+ if (not inplace) total_allocations++;
+ }
+ ~ti_cond() { update_ops(this, key_, oc_cond_destroy); }
+ ti_cond& operator=(const ti_cond&) = delete;
+ ti_cond(const ti_cond&) = delete;
+ int wait(ti_mutex& mutex)
+ {
+ cond_check(pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex.native_handle()),
+ get_key_name(key_), "Mutex not locked in cond wait");
+ waiter_ = true;
+ update_ops(this, key_, oc_cond_wait);
+ // update_ops(&mutex, mutex.key(), oc_mutex_unlock);
+ auto condwait_ctx(mutex.save_for_condwait());
+ mutex.reset();
+ int ret(pthread_cond_wait(&cond_, mutex.native_handle()));
+ // update_ops(&mutex, mutex.key(), oc_mutex_lock);
+ mutex.restore_from_condwait(condwait_ctx);
+ waiter_ = false;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ int timedwait(ti_mutex& mutex, const struct timespec* ts)
+ {
+ cond_check(pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex.native_handle()),
+ get_key_name(key_), "Mutex not locked in cond wait");
+ waiter_ = true;
+ update_ops(this, key_, oc_cond_timedwait);
+ // update_ops(&mutex, mutex.key(), oc_mutex_unlock);
+ auto condwait_ctx(mutex.save_for_condwait());
+ mutex.reset();
+ int ret(pthread_cond_timedwait(&cond_, mutex.native_handle(), ts));
+ // update_ops(&mutex, mutex.key(), oc_mutex_lock);
+ mutex.restore_from_condwait(condwait_ctx);
+ waiter_ = false;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ int signal()
+ {
+ update_ops(this, key_, oc_cond_signal);
+ cond_check(waiter_, get_key_name(key_),
+ "Signalling condition variable without waiter");
+ return pthread_cond_signal(&cond_);
+ }
+ int broadcast()
+ {
+ update_ops(this, key_, oc_cond_broadcast);
+ return pthread_cond_broadcast(&cond_);
+ }
+ bool inplace() const { return inplace_; }
+ private:
+ pthread_cond_t cond_;
+ const wsrep::thread_service::cond_key* key_;
+ const bool inplace_;
+ bool waiter_;
+ };
+int db::ti::before_init()
+ wsrep::log_info() << "db::ti::before_init()";
+ return 0;
+int db::ti::after_init()
+ wsrep::log_info() << "db::ti::after_init()";
+ return 0;
+// Thread //
+extern "C"
+static void* start_thread(void* args_ptr)
+ thread_args* ta(reinterpret_cast<thread_args*>(args_ptr));
+ ti_thread* thread = reinterpret_cast<ti_thread*>(ta->this_thread);
+ pthread_setspecific(this_thread_key, thread);
+ void* (*fn)(void*) = ta->fn;
+ void* args = ta->args;
+ delete ta;
+ void* ret = (*fn)(args);
+ pthread_setspecific(this_thread_key, nullptr);
+ // If we end here the thread returned instead of calling
+ // pthread_exit()
+ if (thread->detached())
+ delete thread;
+ return ret;
+static void exit_thread(wsrep::thread_service::thread* thread, void* retval)
+ pthread_setspecific(this_thread_key, nullptr);
+ ti_thread* th(reinterpret_cast<ti_thread*>(thread));
+ th->retval(retval);
+ if (th->detached())
+ delete th;
+ pthread_exit(retval);
+} // extern "C"
+ thread_service::exit = exit_thread;
+const wsrep::thread_service::thread_key*
+db::ti::create_thread_key(const char* name) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ assert(name);
+ return reinterpret_cast<const wsrep::thread_service::thread_key*>(
+ append_key(name, "thread"));
+int db::ti::create_thread(const wsrep::thread_service::thread_key* key,
+ wsrep::thread_service::thread** thread,
+ void* (*fn)(void*), void* args) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ auto pit(new ti_thread(key));
+ total_allocations++;
+ int ret;
+ if ((ret = pit->run(fn, args)))
+ {
+ delete pit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *thread = reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::thread*>(pit);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int db::ti::detach(wsrep::thread_service::thread* thread) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return reinterpret_cast<ti_thread*>(thread)->detach();
+int db::ti::equal(wsrep::thread_service::thread* thread_1,
+ wsrep::thread_service::thread* thread_2) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return (reinterpret_cast<ti_thread*>(thread_1)->equal(
+ reinterpret_cast<ti_thread*>(thread_2)));
+int db::ti::join(wsrep::thread_service::thread* thread, void** retval) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ ti_thread* th(reinterpret_cast<ti_thread*>(thread));
+ int ret(th->join(retval));
+ if (not th->detached())
+ {
+ delete th;
+ }
+ return ret;
+wsrep::thread_service::thread* db::ti::self() WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::thread*>(ti_thread::self());
+int db::ti::setschedparam(wsrep::thread_service::thread* thread,
+ int policy, const struct sched_param* param) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return reinterpret_cast<ti_thread*>(thread)->setschedparam(policy, param);
+int db::ti::getschedparam(wsrep::thread_service::thread* thread,
+ int* policy, struct sched_param* param) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return reinterpret_cast<ti_thread*>(thread)->getschedparam(policy, param);
+// Mutex //
+const wsrep::thread_service::mutex_key*
+db::ti::create_mutex_key(const char* name) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ assert(name);
+ return reinterpret_cast<const wsrep::thread_service::mutex_key*>(
+ append_key(name, "mutex"));
+db::ti::init_mutex(const wsrep::thread_service::mutex_key* key, void* memblock,
+ size_t memblock_size) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::mutex*>(
+ memblock_size >= sizeof(ti_mutex) ? new (memblock) ti_mutex(key, true)
+ : new ti_mutex(key, false));
+int db::ti::destroy(wsrep::thread_service::mutex* mutex) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ ti_mutex* m(reinterpret_cast<ti_mutex*>(mutex));
+ if (m->inplace())
+ {
+ m->~ti_mutex();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete m;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int db::ti::lock(wsrep::thread_service::mutex* mutex) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return reinterpret_cast<ti_mutex*>(mutex)->lock();
+int db::ti::trylock(wsrep::thread_service::mutex* mutex) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return reinterpret_cast<ti_mutex*>(mutex)->trylock();
+int db::ti::unlock(wsrep::thread_service::mutex* mutex) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return reinterpret_cast<ti_mutex*>(mutex)->unlock();
+// Cond //
+const wsrep::thread_service::cond_key* db::ti::create_cond_key(const char* name) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ assert(name);
+ return reinterpret_cast<const wsrep::thread_service::cond_key*>(
+ append_key(name, "cond"));
+db::ti::init_cond(const wsrep::thread_service::cond_key* key, void* memblock,
+ size_t memblock_size) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::cond*>(
+ memblock_size >= sizeof(ti_cond) ? new (memblock) ti_cond(key, true)
+ : new ti_cond(key, false));
+int db::ti::destroy(wsrep::thread_service::cond* cond) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ ti_cond* c(reinterpret_cast<ti_cond*>(cond));
+ if (c->inplace())
+ {
+ c->~ti_cond();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete c;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int db::ti::wait(wsrep::thread_service::cond* cond,
+ wsrep::thread_service::mutex* mutex) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return reinterpret_cast<ti_cond*>(cond)->wait(
+ *reinterpret_cast<ti_mutex*>(mutex));
+int db::ti::timedwait(wsrep::thread_service::cond* cond,
+ wsrep::thread_service::mutex* mutex,
+ const struct timespec* ts) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return reinterpret_cast<ti_cond*>(cond)->timedwait(
+ *reinterpret_cast<ti_mutex*>(mutex), ts);
+int db::ti::signal(wsrep::thread_service::cond* cond) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return reinterpret_cast<ti_cond*>(cond)->signal();
+int db::ti::broadcast(wsrep::thread_service::cond* cond) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return reinterpret_cast<ti_cond*>(cond)->broadcast();
+void db::ti::level(int level)
+ ::op_level = level;
+void db::ti::cond_checks(bool cond_checks)
+ if (cond_checks)
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Enabling condition variable checking";
+ ::cond_checks = cond_checks;
+std::string db::ti::stats()
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Totals:\n";
+ for (size_t i(0); i < total_ops.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (total_ops[i] > 0)
+ {
+ os << " " << ti_opstring(static_cast<enum ti_opcode>(i)) << ": "
+ << total_ops[i] << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ os << "Total allocations: " << total_allocations << "\n";
+ os << "Mutex contention: " << mutex_contention << "\n";
+ for (auto i : mutex_contention_counts)
+ {
+ os << " " << i.first << ": " << i.second << "\n";
+ }
+ os << "Per key:\n";
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<size_t>> sorted;
+ for (size_t i(0); i < ops_map.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ sorted.insert(std::make_pair(get_key_name_by_index(i), ops_map[i]));
+ }
+ for (auto i : sorted)
+ {
+ for (size_t j(0); j < i.second.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ if (i.second[j])
+ {
+ os << " " << i.first << ": "
+ << ti_opstring(static_cast<enum ti_opcode>(j)) << ": "
+ << i.second[j] << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return os.str();
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_threads.hpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_threads.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32d44c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_threads.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/thread_service.hpp"
+#include <string>
+namespace db
+ class ti : public wsrep::thread_service
+ {
+ public:
+ ti();
+ int before_init() override;
+ int after_init() override;
+ /* Thread */
+ const wsrep::thread_service::thread_key*
+ create_thread_key(const char* name) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int create_thread(const wsrep::thread_service::thread_key* key,
+ wsrep::thread_service::thread**,
+ void* (*fn)(void*), void*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int detach(wsrep::thread_service::thread*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int equal(wsrep::thread_service::thread*,
+ wsrep::thread_service::thread*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int join(wsrep::thread_service::thread*, void**) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ wsrep::thread_service::thread* self() WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int setschedparam(wsrep::thread_service::thread*, int,
+ const struct sched_param*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int getschedparam(wsrep::thread_service::thread*, int*,
+ struct sched_param*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ /* Mutex */
+ const wsrep::thread_service::mutex_key*
+ create_mutex_key(const char* name) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ wsrep::thread_service::mutex*
+ init_mutex(const wsrep::thread_service::mutex_key* key, void* memblock,
+ size_t memblock_size) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int destroy(wsrep::thread_service::mutex* mutex) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int lock(wsrep::thread_service::mutex* mutex) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int trylock(wsrep::thread_service::mutex* mutex) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int unlock(wsrep::thread_service::mutex* mutex) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ /* Cond */
+ const wsrep::thread_service::cond_key*
+ create_cond_key(const char* name) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ wsrep::thread_service::cond*
+ init_cond(const wsrep::thread_service::cond_key* key, void* memblock,
+ size_t memblock_size) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int destroy(wsrep::thread_service::cond* cond) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int wait(wsrep::thread_service::cond* cond,
+ wsrep::thread_service::mutex* mutex) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int timedwait(wsrep::thread_service::cond* cond,
+ wsrep::thread_service::mutex* mutex,
+ const struct timespec* ts) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int signal(wsrep::thread_service::cond* cond) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ int broadcast(wsrep::thread_service::cond* cond) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ static void level(int level);
+ static void cond_checks(bool cond_checks);
+ static std::string stats();
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_tls.cpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_tls.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c242668c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_tls.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file db_tls.cpp
+ *
+ * This file demonstrates the use of TLS service. It does not implement
+ * real encryption, but may manipulate stream bytes for testing purposes.
+ */
+#include "db_tls.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include <unistd.h> // read()
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h> // send()
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+ class db_stream : public wsrep::tls_stream
+ {
+ public:
+ db_stream(int fd, int mode)
+ : fd_(fd)
+ , state_(s_initialized)
+ , last_error_()
+ , mode_(mode)
+ , stats_()
+ , is_blocking_()
+ {
+ int val(fcntl(fd_, F_GETFL, 0));
+ is_blocking_ = not (val & O_NONBLOCK);
+ }
+ struct stats
+ {
+ size_t bytes_read{0};
+ size_t bytes_written{0};
+ };
+ /*
+ * in idle --|
+ * |-> ch -| ^ | -> want_read --|
+ * |-> sh -| ---- |--> | -> want_write --|
+ * |----------------------|
+ */
+ enum state
+ {
+ s_initialized,
+ s_client_handshake,
+ s_server_handshake,
+ s_idle,
+ s_want_read,
+ s_want_write
+ };
+ int get_error_number() const { return last_error_; }
+ const void* get_error_category() const
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const void*>(1);
+ }
+ static char* get_error_message(int value, const void*)
+ {
+ return ::strerror(value);
+ }
+ enum wsrep::tls_service::status client_handshake();
+ enum wsrep::tls_service::status server_handshake();
+ wsrep::tls_service::op_result read(void*, size_t);
+ wsrep::tls_service::op_result write(const void*, size_t);
+ enum state state() const { return state_; }
+ int fd() const { return fd_; }
+ void inc_reads(size_t val) { stats_.bytes_read += val; }
+ void inc_writes(size_t val) { stats_.bytes_written += val; }
+ const stats& get_stats() const { return stats_; }
+ private:
+ enum wsrep::tls_service::status handle_handshake_read(const char* expect);
+ size_t determine_read_count(size_t max_count)
+ {
+ if (is_blocking_ || mode_ < 2) return max_count;
+ else if (::rand() % 100 == 0) return std::min(size_t(42), max_count);
+ else return max_count;
+ }
+ size_t determine_write_count(size_t count)
+ {
+ if (is_blocking_ || mode_ < 2) return count;
+ else if (::rand() % 100 == 0) return std::min(size_t(43), count);
+ else return count;
+ }
+ ssize_t do_read(void* buf, size_t max_count)
+ {
+ if (is_blocking_ || mode_ < 3 )
+ return ::read(fd_, buf, max_count);
+ else if (::rand() % 1000 == 0) return EINTR;
+ else return ::read(fd_, buf, max_count);
+ }
+ ssize_t do_write(const void* buf, size_t count)
+ {
+ if (is_blocking_ || mode_ < 3)
+ return ::send(fd_, buf, count, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ else if (::rand() % 1000 == 0) return EINTR;
+ else return ::send(fd_, buf, count, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ }
+ wsrep::tls_service::op_result map_success(ssize_t result)
+ {
+ if (is_blocking_ || mode_ < 2)
+ {
+ return wsrep::tls_service::op_result{
+ wsrep::tls_service::success, size_t(result)};
+ }
+ else if (::rand() % 1000 == 0)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Success want extra read";
+ state_ = s_want_read;
+ return wsrep::tls_service::op_result{
+ wsrep::tls_service::want_read, size_t(result)};
+ }
+ else if (::rand() % 1000 == 0)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Success want extra write";
+ state_ = s_want_write;
+ return wsrep::tls_service::op_result{
+ wsrep::tls_service::want_write, size_t(result)};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return wsrep::tls_service::op_result{
+ wsrep::tls_service::success, size_t(result)};
+ }
+ }
+ wsrep::tls_service::op_result map_result(ssize_t result)
+ {
+ if (result > 0)
+ {
+ return map_success(result);
+ }
+ else if (result == 0)
+ {
+ return wsrep::tls_service::op_result{
+ wsrep::tls_service::eof, 0};
+ }
+ else if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
+ {
+ return wsrep::tls_service::op_result{
+ wsrep::tls_service::want_read, 0};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ last_error_ = errno;
+ return wsrep::tls_service::op_result{
+ wsrep::tls_service::error, 0};
+ }
+ }
+ void clear_error() { last_error_ = 0; }
+ int fd_;
+ enum state state_;
+ int last_error_;
+ // Operation mode:
+ // 1 - simulate handshake exchange
+ // 2 - simulate errors and short reads
+ int mode_;
+ stats stats_;
+ bool is_blocking_;
+ };
+ enum wsrep::tls_service::status db_stream::client_handshake()
+ {
+ clear_error();
+ enum wsrep::tls_service::status ret;
+ assert(state_ == s_initialized ||
+ state_ == s_client_handshake ||
+ state_ == s_want_write);
+ if (state_ == s_initialized)
+ {
+ (void)::send(fd_, "clie", 4, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ ret = wsrep::tls_service::want_read;
+ state_ = s_client_handshake;
+ wsrep::log_info() << this << " client handshake sent";
+ stats_.bytes_written += 4;
+ if (not is_blocking_) return ret;
+ }
+ if (state_ == s_client_handshake)
+ {
+ if ((ret = handle_handshake_read("serv")) ==
+ wsrep::tls_service::success)
+ {
+ state_ = s_want_write;
+ ret = wsrep::tls_service::want_write;
+ }
+ if (not is_blocking_) return ret;
+ }
+ if (state_ == s_want_write)
+ {
+ state_ = s_idle;
+ ret = wsrep::tls_service::success;
+ if (not is_blocking_) return ret;
+ }
+ if (not is_blocking_)
+ {
+ last_error_ = EPROTO;
+ ret = wsrep::tls_service::error;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ enum wsrep::tls_service::status db_stream::server_handshake()
+ {
+ enum wsrep::tls_service::status ret;
+ assert(state_ == s_initialized ||
+ state_ == s_server_handshake ||
+ state_ == s_want_write);
+ if (state_ == s_initialized)
+ {
+ ::send(fd_, "serv", 4, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ ret = wsrep::tls_service::want_read;
+ state_ = s_server_handshake;
+ stats_.bytes_written += 4;
+ if (not is_blocking_) return ret;
+ }
+ if (state_ == s_server_handshake)
+ {
+ if ((ret = handle_handshake_read("clie")) ==
+ wsrep::tls_service::success)
+ {
+ state_ = s_want_write;
+ ret = wsrep::tls_service::want_write;
+ }
+ if (not is_blocking_) return ret;
+ }
+ if (state_ == s_want_write)
+ {
+ state_ = s_idle;
+ ret = wsrep::tls_service::success;
+ if (not is_blocking_) return ret;
+ }
+ if (not is_blocking_)
+ {
+ last_error_ = EPROTO;
+ ret = wsrep::tls_service::error;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ enum wsrep::tls_service::status db_stream::handle_handshake_read(
+ const char* expect)
+ {
+ assert(::strlen(expect) >= 4);
+ char buf[4] = { };
+ ssize_t read_result(::read(fd_, buf, sizeof(buf)));
+ if (read_result > 0) stats_.bytes_read += size_t(read_result);
+ enum wsrep::tls_service::status ret;
+ if (read_result == -1 &&
+ (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN))
+ {
+ ret = wsrep::tls_service::want_read;
+ }
+ else if (read_result == 0)
+ {
+ ret = wsrep::tls_service::eof;
+ }
+ else if (read_result != 4 || ::memcmp(buf, expect, 4))
+ {
+ last_error_ = EPROTO;
+ ret = wsrep::tls_service::error;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Handshake success: " << std::string(buf, 4);
+ ret = wsrep::tls_service::success;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ wsrep::tls_service::op_result db_stream::read(void* buf, size_t max_count)
+ {
+ clear_error();
+ if (state_ == s_want_read)
+ {
+ state_ = s_idle;
+ if (max_count == 0)
+ return wsrep::tls_service::op_result{
+ wsrep::tls_service::success, 0};
+ }
+ max_count = determine_read_count(max_count);
+ ssize_t read_result(do_read(buf, max_count));
+ if (read_result > 0)
+ {
+ inc_reads(size_t(read_result));
+ }
+ return map_result(read_result);
+ }
+ wsrep::tls_service::op_result db_stream::write(
+ const void* buf, size_t count)
+ {
+ clear_error();
+ if (state_ == s_want_write)
+ {
+ state_ = s_idle;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return wsrep::tls_service::op_result{
+ wsrep::tls_service::success, 0};
+ }
+ count = determine_write_count(count);
+ ssize_t write_result(do_write(buf, count));
+ if (write_result > 0)
+ {
+ inc_writes(size_t(write_result));
+ }
+ return map_result(write_result);
+ }
+static db_stream::stats global_stats;
+std::mutex global_stats_lock;
+static int global_mode;
+static void merge_to_global_stats(const db_stream::stats& stats)
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(global_stats_lock);
+ global_stats.bytes_read += stats.bytes_read;
+ global_stats.bytes_written += stats.bytes_written;
+wsrep::tls_stream* db::tls::create_tls_stream(int fd) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ auto ret(new db_stream(fd, global_mode));
+ wsrep::log_debug() << "New DB stream: " << ret;
+ return ret;
+void db::tls::destroy(wsrep::tls_stream* stream) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ auto dbs(static_cast<db_stream*>(stream));
+ merge_to_global_stats(dbs->get_stats());
+ wsrep::log_debug() << "Stream destroy: " << dbs->get_stats().bytes_read
+ << " " << dbs->get_stats().bytes_written;
+ wsrep::log_debug() << "Stream destroy" << dbs;
+ delete dbs;
+int db::tls::get_error_number(const wsrep::tls_stream* stream)
+ return static_cast<const db_stream*>(stream)->get_error_number();
+const void* db::tls::get_error_category(const wsrep::tls_stream* stream)
+ return static_cast<const db_stream*>(stream)->get_error_category();
+const char* db::tls::get_error_message(const wsrep::tls_stream*,
+ int value, const void* category)
+ return db_stream::get_error_message(value, category);
+enum wsrep::tls_service::status
+db::tls::client_handshake(wsrep::tls_stream* stream) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return static_cast<db_stream*>(stream)->client_handshake();
+enum wsrep::tls_service::status
+db::tls::server_handshake(wsrep::tls_stream* stream) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return static_cast<db_stream*>(stream)->server_handshake();
+wsrep::tls_service::op_result db::tls::read(
+ wsrep::tls_stream* stream,
+ void* buf, size_t max_count) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return static_cast<db_stream*>(stream)->read(buf, max_count);
+wsrep::tls_service::op_result db::tls::write(
+ wsrep::tls_stream* stream,
+ const void* buf, size_t count) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ return static_cast<db_stream*>(stream)->write(buf, count);
+db::tls::shutdown(wsrep::tls_stream*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ // @todo error simulation
+ return wsrep::tls_service::success;
+void db::tls::init(int mode)
+ global_mode = mode;
+std::string db::tls::stats()
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "Transport stats:\n"
+ << " bytes_read: " << global_stats.bytes_read << "\n"
+ << " bytes_written: " << global_stats.bytes_written << "\n";
+ return oss.str();
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_tls.hpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_tls.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02051dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/db_tls.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/tls_service.hpp"
+#include <string>
+namespace db
+ class tls : public wsrep::tls_service
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual wsrep::tls_stream* create_tls_stream(int)
+ WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ virtual void destroy(wsrep::tls_stream*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ virtual int get_error_number(const wsrep::tls_stream*) const
+ WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ virtual const void* get_error_category(const wsrep::tls_stream*) const
+ WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ virtual const char* get_error_message(const wsrep::tls_stream*,
+ int, const void*) const
+ WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ virtual enum wsrep::tls_service::status
+ client_handshake(wsrep::tls_stream*)
+ WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ virtual enum wsrep::tls_service::status
+ server_handshake(wsrep::tls_stream*)
+ WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ virtual wsrep::tls_service::op_result
+ read(wsrep::tls_stream*, void* buf, size_t max_count)
+ WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ virtual wsrep::tls_service::op_result
+ write(wsrep::tls_stream*, const void* buf, size_t count)
+ WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ virtual wsrep::tls_service::status
+ shutdown(wsrep::tls_stream*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT override;
+ static void init(int mode);
+ static std::string stats();
+ };
+#endif // WSREP_DB_TLS_HPP
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/dbsim/dbsim.cpp b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/dbsim.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..070f83b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/dbsim/dbsim.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "db_params.hpp"
+#include "db_simulator.hpp"
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ try
+ {
+ db::simulator(db::parse_args(argc, argv)).run();
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e)
+ {
+ std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/doc/Doxyfile b/wsrep-lib/doc/Doxyfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc6f15fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/doc/Doxyfile
@@ -0,0 +1,2429 @@
+# Doxyfile 1.8.11
+# This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system
+# doxygen ( for a project.
+# All text after a double hash (##) is considered a comment and is placed in
+# front of the TAG it is preceding.
+# All text after a single hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored.
+# The format is:
+# TAG = value [value, ...]
+# For lists, items can also be appended using:
+# TAG += value [value, ...]
+# Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (\" \").
+# Project related configuration options
+# This tag specifies the encoding used for all characters in the config file
+# that follow. The default is UTF-8 which is also the encoding used for all text
+# before the first occurrence of this tag. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the iconv
+# built into libc) for the transcoding. See
+# for the list of possible encodings.
+# The default value is: UTF-8.
+# The PROJECT_NAME tag is a single word (or a sequence of words surrounded by
+# double-quotes, unless you are using Doxywizard) that should identify the
+# project for which the documentation is generated. This name is used in the
+# title of most generated pages and in a few other places.
+# The default value is: My Project.
+PROJECT_NAME = "wsrep-lib"
+# The PROJECT_NUMBER tag can be used to enter a project or revision number. This
+# could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or if some version
+# control system is used.
+# Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description
+# for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer a
+# quick idea about the purpose of the project. Keep the description short.
+# With the PROJECT_LOGO tag one can specify a logo or an icon that is included
+# in the documentation. The maximum height of the logo should not exceed 55
+# pixels and the maximum width should not exceed 200 pixels. Doxygen will copy
+# the logo to the output directory.
+# The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute) path
+# into which the generated documentation will be written. If a relative path is
+# entered, it will be relative to the location where doxygen was started. If
+# left blank the current directory will be used.
+# If the CREATE_SUBDIRS tag is set to YES then doxygen will create 4096 sub-
+# directories (in 2 levels) under the output directory of each output format and
+# will distribute the generated files over these directories. Enabling this
+# option can be useful when feeding doxygen a huge amount of source files, where
+# putting all generated files in the same directory would otherwise causes
+# performance problems for the file system.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the ALLOW_UNICODE_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will allow non-ASCII
+# characters to appear in the names of generated files. If set to NO, non-ASCII
+# characters will be escaped, for example _xE3_x81_x84 will be used for Unicode
+# U+3044.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The OUTPUT_LANGUAGE tag is used to specify the language in which all
+# documentation generated by doxygen is written. Doxygen will use this
+# information to generate all constant output in the proper language.
+# Possible values are: Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Brazilian, Catalan, Chinese,
+# Chinese-Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (United States),
+# Esperanto, Farsi (Persian), Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian,
+# Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Japanese-en (Japanese with English messages),
+# Korean, Korean-en (Korean with English messages), Latvian, Lithuanian,
+# Macedonian, Norwegian, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,
+# Serbian, Serbian-Cyrillic, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish,
+# Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
+# The default value is: English.
+# If the BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC tag is set to YES, doxygen will include brief member
+# descriptions after the members that are listed in the file and class
+# documentation (similar to Javadoc). Set to NO to disable this.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the REPEAT_BRIEF tag is set to YES, doxygen will prepend the brief
+# description of a member or function before the detailed description
+# Note: If both HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS and BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC are set to NO, the
+# brief descriptions will be completely suppressed.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag implements a quasi-intelligent brief description abbreviator that is
+# used to form the text in various listings. Each string in this list, if found
+# as the leading text of the brief description, will be stripped from the text
+# and the result, after processing the whole list, is used as the annotated
+# text. Otherwise, the brief description is used as-is. If left blank, the
+# following values are used ($name is automatically replaced with the name of
+# the entity):The $name class, The $name widget, The $name file, is, provides,
+# specifies, contains, represents, a, an and the.
+# If the ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC and REPEAT_BRIEF tags are both set to YES then
+# doxygen will generate a detailed section even if there is only a brief
+# description.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB tag is set to YES, doxygen will show all
+# inherited members of a class in the documentation of that class as if those
+# members were ordinary class members. Constructors, destructors and assignment
+# operators of the base classes will not be shown.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will prepend the full path
+# before files name in the file list and in the header files. If set to NO the
+# shortest path that makes the file name unique will be used
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The STRIP_FROM_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of the path.
+# Stripping is only done if one of the specified strings matches the left-hand
+# part of the path. The tag can be used to show relative paths in the file list.
+# If left blank the directory from which doxygen is run is used as the path to
+# strip.
+# Note that you can specify absolute paths here, but also relative paths, which
+# will be relative from the directory where doxygen is started.
+# This tag requires that the tag FULL_PATH_NAMES is set to YES.
+# The STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of the
+# path mentioned in the documentation of a class, which tells the reader which
+# header file to include in order to use a class. If left blank only the name of
+# the header file containing the class definition is used. Otherwise one should
+# specify the list of include paths that are normally passed to the compiler
+# using the -I flag.
+# If the SHORT_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate much shorter (but
+# less readable) file names. This can be useful is your file systems doesn't
+# support long names like on DOS, Mac, or CD-ROM.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then doxygen will interpret the
+# first line (until the first dot) of a Javadoc-style comment as the brief
+# description. If set to NO, the Javadoc-style will behave just like regular Qt-
+# style comments (thus requiring an explicit @brief command for a brief
+# description.)
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the QT_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then doxygen will interpret the first
+# line (until the first dot) of a Qt-style comment as the brief description. If
+# set to NO, the Qt-style will behave just like regular Qt-style comments (thus
+# requiring an explicit \brief command for a brief description.)
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF tag can be set to YES to make doxygen treat a
+# multi-line C++ special comment block (i.e. a block of //! or /// comments) as
+# a brief description. This used to be the default behavior. The new default is
+# to treat a multi-line C++ comment block as a detailed description. Set this
+# tag to YES if you prefer the old behavior instead.
+# Note that setting this tag to YES also means that rational rose comments are
+# not recognized any more.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the INHERIT_DOCS tag is set to YES then an undocumented member inherits the
+# documentation from any documented member that it re-implements.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES tag is set to YES then doxygen will produce a new
+# page for each member. If set to NO, the documentation of a member will be part
+# of the file/class/namespace that contains it.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The TAB_SIZE tag can be used to set the number of spaces in a tab. Doxygen
+# uses this value to replace tabs by spaces in code fragments.
+# Minimum value: 1, maximum value: 16, default value: 4.
+# This tag can be used to specify a number of aliases that act as commands in
+# the documentation. An alias has the form:
+# name=value
+# For example adding
+# "sideeffect=@par Side Effects:\n"
+# will allow you to put the command \sideeffect (or @sideeffect) in the
+# documentation, which will result in a user-defined paragraph with heading
+# "Side Effects:". You can put \n's in the value part of an alias to insert
+# newlines.
+ALIASES = "startuml=\if DontIgnorePlantUMLCode"
+ALIASES += "enduml=\endif"
+# This tag can be used to specify a number of word-keyword mappings (TCL only).
+# A mapping has the form "name=value". For example adding "class=itcl::class"
+# will allow you to use the command class in the itcl::class meaning.
+# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C tag to YES if your project consists of C sources
+# only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for C. For
+# instance, some of the names that are used will be different. The list of all
+# members will be omitted, etc.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA tag to YES if your project consists of Java or
+# Python sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored
+# for that language. For instance, namespaces will be presented as packages,
+# qualified scopes will look different, etc.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Set the OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN tag to YES if your project consists of Fortran
+# sources. Doxygen will then generate output that is tailored for Fortran.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL tag to YES if your project consists of VHDL
+# sources. Doxygen will then generate output that is tailored for VHDL.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Doxygen selects the parser to use depending on the extension of the files it
+# parses. With this tag you can assign which parser to use for a given
+# extension. Doxygen has a built-in mapping, but you can override or extend it
+# using this tag. The format is ext=language, where ext is a file extension, and
+# language is one of the parsers supported by doxygen: IDL, Java, Javascript,
+# C#, C, C++, D, PHP, Objective-C, Python, Fortran (fixed format Fortran:
+# FortranFixed, free formatted Fortran: FortranFree, unknown formatted Fortran:
+# Fortran. In the later case the parser tries to guess whether the code is fixed
+# or free formatted code, this is the default for Fortran type files), VHDL. For
+# instance to make doxygen treat .inc files as Fortran files (default is PHP),
+# and .f files as C (default is Fortran), use: inc=Fortran f=C.
+# Note: For files without extension you can use no_extension as a placeholder.
+# Note that for custom extensions you also need to set FILE_PATTERNS otherwise
+# the files are not read by doxygen.
+# If the MARKDOWN_SUPPORT tag is enabled then doxygen pre-processes all comments
+# according to the Markdown format, which allows for more readable
+# documentation. See for details.
+# The output of markdown processing is further processed by doxygen, so you can
+# mix doxygen, HTML, and XML commands with Markdown formatting. Disable only in
+# case of backward compatibilities issues.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# When enabled doxygen tries to link words that correspond to documented
+# classes, or namespaces to their corresponding documentation. Such a link can
+# be prevented in individual cases by putting a % sign in front of the word or
+# globally by setting AUTOLINK_SUPPORT to NO.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If you use STL classes (i.e. std::string, std::vector, etc.) but do not want
+# to include (a tag file for) the STL sources as input, then you should set this
+# tag to YES in order to let doxygen match functions declarations and
+# definitions whose arguments contain STL classes (e.g. func(std::string);
+# versus func(std::string) {}). This also make the inheritance and collaboration
+# diagrams that involve STL classes more complete and accurate.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If you use Microsoft's C++/CLI language, you should set this option to YES to
+# enable parsing support.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Set the SIP_SUPPORT tag to YES if your project consists of sip (see:
+# sources only. Doxygen
+# will parse them like normal C++ but will assume all classes use public instead
+# of private inheritance when no explicit protection keyword is present.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# For Microsoft's IDL there are propget and propput attributes to indicate
+# getter and setter methods for a property. Setting this option to YES will make
+# doxygen to replace the get and set methods by a property in the documentation.
+# This will only work if the methods are indeed getting or setting a simple
+# type. If this is not the case, or you want to show the methods anyway, you
+# should set this option to NO.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If member grouping is used in the documentation and the DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC
+# tag is set to YES then doxygen will reuse the documentation of the first
+# member in the group (if any) for the other members of the group. By default
+# all members of a group must be documented explicitly.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If one adds a struct or class to a group and this option is enabled, then also
+# any nested class or struct is added to the same group. By default this option
+# is disabled and one has to add nested compounds explicitly via \ingroup.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Set the SUBGROUPING tag to YES to allow class member groups of the same type
+# (for instance a group of public functions) to be put as a subgroup of that
+# type (e.g. under the Public Functions section). Set it to NO to prevent
+# subgrouping. Alternatively, this can be done per class using the
+# \nosubgrouping command.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# When the INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES tag is set to YES, classes, structs and unions
+# are shown inside the group in which they are included (e.g. using \ingroup)
+# instead of on a separate page (for HTML and Man pages) or section (for LaTeX
+# and RTF).
+# Note that this feature does not work in combination with
+# The default value is: NO.
+# When the INLINE_SIMPLE_STRUCTS tag is set to YES, structs, classes, and unions
+# with only public data fields or simple typedef fields will be shown inline in
+# the documentation of the scope in which they are defined (i.e. file,
+# namespace, or group documentation), provided this scope is documented. If set
+# to NO, structs, classes, and unions are shown on a separate page (for HTML and
+# Man pages) or section (for LaTeX and RTF).
+# The default value is: NO.
+# When TYPEDEF_HIDES_STRUCT tag is enabled, a typedef of a struct, union, or
+# enum is documented as struct, union, or enum with the name of the typedef. So
+# typedef struct TypeS {} TypeT, will appear in the documentation as a struct
+# with name TypeT. When disabled the typedef will appear as a member of a file,
+# namespace, or class. And the struct will be named TypeS. This can typically be
+# useful for C code in case the coding convention dictates that all compound
+# types are typedef'ed and only the typedef is referenced, never the tag name.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The size of the symbol lookup cache can be set using LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE. This
+# cache is used to resolve symbols given their name and scope. Since this can be
+# an expensive process and often the same symbol appears multiple times in the
+# code, doxygen keeps a cache of pre-resolved symbols. If the cache is too small
+# doxygen will become slower. If the cache is too large, memory is wasted. The
+# cache size is given by this formula: 2^(16+LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE). The valid range
+# is 0..9, the default is 0, corresponding to a cache size of 2^16=65536
+# symbols. At the end of a run doxygen will report the cache usage and suggest
+# the optimal cache size from a speed point of view.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 9, default value: 0.
+# Build related configuration options
+# If the EXTRACT_ALL tag is set to YES, doxygen will assume all entities in
+# documentation are documented, even if no documentation was available. Private
+# class members and static file members will be hidden unless the
+# EXTRACT_PRIVATE respectively EXTRACT_STATIC tags are set to YES.
+# Note: This will also disable the warnings about undocumented members that are
+# normally produced when WARNINGS is set to YES.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the EXTRACT_PRIVATE tag is set to YES, all private members of a class will
+# be included in the documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the EXTRACT_PACKAGE tag is set to YES, all members with package or internal
+# scope will be included in the documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the EXTRACT_STATIC tag is set to YES, all static members of a file will be
+# included in the documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES, classes (and structs) defined
+# locally in source files will be included in the documentation. If set to NO,
+# only classes defined in header files are included. Does not have any effect
+# for Java sources.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This flag is only useful for Objective-C code. If set to YES, local methods,
+# which are defined in the implementation section but not in the interface are
+# included in the documentation. If set to NO, only methods in the interface are
+# included.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If this flag is set to YES, the members of anonymous namespaces will be
+# extracted and appear in the documentation as a namespace called
+# 'anonymous_namespace{file}', where file will be replaced with the base name of
+# the file that contains the anonymous namespace. By default anonymous namespace
+# are hidden.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all
+# undocumented members inside documented classes or files. If set to NO these
+# members will be included in the various overviews, but no documentation
+# section is generated. This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all
+# undocumented classes that are normally visible in the class hierarchy. If set
+# to NO, these classes will be included in the various overviews. This option
+# has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all friend
+# (class|struct|union) declarations. If set to NO, these declarations will be
+# included in the documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide any
+# documentation blocks found inside the body of a function. If set to NO, these
+# blocks will be appended to the function's detailed documentation block.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The INTERNAL_DOCS tag determines if documentation that is typed after a
+# \internal command is included. If the tag is set to NO then the documentation
+# will be excluded. Set it to YES to include the internal documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the CASE_SENSE_NAMES tag is set to NO then doxygen will only generate file
+# names in lower-case letters. If set to YES, upper-case letters are also
+# allowed. This is useful if you have classes or files whose names only differ
+# in case and if your file system supports case sensitive file names. Windows
+# and Mac users are advised to set this option to NO.
+# The default value is: system dependent.
+# If the HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES tag is set to NO then doxygen will show members with
+# their full class and namespace scopes in the documentation. If set to YES, the
+# scope will be hidden.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the HIDE_COMPOUND_REFERENCE tag is set to NO (default) then doxygen will
+# append additional text to a page's title, such as Class Reference. If set to
+# YES the compound reference will be hidden.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES tag is set to YES then doxygen will put a list of
+# the files that are included by a file in the documentation of that file.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the SHOW_GROUPED_MEMB_INC tag is set to YES then Doxygen will add for each
+# grouped member an include statement to the documentation, telling the reader
+# which file to include in order to use the member.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES tag is set to YES then doxygen will list include
+# files with double quotes in the documentation rather than with sharp brackets.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the INLINE_INFO tag is set to YES then a tag [inline] is inserted in the
+# documentation for inline members.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the SORT_MEMBER_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the
+# (detailed) documentation of file and class members alphabetically by member
+# name. If set to NO, the members will appear in declaration order.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the SORT_BRIEF_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the brief
+# descriptions of file, namespace and class members alphabetically by member
+# name. If set to NO, the members will appear in declaration order. Note that
+# this will also influence the order of the classes in the class list.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the SORT_MEMBERS_CTORS_1ST tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the
+# (brief and detailed) documentation of class members so that constructors and
+# destructors are listed first. If set to NO the constructors will appear in the
+# respective orders defined by SORT_BRIEF_DOCS and SORT_MEMBER_DOCS.
+# Note: If SORT_BRIEF_DOCS is set to NO this option is ignored for sorting brief
+# member documentation.
+# Note: If SORT_MEMBER_DOCS is set to NO this option is ignored for sorting
+# detailed member documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the SORT_GROUP_NAMES tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the hierarchy
+# of group names into alphabetical order. If set to NO the group names will
+# appear in their defined order.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME tag is set to YES, the class list will be sorted by
+# fully-qualified names, including namespaces. If set to NO, the class list will
+# be sorted only by class name, not including the namespace part.
+# Note: This option is not very useful if HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES is set to YES.
+# Note: This option applies only to the class list, not to the alphabetical
+# list.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING option is enabled and doxygen fails to do proper
+# type resolution of all parameters of a function it will reject a match between
+# the prototype and the implementation of a member function even if there is
+# only one candidate or it is obvious which candidate to choose by doing a
+# simple string match. By disabling STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING doxygen will still
+# accept a match between prototype and implementation in such cases.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The GENERATE_TODOLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or disable (NO) the todo
+# list. This list is created by putting \todo commands in the documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The GENERATE_TESTLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or disable (NO) the test
+# list. This list is created by putting \test commands in the documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The GENERATE_BUGLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or disable (NO) the bug
+# list. This list is created by putting \bug commands in the documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or disable (NO)
+# the deprecated list. This list is created by putting \deprecated commands in
+# the documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The ENABLED_SECTIONS tag can be used to enable conditional documentation
+# sections, marked by \if <section_label> ... \endif and \cond <section_label>
+# ... \endcond blocks.
+# The MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES tag determines the maximum number of lines that the
+# initial value of a variable or macro / define can have for it to appear in the
+# documentation. If the initializer consists of more lines than specified here
+# it will be hidden. Use a value of 0 to hide initializers completely. The
+# appearance of the value of individual variables and macros / defines can be
+# controlled using \showinitializer or \hideinitializer command in the
+# documentation regardless of this setting.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 10000, default value: 30.
+# Set the SHOW_USED_FILES tag to NO to disable the list of files generated at
+# the bottom of the documentation of classes and structs. If set to YES, the
+# list will mention the files that were used to generate the documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# Set the SHOW_FILES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Files page. This
+# will remove the Files entry from the Quick Index and from the Folder Tree View
+# (if specified).
+# The default value is: YES.
+# Set the SHOW_NAMESPACES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Namespaces
+# page. This will remove the Namespaces entry from the Quick Index and from the
+# Folder Tree View (if specified).
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program or script that
+# doxygen should invoke to get the current version for each file (typically from
+# the version control system). Doxygen will invoke the program by executing (via
+# popen()) the command command input-file, where command is the value of the
+# FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag, and input-file is the name of an input file provided
+# by doxygen. Whatever the program writes to standard output is used as the file
+# version. For an example see the documentation.
+# The LAYOUT_FILE tag can be used to specify a layout file which will be parsed
+# by doxygen. The layout file controls the global structure of the generated
+# output files in an output format independent way. To create the layout file
+# that represents doxygen's defaults, run doxygen with the -l option. You can
+# optionally specify a file name after the option, if omitted DoxygenLayout.xml
+# will be used as the name of the layout file.
+# Note that if you run doxygen from a directory containing a file called
+# DoxygenLayout.xml, doxygen will parse it automatically even if the LAYOUT_FILE
+# tag is left empty.
+# The CITE_BIB_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more bib files containing
+# the reference definitions. This must be a list of .bib files. The .bib
+# extension is automatically appended if omitted. This requires the bibtex tool
+# to be installed. See also for more info.
+# For LaTeX the style of the bibliography can be controlled using
+# LATEX_BIB_STYLE. To use this feature you need bibtex and perl available in the
+# search path. See also \cite for info how to create references.
+# Configuration options related to warning and progress messages
+# The QUIET tag can be used to turn on/off the messages that are generated to
+# standard output by doxygen. If QUIET is set to YES this implies that the
+# messages are off.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The WARNINGS tag can be used to turn on/off the warning messages that are
+# generated to standard error (stderr) by doxygen. If WARNINGS is set to YES
+# this implies that the warnings are on.
+# Tip: Turn warnings on while writing the documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate
+# warnings for undocumented members. If EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then this flag
+# will automatically be disabled.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate warnings for
+# potential errors in the documentation, such as not documenting some parameters
+# in a documented function, or documenting parameters that don't exist or using
+# markup commands wrongly.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This WARN_NO_PARAMDOC option can be enabled to get warnings for functions that
+# are documented, but have no documentation for their parameters or return
+# value. If set to NO, doxygen will only warn about wrong or incomplete
+# parameter documentation, but not about the absence of documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the WARN_AS_ERROR tag is set to YES then doxygen will immediately stop when
+# a warning is encountered.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The WARN_FORMAT tag determines the format of the warning messages that doxygen
+# can produce. The string should contain the $file, $line, and $text tags, which
+# will be replaced by the file and line number from which the warning originated
+# and the warning text. Optionally the format may contain $version, which will
+# be replaced by the version of the file (if it could be obtained via
+# The default value is: $file:$line: $text.
+WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text"
+# The WARN_LOGFILE tag can be used to specify a file to which warning and error
+# messages should be written. If left blank the output is written to standard
+# error (stderr).
+# Configuration options related to the input files
+# The INPUT tag is used to specify the files and/or directories that contain
+# documented source files. You may enter file names like myfile.cpp or
+# directories like /usr/src/myproject. Separate the files or directories with
+# Note: If this tag is empty the current directory is searched.
+INPUT = ../include/wsrep ../dbsim ../src
+# This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files
+# that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding. Doxygen uses
+# libiconv (or the iconv built into libc) for the transcoding. See the libiconv
+# documentation (see: for the list of
+# possible encodings.
+# The default value is: UTF-8.
+# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the
+# FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns (like *.cpp and
+# *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories.
+# Note that for custom extensions or not directly supported extensions you also
+# need to set EXTENSION_MAPPING for the extension otherwise the files are not
+# read by doxygen.
+# If left blank the following patterns are tested:*.c, *.cc, *.cxx, *.cpp,
+# *.c++, *.java, *.ii, *.ixx, *.ipp, *.i++, *.inl, *.idl, *.ddl, *.odl, *.h,
+# *.hh, *.hxx, *.hpp, *.h++, *.cs, *.d, *.php, *.php4, *.php5, *.phtml, *.inc,
+# *.m, *.markdown, *.md, *.mm, *.dox, *.py, *.pyw, *.f90, *.f, *.for, *.tcl,
+# *.vhd, *.vhdl, *.ucf, *.qsf, *.as and *.js.
+# The RECURSIVE tag can be used to specify whether or not subdirectories should
+# be searched for input files as well.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The EXCLUDE tag can be used to specify files and/or directories that should be
+# excluded from the INPUT source files. This way you can easily exclude a
+# subdirectory from a directory tree whose root is specified with the INPUT tag.
+# Note that relative paths are relative to the directory from which doxygen is
+# run.
+# The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used to select whether or not files or
+# directories that are symbolic links (a Unix file system feature) are excluded
+# from the input.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the
+# EXCLUDE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns to exclude
+# certain files from those directories.
+# Note that the wildcards are matched against the file with absolute path, so to
+# exclude all test directories for example use the pattern */test/*
+# The EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS tag can be used to specify one or more symbol names
+# (namespaces, classes, functions, etc.) that should be excluded from the
+# output. The symbol name can be a fully qualified name, a word, or if the
+# wildcard * is used, a substring. Examples: ANamespace, AClass,
+# AClass::ANamespace, ANamespace::*Test
+# Note that the wildcards are matched against the file with absolute path, so to
+# exclude all test directories use the pattern */test/*
+# The EXAMPLE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or directories
+# that contain example code fragments that are included (see the \include
+# command).
+# If the value of the EXAMPLE_PATH tag contains directories, you can use the
+# EXAMPLE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp and
+# *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left blank all
+# files are included.
+# If the EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE tag is set to YES then subdirectories will be
+# searched for input files to be used with the \include or \dontinclude commands
+# irrespective of the value of the RECURSIVE tag.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The IMAGE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or directories
+# that contain images that are to be included in the documentation (see the
+# \image command).
+# The INPUT_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program that doxygen should
+# invoke to filter for each input file. Doxygen will invoke the filter program
+# by executing (via popen()) the command:
+# <filter> <input-file>
+# where <filter> is the value of the INPUT_FILTER tag, and <input-file> is the
+# name of an input file. Doxygen will then use the output that the filter
+# program writes to standard output. If FILTER_PATTERNS is specified, this tag
+# will be ignored.
+# Note that the filter must not add or remove lines; it is applied before the
+# code is scanned, but not when the output code is generated. If lines are added
+# or removed, the anchors will not be placed correctly.
+# Note that for custom extensions or not directly supported extensions you also
+# need to set EXTENSION_MAPPING for the extension otherwise the files are not
+# properly processed by doxygen.
+# The FILTER_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify filters on a per file pattern
+# basis. Doxygen will compare the file name with each pattern and apply the
+# filter if there is a match. The filters are a list of the form: pattern=filter
+# (like *.cpp=my_cpp_filter). See INPUT_FILTER for further information on how
+# filters are used. If the FILTER_PATTERNS tag is empty or if none of the
+# patterns match the file name, INPUT_FILTER is applied.
+# Note that for custom extensions or not directly supported extensions you also
+# need to set EXTENSION_MAPPING for the extension otherwise the files are not
+# properly processed by doxygen.
+# If the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES tag is set to YES, the input filter (if set using
+# INPUT_FILTER) will also be used to filter the input files that are used for
+# producing the source files to browse (i.e. when SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES).
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The FILTER_SOURCE_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify source filters per file
+# pattern. A pattern will override the setting for FILTER_PATTERN (if any) and
+# it is also possible to disable source filtering for a specific pattern using
+# *.ext= (so without naming a filter).
+# This tag requires that the tag FILTER_SOURCE_FILES is set to YES.
+# If the USE_MDFILE_AS_MAINPAGE tag refers to the name of a markdown file that
+# is part of the input, its contents will be placed on the main page
+# (index.html). This can be useful if you have a project on for instance GitHub
+# and want to reuse the introduction page also for the doxygen output.
+# Configuration options related to source browsing
+# If the SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set to YES then a list of source files will be
+# generated. Documented entities will be cross-referenced with these sources.
+# Note: To get rid of all source code in the generated output, make sure that
+# also VERBATIM_HEADERS is set to NO.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Setting the INLINE_SOURCES tag to YES will include the body of functions,
+# classes and enums directly into the documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Setting the STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS tag to YES will instruct doxygen to hide any
+# special comment blocks from generated source code fragments. Normal C, C++ and
+# Fortran comments will always remain visible.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the REFERENCED_BY_RELATION tag is set to YES then for each documented
+# function all documented functions referencing it will be listed.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the REFERENCES_RELATION tag is set to YES then for each documented function
+# all documented entities called/used by that function will be listed.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the REFERENCES_LINK_SOURCE tag is set to YES and SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set
+# to YES then the hyperlinks from functions in REFERENCES_RELATION and
+# REFERENCED_BY_RELATION lists will link to the source code. Otherwise they will
+# link to the documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If SOURCE_TOOLTIPS is enabled (the default) then hovering a hyperlink in the
+# source code will show a tooltip with additional information such as prototype,
+# brief description and links to the definition and documentation. Since this
+# will make the HTML file larger and loading of large files a bit slower, you
+# can opt to disable this feature.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES.
+# If the USE_HTAGS tag is set to YES then the references to source code will
+# point to the HTML generated by the htags(1) tool instead of doxygen built-in
+# source browser. The htags tool is part of GNU's global source tagging system
+# (see You will need version
+# 4.8.6 or higher.
+# To use it do the following:
+# - Install the latest version of global
+# - Enable SOURCE_BROWSER and USE_HTAGS in the config file
+# - Make sure the INPUT points to the root of the source tree
+# - Run doxygen as normal
+# Doxygen will invoke htags (and that will in turn invoke gtags), so these
+# tools must be available from the command line (i.e. in the search path).
+# The result: instead of the source browser generated by doxygen, the links to
+# source code will now point to the output of htags.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES.
+# If the VERBATIM_HEADERS tag is set the YES then doxygen will generate a
+# verbatim copy of the header file for each class for which an include is
+# specified. Set to NO to disable this.
+# See also: Section \class.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING tag is set to YES then doxygen will use the
+# clang parser (see: for more accurate parsing at the
+# cost of reduced performance. This can be particularly helpful with template
+# rich C++ code for which doxygen's built-in parser lacks the necessary type
+# information.
+# Note: The availability of this option depends on whether or not doxygen was
+# generated with the -Duse-libclang=ON option for CMake.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If clang assisted parsing is enabled you can provide the compiler with command
+# line options that you would normally use when invoking the compiler. Note that
+# the include paths will already be set by doxygen for the files and directories
+# specified with INPUT and INCLUDE_PATH.
+# This tag requires that the tag CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
+# If the ALPHABETICAL_INDEX tag is set to YES, an alphabetical index of all
+# compounds will be generated. Enable this if the project contains a lot of
+# classes, structs, unions or interfaces.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX tag can be used to specify the number of columns in
+# which the alphabetical index list will be split.
+# Minimum value: 1, maximum value: 20, default value: 5.
+# This tag requires that the tag ALPHABETICAL_INDEX is set to YES.
+# In case all classes in a project start with a common prefix, all classes will
+# be put under the same header in the alphabetical index. The IGNORE_PREFIX tag
+# can be used to specify a prefix (or a list of prefixes) that should be ignored
+# while generating the index headers.
+# This tag requires that the tag ALPHABETICAL_INDEX is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to the HTML output
+# If the GENERATE_HTML tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate HTML output
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The HTML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the HTML docs will be put. If a
+# relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of
+# it.
+# The default directory is: html.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_FILE_EXTENSION tag can be used to specify the file extension for each
+# generated HTML page (for example: .htm, .php, .asp).
+# The default value is: .html.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_HEADER tag can be used to specify a user-defined HTML header file for
+# each generated HTML page. If the tag is left blank doxygen will generate a
+# standard header.
+# To get valid HTML the header file that includes any scripts and style sheets
+# that doxygen needs, which is dependent on the configuration options used (e.g.
+# the setting GENERATE_TREEVIEW). It is highly recommended to start with a
+# default header using
+# doxygen -w html new_header.html new_footer.html new_stylesheet.css
+# YourConfigFile
+# and then modify the file new_header.html. See also section "Doxygen usage"
+# for information on how to generate the default header that doxygen normally
+# uses.
+# Note: The header is subject to change so you typically have to regenerate the
+# default header when upgrading to a newer version of doxygen. For a description
+# of the possible markers and block names see the documentation.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a user-defined HTML footer for each
+# generated HTML page. If the tag is left blank doxygen will generate a standard
+# footer. See HTML_HEADER for more information on how to generate a default
+# footer and what special commands can be used inside the footer. See also
+# section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the default footer
+# that doxygen normally uses.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify a user-defined cascading style
+# sheet that is used by each HTML page. It can be used to fine-tune the look of
+# the HTML output. If left blank doxygen will generate a default style sheet.
+# See also section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the style
+# sheet that doxygen normally uses.
+# Note: It is recommended to use HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET instead of this tag, as
+# it is more robust and this tag (HTML_STYLESHEET) will in the future become
+# obsolete.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify additional user-defined
+# cascading style sheets that are included after the standard style sheets
+# created by doxygen. Using this option one can overrule certain style aspects.
+# This is preferred over using HTML_STYLESHEET since it does not replace the
+# standard style sheet and is therefore more robust against future updates.
+# Doxygen will copy the style sheet files to the output directory.
+# Note: The order of the extra style sheet files is of importance (e.g. the last
+# style sheet in the list overrules the setting of the previous ones in the
+# list). For an example see the documentation.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_EXTRA_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more extra images or
+# other source files which should be copied to the HTML output directory. Note
+# that these files will be copied to the base HTML output directory. Use the
+# $relpath^ marker in the HTML_HEADER and/or HTML_FOOTER files to load these
+# files. In the HTML_STYLESHEET file, use the file name only. Also note that the
+# files will be copied as-is; there are no commands or markers available.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE tag controls the color of the HTML output. Doxygen
+# will adjust the colors in the style sheet and background images according to
+# this color. Hue is specified as an angle on a colorwheel, see
+# for more information. For instance the value
+# 0 represents red, 60 is yellow, 120 is green, 180 is cyan, 240 is blue, 300
+# purple, and 360 is red again.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 359, default value: 220.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT tag controls the purity (or saturation) of the colors
+# in the HTML output. For a value of 0 the output will use grayscales only. A
+# value of 255 will produce the most vivid colors.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 255, default value: 100.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA tag controls the gamma correction applied to the
+# luminance component of the colors in the HTML output. Values below 100
+# gradually make the output lighter, whereas values above 100 make the output
+# darker. The value divided by 100 is the actual gamma applied, so 80 represents
+# a gamma of 0.8, The value 220 represents a gamma of 2.2, and 100 does not
+# change the gamma.
+# Minimum value: 40, maximum value: 240, default value: 80.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# If the HTML_TIMESTAMP tag is set to YES then the footer of each generated HTML
+# page will contain the date and time when the page was generated. Setting this
+# to YES can help to show when doxygen was last run and thus if the
+# documentation is up to date.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# If the HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS tag is set to YES then the generated HTML
+# documentation will contain sections that can be hidden and shown after the
+# page has loaded.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# With HTML_INDEX_NUM_ENTRIES one can control the preferred number of entries
+# shown in the various tree structured indices initially; the user can expand
+# and collapse entries dynamically later on. Doxygen will expand the tree to
+# such a level that at most the specified number of entries are visible (unless
+# a fully collapsed tree already exceeds this amount). So setting the number of
+# entries 1 will produce a full collapsed tree by default. 0 is a special value
+# representing an infinite number of entries and will result in a full expanded
+# tree by default.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 9999, default value: 100.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# If the GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, additional index files will be
+# generated that can be used as input for Apple's Xcode 3 integrated development
+# environment (see:, introduced with
+# OSX 10.5 (Leopard). To create a documentation set, doxygen will generate a
+# Makefile in the HTML output directory. Running make will produce the docset in
+# that directory and running make install will install the docset in
+# ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets so that Xcode will find it at
+# startup. See
+# for more information.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# This tag determines the name of the docset feed. A documentation feed provides
+# an umbrella under which multiple documentation sets from a single provider
+# (such as a company or product suite) can be grouped.
+# The default value is: Doxygen generated docs.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES.
+DOCSET_FEEDNAME = "Doxygen generated docs"
+# This tag specifies a string that should uniquely identify the documentation
+# set bundle. This should be a reverse domain-name style string, e.g.
+# com.mycompany.MyDocSet. Doxygen will append .docset to the name.
+# The default value is: org.doxygen.Project.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES.
+DOCSET_BUNDLE_ID = org.doxygen.Project
+# The DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID tag specifies a string that should uniquely identify
+# the documentation publisher. This should be a reverse domain-name style
+# string, e.g. com.mycompany.MyDocSet.documentation.
+# The default value is: org.doxygen.Publisher.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES.
+DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID = org.doxygen.Publisher
+# The DOCSET_PUBLISHER_NAME tag identifies the documentation publisher.
+# The default value is: Publisher.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES.
+# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES then doxygen generates three
+# additional HTML index files: index.hhp, index.hhc, and index.hhk. The
+# index.hhp is a project file that can be read by Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop
+# (see: on
+# Windows.
+# The HTML Help Workshop contains a compiler that can convert all HTML output
+# generated by doxygen into a single compiled HTML file (.chm). Compiled HTML
+# files are now used as the Windows 98 help format, and will replace the old
+# Windows help format (.hlp) on all Windows platforms in the future. Compressed
+# HTML files also contain an index, a table of contents, and you can search for
+# words in the documentation. The HTML workshop also contains a viewer for
+# compressed HTML files.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The CHM_FILE tag can be used to specify the file name of the resulting .chm
+# file. You can add a path in front of the file if the result should not be
+# written to the html output directory.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
+# The HHC_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location (absolute path
+# including file name) of the HTML help compiler (hhc.exe). If non-empty,
+# doxygen will try to run the HTML help compiler on the generated index.hhp.
+# The file has to be specified with full path.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
+# The GENERATE_CHI flag controls if a separate .chi index file is generated
+# (YES) or that it should be included in the master .chm file (NO).
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
+# The CHM_INDEX_ENCODING is used to encode HtmlHelp index (hhk), content (hhc)
+# and project file content.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
+# The BINARY_TOC flag controls whether a binary table of contents is generated
+# (YES) or a normal table of contents (NO) in the .chm file. Furthermore it
+# enables the Previous and Next buttons.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
+# The TOC_EXPAND flag can be set to YES to add extra items for group members to
+# the table of contents of the HTML help documentation and to the tree view.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
+# If the GENERATE_QHP tag is set to YES and both QHP_NAMESPACE and
+# QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER are set, an additional index file will be generated that
+# can be used as input for Qt's qhelpgenerator to generate a Qt Compressed Help
+# (.qch) of the generated HTML documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# If the QHG_LOCATION tag is specified, the QCH_FILE tag can be used to specify
+# the file name of the resulting .qch file. The path specified is relative to
+# the HTML output folder.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+# The QHP_NAMESPACE tag specifies the namespace to use when generating Qt Help
+# Project output. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Namespace
+# (see:
+# The default value is: org.doxygen.Project.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+QHP_NAMESPACE = org.doxygen.Project
+# The QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER tag specifies the namespace to use when generating Qt
+# Help Project output. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Virtual
+# Folders (see:
+# folders).
+# The default value is: doc.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+# If the QHP_CUST_FILTER_NAME tag is set, it specifies the name of a custom
+# filter to add. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Custom
+# Filters (see:
+# filters).
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+# The QHP_CUST_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes of the
+# custom filter to add. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Custom
+# Filters (see:
+# filters).
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+# The QHP_SECT_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes this
+# project's filter section matches. Qt Help Project / Filter Attributes (see:
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+# The QHG_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location of Qt's
+# qhelpgenerator. If non-empty doxygen will try to run qhelpgenerator on the
+# generated .qhp file.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+# If the GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP tag is set to YES, additional index files will be
+# generated, together with the HTML files, they form an Eclipse help plugin. To
+# install this plugin and make it available under the help contents menu in
+# Eclipse, the contents of the directory containing the HTML and XML files needs
+# to be copied into the plugins directory of eclipse. The name of the directory
+# within the plugins directory should be the same as the ECLIPSE_DOC_ID value.
+# After copying Eclipse needs to be restarted before the help appears.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# A unique identifier for the Eclipse help plugin. When installing the plugin
+# the directory name containing the HTML and XML files should also have this
+# name. Each documentation set should have its own identifier.
+# The default value is: org.doxygen.Project.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP is set to YES.
+ECLIPSE_DOC_ID = org.doxygen.Project
+# If you want full control over the layout of the generated HTML pages it might
+# be necessary to disable the index and replace it with your own. The
+# DISABLE_INDEX tag can be used to turn on/off the condensed index (tabs) at top
+# of each HTML page. A value of NO enables the index and the value YES disables
+# it. Since the tabs in the index contain the same information as the navigation
+# tree, you can set this option to YES if you also set GENERATE_TREEVIEW to YES.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The GENERATE_TREEVIEW tag is used to specify whether a tree-like index
+# structure should be generated to display hierarchical information. If the tag
+# value is set to YES, a side panel will be generated containing a tree-like
+# index structure (just like the one that is generated for HTML Help). For this
+# to work a browser that supports JavaScript, DHTML, CSS and frames is required
+# (i.e. any modern browser). Windows users are probably better off using the
+# HTML help feature. Via custom style sheets (see HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET) one can
+# further fine-tune the look of the index. As an example, the default style
+# sheet generated by doxygen has an example that shows how to put an image at
+# the root of the tree instead of the PROJECT_NAME. Since the tree basically has
+# the same information as the tab index, you could consider setting
+# DISABLE_INDEX to YES when enabling this option.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE tag can be used to set the number of enum values that
+# doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML documentation.
+# Note that a value of 0 will completely suppress the enum values from appearing
+# in the overview section.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 20, default value: 4.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# If the treeview is enabled (see GENERATE_TREEVIEW) then this tag can be used
+# to set the initial width (in pixels) of the frame in which the tree is shown.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 1500, default value: 250.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# If the EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW option is set to YES, doxygen will open links to
+# external symbols imported via tag files in a separate window.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# Use this tag to change the font size of LaTeX formulas included as images in
+# the HTML documentation. When you change the font size after a successful
+# doxygen run you need to manually remove any form_*.png images from the HTML
+# output directory to force them to be regenerated.
+# Minimum value: 8, maximum value: 50, default value: 10.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# Use the FORMULA_TRANPARENT tag to determine whether or not the images
+# generated for formulas are transparent PNGs. Transparent PNGs are not
+# supported properly for IE 6.0, but are supported on all modern browsers.
+# Note that when changing this option you need to delete any form_*.png files in
+# the HTML output directory before the changes have effect.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# Enable the USE_MATHJAX option to render LaTeX formulas using MathJax (see
+# which uses client side Javascript for the rendering
+# instead of using pre-rendered bitmaps. Use this if you do not have LaTeX
+# installed or if you want to formulas look prettier in the HTML output. When
+# enabled you may also need to install MathJax separately and configure the path
+# to it using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# When MathJax is enabled you can set the default output format to be used for
+# the MathJax output. See the MathJax site (see:
+# for more details.
+# Possible values are: HTML-CSS (which is slower, but has the best
+# compatibility), NativeMML (i.e. MathML) and SVG.
+# The default value is: HTML-CSS.
+# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES.
+# When MathJax is enabled you need to specify the location relative to the HTML
+# output directory using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option. The destination directory
+# should contain the MathJax.js script. For instance, if the mathjax directory
+# is located at the same level as the HTML output directory, then
+# MATHJAX_RELPATH should be ../mathjax. The default value points to the MathJax
+# Content Delivery Network so you can quickly see the result without installing
+# MathJax. However, it is strongly recommended to install a local copy of
+# MathJax from before deployment.
+# The default value is:
+# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES.
+# The MATHJAX_EXTENSIONS tag can be used to specify one or more MathJax
+# extension names that should be enabled during MathJax rendering. For example
+# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES.
+# The MATHJAX_CODEFILE tag can be used to specify a file with javascript pieces
+# of code that will be used on startup of the MathJax code. See the MathJax site
+# (see: for more details. For an
+# example see the documentation.
+# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES.
+# When the SEARCHENGINE tag is enabled doxygen will generate a search box for
+# the HTML output. The underlying search engine uses javascript and DHTML and
+# should work on any modern browser. Note that when using HTML help
+# there is already a search function so this one should typically be disabled.
+# For large projects the javascript based search engine can be slow, then
+# enabling SERVER_BASED_SEARCH may provide a better solution. It is possible to
+# search using the keyboard; to jump to the search box use <access key> + S
+# (what the <access key> is depends on the OS and browser, but it is typically
+# <CTRL>, <ALT>/<option>, or both). Inside the search box use the <cursor down
+# key> to jump into the search results window, the results can be navigated
+# using the <cursor keys>. Press <Enter> to select an item or <escape> to cancel
+# the search. The filter options can be selected when the cursor is inside the
+# search box by pressing <Shift>+<cursor down>. Also here use the <cursor keys>
+# to select a filter and <Enter> or <escape> to activate or cancel the filter
+# option.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# When the SERVER_BASED_SEARCH tag is enabled the search engine will be
+# implemented using a web server instead of a web client using Javascript. There
+# are two flavors of web server based searching depending on the EXTERNAL_SEARCH
+# setting. When disabled, doxygen will generate a PHP script for searching and
+# an index file used by the script. When EXTERNAL_SEARCH is enabled the indexing
+# and searching needs to be provided by external tools. See the section
+# "External Indexing and Searching" for details.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES.
+# When EXTERNAL_SEARCH tag is enabled doxygen will no longer generate the PHP
+# script for searching. Instead the search results are written to an XML file
+# which needs to be processed by an external indexer. Doxygen will invoke an
+# external search engine pointed to by the SEARCHENGINE_URL option to obtain the
+# search results.
+# Doxygen ships with an example indexer (doxyindexer) and search engine
+# (doxysearch.cgi) which are based on the open source search engine library
+# Xapian (see:
+# See the section "External Indexing and Searching" for details.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES.
+# The SEARCHENGINE_URL should point to a search engine hosted by a web server
+# which will return the search results when EXTERNAL_SEARCH is enabled.
+# Doxygen ships with an example indexer (doxyindexer) and search engine
+# (doxysearch.cgi) which are based on the open source search engine library
+# Xapian (see: See the section "External Indexing and
+# Searching" for details.
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES.
+# When SERVER_BASED_SEARCH and EXTERNAL_SEARCH are both enabled the unindexed
+# search data is written to a file for indexing by an external tool. With the
+# SEARCHDATA_FILE tag the name of this file can be specified.
+# The default file is: searchdata.xml.
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES.
+SEARCHDATA_FILE = searchdata.xml
+# When SERVER_BASED_SEARCH and EXTERNAL_SEARCH are both enabled the
+# EXTERNAL_SEARCH_ID tag can be used as an identifier for the project. This is
+# useful in combination with EXTRA_SEARCH_MAPPINGS to search through multiple
+# projects and redirect the results back to the right project.
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES.
+# The EXTRA_SEARCH_MAPPINGS tag can be used to enable searching through doxygen
+# projects other than the one defined by this configuration file, but that are
+# all added to the same external search index. Each project needs to have a
+# unique id set via EXTERNAL_SEARCH_ID. The search mapping then maps the id of
+# to a relative location where the documentation can be found. The format is:
+# EXTRA_SEARCH_MAPPINGS = tagname1=loc1 tagname2=loc2 ...
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to the LaTeX output
+# If the GENERATE_LATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate LaTeX output.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The LATEX_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the LaTeX docs will be put. If a
+# relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of
+# it.
+# The default directory is: latex.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# The LATEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the LaTeX command name to be
+# invoked.
+# Note that when enabling USE_PDFLATEX this option is only used for generating
+# bitmaps for formulas in the HTML output, but not in the Makefile that is
+# written to the output directory.
+# The default file is: latex.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# The MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the command name to generate
+# index for LaTeX.
+# The default file is: makeindex.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# If the COMPACT_LATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen generates more compact LaTeX
+# documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to save some
+# trees in general.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# The PAPER_TYPE tag can be used to set the paper type that is used by the
+# printer.
+# Possible values are: a4 (210 x 297 mm), letter (8.5 x 11 inches), legal (8.5 x
+# 14 inches) and executive (7.25 x 10.5 inches).
+# The default value is: a4.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# The EXTRA_PACKAGES tag can be used to specify one or more LaTeX package names
+# that should be included in the LaTeX output. The package can be specified just
+# by its name or with the correct syntax as to be used with the LaTeX
+# \usepackage command. To get the times font for instance you can specify :
+# To use the option intlimits with the amsmath package you can specify:
+# EXTRA_PACKAGES=[intlimits]{amsmath}
+# If left blank no extra packages will be included.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# The LATEX_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX header for the
+# generated LaTeX document. The header should contain everything until the first
+# chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a standard header. See
+# section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to let doxygen write the
+# default header to a separate file.
+# Note: Only use a user-defined header if you know what you are doing! The
+# following commands have a special meaning inside the header: $title,
+# $datetime, $date, $doxygenversion, $projectname, $projectnumber,
+# $projectbrief, $projectlogo. Doxygen will replace $title with the empty
+# string, for the replacement values of the other commands the user is referred
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# The LATEX_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX footer for the
+# generated LaTeX document. The footer should contain everything after the last
+# chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a standard footer. See
+# LATEX_HEADER for more information on how to generate a default footer and what
+# special commands can be used inside the footer.
+# Note: Only use a user-defined footer if you know what you are doing!
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# The LATEX_EXTRA_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify additional user-defined
+# LaTeX style sheets that are included after the standard style sheets created
+# by doxygen. Using this option one can overrule certain style aspects. Doxygen
+# will copy the style sheet files to the output directory.
+# Note: The order of the extra style sheet files is of importance (e.g. the last
+# style sheet in the list overrules the setting of the previous ones in the
+# list).
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# The LATEX_EXTRA_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more extra images or
+# other source files which should be copied to the LATEX_OUTPUT output
+# directory. Note that the files will be copied as-is; there are no commands or
+# markers available.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# If the PDF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the LaTeX that is generated is
+# prepared for conversion to PDF (using ps2pdf or pdflatex). The PDF file will
+# contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references. This
+# makes the output suitable for online browsing using a PDF viewer.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# If the USE_PDFLATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen will use pdflatex to generate
+# the PDF file directly from the LaTeX files. Set this option to YES, to get a
+# higher quality PDF documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# If the LATEX_BATCHMODE tag is set to YES, doxygen will add the \batchmode
+# command to the generated LaTeX files. This will instruct LaTeX to keep running
+# if errors occur, instead of asking the user for help. This option is also used
+# when generating formulas in HTML.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# If the LATEX_HIDE_INDICES tag is set to YES then doxygen will not include the
+# index chapters (such as File Index, Compound Index, etc.) in the output.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# If the LATEX_SOURCE_CODE tag is set to YES then doxygen will include source
+# code with syntax highlighting in the LaTeX output.
+# Note that which sources are shown also depends on other settings such as
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# The LATEX_BIB_STYLE tag can be used to specify the style to use for the
+# bibliography, e.g. plainnat, or ieeetr. See
+# and \cite for more info.
+# The default value is: plain.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# If the LATEX_TIMESTAMP tag is set to YES then the footer of each generated
+# page will contain the date and time when the page was generated. Setting this
+# to NO can help when comparing the output of multiple runs.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to the RTF output
+# If the GENERATE_RTF tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate RTF output. The
+# RTF output is optimized for Word 97 and may not look too pretty with other RTF
+# readers/editors.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The RTF_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the RTF docs will be put. If a
+# relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of
+# it.
+# The default directory is: rtf.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES.
+# If the COMPACT_RTF tag is set to YES, doxygen generates more compact RTF
+# documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to save some
+# trees in general.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES.
+# If the RTF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the RTF that is generated will
+# contain hyperlink fields. The RTF file will contain links (just like the HTML
+# output) instead of page references. This makes the output suitable for online
+# browsing using Word or some other Word compatible readers that support those
+# fields.
+# Note: WordPad (write) and others do not support links.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES.
+# Load stylesheet definitions from file. Syntax is similar to doxygen's config
+# file, i.e. a series of assignments. You only have to provide replacements,
+# missing definitions are set to their default value.
+# See also section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the
+# default style sheet that doxygen normally uses.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES.
+# Set optional variables used in the generation of an RTF document. Syntax is
+# similar to doxygen's config file. A template extensions file can be generated
+# using doxygen -e rtf extensionFile.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES.
+# If the RTF_SOURCE_CODE tag is set to YES then doxygen will include source code
+# with syntax highlighting in the RTF output.
+# Note that which sources are shown also depends on other settings such as
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to the man page output
+# If the GENERATE_MAN tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate man pages for
+# classes and files.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The MAN_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the man pages will be put. If a
+# relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of
+# it. A directory man3 will be created inside the directory specified by
+# The default directory is: man.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES.
+# The MAN_EXTENSION tag determines the extension that is added to the generated
+# man pages. In case the manual section does not start with a number, the number
+# 3 is prepended. The dot (.) at the beginning of the MAN_EXTENSION tag is
+# optional.
+# The default value is: .3.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES.
+# The MAN_SUBDIR tag determines the name of the directory created within
+# MAN_OUTPUT in which the man pages are placed. If defaults to man followed by
+# MAN_EXTENSION with the initial . removed.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES.
+# If the MAN_LINKS tag is set to YES and doxygen generates man output, then it
+# will generate one additional man file for each entity documented in the real
+# man page(s). These additional files only source the real man page, but without
+# them the man command would be unable to find the correct page.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to the XML output
+# If the GENERATE_XML tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate an XML file that
+# captures the structure of the code including all documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The XML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the XML pages will be put. If a
+# relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of
+# it.
+# The default directory is: xml.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_XML is set to YES.
+# If the XML_PROGRAMLISTING tag is set to YES, doxygen will dump the program
+# listings (including syntax highlighting and cross-referencing information) to
+# the XML output. Note that enabling this will significantly increase the size
+# of the XML output.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_XML is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to the DOCBOOK output
+# If the GENERATE_DOCBOOK tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate Docbook files
+# that can be used to generate PDF.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The DOCBOOK_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the Docbook pages will be put.
+# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in
+# front of it.
+# The default directory is: docbook.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCBOOK is set to YES.
+# If the DOCBOOK_PROGRAMLISTING tag is set to YES, doxygen will include the
+# program listings (including syntax highlighting and cross-referencing
+# information) to the DOCBOOK output. Note that enabling this will significantly
+# increase the size of the DOCBOOK output.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCBOOK is set to YES.
+# Configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
+# If the GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate an
+# AutoGen Definitions (see file that captures the
+# structure of the code including all documentation. Note that this feature is
+# still experimental and incomplete at the moment.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Configuration options related to the Perl module output
+# If the GENERATE_PERLMOD tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate a Perl module
+# file that captures the structure of the code including all documentation.
+# Note that this feature is still experimental and incomplete at the moment.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the PERLMOD_LATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate the necessary
+# Makefile rules, Perl scripts and LaTeX code to be able to generate PDF and DVI
+# output from the Perl module output.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_PERLMOD is set to YES.
+# If the PERLMOD_PRETTY tag is set to YES, the Perl module output will be nicely
+# formatted so it can be parsed by a human reader. This is useful if you want to
+# understand what is going on. On the other hand, if this tag is set to NO, the
+# size of the Perl module output will be much smaller and Perl will parse it
+# just the same.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_PERLMOD is set to YES.
+# The names of the make variables in the generated doxyrules.make file are
+# prefixed with the string contained in PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX. This is useful
+# so different doxyrules.make files included by the same Makefile don't
+# overwrite each other's variables.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_PERLMOD is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to the preprocessor
+# If the ENABLE_PREPROCESSING tag is set to YES, doxygen will evaluate all
+# C-preprocessor directives found in the sources and include files.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the MACRO_EXPANSION tag is set to YES, doxygen will expand all macro names
+# in the source code. If set to NO, only conditional compilation will be
+# performed. Macro expansion can be done in a controlled way by setting
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+# If the EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF and MACRO_EXPANSION tags are both set to YES then
+# the macro expansion is limited to the macros specified with the PREDEFINED and
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+# If the SEARCH_INCLUDES tag is set to YES, the include files in the
+# INCLUDE_PATH will be searched if a #include is found.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+# The INCLUDE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
+# contain include files that are not input files but should be processed by the
+# preprocessor.
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCH_INCLUDES is set to YES.
+# You can use the INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard
+# patterns (like *.h and *.hpp) to filter out the header-files in the
+# directories. If left blank, the patterns specified with FILE_PATTERNS will be
+# used.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+# The PREDEFINED tag can be used to specify one or more macro names that are
+# defined before the preprocessor is started (similar to the -D option of e.g.
+# gcc). The argument of the tag is a list of macros of the form: name or
+# name=definition (no spaces). If the definition and the "=" are omitted, "=1"
+# is assumed. To prevent a macro definition from being undefined via #undef or
+# recursively expanded use the := operator instead of the = operator.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then this
+# tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded. The
+# macro definition that is found in the sources will be used. Use the PREDEFINED
+# tag if you want to use a different macro definition that overrules the
+# definition found in the source code.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+# If the SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS tag is set to YES then doxygen's preprocessor will
+# remove all references to function-like macros that are alone on a line, have
+# an all uppercase name, and do not end with a semicolon. Such function macros
+# are typically used for boiler-plate code, and will confuse the parser if not
+# removed.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to external references
+# The TAGFILES tag can be used to specify one or more tag files. For each tag
+# file the location of the external documentation should be added. The format of
+# a tag file without this location is as follows:
+# TAGFILES = file1 file2 ...
+# Adding location for the tag files is done as follows:
+# TAGFILES = file1=loc1 "file2 = loc2" ...
+# where loc1 and loc2 can be relative or absolute paths or URLs. See the
+# section "Linking to external documentation" for more information about the use
+# of tag files.
+# Note: Each tag file must have a unique name (where the name does NOT include
+# the path). If a tag file is not located in the directory in which doxygen is
+# run, you must also specify the path to the tagfile here.
+# When a file name is specified after GENERATE_TAGFILE, doxygen will create a
+# tag file that is based on the input files it reads. See section "Linking to
+# external documentation" for more information about the usage of tag files.
+# If the ALLEXTERNALS tag is set to YES, all external class will be listed in
+# the class index. If set to NO, only the inherited external classes will be
+# listed.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the EXTERNAL_GROUPS tag is set to YES, all external groups will be listed
+# in the modules index. If set to NO, only the current project's groups will be
+# listed.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the EXTERNAL_PAGES tag is set to YES, all external pages will be listed in
+# the related pages index. If set to NO, only the current project's pages will
+# be listed.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The PERL_PATH should be the absolute path and name of the perl script
+# interpreter (i.e. the result of 'which perl').
+# The default file (with absolute path) is: /usr/bin/perl.
+PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
+# Configuration options related to the dot tool
+# If the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate a class diagram
+# (in HTML and LaTeX) for classes with base or super classes. Setting the tag to
+# NO turns the diagrams off. Note that this option also works with HAVE_DOT
+# disabled, but it is recommended to install and use dot, since it yields more
+# powerful graphs.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# You can define message sequence charts within doxygen comments using the \msc
+# command. Doxygen will then run the mscgen tool (see:
+# to produce the chart and insert it in the
+# documentation. The MSCGEN_PATH tag allows you to specify the directory where
+# the mscgen tool resides. If left empty the tool is assumed to be found in the
+# default search path.
+# You can include diagrams made with dia in doxygen documentation. Doxygen will
+# then run dia to produce the diagram and insert it in the documentation. The
+# DIA_PATH tag allows you to specify the directory where the dia binary resides.
+# If left empty dia is assumed to be found in the default search path.
+# If set to YES the inheritance and collaboration graphs will hide inheritance
+# and usage relations if the target is undocumented or is not a class.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If you set the HAVE_DOT tag to YES then doxygen will assume the dot tool is
+# available from the path. This tool is part of Graphviz (see:
+#, a graph visualization toolkit from AT&T and Lucent
+# Bell Labs. The other options in this section have no effect if this option is
+# set to NO
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The DOT_NUM_THREADS specifies the number of dot invocations doxygen is allowed
+# to run in parallel. When set to 0 doxygen will base this on the number of
+# processors available in the system. You can set it explicitly to a value
+# larger than 0 to get control over the balance between CPU load and processing
+# speed.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 32, default value: 0.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# When you want a differently looking font in the dot files that doxygen
+# generates you can specify the font name using DOT_FONTNAME. You need to make
+# sure dot is able to find the font, which can be done by putting it in a
+# standard location or by setting the DOTFONTPATH environment variable or by
+# setting DOT_FONTPATH to the directory containing the font.
+# The default value is: Helvetica.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+DOT_FONTNAME = Helvetica
+# The DOT_FONTSIZE tag can be used to set the size (in points) of the font of
+# dot graphs.
+# Minimum value: 4, maximum value: 24, default value: 10.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# By default doxygen will tell dot to use the default font as specified with
+# DOT_FONTNAME. If you specify a different font using DOT_FONTNAME you can set
+# the path where dot can find it using this tag.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the CLASS_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for
+# each documented class showing the direct and indirect inheritance relations.
+# Setting this tag to YES will force the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag to NO.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the COLLABORATION_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a
+# graph for each documented class showing the direct and indirect implementation
+# dependencies (inheritance, containment, and class references variables) of the
+# class with other documented classes.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the GROUP_GRAPHS tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for
+# groups, showing the direct groups dependencies.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the UML_LOOK tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate inheritance and
+# collaboration diagrams in a style similar to the OMG's Unified Modeling
+# Language.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the UML_LOOK tag is enabled, the fields and methods are shown inside the
+# class node. If there are many fields or methods and many nodes the graph may
+# become too big to be useful. The UML_LIMIT_NUM_FIELDS threshold limits the
+# number of items for each type to make the size more manageable. Set this to 0
+# for no limit. Note that the threshold may be exceeded by 50% before the limit
+# is enforced. So when you set the threshold to 10, up to 15 fields may appear,
+# but if the number exceeds 15, the total amount of fields shown is limited to
+# 10.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 100, default value: 10.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the TEMPLATE_RELATIONS tag is set to YES then the inheritance and
+# collaboration graphs will show the relations between templates and their
+# instances.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented file showing the
+# direct and indirect include dependencies of the file with other documented
+# files.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented file showing
+# the direct and indirect include dependencies of the file with other documented
+# files.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the CALL_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a call
+# dependency graph for every global function or class method.
+# Note that enabling this option will significantly increase the time of a run.
+# So in most cases it will be better to enable call graphs for selected
+# functions only using the \callgraph command. Disabling a call graph can be
+# accomplished by means of the command \hidecallgraph.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the CALLER_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a caller
+# dependency graph for every global function or class method.
+# Note that enabling this option will significantly increase the time of a run.
+# So in most cases it will be better to enable caller graphs for selected
+# functions only using the \callergraph command. Disabling a caller graph can be
+# accomplished by means of the command \hidecallergraph.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY tag is set to YES then doxygen will graphical
+# hierarchy of all classes instead of a textual one.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the DIRECTORY_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will show the
+# dependencies a directory has on other directories in a graphical way. The
+# dependency relations are determined by the #include relations between the
+# files in the directories.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# The DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT tag can be used to set the image format of the images
+# generated by dot. For an explanation of the image formats see the section
+# output formats in the documentation of the dot tool (Graphviz (see:
+# Note: If you choose svg you need to set HTML_FILE_EXTENSION to xhtml in order
+# to make the SVG files visible in IE 9+ (other browsers do not have this
+# requirement).
+# Possible values are: png, png:cairo, png:cairo:cairo, png:cairo:gd, png:gd,
+# png:gd:gd, jpg, jpg:cairo, jpg:cairo:gd, jpg:gd, jpg:gd:gd, gif, gif:cairo,
+# gif:cairo:gd, gif:gd, gif:gd:gd, svg, png:gd, png:gd:gd, png:cairo,
+# png:cairo:gd, png:cairo:cairo, png:cairo:gdiplus, png:gdiplus and
+# png:gdiplus:gdiplus.
+# The default value is: png.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT is set to svg, then this option can be set to YES to
+# enable generation of interactive SVG images that allow zooming and panning.
+# Note that this requires a modern browser other than Internet Explorer. Tested
+# and working are Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera.
+# Note: For IE 9+ you need to set HTML_FILE_EXTENSION to xhtml in order to make
+# the SVG files visible. Older versions of IE do not have SVG support.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# The DOT_PATH tag can be used to specify the path where the dot tool can be
+# found. If left blank, it is assumed the dot tool can be found in the path.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# The DOTFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
+# contain dot files that are included in the documentation (see the \dotfile
+# command).
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# The MSCFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
+# contain msc files that are included in the documentation (see the \mscfile
+# command).
+# The DIAFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
+# contain dia files that are included in the documentation (see the \diafile
+# command).
+# When using plantuml, the PLANTUML_JAR_PATH tag should be used to specify the
+# path where java can find the plantuml.jar file. If left blank, it is assumed
+# PlantUML is not used or called during a preprocessing step. Doxygen will
+# generate a warning when it encounters a \startuml command in this case and
+# will not generate output for the diagram.
+# When using plantuml, the specified paths are searched for files specified by
+# the !include statement in a plantuml block.
+# The DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES tag can be used to set the maximum number of nodes
+# that will be shown in the graph. If the number of nodes in a graph becomes
+# larger than this value, doxygen will truncate the graph, which is visualized
+# by representing a node as a red box. Note that doxygen if the number of direct
+# children of the root node in a graph is already larger than
+# DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES then the graph will not be shown at all. Also note that
+# the size of a graph can be further restricted by MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 10000, default value: 50.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH tag can be used to set the maximum depth of the graphs
+# generated by dot. A depth value of 3 means that only nodes reachable from the
+# root by following a path via at most 3 edges will be shown. Nodes that lay
+# further from the root node will be omitted. Note that setting this option to 1
+# or 2 may greatly reduce the computation time needed for large code bases. Also
+# note that the size of a graph can be further restricted by
+# DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES. Using a depth of 0 means no depth restriction.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 1000, default value: 0.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# Set the DOT_TRANSPARENT tag to YES to generate images with a transparent
+# background. This is disabled by default, because dot on Windows does not seem
+# to support this out of the box.
+# Warning: Depending on the platform used, enabling this option may lead to
+# badly anti-aliased labels on the edges of a graph (i.e. they become hard to
+# read).
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# Set the DOT_MULTI_TARGETS tag to YES to allow dot to generate multiple output
+# files in one run (i.e. multiple -o and -T options on the command line). This
+# makes dot run faster, but since only newer versions of dot (>1.8.10) support
+# this, this feature is disabled by default.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the GENERATE_LEGEND tag is set to YES doxygen will generate a legend page
+# explaining the meaning of the various boxes and arrows in the dot generated
+# graphs.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the DOT_CLEANUP tag is set to YES, doxygen will remove the intermediate dot
+# files that are used to generate the various graphs.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/allowlist_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/allowlist_service.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e619ce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/allowlist_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file allowlist_service.hpp
+ *
+ * Service interface for interacting with DBMS provided
+ * allowlist callback.
+ */
+#include "compiler.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/buffer.hpp"
+#include <sys/types.h> // ssize_t
+namespace wsrep
+ class allowlist_service
+ {
+ public:
+ enum allowlist_key
+ {
+ /** IP allowlist check */
+ allowlist_ip,
+ /** SSL allowlist check */
+ allowlist_ssl
+ };
+ virtual ~allowlist_service() { }
+ /**
+ * Allowlist callback.
+ */
+ virtual bool allowlist_cb(allowlist_key key,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& value) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/atomic.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/atomic.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d92c167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/atomic.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#if defined(__GNUG__) && (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 4)
+#include <cstdatomic>
+#include <atomic>
+#endif // defined(__GNUG__) && (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 4)
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/buffer.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/buffer.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c1ac599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/buffer.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <vector>
+namespace wsrep
+ class const_buffer
+ {
+ public:
+ const_buffer()
+ : ptr_()
+ , size_()
+ { }
+ const_buffer(const void* ptr, size_t size)
+ : ptr_(ptr)
+ , size_(size)
+ { }
+ const_buffer(const const_buffer& b)
+ : ptr_(b.ptr())
+ , size_(b.size())
+ { }
+ const void* ptr() const { return ptr_; }
+ const char* data() const { return static_cast<const char*>(ptr_); }
+ size_t size() const { return size_; }
+ const_buffer& operator=(const const_buffer& b)
+ {
+ ptr_ = b.ptr();
+ size_ = b.size();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ private:
+ const void* ptr_;
+ size_t size_;
+ };
+ class mutable_buffer
+ {
+ public:
+ mutable_buffer()
+ : buffer_()
+ { }
+ mutable_buffer(const mutable_buffer& b)
+ : buffer_(b.buffer_)
+ { }
+ void resize(size_t s) { buffer_.resize(s); }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ // using swap to ensure deallocation
+ std::vector<char>().swap(buffer_);
+ }
+ void push_back(const char* begin, const char* end)
+ {
+ buffer_.insert(buffer_.end(), begin, end);
+ }
+ template <class C> void push_back(const C& c)
+ {
+ std::copy(c.begin(), c.end(), std::back_inserter(buffer_));
+ }
+ size_t size() const { return buffer_.size(); }
+ /**
+ * Return pointer to underlying data array. The returned pointer
+ * may or may not be null in case of empty buffer, it is up to
+ * user to check the size of the array before dereferencing the
+ * pointer.
+ *
+ * @return Pointer to underlying data array.
+ */
+ char* data() { return; }
+ /**
+ * Return const pointer to underlying data array. The returned pointer
+ * may or may not be null in case of empty buffer, it is up to
+ * user to check the size of the array before dereferencing the
+ * pointer.
+ *
+ * @return Const pointer to underlying data array.
+ */
+ const char* data() const { return; }
+ mutable_buffer& operator= (const mutable_buffer& other)
+ {
+ buffer_ = other.buffer_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const mutable_buffer& other) const
+ {
+ return buffer_ == other.buffer_;
+ }
+ private:
+ std::vector<char> buffer_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/chrono.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/chrono.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14961d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/chrono.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file chrono.hpp
+ *
+ * Type definitions to work around GCC 4.4 incompatibilities with
+ * C++11 chrono.
+ */
+#include <chrono>
+namespace wsrep
+ /* wsrep::clock - clock type compatible with std::chrono::steady_clock. */
+#if defined(__GNUG__) && (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 4)
+ typedef std::chrono::monotonic_clock clock;
+ using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
+#endif // defined(__GNUG__) && (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 4)
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/client_id.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/client_id.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7597c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/client_id.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <ostream>
+#include <limits>
+namespace wsrep
+ class client_id
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef unsigned long long type;
+ client_id()
+ : id_(std::numeric_limits<type>::max())
+ { }
+ template <typename I>
+ explicit client_id(I id)
+ : id_(static_cast<type>(id))
+ { }
+ type get() const { return id_; }
+ static type undefined() { return std::numeric_limits<type>::max(); }
+ bool operator<(const client_id& other) const
+ {
+ return (id_ < other.id_);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const client_id& other) const
+ {
+ return (id_ == other.id_);
+ }
+ private:
+ type id_;
+ };
+ static inline std::ostream& operator<<(
+ std::ostream& os, const wsrep::client_id& client_id)
+ {
+ return (os << client_id.get());
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/client_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/client_service.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d47396df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/client_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file client_service.hpp
+ *
+ * This file will define a `callback` abstract interface for a
+ * DBMS client session service. The interface will define methods
+ * which will be called by the wsrep-lib.
+ */
+#include "buffer.hpp"
+#include "provider.hpp"
+#include "mutex.hpp"
+#include "lock.hpp"
+namespace wsrep
+ class client_service
+ {
+ public:
+ client_service() { }
+ virtual ~client_service() { }
+ /**
+ * Return true if the current transaction has been interrupted
+ * by the DBMS. The lock which is passed to interrupted call
+ * will always have underlying mutex locked.
+ *
+ * @param lock Lock object grabbed by the client_state
+ */
+ virtual bool interrupted(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock) const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Reset possible global or thread local parameters associated
+ * to the thread.
+ */
+ virtual void reset_globals() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Store possible global or thread local parameters associated
+ * to the thread.
+ */
+ virtual void store_globals() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Set up a data for replication.
+ */
+ virtual int prepare_data_for_replication() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Clean up after transcation has been terminated.
+ */
+ virtual void cleanup_transaction() = 0;
+ //
+ // Streaming
+ //
+ /**
+ * Return true if current statement is allowed for streaming,
+ * otherwise false.
+ */
+ virtual bool statement_allowed_for_streaming() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Return the total number of bytes generated by the transaction
+ * context.
+ */
+ virtual size_t bytes_generated() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Prepare a buffer containing data for the next fragment to replicate.
+ * The caller may set log_position to record the database specific
+ * position corresponding to changes contained in the buffer.
+ * When the call returns, the log_position will be available to read
+ * from streaming_context::log_position().
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero on failure.
+ * If there is no data to replicate, the method shall return
+ * zero and leave the buffer empty.
+ */
+ virtual int prepare_fragment_for_replication(wsrep::mutable_buffer& buffer,
+ size_t& log_position) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Remove fragments from the storage within current transaction.
+ * Fragment removal will be committed once the current transaction
+ * commits.
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero on failure.
+ */
+ virtual int remove_fragments() = 0;
+ //
+ // Rollback
+ //
+ /**
+ * Perform brute force rollback.
+ *
+ * This method may be called from two contexts, either from
+ * client state methods when the BF abort condition is detected,
+ * or from the background rollbacker thread. The task for this
+ * method is to release all reasources held by the client
+ * after BF abort so that the high priority thread can continue
+ * applying.
+ */
+ virtual int bf_rollback() = 0;
+ //
+ // Interface to global server state
+ //
+ /**
+ * Forcefully shut down the DBMS process or replication system.
+ * This may be called in situations where
+ * the process may encounter a situation where data integrity
+ * may not be guaranteed or other unrecoverable condition is
+ * encontered.
+ */
+ virtual void emergency_shutdown() = 0;
+ // Replaying
+ /**
+ * Notify that the client will replay.
+ *
+ * @todo This should not be visible to DBMS level, should be
+ * handled internally by wsrep-lib.
+ */
+ virtual void will_replay() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Signal that replay is done.
+ */
+ virtual void signal_replayed() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Replay the current transaction. The implementation must put
+ * the caller Client Context into applying mode and call
+ * client_state::replay().
+ *
+ * @todo This should not be visible to DBMS level, should be
+ * handled internally by wsrep-lib.
+ */
+ virtual enum wsrep::provider::status replay() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Replay the current transaction. This is used for replaying
+ * prepared XA transactions, which are BF aborted but not
+ * while orderding commit / rollback.
+ */
+ virtual enum wsrep::provider::status replay_unordered() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Wait until all replaying transactions have been finished
+ * replaying.
+ *
+ * @todo This should not be visible to DBMS level, should be
+ * handled internally by wsrep-lib.
+ */
+ virtual void wait_for_replayers(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&) = 0;
+ //
+ // XA
+ //
+ /**
+ * Send a commit by xid
+ */
+ virtual enum wsrep::provider::status commit_by_xid() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the client has an ongoing XA transaction.
+ * This method is used to determine when to cleanup the
+ * corresponding wsrep-lib transaction object.
+ * This method should return false when the XA transaction
+ * is over, and the wsrep-lib transaction object can be
+ * cleaned up.
+ */
+ virtual bool is_explicit_xa() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the currently executing command is
+ * a rollback for XA. This is used to avoid setting a
+ * a deadlock error rollback as it may be unexpected
+ * by the DBMS.
+ */
+ virtual bool is_xa_rollback() = 0;
+ //
+ // Debug interface
+ //
+ /**
+ * Enter debug sync point.
+ *
+ * @params sync_point Name of the debug sync point.
+ */
+ virtual void debug_sync(const char* sync_point) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Forcefully kill the process if the crash_point has
+ * been enabled.
+ */
+ virtual void debug_crash(const char* crash_point) = 0;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/client_state.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/client_state.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8449d7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/client_state.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1075 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file client_state.hpp
+ *
+ *
+ * Return value conventions:
+ *
+ * The calls which may alter either client_state or associated
+ * transaction state will generally return zero on success and
+ * non-zero on failure. More detailed error information is stored
+ * into client state and persisted there until explicitly cleared.
+ */
+#include "provider.hpp"
+#include "transaction.hpp"
+#include "client_id.hpp"
+#include "mutex.hpp"
+#include "lock.hpp"
+#include "buffer.hpp"
+#include "thread.hpp"
+#include "xid.hpp"
+#include "chrono.hpp"
+namespace wsrep
+ class client_service;
+ class server_state;
+ class provider;
+ class condition_variable;
+ enum client_error
+ {
+ e_success,
+ e_error_during_commit,
+ e_deadlock_error,
+ e_interrupted_error,
+ e_size_exceeded_error,
+ e_append_fragment_error,
+ e_not_supported_error,
+ e_timeout_error
+ };
+ static inline const char* to_c_string(enum client_error error)
+ {
+ switch (error)
+ {
+ case e_success: return "success";
+ case e_error_during_commit: return "commit_error";
+ case e_deadlock_error: return "deadlock_error";
+ case e_interrupted_error: return "interrupted_error";
+ case e_size_exceeded_error: return "size_exceeded_error";
+ case e_append_fragment_error: return "append_fragment_error";
+ case e_not_supported_error: return "not_supported_error";
+ case e_timeout_error: return "timeout_error";
+ }
+ return "unknown";
+ }
+ static inline std::string to_string(enum client_error error)
+ {
+ return to_c_string(error);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Client State
+ */
+ class client_state
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Client mode enumeration.
+ */
+ enum mode
+ {
+ /** undefined mode */
+ m_undefined,
+ /** Locally operating client session. */
+ m_local,
+ /** High priority mode */
+ m_high_priority,
+ /** Client is in total order isolation mode */
+ m_toi,
+ /** Client is executing rolling schema upgrade */
+ m_rsu,
+ /** Client is executing NBO */
+ m_nbo
+ };
+ static const int n_modes_ = m_nbo + 1;
+ /**
+ * Client state enumeration.
+ *
+ */
+ enum state
+ {
+ /**
+ * Client session has not been initialized yet.
+ */
+ s_none,
+ /**
+ * Client is idle, the control is in the application which
+ * uses the DBMS system.
+ */
+ s_idle,
+ /**
+ * The control of the client processing is inside the DBMS
+ * system.
+ */
+ s_exec,
+ /**
+ * Client handler is sending result to client.
+ */
+ s_result,
+ /**
+ * The client session is terminating.
+ */
+ s_quitting
+ };
+ static const int state_max_ = s_quitting + 1;
+ /**
+ * Aqcuire ownership on the thread.
+ *
+ * This method should be called every time the thread
+ * operating the client state changes. This method is called
+ * implicitly from before_command() and
+ * wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership().
+ */
+ void acquire_ownership()
+ {
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ do_acquire_ownership(lock);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Use acquire_ownership() instead.
+ */
+ void store_globals()
+ {
+ acquire_ownership();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ virtual ~client_state();
+ /** @name Client session handling */
+ /** @{ */
+ /**
+ * This method should be called when opening the client session.
+ *
+ * Initializes client id and changes the state to s_idle.
+ */
+ void open(wsrep::client_id);
+ /**
+ * This method should be called before closing the client session.
+ *
+ * The state is changed to s_quitting and any open transactions
+ * are rolled back.
+ */
+ void close();
+ /**
+ * This method should be called after closing the client session
+ * to clean up.
+ *
+ * The state is changed to s_none.
+ */
+ void cleanup();
+ /**
+ * Overload of cleanup() method which takes lock as argument.
+ * This method does not release the lock during execution, but
+ * the lock is needed for debug build sanity checks.
+ */
+ void cleanup(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock);
+ /** @} */
+ /** @name Client command handling */
+ /** @{ */
+ /**
+ * This mehod should be called before the processing of command
+ * received from DBMS client starts.
+ *
+ * This method will wait until the possible synchronous
+ * rollback for associated transaction has finished unless
+ * wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership() has been
+ * called before.
+ *
+ * The method has a side effect of changing the client
+ * context state to executing.
+ *
+ * The value set by keep_command_error has an effect on
+ * how before_command() behaves when it is entered after
+ * background rollback has been processed:
+ *
+ * - If keep_command_error is set true, the current error
+ * is set and success will be returned.
+ * - If keep_command_error is set false, the transaction is
+ * cleaned up and the return value will be non-zero to
+ * indicate error.
+ *
+ * @param keep_command_error Make client state to preserve error
+ * state in command hooks.
+ * This is needed if a current command is not supposed to
+ * return an error status to the client and the protocol must
+ * advance until the next client command to return error status.
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero in case of the
+ * associated transaction was BF aborted.
+ */
+ int before_command(bool keep_command_error);
+ int before_command()
+ {
+ return before_command(false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method should be called before returning
+ * a result to DBMS client.
+ *
+ * The method will check if the transaction associated to
+ * the connection has been aborted. Rollback is performed
+ * if needed. After the call, current_error() will return an error
+ * code associated to the client state. If the error code is
+ * not success, the transaction associated to the client state
+ * has been aborted and rolled back.
+ */
+ void after_command_before_result();
+ /**
+ * Method which should be called after returning the
+ * control back to DBMS client..
+ *
+ * The method will do the check if the transaction associated
+ * to the connection has been aborted. If so, rollback is
+ * performed and the transaction is left to aborted state.
+ * The next call to before_command() will return an error and
+ * the error state can be examined after after_command_before_resul()
+ * is called.
+ *
+ * This method has a side effect of changing state to
+ * idle.
+ */
+ void after_command_after_result();
+ /** @} */
+ /** @name Statement level operations */
+ /** @{ */
+ /**
+ * Before statement execution operations.
+ *
+ * Check if server is synced and if dirty reads are allowed.
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero if the statement
+ * is not allowed to be executed due to read or write
+ * isolation requirements.
+ */
+ int before_statement();
+ /**
+ * After statement execution operations.
+ *
+ * * Check for must_replay state
+ * * Do rollback if requested
+ */
+ int after_statement();
+ /** @} */
+ /**
+ * Perform cleanup after applying a transaction.
+ *
+ * @param err Applying error (empty for no error)
+ */
+ void after_applying();
+ /** @name Replication interface */
+ /** @{ */
+ /**
+ * Start a new transaction with a transaction id.
+ *
+ * @todo This method should
+ * - Register the transaction on server level for bookkeeping
+ * - Isolation levels? Or part of the transaction?
+ */
+ int start_transaction(const wsrep::transaction_id& id);
+ /**
+ * Establish read view ID of the transaction.
+ *
+ * This method should be preferably called immediately before any
+ * first read or write operation in the transaction is performed,
+ * Then it can be called with default NULL parameter and will use
+ * the current last committed GTID.
+ * Alternatively it can be called at any time before commit with an
+ * explicit GTID that corresponds to transaction read view.
+ *
+ * @param gtid optional explicit GTID of the transaction read view.
+ */
+ int assign_read_view(const wsrep::gtid* const gtid = NULL);
+ /**
+ * Append a key into transaction write set.
+ *
+ * @param key Key to be appended
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on failure.
+ */
+ int append_key(const wsrep::key& key);
+ /**
+ * Append keys in key_array into transaction write set.
+ *
+ * @param keys Array of keys to be appended
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero on failure.
+ */
+ int append_keys(const wsrep::key_array& keys);
+ /**
+ * Append data into transaction write set.
+ */
+ int append_data(const wsrep::const_buffer& data);
+ /** @} */
+ /** @name Streaming replication interface */
+ /** @{ */
+ /**
+ * This method should be called after every row operation.
+ */
+ int after_row();
+ /**
+ * Set streaming parameters.
+ *
+ * @param fragment_unit Desired fragment unit
+ * @param fragment_size Desired fragment size
+ */
+ void streaming_params(enum wsrep::streaming_context::fragment_unit
+ fragment_unit,
+ size_t fragment_size);
+ /**
+ * Enable streaming replication.
+ *
+ * Currently it is not possible to change the fragment unit
+ * for active streaming transaction.
+ *
+ * @param fragment_unit Desired fragment unit
+ * @param fragment_size Desired fragment size
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero if the streaming cannot be
+ * enabled.
+ */
+ int enable_streaming(
+ enum wsrep::streaming_context::fragment_unit
+ fragment_unit,
+ size_t fragment_size);
+ /**
+ * Disable streaming for context.
+ */
+ void disable_streaming();
+ void fragment_applied(wsrep::seqno seqno);
+ /**
+ * Prepare write set meta data for ordering.
+ * This method should be called before ordered commit or
+ * rollback if the commit time meta data was not known
+ * at the time of the start of the transaction.
+ * This mostly applies to streaming replication.
+ *
+ * @param ws_handle Write set handle
+ * @param ws_meta Write set meta data
+ * @param is_commit Boolean to denote whether the operation
+ * is commit or rollback.
+ */
+ int prepare_for_ordering(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ bool is_commit);
+ /** @} */
+ /** @name Applying interface */
+ /** @{ */
+ int start_transaction(const wsrep::ws_handle& wsh,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& meta);
+ int next_fragment(const wsrep::ws_meta& meta);
+ /** @name Commit ordering interface */
+ /** @{ */
+ int before_prepare();
+ int after_prepare();
+ int before_commit();
+ int ordered_commit();
+ int after_commit();
+ /** @} */
+ int before_rollback();
+ int after_rollback();
+ /**
+ * This method should be called by the background rollbacker
+ * thread after the rollback is complete. This will allow
+ * the client to proceed through before_command() and
+ * wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership().
+ */
+ void sync_rollback_complete();
+ /**
+ * Wait for background rollback to complete. This method can
+ * be called before before_command() to verify that the
+ * background rollback has been finished. After the call returns,
+ * it is guaranteed that BF abort does not launch background
+ * rollback process before after_command_after_result() is called.
+ * This method is idempotent, it can be called many times
+ * by the same thread before before_command() is called.
+ */
+ void wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership();
+ /** @} */
+ //
+ // XA
+ //
+ /**
+ * Assign transaction external id.
+ *
+ * Other than storing the xid, the transaction is marked as XA.
+ * This should be called when XA transaction is started.
+ *
+ * @param xid transaction id
+ */
+ void assign_xid(const wsrep::xid& xid)
+ {
+ transaction_.assign_xid(xid);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Restores the client's transaction to prepared state
+ *
+ * The purpose of this method is to restore transaction state
+ * during recovery of a prepared XA transaction.
+ */
+ int restore_xid(const wsrep::xid& xid)
+ {
+ return transaction_.restore_to_prepared_state(xid);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Commit transaction with the given xid
+ *
+ * Sends a commit fragment to terminate the transaction with
+ * the given xid. For the fragment to be sent, a streaming
+ * applier for the transaction must exist, and the transaction
+ * must be in prepared state.
+ *
+ * @param xid the xid of the the transaction to commit
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on error. In case of error
+ * the client_state's current_error is set
+ */
+ int commit_by_xid(const wsrep::xid& xid)
+ {
+ return transaction_.commit_or_rollback_by_xid(xid, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Rollback transaction with the given xid
+ *
+ * Sends a rollback fragment to terminate the transaction with
+ * the given xid. For the fragment to be sent, a streaming
+ * applier for the transaction must exist, and the transaction
+ * must be in prepared state.
+ *
+ * @param xid the xid of the the transaction to commit
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on error. In case of error
+ * the client_state's current_error is set
+ */
+ int rollback_by_xid(const wsrep::xid& xid)
+ {
+ return transaction_.commit_or_rollback_by_xid(xid, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Detach a prepared XA transaction
+ *
+ * This method cleans up a local XA transaction in prepared state
+ * and converts it to high priority mode.
+ * This can be used to handle the case where the client of a XA
+ * transaction disconnects, and the transaction must not rollback.
+ * After this call, a different client may later attempt to terminate
+ * the transaction by calling method commit_by_xid() or rollback_by_xid().
+ */
+ void xa_detach();
+ /**
+ * Replay a XA transaction
+ *
+ * Replay a XA transaction that is in s_idle state.
+ * This may happen if the transaction is BF aborted
+ * between prepare and commit.
+ * Since the victim is idle, this method can be called
+ * by the BF aborter or the backround rollbacker.
+ */
+ void xa_replay();
+ //
+ // BF aborting
+ //
+ /**
+ * Brute force abort a transaction. This method should be
+ * called by a transaction which needs to BF abort a conflicting
+ * locally processing transaction.
+ *
+ * @param lock Lock to protect client state.
+ * @param bf_seqno Seqno of the BF aborter.
+ */
+ int bf_abort(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock, wsrep::seqno bf_seqno);
+ /**
+ * Wrapper to bf_abort() call, grabs lock internally.
+ */
+ int bf_abort(wsrep::seqno bf_seqno);
+ /**
+ * Brute force abort a transaction in total order. This method
+ * should be called by the TOI operation which needs to
+ * BF abort a transaction.
+ */
+ int total_order_bf_abort(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock, wsrep::seqno bf_seqno);
+ /**
+ * Wrapper to total_order_bf_abort(), grabs lock internally.
+ */
+ int total_order_bf_abort(wsrep::seqno bf_seqno);
+ /**
+ * Adopt a streaming transaction state. This is must be
+ * called from high_priority_service::adopt_transaction()
+ * during streaming transaction rollback. The call will
+ * set up enough context for handling the rollback
+ * fragment.
+ */
+ void adopt_transaction(const wsrep::transaction& transaction);
+ /**
+ * Adopt (store) transaction applying error for further processing.
+ */
+ void adopt_apply_error(wsrep::mutable_buffer& err);
+ /**
+ * Clone enough state from another transaction so that replaing will
+ * be possible with a transaction contained in this client state.
+ *
+ * @param transaction Transaction which is to be replied in this
+ * client state
+ */
+ void clone_transaction_for_replay(const wsrep::transaction& transaction)
+ {
+ transaction_.clone_for_replay(transaction);
+ }
+ /** @name Non-transactional operations */
+ /** @{*/
+ /**
+ * Enter total order isolation critical section. If the wait_until
+ * is given non-default value, the operation is retried until
+ * successful, the given time point is reached or the client is
+ * interrupted.
+ *
+ * @param key_array Array of keys
+ * @param buffer Buffer containing the action to execute inside
+ * total order isolation section
+ * @param flags Provider flags for TOI operation
+ * @param wait_until Time point to wait until for successful
+ * certification.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero otherwise.
+ */
+ int enter_toi_local(
+ const wsrep::key_array& key_array,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& buffer,
+ std::chrono::time_point<wsrep::clock>
+ wait_until =
+ std::chrono::time_point<wsrep::clock>());
+ /**
+ * Enter applier TOI mode
+ *
+ * @param ws_meta Write set meta data
+ */
+ void enter_toi_mode(const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta);
+ /**
+ * Return true if the client_state is under TOI operation.
+ */
+ bool in_toi() const
+ {
+ return (toi_meta_.seqno().is_undefined() == false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the mode where client entered into TOI mode.
+ * The return value can be either m_local or
+ * m_high_priority.
+ */
+ enum mode toi_mode() const
+ {
+ return toi_mode_;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Leave total order isolation critical section.
+ * (for local mode clients)
+ *
+ * @param err definition of the error that happened during the
+ * execution of TOI operation (empty for no error)
+ */
+ int leave_toi_local(const wsrep::mutable_buffer& err);
+ /**
+ * Leave applier TOI mode.
+ */
+ void leave_toi_mode();
+ /**
+ * Begin rolling schema upgrade operation.
+ *
+ * @param timeout Timeout in seconds to wait for committing
+ * connections to finish.
+ */
+ int begin_rsu(int timeout);
+ /**
+ * End rolling schema upgrade operation.
+ */
+ int end_rsu();
+ /**
+ * Begin non-blocking operation.
+ *
+ * The NBO operation is started by grabbing TOI critical
+ * section. The keys and buffer are certifed as in TOI
+ * operation. If the call fails due to error returned by
+ * the provider, the provider error code can be retrieved
+ * by current_error_status() call.
+ *
+ * If the wait_until is given non-default value, the operation is
+ * retried until successful, the given time point is reached or the
+ * client is interrupted.
+ *
+ * @param keys Array of keys for NBO operation.
+ * @param buffer NBO write set
+ * @param wait_until Time point to wait until for successful certification.
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero in case of failure.
+ */
+ int begin_nbo_phase_one(
+ const wsrep::key_array& keys,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& buffer,
+ std::chrono::time_point<wsrep::clock>
+ wait_until =
+ std::chrono::time_point<wsrep::clock>());
+ /**
+ * End non-blocking operation phase after aquiring required
+ * resources for operation.
+ *
+ * @param err definition of the error that happened during the
+ * execution of phase one (empty for no error)
+ */
+ int end_nbo_phase_one(const wsrep::mutable_buffer& err);
+ /**
+ * Enter in NBO mode. This method should be called when the
+ * applier launches the asynchronous process to perform the
+ * operation. The purpose of the call is to adjust
+ * the state and set write set meta data.
+ *
+ * @param ws_meta Write set meta data.
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero on failure.
+ */
+ int enter_nbo_mode(const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta);
+ /**
+ * Begin non-blocking operation phase two. The keys argument
+ * passed to this call must contain the same keys which were
+ * passed to begin_nbo_phase_one().
+ *
+ * If the wait_until is given non-default value, the operation is
+ * retried until successful, the given time point is reached or the
+ * client is interrupted.
+ *
+ * @param keys Key array.
+ * @param wait_until Time point to wait until for entering TOI for
+ * phase two.
+ */
+ int begin_nbo_phase_two(const wsrep::key_array& keys,
+ std::chrono::time_point<wsrep::clock>
+ wait_until =
+ std::chrono::time_point<wsrep::clock>());
+ /**
+ * End non-blocking operation phase two. This call will
+ * release TOI critical section and set the mode to m_local.
+ *
+ * @param err definition of the error that happened during the
+ * execution of phase two (empty for no error)
+ */
+ int end_nbo_phase_two(const wsrep::mutable_buffer& err);
+ /**
+ * Get reference to the client mutex.
+ *
+ * @return Reference to the client mutex.
+ */
+ wsrep::mutex& mutex() { return mutex_; }
+ /**
+ * Get server context associated the the client session.
+ *
+ * @return Reference to server context.
+ */
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state() const
+ { return server_state_; }
+ wsrep::client_service& client_service() const
+ { return client_service_; }
+ /**
+ * Get reference to the Provider which is associated
+ * with the client context.
+ *
+ * @return Reference to the provider.
+ * @throw wsrep::runtime_error if no providers are associated
+ * with the client context.
+ *
+ * @todo Should be removed.
+ */
+ wsrep::provider& provider() const;
+ /**
+ * Get Client identifier.
+ *
+ * @return Client Identifier
+ */
+ client_id id() const { return id_; }
+ /**
+ * Get Client mode.
+ *
+ * @todo Enforce mutex protection if called from other threads.
+ *
+ * @return Client mode.
+ */
+ enum mode mode() const { return mode_; }
+ /**
+ * Get Client state.
+ *
+ * @todo Enforce mutex protection if called from other threads.
+ *
+ * @return Client state
+ */
+ enum state state() const { return state_; }
+ /**
+ * Return a const reference to the transaction associated
+ * with the client state.
+ */
+ const wsrep::transaction& transaction() const
+ {
+ return transaction_;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Mark the transaction associated with the client state
+ * (if any), as unsafe for parallel applying
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on error.
+ */
+ int mark_transaction_pa_unsafe()
+ {
+ if (
+ {
+ transaction_.pa_unsafe(true);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& toi_meta() const
+ {
+ return toi_meta_;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Do sync wait operation. If the method fails, current_error()
+ * can be inspected about the reason of error.
+ *
+ * @param Sync wait timeout in seconds.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on error.
+ */
+ int sync_wait(int timeout);
+ /**
+ * Return the current sync wait GTID.
+ *
+ * Sync wait GTID is updated on each sync_wait() call and
+ * reset to wsrep::gtid::undefined() in after_command_after_result()
+ * method. The variable can thus be used to check if a sync wait
+ * has been performend for the current client command.
+ */
+ const wsrep::gtid& sync_wait_gtid() const
+ {
+ return sync_wait_gtid_;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the last written GTID.
+ */
+ const wsrep::gtid& last_written_gtid() const
+ {
+ return last_written_gtid_;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set debug logging level.
+ *
+ * Levels:
+ * 0 - Debug logging is disabled
+ * 1..n - Debug logging with increasing verbosity.
+ */
+ void debug_log_level(int level) { debug_log_level_ = level; }
+ /**
+ * Return current debug logging level. The return value
+ * is a maximum of client state and server state debug log
+ * levels.
+ *
+ * @return Current debug log level.
+ */
+ int debug_log_level() const
+ {
+ return std::max(debug_log_level_,
+ wsrep::log::debug_log_level());
+ }
+ //
+ // Error handling
+ //
+ /**
+ * Reset the current error state.
+ *
+ * @todo There should be some protection about when this can
+ * be done.
+ */
+ void reset_error()
+ {
+ current_error_ = wsrep::e_success;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return current error code.
+ *
+ * @return Current error code.
+ */
+ enum wsrep::client_error current_error() const
+ {
+ return current_error_;
+ }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status current_error_status() const
+ {
+ return current_error_status_;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return true if rollbacker is active. The caller should
+ * hold the mutex protecting client_state.
+ */
+ bool is_rollbacker_active()
+ {
+ return rollbacker_active_;
+ }
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Client context constuctor. This is protected so that it
+ * can be called from derived class constructors only.
+ */
+ client_state(wsrep::mutex& mutex,
+ wsrep::condition_variable& cond,
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state,
+ wsrep::client_service& client_service,
+ const client_id& id,
+ enum mode mode)
+ : owning_thread_id_(wsrep::this_thread::get_id())
+ , rollbacker_active_(false)
+ , mutex_(mutex)
+ , cond_(cond)
+ , server_state_(server_state)
+ , client_service_(client_service)
+ , id_(id)
+ , mode_(mode)
+ , toi_mode_(m_undefined)
+ , state_(s_none)
+ , state_hist_()
+ , transaction_(*this)
+ , toi_meta_()
+ , nbo_meta_()
+ , allow_dirty_reads_()
+ , sync_wait_gtid_()
+ , last_written_gtid_()
+ , debug_log_level_(0)
+ , current_error_(wsrep::e_success)
+ , current_error_status_(wsrep::provider::success)
+ , keep_command_error_()
+ { }
+ private:
+ client_state(const client_state&);
+ client_state& operator=(client_state&);
+ friend class client_state_switch;
+ friend class high_priority_context;
+ friend class transaction;
+ void do_acquire_ownership(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock);
+ // Wait for sync rollbacker to finish, with lock. Changes state
+ // to exec.
+ void do_wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock);
+ void update_last_written_gtid(const wsrep::gtid&);
+ void debug_log_state(const char*) const;
+ void debug_log_keys(const wsrep::key_array& keys) const;
+ void state(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock, enum state state);
+ void mode(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock, enum mode mode);
+ // Override current client error status. Optionally provide
+ // an error status from the provider if the error was caused
+ // by the provider call.
+ void override_error(enum wsrep::client_error error,
+ enum wsrep::provider::status status =
+ wsrep::provider::success);
+ // Poll provider::enter_toi() until return status from provider
+ // does not indicate certification failure, timeout expires
+ // or client is interrupted.
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ poll_enter_toi(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock,
+ const wsrep::key_array& keys,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& buffer,
+ wsrep::ws_meta& meta,
+ int flags,
+ std::chrono::time_point<wsrep::clock> wait_until,
+ bool& timed_out);
+ void enter_toi_common(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ void leave_toi_common();
+ wsrep::thread::id owning_thread_id_;
+ bool rollbacker_active_;
+ wsrep::mutex& mutex_;
+ wsrep::condition_variable& cond_;
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state_;
+ wsrep::client_service& client_service_;
+ wsrep::client_id id_;
+ enum mode mode_;
+ enum mode toi_mode_;
+ enum state state_;
+ std::vector<enum state> state_hist_;
+ wsrep::transaction transaction_;
+ wsrep::ws_meta toi_meta_;
+ wsrep::ws_meta nbo_meta_;
+ bool allow_dirty_reads_;
+ wsrep::gtid sync_wait_gtid_;
+ wsrep::gtid last_written_gtid_;
+ int debug_log_level_;
+ enum wsrep::client_error current_error_;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status current_error_status_;
+ bool keep_command_error_;
+ /**
+ * Marks external rollbacker thread for the client
+ * as active. This will block client in before_command(), until
+ * rolbacker has released the client.
+ */
+ void set_rollbacker_active(bool value)
+ {
+ rollbacker_active_ = value;
+ }
+ };
+ static inline const char* to_c_string(
+ enum wsrep::client_state::state state)
+ {
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case wsrep::client_state::s_none: return "none";
+ case wsrep::client_state::s_idle: return "idle";
+ case wsrep::client_state::s_exec: return "exec";
+ case wsrep::client_state::s_result: return "result";
+ case wsrep::client_state::s_quitting: return "quit";
+ }
+ return "unknown";
+ }
+ static inline std::string to_string(enum wsrep::client_state::state state)
+ {
+ return to_c_string(state);
+ }
+ static inline const char* to_c_string(enum wsrep::client_state::mode mode)
+ {
+ switch (mode)
+ {
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_undefined: return "undefined";
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_local: return "local";
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority: return "high priority";
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_toi: return "toi";
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_rsu: return "rsu";
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_nbo: return "nbo";
+ }
+ return "unknown";
+ }
+ static inline std::string to_string(enum wsrep::client_state::mode mode)
+ {
+ return to_c_string(mode);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility class to switch the client state to high priority
+ * mode. The client is switched back to the original mode
+ * when the high priority context goes out of scope.
+ */
+ class high_priority_context
+ {
+ public:
+ high_priority_context(wsrep::client_state& client);
+ virtual ~high_priority_context();
+ private:
+ wsrep::client_state& client_;
+ enum wsrep::client_state::mode orig_mode_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/compiler.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/compiler.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f8e1ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/compiler.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file compiler.hpp
+ *
+ * Compiler specific macro definitions.
+ *
+ * WSREP_NOEXCEPT - Specifies that the method/function does not throw. If
+ * and exception is thrown inside, std::terminate is called
+ * without propagating the exception.
+ * Set to "noexcept" if the compiler supports it, otherwise
+ * left empty.
+ * WSREP_NORETURN - Indicates that the method/function does not return.
+ * Set to attribute "[[noreturn]]" if the compiler supports,
+ * it, otherwise "__attribute__((noreturn))".
+ * WSREP_OVERRIDE - Set to "override" if the compiler supports it, otherwise
+ * left empty.
+ * WSREP_UNUSED - Can be used to mark variables which may be present in
+ * debug builds but not in release builds.
+ * WSREP_FALLTHROUGH - Silence implicit fallthrough warning.
+ */
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L && !(__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUG_MINOR__ < 8)
+#define WSREP_NORETURN [[noreturn]]
+#define WSREP_NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
+#endif // __cplusplus >= 201103L && !(__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUG_MINOR__ < 8)
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+#define WSREP_NOEXCEPT noexcept
+#define WSREP_OVERRIDE override
+#endif // __cplusplus >= 201103L
+#define WSREP_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
+#if __GNUC__ >= 7
+#define WSREP_FALLTHROUGH __attribute__((fallthrough))
+#elif defined(__clang__)
+# if defined(__has_warning)
+# if __has_feature(cxx_attributes) && __has_warning("-Wimplicit-fallthrough")
+# define WSREP_FALLTHROUGH [[clang::fallthrough]]
+# endif
+# endif
+#else // __clang __
+#define WSREP_FALLTHROUGH ((void)0)
+#endif // __GNUC__ >= 7 || (__clang__ && __clang_major__ >= 10)
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/condition_variable.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/condition_variable.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0912f0e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/condition_variable.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "compiler.hpp"
+#include "lock.hpp"
+#include <cstdlib>
+namespace wsrep
+ class condition_variable
+ {
+ public:
+ condition_variable() { }
+ virtual ~condition_variable() { }
+ virtual void notify_one() = 0;
+ virtual void notify_all() = 0;
+ virtual void wait(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock) = 0;
+ private:
+ condition_variable(const condition_variable&);
+ condition_variable& operator=(const condition_variable&);
+ };
+ // Default pthreads based condition variable implementation
+ class default_condition_variable : public condition_variable
+ {
+ public:
+ default_condition_variable()
+ : cond_()
+ {
+ if (pthread_cond_init(&cond_, 0))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to initialized condvar");
+ }
+ }
+ ~default_condition_variable() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ if (pthread_cond_destroy(&cond_))
+ {
+ ::abort();
+ }
+ }
+ void notify_one() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ (void)pthread_cond_signal(&cond_);
+ }
+ void notify_all() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ (void)pthread_cond_broadcast(&cond_);
+ }
+ void wait(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock) WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ if (pthread_cond_wait(
+ &cond_,
+ reinterpret_cast<pthread_mutex_t*>(lock.mutex()->native())))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Cond wait failed");
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ pthread_cond_t cond_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/encryption_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/encryption_service.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0efcde06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/encryption_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "buffer.hpp"
+namespace wsrep
+ /**
+ * Encryption service.
+ */
+ class encryption_service
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual ~encryption_service() { }
+ /**
+ * Encryption/decryption callback. Can be NULL for no encryption.
+ *
+ * @param ctx Encryption context
+ * @param key Key used in encryption/decryption
+ * @param iv IV vector
+ * @param input Input data buffer
+ * @param output An output buffer, must be at least the size of the input
+ * data plus unwritten bytes from the previous call(s).
+ * @param encrypt Flag used to either encrypt or decrypt data
+ * @param last true if this is the last buffer to encrypt/decrypt
+ *
+ * @return Number of bytes written to output or a negative error code.
+ */
+ virtual int do_crypt(void** ctx,
+ wsrep::const_buffer& key,
+ const char (*iv)[32],
+ wsrep::const_buffer& input,
+ void* output,
+ bool encrypt,
+ bool last) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Is encryption enabled on server.
+ *
+ * @return True if encryption is enabled. False otherwise
+ */
+ virtual bool encryption_enabled() = 0;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/event_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/event_service.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cc8465f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/event_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file event_service.hpp
+ *
+ * Service interface for providing events to DBMS.
+ */
+#include <string>
+namespace wsrep
+ /** @class event_service
+ *
+ * Event service interface. This provides an interface corresponding
+ * to wsrep-API event service. For details see
+ * wsrep-API/wsrep_event_service.h
+ */
+ class event_service
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual ~event_service() { }
+ /**
+ * Process event with name name and value value.
+ */
+ virtual void process_event(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& value) = 0;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/exception.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/exception.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef19de9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/exception.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <cstdlib>
+namespace wsrep
+ extern bool abort_on_exception;
+ class runtime_error : public std::runtime_error
+ {
+ public:
+ runtime_error(const char* msg)
+ : std::runtime_error(msg)
+ {
+ if (abort_on_exception)
+ {
+ ::abort();
+ }
+ }
+ runtime_error(const std::string& msg)
+ : std::runtime_error(msg)
+ {
+ if (abort_on_exception)
+ {
+ ::abort();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ class not_implemented_error : public std::exception
+ {
+ public:
+ not_implemented_error()
+ : std::exception()
+ {
+ ::abort();
+ }
+ };
+ class fatal_error : public std::exception
+ {
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/gtid.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/gtid.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d49c58d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/gtid.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "id.hpp"
+#include "seqno.hpp"
+#include "compiler.hpp"
+#include <iosfwd>
+ * Minimum number of bytes guaratneed to store GTID string representation,
+ * terminating '\0' not included (36 + 1 + 20).
+ */
+namespace wsrep
+ class gtid
+ {
+ public:
+ gtid()
+ : id_()
+ , seqno_()
+ { }
+ gtid(const wsrep::id& id, wsrep::seqno seqno)
+ : id_(id)
+ , seqno_(seqno)
+ { }
+ const wsrep::id& id() const { return id_; }
+ wsrep::seqno seqno() const { return seqno_ ; }
+ bool is_undefined() const
+ {
+ return (seqno_.is_undefined() && id_.is_undefined());
+ }
+ static const wsrep::gtid& undefined()
+ {
+ return undefined_;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const gtid& other) const
+ {
+ return (
+ seqno_ == other.seqno_ &&
+ id_ == other.id_
+ );
+ }
+ private:
+ static const wsrep::gtid undefined_;
+ wsrep::id id_;
+ wsrep::seqno seqno_;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Scan a GTID from C string.
+ *
+ * @param buf Buffer containing the string
+ * @param len Length of buffer
+ * @param[out] gtid Gtid to be printed to
+ *
+ * @return Number of bytes scanned, negative value on error.
+ */
+ ssize_t scan_from_c_str(const char* buf, size_t buf_len,
+ wsrep::gtid& gtid);
+ /*
+ * Deprecated version of the above for backwards compatibility.
+ * Will be removed when all the superprojects have been updated.
+ */
+ static inline ssize_t gtid_scan_from_c_str(const char* buf, size_t buf_len,
+ wsrep::gtid& gtid)
+ {
+ return scan_from_c_str(buf, buf_len, gtid);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Print a GTID into character buffer.
+ *
+ * @param gtid GTID to be printed.
+ * @param buf Pointer to the beginning of the buffer
+ * @param buf_len Buffer length
+ *
+ * @return Number of characters printed or negative value for error
+ */
+ ssize_t print_to_c_str(const wsrep::gtid& gtid, char* buf, size_t buf_len);
+ /*
+ * Deprecated version of the above for backwards compatibility.
+ * Will be removed when all the superprojects have been updated.
+ */
+ static inline ssize_t gtid_print_to_c_str(const wsrep::gtid& gtid,
+ char* buf, size_t buf_len)
+ {
+ return print_to_c_str(gtid, buf, buf_len);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return minimum number of chars required to store any GTID.
+ */
+ static inline size_t gtid_c_str_len() { return WSREP_LIB_GTID_C_STR_LEN; }
+ /**
+ * Overload for ostream operator<<.
+ */
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const wsrep::gtid&);
+ /**
+ * Overload for istream operator>>.
+ */
+ std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, wsrep::gtid&);
+#endif // WSREP_GTID_HPP
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/high_priority_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/high_priority_service.hpp
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index 00000000..79b9f09f
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/high_priority_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file high_priority_service.hpp
+ *
+ * Interface for services for applying high priority transactions.
+ */
+#include "server_state.hpp"
+namespace wsrep
+ class xid;
+ class ws_handle;
+ class ws_meta;
+ class const_buffer;
+ class transaction;
+ class high_priority_service
+ {
+ public:
+ high_priority_service(wsrep::server_state& server_state)
+ : server_state_(server_state)
+ , must_exit_() { }
+ virtual ~high_priority_service() { }
+ int apply(const ws_handle& ws_handle, const ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const const_buffer& data)
+ {
+ return server_state_.on_apply(*this, ws_handle, ws_meta, data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start a new transaction
+ */
+ virtual int start_transaction(const wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Start the next fragment of current transaction
+ */
+ virtual int next_fragment(const wsrep::ws_meta&) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Return transaction object associated to high priority
+ * service state.
+ */
+ virtual const wsrep::transaction& transaction() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Adopt a transaction.
+ */
+ virtual int adopt_transaction(const wsrep::transaction&) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Apply a write set.
+ *
+ * A write set applying happens always
+ * as a part of the transaction. The caller must start a
+ * new transaction before applying a write set and must
+ * either commit to make changes persistent or roll back.
+ *
+ * @params ws_meta Write set meta data
+ * @params ws Write set buffer
+ * @params err Buffer to store error data
+ */
+ virtual int apply_write_set(const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& ws,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer& err) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Append a fragment into fragment storage. This will be
+ * called after a non-committing fragment belonging to
+ * streaming transaction has been applied. The call will
+ * not be done within an open transaction, the implementation
+ * must start a new transaction and commit.
+ *
+ * Note that the call is not done from streaming transaction
+ * context, but from applier context.
+ */
+ virtual int append_fragment_and_commit(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& data,
+ const wsrep::xid& xid) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Remove fragments belonging to streaming transaction.
+ * This method will be called within the streaming transaction
+ * before commit. The implementation must not commit the
+ * whole transaction. The call will be done from streaming
+ * transaction context.
+ *
+ * @param ws_meta Write set meta data for commit fragment.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on failure.
+ */
+ virtual int remove_fragments(const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Commit a transaction.
+ * An implementation must call
+ * wsrep::client_state::prepare_for_ordering() to set
+ * the ws_handle and ws_meta before the commit if the
+ * commit process will go through client state commit
+ * processing. Otherwise the implementation must release
+ * commit order explicitly via provider.
+ *
+ * @param ws_handle Write set handle
+ * @param ws_meta Write set meta
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero in case of failure
+ */
+ virtual int commit(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Roll back a transaction
+ *
+ * An implementation must call
+ * wsrep::client_state::prepare_for_ordering() to set
+ * the ws_handle and ws_meta before the rollback if
+ * the rollback process will go through client state
+ * rollback processing. Otherwise the implementation
+ * must release commit order explicitly via provider.
+ *
+ * @param ws_handle Write set handle
+ * @param ws_meta Write set meta
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero in case of failure
+ */
+ virtual int rollback(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Apply a TOI operation.
+ *
+ * TOI operation is a standalone operation and should not
+ * be executed as a part of a transaction.
+ *
+ * @params ws_meta Write set meta data
+ * @params ws Write set buffer
+ * @params err Buffer to store error data
+ */
+ virtual int apply_toi(const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& ws,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer& err) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Apply NBO begin event.
+ *
+ * The responsibility of the implementation is to start
+ * an asynchronous process which will complete the operation.
+ * The call is done under total order isolation, and the
+ * isolation is released by the caller after the method
+ * returns. It is a responsibility of the asynchronous process
+ * to complete the second phase of NBO.
+ *
+ * @param ws_meta Write set meta data.
+ * @param data Buffer containing the command to execute.
+ * @params err Buffer to store error data
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero if the asynchronous
+ * process could not be started.
+ */
+ virtual int apply_nbo_begin(const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& data,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer& err) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Actions to take after applying a write set was completed.
+ */
+ virtual void after_apply() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Store global execution context for high priority service.
+ */
+ virtual void store_globals() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Reset global execution context for high priority service.
+ */
+ virtual void reset_globals() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Switch exection context to context of orig_hps.
+ *
+ * @param orig_hps Original high priority service.
+ */
+ virtual void switch_execution_context(
+ wsrep::high_priority_service& orig_hps) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Log a dummy write set which is either SR transaction fragment
+ * or roll back fragment. The implementation must release
+ * commit order inside the call.
+ *
+ * @params ws_handle Write set handle
+ * @params ws_meta Write set meta data
+ * @params err Optional applying error data buffer, may be modified
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero on failure
+ */
+ virtual int log_dummy_write_set(const ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer& err) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Adopt (store) apply error description for further reporting
+ * to provider, source buffer may be modified.
+ */
+ virtual void adopt_apply_error(wsrep::mutable_buffer& err) = 0;
+ virtual bool is_replaying() const = 0;
+ bool must_exit() const { return must_exit_; }
+ /**
+ * Debug facility to crash the server at given point.
+ */
+ virtual void debug_crash(const char* crash_point) = 0;
+ protected:
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state_;
+ bool must_exit_;
+ };
+ class high_priority_switch
+ {
+ public:
+ high_priority_switch(high_priority_service& orig_service,
+ high_priority_service& current_service)
+ : orig_service_(orig_service)
+ , current_service_(current_service)
+ {
+ orig_service_.reset_globals();
+ current_service_.switch_execution_context(orig_service_);
+ current_service_.store_globals();
+ }
+ ~high_priority_switch()
+ {
+ current_service_.reset_globals();
+ orig_service_.store_globals();
+ }
+ private:
+ high_priority_service& orig_service_;
+ high_priority_service& current_service_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/id.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/id.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc1e82b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/id.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file id.hpp
+ *
+ * A generic identifier utility class.
+ */
+#ifndef WSREP_ID_HPP
+#define WSREP_ID_HPP
+#include "exception.hpp"
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <cstring> // std::memset()
+namespace wsrep
+ /**
+ * The idientifier class stores identifiers either in UUID
+ * format or in string format. The storage format is decided
+ * upon construction. If the given string contains a valid
+ * UUID, the storage format will be binary. Otherwise the
+ * string will be copied verbatim. If the string format is used,
+ * the maximum length of the identifier is limited to 16 bytes.
+ */
+ class id
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef struct native_type { unsigned char buf[16]; } native_type;
+ /**
+ * Default constructor. Constructs an empty identifier.
+ */
+ id() : data_() { std::memset(data_.buf, 0, sizeof(data_.buf)); }
+ /**
+ * Construct from string. The input string may contain either
+ * valid UUID or a string with maximum 16 bytes length.
+ */
+ id(const std::string&);
+ /**
+ * Construct from void pointer.
+ */
+ id (const void* data, size_t size) : data_()
+ {
+ if (size > 16)
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Too long identifier");
+ }
+ std::memset(data_.buf, 0, sizeof(data_.buf));
+ std::memcpy(data_.buf, data, size);
+ }
+ bool operator<(const id& other) const
+ {
+ return (std::memcmp(data_.buf, other.data_.buf, sizeof(data_.buf)) < 0);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const id& other) const
+ {
+ return (std::memcmp(data_.buf, other.data_.buf, sizeof(data_.buf)) == 0);
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const id& other) const
+ {
+ return !(*this == other);
+ }
+ const void* data() const { return data_.buf; }
+ size_t size() const { return sizeof(data_); }
+ bool is_undefined() const
+ {
+ return (*this == undefined());
+ }
+ static const wsrep::id& undefined()
+ {
+ return undefined_;
+ }
+ private:
+ static const wsrep::id undefined_;
+ native_type data_;
+ };
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const wsrep::id& id);
+ std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, wsrep::id& id);
+#endif // WSREP_ID_HPP
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/key.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/key.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85c266c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/key.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#ifndef WSREP_KEY_HPP
+#define WSREP_KEY_HPP
+#include "exception.hpp"
+#include "buffer.hpp"
+#include <iosfwd>
+namespace wsrep
+ /** @class key
+ *
+ * Certification key type.
+ */
+ class key
+ {
+ public:
+ enum type
+ {
+ shared,
+ reference,
+ update,
+ exclusive
+ };
+ key(enum type type)
+ : type_(type)
+ , key_parts_()
+ , key_parts_len_()
+ { }
+ /**
+ * Append key part to key.
+ *
+ * @param ptr Pointer to key part data. The caller is supposed to take
+ * care that the pointer remains valid over the lifetime
+ * if the key object.
+ * @param len Length of the key part data.
+ */
+ void append_key_part(const void* ptr, size_t len)
+ {
+ if (key_parts_len_ == 3)
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("key parts exceed maximum of 3");
+ }
+ key_parts_[key_parts_len_] = wsrep::const_buffer(ptr, len);
+ ++key_parts_len_;
+ }
+ enum type type() const
+ {
+ return type_;
+ }
+ size_t size() const
+ {
+ return key_parts_len_;
+ }
+ const wsrep::const_buffer* key_parts() const
+ {
+ return key_parts_;
+ }
+ private:
+ enum type type_;
+ wsrep::const_buffer key_parts_[3];
+ size_t key_parts_len_;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<wsrep::key> key_array;
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, enum wsrep::key::type);
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const wsrep::key&);
+#endif // WSREP_KEY_HPP
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/lock.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/lock.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6537901a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/lock.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <mutex>
+namespace wsrep
+ template <class C>
+ using unique_lock = std::unique_lock<C>;
+#endif // WSREP_LOCK_HPP
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/logger.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/logger.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a15873c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/logger.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "mutex.hpp"
+#include "lock.hpp"
+#include "atomic.hpp"
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <sstream>
+#define WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(debug_level_fn, debug_level, msg) \
+ do { \
+ if (debug_level_fn >= debug_level) wsrep::log_debug() << msg; \
+ } while (0)
+namespace wsrep
+ class log
+ {
+ public:
+ enum level
+ {
+ debug,
+ info,
+ warning,
+ error,
+ unknown
+ };
+ enum debug_level
+ {
+ debug_level_server_state = 1,
+ debug_level_transaction,
+ debug_level_streaming,
+ debug_level_client_state
+ };
+ /**
+ * Signature for user defined logger callback function.
+ *
+ * @param pfx optional internally defined prefix for the message
+ * @param msg message to log
+ */
+ typedef void (*logger_fn_type)(level l,
+ const char* pfx, const char* msg);
+ static const char* to_c_string(enum level level)
+ {
+ switch (level)
+ {
+ case debug: return "debug";
+ case info: return "info";
+ case warning: return "warning";
+ case error: return "error";
+ case unknown: break;
+ };
+ return "unknown";
+ }
+ log(enum wsrep::log::level level, const char* prefix = "L:")
+ : level_(level)
+ , prefix_(prefix)
+ , oss_()
+ { }
+ ~log()
+ {
+ if (logger_fn_)
+ {
+ logger_fn_(level_, prefix_, oss_.str().c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ os_ << prefix_ << oss_.str() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ std::ostream& operator<<(const T& val)
+ {
+ return (oss_ << val);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set user defined logger callback function.
+ */
+ static void logger_fn(logger_fn_type);
+ /**
+ * Set debug log level from client
+ */
+ static void debug_log_level(int debug_level);
+ /**
+ * Get current debug log level
+ */
+ static int debug_log_level();
+ private:
+ log(const log&);
+ log& operator=(const log&);
+ enum level level_;
+ const char* prefix_;
+ std::ostringstream oss_;
+ static wsrep::mutex& mutex_;
+ static std::ostream& os_;
+ static logger_fn_type logger_fn_;
+ static std::atomic_int debug_log_level_;
+ };
+ class log_error : public log
+ {
+ public:
+ log_error()
+ : log(error) { }
+ };
+ class log_warning : public log
+ {
+ public:
+ log_warning()
+ : log(warning) { }
+ };
+ class log_info : public log
+ {
+ public:
+ log_info()
+ : log(info) { }
+ };
+ class log_debug : public log
+ {
+ public:
+ log_debug()
+ : log(debug) { }
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/mutex.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/mutex.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19497877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/mutex.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "compiler.hpp"
+#include "exception.hpp"
+#include <pthread.h>
+namespace wsrep
+ /**
+ * Mutex interface.
+ */
+ class mutex
+ {
+ public:
+ mutex() { }
+ virtual ~mutex() { }
+ virtual void lock() = 0;
+ virtual void unlock() = 0;
+ /* Return native handle */
+ virtual void* native() = 0;
+ private:
+ mutex(const mutex& other);
+ mutex& operator=(const mutex& other);
+ };
+ // Default pthread implementation
+ class default_mutex : public wsrep::mutex
+ {
+ public:
+ default_mutex()
+ : wsrep::mutex(),
+ mutex_()
+ {
+ if (pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_, 0))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("mutex init failed");
+ }
+ }
+ ~default_mutex() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ if (pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex_)) ::abort();
+ }
+ void lock() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("mutex lock failed");
+ }
+ }
+ void unlock() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("mutex unlock failed");
+ }
+ }
+ void* native() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ return &mutex_;
+ }
+ private:
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex_;
+ };
+#endif // WSREP_MUTEX_HPP
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/provider.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/provider.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c00e9ed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/provider.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "gtid.hpp"
+#include "key.hpp"
+#include "buffer.hpp"
+#include "client_id.hpp"
+#include "transaction_id.hpp"
+#include "compiler.hpp"
+#include <cstring>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <ostream>
+ * Empty provider magic. If none provider is passed to make_provider(),
+ * a dummy provider is loaded.
+ */
+namespace wsrep
+ class server_state;
+ class high_priority_service;
+ class thread_service;
+ class tls_service;
+ class allowlist_service;
+ class event_service;
+ class stid
+ {
+ public:
+ stid()
+ : server_id_()
+ , transaction_id_()
+ , client_id_()
+ { }
+ stid(const wsrep::id& server_id,
+ wsrep::transaction_id transaction_id,
+ wsrep::client_id client_id)
+ : server_id_(server_id)
+ , transaction_id_(transaction_id)
+ , client_id_(client_id)
+ { }
+ const wsrep::id& server_id() const { return server_id_; }
+ wsrep::transaction_id transaction_id() const
+ { return transaction_id_; }
+ wsrep::client_id client_id() const { return client_id_; }
+ bool operator==(const stid& other) const
+ {
+ return (
+ server_id_ == other.server_id_ &&
+ transaction_id_ == other.transaction_id_ &&
+ client_id_ == other.client_id_
+ );
+ }
+ private:
+ wsrep::id server_id_;
+ wsrep::transaction_id transaction_id_;
+ wsrep::client_id client_id_;
+ };
+ class ws_handle
+ {
+ public:
+ ws_handle()
+ : transaction_id_()
+ , opaque_()
+ { }
+ ws_handle(wsrep::transaction_id id)
+ : transaction_id_(id)
+ , opaque_()
+ { }
+ ws_handle(wsrep::transaction_id id,
+ void* opaque)
+ : transaction_id_(id)
+ , opaque_(opaque)
+ { }
+ wsrep::transaction_id transaction_id() const
+ { return transaction_id_; }
+ void* opaque() const { return opaque_; }
+ bool operator==(const ws_handle& other) const
+ {
+ return (
+ transaction_id_ == other.transaction_id_ &&
+ opaque_ == other.opaque_
+ );
+ }
+ private:
+ wsrep::transaction_id transaction_id_;
+ void* opaque_;
+ };
+ class ws_meta
+ {
+ public:
+ ws_meta()
+ : gtid_()
+ , stid_()
+ , depends_on_()
+ , flags_()
+ { }
+ ws_meta(const wsrep::gtid& gtid,
+ const wsrep::stid& stid,
+ wsrep::seqno depends_on,
+ int flags)
+ : gtid_(gtid)
+ , stid_(stid)
+ , depends_on_(depends_on)
+ , flags_(flags)
+ { }
+ ws_meta(const wsrep::stid& stid)
+ : gtid_()
+ , stid_(stid)
+ , depends_on_()
+ , flags_()
+ { }
+ const wsrep::gtid& gtid() const { return gtid_; }
+ const wsrep::id& group_id() const
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ wsrep::seqno seqno() const
+ {
+ return gtid_.seqno();
+ }
+ const wsrep::id& server_id() const
+ {
+ return stid_.server_id();
+ }
+ wsrep::client_id client_id() const
+ {
+ return stid_.client_id();
+ }
+ wsrep::transaction_id transaction_id() const
+ {
+ return stid_.transaction_id();
+ }
+ bool ordered() const { return !gtid_.is_undefined(); }
+ wsrep::seqno depends_on() const { return depends_on_; }
+ int flags() const { return flags_; }
+ bool operator==(const ws_meta& other) const
+ {
+ return (
+ gtid_ == other.gtid_ &&
+ stid_ == other.stid_ &&
+ depends_on_ == other.depends_on_ &&
+ flags_ == other.flags_
+ );
+ }
+ private:
+ wsrep::gtid gtid_;
+ wsrep::stid stid_;
+ wsrep::seqno depends_on_;
+ int flags_;
+ };
+ std::string flags_to_string(int flags);
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta);
+ // Abstract interface for provider implementations
+ class provider
+ {
+ public:
+ class status_variable
+ {
+ public:
+ status_variable(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& value)
+ : name_(name)
+ , value_(value)
+ { }
+ const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
+ const std::string& value() const { return value_; }
+ private:
+ std::string name_;
+ std::string value_;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Return value enumeration
+ *
+ * @todo Convert this to struct ec, get rid of prefixes.
+ */
+ enum status
+ {
+ /** Success */
+ success,
+ /** Warning*/
+ error_warning,
+ /** Transaction was not found from provider */
+ error_transaction_missing,
+ /** Certification failed */
+ error_certification_failed,
+ /** Transaction was BF aborted */
+ error_bf_abort,
+ /** Transaction size exceeded */
+ error_size_exceeded,
+ /** Connectivity to cluster lost */
+ error_connection_failed,
+ /** Internal provider failure or provider was closed,
+ provider must be reinitialized */
+ error_provider_failed,
+ /** Fatal error, server must abort */
+ error_fatal,
+ /** Requested functionality is not implemented by the provider */
+ error_not_implemented,
+ /** Operation is not allowed */
+ error_not_allowed,
+ /** Unknown error code from the provider */
+ error_unknown
+ };
+ static std::string to_string(enum status);
+ struct flag
+ {
+ static const int start_transaction = (1 << 0);
+ static const int commit = (1 << 1);
+ static const int rollback = (1 << 2);
+ static const int isolation = (1 << 3);
+ static const int pa_unsafe = (1 << 4);
+ static const int commutative = (1 << 5);
+ static const int native = (1 << 6);
+ static const int prepare = (1 << 7);
+ static const int snapshot = (1 << 8);
+ static const int implicit_deps = (1 << 9);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Provider capabilities.
+ */
+ struct capability
+ {
+ static const int multi_master = (1 << 0);
+ static const int certification = (1 << 1);
+ static const int parallel_applying = (1 << 2);
+ static const int transaction_replay = (1 << 3);
+ static const int isolation = (1 << 4);
+ static const int pause = (1 << 5);
+ static const int causal_reads = (1 << 6);
+ static const int causal_transaction = (1 << 7);
+ static const int incremental_writeset = (1 << 8);
+ static const int session_locks = (1 << 9);
+ static const int distributed_locks = (1 << 10);
+ static const int consistency_check = (1 << 11);
+ static const int unordered = (1 << 12);
+ static const int annotation = (1 << 13);
+ static const int preordered = (1 << 14);
+ static const int streaming = (1 << 15);
+ static const int snapshot = (1 << 16);
+ static const int nbo = (1 << 17);
+ /** decipher capability bitmask */
+ static std::string str(int);
+ };
+ provider(wsrep::server_state& server_state)
+ : server_state_(server_state)
+ { }
+ virtual ~provider() { }
+ // Provider state management
+ virtual enum status connect(const std::string& cluster_name,
+ const std::string& cluster_url,
+ const std::string& state_donor,
+ bool bootstrap) = 0;
+ virtual int disconnect() = 0;
+ virtual int capabilities() const = 0;
+ virtual int desync() = 0;
+ virtual int resync() = 0;
+ virtual wsrep::seqno pause() = 0;
+ virtual int resume() = 0;
+ // Applier interface
+ virtual enum status run_applier(wsrep::high_priority_service*
+ applier_ctx) = 0;
+ // Write set replication
+ // TODO: Rename to assing_read_view()
+ virtual int start_transaction(wsrep::ws_handle&) = 0;
+ virtual enum status assign_read_view(
+ wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::gtid*) = 0;
+ virtual int append_key(wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::key&) = 0;
+ virtual enum status append_data(
+ wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::const_buffer&) = 0;
+ virtual enum status
+ certify(wsrep::client_id, wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ int,
+ wsrep::ws_meta&) = 0;
+ /**
+ * BF abort a transaction inside provider.
+ *
+ * @param[in] bf_seqno Seqno of the aborter transaction
+ * @param[in] victim_txt Transaction identifier of the victim
+ * @param[out] victim_seqno Sequence number of the victim transaction
+ * or WSREP_SEQNO_UNDEFINED if the victim was not ordered
+ *
+ * @return wsrep_status_t
+ */
+ virtual enum status bf_abort(wsrep::seqno bf_seqno,
+ wsrep::transaction_id victim_trx,
+ wsrep::seqno& victim_seqno) = 0;
+ virtual enum status rollback(wsrep::transaction_id) = 0;
+ virtual enum status commit_order_enter(const wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&) = 0;
+ virtual int commit_order_leave(const wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ const wsrep::mutable_buffer& err) = 0;
+ virtual int release(wsrep::ws_handle&) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Replay a transaction.
+ *
+ * @todo Inspect if the ws_handle could be made const
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero on failure.
+ */
+ virtual enum status replay(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* applier_ctx) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Enter total order isolation critical section
+ */
+ virtual enum status enter_toi(wsrep::client_id,
+ const wsrep::key_array& keys,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& buffer,
+ wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ int flags) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Leave total order isolation critical section
+ */
+ virtual enum status leave_toi(wsrep::client_id,
+ const wsrep::mutable_buffer& err) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Perform a causal read on cluster.
+ *
+ * @param timeout Timeout in seconds
+ *
+ * @return Provider status indicating the result of the call.
+ */
+ virtual std::pair<wsrep::gtid, enum status>
+ causal_read(int timeout) const = 0;
+ virtual enum status wait_for_gtid(const wsrep::gtid&, int timeout) const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Return last committed GTID.
+ */
+ virtual wsrep::gtid last_committed_gtid() const = 0;
+ virtual enum status sst_sent(const wsrep::gtid&, int) = 0;
+ virtual enum status sst_received(const wsrep::gtid&, int) = 0;
+ virtual enum status enc_set_key(const wsrep::const_buffer& key) = 0;
+ virtual std::vector<status_variable> status() const = 0;
+ virtual void reset_status() = 0;
+ virtual std::string options() const = 0;
+ virtual enum status options(const std::string&) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get provider name.
+ *
+ * @return Provider name string.
+ */
+ virtual std::string name() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get provider version.
+ *
+ * @return Provider version string.
+ */
+ virtual std::string version() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get provider vendor.
+ *
+ * @return Provider vendor string.
+ */
+ virtual std::string vendor() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Return pointer to native provider handle.
+ */
+ virtual void* native() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Services argument passed to make_provider. This struct contains
+ * optional services which are passed to the provider.
+ */
+ struct services
+ {
+ wsrep::thread_service* thread_service;
+ wsrep::tls_service* tls_service;
+ wsrep::allowlist_service* allowlist_service;
+ wsrep::event_service* event_service;
+ // some GCC and clang versions don't support C++11 default
+ // initializers fully, so we need to use explicit constructors
+ // instead:
+ //
+ //
+ services()
+ : thread_service()
+ , tls_service()
+ , allowlist_service()
+ , event_service()
+ {
+ }
+ services(wsrep::thread_service* thr,
+ wsrep::tls_service* tls,
+ wsrep::allowlist_service* all,
+ wsrep::event_service* event)
+ : thread_service(thr)
+ , tls_service(tls)
+ , allowlist_service(all)
+ , event_service(event)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Create a new provider.
+ *
+ * @param provider_spec Provider specification
+ * @param provider_options Initial options to provider
+ * @param thread_service Optional thread service implementation.
+ */
+ static provider* make_provider(wsrep::server_state&,
+ const std::string& provider_spec,
+ const std::string& provider_options,
+ const wsrep::provider::services& services
+ = wsrep::provider::services());
+ protected:
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state_;
+ };
+ static inline bool starts_transaction(int flags)
+ {
+ return (flags & wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction);
+ }
+ static inline bool commits_transaction(int flags)
+ {
+ return (flags & wsrep::provider::flag::commit);
+ }
+ static inline bool rolls_back_transaction(int flags)
+ {
+ return (flags & wsrep::provider::flag::rollback);
+ }
+ static inline bool prepares_transaction(int flags)
+ {
+ return (flags & wsrep::provider::flag::prepare);
+ }
+ static inline bool is_toi(int flags)
+ {
+ return (flags & wsrep::provider::flag::isolation);
+ }
+ static inline bool is_commutative(int flags)
+ {
+ return (flags & wsrep::provider::flag::commutative);
+ }
+ static inline bool is_native(int flags)
+ {
+ return (flags & wsrep::provider::flag::native);
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/provider_options.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/provider_options.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..022e159e
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/provider_options.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file provider_options.hpp
+ *
+ * A proxy interface to control provider configuration options.
+ */
+#include "provider.hpp"
+#include <functional>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+namespace wsrep
+ /**
+ * Proxy class for managing provider options.
+ * Options are strings by default, or flagged with corresponding
+ * provider_options::flag as either bool, integer or double.
+ */
+ class provider_options
+ {
+ public:
+ struct flag
+ {
+ static const int deprecated = (1 << 0);
+ static const int readonly = (1 << 1);
+ static const int type_bool = (1 << 2);
+ static const int type_integer = (1 << 3);
+ static const int type_double = (1 << 4);
+ };
+ static const int flag_type_mask
+ = flag::type_bool | flag::type_integer | flag::type_double;
+ class option_value
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual ~option_value() {}
+ virtual const char* as_string() const = 0;
+ virtual const void* get_ptr() const = 0;
+ };
+ class option_value_string : public option_value
+ {
+ public:
+ option_value_string(const std::string& value)
+ : value_(value)
+ {
+ }
+ ~option_value_string() WSREP_OVERRIDE {}
+ const char* as_string() const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ return value_.c_str();
+ }
+ const void* get_ptr() const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ return value_.c_str();
+ }
+ private:
+ std::string value_;
+ };
+ class option_value_bool : public option_value
+ {
+ public:
+ option_value_bool(bool value)
+ : value_(value)
+ {
+ }
+ ~option_value_bool() WSREP_OVERRIDE {}
+ const char* as_string() const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ if (value_)
+ {
+ return "yes";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return "no";
+ }
+ }
+ const void* get_ptr() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return &value_; }
+ private:
+ bool value_;
+ };
+ class option_value_int : public option_value
+ {
+ public:
+ option_value_int(int64_t value)
+ : value_(value)
+ , value_str_(std::to_string(value))
+ {
+ }
+ ~option_value_int() WSREP_OVERRIDE {}
+ const char* as_string() const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ return value_str_.c_str();
+ }
+ const void* get_ptr() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return &value_; }
+ private:
+ int64_t value_;
+ std::string value_str_;
+ };
+ class option_value_double : public option_value
+ {
+ public:
+ option_value_double(double value)
+ : value_(value)
+ , value_str_(std::to_string(value))
+ {
+ }
+ ~option_value_double() WSREP_OVERRIDE {}
+ const char* as_string() const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ return value_str_.c_str();
+ }
+ const void* get_ptr() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return &value_; }
+ private:
+ double value_;
+ std::string value_str_;
+ };
+ class option
+ {
+ public:
+ option();
+ /** Construct option with given values. Allocates
+ * memory. */
+ option(const std::string& name, std::unique_ptr<option_value> value,
+ std::unique_ptr<option_value> default_value, int flags);
+ /** Non copy-constructible. */
+ option(const option&) = delete;
+ /** Non copy-assignable. */
+ option& operator=(const option&) = delete;
+ option(option&&) = delete;
+ option& operator=(option&&) = delete;
+ ~option();
+ /**
+ * Get name of the option.
+ *
+ * @return Name of the option.
+ */
+ const char* name() const { return name_.c_str(); }
+ /**
+ * Get the real name of the option. This displays the
+ * option name as it is visible in provider options.
+ */
+ const char* real_name() const { return real_name_.c_str(); }
+ /**
+ * Get value of the option.
+ *
+ * @return Value of the option.
+ */
+ option_value* value() const { return value_.get(); }
+ /**
+ * Get default value of the option.
+ *
+ * @return Default value of the option.
+ */
+ option_value* default_value() const { return default_value_.get(); }
+ /**
+ * Get flags of the option
+ *
+ * @return Flag of the option
+ */
+ int flags() const { return flags_; }
+ /**
+ * Update the value of the option with new_value. The old
+ * value is freed.
+ */
+ void update_value(std::unique_ptr<option_value> new_value);
+ private:
+ /** Sanitized name with dots replaced with underscores */
+ std::string name_;
+ /** Real name in provider */
+ std::string real_name_;
+ std::unique_ptr<option_value> value_;
+ std::unique_ptr<option_value> default_value_;
+ int flags_;
+ };
+ provider_options(wsrep::provider&);
+ provider_options(const provider_options&) = delete;
+ provider_options& operator=(const provider_options&) = delete;
+ /**
+ * Set initial options. This should be used to initialize
+ * provider options after the provider has been loaded.
+ * Individual options should be accessed through set()/get().
+ *
+ * @return Provider status code.
+ */
+ enum wsrep::provider::status initial_options();
+ /**
+ * Get the option with the given name
+ *
+ * @param name Name of the option to retrieve
+ */
+ const option* get_option(const std::string& name) const;
+ /**
+ * Set a value for the option.
+ *
+ * @return Wsrep provider status code.
+ * @return wsrep::provider::error_size_exceeded if memory could
+ * not be allocated for the new value.
+ */
+ enum wsrep::provider::status set(const std::string& name,
+ std::unique_ptr<option_value> value);
+ /**
+ * Create a new option with default value.
+ */
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ set_default(const std::string& name,
+ std::unique_ptr<option_value> value,
+ std::unique_ptr<option_value> default_value, int flags);
+ void for_each(const std::function<void(option*)>& fn);
+ private:
+ provider& provider_;
+ using options_map = std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<option>>;
+ options_map options_;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Equality operator for provider option. Returns true if
+ * the name part is equal.
+ */
+ bool operator==(const wsrep::provider_options::option&,
+ const wsrep::provider_options::option&);
+} // namespace wsrep
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/reporter.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/reporter.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e8c7000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/reporter.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file info.hpp
+ *
+ * Interface to report application status to external programs
+ * via JSON file.
+ */
+#include "mutex.hpp"
+#include "server_state.hpp"
+#include <string>
+#include <deque>
+namespace wsrep
+ class reporter
+ {
+ public:
+ reporter(mutex& mutex,
+ const std::string& file_name,
+ size_t max_msg);
+ virtual ~reporter();
+ void report_state(enum server_state::state state);
+ /**
+ * Report progres in the form of a JSON string (all values integers):
+ * {
+ * "from": FROM, // from wsrep API state number
+ * "to": TO, // to wsrep API state number
+ * "total": TOTAL, // total work to do
+ * "done": DONE, // work already done
+ * "indefinite": INDEFINITE // indefinite value of work constant
+ * }
+ */
+ void report_progress(const std::string& json);
+ /**
+ * Report provider event.
+ * {
+ * "status": "Status string",
+ * "message": "Message from the provider"
+ * }
+ */
+ void report_event(const std::string& json);
+ enum log_level
+ {
+ error,
+ warning
+ };
+ // undefined timestamp value
+ static double constexpr undefined = 0.0;
+ void report_log_msg(log_level, const std::string& msg,
+ double timestamp = undefined);
+ private:
+ enum substates {
+ s_disconnected_disconnected,
+ s_disconnected_initializing,
+ s_disconnected_initialized,
+ s_connected_waiting, // to become joiner
+ s_joining_initialized,
+ s_joining_sst,
+ s_joining_initializing,
+ s_joining_ist,
+ s_joined_syncing,
+ s_synced_running,
+ s_donor_sending,
+ s_disconnecting_disconnecting,
+ substates_max
+ };
+ wsrep::mutex& mutex_;
+ std::string const file_name_;
+ std::string progress_;
+ char* template_;
+ substates state_;
+ bool initialized_;
+ typedef struct {
+ double tstamp;
+ std::string msg;
+ } log_msg;
+ std::deque<log_msg> err_msg_;
+ std::deque<log_msg> warn_msg_;
+ std::deque<log_msg> events_;
+ size_t const max_msg_;
+ static void write_log_msg(std::ostream& os,
+ const log_msg& msg);
+ static void write_event(std::ostream& os,
+ const log_msg& msg);
+ static void write_array(std::ostream& os, const std::string& label,
+ const std::deque<log_msg>& events,
+ void (*element_writer)(std::ostream& os,
+ const log_msg& msg));
+ substates substate_map(enum server_state::state state);
+ float progress_map(float progress) const;
+ void write_file(double timestamp);
+ // make uncopyable
+ reporter(const wsrep::reporter&);
+ void operator=(const wsrep::reporter&);
+ }; /* reporter */
+} /* wsrep */
+#endif /* WSREP_REPORTER_HPP */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/seqno.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/seqno.hpp
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index 00000000..9d8cedbc
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/seqno.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <iosfwd>
+namespace wsrep
+ /** @class seqno
+ *
+ * Sequence number type.
+ */
+ class seqno
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef long long native_type;
+ seqno()
+ : seqno_(-1)
+ { }
+ explicit seqno(long long seqno)
+ : seqno_(seqno)
+ { }
+ long long get() const
+ {
+ return seqno_;
+ }
+ bool is_undefined() const
+ {
+ return (seqno_ == -1);
+ }
+ bool operator<(seqno other) const
+ {
+ return (seqno_ < other.seqno_);
+ }
+ bool operator>(seqno other) const
+ {
+ return (seqno_ > other.seqno_);
+ }
+ bool operator<=(seqno other) const
+ {
+ return !(seqno_ > other.seqno_);
+ }
+ bool operator>=(seqno other) const
+ {
+ return !(seqno_ < other.seqno_);
+ }
+ bool operator==(seqno other) const
+ {
+ return (seqno_ == other.seqno_);
+ }
+ bool operator!=(seqno other) const
+ {
+ return !(seqno_ == other.seqno_);
+ }
+ seqno operator+(seqno other) const
+ {
+ return (seqno(seqno_ + other.seqno_));
+ }
+ seqno operator+(long long other) const
+ {
+ return (*this + seqno(other));
+ }
+ static seqno undefined() { return seqno(-1); }
+ private:
+ native_type seqno_;
+ };
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, wsrep::seqno seqno);
+#endif // WSREP_SEQNO_HPP
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/server_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/server_service.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7701bc63
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/server_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file server_service.hpp
+ *
+ * An abstract interface for a DBMS server services.
+ * The interface will define methods which will be called from
+ * the wsrep-lib.
+ */
+#include "logger.hpp"
+#include "server_state.hpp"
+#include <string>
+namespace wsrep
+ class client_service;
+ class storage_service;
+ class high_priority_service;
+ class ws_meta;
+ class gtid;
+ class view;
+ class server_service
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual ~server_service() { }
+ virtual wsrep::storage_service* storage_service(
+ wsrep::client_service&) = 0;
+ virtual wsrep::storage_service* storage_service(
+ wsrep::high_priority_service&) = 0;
+ virtual void release_storage_service(wsrep::storage_service*) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Create an applier state for streaming transaction applying.
+ *
+ * @param orig_cs Reference to client service which is
+ * requesting a new streaming applier service
+ * instance.
+ *
+ * @return Pointer to streaming applier client state.
+ */
+ virtual wsrep::high_priority_service*
+ streaming_applier_service(wsrep::client_service& orig_cs) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Create an applier state for streaming transaction applying.
+ *
+ * @param orig_hps Reference to high priority service which is
+ * requesting a new streaming applier service
+ * instance.
+ *
+ * @return Pointer to streaming applier client state.
+ */
+ virtual wsrep::high_priority_service*
+ streaming_applier_service(wsrep::high_priority_service& orig_hps) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Release a client state allocated by either local_client_state()
+ * or streaming_applier_client_state().
+ */
+ virtual void release_high_priority_service(
+ wsrep::high_priority_service*) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Perform a background rollback for a transaction.
+ *
+ * @param lock Lock protecting client state.
+ * @param client_state Client session to do background rollback
+ * for.
+ */
+ virtual void background_rollback(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock,
+ wsrep::client_state& client_state)
+ = 0;
+ /**
+ * Bootstrap a DBMS state for a new cluster.
+ *
+ * This method is called by the wsrep lib after the
+ * new cluster is bootstrapped and the server has reached
+ * initialized state. From this call the DBMS should initialize
+ * environment for the new cluster.
+ */
+ virtual void bootstrap() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Log message
+ *
+ * @param level Requested logging level
+ * @param message Message
+ */
+ virtual void log_message(enum wsrep::log::level level,
+ const char* message) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Log a dummy write set. A dummy write set is usually either
+ * a remotely generated write set which failed certification in
+ * provider and had a GTID assigned or a streaming replication
+ * rollback write set. If the DBMS implements logging for
+ * applied transactions, logging dummy write sets which do not
+ * commit any transaction is neeeded to keep the GTID sequence
+ * continuous in the server.
+ */
+ virtual void log_dummy_write_set(wsrep::client_state& client_state,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Log a cluster view change event. The method takes
+ * as an argument a pointer to high priority service associated
+ * to an applier thread if one is available.
+ *
+ * @param high_priority_service Pointer to high priority service
+ * @param view Reference to view object
+ */
+ virtual void log_view(
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* high_priority_service,
+ const wsrep::view& view) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Recover streaming appliers from the streaming log.
+ * The implementation must scan through log of stored streaming
+ * fragments and reconstruct the streaming applier service
+ * objects.
+ *
+ * This is overload for calls which are done from client context,
+ * e.g. after SST has been received.
+ *
+ * @param client_service Reference to client service object
+ */
+ virtual void recover_streaming_appliers(
+ wsrep::client_service& client_service) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Recover streaming appliers from the streaming log.
+ * The implementation must scan through log of stored streaming
+ * fragments and reconstruct the streaming applier service
+ * objects.
+ *
+ * This is overload for calls which are done from high priority
+ * context, e.g. when handling cluster view change events.
+ *
+ * @param high_priority_service Reference to high priority service
+ * object.
+ */
+ virtual void recover_streaming_appliers(
+ wsrep::high_priority_service& high_priority_service) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Recover a cluster view change event.
+ * The method takes own node ID.
+ *
+ * @param client_service Reference to client_service
+ * @param own_id this node ID obtained on connection to cluster
+ */
+ virtual wsrep::view get_view(
+ wsrep::client_service& client_service,
+ const wsrep::id& own_id) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get the current replication position from the server
+ * storage.
+ *
+ * @param client_service Reference to client_service
+ *
+ * @return Current position GTID.
+ */
+ virtual wsrep::gtid get_position(
+ wsrep::client_service& client_service) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Set the current replication position of the server
+ * storage.
+ *
+ * @param client_service Reference to client_service
+ * @param gtid Reference to position to be set
+ */
+ virtual void set_position(
+ wsrep::client_service& client_service,
+ const wsrep::gtid& gtid) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Log a state change event.
+ *
+ * Note that this method may be called with server_state
+ * mutex locked, so calling server_state public methods
+ * should be avoided from within this call.
+ *
+ * @param prev_state Previous state server was in
+ * @param current_state Current state
+ */
+ virtual void log_state_change(
+ enum wsrep::server_state::state prev_state,
+ enum wsrep::server_state::state current_state) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Determine if the configured SST method requires SST to be
+ * performed before DBMS storage engine initialization.
+ *
+ * @return True if the SST must happen before storage engine init,
+ * otherwise false.
+ */
+ virtual bool sst_before_init() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Return SST request which provides the donor server enough
+ * information how to donate the snapshot.
+ *
+ * @return A string containing a SST request.
+ */
+ virtual std::string sst_request() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Start a SST process.
+ *
+ * @param sst_request A string containing the SST request from
+ * the joiner
+ * @param gtid A GTID denoting the current replication position
+ * @param bypass Boolean bypass flag.
+ *
+ * @return Zero if the SST transfer was successfully started,
+ * non-zero otherwise.
+ */
+ virtual int start_sst(const std::string& sst_request,
+ const wsrep::gtid& gtid,
+ bool bypass) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Wait until committing transactions have completed.
+ * Prior calling this method the server should have been
+ * desynced from the group to disallow further transactions
+ * to start committing.
+ */
+ virtual int wait_committing_transactions(int timeout) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Provide a server level debug sync point for a caller.
+ */
+ virtual void debug_sync(const char* sync_point) = 0;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/server_state.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/server_state.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b280b55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/server_state.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file server_state.hpp
+ *
+ * Server State Abstraction
+ * ==========================
+ *
+ * This file defines an interface for WSREP Server State.
+ * The Server State will encapsulate server identification,
+ * server state and server capabilities. The class also
+ * defines an interface for manipulating server state, applying
+ * of remote transaction write sets, processing SST requests,
+ * creating local client connections for local storage access
+ * operations.
+ *
+ * Concepts
+ * ========
+ *
+ * State Snapshot Transfer
+ * -----------------------
+ *
+ * Depending on SST type (physical or logical), the server storage
+ * engine initialization must be done before or after SST happens.
+ * In case of physical SST method (typically rsync, filesystem snapshot)
+ * the SST happens before the storage engine is initialized, in case
+ * of logical backup typically after the storage engine initialization.
+ *
+ * Rollback Mode
+ * -------------
+ *
+ * When High Priority Transaction (HPT) write set is applied, it
+ * may be required that the HPT Brute Force Aborts (BFA) locally
+ * executing transaction. As HPT must be able to apply all its
+ * write sets without interruption, the locally executing transaction
+ * must yield immediately, otherwise a transaction processing
+ * may stop or even deadlock. Depending on DBMS implementation,
+ * the local transaction may need to be rolled back immediately
+ * (synchronous mode) or the rollback may happen later on
+ * (asynchronous mode). The Server Context implementation
+ * which derives from Server Context base class must provide
+ * the base class for the rollback mode which server operates on.
+ *
+ * ### Synchronous
+ *
+ * If the DBMS server implementation does not allow asynchronous rollback,
+ * the victim transaction must be rolled back immediately in order to
+ * allow transaction processing to proceed. Depending on DBMS process model,
+ * there may be either background thread which processes the rollback
+ * or the rollback can be done by the HTP applier.
+ *
+ * ### Asynchronous
+ *
+ * In asynchronous mode the BFA victim transaction is just marked
+ * to be aborted or in case of fully optimistic concurrency control,
+ * the conflict is detected at commit.
+ *
+ *
+ * # Return value conventions
+ *
+ * The calls which are proxies to corresponding provider functionality
+ * will return wsrep::provider::status enum as a result. Otherwise
+ * the return value is generally zero on success, non zero on failure.
+ */
+#include "mutex.hpp"
+#include "condition_variable.hpp"
+#include "id.hpp"
+#include "view.hpp"
+#include "transaction_id.hpp"
+#include "logger.hpp"
+#include "provider.hpp"
+#include "compiler.hpp"
+#include "xid.hpp"
+#include <deque>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+ * Magic string to tell provider to engage into trivial (empty)
+ * state transfer. No data will be passed, but the node shall be
+ * considered joined.
+ */
+#define WSREP_LIB_SST_TRIVIAL "trivial"
+namespace wsrep
+ // Forward declarations
+ class ws_handle;
+ class ws_meta;
+ class client_state;
+ class transaction;
+ class const_buffer;
+ class server_service;
+ class client_service;
+ class encryption_service;
+ /** @class Server Context
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ class server_state
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Server state enumeration.
+ *
+ * @todo Fix UML generation
+ *
+ * Server state diagram if initialization happens before SST.
+ *
+ * [*] --> disconnected
+ * disconnected --> initializing
+ * initializing --> initialized
+ * initialized --> connected
+ * connected --> joiner
+ * joiner --> joined
+ * joined --> synced
+ * synced --> donor
+ * donor --> joined
+ *
+ * Server state diagram if SST happens before initialization.
+ *
+ * [*] --> disconnected
+ * disconnected --> connected
+ * connected --> joiner
+ * joiner --> initializing
+ * initializing --> initialized
+ * initialized --> joined
+ * joined --> synced
+ * synced --> donor
+ * donor --> joined
+ */
+ enum state
+ {
+ /** Server is in disconnected state. */
+ s_disconnected,
+ /** Server is initializing */
+ s_initializing,
+ /** Server has been initialized */
+ s_initialized,
+ /** Server is connected to the cluster */
+ s_connected,
+ /** Server is receiving SST */
+ s_joiner,
+ /** Server has received SST successfully but has not synced
+ with rest of the cluster yet. */
+ s_joined,
+ /** Server is donating state snapshot transfer */
+ s_donor,
+ /** Server has synced with the cluster */
+ s_synced,
+ /** Server is disconnecting from group */
+ s_disconnecting
+ };
+ static const int n_states_ = s_disconnecting + 1;
+ /**
+ * Rollback Mode enumeration
+ */
+ enum rollback_mode
+ {
+ /** Asynchronous rollback mode */
+ rm_async,
+ /** Synchronous rollback mode */
+ rm_sync
+ };
+ virtual ~server_state();
+ wsrep::encryption_service* encryption_service()
+ { return encryption_service_; }
+ wsrep::server_service& server_service() { return server_service_; }
+ /**
+ * Return human readable server name.
+ *
+ * @return Human readable server name string.
+ */
+ const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
+ /**
+ * Return Server identifier.
+ *
+ * @return Server identifier.
+ */
+ const wsrep::id& id() const { return id_; }
+ const std::string& incoming_address() const
+ { return incoming_address_; }
+ /**
+ * Return server group communication address.
+ *
+ * @return Return server group communication address.
+ */
+ const std::string& address() const { return address_; }
+ /**
+ * Return working directory
+ *
+ * @return String containing path to working directory.
+ */
+ const std::string& working_dir() const { return working_dir_; }
+ /**
+ * Return initial position for server.
+ */
+ const wsrep::gtid& initial_position() const
+ { return initial_position_; }
+ /**
+ * Return maximum protocol version.
+ */
+ int max_protocol_version() const { return max_protocol_version_;}
+ /**
+ * Get the rollback mode which server is operating in.
+ *
+ * @return Rollback mode.
+ */
+ enum rollback_mode rollback_mode() const { return rollback_mode_; }
+ /**
+ * Registers a streaming client.
+ */
+ void start_streaming_client(wsrep::client_state* client_state);
+ void convert_streaming_client_to_applier(
+ wsrep::client_state* client_state);
+ void stop_streaming_client(wsrep::client_state* client_state);
+ void start_streaming_applier(
+ const wsrep::id&,
+ const wsrep::transaction_id&,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service*);
+ void stop_streaming_applier(
+ const wsrep::id&, const wsrep::transaction_id&);
+ /**
+ * Find a streaming applier matching server and transaction ids
+ */
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* find_streaming_applier(
+ const wsrep::id&,
+ const wsrep::transaction_id&) const;
+ /**
+ * Find a streaming applier matching xid
+ */
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* find_streaming_applier(
+ const wsrep::xid& xid) const;
+ /**
+ * Queue a rollback fragment the transaction with given id
+ */
+ void queue_rollback_event(const wsrep::transaction_id& id);
+ /**
+ * Send rollback fragments for previously queued events via
+ * queue_rollback_event()
+ */
+ enum wsrep::provider::status send_pending_rollback_events();
+ /**
+ * Load WSRep provider.
+ *
+ * @param provider WSRep provider library to be loaded.
+ * @param provider_options Provider specific options string
+ * to be passed for provider during initialization.
+ * @param services Application defined services passed to
+ * the provider.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on error.
+ */
+ int load_provider(const std::string& provider,
+ const std::string& provider_options,
+ const wsrep::provider::services& services
+ = wsrep::provider::services());
+ void unload_provider();
+ bool is_provider_loaded() const { return provider_ != 0; }
+ /**
+ * Return reference to provider.
+ *
+ * @return Reference to provider
+ *
+ * @throw wsrep::runtime_error if provider has not been loaded
+ *
+ * @todo This should not be virtual. However, currently there
+ * is no mechanism for tests and integrations to provide
+ * their own provider implementations, so this is kept virtual
+ * for time being.
+ */
+ virtual wsrep::provider& provider() const
+ {
+ if (provider_ == 0)
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("provider not loaded");
+ }
+ return *provider_;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize connection to cluster.
+ *
+ * @param cluster_name A string containing the name of the cluster
+ * @param cluster_address Cluster address string
+ * @param state_donor String containing a list of desired donors
+ * @param bootstrap Bootstrap option
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero on error.
+ */
+ int connect(const std::string& cluster_name,
+ const std::string& cluster_address,
+ const std::string& state_donor,
+ bool bootstrap);
+ int disconnect();
+ /**
+ * A method which will be called when the server
+ * has been joined to the cluster
+ */
+ void on_connect(const wsrep::view& view);
+ /**
+ * A method which will be called when a view
+ * notification event has been delivered by the
+ * provider.
+ *
+ * @params view wsrep::view object which holds the new view
+ * information.
+ */
+ void on_view(const wsrep::view& view,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service*);
+ /**
+ * A method which will be called when the server
+ * has been synchronized with the cluster.
+ *
+ * This will have a side effect of changing the Server Context
+ * state to s_synced.
+ */
+ void on_sync();
+ /**
+ * Wait until server reaches given state.
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero if the
+ * wait was interrupted.
+ */
+ int wait_until_state(enum state state) const;
+ /**
+ * Return GTID at the position when server connected to
+ * the cluster.
+ */
+ wsrep::gtid connected_gtid() const { return connected_gtid_; }
+ /**
+ * Return current view
+ */
+ const wsrep::view& current_view() const { return current_view_; }
+ /**
+ * Wait until all the write sets up to given GTID have been
+ * committed.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on failure.
+ */
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ wait_for_gtid(const wsrep::gtid&, int timeout) const;
+ /**
+ * Set encryption key
+ *
+ * @param key Encryption key
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on failure.
+ */
+ int set_encryption_key(std::vector<unsigned char>& key);
+ /**
+ * Return encryption key.
+ */
+ const std::vector<unsigned char>& get_encryption_key() const
+ { return encryption_key_; }
+ /**
+ * Perform a causal read in the cluster. After the call returns,
+ * all the causally preceding write sets have been committed
+ * or the error is returned.
+ *
+ * This operation may require communication with other processes
+ * in the DBMS cluster, so it may be relatively heavy operation.
+ * Method wait_for_gtid() should be used whenever possible.
+ *
+ * @param timeout Timeout in seconds
+ *
+ * @return Pair of GTID and result status from provider.
+ */
+ std::pair<wsrep::gtid, enum wsrep::provider::status>
+ causal_read(int timeout) const;
+ /**
+ * Desynchronize the server.
+ *
+ * If the server state is synced, this call will desynchronize
+ * the server from the cluster.
+ */
+ int desync()
+ {
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ return desync(lock);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resynchronize the server.
+ */
+ void resync()
+ {
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ resync(lock);
+ }
+ wsrep::seqno pause();
+ wsrep::seqno pause_seqno() const { return pause_seqno_; }
+ void resume();
+ /**
+ * Desync and pause the provider on one go. Will return
+ * pause seqno if successful. In case of failure,
+ * undefined seqno will be returned.
+ */
+ wsrep::seqno desync_and_pause();
+ /**
+ * Resume and resync the provider on one go. Prior this
+ * call the provider must have been both desynced and paused,
+ * by either desync_and_pause() or separate calls to desync()
+ * and pause().
+ */
+ void resume_and_resync();
+ /**
+ * True if server has issued and active desync and pause in one go,
+ * false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool desynced_on_pause() const { return desynced_on_pause_; }
+ /**
+ * Prepares server state for SST.
+ *
+ * @return String containing a SST request
+ */
+ std::string prepare_for_sst();
+ /**
+ * Start a state snapshot transfer.
+ *
+ * @param sst_requets SST request string
+ * @param gtid Current GTID
+ * @param bypass Bypass flag
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero otherwise
+ */
+ int start_sst(const std::string& sst_request,
+ const wsrep::gtid& gtid,
+ bool bypass);
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ void sst_sent(const wsrep::gtid& gtid, int error);
+ /**
+ * This method must be called by the joiner after the SST
+ * transfer has been received. If the DBMS state has not been
+ * initialized, the call will shift the state to initializing
+ * and will wait until the initialization is complete.
+ *
+ * @param client_service
+ * @param error code of the SST operation
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero on error.
+ */
+ int sst_received(wsrep::client_service& cs, int error);
+ /**
+ * This method must be called after the server initialization
+ * has been completed. The call has a side effect of changing
+ * the Server Context state to s_initialized.
+ */
+ void initialized();
+ /**
+ * Return true if the server has been initialized.
+ */
+ bool is_initialized() const
+ {
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ return init_initialized_;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method will be called by the provider when
+ * a remote write set is being applied. It is the responsibility
+ * of the caller to set up transaction context and data properly.
+ *
+ * @todo Make this private, allow calls for provider implementations
+ * only.
+ * @param high_priority_service High priority applier service.
+ * @param transaction Transaction context.
+ * @param data Write set data
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on failure.
+ */
+ int on_apply(wsrep::high_priority_service& high_priority_service,
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& data);
+ enum state state() const
+ {
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ return state(lock);
+ }
+ enum state state(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock) const;
+ /**
+ * Get provider status variables.
+ */
+ std::vector<wsrep::provider::status_variable> status() const;
+ /**
+ * Set server wide wsrep debug logging level.
+ *
+ * Log levels are
+ * - 0 - No debug logging.
+ * - 1..n - Debug logging with increasing verbosity.
+ */
+ void debug_log_level(int level)
+ {
+ wsrep::log::debug_log_level(level);
+ }
+ wsrep::mutex& mutex() { return mutex_; }
+ protected:
+ /** Server state constructor
+ *
+ * @param mutex Mutex provided by the DBMS implementation.
+ * @param name Human Readable Server Name.
+ * @param id Server Identifier String, UUID or some unique
+ * identifier.
+ * @param address Server address in form of IPv4 address, IPv6 address
+ * or hostname.
+ * @param working_dir Working directory for replication specific
+ * data files.
+ * @param rollback_mode Rollback mode which server operates on.
+ */
+ server_state(wsrep::mutex& mutex,
+ wsrep::condition_variable& cond,
+ wsrep::server_service& server_service,
+ wsrep::encryption_service* encryption_service,
+ const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& incoming_address,
+ const std::string& address,
+ const std::string& working_dir,
+ const wsrep::gtid& initial_position,
+ int max_protocol_version,
+ enum rollback_mode rollback_mode)
+ : mutex_(mutex)
+ , cond_(cond)
+ , server_service_(server_service)
+ , encryption_service_(encryption_service)
+ , state_(s_disconnected)
+ , state_hist_()
+ , state_waiters_(n_states_)
+ , bootstrap_()
+ , initial_position_(initial_position)
+ , init_initialized_()
+ , init_synced_()
+ , sst_gtid_()
+ , desync_count_()
+ , desynced_on_pause_()
+ , pause_count_()
+ , pause_seqno_()
+ , streaming_clients_()
+ , streaming_appliers_()
+ , streaming_appliers_recovered_()
+ , provider_()
+ , name_(name)
+ , id_(wsrep::id::undefined())
+ , incoming_address_(incoming_address)
+ , address_(address)
+ , working_dir_(working_dir)
+ , encryption_key_()
+ , max_protocol_version_(max_protocol_version)
+ , rollback_mode_(rollback_mode)
+ , connected_gtid_()
+ , previous_primary_view_()
+ , current_view_()
+ , rollback_event_queue_()
+ { }
+ private:
+ server_state(const server_state&);
+ server_state& operator=(const server_state&);
+ int desync(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ void resync(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ void state(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&, enum state);
+ void wait_until_state(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&,
+ enum state) const;
+ // Interrupt all threads which are waiting for state
+ void interrupt_state_waiters(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ // Recover streaming appliers if not already recoverd
+ template <class C>
+ void recover_streaming_appliers_if_not_recovered(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&, C&);
+ // Close SR transcations whose origin is outside of current
+ // cluster view.
+ void close_orphaned_sr_transactions(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service&);
+ // Close transactions when handling disconnect from the group.
+ void close_transactions_at_disconnect(wsrep::high_priority_service&);
+ // Handle primary view
+ void on_primary_view(const wsrep::view&,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service*);
+ // Handle non-primary view
+ void on_non_primary_view(const wsrep::view&,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service*);
+ // Common actions on final view
+ void go_final(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&,
+ const wsrep::view&, wsrep::high_priority_service*);
+ // Send rollback fragments for all transactions in
+ // rollback_event_queue_
+ enum wsrep::provider::status send_pending_rollback_events(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock);
+ // Handle returning from donor state.
+ void return_from_donor_state(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock);
+ wsrep::mutex& mutex_;
+ wsrep::condition_variable& cond_;
+ wsrep::server_service& server_service_;
+ wsrep::encryption_service* encryption_service_;
+ enum state state_;
+ std::vector<enum state> state_hist_;
+ mutable std::vector<int> state_waiters_;
+ bool bootstrap_;
+ const wsrep::gtid initial_position_;
+ bool init_initialized_;
+ bool init_synced_;
+ wsrep::gtid sst_gtid_;
+ size_t desync_count_;
+ // Boolean to denote if desync was succesfull when desyncing
+ // and pausing the provider on one go.
+ bool desynced_on_pause_;
+ size_t pause_count_;
+ wsrep::seqno pause_seqno_;
+ typedef std::map<wsrep::client_id, wsrep::client_state*>
+ streaming_clients_map;
+ streaming_clients_map streaming_clients_;
+ typedef std::map<std::pair<wsrep::id, wsrep::transaction_id>,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service*> streaming_appliers_map;
+ streaming_appliers_map streaming_appliers_;
+ bool streaming_appliers_recovered_;
+ wsrep::provider* provider_;
+ std::string name_;
+ wsrep::id id_;
+ std::string incoming_address_;
+ std::string address_;
+ std::string working_dir_;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> encryption_key_;
+ int max_protocol_version_;
+ enum rollback_mode rollback_mode_;
+ wsrep::gtid connected_gtid_;
+ wsrep::view previous_primary_view_;
+ wsrep::view current_view_;
+ std::deque<wsrep::transaction_id> rollback_event_queue_;
+ };
+ static inline const char* to_c_string(
+ enum wsrep::server_state::state state)
+ {
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected: return "disconnected";
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_initializing: return "initializing";
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_initialized: return "initialized";
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_connected: return "connected";
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_joiner: return "joiner";
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_joined: return "joined";
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_donor: return "donor";
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_synced: return "synced";
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_disconnecting: return "disconnecting";
+ }
+ return "unknown";
+ }
+ static inline std::string to_string(enum wsrep::server_state::state state)
+ {
+ return (to_c_string(state));
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/sr_key_set.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/sr_key_set.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69227f5f
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/sr_key_set.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+namespace wsrep
+ class key;
+ class sr_key_set
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef std::set<std::string> leaf_type;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, leaf_type > branch_type;
+ sr_key_set()
+ : root_()
+ { }
+ void insert(const wsrep::key& key);
+ const branch_type& root() const { return root_; }
+ void clear();
+ bool empty() const { return root_.empty(); }
+ private:
+ branch_type root_;
+ };
+#endif // WSREP_KEY_SET_HPP
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/storage_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/storage_service.hpp
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/storage_service.hpp
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+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file storage_service.hpp
+ *
+ * Abstract interface which defines required access to DBMS storage
+ * service. The service is used for storing streaming replication
+ * write set fragments into stable storage. The interface is used
+ * from locally processing transaction context only. Corresponding
+ * operations for high priority processing can be found from
+ * wsrep::high_priority_service interface.
+ */
+#include "transaction_id.hpp"
+#include "id.hpp"
+#include "buffer.hpp"
+#include "xid.hpp"
+namespace wsrep
+ // Forward declarations
+ class ws_handle;
+ class ws_meta;
+ class transaction;
+ /**
+ * Storage service abstract interface.
+ */
+ class storage_service
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual ~storage_service() { }
+ /**
+ * Start a new transaction for storage access.
+ *
+ * @param[out] ws_handle Write set handle for a new transaction
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero on error.
+ */
+ virtual int start_transaction(const wsrep::ws_handle&) = 0;
+ virtual void adopt_transaction(const wsrep::transaction&) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Append fragment into stable storage.
+ */
+ virtual int append_fragment(const wsrep::id& server_id,
+ wsrep::transaction_id client_id,
+ int flags,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& data,
+ const wsrep::xid& xid) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Update fragment meta data after certification process.
+ */
+ virtual int update_fragment_meta(const wsrep::ws_meta&) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Remove fragments from storage. The storage service must have
+ * adopted a transaction prior this call.
+ */
+ virtual int remove_fragments() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Commit the transaction.
+ */
+ virtual int commit(const wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::ws_meta&) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Roll back the transaction.
+ */
+ virtual int rollback(const wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&) = 0;
+ virtual void store_globals() = 0;
+ virtual void reset_globals() = 0;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/streaming_context.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/streaming_context.hpp
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/streaming_context.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "compiler.hpp"
+#include "logger.hpp"
+#include "seqno.hpp"
+#include "transaction_id.hpp"
+#include <vector>
+namespace wsrep
+ /* Helper class to store streaming transaction context. */
+ class streaming_context
+ {
+ public:
+ enum fragment_unit
+ {
+ bytes,
+ row,
+ statement
+ };
+ streaming_context()
+ : fragments_certified_()
+ , fragments_()
+ , rollback_replicated_for_()
+ , fragment_unit_()
+ , fragment_size_()
+ , unit_counter_()
+ , log_position_()
+ { }
+ /**
+ * Set streaming parameters.
+ *
+ * Calling this method has a side effect of resetting unit
+ * counter.
+ *
+ * @param fragment_unit Desired fragment unit.
+ * @param fragment_size Desired fragment size.
+ */
+ void params(enum fragment_unit fragment_unit, size_t fragment_size);
+ /**
+ * Enable streaming replication.
+ *
+ * @param fragment_unit Desired fragment unit.
+ * @param fragment_size Desired fragment size.
+ */
+ void enable(enum fragment_unit fragment_unit, size_t fragment_size);
+ /** Return current fragment unit. */
+ enum fragment_unit fragment_unit() const { return fragment_unit_; }
+ /** Return current fragment size. */
+ size_t fragment_size() const { return fragment_size_; }
+ /** Disable streaming replication. */
+ void disable();
+ /** Increment counter for certified fragments. */
+ void certified()
+ {
+ ++fragments_certified_;
+ }
+ /** Return number of certified fragments. */
+ size_t fragments_certified() const
+ {
+ return fragments_certified_;
+ }
+ /** Mark fragment with seqno as stored in fragment store. */
+ void stored(wsrep::seqno seqno);
+ /** Return number of stored fragments. */
+ size_t fragments_stored() const
+ {
+ return fragments_.size();
+ }
+ /** Mark fragment with seqno as applied. */
+ void applied(wsrep::seqno seqno);
+ /** Mark streaming transaction as rolled back. */
+ void rolled_back(wsrep::transaction_id id);
+ /** Return true if streaming transaction has been marked
+ * as rolled back. */
+ bool rolled_back() const
+ {
+ return (rollback_replicated_for_ !=
+ wsrep::transaction_id::undefined());
+ }
+ /** Return current value of unit counter. */
+ size_t unit_counter() const
+ {
+ return unit_counter_;
+ }
+ /** Set value for unit counter. */
+ void set_unit_counter(size_t count)
+ {
+ unit_counter_ = count;
+ }
+ /** Increment unit counter by inc. */
+ void increment_unit_counter(size_t inc)
+ {
+ unit_counter_ += inc;
+ }
+ /** Reset unit counter to zero. */
+ void reset_unit_counter()
+ {
+ unit_counter_ = 0;
+ }
+ /** Return current log position. */
+ size_t log_position() const
+ {
+ return log_position_;
+ }
+ /** Set log position. */
+ void set_log_position(size_t position)
+ {
+ log_position_ = position;
+ }
+ /** Return vector of stored fragments. */
+ const std::vector<wsrep::seqno>& fragments() const
+ {
+ return fragments_;
+ }
+ /** Return true if the fragment size was exceeded. */
+ bool fragment_size_exceeded() const
+ {
+ return unit_counter_ >= fragment_size_;
+ }
+ /** Clean up the streaming transaction state. */
+ void cleanup();
+ private:
+ void check_fragment_seqno(wsrep::seqno seqno);
+ size_t fragments_certified_;
+ std::vector<wsrep::seqno> fragments_;
+ wsrep::transaction_id rollback_replicated_for_;
+ enum fragment_unit fragment_unit_;
+ size_t fragment_size_;
+ size_t unit_counter_;
+ size_t log_position_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/thread.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/thread.hpp
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index 00000000..bdb193c2
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/thread.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <iosfwd>
+namespace wsrep
+ class thread
+ {
+ public:
+ class id
+ {
+ public:
+ id() : thread_() { }
+ explicit id(pthread_t thread) : thread_(thread) { }
+ private:
+ friend bool operator==(thread::id left, thread::id right)
+ {
+ return (pthread_equal(left.thread_, right.thread_));
+ }
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const id&);
+ pthread_t thread_;
+ };
+ thread()
+ : id_(pthread_self())
+ { }
+ private:
+ id id_;
+ };
+ namespace this_thread
+ {
+ static inline thread::id get_id() { return thread::id(pthread_self()); }
+ }
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const thread::id&);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/thread_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/thread_service.hpp
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index 00000000..702d71c1
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/thread_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file thread_service.hpp
+ *
+ * Service interface for threads and synchronization primitives.
+ * The purpose of this interface is to provider provider implementations
+ * means to integrate with application thread implementation.
+ *
+ * Interface is designed to resemble POSIX threads, mutexes and
+ * condition variables.
+ */
+#include <cstddef> // size_t
+#include "compiler.hpp"
+struct timespec;
+struct sched_param;
+namespace wsrep
+ class thread_service
+ {
+ public:
+ thread_service() : exit() { }
+ virtual ~thread_service() { }
+ struct thread_key { };
+ struct thread { };
+ struct mutex_key { };
+ struct mutex { };
+ struct cond_key { };
+ struct cond { };
+ /**
+ * Method will be called before library side thread
+ * service initialization.
+ */
+ virtual int before_init() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Method will be called after library side thread service
+ * has been initialized.
+ */
+ virtual int after_init() = 0;
+ /* Thread */
+ virtual const thread_key* create_thread_key(const char* name) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ = 0;
+ virtual int create_thread(const thread_key*, thread**,
+ void* (*fn)(void*), void*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ = 0;
+ virtual int detach(thread*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual int equal(thread*, thread*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ /*
+ * This unlike others is a function pointer to
+ * avoid having C++ methods on thread exit codepath.
+ */
+ WSREP_NORETURN void (*exit)(thread*, void* retval);
+ virtual int join(thread*, void** retval) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual thread* self() WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual int setschedparam(thread*, int,
+ const struct sched_param*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ = 0;
+ virtual int getschedparam(thread*, int*, struct sched_param*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ = 0;
+ /* Mutex */
+ virtual const mutex_key* create_mutex_key(const char* name) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ = 0;
+ virtual mutex* init_mutex(const mutex_key*, void*, size_t) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual int destroy(mutex*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual int lock(mutex*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual int trylock(mutex*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual int unlock(mutex*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ /* Condition variable */
+ virtual const cond_key* create_cond_key(const char* name) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual cond* init_cond(const cond_key*, void*, size_t) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual int destroy(cond*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual int wait(cond*, mutex*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual int timedwait(cond*, mutex*, const struct timespec*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT
+ = 0;
+ virtual int signal(cond*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual int broadcast(cond*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ };
+} // namespace wsrep
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/tls_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/tls_service.hpp
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/tls_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file tls_service.hpp
+ *
+ * Service interface for interacting with DBMS provided
+ * TLS and encryption facilities.
+ */
+#include "compiler.hpp"
+#include <sys/types.h> // ssize_t
+namespace wsrep
+ /* Type tags for TLS context and TLS stream. */
+ struct tls_context { };
+ struct tls_stream { };
+ /** @class tls_service
+ *
+ * TLS service interface. This provides an interface corresponding
+ * to wsrep-API TLS service. For details see wsrep-API/wsrep_tls_service.h
+ */
+ class tls_service
+ {
+ public:
+ enum status
+ {
+ success = 0,
+ want_read,
+ want_write,
+ eof,
+ error
+ };
+ struct op_result
+ {
+ /** Status code of the operation of negative system error number. */
+ ssize_t status;
+ /** Bytes transferred from/to given buffer during the operation. */
+ size_t bytes_transferred;
+ };
+ virtual ~tls_service() { }
+ /**
+ * @return Zero on success, system error code on failure.
+ */
+ virtual tls_stream* create_tls_stream(int fd) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual void destroy(tls_stream*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual int get_error_number(const tls_stream*) const WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual const void* get_error_category(const tls_stream*) const WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ virtual const char* get_error_message(const tls_stream*,
+ int value, const void* category)
+ const WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ /**
+ * @return Status enum.
+ */
+ virtual status client_handshake(tls_stream*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ /**
+ * @return Status enum or negative error code.
+ */
+ virtual status server_handshake(tls_stream*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ /**
+ * Read at most max_count bytes into buf.
+ */
+ virtual op_result read(tls_stream*,
+ void* buf, size_t max_count) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ /**
+ * Write at most count bytes from buf.
+ */
+ virtual op_result write(tls_stream*,
+ const void* buf, size_t count) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ /**
+ * Shutdown TLS stream.
+ */
+ virtual status shutdown(tls_stream*) WSREP_NOEXCEPT = 0;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/transaction.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/transaction.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3328c093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/transaction.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file transaction.hpp */
+#include "provider.hpp"
+#include "transaction_id.hpp"
+#include "streaming_context.hpp"
+#include "lock.hpp"
+#include "sr_key_set.hpp"
+#include "buffer.hpp"
+#include "xid.hpp"
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <vector>
+namespace wsrep
+ class client_service;
+ class client_state;
+ class key;
+ class const_buffer;
+ class server_service;
+ class transaction
+ {
+ public:
+ enum state
+ {
+ s_executing,
+ s_preparing,
+ s_prepared,
+ s_certifying,
+ s_committing,
+ s_ordered_commit,
+ s_committed,
+ s_cert_failed,
+ s_must_abort,
+ s_aborting,
+ s_aborted,
+ s_must_replay,
+ s_replaying
+ };
+ static const int n_states = s_replaying + 1;
+ enum state state() const
+ { return state_; }
+ transaction(wsrep::client_state& client_state);
+ ~transaction();
+ // Accessors
+ wsrep::transaction_id id() const
+ { return id_; }
+ const wsrep::id& server_id() const
+ { return server_id_; }
+ bool active() const
+ { return (id_ != wsrep::transaction_id::undefined()); }
+ void state(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&, enum state);
+ // Return true if the certification of the last
+ // fragment succeeded
+ bool certified() const { return certified_; }
+ wsrep::seqno seqno() const
+ {
+ return ws_meta_.seqno();
+ }
+ // Return true if the last fragment was ordered by the
+ // provider
+ bool ordered() const
+ { return (ws_meta_.seqno().is_undefined() == false); }
+ /**
+ * Return true if any fragments have been successfully certified
+ * for the transaction.
+ */
+ bool is_streaming() const
+ {
+ return (streaming_context_.fragments_certified() > 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return number of fragments certified for current statement.
+ *
+ * This counts fragments which have been successfully certified
+ * since the construction of object or last after_statement()
+ * call.
+ *
+ * @return Number of fragments certified for current statement.
+ */
+ size_t fragments_certified_for_statement() const
+ {
+ return fragments_certified_for_statement_;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return true if transaction has not generated any changes.
+ */
+ bool is_empty() const
+ {
+ return sr_keys_.empty();
+ }
+ bool is_xa() const
+ {
+ return !xid_.is_null();
+ }
+ void assign_xid(const wsrep::xid& xid);
+ const wsrep::xid& xid() const
+ {
+ return xid_;
+ }
+ int restore_to_prepared_state(const wsrep::xid& xid);
+ int commit_or_rollback_by_xid(const wsrep::xid& xid, bool commit);
+ void xa_detach();
+ int xa_replay(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ bool pa_unsafe() const { return (flags() & wsrep::provider::flag::pa_unsafe); }
+ void pa_unsafe(bool pa_unsafe) {
+ if (pa_unsafe) {
+ flags(flags() | wsrep::provider::flag::pa_unsafe);
+ } else {
+ flags(flags() & ~wsrep::provider::flag::pa_unsafe);
+ }
+ }
+ bool implicit_deps() const { return implicit_deps_; }
+ void implicit_deps(bool implicit) { implicit_deps_ = implicit; }
+ int start_transaction(const wsrep::transaction_id& id);
+ int start_transaction(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta);
+ int next_fragment(const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta);
+ void adopt(const transaction& transaction);
+ void fragment_applied(wsrep::seqno seqno);
+ int prepare_for_ordering(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ bool is_commit);
+ int assign_read_view(const wsrep::gtid* gtid);
+ int append_key(const wsrep::key&);
+ int append_data(const wsrep::const_buffer&);
+ int after_row();
+ int before_prepare(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ int after_prepare(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ int before_commit();
+ int ordered_commit();
+ int after_commit();
+ int before_rollback();
+ int after_rollback();
+ int before_statement();
+ int after_statement();
+ int after_statement(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ void after_command_must_abort(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ void after_applying();
+ bool bf_abort(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock,
+ wsrep::seqno bf_seqno);
+ bool total_order_bf_abort(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&,
+ wsrep::seqno bf_seqno);
+ void clone_for_replay(const wsrep::transaction& other);
+ bool bf_aborted() const
+ {
+ return (bf_abort_client_state_ != 0);
+ }
+ bool bf_aborted_in_total_order() const
+ {
+ return bf_aborted_in_total_order_;
+ }
+ int flags() const
+ {
+ return flags_;
+ }
+ // wsrep::mutex& mutex();
+ wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle() { return ws_handle_; }
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle() const { return ws_handle_; }
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta() const { return ws_meta_; }
+ const wsrep::streaming_context& streaming_context() const
+ { return streaming_context_; }
+ wsrep::streaming_context& streaming_context()
+ { return streaming_context_; }
+ void adopt_apply_error(wsrep::mutable_buffer& buf)
+ {
+ apply_error_buf_ = std::move(buf);
+ }
+ const wsrep::mutable_buffer& apply_error() const
+ { return apply_error_buf_; }
+ private:
+ transaction(const transaction&);
+ transaction operator=(const transaction&);
+ wsrep::provider& provider();
+ void flags(int flags) { flags_ = flags; }
+ // Return true if the transaction must abort, is aborting,
+ // or has been aborted, or has been interrupted by DBMS
+ // as indicated by client_service::interrupted() call.
+ // The call will adjust transaction state and set client_state
+ // error status accordingly.
+ bool abort_or_interrupt(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ int streaming_step(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&, bool force = false);
+ int certify_fragment(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ int certify_commit(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ int append_sr_keys_for_commit();
+ int release_commit_order(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ void remove_fragments_in_storage_service_scope(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ void streaming_rollback(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ int replay(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ void xa_replay_common(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ int xa_replay_commit(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&);
+ void cleanup();
+ void debug_log_state(const char*) const;
+ void debug_log_key_append(const wsrep::key& key) const;
+ wsrep::server_service& server_service_;
+ wsrep::client_service& client_service_;
+ wsrep::client_state& client_state_;
+ wsrep::id server_id_;
+ wsrep::transaction_id id_;
+ enum state state_;
+ std::vector<enum state> state_hist_;
+ enum state bf_abort_state_;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status bf_abort_provider_status_;
+ int bf_abort_client_state_;
+ bool bf_aborted_in_total_order_;
+ wsrep::ws_handle ws_handle_;
+ wsrep::ws_meta ws_meta_;
+ int flags_;
+ bool implicit_deps_;
+ bool certified_;
+ size_t fragments_certified_for_statement_;
+ wsrep::streaming_context streaming_context_;
+ wsrep::sr_key_set sr_keys_;
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer apply_error_buf_;
+ wsrep::xid xid_;
+ bool streaming_rollback_in_progress_;
+ /* This flag tells that the transaction has become immutable
+ against BF aborts. Ideally this would be deduced from transaction
+ state, i.e. s_ordered_commit or s_committed, but the current
+ version of wsrep-lib changes the transaction state to
+ s_ordered_commit too late. Fixing this appears to require
+ too many changes to application using the lib, so boolean flag
+ must do. */
+ bool is_bf_immutable_;
+ };
+ static inline const char* to_c_string(enum wsrep::transaction::state state)
+ {
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_executing: return "executing";
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_preparing: return "preparing";
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_prepared: return "prepared";
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_certifying: return "certifying";
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_committing: return "committing";
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_ordered_commit: return "ordered_commit";
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_committed: return "committed";
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_cert_failed: return "cert_failed";
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort: return "must_abort";
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_aborting: return "aborting";
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_aborted: return "aborted";
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay: return "must_replay";
+ case wsrep::transaction::s_replaying: return "replaying";
+ }
+ return "unknown";
+ }
+ static inline std::string to_string(enum wsrep::transaction::state state)
+ {
+ return to_c_string(state);
+ }
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, enum wsrep::transaction::state);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/transaction_id.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/transaction_id.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5fb5dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/transaction_id.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+namespace wsrep
+ class transaction_id
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef unsigned long long type;
+ transaction_id()
+ : id_(std::numeric_limits<type>::max())
+ { }
+ template <typename I>
+ explicit transaction_id(I id)
+ : id_(static_cast<type>(id))
+ { }
+ type get() const { return id_; }
+ static transaction_id undefined() { return transaction_id(-1); }
+ bool is_undefined() const { return (id_ == type(-1)); }
+ bool operator<(const transaction_id& other) const
+ {
+ return (id_ < other.id_);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const transaction_id& other) const
+ { return (id_ == other.id_); }
+ bool operator!=(const transaction_id& other) const
+ { return (id_ != other.id_); }
+ private:
+ type id_;
+ };
+ static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, transaction_id id)
+ {
+ return (os << id.get());
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/version.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/version.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94312cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/version.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file version.hpp
+ *
+ * Wsrep library version numbers. The versioning follows Semantic
+ * Versioning 2.0.0 (
+ */
+ * Major version number.
+ */
+ * Minor version number.
+ */
+ * Patch version number.
+ */
+// Range of supported wsrep-API versions.
+ * Lowest supported wsrep-API version.
+ */
+ * Highest supported wsrep-API version.
+ */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/view.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/view.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d17c27f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/view.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file view.hpp
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "id.hpp"
+#include "seqno.hpp"
+#include "gtid.hpp"
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace wsrep
+ class view
+ {
+ public:
+ enum status
+ {
+ primary,
+ non_primary,
+ disconnected
+ };
+ class member
+ {
+ public:
+ member(const wsrep::id& id,
+ const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& incoming)
+ : id_(id)
+ , name_(name)
+ , incoming_(incoming)
+ {
+ }
+ const wsrep::id& id() const { return id_; }
+ const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
+ const std::string& incoming() const { return incoming_; }
+ private:
+ wsrep::id id_;
+ std::string name_;
+ std::string incoming_;
+ };
+ view()
+ : state_id_()
+ , view_seqno_()
+ , status_(disconnected)
+ , capabilities_()
+ , own_index_(-1)
+ , protocol_version_(0)
+ , members_()
+ { }
+ view(const wsrep::gtid& state_id,
+ wsrep::seqno view_seqno,
+ enum wsrep::view::status status,
+ int capabilities,
+ ssize_t own_index,
+ int protocol_version,
+ const std::vector<wsrep::view::member>& members)
+ : state_id_(state_id)
+ , view_seqno_(view_seqno)
+ , status_(status)
+ , capabilities_(capabilities)
+ , own_index_(own_index)
+ , protocol_version_(protocol_version)
+ , members_(members)
+ { }
+ wsrep::gtid state_id() const
+ { return state_id_; }
+ wsrep::seqno view_seqno() const
+ { return view_seqno_; }
+ wsrep::view::status status() const
+ { return status_; }
+ int capabilities() const
+ { return capabilities_; }
+ ssize_t own_index() const
+ { return own_index_; }
+ /**
+ * Return true if the two views have the same membership
+ */
+ bool equal_membership(const wsrep::view& other) const;
+ int protocol_version() const
+ { return protocol_version_; }
+ const std::vector<member>& members() const
+ { return members_; }
+ /**
+ * Return true if the view is final
+ */
+ bool final() const
+ {
+ return (members_.empty() && own_index_ == -1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return member index in the view.
+ *
+ * @return Member index if found, -1 if member is not present
+ * in the view.
+ */
+ int member_index(const wsrep::id& member_id) const;
+ /**
+ * Return true if id is member of this view
+ */
+ bool is_member(const wsrep::id& id) const
+ {
+ return member_index(id) != -1;
+ }
+ void print(std::ostream& os) const;
+ private:
+ wsrep::gtid state_id_;
+ wsrep::seqno view_seqno_;
+ enum wsrep::view::status status_;
+ int capabilities_;
+ ssize_t own_index_;
+ int protocol_version_;
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member> members_;
+ };
+ static inline
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const wsrep::view& v)
+ {
+ v.print(os); return os;
+ }
+ static inline const char* to_c_string(enum wsrep::view::status status)
+ {
+ switch(status)
+ {
+ case wsrep::view::primary: return "primary";
+ case wsrep::view::non_primary: return "non-primary";
+ case wsrep::view::disconnected: return "disconnected";
+ }
+ return "invalid status";
+ }
+#endif // WSREP_VIEW
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/xid.hpp b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/xid.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c500d63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/include/wsrep/xid.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#ifndef WSREP_XID_HPP
+#define WSREP_XID_HPP
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include "buffer.hpp"
+#include "exception.hpp"
+namespace wsrep
+ class xid
+ {
+ public:
+ xid()
+ : format_id_(-1)
+ , gtrid_len_(0)
+ , bqual_len_(0)
+ , data_()
+ { }
+ xid(long format_id, long gtrid_len,
+ long bqual_len, const char* data)
+ : format_id_(format_id)
+ , gtrid_len_(gtrid_len)
+ , bqual_len_(bqual_len)
+ , data_()
+ {
+ if (gtrid_len_ > 64 || bqual_len_ > 64)
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("maximum wsrep::xid size exceeded");
+ }
+ const long len = gtrid_len_ + bqual_len_;
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ data_.push_back(data, data + len);
+ }
+ }
+ xid(const xid& xid)
+ : format_id_(xid.format_id_)
+ , gtrid_len_(xid.gtrid_len_)
+ , bqual_len_(xid.bqual_len_)
+ , data_(xid.data_)
+ { }
+ bool is_null() const
+ {
+ return format_id_ == -1;
+ }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ format_id_ = -1;
+ gtrid_len_ = 0;
+ bqual_len_ = 0;
+ data_.clear();
+ }
+ xid& operator= (const xid& other)
+ {
+ format_id_ = other.format_id_;
+ gtrid_len_ = other.gtrid_len_;
+ bqual_len_ = other.bqual_len_;
+ data_ = other.data_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const xid& other) const
+ {
+ if (format_id_ != other.format_id_ ||
+ gtrid_len_ != other.gtrid_len_ ||
+ bqual_len_ != other.bqual_len_ ||
+ data_.size() != other.data_.size())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return data_ == other.data_;
+ }
+ friend std::string to_string(const wsrep::xid& xid);
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const wsrep::xid& xid);
+ protected:
+ long format_id_;
+ long gtrid_len_;
+ long bqual_len_;
+ mutable_buffer data_;
+ };
+ std::string to_string(const wsrep::xid& xid);
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const wsrep::xid& xid);
+#endif // WSREP_XID_HPP
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/scripts/ b/wsrep-lib/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..87eb541e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/bin/bash -eu
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+# USA.
+set -x
+PROVIDER=${PROVIDER:?"Provider library is required"}
+total_transactions=$((1 << 17))
+function run_benchmark()
+ servers=$1
+ clients=$2
+ transactions=$(($total_transactions/($servers*$clients)))
+ result_file=dbms-bench-$(basename $PROVIDER)-$servers-$clients
+ echo "Running benchmark for servers: $servers clients $clients"
+ rm -r *_data/ || :
+ command time -v ./src/dbms_simulator --servers=$servers --clients=$clients --transactions=$transactions --wsrep-provider="$PROVIDER" --fast-exit=1 >& $result_file
+for servers in 1 2 4 8 16
+# for servers in 16
+ for clients in 1 2 4 8 16 32
+# for clients in 4 8 16 32
+ do
+ run_benchmark $servers $clients
+ done
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/scripts/ b/wsrep-lib/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..254e82b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/bin/bash -eu
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+# USA.
+PROVIDER=${PROVIDER:?"Provider library is required"}
+function report()
+ servers=$1
+ clients=$2
+ result_file=dbms-bench-$(basename $PROVIDER)-$servers-$clients
+ trx_per_sec=$(grep -a "Transactions per second" "$result_file" | cut -d ':' -f 2)
+ cpu=$(grep -a "Percent of CPU this job got" "$result_file" | cut -d ':' -f 2)
+ vol_ctx_switches=$(grep -a "Voluntary context switches" "$result_file" | cut -d ':' -f 2)
+ invol_ctx_switches=$(grep -a "Involuntary context switches" "$result_file" | cut -d ':' -f 2)
+ echo "$clients $cpu $trx_per_sec $vol_ctx_switches $invol_ctx_switches"
+for servers in 1 2 4 8 16
+ echo "Servers: $servers"
+ for clients in 1 2 4 8 16 32
+ do
+ report $servers $clients
+ done
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/scripts/ b/wsrep-lib/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b9a91533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#!/bin/bash -eu
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+# This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+# Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+set -x
+WSREP_PROVIDER=${WSREP_PROVIDER:?"Provider library is required"}
+transactions=$((1 << 20))
+./dbsim/dbsim \
+ --servers=$servers \
+ --clients=$clients \
+ --transactions=$(($transactions/($servers*$clients))) \
+ --rows=$rows \
+ --alg-freq=$alg_freq \
+ --wsrep-provider=$WSREP_PROVIDER
+rm -r dbsim_1_data dbsim_2_data dbsim_3_data
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/CMakeLists.txt b/wsrep-lib/src/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85524cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ allowlist_service_v1.cpp
+ client_state.cpp
+ config_service_v1.cpp
+ event_service_v1.cpp
+ exception.cpp
+ gtid.cpp
+ id.cpp
+ key.cpp
+ logger.cpp
+ provider.cpp
+ provider_options.cpp
+ reporter.cpp
+ seqno.cpp
+ server_state.cpp
+ sr_key_set.cpp
+ streaming_context.cpp
+ thread.cpp
+ thread_service_v1.cpp
+ tls_service_v1.cpp
+ transaction.cpp
+ uuid.cpp
+ view.cpp
+ wsrep_provider_v26.cpp
+ xid.cpp
+ )
+target_link_libraries(wsrep-lib wsrep_api_v26 pthread ${WSREP_LIB_LIBDL})
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/allowlist_service_v1.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/allowlist_service_v1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e7bf2ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/allowlist_service_v1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "allowlist_service_v1.hpp"
+#include "service_helpers.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/allowlist_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/buffer.hpp"
+#include "v26/wsrep_allowlist_service.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <cerrno>
+namespace wsrep_allowlist_service_v1
+ // Pointer to allowlist service implementation provided by
+ // the application.
+ static wsrep::allowlist_service* allowlist_service_impl{ 0 };
+ static std::atomic<size_t> use_count;
+ enum wsrep::allowlist_service::allowlist_key allowlist_key_from_native(wsrep_allowlist_key_t key)
+ {
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case WSREP_ALLOWLIST_KEY_IP: return wsrep::allowlist_service::allowlist_key::allowlist_ip;
+ case WSREP_ALLOWLIST_KEY_SSL: return wsrep::allowlist_service::allowlist_key::allowlist_ssl;
+ default: throw wsrep::runtime_error("Unknown allowlist key");
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // allowlist service callbacks
+ //
+ wsrep_status_t allowlist_cb(
+ wsrep_allowlist_context_t*,
+ wsrep_allowlist_key_t key,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* value
+ )
+ {
+ assert(allowlist_service_impl);
+ wsrep::const_buffer allowlist_value(value->ptr, value->len);
+ if (allowlist_service_impl->allowlist_cb(allowlist_key_from_native(key),
+ allowlist_value))
+ {
+ return WSREP_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ static wsrep_allowlist_service_v1_t allowlist_service_callbacks
+ = { allowlist_cb,
+ 0 };
+int wsrep::allowlist_service_v1_probe(void* dlh)
+ typedef int (*init_fn)(wsrep_allowlist_service_v1_t*);
+ typedef void (*deinit_fn)();
+ if (wsrep_impl::service_probe<init_fn>(
+ dlh, WSREP_ALLOWLIST_SERVICE_INIT_FUNC_V1, "allowlist service v1") ||
+ wsrep_impl::service_probe<deinit_fn>(
+ dlh, WSREP_ALLOWLIST_SERVICE_DEINIT_FUNC_V1, "allowlist service v1"))
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Provider does not support allowlist service v1";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::allowlist_service_v1_init(void* dlh,
+ wsrep::allowlist_service* allowlist_service)
+ if (not (dlh && allowlist_service)) return EINVAL;
+ typedef int (*init_fn)(wsrep_allowlist_service_v1_t*);
+ wsrep_allowlist_service_v1::allowlist_service_impl = allowlist_service;
+ int ret(0);
+ if ((ret = wsrep_impl::service_init<init_fn>(
+ &wsrep_allowlist_service_v1::allowlist_service_callbacks,
+ "allowlist service v1")))
+ {
+ wsrep_allowlist_service_v1::allowlist_service_impl = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++wsrep_allowlist_service_v1::use_count;
+ }
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::allowlist_service_v1_deinit(void* dlh)
+ typedef int (*deinit_fn)();
+ wsrep_impl::service_deinit<deinit_fn>(
+ dlh, WSREP_ALLOWLIST_SERVICE_DEINIT_FUNC_V1, "allowlist service v1");
+ --wsrep_allowlist_service_v1::use_count;
+ if (wsrep_allowlist_service_v1::use_count == 0)
+ {
+ wsrep_allowlist_service_v1::allowlist_service_impl = 0;
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/allowlist_service_v1.hpp b/wsrep-lib/src/allowlist_service_v1.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb73bd9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/allowlist_service_v1.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+namespace wsrep
+ class allowlist_service;
+ /**
+ * Probe allowlist_service_v1 support in loaded library.
+ *
+ * @param dlh Handle returned by dlopen().
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero system error code on failure.
+ */
+ int allowlist_service_v1_probe(void *dlh);
+ /**
+ * Initialize the allowlist service.
+ *
+ * @param dlh Handle returned by dlopen().
+ * @param allowlist_service Pointer to wsrep::allowlist_service implementation.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero system error code on failure.
+ */
+ int allowlist_service_v1_init(void* dlh,
+ wsrep::allowlist_service* allowlist_service);
+ /**
+ * Deinitialize the allowlist service.
+ *
+ * @params dlh Handler returned by dlopen().
+ */
+ void allowlist_service_v1_deinit(void* dlh);
+#endif // WSREP_allowlist_SERVICE_V1_HPP
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/client_state.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/client_state.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99c4222f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/client_state.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1096 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/client_state.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/compiler.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/server_state.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/server_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/client_service.hpp"
+#include <unistd.h> // usleep()
+#include <cassert>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+ assert( == false);
+wsrep::provider& wsrep::client_state::provider() const
+ return server_state_.provider();
+void wsrep::client_state::open(wsrep::client_id id)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ assert(state_ == s_none);
+ assert(keep_command_error_ == false);
+ debug_log_state("open: enter");
+ owning_thread_id_ = wsrep::this_thread::get_id();
+ rollbacker_active_ = false;
+ sync_wait_gtid_ = wsrep::gtid::undefined();
+ last_written_gtid_ = wsrep::gtid::undefined();
+ state(lock, s_idle);
+ id_ = id;
+ debug_log_state("open: leave");
+void wsrep::client_state::close()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ debug_log_state("close: enter");
+ while (mode_ == m_local && is_rollbacker_active()) {
+ cond_.wait(lock);
+ }
+ do_acquire_ownership(lock);
+ state(lock, s_quitting);
+ keep_command_error_ = false;
+ lock.unlock();
+ if ( &&
+ (mode_ != m_local ||
+ transaction_.state() != wsrep::transaction::s_prepared))
+ {
+ client_service_.bf_rollback();
+ transaction_.after_statement();
+ }
+ if (mode_ == m_local)
+ {
+ disable_streaming();
+ }
+ debug_log_state("close: leave");
+void wsrep::client_state::cleanup()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ cleanup(lock);
+void wsrep::client_state::cleanup(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ debug_log_state("cleanup: enter");
+ state(lock, s_none);
+ debug_log_state("cleanup: leave");
+void wsrep::client_state::override_error(enum wsrep::client_error error,
+ enum wsrep::provider::status status)
+ assert(wsrep::this_thread::get_id() == owning_thread_id_);
+ // Error state should not be cleared with success code without
+ // explicit reset_error() call.
+ assert(current_error_ == wsrep::e_success ||
+ error != wsrep::e_success);
+ current_error_ = error;
+ current_error_status_ = status;
+int wsrep::client_state::before_command(bool keep_command_error)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ debug_log_state("before_command: enter");
+ // If the state is s_exec, the processing thread has already grabbed
+ // control with wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership()
+ if (state_ != s_exec)
+ {
+ assert(state_ == s_idle);
+ do_wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership(lock);
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ client_service_.store_globals();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This thread must have acquired control by other means,
+ // for example via wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership().
+ assert(wsrep::this_thread::get_id() == owning_thread_id_);
+ }
+ keep_command_error_ = keep_command_error;
+ // If the transaction is active, it must be either executing,
+ // aborted as rolled back by rollbacker, or must_abort if the
+ // client thread gained control via
+ // wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership()
+ // just before BF abort happened.
+ assert( == false ||
+ (transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing ||
+ transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_prepared ||
+ transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted ||
+ transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort));
+ if (
+ {
+ if (transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort ||
+ transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted)
+ {
+ if (transaction_.is_xa())
+ {
+ // Client will rollback explicitly, return error.
+ debug_log_state("before_command: error");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ if (transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort)
+ {
+ lock.unlock();
+ client_service_.bf_rollback();
+ lock.lock();
+ }
+ if (keep_command_error_)
+ {
+ // Keep the error for the next command
+ debug_log_state("before_command: keep error");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Clean up the transaction and return error.
+ (void)transaction_.after_statement(lock);
+ assert( == false);
+ assert(transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ assert(current_error() != wsrep::e_success);
+ debug_log_state("before_command: error");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ debug_log_state("before_command: success");
+ return 0;
+void wsrep::client_state::after_command_before_result()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ debug_log_state("after_command_before_result: enter");
+ assert(state() == s_exec);
+ if ( &&
+ transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort)
+ {
+ transaction_.after_command_must_abort(lock);
+ // If keep current error is set, the result will be propagated
+ // back to client with some future command, so keep the transaction
+ // open here so that error handling can happen in before_command()
+ // hook.
+ if (not keep_command_error_)
+ {
+ (void)transaction_.after_statement(lock);
+ }
+ assert(transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ }
+ state(lock, s_result);
+ debug_log_state("after_command_before_result: leave");
+void wsrep::client_state::after_command_after_result()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ debug_log_state("after_command_after_result_enter");
+ assert(state() == s_result);
+ assert(transaction_.state() != wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ if ( &&
+ transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort)
+ {
+ transaction_.after_command_must_abort(lock);
+ assert(transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ }
+ else if ( == false && not keep_command_error_)
+ {
+ current_error_ = wsrep::e_success;
+ current_error_status_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ }
+ keep_command_error_ = false;
+ sync_wait_gtid_ = wsrep::gtid::undefined();
+ state(lock, s_idle);
+ debug_log_state("after_command_after_result: leave");
+int wsrep::client_state::before_statement()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ debug_log_state("before_statement: enter");
+#if 0
+ /**
+ * @todo It might be beneficial to implement timed wait for
+ * server synced state.
+ */
+ if (allow_dirty_reads_ == false &&
+ server_state_.state() != wsrep::server_state::s_synced)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+#endif // 0
+ if ( &&
+ transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort)
+ {
+ // Rollback and cleanup will happen in after_command_before_result()
+ debug_log_state("before_statement_error");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ debug_log_state("before_statement: success");
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::client_state::after_statement()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ debug_log_state("after_statement: enter");
+ assert(state() == s_exec);
+ assert(mode() == m_local);
+ (void)transaction_.after_statement(lock);
+ if (current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error)
+ {
+ if (mode_ == m_local)
+ {
+ debug_log_state("after_statement: may_retry");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debug_log_state("after_statement: error");
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ debug_log_state("after_statement: success");
+ return 0;
+void wsrep::client_state::after_applying()
+ assert(mode_ == m_high_priority);
+ transaction_.after_applying();
+int wsrep::client_state::start_transaction(const wsrep::transaction_id& id)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ return transaction_.start_transaction(id);
+int wsrep::client_state::assign_read_view(const wsrep::gtid* const gtid)
+ assert(mode_ == m_local);
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ return transaction_.assign_read_view(gtid);
+int wsrep::client_state::append_key(const wsrep::key& key)
+ assert(mode_ == m_local);
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ return transaction_.append_key(key);
+int wsrep::client_state::append_keys(const wsrep::key_array& keys)
+ assert(mode_ == m_local || mode_ == m_toi);
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ for (auto i(keys.begin()); i != keys.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (transaction_.append_key(*i))
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::client_state::append_data(const wsrep::const_buffer& data)
+ assert(mode_ == m_local);
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ return transaction_.append_data(data);
+int wsrep::client_state::after_row()
+ assert(mode_ == m_local);
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ return (transaction_.streaming_context().fragment_size()
+ ? transaction_.after_row()
+ : 0);
+void wsrep::client_state::fragment_applied(wsrep::seqno seqno)
+ assert(mode_ == m_high_priority);
+ transaction_.fragment_applied(seqno);
+int wsrep::client_state::prepare_for_ordering(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ bool is_commit)
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ return transaction_.prepare_for_ordering(ws_handle, ws_meta, is_commit);
+int wsrep::client_state::start_transaction(const wsrep::ws_handle& wsh,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& meta)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ assert(owning_thread_id_ == wsrep::this_thread::get_id());
+ assert(mode_ == m_high_priority);
+ return transaction_.start_transaction(wsh, meta);
+int wsrep::client_state::next_fragment(const wsrep::ws_meta& meta)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ assert(mode_ == m_high_priority);
+ return transaction_.next_fragment(meta);
+int wsrep::client_state::before_prepare()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ assert(owning_thread_id_ == wsrep::this_thread::get_id());
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ return transaction_.before_prepare(lock);
+int wsrep::client_state::after_prepare()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ assert(owning_thread_id_ == wsrep::this_thread::get_id());
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ return transaction_.after_prepare(lock);
+int wsrep::client_state::before_commit()
+ assert(owning_thread_id_ == wsrep::this_thread::get_id());
+ assert(state_ == s_exec || mode_ == m_local);
+ return transaction_.before_commit();
+int wsrep::client_state::ordered_commit()
+ assert(owning_thread_id_ == wsrep::this_thread::get_id());
+ assert(state_ == s_exec || mode_ == m_local);
+ return transaction_.ordered_commit();
+int wsrep::client_state::after_commit()
+ assert(owning_thread_id_ == wsrep::this_thread::get_id());
+ assert(state_ == s_exec || mode_ == m_local);
+ return transaction_.after_commit();
+int wsrep::client_state::before_rollback()
+ assert(owning_thread_id_ == wsrep::this_thread::get_id());
+ assert(state_ == s_idle || state_ == s_exec || state_ == s_result
+ || state_ == s_quitting);
+ return transaction_.before_rollback();
+int wsrep::client_state::after_rollback()
+ assert(owning_thread_id_ == wsrep::this_thread::get_id());
+ assert(state_ == s_idle || state_ == s_exec || state_ == s_result
+ || state_ == s_quitting);
+ return transaction_.after_rollback();
+// Rollbacker synchronization //
+void wsrep::client_state::sync_rollback_complete()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ debug_log_state("sync_rollback_complete: enter");
+ assert(state_ == s_idle && mode_ == m_local &&
+ transaction_.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ set_rollbacker_active(false);
+ cond_.notify_all();
+ debug_log_state("sync_rollback_complete: leave");
+void wsrep::client_state::wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ debug_log_state("wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership: enter");
+ if (state_ == s_idle)
+ {
+ do_wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership(lock);
+ }
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ debug_log_state("wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership: leave");
+// Streaming //
+void wsrep::client_state::streaming_params(
+ enum wsrep::streaming_context::fragment_unit fragment_unit,
+ size_t fragment_size)
+ assert(mode_ == m_local);
+ transaction_.streaming_context().params(fragment_unit, fragment_size);
+int wsrep::client_state::enable_streaming(
+ enum wsrep::streaming_context::fragment_unit
+ fragment_unit,
+ size_t fragment_size)
+ assert(mode_ == m_local);
+ if (transaction_.is_streaming() &&
+ transaction_.streaming_context().fragment_unit() !=
+ fragment_unit)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error()
+ << "Changing fragment unit for active streaming transaction "
+ << "not allowed";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ transaction_.streaming_context().enable(fragment_unit, fragment_size);
+ return 0;
+void wsrep::client_state::disable_streaming()
+ assert(mode_ == m_local);
+ assert(state_ == s_exec || state_ == s_quitting);
+ transaction_.streaming_context().disable();
+// XA //
+void wsrep::client_state::xa_detach()
+ assert(mode_ == m_local);
+ assert(state_ == s_none || state_ == s_exec || state_ == s_quitting);
+ transaction_.xa_detach();
+void wsrep::client_state::xa_replay()
+ assert(mode_ == m_local);
+ assert(state_ == s_idle);
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ transaction_.xa_replay(lock);
+// BF //
+int wsrep::client_state::bf_abort(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock,
+ wsrep::seqno bf_seqno)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ assert(mode_ == m_local || transaction_.is_streaming());
+ auto ret = transaction_.bf_abort(lock, bf_seqno);
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::client_state::bf_abort(wsrep::seqno bf_seqno)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ return bf_abort(lock, bf_seqno);
+int wsrep::client_state::total_order_bf_abort(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock, wsrep::seqno bf_seqno)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ assert(mode_ == m_local || transaction_.is_streaming());
+ auto ret = transaction_.total_order_bf_abort(lock, bf_seqno);
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::client_state::total_order_bf_abort(wsrep::seqno bf_seqno)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ return total_order_bf_abort(lock, bf_seqno);
+void wsrep::client_state::adopt_transaction(
+ const wsrep::transaction& transaction)
+ assert(mode_ == m_high_priority);
+ transaction_.adopt(transaction);
+void wsrep::client_state::adopt_apply_error(wsrep::mutable_buffer& err)
+ assert(mode_ == m_high_priority);
+ transaction_.adopt_apply_error(err);
+// TOI //
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock,
+ const wsrep::key_array& keys,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& buffer,
+ wsrep::ws_meta& meta,
+ int flags,
+ std::chrono::time_point<wsrep::clock> wait_until,
+ bool& timed_out)
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_client_state,
+ "poll_enter_toi: "
+ << flags
+ << ","
+ << wait_until.time_since_epoch().count());
+ enum wsrep::provider::status status;
+ timed_out = false;
+ wsrep::ws_meta poll_meta; // tmp var for polling, as enter_toi may clear meta arg on errors
+ do
+ {
+ lock.unlock();
+ poll_meta = meta;
+ status = provider().enter_toi(id_, keys, buffer, poll_meta, flags);
+ if (status != wsrep::provider::success &&
+ not poll_meta.gtid().is_undefined())
+ {
+ // Successfully entered TOI, but the provider reported failure.
+ // This may happen for example if certification fails.
+ // Leave TOI before proceeding.
+ if (provider().leave_toi(id_, wsrep::mutable_buffer()))
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning()
+ << "Failed to leave TOI after failure in "
+ << "poll_enter_toi()";
+ }
+ poll_meta = wsrep::ws_meta();
+ }
+ if (status == wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed ||
+ status == wsrep::provider::error_connection_failed)
+ {
+ ::usleep(300000);
+ }
+ lock.lock();
+ timed_out = !(wait_until.time_since_epoch().count() &&
+ wsrep::clock::now() < wait_until);
+ }
+ while ((status == wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed ||
+ status == wsrep::provider::error_connection_failed) &&
+ not timed_out &&
+ not client_service_.interrupted(lock));
+ meta = poll_meta;
+ return status;
+void wsrep::client_state::enter_toi_common(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ toi_mode_ = mode_;
+ mode(lock, m_toi);
+int wsrep::client_state::enter_toi_local(const wsrep::key_array& keys,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& buffer,
+ std::chrono::time_point<wsrep::clock> wait_until)
+ debug_log_state("enter_toi_local: enter");
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ assert(mode_ == m_local);
+ int ret;
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ bool timed_out;
+ auto const status(poll_enter_toi(
+ lock, keys, buffer,
+ toi_meta_,
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction |
+ wsrep::provider::flag::commit,
+ wait_until,
+ timed_out));
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case wsrep::provider::success:
+ {
+ enter_toi_common(lock);
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ case wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed:
+ override_error(e_deadlock_error, status);
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (timed_out) {
+ override_error(e_timeout_error);
+ } else {
+ override_error(e_error_during_commit, status);
+ }
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ debug_log_state("enter_toi_local: leave");
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::client_state::enter_toi_mode(const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ debug_log_state("enter_toi_mode: enter");
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ assert(mode_ == m_high_priority);
+ enter_toi_common(lock);
+ toi_meta_ = ws_meta;
+ debug_log_state("enter_toi_mode: leave");
+void wsrep::client_state::leave_toi_common()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ mode(lock, toi_mode_);
+ toi_mode_ = m_undefined;
+ if (toi_meta_.gtid().is_undefined() == false)
+ {
+ update_last_written_gtid(toi_meta_.gtid());
+ }
+ toi_meta_ = wsrep::ws_meta();
+int wsrep::client_state::leave_toi_local(const wsrep::mutable_buffer& err)
+ debug_log_state("leave_toi_local: enter");
+ assert(toi_mode_ == m_local);
+ leave_toi_common();
+ debug_log_state("leave_toi_local: leave");
+ return (provider().leave_toi(id_, err) == provider::success ? 0 : 1);
+void wsrep::client_state::leave_toi_mode()
+ debug_log_state("leave_toi_mode: enter");
+ assert(toi_mode_ == m_high_priority);
+ leave_toi_common();
+ debug_log_state("leave_toi_mode: leave");
+// RSU //
+int wsrep::client_state::begin_rsu(int timeout)
+ if (server_state_.desync())
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Failed to desync server";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (server_state_.server_service().wait_committing_transactions(timeout))
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "RSU failed due to pending transactions";
+ server_state_.resync();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ wsrep::seqno pause_seqno(server_state_.pause());
+ if (pause_seqno.is_undefined())
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Failed to pause provider";
+ server_state_.resync();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Provider paused at: " << pause_seqno;
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ toi_mode_ = mode_;
+ mode(lock, m_rsu);
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::client_state::end_rsu()
+ int ret(0);
+ try
+ {
+ server_state_.resume();
+ server_state_.resync();
+ }
+ catch (const wsrep::runtime_error& e)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "End RSU failed: " << e.what();
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ mode(lock, toi_mode_);
+ toi_mode_ = m_undefined;
+ return ret;
+// NBO //
+int wsrep::client_state::begin_nbo_phase_one(
+ const wsrep::key_array& keys,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& buffer,
+ std::chrono::time_point<wsrep::clock> wait_until)
+ debug_log_state("begin_nbo_phase_one: enter");
+ debug_log_keys(keys);
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ assert(mode_ == m_local);
+ assert(toi_mode_ == m_undefined);
+ int ret;
+ bool timed_out;
+ auto const status(poll_enter_toi(
+ lock, keys, buffer,
+ toi_meta_,
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction,
+ wait_until,
+ timed_out));
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case wsrep::provider::success:
+ toi_mode_ = mode_;
+ mode(lock, m_nbo);
+ ret= 0;
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed:
+ override_error(e_deadlock_error, status);
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (timed_out) {
+ override_error(e_timeout_error);
+ } else {
+ override_error(e_error_during_commit, status);
+ }
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ debug_log_state("begin_nbo_phase_one: leave");
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::client_state::end_nbo_phase_one(const wsrep::mutable_buffer& err)
+ debug_log_state("end_nbo_phase_one: enter");
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ assert(mode_ == m_nbo);
+ assert(in_toi());
+ enum wsrep::provider::status status(provider().leave_toi(id_, err));
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ int ret;
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case wsrep::provider::success:
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ override_error(e_error_during_commit, status);
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ nbo_meta_ = toi_meta_;
+ toi_meta_ = wsrep::ws_meta();
+ toi_mode_ = m_undefined;
+ debug_log_state("end_nbo_phase_one: leave");
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::client_state::enter_nbo_mode(const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ assert(mode_ == m_local);
+ assert(toi_mode_ == m_undefined);
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ nbo_meta_ = ws_meta;
+ mode(lock, m_nbo);
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::client_state::begin_nbo_phase_two(
+ const wsrep::key_array& keys,
+ std::chrono::time_point<wsrep::clock> wait_until)
+ debug_log_state("begin_nbo_phase_two: enter");
+ debug_log_keys(keys);
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ assert(mode_ == m_nbo);
+ assert(toi_mode_ == m_undefined);
+ assert(!in_toi());
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ // Note: nbo_meta_ is passed to enter_toi() as it is
+ // an input param containing gtid of NBO begin.
+ // Output stored in nbo_meta_ is copied to toi_meta_ for
+ // phase two end.
+ bool timed_out;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status status(
+ poll_enter_toi(lock, keys,
+ wsrep::const_buffer(),
+ nbo_meta_,
+ wsrep::provider::flag::commit,
+ wait_until,
+ timed_out));
+ int ret;
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case wsrep::provider::success:
+ ret= 0;
+ toi_meta_ = nbo_meta_;
+ toi_mode_ = m_local;
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_provider_failed:
+ override_error(e_interrupted_error, status);
+ ret= 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (timed_out)
+ {
+ override_error(e_timeout_error, status);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ override_error(e_error_during_commit, status);
+ }
+ ret= 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Failed to grab TOI for completing NBO in order. This means that
+ // the operation cannot be ended in total order, so we end the
+ // NBO mode and let the DBMS to deal with the error.
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ mode(lock, m_local);
+ nbo_meta_ = wsrep::ws_meta();
+ }
+ debug_log_state("begin_nbo_phase_two: leave");
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::client_state::end_nbo_phase_two(const wsrep::mutable_buffer& err)
+ debug_log_state("end_nbo_phase_two: enter");
+ assert(state_ == s_exec);
+ assert(mode_ == m_nbo);
+ assert(toi_mode_ == m_local);
+ assert(in_toi());
+ enum wsrep::provider::status status(
+ provider().leave_toi(id_, err));
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ int ret;
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case wsrep::provider::success:
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ override_error(e_error_during_commit, status);
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ toi_meta_ = wsrep::ws_meta();
+ toi_mode_ = m_undefined;
+ nbo_meta_ = wsrep::ws_meta();
+ mode(lock, m_local);
+ debug_log_state("end_nbo_phase_two: leave");
+ return ret;
+// Misc //
+int wsrep::client_state::sync_wait(int timeout)
+ std::pair<wsrep::gtid, enum wsrep::provider::status> result(
+ server_state_.causal_read(timeout));
+ int ret(1);
+ switch (result.second)
+ {
+ case wsrep::provider::success:
+ sync_wait_gtid_ = result.first;
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_not_implemented:
+ override_error(wsrep::e_not_supported_error);
+ break;
+ default:
+ override_error(wsrep::e_timeout_error);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+// Private //
+void wsrep::client_state::do_acquire_ownership(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock WSREP_UNUSED)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ // Be strict about client state for clients in local mode. The
+ // owning_thread_id_ is used to detect bugs which are caused by
+ // more than one thread operating the client state at the time,
+ // for example thread handling the client session and background
+ // rollbacker.
+ assert(state_ == s_idle || mode_ != m_local);
+ owning_thread_id_ = wsrep::this_thread::get_id();
+void wsrep::client_state::do_wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ assert(state_ == s_idle);
+ while (is_rollbacker_active())
+ {
+ cond_.wait(lock);
+ }
+ do_acquire_ownership(lock);
+ state(lock, s_exec);
+void wsrep::client_state::update_last_written_gtid(const wsrep::gtid& gtid)
+ assert(last_written_gtid_.is_undefined() ||
+ ( == &&
+ !(last_written_gtid_.seqno() > gtid.seqno())));
+ last_written_gtid_ = gtid;
+void wsrep::client_state::debug_log_state(const char* context) const
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_client_state,
+ context
+ << "(" << id_.get()
+ << "," << to_c_string(state_)
+ << "," << to_c_string(mode_)
+ << "," << wsrep::to_string(current_error_)
+ << "," << current_error_status_
+ << ",toi: " << toi_meta_.seqno()
+ << ",nbo: " << nbo_meta_.seqno() << ")");
+void wsrep::client_state::debug_log_keys(const wsrep::key_array& keys) const
+ for (size_t i(0); i < keys.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_client_state,
+ "TOI keys: "
+ << " id: " << id_
+ << "key: " << keys[i]);
+ }
+void wsrep::client_state::state(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock WSREP_UNUSED,
+ enum wsrep::client_state::state state)
+ // Verify that the current thread has gained control to the
+ // connection by calling before_command()
+ assert(wsrep::this_thread::get_id() == owning_thread_id_);
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ static const char allowed[state_max_][state_max_] =
+ {
+ /* none idle exec result quit */
+ { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, /* none */
+ { 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, /* idle */
+ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, /* exec */
+ { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, /* result */
+ { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0} /* quit */
+ };
+ if (!allowed[state_][state])
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "client_state: Unallowed state transition: "
+ << state_ << " -> " << state;
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ state_hist_.push_back(state_);
+ state_ = state;
+ if (state_hist_.size() > 10)
+ {
+ state_hist_.erase(state_hist_.begin());
+ }
+void wsrep::client_state::mode(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock WSREP_UNUSED,
+ enum mode mode)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ static const char allowed[n_modes_][n_modes_] =
+ { /* u l h t r n */
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, /* undefined */
+ { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, /* local */
+ { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 }, /* high prio */
+ { 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, /* toi */
+ { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, /* rsu */
+ { 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 } /* nbo */
+ };
+ if (!allowed[mode_][mode])
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "client_state: Unallowed mode transition: "
+ << mode_ << " -> " << mode;
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ mode_ = mode;
+// High Priority Context //
+wsrep::high_priority_context::high_priority_context(wsrep::client_state& client)
+ : client_(client)
+ , orig_mode_(client.mode_)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(client.mutex_);
+ client.mode(lock, wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority);
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(client_.mutex_);
+ assert(client_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority);
+ client_.mode(lock, orig_mode_);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/config_service_v1.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/config_service_v1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ace61427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/config_service_v1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "config_service_v1.hpp"
+#include "service_helpers.hpp"
+#include "v26/wsrep_config_service.h"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/provider_options.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+namespace wsrep_config_service_v1
+ wsrep_config_service_v1_t service{ 0 };
+ static int map_flags(int flags)
+ {
+ int option_flags = 0;
+ option_flags |= wsrep::provider_options::flag::deprecated;
+ option_flags |= wsrep::provider_options::flag::readonly;
+ if (flags & WSREP_PARAM_TYPE_BOOL)
+ option_flags |= wsrep::provider_options::flag::type_bool;
+ option_flags |= wsrep::provider_options::flag::type_integer;
+ option_flags |= wsrep::provider_options::flag::type_double;
+ return option_flags;
+ }
+ static enum wsrep::provider::status
+ make_option(wsrep::provider_options* opt, const char* name, const char* val,
+ int flags)
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> value(
+ new wsrep::provider_options::option_value_string(val));
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> default_value(
+ new wsrep::provider_options::option_value_string(val));
+ return opt->set_default(name, std::move(value),
+ std::move(default_value), flags);
+ }
+ static enum wsrep::provider::status
+ make_option(wsrep::provider_options* opt, const char* name, int64_t val,
+ int flags)
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> value(
+ new wsrep::provider_options::option_value_int(val));
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> default_value(
+ new wsrep::provider_options::option_value_int(val));
+ return opt->set_default(name, std::move(value),
+ std::move(default_value), flags);
+ }
+ static enum wsrep::provider::status
+ make_option(wsrep::provider_options* opt, const char* name, bool val,
+ int flags)
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> value(
+ new wsrep::provider_options::option_value_bool(val));
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> default_value(
+ new wsrep::provider_options::option_value_bool(val));
+ return opt->set_default(name, std::move(value),
+ std::move(default_value), flags);
+ }
+ static enum wsrep::provider::status
+ make_option(wsrep::provider_options* opt, const char* name, double val,
+ int flags)
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> value(
+ new wsrep::provider_options::option_value_double(val));
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> default_value(
+ new wsrep::provider_options::option_value_double(val));
+ return opt->set_default(name, std::move(value),
+ std::move(default_value), flags);
+ }
+ wsrep_status_t service_callback(const wsrep_parameter* p, void* context)
+ {
+ const int flags = map_flags(p->flags);
+ enum wsrep::provider::status ret(wsrep::provider::error_unknown);
+ wsrep::provider_options* options = (wsrep::provider_options*)context;
+ switch (p->flags & WSREP_PARAM_TYPE_MASK)
+ {
+ ret = make_option(options, p->name, p->value.as_bool, flags);
+ break;
+ ret = make_option(options, p->name, p->value.as_integer, flags);
+ break;
+ ret = make_option(options, p->name, p->value.as_double, flags);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert((p->flags & WSREP_PARAM_TYPE_MASK) == 0);
+ ret = make_option(options, p->name, p->value.as_string, flags);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ret == wsrep::provider::success)
+ return WSREP_OK;
+ else
+ return WSREP_FATAL;
+ }
+} // namespace wsrep_config_service_v1
+static int config_service_v1_probe(void* dlh)
+ typedef int (*init_fn)(wsrep_config_service_v1_t*);
+ typedef void (*deinit_fn)();
+ return wsrep_impl::service_probe<init_fn>(
+ dlh, WSREP_CONFIG_SERVICE_INIT_FUNC_V1, "config service v1")
+ || wsrep_impl::service_probe<deinit_fn>(
+ dlh, WSREP_CONFIG_SERVICE_DEINIT_FUNC_V1, "config service v1");
+static int config_service_v1_init(void* dlh)
+ typedef int (*init_fn)(wsrep_config_service_v1_t*);
+ return wsrep_impl::service_init<init_fn>(
+ &wsrep_config_service_v1::service, "config service v1");
+static void config_service_v1_deinit(void* dlh)
+ typedef int (*deinit_fn)();
+ wsrep_impl::service_deinit<deinit_fn>(
+ dlh, WSREP_CONFIG_SERVICE_DEINIT_FUNC_V1, "config service v1");
+int wsrep::config_service_v1_fetch(wsrep::provider& provider,
+ wsrep::provider_options* options)
+ struct wsrep_st* wsrep = (struct wsrep_st*)provider.native();
+ if (config_service_v1_probe(wsrep->dlh))
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Provider does not support config service v1";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (config_service_v1_init(wsrep->dlh))
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Failed to initialize config service v1";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ wsrep_status_t ret = wsrep_config_service_v1::service.get_parameters(
+ wsrep, &wsrep_config_service_v1::service_callback, options);
+ config_service_v1_deinit(wsrep->dlh);
+ if (ret != WSREP_OK)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/config_service_v1.hpp b/wsrep-lib/src/config_service_v1.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49532cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/config_service_v1.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+namespace wsrep
+ class provider;
+ class provider_options;
+ int config_service_v1_fetch(provider& provider, provider_options* opts);
+} // namespace wsrep
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/event_service_v1.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/event_service_v1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffaf4ec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/event_service_v1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "event_service_v1.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/event_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/reporter.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include "v26/wsrep_event_service.h"
+#include "service_helpers.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+namespace wsrep_event_service_v1
+ static std::atomic_flag initialized = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT;
+ static void callback(
+ wsrep_event_context_t* ctx,
+ const char* name,
+ const char* value)
+ {
+ if (ctx)
+ {
+ wsrep::event_service* const impl
+ (reinterpret_cast<wsrep::event_service*>(ctx));
+ impl->process_event(name, value);
+ }
+ }
+ static const char* const log_string = "event service v1";
+int wsrep::event_service_v1_probe(void* dlh)
+ typedef int (*init_fn)(wsrep_event_service_v1_t*);
+ typedef void (*deinit_fn)();
+ if (wsrep_impl::service_probe<init_fn>(
+ wsrep_event_service_v1::log_string) ||
+ wsrep_impl::service_probe<deinit_fn>(
+ wsrep_event_service_v1::log_string))
+ {
+ // diagnostic message was logged by wsrep_impl::service_probe()
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::event_service_v1_init(void* dlh,
+ wsrep::event_service* event_service)
+ if (not (dlh && event_service)) return EINVAL;
+ if (wsrep_event_service_v1::initialized.test_and_set()) return EALREADY;
+ wsrep_event_service_v1_t service =
+ {
+ wsrep_event_service_v1::callback,
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep_event_context_t*>(event_service)
+ };
+ typedef int (*init_fn)(wsrep_event_service_v1_t*);
+ int const ret(wsrep_impl::service_init<init_fn>(
+ wsrep_event_service_v1::log_string));
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ wsrep_event_service_v1::initialized.clear();
+ }
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::event_service_v1_deinit(void* dlh)
+ if (wsrep_event_service_v1::initialized.test_and_set())
+ {
+ // service was initialized
+ typedef int (*deinit_fn)();
+ wsrep_impl::service_deinit<deinit_fn>(
+ wsrep_event_service_v1::log_string);
+ }
+ wsrep_event_service_v1::initialized.clear();
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/event_service_v1.hpp b/wsrep-lib/src/event_service_v1.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c85b01e
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/event_service_v1.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+namespace wsrep
+ class event_service;
+ /**
+ * Probe event_service_v1 support in loaded library.
+ *
+ * @param dlh Handle returned by dlopen().
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero system error code on failure.
+ */
+ int event_service_v1_probe(void *dlh);
+ /**
+ * Initialize event service.
+ *
+ * @param dlh Handle returned by dlopen().
+ * @params event_service Pointer to wsrep::event_service implementation.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero system error code on failure.
+ */
+ int event_service_v1_init(void* dlh,
+ wsrep::event_service* event_service);
+ /**
+ * Deinitialize event service.
+ *
+ * @param dlh Handler returned by dlopen().
+ */
+ void event_service_v1_deinit(void* dlh);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/exception.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/exception.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c55ed641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/exception.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/exception.hpp"
+bool wsrep::abort_on_exception(false);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/gtid.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/gtid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af32d524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/gtid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/gtid.hpp"
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+const wsrep::gtid wsrep::gtid::undefined_ = wsrep::gtid();
+std::ostream& wsrep::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const wsrep::gtid& gtid)
+ return (os << << ":" << gtid.seqno());
+std::istream& wsrep::operator>>(std::istream& is, wsrep::gtid& gtid)
+ std::string id_str;
+ std::getline(is, id_str, ':');
+ long long seq;
+ is >> seq;
+ if (!is)
+ {
+ is.clear(std::ios_base::failbit);
+ return is;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // wsrep::id constructor will throw if it cannot parse the
+ // id_str.
+ gtid = wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id(id_str), wsrep::seqno(seq));
+ }
+ catch (const wsrep::runtime_error& e)
+ {
+ // Formatting or extraction error. Clear the istream state and
+ // set failibit.
+ is.clear(std::ios_base::failbit);
+ }
+ return is;
+ssize_t wsrep::scan_from_c_str(
+ const char* buf, size_t buf_len, wsrep::gtid& gtid)
+ std::istringstream is(std::string(buf, buf_len));
+ is >> gtid;
+ // Some failure occurred
+ if (!is)
+ {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ // Whole string was consumed without failures
+ if (is.eof())
+ {
+ return static_cast<ssize_t>(buf_len);
+ }
+ // The string was not consumed completely, return current position
+ // of the istream.
+ return static_cast<ssize_t>(is.tellg());
+ssize_t wsrep::print_to_c_str(
+ const wsrep::gtid& gtid, char* buf, size_t buf_len)
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << gtid;
+ if (os.str().size() > buf_len)
+ {
+ return -ENOBUFS;
+ }
+ std::strncpy(buf, os.str().c_str(), os.str().size());
+ return static_cast<ssize_t>(os.str().size());
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/id.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/id.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2da188fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/id.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/id.hpp"
+#include "uuid.hpp"
+#include <cctype>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+const wsrep::id wsrep::id::undefined_ = wsrep::id();
+wsrep::id::id(const std::string& str)
+ : data_()
+ wsrep::uuid_t wsrep_uuid;
+ if (str.size() == WSREP_LIB_UUID_STR_LEN &&
+ wsrep::uuid_scan(str.c_str(), str.size(), &wsrep_uuid) ==
+ {
+ std::memcpy(data_.buf,, sizeof(data_.buf));
+ }
+ else if (str.size() <= 16)
+ {
+ std::memcpy(data_.buf, str.c_str(), str.size());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "String '" << str
+ << "' does not contain UUID or is longer thatn 16 bytes";
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error(os.str());
+ }
+std::ostream& wsrep::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const wsrep::id& id)
+ const char* ptr(static_cast<const char*>(;
+ size_t size(id.size());
+ if (static_cast<size_t>(std::count_if(ptr, ptr + size, ::isalnum)) == size)
+ {
+ return (os << std::string(ptr, size));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char uuid_str[WSREP_LIB_UUID_STR_LEN + 1];
+ wsrep::uuid_t uuid;
+ std::memcpy(, ptr, sizeof(;
+ if (wsrep::uuid_print(&uuid, uuid_str, sizeof(uuid_str)) < 0)
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Could not print uuid");
+ }
+ uuid_str[WSREP_LIB_UUID_STR_LEN] = '\0';
+ return (os << uuid_str);
+ }
+std::istream& wsrep::operator>>(std::istream& is, wsrep::id& id)
+ std::string id_str;
+ std::getline(is, id_str);
+ id = wsrep::id(id_str);
+ return is;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/key.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/key.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb94fefc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/key.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/key.hpp"
+#include <ostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+ void print_key_part(std::ostream& os, const void* ptr, size_t len)
+ {
+ std::ios::fmtflags flags_save(os.flags());
+ os << len << ": ";
+ for (size_t i(0); i < len; ++i)
+ {
+ os << std::hex
+ << std::setfill('0')
+ << std::setw(2)
+ << static_cast<int>(
+ *(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(ptr) + i)) << " ";
+ }
+ os.flags(flags_save);
+ }
+std::ostream& wsrep::operator<<(std::ostream& os,
+ enum wsrep::key::type key_type)
+ switch (key_type)
+ {
+ case wsrep::key::shared: os << "shared"; break;
+ case wsrep::key::reference: os << "reference"; break;
+ case wsrep::key::update: os << "update"; break;
+ case wsrep::key::exclusive: os << "exclusive"; break;
+ default: os << "unknown"; break;
+ }
+ return os;
+std::ostream& wsrep::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const wsrep::key& key)
+ os << "type: " << key.type();
+ for (size_t i(0); i < key.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ os << "\n ";
+ print_key_part(os, key.key_parts()[i].data(), key.key_parts()[i].size());
+ }
+ return os;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/logger.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/logger.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..058a42a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/logger.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+std::ostream& wsrep::log::os_ = std::cout;
+static wsrep::default_mutex log_mutex_;
+wsrep::mutex& wsrep::log::mutex_ = log_mutex_;
+wsrep::log::logger_fn_type wsrep::log::logger_fn_ = 0;
+std::atomic_int wsrep::log::debug_log_level_(0);
+void wsrep::log::logger_fn(wsrep::log::logger_fn_type logger_fn)
+ logger_fn_ = logger_fn;
+void wsrep::log::debug_log_level(int debug_log_level)
+, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+int wsrep::log::debug_log_level()
+ return debug_log_level_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/provider.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/provider.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e99f7fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/provider.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/provider.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include "wsrep_provider_v26.hpp"
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <memory>
+wsrep::provider* wsrep::provider::make_provider(
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state,
+ const std::string& provider_spec,
+ const std::string& provider_options,
+ const wsrep::provider::services& services)
+ try
+ {
+ return new wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26(
+ server_state, provider_options, provider_spec, services);
+ }
+ catch (const wsrep::runtime_error& e)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Failed to create a new provider '"
+ << provider_spec << "'"
+ << " with options '" << provider_options
+ << "': " << e.what();
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Caught unknown exception when trying to "
+ << "create a new provider '"
+ << provider_spec << "'"
+ << " with options '" << provider_options;
+ }
+ return 0;
+wsrep::provider::to_string(enum wsrep::provider::status const val)
+ switch(val)
+ {
+ case success:
+ return "Success";
+ case error_warning:
+ return "Warning";
+ case error_transaction_missing:
+ return "Transaction not registered with provider";
+ case error_certification_failed:
+ return "Certification failed";
+ case error_bf_abort:
+ return "Transaction was BF aborted";
+ case error_size_exceeded:
+ return "Transaction size exceeded";
+ case error_connection_failed:
+ return "Not connected to Primary Component";
+ case error_provider_failed:
+ return "Provider in bad state, needs to be reinitialized.";
+ case error_fatal:
+ return "Fatal error, must abort.";
+ case error_not_implemented:
+ return "Function not implemented";
+ case error_not_allowed:
+ return "Operation not allowed";
+ case error_unknown:
+ return "Unknown error";
+ }
+ assert(0);
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Invalid error code: " << val;
+ return os.str();
+std::string wsrep::provider::capability::str(int caps)
+ std::ostringstream os;
+#define WSREP_PRINT_CAPABILITY(cap_value, cap_string) \
+ if (caps & cap_value) { \
+ os << cap_string ", "; \
+ caps &= ~cap_value; \
+ }
+ WSREP_PRINT_CAPABILITY(transaction_replay, "REPLAY");
+ WSREP_PRINT_CAPABILITY(causal_transaction, "CAUSAL_TRX");
+ if (caps)
+ {
+ assert(caps == 0); // to catch missed capabilities
+ os << "UNKNOWN(" << caps << ") ";
+ }
+ std::string ret(os.str());
+ if (ret.size() > 2) ret.erase(ret.size() - 2);
+ return ret;
+std::string wsrep::flags_to_string(int flags)
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ if (flags & provider::flag::start_transaction)
+ oss << "start_transaction | ";
+ if (flags & provider::flag::commit)
+ oss << "commit | ";
+ if (flags & provider::flag::rollback)
+ oss << "rollback | ";
+ if (flags & provider::flag::isolation)
+ oss << "isolation | ";
+ if (flags & provider::flag::pa_unsafe)
+ oss << "pa_unsafe | ";
+ if (flags & provider::flag::prepare)
+ oss << "prepare | ";
+ if (flags & provider::flag::snapshot)
+ oss << "read_view | ";
+ if (flags & provider::flag::implicit_deps)
+ oss << "implicit_deps | ";
+ std::string ret(oss.str());
+ if (ret.size() > 3) ret.erase(ret.size() - 3);
+ return ret;
+std::ostream& wsrep::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ os << "gtid: " << ws_meta.gtid()
+ << " server_id: " << ws_meta.server_id()
+ << " client_id: " << ws_meta.client_id()
+ << " trx_id: " << ws_meta.transaction_id()
+ << " flags: " << ws_meta.flags()
+ << " (" << wsrep::flags_to_string(ws_meta.flags()) << ")";
+ return os;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/provider_options.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/provider_options.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcd7a959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/provider_options.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/provider_options.hpp"
+#include "config_service_v1.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <cstring>
+ * Provider options string separators.
+ */
+struct provider_options_sep
+ /** Parameter separator. */
+ char param{ ';' };
+ /** Key value separator. */
+ char key_value{ '=' };
+// Replace dots in option name with underscores
+static void sanitize_name(std::string& name)
+ std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(),
+ [](std::string::value_type c) {
+ if (c == '.')
+ return '_';
+ return c;
+ });
+bool wsrep::operator==(const wsrep::provider_options::option& left,
+ const wsrep::provider_options::option& right)
+ return (std::strcmp(, == 0);
+// wsrep-API lacks better error code for not found, and this is
+// what Galera returns when parameter is not recogized, so we
+// got with it.
+static enum wsrep::provider::status not_found_error{
+ wsrep::provider::error_warning
+ : name_{}
+ , real_name_{}
+ , value_{}
+ , default_value_{}
+ , flags_{ 0 }
+ const std::string& name,
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> value,
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> default_value,
+ int flags)
+ : name_{ name }
+ , real_name_{ name }
+ , value_{ std::move(value) }
+ , default_value_{ std::move(default_value) }
+ , flags_{ flags }
+ sanitize_name(name_);
+void wsrep::provider_options::option::update_value(
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> value)
+ value_ = std::move(value);
+wsrep::provider_options::option::~option() {}
+wsrep::provider_options::provider_options(wsrep::provider& provider)
+ : provider_(provider)
+ , options_()
+enum wsrep::provider::status wsrep::provider_options::initial_options()
+ options_.clear();
+ if (config_service_v1_fetch(provider_, this))
+ {
+ return wsrep::provider::error_not_implemented;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return wsrep::provider::success;
+ }
+const wsrep::provider_options::option*
+wsrep::provider_options::get_option(const std::string& name) const
+ auto ret(options_.find(name));
+ if (ret == options_.end())
+ {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return ret->second.get();
+enum wsrep::provider::status wsrep::provider_options::set(
+ const std::string& name,
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> value)
+ auto option(options_.find(name));
+ if (option == options_.end())
+ {
+ return not_found_error;
+ }
+ provider_options_sep sep;
+ auto ret(provider_.options(std::string(option->second->real_name())
+ + sep.key_value + value->as_string()
+ + sep.param));
+ if (ret == provider::success)
+ {
+ option->second->update_value(std::move(value));
+ }
+ return ret;
+enum wsrep::provider::status wsrep::provider_options::set_default(
+ const std::string& name,
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> value,
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::provider_options::option_value> default_value,
+ int flags)
+ auto found(options_.find(name));
+ auto opt(std::unique_ptr<provider_options::option>(
+ new option{ name, std::move(value), std::move(default_value), flags }));
+ if (found != options_.end())
+ {
+ assert(0);
+ return wsrep::provider::error_not_allowed;
+ }
+ options_.emplace(std::string(opt->name()), std::move(opt));
+ return wsrep::provider::success;
+void wsrep::provider_options::for_each(const std::function<void(option*)>& fn)
+ std::for_each(
+ options_.begin(), options_.end(),
+ [&fn](const options_map::value_type& opt) { fn(opt.second.get()); });
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/reporter.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/reporter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..511ef819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/reporter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/reporter.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstring> // strerror()
+#include <cstdlib> // mkstemp()
+#include <cerrno> // errno
+#include <unistd.h> // write()
+#include <cstdio> // rename(), snprintf()
+#include <ctime> // clock_gettime()
+#include <cmath> // floor()
+static std::string const TEMP_EXTENSION(".XXXXXX");
+static std::string make_progress_string(int const from, int const to,
+ int const total,int const done,
+ int const indefinite)
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "{ \"from\": " << from << ", "
+ << "\"to\": " << to << ", "
+ << "\"total\": " << total << ", "
+ << "\"done\": " << done << ", "
+ << "\"indefinite\": " << indefinite << " }";
+ return os.str();
+static std::string const indefinite_progress
+ (make_progress_string(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1));
+static std::string const steady_state
+ (make_progress_string(-1, -1, 0, 0, -1));
+static inline double
+ struct timespec time;
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &time);
+ return (double(time.tv_sec) + double(time.tv_nsec)*1.0e-9);
+wsrep::reporter::reporter(wsrep::mutex& mutex,
+ const std::string& file_name,
+ size_t const max_msg)
+ : mutex_(mutex)
+ , file_name_(file_name)
+ , progress_(indefinite_progress)
+ , template_(new char [file_name_.length() + TEMP_EXTENSION.length() + 1])
+ , state_(wsrep::reporter::s_disconnected_disconnected)
+ , initialized_(false)
+ , err_msg_()
+ , warn_msg_()
+ , events_()
+ , max_msg_(max_msg)
+ template_[file_name_.length() + TEMP_EXTENSION.length()] = '\0';
+ write_file(timestamp());
+ delete [] template_;
+wsrep::reporter::substate_map(enum wsrep::server_state::state const state)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected:
+ initialized_ = false;
+ return s_disconnected_disconnected;
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_initializing:
+ if (s_disconnected_disconnected == state_)
+ return s_disconnected_initializing;
+ else if (s_joining_sst == state_)
+ return s_joining_initializing;
+ else if (s_joining_initializing == state_)
+ return s_joining_initializing; // continuation
+ else
+ {
+ assert(0);
+ return state_;
+ }
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_initialized:
+ initialized_ = true;
+ if (s_disconnected_initializing >= state_)
+ return s_disconnected_initialized;
+ else if (s_joining_initializing == state_)
+ return s_joining_ist;
+ else if (s_joining_ist == state_)
+ return s_joining_ist; // continuation
+ else
+ {
+ assert(0);
+ return state_;
+ }
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_connected:
+ return s_connected_waiting;
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_joiner:
+ if (initialized_)
+ return s_joining_initialized;
+ else
+ return s_joining_sst;
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_joined:
+ return s_joined_syncing;
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_donor:
+ return s_donor_sending;
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_synced:
+ return s_synced_running;
+ case wsrep::server_state::s_disconnecting:
+ return s_disconnecting_disconnecting;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ return state_;
+ }
+// See
+static std::string escape_json(const std::string& str)
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ for (auto c = str.cbegin(); c != str.cend(); ++c)
+ {
+ switch (*c)
+ {
+ case '"': os << "\\\""; break;
+ case '\\': os << "\\\\"; break;
+ case '/': os << "\\/"; break;
+ case '\b': os << "\\b"; break;
+ case '\f': os << "\\f"; break;
+ case '\n': os << "\\n"; break;
+ case '\r': os << "\\r"; break;
+ case '\t': os << "\\t"; break;
+ default:
+ // std::iscntrl() returns non-zero for [0x00, 0x1f] and
+ // backspace character. Argument type is int so cast to
+ // unsigned char is needed to make it safe, see
+ //
+ if (std::iscntrl(static_cast<unsigned char>(*c)))
+ {
+ os << "\\u" << std::hex << std::setw(4) <<
+ std::setfill('0') << static_cast<int>(*c);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << *c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return os.str();
+wsrep::reporter::write_log_msg(std::ostream& os,
+ const log_msg& msg)
+ os << "\t\t{\n";
+ os << "\t\t\t\"timestamp\": " << std::showpoint << std::setprecision(18)
+ << msg.tstamp << ",\n";
+ os << "\t\t\t\"msg\": \"" << msg.msg << "\"\n";
+ os << "\t\t}";
+wsrep::reporter::write_event(std::ostream& os,
+ const log_msg& msg)
+ os << "\t\t{\n";
+ os << "\t\t\t\"timestamp\": " << std::showpoint << std::setprecision(18)
+ << msg.tstamp << ",\n";
+ os << "\t\t\t\"event\": " << msg.msg << "\n";
+ os << "\t\t}";
+wsrep::reporter::write_array(std::ostream& os,
+ const std::string& label,
+ const std::deque<log_msg>& msgs,
+ void (*element_writer)(std::ostream& os,
+ const log_msg& msg))
+ os << "\t\"" << label << "\": [\n";
+ for (size_t i(0); i < msgs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ element_writer(os, msgs[i]);
+ os << (i+1 < msgs.size() ? ",\n" : "\n");
+ }
+ os << "\t],\n";
+// write data to temporary file and then rename it to target file for atomicity
+wsrep::reporter::write_file(double const tstamp)
+ enum progress_type {
+ t_indefinite = -1, // indefinite wait
+ t_progressive, // measurable progress
+ t_final // final state
+ };
+ struct strings {
+ const char* state;
+ const char* comment;
+ progress_type type;
+ };
+ static const struct strings strings[substates_max] =
+ {
+ { "DISCONNECTED", "Disconnected", t_indefinite },
+ { "DISCONNECTED", "Initializing", t_indefinite },
+ { "DISCONNECTED", "Connecting", t_indefinite },
+ { "CONNECTED", "Waiting", t_indefinite },
+ { "JOINING", "Receiving state", t_progressive },
+ { "JOINING", "Receiving SST", t_progressive },
+ { "JOINING", "Initializing", t_progressive },
+ { "JOINING", "Receiving IST", t_progressive },
+ { "JOINED", "Syncing", t_progressive },
+ { "SYNCED", "Operational", t_final },
+ { "DONOR", "Donating SST", t_progressive },
+ { "DISCONNECTING", "Disconnecting", t_indefinite }
+ };
+ double const seconds(floor(tstamp));
+ time_t const tt = time_t(seconds);
+ struct tm date;
+ localtime_r(&tt, &date);
+ char date_str[85] = { '\0', };
+ snprintf(date_str, sizeof(date_str) - 1,
+ "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
+ date.tm_year + 1900, date.tm_mon + 1, date.tm_mday,
+ date.tm_hour, date.tm_min, date.tm_sec,
+ (int)((tstamp-seconds)*1000));
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "{\n";
+ os << "\t\"date\": \"" << date_str << "\",\n";
+ os << "\t\"timestamp\": " << std::showpoint << std::setprecision(18)
+ << tstamp << ",\n";
+ write_array(os, "errors", err_msg_, write_log_msg);
+ write_array(os, "warnings", warn_msg_, write_log_msg);
+ write_array(os, "events", events_, write_event);
+ os << "\t\"status\": {\n";
+ os << "\t\t\"state\": \"" << strings[state_].state << "\",\n";
+ os << "\t\t\"comment\": \"" << strings[state_].comment << "\",\n";
+ os << "\t\t\"progress\": " << progress_ << "\n";
+ os << "\t}\n";
+ os << "}\n";
+ std::string const str(os.str());
+ // prepare template for mkstemp()
+ file_name_.copy(template_, file_name_.length());
+ TEMP_EXTENSION.copy(template_ +file_name_.length(),TEMP_EXTENSION.length());
+ int const fd(mkstemp(template_));
+ if (fd < 0)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Reporter could not open temporary file `" << template_
+ << "': " << strerror(errno) << " (" << errno << ")\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ ssize_t err(write(fd, str.c_str(), str.length()));
+ close(fd);
+ if (err < 0)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Could not write " << str.length()
+ << " bytes to temporary file '"
+ << template_ << "': " << strerror(errno)
+ << " (" << errno << ")\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ rename(template_, file_name_.c_str());
+wsrep::reporter::report_state(enum server_state::state const s)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ substates const state(substate_map(s));
+ if (state != state_)
+ {
+ state_ = state;
+ if (state_ == s_synced_running)
+ progress_ = steady_state;
+ else
+ progress_ = indefinite_progress;
+ write_file(timestamp());
+ }
+wsrep::reporter::report_progress(const std::string& json)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ if (json != progress_)
+ {
+ if (state_ != s_synced_running)
+ {
+ // ignore any progress in SYNCED state
+ progress_ = json;
+ write_file(timestamp());
+ }
+ }
+wsrep::reporter::report_event(const std::string& json)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ if (events_.size() == max_msg_)
+ {
+ events_.pop_front();
+ }
+ events_.push_back({timestamp(), json});
+ write_file(timestamp());
+wsrep::reporter::report_log_msg(log_level const lvl,
+ const std::string& msg,
+ double tstamp)
+ std::deque<log_msg>& deque(lvl == error ? err_msg_ : warn_msg_);
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ if (deque.empty() || msg != deque.back().msg)
+ {
+ if (deque.size() == max_msg_) deque.pop_front();
+ if (tstamp <= undefined) tstamp = timestamp();
+ /* Log messages are not expected to be json formatted, so we escape
+ the message strings here to keep the report file well formatted. */
+ log_msg entry({tstamp, escape_json(msg)});
+ deque.push_back(entry);
+ write_file(tstamp);
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/seqno.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/seqno.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19ff567d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/seqno.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/seqno.hpp"
+#include <ostream>
+std::ostream& wsrep::operator<<(std::ostream& os, wsrep::seqno seqno)
+ return (os << seqno.get());
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/server_state.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/server_state.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fc9b199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/server_state.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1654 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/server_state.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/client_state.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/server_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/client_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/high_priority_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/transaction.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/view.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/compiler.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/id.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+// Helpers //
+// This method is used to deal with historical burden of several
+// ways to bootstrap the cluster. Bootstrap happens if
+// * bootstrap option is given
+// * cluster_address is "gcomm://" (Galera provider)
+static bool is_bootstrap(const std::string& cluster_address, bool bootstrap)
+ return (bootstrap || cluster_address == "gcomm://");
+// Helper method to provide detailed error message if transaction
+// adopt for fragment removal fails.
+static void log_adopt_error(const wsrep::transaction& transaction)
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Adopting a transaction ("
+ << transaction.server_id() << "," <<
+ << ") for rollback failed, "
+ << "this may leave stale entries to streaming log "
+ << "which may need to be removed manually.";
+// resolve which of the two errors return to caller
+static inline int resolve_return_error(bool const vote,
+ int const vote_err,
+ int const apply_err)
+ if (vote) return vote_err;
+ return vote_err != 0 ? vote_err : apply_err;
+static void
+discard_streaming_applier(wsrep::server_state& server_state,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service& high_priority_service,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* streaming_applier,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ server_state.stop_streaming_applier(
+ ws_meta.server_id(), ws_meta.transaction_id());
+ server_state.server_service().release_high_priority_service(
+ streaming_applier);
+ high_priority_service.store_globals();
+static int apply_fragment(wsrep::server_state& server_state,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service& high_priority_service,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* streaming_applier,
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& data)
+ int ret(0);
+ int apply_err;
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer err;
+ {
+ wsrep::high_priority_switch sw(high_priority_service,
+ *streaming_applier);
+ apply_err = streaming_applier->apply_write_set(ws_meta, data, err);
+ if (!apply_err)
+ {
+ assert(err.size() == 0);
+ streaming_applier->after_apply();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool const remove_fragments(streaming_applier->transaction(
+ ).streaming_context().fragments().size() > 0);
+ ret = streaming_applier->rollback(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ ret = ret || (streaming_applier->after_apply(), 0);
+ if (remove_fragments)
+ {
+ ret = ret || streaming_applier->start_transaction(ws_handle,
+ ws_meta);
+ ret = ret || (streaming_applier->adopt_apply_error(err), 0);
+ ret = ret || streaming_applier->remove_fragments(ws_meta);
+ ret = ret || streaming_applier->commit(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ ret = ret || (streaming_applier->after_apply(), 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = streaming_applier->log_dummy_write_set(ws_handle,
+ ws_meta, err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ if (!apply_err)
+ {
+ high_priority_service.debug_crash("crash_apply_cb_before_append_frag");
+ const wsrep::xid xid(streaming_applier->transaction().xid());
+ ret = high_priority_service.append_fragment_and_commit(
+ ws_handle, ws_meta, data, xid);
+ high_priority_service.debug_crash("crash_apply_cb_after_append_frag");
+ ret = ret || (high_priority_service.after_apply(), 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ discard_streaming_applier(server_state,
+ high_priority_service,
+ streaming_applier,
+ ws_meta);
+ ret = resolve_return_error(err.size() > 0, ret, apply_err);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int commit_fragment(wsrep::server_state& server_state,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service& high_priority_service,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* streaming_applier,
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& data)
+ int ret(0);
+ {
+ wsrep::high_priority_switch sw(
+ high_priority_service, *streaming_applier);
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer err;
+ int const apply_err(
+ streaming_applier->apply_write_set(ws_meta, data, err));
+ if (apply_err)
+ {
+ assert(streaming_applier->transaction(
+ ).streaming_context().fragments().size() > 0);
+ ret = streaming_applier->rollback(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ ret = ret || (streaming_applier->after_apply(), 0);
+ ret = ret || streaming_applier->start_transaction(
+ ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ ret = ret || (streaming_applier->adopt_apply_error(err),0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(err.size() == 0);
+ }
+ const wsrep::transaction& trx(streaming_applier->transaction());
+ // Fragment removal for XA is going to happen in after_commit
+ if (trx.state() != wsrep::transaction::s_prepared)
+ {
+ streaming_applier->debug_crash(
+ "crash_apply_cb_before_fragment_removal");
+ ret = ret || streaming_applier->remove_fragments(ws_meta);
+ streaming_applier->debug_crash(
+ "crash_apply_cb_after_fragment_removal");
+ }
+ streaming_applier->debug_crash(
+ "crash_commit_cb_before_last_fragment_commit");
+ ret = ret || streaming_applier->commit(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ streaming_applier->debug_crash(
+ "crash_commit_cb_last_fragment_commit_success");
+ ret = ret || (streaming_applier->after_apply(), 0);
+ ret = resolve_return_error(err.size() > 0, ret, apply_err);
+ }
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ discard_streaming_applier(server_state, high_priority_service,
+ streaming_applier, ws_meta);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int rollback_fragment(wsrep::server_state& server_state,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service& high_priority_service,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* streaming_applier,
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ int ret(0);
+ int adopt_error(0);
+ bool const remove_fragments(streaming_applier->transaction().
+ streaming_context().fragments().size() > 0);
+ // If fragment removal is needed, adopt transaction state
+ // and start a transaction for it.
+ if (remove_fragments &&
+ (adopt_error = high_priority_service.adopt_transaction(
+ streaming_applier->transaction())))
+ {
+ log_adopt_error(streaming_applier->transaction());
+ }
+ // Even if the adopt above fails we roll back the streaming transaction.
+ // Adopt failure will leave stale entries in streaming log which can
+ // be removed manually.
+ wsrep::const_buffer no_error;
+ {
+ wsrep::high_priority_switch ws(
+ high_priority_service, *streaming_applier);
+ // Streaming applier rolls back out of order. Fragment
+ // removal grabs commit order below.
+ ret = streaming_applier->rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ ret = ret || (streaming_applier->after_apply(), 0);
+ }
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ discard_streaming_applier(server_state, high_priority_service,
+ streaming_applier, ws_meta);
+ if (adopt_error == 0)
+ {
+ if (remove_fragments)
+ {
+ ret = high_priority_service.remove_fragments(ws_meta);
+ ret = ret || high_priority_service.commit(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ high_priority_service.rollback(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ }
+ high_priority_service.after_apply();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ws_meta.ordered())
+ {
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer no_error;
+ ret = high_priority_service.log_dummy_write_set(
+ ws_handle, ws_meta, no_error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int apply_write_set(wsrep::server_state& server_state,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service& high_priority_service,
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& data)
+ int ret(0);
+ if (wsrep::rolls_back_transaction(ws_meta.flags()))
+ {
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer no_error;
+ if (wsrep::starts_transaction(ws_meta.flags()))
+ {
+ // No transaction existed before, log a dummy write set
+ ret = high_priority_service.log_dummy_write_set(
+ ws_handle, ws_meta, no_error);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* sa(
+ server_state.find_streaming_applier(
+ ws_meta.server_id(), ws_meta.transaction_id()));
+ if (sa == 0)
+ {
+ // It is a known limitation that galera provider
+ // cannot always determine if certification test
+ // for interrupted transaction will pass or fail
+ // (see comments in transaction::certify_fragment()).
+ // As a consequence, unnecessary rollback fragments
+ // may be delivered here. The message below has
+ // been intentionally turned into a debug message,
+ // rather than warning.
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(wsrep::log::debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_server_state,
+ "Could not find applier context for "
+ << ws_meta.server_id()
+ << ": " << ws_meta.transaction_id());
+ ret = high_priority_service.log_dummy_write_set(
+ ws_handle, ws_meta, no_error);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // rollback_fragment() consumes sa
+ ret = rollback_fragment(server_state,
+ high_priority_service,
+ sa,
+ ws_handle,
+ ws_meta);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (wsrep::starts_transaction(ws_meta.flags()) &&
+ wsrep::commits_transaction(ws_meta.flags()))
+ {
+ ret = high_priority_service.start_transaction(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer err;
+ int const apply_err(high_priority_service.apply_write_set(
+ ws_meta, data, err));
+ if (!apply_err)
+ {
+ assert(err.size() == 0);
+ ret = high_priority_service.commit(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ ret = ret || (high_priority_service.after_apply(), 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = high_priority_service.rollback(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ ret = ret || (high_priority_service.after_apply(), 0);
+ ret = ret || high_priority_service.log_dummy_write_set(
+ ws_handle, ws_meta, err);
+ ret = resolve_return_error(err.size() > 0, ret, apply_err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (wsrep::starts_transaction(ws_meta.flags()))
+ {
+ assert(server_state.find_streaming_applier(
+ ws_meta.server_id(), ws_meta.transaction_id()) == 0);
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* sa(
+ server_state.server_service().streaming_applier_service(
+ high_priority_service));
+ server_state.start_streaming_applier(
+ ws_meta.server_id(), ws_meta.transaction_id(), sa);
+ sa->start_transaction(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ ret = apply_fragment(server_state,
+ high_priority_service,
+ sa,
+ ws_handle,
+ ws_meta,
+ data);
+ }
+ else if (ws_meta.flags() == 0 || ws_meta.flags() == wsrep::provider::flag::pa_unsafe ||
+ wsrep::prepares_transaction(ws_meta.flags()))
+ {
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* sa(
+ server_state.find_streaming_applier(
+ ws_meta.server_id(), ws_meta.transaction_id()));
+ if (sa == 0)
+ {
+ // It is possible that rapid group membership changes
+ // may cause streaming transaction be rolled back before
+ // commit fragment comes in. Although this is a valid
+ // situation, log a warning if a sac cannot be found as
+ // it may be an indication of a bug too.
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Could not find applier context for "
+ << ws_meta.server_id()
+ << ": " << ws_meta.transaction_id();
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer no_error;
+ ret = high_priority_service.log_dummy_write_set(
+ ws_handle, ws_meta, no_error);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sa->next_fragment(ws_meta);
+ ret = apply_fragment(server_state,
+ high_priority_service,
+ sa,
+ ws_handle,
+ ws_meta,
+ data);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (wsrep::commits_transaction(ws_meta.flags()))
+ {
+ if (high_priority_service.is_replaying())
+ {
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer unused;
+ ret = high_priority_service.start_transaction(
+ ws_handle, ws_meta) ||
+ high_priority_service.apply_write_set(ws_meta, data, unused) ||
+ high_priority_service.commit(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* sa(
+ server_state.find_streaming_applier(
+ ws_meta.server_id(), ws_meta.transaction_id()));
+ if (sa == 0)
+ {
+ // It is possible that rapid group membership changes
+ // may cause streaming transaction be rolled back before
+ // commit fragment comes in. Although this is a valid
+ // situation, log a warning if a sac cannot be found as
+ // it may be an indication of a bug too.
+ wsrep::log_warning()
+ << "Could not find applier context for "
+ << ws_meta.server_id()
+ << ": " << ws_meta.transaction_id();
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer no_error;
+ ret = high_priority_service.log_dummy_write_set(
+ ws_handle, ws_meta, no_error);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Commit fragment consumes sa
+ sa->next_fragment(ws_meta);
+ ret = commit_fragment(server_state,
+ high_priority_service,
+ sa,
+ ws_handle,
+ ws_meta,
+ data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Failed to apply write set: " << ws_meta;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int apply_toi(wsrep::provider& provider,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service& high_priority_service,
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& data)
+ if (wsrep::starts_transaction(ws_meta.flags()) &&
+ wsrep::commits_transaction(ws_meta.flags()))
+ {
+ //
+ // Regular TOI.
+ //
+ provider.commit_order_enter(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer err;
+ int const apply_err(high_priority_service.apply_toi(ws_meta,data,err));
+ int const vote_err(provider.commit_order_leave(ws_handle, ws_meta,err));
+ return resolve_return_error(err.size() > 0, vote_err, apply_err);
+ }
+ else if (wsrep::starts_transaction(ws_meta.flags()))
+ {
+ provider.commit_order_enter(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer err;
+ int const apply_err(high_priority_service.apply_nbo_begin(ws_meta, data, err));
+ int const vote_err(provider.commit_order_leave(ws_handle, ws_meta, err));
+ return resolve_return_error(err.size() > 0, vote_err, apply_err);
+ }
+ else if (wsrep::commits_transaction(ws_meta.flags()))
+ {
+ // NBO end event is ignored here, both local and applied
+ // have NBO end handled via local TOI calls.
+ provider.commit_order_enter(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer err;
+ provider.commit_order_leave(ws_handle, ws_meta, err);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+// Server State //
+int wsrep::server_state::load_provider(
+ const std::string& provider_spec, const std::string& provider_options,
+ const wsrep::provider::services& services)
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Loading provider " << provider_spec
+ << " initial position: " << initial_position_;
+ provider_ = wsrep::provider::make_provider(*this,
+ provider_spec,
+ provider_options,
+ services);
+ return (provider_ ? 0 : 1);
+void wsrep::server_state::unload_provider()
+ delete provider_;
+ provider_ = 0;
+int wsrep::server_state::connect(const std::string& cluster_name,
+ const std::string& cluster_address,
+ const std::string& state_donor,
+ bool bootstrap)
+ bootstrap_ = is_bootstrap(cluster_address, bootstrap);
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Connecting with bootstrap option: " << bootstrap_;
+ return provider().connect(cluster_name, cluster_address, state_donor,
+ bootstrap_);
+int wsrep::server_state::disconnect()
+ {
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ // In case of failure situations which are caused by provider
+ // being shut down some failing operation may also try to shut
+ // down the replication. Check the state here and
+ // return success if the provider disconnect is already in progress
+ // or has completed.
+ if (state(lock) == s_disconnecting || state(lock) == s_disconnected)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ state(lock, s_disconnecting);
+ interrupt_state_waiters(lock);
+ }
+ return provider().disconnect();
+ delete provider_;
+wsrep::server_state::status() const
+ return provider().status();
+wsrep::seqno wsrep::server_state::pause()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ // Disallow concurrent calls to pause to in order to have non-concurrent
+ // access to desynced_on_pause_ which is checked in resume() call.
+ wsrep::log_info() << "pause";
+ while (pause_count_ > 0)
+ {
+ cond_.wait(lock);
+ }
+ ++pause_count_;
+ assert(pause_seqno_.is_undefined());
+ lock.unlock();
+ pause_seqno_ = provider().pause();
+ lock.lock();
+ if (pause_seqno_.is_undefined())
+ {
+ --pause_count_;
+ }
+ return pause_seqno_;
+void wsrep::server_state::resume()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ wsrep::log_info() << "resume";
+ assert(pause_seqno_.is_undefined() == false);
+ assert(pause_count_ == 1);
+ if (provider().resume())
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to resume provider");
+ }
+ pause_seqno_ = wsrep::seqno::undefined();
+ --pause_count_;
+ cond_.notify_all();
+wsrep::seqno wsrep::server_state::desync_and_pause()
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Desyncing and pausing the provider";
+ // Temporary variable to store desync() return status. This will be
+ // assigned to desynced_on_pause_ after pause() call to prevent
+ // concurrent access to member variable desynced_on_pause_.
+ bool desync_successful;
+ if (desync())
+ {
+ // Desync may give transient error if the provider cannot
+ // communicate with the rest of the cluster. However, this
+ // error can be tolerated because if the provider can be
+ // paused successfully below.
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(wsrep::log::debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_server_state,
+ "Failed to desync server before pause");
+ desync_successful = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ desync_successful = true;
+ }
+ wsrep::seqno ret(pause());
+ if (ret.is_undefined())
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Failed to pause provider";
+ resync();
+ return wsrep::seqno::undefined();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ desynced_on_pause_ = desync_successful;
+ }
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Provider paused at: " << ret;
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::server_state::resume_and_resync()
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Resuming and resyncing the provider";
+ try
+ {
+ // Assign desynced_on_pause_ to local variable before resuming
+ // in order to avoid concurrent access to desynced_on_pause_ member
+ // variable.
+ bool do_resync = desynced_on_pause_;
+ desynced_on_pause_ = false;
+ resume();
+ if (do_resync)
+ {
+ resync();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const wsrep::runtime_error& e)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning()
+ << "Resume and resync failed, server may have to be restarted";
+ }
+std::string wsrep::server_state::prepare_for_sst()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ state(lock, s_joiner);
+ lock.unlock();
+ return server_service_.sst_request();
+int wsrep::server_state::start_sst(const std::string& sst_request,
+ const wsrep::gtid& gtid,
+ bool bypass)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ state(lock, s_donor);
+ int ret(0);
+ lock.unlock();
+ if (server_service_.start_sst(sst_request, gtid, bypass))
+ {
+ lock.lock();
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "SST preparation failed";
+ return_from_donor_state(lock);
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::server_state::sst_sent(const wsrep::gtid& gtid, int error)
+ if (0 == error)
+ wsrep::log_info() << "SST sent: " << gtid;
+ else
+ wsrep::log_info() << "SST sending failed: " << error;
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ return_from_donor_state(lock);
+ lock.unlock();
+ enum provider::status const retval(provider().sst_sent(gtid, error));
+ if (retval != provider::success)
+ {
+ std::string msg("wsrep::sst_sent() returned an error: ");
+ msg += wsrep::provider::to_string(retval);
+ server_service_.log_message(wsrep::log::warning, msg.c_str());
+ }
+int wsrep::server_state::sst_received(wsrep::client_service& cs,
+ int const error)
+ wsrep::log_info() << "SST received";
+ wsrep::gtid gtid(wsrep::gtid::undefined());
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ assert(state_ == s_joiner || state_ == s_initialized);
+ // Run initialization only if the SST was successful.
+ // In case of SST failure the system is in undefined state
+ // may not be recoverable.
+ if (error == 0)
+ {
+ if (server_service_.sst_before_init())
+ {
+ if (init_initialized_ == false)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_initializing);
+ lock.unlock();
+ server_service_.debug_sync("on_view_wait_initialized");
+ lock.lock();
+ wait_until_state(lock, s_initialized);
+ assert(init_initialized_);
+ }
+ }
+ lock.unlock();
+ if (id_.is_undefined())
+ {
+ assert(0);
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error(
+ "wsrep::sst_received() called before connection to cluster");
+ }
+ gtid = server_service_.get_position(cs);
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Recovered position from storage: " << gtid;
+ lock.lock();
+ if (gtid.seqno() >= connected_gtid().seqno())
+ {
+ /* Now the node has all the data the cluster has: part in
+ * storage, part in replication event queue. */
+ state(lock, s_joined);
+ }
+ lock.unlock();
+ wsrep::view const v(server_service_.get_view(cs, id_));
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Recovered view from SST:\n" << v;
+ /*
+ * If the state id from recovered view has undefined ID, we may
+ * be upgrading from earlier version which does not provide
+ * view stored in stable storage. In this case we skip
+ * sanity checks and assigning the current view and wait
+ * until the first view delivery.
+ */
+ if (v.state_id().id().is_undefined() == false)
+ {
+ if (v.state_id().id() != ||
+ v.state_id().seqno() > gtid.seqno())
+ {
+ /* Since IN GENERAL we may not be able to recover SST GTID from
+ * the state data, we have to rely on SST script passing the
+ * GTID value explicitly.
+ * Here we check if the passed GTID makes any sense: it should
+ * have the same UUID and greater or equal seqno than the last
+ * logged view. */
+ std::ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "SST script passed bogus GTID: " << gtid
+ << ". Preceding view GTID: " << v.state_id();
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error(msg.str());
+ }
+ if (current_view_.status() == wsrep::view::primary)
+ {
+ previous_primary_view_ = current_view_;
+ }
+ current_view_ = v;
+ server_service_.log_view(NULL /* this view is stored already */, v);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning()
+ << "View recovered from stable storage was empty. If the "
+ << "server is doing rolling upgrade from previous version "
+ << "which does not support storing view info into stable "
+ << "storage, this is ok. Otherwise this may be a sign of "
+ << "malfunction.";
+ }
+ lock.lock();
+ recover_streaming_appliers_if_not_recovered(lock, cs);
+ lock.unlock();
+ }
+ enum provider::status const retval(provider().sst_received(gtid, error));
+ if (retval != provider::success)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "provider.sst_received() failed: "
+ << wsrep::provider::to_string(retval);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+catch (const wsrep::runtime_error& e)
+ wsrep::log_error() << "sst_received failed: " << e.what();
+ if (provider_)
+ {
+ provider_->sst_received(wsrep::gtid::undefined(), -EINTR);
+ }
+ return 1;
+void wsrep::server_state::initialized()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Server initialized";
+ init_initialized_ = true;
+ if (server_service_.sst_before_init())
+ {
+ state(lock, s_initialized);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ state(lock, s_initializing);
+ state(lock, s_initialized);
+ }
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+wsrep::server_state::wait_for_gtid(const wsrep::gtid& gtid, int timeout)
+ const
+ return provider().wait_for_gtid(gtid, timeout);
+wsrep::server_state::set_encryption_key(std::vector<unsigned char>& key)
+ encryption_key_ = key;
+ if (provider_)
+ {
+ wsrep::const_buffer const key(,
+ encryption_key_.size());
+ enum provider::status const retval(provider_->enc_set_key(key));
+ if (retval != provider::success)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Failed to set encryption key: "
+ << provider::to_string(retval);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+std::pair<wsrep::gtid, enum wsrep::provider::status>
+wsrep::server_state::causal_read(int timeout) const
+ return provider().causal_read(timeout);
+void wsrep::server_state::on_connect(const wsrep::view& view)
+ // Sanity checks
+ if (view.own_index() < 0 ||
+ size_t(view.own_index()) >= view.members().size())
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Invalid view on connect: own index out of range: " << view;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ wsrep::log_error() << os.str();
+ assert(0);
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error(os.str());
+ }
+ const size_t own_index(static_cast<size_t>(view.own_index()));
+ if (id_.is_undefined() == false && id_ != view.members()[own_index].id())
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Connection in connected state.\n"
+ << "Connected view:\n" << view
+ << "Previous view:\n" << current_view_
+ << "Current own ID: " << id_;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ wsrep::log_error() << os.str();
+ assert(0);
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error(os.str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ id_ = view.members()[own_index].id();
+ }
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Server "
+ << name_
+ << " connected to cluster at position "
+ << view.state_id()
+ << " with ID "
+ << id_;
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ connected_gtid_ = view.state_id();
+ state(lock, s_connected);
+void wsrep::server_state::on_primary_view(
+ const wsrep::view& view,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* high_priority_service)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ assert( == false);
+ //
+ // Reached primary from connected state. This may mean the following
+ //
+ // 1) Server was joined to the cluster and got SST transfer
+ // 2) Server was partitioned from the cluster and got back
+ // 3) A new cluster was bootstrapped from non-prim cluster
+ //
+ // There is no enough information here what was the cause
+ // of the primary component, so we need to walk through
+ // all states leading to joined to notify possible state
+ // waiters in other threads.
+ //
+ if (server_service_.sst_before_init())
+ {
+ if (state_ == s_connected)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_joiner);
+ // We need to assign init_initialized_ here to local
+ // variable. If the value here was false, we need to skip
+ // the initializing -> initialized -> joined state cycle
+ // below. However, if we don't assign the value to
+ // local, it is possible that the main thread gets control
+ // between changing the state to initializing and checking
+ // initialized flag, which may cause the initialzing -> initialized
+ // state change to be executed even if it should not be.
+ const bool was_initialized(init_initialized_);
+ state(lock, s_initializing);
+ if (was_initialized)
+ {
+ // If server side has already been initialized,
+ // skip directly to s_joined.
+ state(lock, s_initialized);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (state_ == s_connected)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_joiner);
+ }
+ }
+ if (init_initialized_ == false)
+ {
+ lock.unlock();
+ server_service_.debug_sync("on_view_wait_initialized");
+ lock.lock();
+ wait_until_state(lock, s_initialized);
+ }
+ assert(init_initialized_);
+ if (bootstrap_)
+ {
+ server_service_.bootstrap();
+ bootstrap_ = false;
+ }
+ assert(high_priority_service);
+ if (high_priority_service)
+ {
+ recover_streaming_appliers_if_not_recovered(lock,
+ *high_priority_service);
+ close_orphaned_sr_transactions(lock, *high_priority_service);
+ }
+ if (state(lock) < s_joined &&
+ view.state_id().seqno() >= connected_gtid().seqno())
+ {
+ // If we progressed beyond connected seqno, it means we have full state
+ state(lock, s_joined);
+ }
+void wsrep::server_state::on_non_primary_view(
+ const wsrep::view& view,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* high_priority_service)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Non-primary view";
+ if (
+ {
+ go_final(lock, view, high_priority_service);
+ }
+ else if (state_ != s_disconnecting)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_connected);
+ }
+void wsrep::server_state::go_final(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock,
+ const wsrep::view& view,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* hps)
+ (void)view; // avoid compiler warning "unused parameter 'view'"
+ assert(;
+ assert(hps);
+ if (hps)
+ {
+ close_transactions_at_disconnect(*hps);
+ }
+ state(lock, s_disconnected);
+ id_ = wsrep::id::undefined();
+void wsrep::server_state::on_view(const wsrep::view& view,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* high_priority_service)
+ wsrep::log_info()
+ << "================================================\nView:\n"
+ << view
+ << "=================================================";
+ if (current_view_.status() == wsrep::view::primary)
+ {
+ previous_primary_view_ = current_view_;
+ }
+ current_view_ = view;
+ switch (view.status())
+ {
+ case wsrep::view::primary:
+ on_primary_view(view, high_priority_service);
+ break;
+ case wsrep::view::non_primary:
+ on_non_primary_view(view, high_priority_service);
+ break;
+ case wsrep::view::disconnected:
+ {
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ go_final(lock, view, high_priority_service);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Unrecognized view status: " << view.status();
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ server_service_.log_view(high_priority_service, view);
+void wsrep::server_state::on_sync()
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Server " << name_ << " synced with group";
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ // Initial sync
+ if (server_service_.sst_before_init() && init_synced_ == false)
+ {
+ switch (state_)
+ {
+ case s_synced:
+ break;
+ case s_connected: // Seed node path: provider becomes
+ state(lock, s_joiner); // synced with itself before anything
+ WSREP_FALLTHROUGH; // else. Then goes DB initialization.
+ case s_joiner: // |
+ state(lock, s_initializing); // V
+ break;
+ case s_donor:
+ assert(false); // this should never happen
+ state(lock, s_joined);
+ state(lock, s_synced);
+ break;
+ case s_initialized:
+ state(lock, s_joined);
+ default:
+ /* State */
+ state(lock, s_synced);
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Calls to on_sync() in synced state are possible if
+ // server desyncs itself from the group. Provider does not
+ // inform about this through callbacks.
+ if (state_ != s_synced)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_synced);
+ }
+ }
+ init_synced_ = true;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status status(send_pending_rollback_events(lock));
+ if (status)
+ {
+ // TODO should be retried?
+ wsrep::log_warning()
+ << "Failed to flush rollback event cache: " << status;
+ }
+int wsrep::server_state::on_apply(
+ wsrep::high_priority_service& high_priority_service,
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& data)
+ if (is_toi(ws_meta.flags()))
+ {
+ return apply_toi(provider(), high_priority_service,
+ ws_handle, ws_meta, data);
+ }
+ else if (is_commutative(ws_meta.flags()) || is_native(ws_meta.flags()))
+ {
+ // Not implemented yet.
+ assert(0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return apply_write_set(*this, high_priority_service,
+ ws_handle, ws_meta, data);
+ }
+enum wsrep::server_state::state wsrep::server_state::state(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock WSREP_UNUSED) const
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ return state_;
+void wsrep::server_state::start_streaming_client(
+ wsrep::client_state* client_state)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(wsrep::log::debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_server_state,
+ "Start streaming client: " << client_state->id());
+ if (streaming_clients_.insert(
+ std::make_pair(client_state->id(), client_state)).second == false)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Failed to insert streaming client "
+ << client_state->id();
+ assert(0);
+ }
+void wsrep::server_state::convert_streaming_client_to_applier(
+ wsrep::client_state* client_state)
+ // create streaming_applier beforehand as server_state lock should
+ // not be held when calling server_service methods
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* streaming_applier(
+ server_service_.streaming_applier_service(
+ client_state->client_service()));
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(wsrep::log::debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_server_state,
+ "Convert streaming client to applier "
+ << client_state->id());
+ streaming_clients_map::iterator i(
+ streaming_clients_.find(client_state->id()));
+ assert(i != streaming_clients_.end());
+ if (i == streaming_clients_.end())
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Unable to find streaming client "
+ << client_state->id();
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ streaming_clients_.erase(i);
+ }
+ // Convert to applier only if the state is not disconnected. In
+ // disconnected state the applier map is supposed to be empty
+ // and it will be reconstructed from fragment storage when
+ // joining back to cluster.
+ if (state(lock) != s_disconnected)
+ {
+ if (streaming_applier->adopt_transaction(client_state->transaction()))
+ {
+ log_adopt_error(client_state->transaction());
+ streaming_applier->after_apply();
+ server_service_.release_high_priority_service(streaming_applier);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (streaming_appliers_.insert(
+ std::make_pair(
+ std::make_pair(client_state->transaction().server_id(),
+ client_state->transaction().id()),
+ streaming_applier)).second == false)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Could not insert streaming applier "
+ << id_
+ << ", "
+ << client_state->transaction().id();
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ server_service_.release_high_priority_service(streaming_applier);
+ client_state->client_service().store_globals();
+ }
+void wsrep::server_state::stop_streaming_client(
+ wsrep::client_state* client_state)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(wsrep::log::debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_server_state,
+ "Stop streaming client: " << client_state->id());
+ streaming_clients_map::iterator i(
+ streaming_clients_.find(client_state->id()));
+ assert(i != streaming_clients_.end());
+ if (i == streaming_clients_.end())
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Unable to find streaming client "
+ << client_state->id();
+ assert(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ streaming_clients_.erase(i);
+ cond_.notify_all();
+ }
+void wsrep::server_state::start_streaming_applier(
+ const wsrep::id& server_id,
+ const wsrep::transaction_id& transaction_id,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* sa)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ if (streaming_appliers_.insert(
+ std::make_pair(std::make_pair(server_id, transaction_id),
+ sa)).second == false)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Could not insert streaming applier";
+ throw wsrep::fatal_error();
+ }
+void wsrep::server_state::stop_streaming_applier(
+ const wsrep::id& server_id,
+ const wsrep::transaction_id& transaction_id)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ streaming_appliers_map::iterator i(
+ streaming_appliers_.find(std::make_pair(server_id, transaction_id)));
+ assert(i != streaming_appliers_.end());
+ if (i == streaming_appliers_.end())
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Could not find streaming applier for "
+ << server_id << ":" << transaction_id;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ streaming_appliers_.erase(i);
+ cond_.notify_all();
+ }
+wsrep::high_priority_service* wsrep::server_state::find_streaming_applier(
+ const wsrep::id& server_id,
+ const wsrep::transaction_id& transaction_id) const
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ streaming_appliers_map::const_iterator i(
+ streaming_appliers_.find(std::make_pair(server_id, transaction_id)));
+ return (i == streaming_appliers_.end() ? 0 : i->second);
+wsrep::high_priority_service* wsrep::server_state::find_streaming_applier(
+ const wsrep::xid& xid) const
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ streaming_appliers_map::const_iterator i(streaming_appliers_.begin());
+ while (i != streaming_appliers_.end())
+ {
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* sa(i->second);
+ if (sa->transaction().xid() == xid)
+ {
+ return sa;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Private //
+int wsrep::server_state::desync(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ ++desync_count_;
+ lock.unlock();
+ int ret(provider().desync());
+ lock.lock();
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ --desync_count_;
+ }
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::server_state::resync(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ assert(desync_count_ > 0);
+ if (desync_count_ > 0)
+ {
+ --desync_count_;
+ if (provider().resync())
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to resync");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "desync_count " << desync_count_
+ << " on resync";
+ }
+void wsrep::server_state::state(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock WSREP_UNUSED,
+ enum wsrep::server_state::state state)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ static const char allowed[n_states_][n_states_] =
+ {
+ /* dis, ing, ized, cted, jer, jed, dor, sed, ding to/from */
+ { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* dis */
+ { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, /* ing */
+ { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1}, /* ized */
+ { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1}, /* cted */
+ { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1}, /* jer */
+ { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, /* jed */
+ { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1}, /* dor */
+ { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1}, /* sed */
+ { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} /* ding */
+ };
+ if (allowed[state_][state] == false)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "server: " << name_ << " unallowed state transition: "
+ << wsrep::to_string(state_) << " -> " << wsrep::to_string(state);
+ wsrep::log_warning() << os.str() << "\n";
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(wsrep::log::debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_server_state,
+ "server " << name_ << " state change: "
+ << to_c_string(state_) << " -> "
+ << to_c_string(state));
+ state_hist_.push_back(state_);
+ server_service_.log_state_change(state_, state);
+ state_ = state;
+ cond_.notify_all();
+ while (state_waiters_[state_])
+ {
+ cond_.wait(lock);
+ }
+void wsrep::server_state::wait_until_state(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock,
+ enum wsrep::server_state::state state) const
+ ++state_waiters_[state];
+ while (state_ != state)
+ {
+ cond_.wait(lock);
+ // If the waiter waits for any other state than disconnecting
+ // or disconnected and the state has been changed to disconnecting,
+ // this usually means that some error was encountered
+ if (state != s_disconnecting && state != s_disconnected
+ && state_ == s_disconnecting)
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("State wait was interrupted");
+ }
+ }
+ --state_waiters_[state];
+ cond_.notify_all();
+int wsrep::server_state::wait_until_state(enum state state) const
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ wait_until_state(lock, state);
+ return 0;
+catch (...)
+ return 1;
+void wsrep::server_state::interrupt_state_waiters(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock WSREP_UNUSED)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ cond_.notify_all();
+template <class C>
+void wsrep::server_state::recover_streaming_appliers_if_not_recovered(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock, C& c)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ if (streaming_appliers_recovered_ == false)
+ {
+ lock.unlock();
+ server_service_.recover_streaming_appliers(c);
+ lock.lock();
+ }
+ streaming_appliers_recovered_ = true;
+class transaction_state_cmp
+ transaction_state_cmp(const enum wsrep::transaction::state s)
+ : state_(s) { }
+ bool operator()(const std::pair<wsrep::client_id,
+ wsrep::client_state*>& vt) const
+ {
+ return vt.second->transaction().state() == state_;
+ }
+ enum wsrep::transaction::state state_;
+void wsrep::server_state::close_orphaned_sr_transactions(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service& high_priority_service)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ // When the originator of an SR transaction leaves the primary
+ // component of the cluster, that SR must be rolled back. When two
+ // consecutive primary views have the same membership, the system
+ // may have been in a state with no primary components.
+ // Example with 2 node cluster:
+ // - (1,2 primary)
+ // - (1 non-primary) and (2 non-primary)
+ // - (1,2 primary)
+ // We need to rollback SRs owned by both 1 and 2.
+ // Notice that since the introduction of rollback_event_queue_,
+ // checking for equal consecutive views is no longer needed.
+ // However, we must keep it here for the time being, for backwards
+ // compatibility.
+ const bool equal_consecutive_views =
+ current_view_.equal_membership(previous_primary_view_);
+ if (current_view_.own_index() == -1 || equal_consecutive_views)
+ {
+ streaming_clients_map::iterator i;
+ transaction_state_cmp prepared_state_cmp(wsrep::transaction::s_prepared);
+ while ((i = std::find_if_not(streaming_clients_.begin(),
+ streaming_clients_.end(),
+ prepared_state_cmp))
+ != streaming_clients_.end())
+ {
+ wsrep::client_id client_id(i->first);
+ wsrep::transaction_id transaction_id(i->second->transaction().id());
+ // It is safe to unlock the server state temporarily here.
+ // The processing happens inside view handler which is
+ // protected by the provider commit ordering critical
+ // section. The lock must be unlocked temporarily to
+ // allow converting the current client to streaming
+ // applier in transaction::streaming_rollback().
+ // The iterator i may be invalidated when the server state
+ // remains unlocked, so it should not be accessed after
+ // the bf abort call.
+ lock.unlock();
+ i->second->total_order_bf_abort(current_view_.view_seqno());
+ lock.lock();
+ streaming_clients_map::const_iterator found_i;
+ while ((found_i = streaming_clients_.find(client_id)) !=
+ streaming_clients_.end() &&
+ found_i->second->transaction().id() == transaction_id)
+ {
+ cond_.wait(lock);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ streaming_appliers_map::iterator i(streaming_appliers_.begin());
+ while (i != streaming_appliers_.end())
+ {
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* streaming_applier(i->second);
+ // Rollback SR on equal consecutive primary views or if its
+ // originator is not in the current view.
+ // Transactions in prepared state must be committed or
+ // rolled back explicitly, those are never rolled back here.
+ if ((streaming_applier->transaction().state() !=
+ wsrep::transaction::s_prepared) &&
+ (equal_consecutive_views ||
+ not current_view_.is_member(
+ streaming_applier->transaction().server_id())))
+ {
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(wsrep::log::debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_server_state,
+ "Removing SR fragments for "
+ << i->first.first
+ << ", " << i->first.second);
+ wsrep::id server_id(i->first.first);
+ wsrep::transaction_id transaction_id(i->first.second);
+ int adopt_error;
+ if ((adopt_error = high_priority_service.adopt_transaction(
+ streaming_applier->transaction())))
+ {
+ log_adopt_error(streaming_applier->transaction());
+ }
+ // Even if the transaction adopt above fails, we roll back
+ // the transaction. Adopt error will leave stale entries
+ // in the streaming log which can be removed manually.
+ {
+ wsrep::high_priority_switch sw(high_priority_service,
+ *streaming_applier);
+ streaming_applier->rollback(
+ wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ streaming_applier->after_apply();
+ }
+ streaming_appliers_.erase(i++);
+ server_service_.release_high_priority_service(streaming_applier);
+ high_priority_service.store_globals();
+ wsrep::ws_meta ws_meta(
+ wsrep::gtid(),
+ wsrep::stid(server_id, transaction_id, wsrep::client_id()),
+ wsrep::seqno::undefined(), 0);
+ lock.unlock();
+ if (adopt_error == 0)
+ {
+ high_priority_service.remove_fragments(ws_meta);
+ high_priority_service.commit(wsrep::ws_handle(transaction_id, 0),
+ ws_meta);
+ }
+ high_priority_service.after_apply();
+ lock.lock();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+void wsrep::server_state::close_transactions_at_disconnect(
+ wsrep::high_priority_service& high_priority_service)
+ // Close streaming applier without removing fragments
+ // from fragment storage. When the server is started again,
+ // it must be able to recover ongoing streaming transactions.
+ streaming_appliers_map::iterator i(streaming_appliers_.begin());
+ while (i != streaming_appliers_.end())
+ {
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* streaming_applier(i->second);
+ {
+ wsrep::high_priority_switch sw(high_priority_service,
+ *streaming_applier);
+ streaming_applier->rollback(
+ wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ streaming_applier->after_apply();
+ }
+ streaming_appliers_.erase(i++);
+ server_service_.release_high_priority_service(streaming_applier);
+ high_priority_service.store_globals();
+ }
+ streaming_appliers_recovered_ = false;
+// Rollback event queue
+void wsrep::server_state::queue_rollback_event(
+ const wsrep::transaction_id& id)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ // Make sure we don't have duplicate
+ // transaction ids in rollback event queue.
+ // There is no need to do this in release
+ // build given that caller (streaming_rollback())
+ // should avoid duplicates.
+ for (auto i : rollback_event_queue_)
+ {
+ assert(id != i);
+ }
+ rollback_event_queue_.push_back(id);
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock WSREP_UNUSED)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ while (not rollback_event_queue_.empty())
+ {
+ const wsrep::transaction_id& id(rollback_event_queue_.front());
+ const enum wsrep::provider::status status(provider().rollback(id));
+ if (status)
+ {
+ return status;
+ }
+ rollback_event_queue_.pop_front();
+ }
+ return wsrep::provider::success;
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ return send_pending_rollback_events(lock);
+void wsrep::server_state::return_from_donor_state(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ // v26 API does not have JOINED event, so in anticipation of SYNCED
+ // we must do it here. Do not modify the state if donor lost the
+ // donor state e.g. due to cluster partitioning.
+ if (state(lock) == s_donor)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_joined);
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/service_helpers.hpp b/wsrep-lib/src/service_helpers.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e9f9ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/service_helpers.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <cerrno>
+namespace wsrep_impl
+ template <typename InitFn>
+ int service_probe(void* dlh, const char* symbol, const char* service_name)
+ {
+ union {
+ InitFn dlfun;
+ void* obj;
+ } alias;
+ // Clear previous errors
+ (void)dlerror();
+ alias.obj = dlsym(dlh, symbol);
+ if (alias.obj)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Support for " << service_name
+ << " " << symbol
+ << " not found from provider: "
+ << dlerror();
+ return ENOTSUP;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename InitFn, typename ServiceCallbacks>
+ int service_init(void* dlh,
+ const char* symbol,
+ ServiceCallbacks service_callbacks,
+ const char* service_name)
+ {
+ union {
+ InitFn dlfun;
+ void* obj;
+ } alias;
+ // Clear previous errors
+ (void)dlerror();
+ alias.obj = dlsym(dlh, symbol);
+ if (alias.obj)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Initializing " << service_name;
+ return (*alias.dlfun)(service_callbacks);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wsrep::log_info()
+ << "Provider does not support " << service_name;
+ return ENOTSUP;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename DeinitFn>
+ void service_deinit(void* dlh, const char* symbol, const char* service_name)
+ {
+ union {
+ DeinitFn dlfun;
+ void* obj;
+ } alias;
+ // Clear previous errors
+ (void)dlerror();
+ alias.obj = dlsym(dlh, symbol);
+ if (alias.obj)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_info() << "Deinitializing " << service_name;
+ (*alias.dlfun)();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wsrep::log_info()
+ << "Provider does not support deinitializing of "
+ << service_name;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/sr_key_set.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/sr_key_set.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31b6e692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/sr_key_set.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/sr_key_set.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/key.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+void wsrep::sr_key_set::insert(const wsrep::key& key)
+ assert(key.size() >= 2);
+ if (key.size() < 2)
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Invalid key size");
+ }
+ root_[std::string(static_cast<const char*>(key.key_parts()[0].data()),
+ key.key_parts()[0].size())]
+ .insert(std::string(static_cast<const char*>(key.key_parts()[1].data()),
+ key.key_parts()[1].size()));
+void wsrep::sr_key_set::clear()
+ root_.clear();
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/streaming_context.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/streaming_context.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5423079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/streaming_context.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/streaming_context.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+void wsrep::streaming_context::params(enum fragment_unit fragment_unit,
+ size_t fragment_size)
+ if (fragment_size)
+ {
+ wsrep::log::debug_log_level(), wsrep::log::debug_level_streaming,
+ "Enabling streaming: " << fragment_unit << " " << fragment_size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(wsrep::log::debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_streaming,
+ "Disabling streaming");
+ }
+ fragment_unit_ = fragment_unit;
+ fragment_size_ = fragment_size;
+ reset_unit_counter();
+void wsrep::streaming_context::enable(enum fragment_unit fragment_unit,
+ size_t fragment_size)
+ wsrep::log::debug_log_level(), wsrep::log::debug_level_streaming,
+ "Enabling streaming: " << fragment_unit << " " << fragment_size);
+ assert(fragment_size > 0);
+ fragment_unit_ = fragment_unit;
+ fragment_size_ = fragment_size;
+void wsrep::streaming_context::disable()
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(wsrep::log::debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_streaming, "Disabling streaming");
+ fragment_size_ = 0;
+void wsrep::streaming_context::stored(wsrep::seqno seqno)
+ check_fragment_seqno(seqno);
+ fragments_.push_back(seqno);
+void wsrep::streaming_context::applied(wsrep::seqno seqno)
+ check_fragment_seqno(seqno);
+ ++fragments_certified_;
+ fragments_.push_back(seqno);
+void wsrep::streaming_context::rolled_back(wsrep::transaction_id id)
+ assert(rollback_replicated_for_ == wsrep::transaction_id::undefined());
+ rollback_replicated_for_ = id;
+void wsrep::streaming_context::cleanup()
+ fragments_certified_ = 0;
+ fragments_.clear();
+ rollback_replicated_for_ = wsrep::transaction_id::undefined();
+ unit_counter_ = 0;
+ log_position_ = 0;
+void wsrep::streaming_context::check_fragment_seqno(
+ wsrep::seqno seqno WSREP_UNUSED)
+ assert(seqno.is_undefined() == false);
+ assert(fragments_.empty() || fragments_.back() < seqno);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/thread.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/thread.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5fec0ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/thread.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/thread.hpp"
+#include <ostream>
+std::ostream& wsrep::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const wsrep::thread::id& id)
+ std::ios_base::fmtflags orig_flags(os.flags());
+ os << std::hex << id.thread_;
+ os.flags(orig_flags);
+ return os;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/thread_service_v1.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/thread_service_v1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee81ba31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/thread_service_v1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "thread_service_v1.hpp"
+#include "service_helpers.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/thread_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include "v26/wsrep_thread_service.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <cerrno>
+namespace wsrep_thread_service_v1
+ //
+ // Thread service callbacks
+ //
+ // Pointer to thread service implementation provided by
+ // the application.
+ static wsrep::thread_service* thread_service_impl{ 0 };
+ static std::atomic<size_t> use_count;
+ static const wsrep_thread_key_t* thread_key_create_cb(const char* name)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return reinterpret_cast<const wsrep_thread_key_t*>(
+ thread_service_impl->create_thread_key(name));
+ ;
+ }
+ static int thread_create_cb(const wsrep_thread_key_t* key,
+ wsrep_thread_t** thread,
+ void* (*fn)(void*), void* args)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->create_thread(
+ reinterpret_cast<const wsrep::thread_service::thread_key*>(key),
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::thread**>(thread), fn,
+ args);
+ }
+ int thread_detach_cb(wsrep_thread_t* thread)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->detach(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::thread*>(thread));
+ }
+ int thread_equal_cb(wsrep_thread_t* thread_1, wsrep_thread_t* thread_2)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->equal(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::thread*>(thread_1),
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::thread*>(thread_2));
+ }
+ __attribute__((noreturn))
+ void thread_exit_cb(wsrep_thread_t* thread, void* retval)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ thread_service_impl->exit(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::thread*>(thread), retval);
+ throw; // Implementation broke the contract and returned.
+ }
+ int thread_join_cb(wsrep_thread_t* thread, void** retval)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->join(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::thread*>(thread), retval);
+ }
+ wsrep_thread_t* thread_self_cb(void)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return reinterpret_cast<wsrep_thread_t*>(thread_service_impl->self());
+ }
+ int thread_setschedparam_cb(wsrep_thread_t* thread, int policy,
+ const struct sched_param* sp)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->setschedparam(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::thread*>(thread),
+ policy, sp);
+ }
+ int thread_getschedparam_cb(wsrep_thread_t* thread, int* policy,
+ struct sched_param* sp)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->getschedparam(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::thread*>(thread), policy,
+ sp);
+ }
+ const wsrep_mutex_key_t* mutex_key_create_cb(const char* name)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return reinterpret_cast<const wsrep_mutex_key_t*>(
+ thread_service_impl->create_mutex_key(name));
+ }
+ wsrep_mutex_t* mutex_init_cb(const wsrep_mutex_key_t* key, void* memblock,
+ size_t memblock_size)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return reinterpret_cast<wsrep_mutex_t*>(
+ thread_service_impl->init_mutex(
+ reinterpret_cast<const wsrep::thread_service::mutex_key*>(key),
+ memblock, memblock_size));
+ }
+ int mutex_destroy_cb(wsrep_mutex_t* mutex)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->destroy(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::mutex*>(mutex));
+ }
+ int mutex_lock_cb(wsrep_mutex_t* mutex)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->lock(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::mutex*>(mutex));
+ }
+ int mutex_trylock_cb(wsrep_mutex_t* mutex)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->trylock(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::mutex*>(mutex));
+ }
+ int mutex_unlock_cb(wsrep_mutex_t* mutex)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->unlock(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::mutex*>(mutex));
+ }
+ const wsrep_cond_key_t* cond_key_create_cb(const char* name)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return reinterpret_cast<const wsrep_cond_key_t*>(
+ thread_service_impl->create_cond_key(name));
+ }
+ wsrep_cond_t* cond_init_cb(const wsrep_cond_key_t* key, void* memblock,
+ size_t memblock_size)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return reinterpret_cast<wsrep_cond_t*>(thread_service_impl->init_cond(
+ reinterpret_cast<const wsrep::thread_service::cond_key*>(key),
+ memblock, memblock_size));
+ }
+ int cond_destroy_cb(wsrep_cond_t* cond)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->destroy(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::cond*>(cond));
+ }
+ int cond_wait_cb(wsrep_cond_t* cond, wsrep_mutex_t* mutex)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->wait(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::cond*>(cond),
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::mutex*>(mutex));
+ }
+ int cond_timedwait_cb(wsrep_cond_t* cond, wsrep_mutex_t* mutex,
+ const struct timespec* ts)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->timedwait(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::cond*>(cond),
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::mutex*>(mutex), ts);
+ }
+ int cond_signal_cb(wsrep_cond_t* cond)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->signal(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::cond*>(cond));
+ }
+ int cond_broadcast_cb(wsrep_cond_t* cond)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service_impl);
+ return thread_service_impl->broadcast(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::thread_service::cond*>(cond));
+ }
+ static wsrep_thread_service_v1_t thread_service_callbacks
+ = { thread_key_create_cb,
+ thread_create_cb,
+ thread_detach_cb,
+ thread_equal_cb,
+ thread_exit_cb,
+ thread_join_cb,
+ thread_self_cb,
+ thread_setschedparam_cb,
+ thread_getschedparam_cb,
+ mutex_key_create_cb,
+ mutex_init_cb,
+ mutex_destroy_cb,
+ mutex_lock_cb,
+ mutex_trylock_cb,
+ mutex_unlock_cb,
+ cond_key_create_cb,
+ cond_init_cb,
+ cond_destroy_cb,
+ cond_wait_cb,
+ cond_timedwait_cb,
+ cond_signal_cb,
+ cond_broadcast_cb };
+int wsrep::thread_service_v1_probe(void* dlh)
+ typedef int (*init_fn)(wsrep_thread_service_v1_t*);
+ typedef void (*deinit_fn)();
+ if (wsrep_impl::service_probe<init_fn>(
+ dlh, WSREP_THREAD_SERVICE_INIT_FUNC_V1, "thread service v1") ||
+ wsrep_impl::service_probe<deinit_fn>(
+ dlh, WSREP_THREAD_SERVICE_DEINIT_FUNC_V1, "thread service v1"))
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Provider does not support thread service v1";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::thread_service_v1_init(void* dlh,
+ wsrep::thread_service* thread_service)
+ if (not (dlh && thread_service)) return EINVAL;
+ typedef int (*init_fn)(wsrep_thread_service_v1_t*);
+ wsrep_thread_service_v1::thread_service_impl = thread_service;
+ int ret(0);
+ if ((ret = wsrep_impl::service_init<init_fn>(
+ &wsrep_thread_service_v1::thread_service_callbacks,
+ "thread service v1")))
+ {
+ wsrep_thread_service_v1::thread_service_impl = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++wsrep_thread_service_v1::use_count;
+ }
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::thread_service_v1_deinit(void* dlh)
+ typedef int (*deinit_fn)();
+ wsrep_impl::service_deinit<deinit_fn>(
+ dlh, WSREP_THREAD_SERVICE_DEINIT_FUNC_V1, "thread service v1");
+ --wsrep_thread_service_v1::use_count;
+ if (wsrep_thread_service_v1::use_count == 0)
+ {
+ wsrep_thread_service_v1::thread_service_impl = 0;
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/thread_service_v1.hpp b/wsrep-lib/src/thread_service_v1.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8300041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/thread_service_v1.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+namespace wsrep
+ class thread_service;
+ /**
+ * Probe thread_service_v1 support in loaded library.
+ *
+ * @param dlh Handle returned by dlopen().
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero system error code on failure.
+ */
+ int thread_service_v1_probe(void *dlh);
+ /**
+ * Initialize the thread service.
+ *
+ * @param dlh Handle returned by dlopen().
+ * @params thread_service Pointer to wsrep::thread_service implementation.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero system error code on failure.
+ */
+ int thread_service_v1_init(void* dlh,
+ wsrep::thread_service* thread_service);
+ /**
+ * Deinitialize the thread service.
+ *
+ * @params dlh Handler returned by dlopen().
+ */
+ void thread_service_v1_deinit(void* dlh);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/tls_service_v1.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/tls_service_v1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8746a767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/tls_service_v1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "tls_service_v1.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/tls_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include "v26/wsrep_tls_service.h"
+#include "service_helpers.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+namespace wsrep_tls_service_v1
+ static wsrep::tls_service* tls_service_impl{0};
+ static std::atomic<size_t> use_count;
+ static int tls_stream_init_cb(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream)
+ {
+ assert(tls_service_impl);
+ stream->opaque =
+ tls_service_impl->create_tls_stream(stream->fd);
+ if (not stream->opaque)
+ {
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static void tls_stream_deinit_cb(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream)
+ {
+ assert(tls_service_impl);
+ tls_service_impl->destroy(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::tls_stream*>(stream->opaque));
+ }
+ static int tls_stream_get_error_number_cb(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ const wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream)
+ {
+ assert(tls_service_impl);
+ return tls_service_impl->get_error_number(
+ reinterpret_cast<const wsrep::tls_stream*>(stream->opaque));
+ }
+ static const void* tls_stream_get_error_category_cb(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ const wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream)
+ {
+ assert(tls_service_impl);
+ return tls_service_impl->get_error_category(
+ reinterpret_cast<const wsrep::tls_stream*>(stream->opaque));
+ }
+ static const char* tls_error_message_get_cb(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ const wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream,
+ int value, const void* category)
+ {
+ assert(tls_service_impl);
+ return tls_service_impl->get_error_message(
+ reinterpret_cast<const wsrep::tls_stream*>(stream->opaque), value, category);
+ }
+ static enum wsrep_tls_result map_return_value(ssize_t status)
+ {
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case wsrep::tls_service::success:
+ return wsrep_tls_result_success;
+ case wsrep::tls_service::want_read:
+ return wsrep_tls_result_want_read;
+ case wsrep::tls_service::want_write:
+ return wsrep_tls_result_want_write;
+ case wsrep::tls_service::eof:
+ return wsrep_tls_result_eof;
+ case wsrep::tls_service::error:
+ return wsrep_tls_result_error;
+ default:
+ assert(status < 0);
+ return wsrep_tls_result_error;
+ }
+ }
+ static enum wsrep_tls_result
+ tls_stream_client_handshake_cb(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream)
+ {
+ assert(tls_service_impl);
+ return map_return_value(
+ tls_service_impl->client_handshake(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::tls_stream*>(stream->opaque)));
+ }
+ static enum wsrep_tls_result
+ tls_stream_server_handshake_cb(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream)
+ {
+ assert(tls_service_impl);
+ return map_return_value(
+ tls_service_impl->server_handshake(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::tls_stream*>(stream->opaque)));
+ }
+ static enum wsrep_tls_result tls_stream_read_cb(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream,
+ void* buf,
+ size_t max_count,
+ size_t* bytes_transferred)
+ {
+ assert(tls_service_impl);
+ auto result(tls_service_impl->read(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::tls_stream*>(stream->opaque),
+ buf, max_count));
+ *bytes_transferred = result.bytes_transferred;
+ return map_return_value(result.status);
+ }
+ static enum wsrep_tls_result tls_stream_write_cb(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream,
+ const void* buf,
+ size_t count,
+ size_t* bytes_transferred)
+ {
+ assert(tls_service_impl);
+ auto result(tls_service_impl->write(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::tls_stream*>(stream->opaque),
+ buf, count));
+ *bytes_transferred = result.bytes_transferred;
+ return map_return_value(result.status);
+ }
+ static enum wsrep_tls_result
+ tls_stream_shutdown_cb(wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream)
+ {
+ assert(tls_service_impl);
+ // @todo Handle other values than success.
+ return map_return_value(
+ tls_service_impl->shutdown(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::tls_stream*>(stream->opaque)));
+ }
+ static wsrep_tls_service_v1_t tls_service_callbacks =
+ {
+ tls_stream_init_cb,
+ tls_stream_deinit_cb,
+ tls_stream_get_error_number_cb,
+ tls_stream_get_error_category_cb,
+ tls_stream_client_handshake_cb,
+ tls_stream_server_handshake_cb,
+ tls_stream_read_cb,
+ tls_stream_write_cb,
+ tls_stream_shutdown_cb,
+ tls_error_message_get_cb,
+ 0 // we pass NULL context for now.
+ };
+int wsrep::tls_service_v1_probe(void* dlh)
+ typedef int (*init_fn)(wsrep_tls_service_v1_t*);
+ typedef void (*deinit_fn)();
+ if (wsrep_impl::service_probe<init_fn>(
+ dlh, WSREP_TLS_SERVICE_INIT_FUNC_V1, "tls service v1") ||
+ wsrep_impl::service_probe<deinit_fn>(
+ dlh, WSREP_TLS_SERVICE_DEINIT_FUNC_V1, "tls service v1"))
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Provider does not support tls service v1";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::tls_service_v1_init(void* dlh,
+ wsrep::tls_service* tls_service)
+ if (not (dlh && tls_service)) return EINVAL;
+ typedef int (*init_fn)(wsrep_tls_service_v1_t*);
+ wsrep_tls_service_v1::tls_service_impl = tls_service;
+ int ret(0);
+ if ((ret = wsrep_impl::service_init<init_fn>(
+ &wsrep_tls_service_v1::tls_service_callbacks,
+ "tls service v1")))
+ {
+ wsrep_tls_service_v1::tls_service_impl = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++wsrep_tls_service_v1::use_count;
+ }
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::tls_service_v1_deinit(void* dlh)
+ typedef int (*deinit_fn)();
+ wsrep_impl::service_deinit<deinit_fn>(
+ dlh, WSREP_TLS_SERVICE_DEINIT_FUNC_V1, "tls service v1");
+ --wsrep_tls_service_v1::use_count;
+ if (wsrep_tls_service_v1::use_count == 0)
+ {
+ wsrep_tls_service_v1::tls_service_impl = 0;
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/tls_service_v1.hpp b/wsrep-lib/src/tls_service_v1.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe17e206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/tls_service_v1.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+namespace wsrep
+ class tls_service;
+ /**
+ * Probe tls_service_v1 support in loaded library.
+ *
+ * @param dlh Handle returned by dlopen().
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero system error code on failure.
+ */
+ int tls_service_v1_probe(void *dlh);
+ /**
+ * Initialize TLS service.
+ *
+ * @param dlh Handle returned by dlopen().
+ * @params tls_service Pointer to wsrep::thread_service implementation.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero system error code on failure.
+ */
+ int tls_service_v1_init(void* dlh,
+ wsrep::tls_service* tls_service);
+ /**
+ * Deinitialize TLS service.
+ *
+ * @param dlh Handler returned by dlopen().
+ */
+ void tls_service_v1_deinit(void* dlh);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/transaction.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/transaction.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..451e94dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/transaction.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2171 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/transaction.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/client_state.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/server_state.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/storage_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/high_priority_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/key.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/compiler.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/server_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/client_service.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <memory>
+ class storage_service_deleter
+ {
+ public:
+ storage_service_deleter(wsrep::server_service& server_service)
+ : server_service_(server_service)
+ { }
+ void operator()(wsrep::storage_service* storage_service)
+ {
+ server_service_.release_storage_service(storage_service);
+ }
+ private:
+ wsrep::server_service& server_service_;
+ };
+ template <class D>
+ class scoped_storage_service
+ {
+ public:
+ scoped_storage_service(wsrep::client_service& client_service,
+ wsrep::storage_service* storage_service,
+ D deleter)
+ : client_service_(client_service)
+ , storage_service_(storage_service)
+ , deleter_(deleter)
+ {
+ if (storage_service_ == 0)
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Null client_state provided");
+ }
+ client_service_.reset_globals();
+ storage_service_->store_globals();
+ }
+ wsrep::storage_service& storage_service()
+ {
+ return *storage_service_;
+ }
+ ~scoped_storage_service()
+ {
+ deleter_(storage_service_);
+ client_service_.store_globals();
+ }
+ private:
+ scoped_storage_service(const scoped_storage_service&);
+ scoped_storage_service& operator=(const scoped_storage_service&);
+ wsrep::client_service& client_service_;
+ wsrep::storage_service* storage_service_;
+ D deleter_;
+ };
+// Public
+ wsrep::client_state& client_state)
+ : server_service_(client_state.server_state().server_service())
+ , client_service_(client_state.client_service())
+ , client_state_(client_state)
+ , server_id_()
+ , id_(transaction_id::undefined())
+ , state_(s_executing)
+ , state_hist_()
+ , bf_abort_state_(s_executing)
+ , bf_abort_provider_status_()
+ , bf_abort_client_state_()
+ , bf_aborted_in_total_order_()
+ , ws_handle_()
+ , ws_meta_()
+ , flags_()
+ , implicit_deps_(false)
+ , certified_(false)
+ , fragments_certified_for_statement_()
+ , streaming_context_()
+ , sr_keys_()
+ , apply_error_buf_()
+ , xid_()
+ , streaming_rollback_in_progress_(false)
+ , is_bf_immutable_(false)
+{ }
+int wsrep::transaction::start_transaction(
+ const wsrep::transaction_id& id)
+ debug_log_state("start_transaction enter");
+ assert(active() == false);
+ assert(is_xa() == false);
+ assert(flags() == 0);
+ server_id_ = client_state_.server_state().id();
+ id_ = id;
+ state_ = s_executing;
+ state_hist_.clear();
+ ws_handle_ = wsrep::ws_handle(id);
+ flags(wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction);
+ switch (client_state_.mode())
+ {
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority:
+ debug_log_state("start_transaction success");
+ return 0;
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_local:
+ debug_log_state("start_transaction success");
+ return provider().start_transaction(ws_handle_);
+ default:
+ debug_log_state("start_transaction error");
+ assert(0);
+ return 1;
+ }
+int wsrep::transaction::start_transaction(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ debug_log_state("start_transaction enter");
+ if (state() != s_replaying)
+ {
+ // assert(ws_meta.flags());
+ assert(active() == false);
+ assert(flags() == 0);
+ server_id_ = ws_meta.server_id();
+ id_ = ws_meta.transaction_id();
+ assert(client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority);
+ state_ = s_executing;
+ state_hist_.clear();
+ ws_handle_ = ws_handle;
+ ws_meta_ = ws_meta;
+ flags(wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction);
+ certified_ = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ws_meta_ = ws_meta;
+ assert(ws_meta_.flags() & wsrep::provider::flag::commit);
+ assert(active());
+ assert(client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority);
+ assert(state() == s_replaying);
+ assert(ws_meta_.seqno().is_undefined() == false);
+ certified_ = true;
+ }
+ debug_log_state("start_transaction leave");
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::transaction::next_fragment(
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ debug_log_state("next_fragment enter");
+ ws_meta_ = ws_meta;
+ debug_log_state("next_fragment leave");
+ return 0;
+void wsrep::transaction::adopt(const wsrep::transaction& transaction)
+ debug_log_state("adopt enter");
+ assert(transaction.is_streaming());
+ start_transaction(;
+ server_id_ = transaction.server_id_;
+ flags_ = transaction.flags();
+ streaming_context_ = transaction.streaming_context();
+ debug_log_state("adopt leave");
+void wsrep::transaction::fragment_applied(wsrep::seqno seqno)
+ assert(active());
+ streaming_context_.applied(seqno);
+int wsrep::transaction::prepare_for_ordering(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ bool is_commit)
+ assert(active());
+ if (state_ != s_replaying)
+ {
+ ws_handle_ = ws_handle;
+ ws_meta_ = ws_meta;
+ certified_ = is_commit;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::transaction::assign_read_view(const wsrep::gtid* const gtid)
+ try
+ {
+ return provider().assign_read_view(ws_handle_, gtid);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Failed to assign read view";
+ return 1;
+ }
+int wsrep::transaction::append_key(const wsrep::key& key)
+ assert(active());
+ try
+ {
+ debug_log_key_append(key);
+ sr_keys_.insert(key);
+ return provider().append_key(ws_handle_, key);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Failed to append key";
+ return 1;
+ }
+int wsrep::transaction::append_data(const wsrep::const_buffer& data)
+ assert(active());
+ return provider().append_data(ws_handle_, data);
+int wsrep::transaction::after_row()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(client_state_.mutex());
+ debug_log_state("after_row_enter");
+ int ret(0);
+ if (streaming_context_.fragment_size() &&
+ streaming_context_.fragment_unit() != streaming_context::statement)
+ {
+ ret = streaming_step(lock);
+ }
+ debug_log_state("after_row_leave");
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::transaction::before_prepare(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ int ret(0);
+ debug_log_state("before_prepare_enter");
+ assert(state() == s_executing || state() == s_must_abort ||
+ state() == s_replaying);
+ if (state() == s_must_abort)
+ {
+ assert(client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ switch (client_state_.mode())
+ {
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_local:
+ if (is_streaming())
+ {
+ client_service_.debug_crash(
+ "crash_last_fragment_commit_before_fragment_removal");
+ lock.unlock();
+ if (client_service_.statement_allowed_for_streaming() == false)
+ {
+ client_state_.override_error(
+ wsrep::e_error_during_commit,
+ wsrep::provider::error_not_allowed);
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ else if (!is_xa())
+ {
+ // Note: we can't remove fragments here for XA,
+ // the transaction has already issued XA END and
+ // is in IDLE state, no more changes allowed!
+ ret = client_service_.remove_fragments();
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ }
+ }
+ lock.lock();
+ client_service_.debug_crash(
+ "crash_last_fragment_commit_after_fragment_removal");
+ if (state() == s_must_abort)
+ {
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ if (is_xa())
+ {
+ // Force fragment replication on XA prepare
+ flags(flags() | wsrep::provider::flag::prepare);
+ pa_unsafe(true);
+ append_sr_keys_for_commit();
+ const bool force_streaming_step = true;
+ ret = streaming_step(lock, force_streaming_step);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ assert(state() == s_executing);
+ state(lock, s_preparing);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = certify_commit(lock);
+ }
+ assert((ret == 0 && state() == s_preparing) ||
+ (state() == s_must_abort ||
+ state() == s_must_replay ||
+ state() == s_cert_failed));
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ assert(state() == s_must_replay ||
+ client_state_.current_error());
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority:
+ // Note: fragment removal is done from applying
+ // context for high priority mode.
+ if (is_xa())
+ {
+ assert(state() == s_executing ||
+ state() == s_replaying);
+ if (state() == s_replaying)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ state(lock, s_preparing);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ assert(state() == s_preparing ||
+ (is_xa() && state() == s_replaying) ||
+ (ret && (state() == s_must_abort ||
+ state() == s_must_replay ||
+ state() == s_cert_failed ||
+ state() == s_aborted)));
+ debug_log_state("before_prepare_leave");
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::transaction::after_prepare(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ int ret = 0;
+ debug_log_state("after_prepare_enter");
+ if (is_xa())
+ {
+ switch (state())
+ {
+ case s_preparing:
+ assert(client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local ||
+ (certified() && ordered()));
+ state(lock, s_prepared);
+ break;
+ case s_must_abort:
+ // prepared locally, but client has not received
+ // a result yet. We can still abort.
+ assert(client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ case s_replaying:
+ assert(client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(certified() && ordered());
+ assert(state() == s_preparing || state() == s_must_abort);
+ if (state() == s_must_abort)
+ {
+ assert(client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ state(lock, s_must_replay);
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ state(lock, s_committing);
+ }
+ }
+ debug_log_state("after_prepare_leave");
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::transaction::before_commit()
+ int ret(1);
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(client_state_.mutex());
+ debug_log_state("before_commit_enter");
+ assert(client_state_.mode() != wsrep::client_state::m_toi);
+ assert(state() == s_executing ||
+ state() == s_prepared ||
+ state() == s_committing ||
+ state() == s_must_abort ||
+ state() == s_replaying);
+ assert((state() != s_committing && state() != s_replaying) ||
+ certified());
+ switch (client_state_.mode())
+ {
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_local:
+ if (state() == s_executing)
+ {
+ ret = before_prepare(lock) || after_prepare(lock);
+ assert((ret == 0 &&
+ (state() == s_committing || state() == s_prepared))
+ ||
+ (state() == s_must_abort ||
+ state() == s_must_replay ||
+ state() == s_cert_failed ||
+ state() == s_aborted));
+ }
+ else if (state() != s_committing && state() != s_prepared)
+ {
+ assert(state() == s_must_abort);
+ if (certified() ||
+ (is_xa() && is_streaming()))
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_replay);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 2PC commit, prepare was done before
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ if (ret == 0 && state() == s_prepared)
+ {
+ ret = certify_commit(lock);
+ assert((ret == 0 && state() == s_committing) ||
+ (state() == s_must_abort ||
+ state() == s_must_replay ||
+ state() == s_cert_failed ||
+ state() == s_prepared));
+ }
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ assert(certified());
+ assert(ordered());
+ lock.unlock();
+ client_service_.debug_sync("wsrep_before_commit_order_enter");
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ status(provider().commit_order_enter(ws_handle_, ws_meta_));
+ lock.lock();
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case wsrep::provider::success:
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_bf_abort:
+ if (state() != s_must_abort)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ }
+ state(lock, s_must_replay);
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = 1;
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority:
+ assert(certified());
+ assert(ordered());
+ if (is_xa())
+ {
+ assert(state() == s_prepared ||
+ state() == s_replaying);
+ state(lock, s_committing);
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ else if (state() == s_executing || state() == s_replaying)
+ {
+ ret = before_prepare(lock) || after_prepare(lock);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ lock.unlock();
+ ret = ret || provider().commit_order_enter(ws_handle_, ws_meta_);
+ lock.lock();
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ state(lock, s_aborting);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ret == 0 && state() == s_committing)
+ {
+ is_bf_immutable_ = true;
+ }
+ debug_log_state("before_commit_leave");
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::transaction::ordered_commit()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(client_state_.mutex());
+ debug_log_state("ordered_commit_enter");
+ assert(state() == s_committing);
+ assert(is_bf_immutable_);
+ assert(ordered());
+ client_service_.debug_sync("wsrep_before_commit_order_leave");
+ int ret(provider().commit_order_leave(ws_handle_, ws_meta_,
+ apply_error_buf_));
+ client_service_.debug_sync("wsrep_after_commit_order_leave");
+ // Should always succeed:
+ // 1) If before commit before succeeds, the transaction handle
+ // in the provider is guaranteed to exist and the commit
+ // has been ordered
+ // 2) The transaction which has been ordered for commit cannot be BF
+ // aborted anymore
+ // 3) The provider should always guarantee that the transactions which
+ // have been ordered for commit can finish committing.
+ //
+ // The exception here is a storage service transaction which is running
+ // in high priority mode. The fragment storage commit may get BF
+ // aborted in the provider after commit ordering has been
+ // established since the transaction is operating in streaming
+ // mode.
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ assert(client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority);
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ state(lock, s_aborting);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ state(lock, s_ordered_commit);
+ }
+ debug_log_state("ordered_commit_leave");
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::transaction::after_commit()
+ int ret(0);
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(client_state_.mutex());
+ assert(is_bf_immutable_);
+ debug_log_state("after_commit_enter");
+ assert(state() == s_ordered_commit);
+ if (is_streaming())
+ {
+ assert(client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local ||
+ client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority);
+ if (is_xa())
+ {
+ // XA fragment removal happens here,
+ // see comment in before_prepare
+ remove_fragments_in_storage_service_scope(lock);
+ }
+ if (client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local)
+ {
+ lock.unlock();
+ client_state_.server_state_.stop_streaming_client(&client_state_);
+ lock.lock();
+ }
+ streaming_context_.cleanup();
+ }
+ switch (client_state_.mode())
+ {
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_local:
+ ret = provider().release(ws_handle_);
+ break;
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority:
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ assert(ret == 0);
+ state(lock, s_committed);
+ debug_log_state("after_commit_leave");
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::transaction::before_rollback()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(client_state_.mutex());
+ debug_log_state("before_rollback_enter");
+ assert(state() == s_executing ||
+ state() == s_preparing ||
+ state() == s_prepared ||
+ state() == s_must_abort ||
+ // Background rollbacker or rollback initiated from SE
+ state() == s_aborting ||
+ state() == s_cert_failed ||
+ state() == s_must_replay);
+ switch (client_state_.mode())
+ {
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_local:
+ if (is_streaming())
+ {
+ client_service_.debug_sync("wsrep_before_SR_rollback");
+ }
+ switch (state())
+ {
+ case s_preparing:
+ // Error detected during prepare phase
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ case s_prepared:
+ case s_executing:
+ // Voluntary rollback
+ if (is_streaming())
+ {
+ streaming_rollback(lock);
+ }
+ state(lock, s_aborting);
+ break;
+ case s_must_abort:
+ if (certified())
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_replay);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (is_streaming())
+ {
+ streaming_rollback(lock);
+ }
+ state(lock, s_aborting);
+ }
+ break;
+ case s_cert_failed:
+ if (is_streaming())
+ {
+ streaming_rollback(lock);
+ }
+ state(lock, s_aborting);
+ break;
+ case s_aborting:
+ if (is_streaming())
+ {
+ streaming_rollback(lock);
+ }
+ break;
+ case s_must_replay:
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority:
+ // Rollback by rollback write set or BF abort
+ assert(state_ == s_executing || state_ == s_prepared || state_ == s_aborting);
+ if (state_ != s_aborting)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_aborting);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ debug_log_state("before_rollback_leave");
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::transaction::after_rollback()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(client_state_.mutex());
+ debug_log_state("after_rollback_enter");
+ assert(state() == s_aborting || state() == s_must_replay);
+ // Note that it would be technically more correct to
+ // remove fragments after TOI BF abort in before_rollback(),
+ // it seems to cause deadlocks and is done here instead.
+ // We assume that the application does not let the TOI
+ // to proceed until this method returns, e.g. by holding
+ // MDL locks. It is not clear how to enforce that though.
+ if (is_streaming() && bf_aborted_in_total_order_)
+ {
+ remove_fragments_in_storage_service_scope(lock);
+ }
+ if (state() == s_aborting)
+ {
+ if (is_streaming())
+ {
+ // We skip streaming context cleanup for replay because
+ // we want to remember if the transaction was streaming.
+ // See transaction::replay()
+ streaming_context_.cleanup();
+ }
+ state(lock, s_aborted);
+ }
+ // Releasing the transaction from provider is postponed into
+ // after_statement() hook. Depending on DBMS system all the
+ // resources acquired by transaction may or may not be released
+ // during actual rollback. If the transaction has been ordered,
+ // releasing the commit ordering critical section should be
+ // also postponed until all resources have been released.
+ debug_log_state("after_rollback_leave");
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::transaction::release_commit_order(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ lock.unlock();
+ int ret(provider().commit_order_enter(ws_handle_, ws_meta_));
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ server_service_.set_position(client_service_, ws_meta_.gtid());
+ ret = provider().commit_order_leave(ws_handle_, ws_meta_,
+ apply_error_buf_);
+ }
+ // grabbing lock here, as set_position may call for sync wait in galera side
+ lock.lock();
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::transaction::remove_fragments_in_storage_service_scope(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ lock.unlock();
+ {
+ scoped_storage_service<storage_service_deleter>
+ sr_scope(
+ client_service_,
+ server_service_.storage_service(client_service_),
+ storage_service_deleter(server_service_));
+ wsrep::storage_service& storage_service(
+ sr_scope.storage_service());
+ storage_service.adopt_transaction(*this);
+ storage_service.remove_fragments();
+ storage_service.commit(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ }
+ lock.lock();
+int wsrep::transaction::after_statement()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(client_state_.mutex());
+ return after_statement(lock);
+int wsrep::transaction::after_statement(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ int ret(0);
+ debug_log_state("after_statement_enter");
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ assert(client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ assert(state() == s_executing ||
+ state() == s_prepared ||
+ state() == s_committed ||
+ state() == s_aborted ||
+ state() == s_must_abort ||
+ state() == s_cert_failed ||
+ state() == s_must_replay);
+ if (state() == s_executing &&
+ streaming_context_.fragment_size() &&
+ streaming_context_.fragment_unit() == streaming_context::statement)
+ {
+ ret = streaming_step(lock);
+ }
+ switch (state())
+ {
+ case s_executing:
+ // ?
+ break;
+ case s_prepared:
+ assert(is_xa());
+ break;
+ case s_committed:
+ assert(is_streaming() == false);
+ break;
+ case s_must_abort:
+ case s_cert_failed:
+ // Error may be set already. For example, if fragment size
+ // exceeded the maximum size in certify_fragment(), then
+ // we already have wsrep::e_error_during_commit
+ if (client_state_.current_error() == wsrep::e_success)
+ {
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ }
+ lock.unlock();
+ ret = client_service_.bf_rollback();
+ lock.lock();
+ if (state() != s_must_replay)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Continue to replay if rollback() changed the state to s_must_replay
+ case s_must_replay:
+ {
+ if (is_xa() && !ordered())
+ {
+ ret = xa_replay_commit(lock);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = replay(lock);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case s_aborted:
+ // Raise a deadlock error if the transaction was BF aborted and
+ // rolled back by client outside of transaction hooks.
+ if (bf_aborted() && client_state_.current_error() == wsrep::e_success &&
+ !client_service_.is_xa_rollback())
+ {
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ assert(state() == s_executing ||
+ state() == s_prepared ||
+ state() == s_committed ||
+ state() == s_aborted ||
+ state() == s_must_replay);
+ if (state() == s_aborted)
+ {
+ if (ordered())
+ {
+ ret = release_commit_order(lock);
+ }
+ lock.unlock();
+ provider().release(ws_handle_);
+ lock.lock();
+ }
+ if (state() != s_executing &&
+ (!client_service_.is_explicit_xa() ||
+ client_state_.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_quitting))
+ {
+ cleanup();
+ }
+ fragments_certified_for_statement_ = 0;
+ debug_log_state("after_statement_leave");
+ assert(ret == 0 || state() == s_aborted);
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::transaction::after_command_must_abort(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ debug_log_state("after_command_must_abort enter");
+ assert(active());
+ assert(state_ == s_must_abort);
+ if (is_xa() && is_streaming())
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_replay);
+ }
+ lock.unlock();
+ client_service_.bf_rollback();
+ lock.lock();
+ if (is_xa() && is_streaming())
+ {
+ xa_replay(lock);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ }
+ debug_log_state("after_command_must_abort leave");
+void wsrep::transaction::after_applying()
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(client_state_.mutex_);
+ debug_log_state("after_applying enter");
+ assert(state_ == s_executing ||
+ state_ == s_prepared ||
+ state_ == s_committed ||
+ state_ == s_aborted ||
+ state_ == s_replaying);
+ if (state_ != s_executing && state_ != s_prepared)
+ {
+ if (state_ == s_replaying) state(lock, s_aborted);
+ cleanup();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // State remains executing or prepared, so this is a streaming applier.
+ // Reset the meta data to avoid releasing commit order
+ // critical section above if the next fragment is rollback
+ // fragment. Rollback fragment ordering will be handled by
+ // another instance while removing the fragments from
+ // storage.
+ ws_meta_ = wsrep::ws_meta();
+ }
+ debug_log_state("after_applying leave");
+bool wsrep::transaction::bf_abort(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock,
+ wsrep::seqno bf_seqno)
+ bool ret(false);
+ const enum wsrep::transaction::state state_at_enter(state());
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ if (active() == false)
+ {
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(client_state_.debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_transaction,
+ "Transaction not active, skipping bf abort");
+ }
+ else if (is_bf_immutable_)
+ {
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(client_state_.debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_transaction,
+ "Transaction has become immutable for BF abort");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (state_at_enter)
+ {
+ case s_executing:
+ case s_preparing:
+ case s_prepared:
+ case s_certifying:
+ case s_committing:
+ {
+ wsrep::seqno victim_seqno;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ status(client_state_.provider().bf_abort(
+ bf_seqno, id_, victim_seqno));
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case wsrep::provider::success:
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(client_state_.debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_transaction,
+ "Seqno " << bf_seqno
+ << " successfully BF aborted " << id_
+ << " victim_seqno " << victim_seqno);
+ bf_abort_state_ = state_at_enter;
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ ret = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(client_state_.debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_transaction,
+ "Seqno " << bf_seqno
+ << " failed to BF abort " << id_
+ << " with status " << status
+ << " victim_seqno " << victim_seqno);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(client_state_.debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_transaction,
+ "BF abort not allowed in state "
+ << wsrep::to_string(state_at_enter));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ bf_abort_client_state_ = client_state_.state();
+ // If the transaction is in executing state, we must initiate
+ // streaming rollback to ensure that the rollback fragment gets
+ // replicated before the victim starts to roll back and release locks.
+ // In other states the BF abort will be detected outside of
+ // storage engine operations and streaming rollback will be
+ // handled from before_rollback() call.
+ if (client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local &&
+ is_streaming() && state_at_enter == s_executing)
+ {
+ streaming_rollback(lock);
+ }
+ if ((client_state_.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_idle &&
+ client_state_.server_state().rollback_mode() ==
+ wsrep::server_state::rm_sync) // locally processing idle
+ ||
+ // high priority streaming
+ (client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority &&
+ is_streaming()))
+ {
+ // We need to change the state to aborting under the
+ // lock protection to avoid a race between client thread,
+ // otherwise it could happen that the client gains control
+ // between releasing the lock and before background
+ // rollbacker gets control.
+ if (is_xa() && state_at_enter == s_prepared)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_replay);
+ client_state_.set_rollbacker_active(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ state(lock, s_aborting);
+ client_state_.set_rollbacker_active(true);
+ if (client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority)
+ {
+ lock.unlock();
+ client_state_.server_state().stop_streaming_applier(
+ server_id_, id_);
+ lock.lock();
+ }
+ }
+ server_service_.background_rollback(lock, client_state_);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+bool wsrep::transaction::total_order_bf_abort(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock WSREP_UNUSED,
+ wsrep::seqno bf_seqno)
+ /* We must set this flag before entering bf_abort() in order
+ * to streaming_rollback() work correctly. The flag will be
+ * unset if BF abort was not allowed. Note that we rely in
+ * bf_abort() not to release lock if the BF abort is not allowed. */
+ bf_aborted_in_total_order_ = true;
+ bool ret(bf_abort(lock, bf_seqno));
+ if (not ret)
+ {
+ bf_aborted_in_total_order_ = false;
+ }
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::transaction::clone_for_replay(const wsrep::transaction& other)
+ assert(other.state() == s_replaying);
+ id_ = other.id_;
+ xid_ = other.xid_;
+ server_id_ = other.server_id_;
+ ws_handle_ = other.ws_handle_;
+ ws_meta_ = other.ws_meta_;
+ streaming_context_ = other.streaming_context_;
+ state_ = s_replaying;
+void wsrep::transaction::assign_xid(const wsrep::xid& xid)
+ assert(active());
+ assert(!is_xa());
+ xid_ = xid;
+int wsrep::transaction::restore_to_prepared_state(const wsrep::xid& xid)
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(client_state_.mutex_);
+ assert(active());
+ assert(is_empty());
+ assert(state() == s_executing || state() == s_replaying);
+ flags(flags() & ~wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction);
+ if (state() == s_executing)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_certifying);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ state(lock, s_preparing);
+ }
+ state(lock, s_prepared);
+ xid_ = xid;
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::transaction::commit_or_rollback_by_xid(const wsrep::xid& xid,
+ bool commit)
+ debug_log_state("commit_or_rollback_by_xid enter");
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(client_state_.mutex_);
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state(client_state_.server_state());
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* sa(server_state.find_streaming_applier(xid));
+ if (!sa)
+ {
+ assert(sa);
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_error_during_commit);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (commit)
+ {
+ flags(wsrep::provider::flag::commit);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ flags(wsrep::provider::flag::rollback);
+ }
+ pa_unsafe(true);
+ wsrep::stid stid(sa->transaction().server_id(),
+ sa->transaction().id(),
+ wsrep::ws_meta meta(stid);
+ const enum wsrep::provider::status cert_ret(
+ provider().certify(,
+ ws_handle_,
+ flags(),
+ meta));
+ int ret;
+ if (cert_ret == wsrep::provider::success)
+ {
+ if (commit)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_certifying);
+ state(lock, s_committing);
+ state(lock, s_committed);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ state(lock, s_aborting);
+ state(lock, s_aborted);
+ }
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_error_during_commit,
+ cert_ret);
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Failed to commit_or_rollback_by_xid,"
+ << " xid: " << xid
+ << " error: " << cert_ret;
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ debug_log_state("commit_or_rollback_by_xid leave");
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::transaction::xa_detach()
+ debug_log_state("xa_detach enter");
+ assert(state() == s_prepared ||
+ client_state_.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_quitting);
+ if (state() == s_prepared)
+ {
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state(client_state_.server_state());
+ server_state.convert_streaming_client_to_applier(&client_state_);
+ client_service_.store_globals();
+ client_service_.cleanup_transaction();
+ }
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex> lock(client_state_.mutex_);
+ streaming_context_.cleanup();
+ state(lock, s_aborting);
+ state(lock, s_aborted);
+ provider().release(ws_handle_);
+ cleanup();
+ debug_log_state("xa_detach leave");
+void wsrep::transaction::xa_replay_common(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ assert(is_xa());
+ assert(is_streaming());
+ assert(state() == s_must_replay);
+ assert(bf_aborted());
+ state(lock, s_replaying);
+ enum wsrep::provider::status status;
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state(client_state_.server_state());
+ lock.unlock();
+ server_state.convert_streaming_client_to_applier(&client_state_);
+ status = client_service_.replay_unordered();
+ client_service_.store_globals();
+ lock.lock();
+ if (status != wsrep::provider::success)
+ {
+ client_service_.emergency_shutdown();
+ }
+int wsrep::transaction::xa_replay(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ debug_log_state("xa_replay enter");
+ xa_replay_common(lock);
+ state(lock, s_aborted);
+ streaming_context_.cleanup();
+ provider().release(ws_handle_);
+ cleanup();
+ client_service_.signal_replayed();
+ debug_log_state("xa_replay leave");
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::transaction::xa_replay_commit(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ debug_log_state("xa_replay_commit enter");
+ xa_replay_common(lock);
+ lock.unlock();
+ enum wsrep::provider::status status(client_service_.commit_by_xid());
+ lock.lock();
+ int ret(1);
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case wsrep::provider::success:
+ state(lock, s_committed);
+ streaming_context_.cleanup();
+ provider().release(ws_handle_);
+ cleanup();
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ log_warning() << "Failed to commit by xid during replay";
+ // Commit by xid failed, return a commit
+ // error and let the client retry
+ state(lock, s_preparing);
+ state(lock, s_prepared);
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_error_during_commit, status);
+ }
+ client_service_.signal_replayed();
+ debug_log_state("xa_replay_commit leave");
+ return ret;
+// Private //
+inline wsrep::provider& wsrep::transaction::provider()
+ return client_state_.server_state().provider();
+void wsrep::transaction::state(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock __attribute__((unused)),
+ enum wsrep::transaction::state next_state)
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(client_state_.debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_transaction,
+ "client: " <<
+ << " txc: " << id().get()
+ << " state: " << to_string(state_)
+ << " -> " << to_string(next_state));
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ // BF aborter is allowed to change the state without gaining control
+ // to the state if the next state is s_must_abort, s_aborting or
+ // s_must_replay (for xa idle replay).
+ assert(client_state_.owning_thread_id_ == wsrep::this_thread::get_id() ||
+ next_state == s_must_abort ||
+ next_state == s_must_replay ||
+ next_state == s_aborting);
+ static const char allowed[n_states][n_states] =
+ { /* ex pg pd ce co oc ct cf ma ab ad mr re */
+ { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, /* ex */
+ { 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* pg */
+ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, /* pd */
+ { 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* ce */
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* co */
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* oc */
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* ct */
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, /* cf */
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, /* ma */
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, /* ab */
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* ad */
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, /* mr */
+ { 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0} /* re */
+ };
+ if (!allowed[state_][next_state])
+ {
+ wsrep::log_debug() << "unallowed state transition for transaction "
+ << id_ << ": " << wsrep::to_string(state_)
+ << " -> " << wsrep::to_string(next_state);
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ state_hist_.push_back(state_);
+ if (state_hist_.size() == 12)
+ {
+ state_hist_.erase(state_hist_.begin());
+ }
+ state_ = next_state;
+ if (state_ == s_must_replay)
+ {
+ client_service_.will_replay();
+ }
+bool wsrep::transaction::abort_or_interrupt(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ if (state() == s_must_abort)
+ {
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (state() == s_aborting || state() == s_aborted)
+ {
+ // Somehow we got there after BF abort without setting error
+ // status. This may happen if the DBMS side aborts the transaction
+ // but still tries to continue processing rows. Raise the error here
+ // and assert so that the error will be caught in debug builds.
+ if (bf_abort_client_state_ &&
+ client_state_.current_error() == wsrep::e_success)
+ {
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (client_service_.interrupted(lock))
+ {
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_interrupted_error);
+ if (state() != s_must_abort)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+int wsrep::transaction::streaming_step(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock,
+ bool force)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ assert(streaming_context_.fragment_size() || is_xa());
+ if (client_service_.bytes_generated() <
+ streaming_context_.log_position())
+ {
+ /* Something went wrong on DBMS side in keeping track of
+ generated bytes. Return an error to abort the transaction. */
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Bytes generated "
+ << client_service_.bytes_generated()
+ << " less than bytes certified "
+ << streaming_context_.log_position()
+ << ", aborting streaming transaction";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int ret(0);
+ const size_t bytes_to_replicate(client_service_.bytes_generated() -
+ streaming_context_.log_position());
+ switch (streaming_context_.fragment_unit())
+ {
+ case streaming_context::row:
+ case streaming_context::statement:
+ streaming_context_.increment_unit_counter(1);
+ break;
+ case streaming_context::bytes:
+ streaming_context_.set_unit_counter(bytes_to_replicate);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Some statements have no effect. Do not atttempt to
+ // replicate a fragment if no data has been generated since
+ // last fragment replication.
+ // We use `force = true` on XA prepare: a fragment will be
+ // generated even if no data is pending replication.
+ if (bytes_to_replicate <= 0 && !force)
+ {
+ assert(bytes_to_replicate == 0);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (streaming_context_.fragment_size_exceeded() || force)
+ {
+ streaming_context_.reset_unit_counter();
+ ret = certify_fragment(lock);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::transaction::certify_fragment(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ assert(client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ assert(streaming_context_.rolled_back() == false ||
+ state() == s_must_abort);
+ client_service_.wait_for_replayers(lock);
+ if (abort_or_interrupt(lock))
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ state(lock, s_certifying);
+ lock.unlock();
+ client_service_.debug_sync("wsrep_before_fragment_certification");
+ enum wsrep::provider::status status(
+ client_state_.server_state_.send_pending_rollback_events());
+ if (status)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning()
+ << "Failed to replicate pending rollback events: "
+ << status << " ("
+ << wsrep::provider::to_string(status) << ")";
+ lock.lock();
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer data;
+ size_t log_position(0);
+ if (client_service_.prepare_fragment_for_replication(data, log_position))
+ {
+ lock.lock();
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_error_during_commit);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ streaming_context_.set_log_position(log_position);
+ if (data.size() == 0)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Attempt to replicate empty data buffer";
+ lock.lock();
+ state(lock, s_executing);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (provider().append_data(ws_handle_,
+ wsrep::const_buffer(, data.size())))
+ {
+ lock.lock();
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_error_during_commit);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (is_xa())
+ {
+ // One more check to see if the transaction
+ // has been aborted. This is necessary because
+ // until the append_data above will make sure
+ // that the transaction exists in provider.
+ lock.lock();
+ if (abort_or_interrupt(lock))
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ lock.unlock();
+ }
+ if (is_streaming() == false)
+ {
+ client_state_.server_state_.start_streaming_client(&client_state_);
+ }
+ if (implicit_deps())
+ {
+ flags(flags() | wsrep::provider::flag::implicit_deps);
+ }
+ int ret(0);
+ enum wsrep::client_error error(wsrep::e_success);
+ enum wsrep::provider::status cert_ret(wsrep::provider::success);
+ // Storage service scope
+ {
+ scoped_storage_service<storage_service_deleter>
+ sr_scope(
+ client_service_,
+ server_service_.storage_service(client_service_),
+ storage_service_deleter(server_service_));
+ wsrep::storage_service& storage_service(
+ sr_scope.storage_service());
+ // First the fragment is appended to the stable storage.
+ // This is done to ensure that there is enough capacity
+ // available to store the fragment. The fragment meta data
+ // is updated after certification.
+ wsrep::id server_id(client_state_.server_state().id());
+ if (server_id.is_undefined()) {
+ // Server disconnected from cluster, do not
+ // append a fragment with undefined server_id.
+ ret = 1;
+ error = wsrep::e_append_fragment_error;
+ }
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ ret = storage_service.start_transaction(ws_handle_);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ error = wsrep::e_append_fragment_error;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ ret = storage_service.append_fragment(
+ server_id, id(), flags(),
+ wsrep::const_buffer(, data.size()), xid());
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ error = wsrep::e_append_fragment_error;
+ storage_service.rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ }
+ }
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ client_service_.debug_crash(
+ "crash_replicate_fragment_before_certify");
+ wsrep::ws_meta sr_ws_meta;
+ cert_ret = provider().certify(,
+ ws_handle_,
+ flags(),
+ sr_ws_meta);
+ client_service_.debug_crash(
+ "crash_replicate_fragment_after_certify");
+ switch (cert_ret)
+ {
+ case wsrep::provider::success:
+ ++fragments_certified_for_statement_;
+ assert(sr_ws_meta.seqno().is_undefined() == false);
+ streaming_context_.certified();
+ if (storage_service.update_fragment_meta(sr_ws_meta))
+ {
+ storage_service.rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(),
+ wsrep::ws_meta());
+ ret = 1;
+ error = wsrep::e_deadlock_error;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (storage_service.commit(ws_handle_, sr_ws_meta))
+ {
+ ret = 1;
+ error = wsrep::e_deadlock_error;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ streaming_context_.stored(sr_ws_meta.seqno());
+ }
+ client_service_.debug_crash(
+ "crash_replicate_fragment_success");
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_bf_abort:
+ case wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed:
+ // Streaming transcation got BF aborted, so it must roll
+ // back. Roll back the fragment storage operation out of
+ // order as the commit order will be grabbed later on
+ // during rollback process. Mark the fragment as certified
+ // though in streaming context in order to enter streaming
+ // rollback codepath.
+ //
+ // Note that despite we handle error_certification_failed
+ // here, we mark the transaction as streaming. Apparently
+ // the provider may return status corresponding to certification
+ // failure even if the fragment has passed certification.
+ // This may be a bug in provider implementation or a limitation
+ // of error codes defined in wsrep-API. In order to make
+ // sure that the transaction will be cleaned on other servers,
+ // we take a risk of sending one rollback fragment for nothing.
+ storage_service.rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(),
+ wsrep::ws_meta());
+ streaming_context_.certified();
+ ret = 1;
+ error = wsrep::e_deadlock_error;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Storage service rollback must be done out of order,
+ // otherwise there may be a deadlock between BF aborter
+ // and the rollback process.
+ storage_service.rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ ret = 1;
+ error = (cert_ret == wsrep::provider::error_size_exceeded ?
+ wsrep::e_size_exceeded_error :
+ wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Note: This does not release the handle in the provider
+ // since streaming is still on. However it is needed to
+ // make provider internal state to transition for the
+ // next fragment. If any of the operations above failed,
+ // the handle needs to be left unreleased for the following
+ // rollback process.
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ assert(error == wsrep::e_success);
+ ret = provider().release(ws_handle_);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ error = wsrep::e_deadlock_error;
+ }
+ }
+ lock.lock();
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ assert(error != wsrep::e_success);
+ if (is_streaming() == false)
+ {
+ lock.unlock();
+ client_state_.server_state_.stop_streaming_client(&client_state_);
+ lock.lock();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ streaming_rollback(lock);
+ }
+ if (state_ != s_must_abort)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ }
+ client_state_.override_error(error, cert_ret);
+ }
+ else if (state_ == s_must_abort)
+ {
+ if (is_streaming())
+ {
+ streaming_rollback(lock);
+ }
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error, cert_ret);
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(state_ == s_certifying);
+ state(lock, s_executing);
+ flags(flags() & ~wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction);
+ flags(flags() & ~wsrep::provider::flag::pa_unsafe);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::transaction::certify_commit(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ assert(active());
+ client_service_.wait_for_replayers(lock);
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ if (abort_or_interrupt(lock))
+ {
+ if (is_xa() && state() == s_must_abort)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_replay);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ state(lock, s_certifying);
+ lock.unlock();
+ enum wsrep::provider::status status(
+ client_state_.server_state_.send_pending_rollback_events());
+ if (status)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning()
+ << "Failed to replicate pending rollback events: "
+ << status << " ("
+ << wsrep::provider::to_string(status) << ")";
+ // We failed to replicate some pending rollback fragment.
+ // Meaning that some transaction that was rolled back
+ // locally might still be active out there in the cluster.
+ // To avoid a potential BF-BF conflict, we need to abort
+ // and give up on this one.
+ // Notice that we can't abort a prepared XA that wants to
+ // commit. Fortunately, there is no need to in this case:
+ // the commit fragment for XA does not cause any changes and
+ // can't possibly conflict with other transactions out there.
+ if (!is_xa())
+ {
+ lock.lock();
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_streaming())
+ {
+ if (!is_xa())
+ {
+ append_sr_keys_for_commit();
+ }
+ pa_unsafe(true);
+ }
+ if (implicit_deps())
+ {
+ flags(flags() | wsrep::provider::flag::implicit_deps);
+ }
+ flags(flags() | wsrep::provider::flag::commit);
+ flags(flags() & ~wsrep::provider::flag::prepare);
+ if (client_service_.prepare_data_for_replication())
+ {
+ lock.lock();
+ // Here we fake that the size exceeded error came from provider,
+ // even though it came from the client service. This requires
+ // some consideration how to get meaningful error codes from
+ // the client service.
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_size_exceeded_error,
+ wsrep::provider::error_size_exceeded);
+ if (state_ != s_must_abort)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ client_service_.debug_sync("wsrep_before_certification");
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ cert_ret(provider().certify(,
+ ws_handle_,
+ flags(),
+ ws_meta_));
+ client_service_.debug_sync("wsrep_after_certification");
+ lock.lock();
+ assert(state() == s_certifying || state() == s_must_abort);
+ int ret(1);
+ switch (cert_ret)
+ {
+ case wsrep::provider::success:
+ assert(ordered());
+ certified_ = true;
+ ++fragments_certified_for_statement_;
+ switch (state())
+ {
+ case s_certifying:
+ if (is_xa())
+ {
+ state(lock, s_committing);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ state(lock, s_preparing);
+ }
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ case s_must_abort:
+ // We got BF aborted after succesful certification
+ // and before acquiring client state lock. The trasaction
+ // must be replayed.
+ state(lock, s_must_replay);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_warning:
+ assert(ordered() == false);
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_error_during_commit, cert_ret);
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_transaction_missing:
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ // The execution should never reach this point if the
+ // transaction has not generated any keys or data.
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Transaction was missing in provider";
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_error_during_commit, cert_ret);
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_bf_abort:
+ // Transaction was replicated successfully and it was either
+ // certified successfully or the result of certifying is not
+ // yet known. Therefore the transaction must roll back
+ // and go through replay either to replay and commit the whole
+ // transaction or to determine failed certification status.
+ if (state() != s_must_abort)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ }
+ state(lock, s_must_replay);
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed:
+ state(lock, s_cert_failed);
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_size_exceeded:
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_error_during_commit, cert_ret);
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_connection_failed:
+ // Galera provider may return CONN_FAIL if the trx is
+ // BF aborted O_o. If we see here that the trx was BF aborted,
+ // return deadlock error instead of error during commit
+ // to reduce number of error state combinations elsewhere.
+ if (state() == s_must_abort)
+ {
+ if (is_xa())
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_replay);
+ }
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_error_during_commit,
+ cert_ret);
+ if (is_xa())
+ {
+ state(lock, s_prepared);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_provider_failed:
+ if (state() != s_must_abort)
+ {
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ }
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_error_during_commit, cert_ret);
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_fatal:
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_error_during_commit, cert_ret);
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ client_service_.emergency_shutdown();
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_not_implemented:
+ case wsrep::provider::error_not_allowed:
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_error_during_commit, cert_ret);
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Certification operation was not allowed: "
+ << "id: " << id().get()
+ << " flags: " << std::hex << flags() << std::dec;
+ break;
+ default:
+ state(lock, s_must_abort);
+ client_state_.override_error(wsrep::e_error_during_commit, cert_ret);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::transaction::append_sr_keys_for_commit()
+ int ret(0);
+ assert(client_state_.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ for (wsrep::sr_key_set::branch_type::const_iterator
+ i(sr_keys_.root().begin());
+ ret == 0 && i != sr_keys_.root().end(); ++i)
+ {
+ for (wsrep::sr_key_set::leaf_type::const_iterator
+ j(i->second.begin());
+ ret == 0 && j != i->second.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ wsrep::key key(wsrep::key::shared);
+ key.append_key_part(i->, i->first.size());
+ key.append_key_part(j->data(), j->size());
+ ret = provider().append_key(ws_handle_, key);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::transaction::streaming_rollback(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ debug_log_state("streaming_rollback enter");
+ assert(state_ != s_must_replay);
+ assert(is_streaming());
+ assert(lock.owns_lock());
+ // Prevent streaming_rollback() to be executed simultaneously.
+ // Notice that lock is unlocked when calling into server_state
+ // methods, to avoid violating lock order.
+ // The condition variable below prevents a thread to go
+ // through streaming_rollback() while another thread is busy
+ // stopping or converting the streaming_client().
+ // This would be problematic if a thread is performing BF abort,
+ // while the original client manages to complete its rollback
+ // and therefore change the state of the transaction, causing
+ // assertions to fire.
+ while (streaming_rollback_in_progress_)
+ client_state_.cond_.wait(lock);
+ streaming_rollback_in_progress_ = true;
+ if (streaming_context_.rolled_back() == false)
+ {
+ // Note that streaming_context_ must not be cleaned up in this
+ // method. This is because the owning thread may still be executing
+ // fragment removal on commit, which will access fragment
+ // vector in streaming context. Clearing streaming context
+ // here may cause owning thread to access memory which was
+ // already freed. Cleanup for streaming_context_ will happen
+ // in after_rollback().
+ if (bf_aborted_in_total_order_)
+ {
+ lock.unlock();
+ server_service_.debug_sync("wsrep_streaming_rollback");
+ client_state_.server_state_.stop_streaming_client(&client_state_);
+ lock.lock();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Create a high priority applier which will handle the
+ // rollback fragment or clean up on configuration change.
+ // Adopt transaction will copy fragment set and appropriate
+ // meta data.
+ lock.unlock();
+ server_service_.debug_sync("wsrep_streaming_rollback");
+ client_state_.server_state_.convert_streaming_client_to_applier(
+ &client_state_);
+ lock.lock();
+ enum wsrep::provider::status status(provider().rollback(id_));
+ if (status)
+ {
+ lock.unlock();
+ client_state_.server_state_.queue_rollback_event(id_);
+ lock.lock();
+ wsrep::log_debug()
+ << "Failed to replicate rollback fragment for " << id_
+ << ": " << status << " ( "
+ << wsrep::provider::to_string(status) << ")";
+ }
+ }
+ // Mark the streaming context as rolled back,
+ // so that this block is executed once.
+ streaming_context_.rolled_back(id_);
+ }
+ debug_log_state("streaming_rollback leave");
+ streaming_rollback_in_progress_ = false;
+ client_state_.cond_.notify_all();
+int wsrep::transaction::replay(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ int ret(0);
+ state(lock, s_replaying);
+ // Need to remember streaming state before replay, entering
+ // after_commit() after succesful replay will clear
+ // fragments.
+ const bool was_streaming(is_streaming());
+ lock.unlock();
+ client_service_.debug_sync("wsrep_before_replay");
+ enum wsrep::provider::status replay_ret(client_service_.replay());
+ client_service_.signal_replayed();
+ if (was_streaming)
+ {
+ client_state_.server_state_.stop_streaming_client(&client_state_);
+ }
+ lock.lock();
+ switch (replay_ret)
+ {
+ case wsrep::provider::success:
+ if (state() == s_replaying)
+ {
+ // Replay was done by using different client state, adjust state
+ // to committed.
+ state(lock, s_committed);
+ }
+ if (is_streaming())
+ {
+ streaming_context_.cleanup();
+ }
+ provider().release(ws_handle_);
+ break;
+ case wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed:
+ client_state_.override_error(
+ wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ if (is_streaming())
+ {
+ lock.unlock();
+ client_service_.remove_fragments();
+ lock.lock();
+ streaming_context_.cleanup();
+ }
+ state(lock, s_aborted);
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ client_service_.emergency_shutdown();
+ break;
+ }
+ client_state_.debug_log_level(), wsrep::log::debug_level_transaction,
+ "replay returned: " << replay_ret << " ("
+ << wsrep::provider::to_string(replay_ret) << ")");
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::transaction::cleanup()
+ debug_log_state("cleanup_enter");
+ assert(state() == s_committed || state() == s_aborted);
+ id_ = wsrep::transaction_id::undefined();
+ ws_handle_ = wsrep::ws_handle();
+ // Keep the state history for troubleshooting. Reset
+ // at start_transaction().
+ // state_hist_.clear();
+ if (ordered())
+ {
+ client_state_.update_last_written_gtid(ws_meta_.gtid());
+ }
+ bf_abort_state_ = s_executing;
+ bf_abort_provider_status_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ bf_abort_client_state_ = 0;
+ bf_aborted_in_total_order_ = false;
+ ws_meta_ = wsrep::ws_meta();
+ flags_ = 0;
+ certified_ = false;
+ implicit_deps_ = false;
+ sr_keys_.clear();
+ streaming_context_.cleanup();
+ client_service_.cleanup_transaction();
+ apply_error_buf_.clear();
+ xid_.clear();
+ is_bf_immutable_ = false;
+ debug_log_state("cleanup_leave");
+void wsrep::transaction::debug_log_state(
+ const char* context) const
+ client_state_.debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_transaction,
+ context
+ << "\n server: " << server_id_
+ << ", client: " << int64_t(
+ << ", state: " << wsrep::to_c_string(client_state_.state())
+ << ", mode: " << wsrep::to_c_string(client_state_.mode())
+ << "\n trx_id: " << int64_t(id_.get())
+ << ", seqno: " << ws_meta_.seqno().get()
+ << ", flags: " << flags()
+ << "\n"
+ << " state: " << wsrep::to_c_string(state_)
+ << ", bfa_state: " << wsrep::to_c_string(bf_abort_state_)
+ << ", error: " << wsrep::to_c_string(client_state_.current_error())
+ << ", status: " << client_state_.current_error_status()
+ << "\n"
+ << " is_sr: " << is_streaming()
+ << ", frags: " << streaming_context_.fragments_certified()
+ << ", frags size: " << streaming_context_.fragments().size()
+ << ", unit: " << streaming_context_.fragment_unit()
+ << ", size: " << streaming_context_.fragment_size()
+ << ", counter: " << streaming_context_.unit_counter()
+ << ", log_pos: " << streaming_context_.log_position()
+ << ", sr_rb: " << streaming_context_.rolled_back()
+ << "\n own: " << (client_state_.owning_thread_id_ == wsrep::this_thread::get_id())
+ << " thread_id: " << client_state_.owning_thread_id_
+ << "");
+void wsrep::transaction::debug_log_key_append(const wsrep::key& key) const
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG(client_state_.debug_log_level(),
+ wsrep::log::debug_level_transaction,
+ "key_append: "
+ << "trx_id: "
+ << int64_t(id().get())
+ << " append key:\n" << key);
+std::ostream& wsrep::operator<<(std::ostream& os,
+ enum wsrep::transaction::state state)
+ return (os << to_c_string(state));
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/uuid.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/uuid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fe41779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/uuid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "uuid.hpp"
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cctype>
+int wsrep::uuid_scan (const char* str, size_t str_len, wsrep::uuid_t* uuid)
+ unsigned int uuid_len = 0;
+ unsigned int uuid_offt = 0;
+ while (uuid_len + 1 < str_len) {
+ /* We are skipping potential '-' after uuid_offt == 4, 6, 8, 10
+ * which means
+ * (uuid_offt >> 1) == 2, 3, 4, 5,
+ * which in turn means
+ * (uuid_offt >> 1) - 2 <= 3
+ * since it is always >= 0, because uuid_offt is unsigned */
+ if (((uuid_offt >> 1) - 2) <= 3 && str[uuid_len] == '-') {
+ // skip dashes after 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th positions
+ uuid_len += 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isxdigit(str[uuid_len]) && isxdigit(str[uuid_len + 1])) {
+ // got hex digit, scan another byte to uuid, increment uuid_offt
+ sscanf (str + uuid_len, "%2hhx", uuid->data + uuid_offt);
+ uuid_len += 2;
+ uuid_offt += 1;
+ if (sizeof (uuid->data) == uuid_offt)
+ return static_cast<int>(uuid_len);
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *uuid = wsrep::uuid_initializer;
+ return -EINVAL;
+int wsrep::uuid_print (const wsrep::uuid_t* uuid, char* str, size_t str_len)
+ if (str_len > WSREP_LIB_UUID_STR_LEN) {
+ const unsigned char* u = uuid->data;
+ return snprintf(str, str_len, "%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-"
+ "%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
+ u[ 0], u[ 1], u[ 2], u[ 3], u[ 4], u[ 5], u[ 6], u[ 7],
+ u[ 8], u[ 9], u[10], u[11], u[12], u[13], u[14], u[15]);
+ }
+ else {
+ return -EMSGSIZE;
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/uuid.hpp b/wsrep-lib/src/uuid.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72812a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/uuid.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file uuid.hpp
+ *
+ * Helper methods to parse and print UUIDs, intended to use
+ * internally in wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * The implementation is copied from wsrep-API v26.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/compiler.hpp"
+#include <cstddef>
+ * Length of UUID string representation, not including terminating '\0'.
+ */
+namespace wsrep
+ /**
+ * UUID type.
+ */
+ typedef union uuid_
+ {
+ unsigned char data[16];
+ size_t alignment;
+ } uuid_t;
+ static const wsrep::uuid_t uuid_initializer = {{0, }};
+ /**
+ * Read UUID from string.
+ *
+ * @param str String to read from
+ * @param str_len Length of string
+ * @param[out] UUID to read to
+ *
+ * @return Number of bytes read or negative error code in case
+ * of error.
+ */
+ int uuid_scan(const char* str, size_t str_len, wsrep::uuid_t* uuid);
+ /**
+ * Write UUID to string. The caller must allocate at least
+ * WSREP_LIB_UUID_STR_LEN + 1 space for the output str parameter.
+ *
+ * @param uuid UUID to print
+ * @param str[out] Output buffer
+ * @param str_len Size of output buffer
+ *
+ * @return Number of chars printerd, negative error code in case of
+ * error.
+ */
+ int uuid_print(const wsrep::uuid_t* uuid, char* str, size_t str_len);
+#endif // WSREP_UUID_HPP
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/view.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/view.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5bff099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/view.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/view.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/provider.hpp"
+int wsrep::view::member_index(const wsrep::id& member_id) const
+ for (std::vector<member>::const_iterator i(members_.begin());
+ i != members_.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i->id() == member_id)
+ {
+ return static_cast<int>(i - members_.begin());
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+bool wsrep::view::equal_membership(const wsrep::view& other) const
+ if (members_.size() != other.members_.size())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // we can't assume members ordering
+ for (std::vector<member>::const_iterator i(members_.begin());
+ i != members_.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (other.member_index(i->id()) == -1)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void wsrep::view::print(std::ostream& os) const
+ os << " id: " << state_id() << "\n"
+ << " status: " << to_c_string(status()) << "\n"
+ << " protocol_version: " << protocol_version() << "\n"
+ << " capabilities: " << provider::capability::str(capabilities())<<"\n"
+ << " final: " << (final() ? "yes" : "no") << "\n"
+ << " own_index: " << own_index() << "\n"
+ << " members(" << members().size() << "):\n";
+ for (std::vector<wsrep::view::member>::const_iterator i(members().begin());
+ i != members().end(); ++i)
+ {
+ os << "\t" << (i - members().begin()) /* ordinal index */
+ << ": " << i->id()
+ << ", " << i->name() << "\n";
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/wsrep_provider_v26.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/wsrep_provider_v26.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb8679c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/wsrep_provider_v26.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1183 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep_provider_v26.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/encryption_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/server_state.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/high_priority_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/view.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/exception.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/thread_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/tls_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/allowlist_service.hpp"
+#include "thread_service_v1.hpp"
+#include "tls_service_v1.hpp"
+#include "allowlist_service_v1.hpp"
+#include "event_service_v1.hpp"
+#include "v26/wsrep_api.h"
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <climits>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cstring> // strerror()
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Helpers //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ enum wsrep::provider::status map_return_value(wsrep_status_t status)
+ {
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case WSREP_OK:
+ return wsrep::provider::success;
+ return wsrep::provider::error_warning;
+ return wsrep::provider::error_transaction_missing;
+ return wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed;
+ return wsrep::provider::error_bf_abort;
+ return wsrep::provider::error_size_exceeded;
+ return wsrep::provider::error_connection_failed;
+ return wsrep::provider::error_provider_failed;
+ return wsrep::provider::error_fatal;
+ return wsrep::provider::error_not_implemented;
+ return wsrep::provider::error_not_allowed;
+ }
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Unexpected value for wsrep_status_t: "
+ << status << " ("
+ << (status < 0 ? strerror(-status) : "") << ')';
+ return wsrep::provider::error_unknown;
+ }
+ wsrep_key_type_t map_key_type(enum wsrep::key::type type)
+ {
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case wsrep::key::shared: return WSREP_KEY_SHARED;
+ case wsrep::key::reference: return WSREP_KEY_REFERENCE;
+ case wsrep::key::update: return WSREP_KEY_UPDATE;
+ case wsrep::key::exclusive: return WSREP_KEY_EXCLUSIVE;
+ }
+ assert(0);
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Invalid key type");
+ }
+ static inline wsrep_seqno_t seqno_to_native(wsrep::seqno seqno)
+ {
+ return seqno.get();
+ }
+ static inline wsrep::seqno seqno_from_native(wsrep_seqno_t seqno)
+ {
+ return wsrep::seqno(seqno);
+ }
+ template <typename F, typename T>
+ inline uint32_t map_one(const int flags, const F from,
+ const T to)
+ {
+ // INT_MAX because GCC 4.4 does not eat numeric_limits<int>::max()
+ // in static_assert
+ static_assert(WSREP_FLAGS_LAST < INT_MAX,
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>((flags & static_cast<int>(from)) ?
+ static_cast<int>(to) : 0);
+ }
+ uint32_t map_flags_to_native(int flags)
+ {
+ using wsrep::provider;
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(
+ map_one(flags, provider::flag::start_transaction,
+ map_one(flags, provider::flag::commit, WSREP_FLAG_TRX_END) |
+ map_one(flags, provider::flag::rollback, WSREP_FLAG_ROLLBACK) |
+ map_one(flags, provider::flag::isolation, WSREP_FLAG_ISOLATION) |
+ map_one(flags, provider::flag::pa_unsafe, WSREP_FLAG_PA_UNSAFE) |
+ // map_one(flags, provider::flag::commutative, WSREP_FLAG_COMMUTATIVE)
+ // |
+ // map_one(flags, provider::flag::native, WSREP_FLAG_NATIVE) |
+ map_one(flags, provider::flag::prepare, WSREP_FLAG_TRX_PREPARE) |
+ map_one(flags, provider::flag::snapshot, WSREP_FLAG_SNAPSHOT) |
+ map_one(flags, provider::flag::implicit_deps,
+ }
+ int map_flags_from_native(uint32_t flags_u32)
+ {
+ using wsrep::provider;
+ const int flags(static_cast<int>(flags_u32));
+ return static_cast<int>(
+ map_one(flags, WSREP_FLAG_TRX_START,
+ provider::flag::start_transaction) |
+ map_one(flags, WSREP_FLAG_TRX_END, provider::flag::commit) |
+ map_one(flags, WSREP_FLAG_ROLLBACK, provider::flag::rollback) |
+ map_one(flags, WSREP_FLAG_ISOLATION, provider::flag::isolation) |
+ map_one(flags, WSREP_FLAG_PA_UNSAFE, provider::flag::pa_unsafe) |
+ // map_one(flags, provider::flag::commutative, WSREP_FLAG_COMMUTATIVE)
+ // |
+ // map_one(flags, provider::flag::native, WSREP_FLAG_NATIVE) |
+ map_one(flags, WSREP_FLAG_TRX_PREPARE, provider::flag::prepare) |
+ map_one(flags, WSREP_FLAG_SNAPSHOT, provider::flag::snapshot) |
+ map_one(flags, WSREP_FLAG_IMPLICIT_DEPS,
+ provider::flag::implicit_deps));
+ }
+ class mutable_ws_handle
+ {
+ public:
+ mutable_ws_handle(wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle)
+ : ws_handle_(ws_handle)
+ , native_((wsrep_ws_handle_t)
+ {
+ ws_handle_.transaction_id().get(),
+ ws_handle_.opaque()
+ })
+ { }
+ ~mutable_ws_handle()
+ {
+ ws_handle_ = wsrep::ws_handle(
+ wsrep::transaction_id(native_.trx_id), native_.opaque);
+ }
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* native()
+ {
+ return &native_;
+ }
+ private:
+ wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle_;
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t native_;
+ };
+ class const_ws_handle
+ {
+ public:
+ const_ws_handle(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle)
+ : ws_handle_(ws_handle)
+ , native_((wsrep_ws_handle_t)
+ {
+ ws_handle_.transaction_id().get(),
+ ws_handle_.opaque()
+ })
+ { }
+ ~const_ws_handle()
+ {
+ assert(ws_handle_.transaction_id().get() == native_.trx_id);
+ assert(ws_handle_.opaque() == native_.opaque);
+ }
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* native() const
+ {
+ return &native_;
+ }
+ private:
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle_;
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t native_;
+ };
+ class mutable_ws_meta
+ {
+ public:
+ mutable_ws_meta(wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta, int flags)
+ : ws_meta_(ws_meta)
+ , trx_meta_()
+ , flags_(flags)
+ {
+ std::memcpy(, ws_meta.group_id().data(),
+ sizeof(;
+ trx_meta_.gtid.seqno = seqno_to_native(ws_meta.seqno());
+ std::memcpy(, ws_meta.server_id().data(),
+ sizeof(;
+ trx_meta_.stid.conn = ws_meta.client_id().get();
+ trx_meta_.stid.trx = ws_meta.transaction_id().get();
+ trx_meta_.depends_on = seqno_to_native(ws_meta.depends_on());
+ }
+ ~mutable_ws_meta()
+ {
+ ws_meta_ = wsrep::ws_meta(
+ wsrep::gtid(
+ wsrep::id(,
+ sizeof(,
+ seqno_from_native(trx_meta_.gtid.seqno)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id(,
+ sizeof(,
+ wsrep::transaction_id(trx_meta_.stid.trx),
+ wsrep::client_id(trx_meta_.stid.conn)),
+ seqno_from_native(trx_meta_.depends_on), flags_);
+ }
+ wsrep_trx_meta* native() { return &trx_meta_; }
+ uint32_t native_flags() const { return map_flags_to_native(flags_); }
+ private:
+ wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta_;
+ wsrep_trx_meta_t trx_meta_;
+ int flags_;
+ };
+ class const_ws_meta
+ {
+ public:
+ const_ws_meta(const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ : trx_meta_()
+ {
+ std::memcpy(, ws_meta.group_id().data(),
+ sizeof(;
+ trx_meta_.gtid.seqno = seqno_to_native(ws_meta.seqno());
+ std::memcpy(, ws_meta.server_id().data(),
+ sizeof(;
+ trx_meta_.stid.conn = ws_meta.client_id().get();
+ trx_meta_.stid.trx = ws_meta.transaction_id().get();
+ trx_meta_.depends_on = seqno_to_native(ws_meta.depends_on());
+ }
+ ~const_ws_meta()
+ {
+ }
+ const wsrep_trx_meta* native() const { return &trx_meta_; }
+ private:
+ wsrep_trx_meta_t trx_meta_;
+ };
+ enum wsrep::view::status map_view_status_from_native(
+ wsrep_view_status_t status)
+ {
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case WSREP_VIEW_PRIMARY: return wsrep::view::primary;
+ case WSREP_VIEW_NON_PRIMARY: return wsrep::view::non_primary;
+ case WSREP_VIEW_DISCONNECTED: return wsrep::view::disconnected;
+ default: throw wsrep::runtime_error("Unknown view status");
+ }
+ }
+ /** @todo Currently capabilities defined in provider.hpp
+ * are one to one with wsrep_api.h. However, the mapping should
+ * be made explicit. */
+ int map_capabilities_from_native(wsrep_cap_t capabilities)
+ {
+ return static_cast<int>(capabilities);
+ }
+ wsrep::view view_from_native(const wsrep_view_info& view_info,
+ const wsrep::id& own_id)
+ {
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member> members;
+ for (int i(0); i < view_info.memb_num; ++i)
+ {
+ wsrep::id id(view_info.members[i], sizeof(view_info.members[i];
+ std::string name(
+ view_info.members[i].name,
+ strnlen(view_info.members[i].name,
+ sizeof(view_info.members[i].name)));
+ std::string incoming(
+ view_info.members[i].incoming,
+ strnlen(view_info.members[i].incoming,
+ sizeof(view_info.members[i].incoming)));
+ members.push_back(wsrep::view::member(id, name, incoming));
+ }
+ int own_idx(-1);
+ if (own_id.is_undefined())
+ {
+ // If own ID is undefined, obtain it from the view. This is
+ // the case on the initial connect to cluster.
+ own_idx = view_info.my_idx;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If the node has already obtained its ID from cluster,
+ // its position in the view (or lack thereof) must be determined
+ // by the ID.
+ for (size_t i(0); i < members.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (own_id == members[i].id())
+ {
+ own_idx = static_cast<int>(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return wsrep::view(
+ wsrep::gtid(
+ wsrep::id(,
+ sizeof(,
+ wsrep::seqno(view_info.state_id.seqno)),
+ wsrep::seqno(view_info.view),
+ map_view_status_from_native(view_info.status),
+ map_capabilities_from_native(view_info.capabilities),
+ own_idx,
+ view_info.proto_ver,
+ members);
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Callbacks //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wsrep_cb_status_t connected_cb(
+ void* app_ctx,
+ const wsrep_view_info_t* view_info)
+ {
+ assert(app_ctx);
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state(
+ *reinterpret_cast<wsrep::server_state*>(app_ctx));
+ wsrep::view view(view_from_native(*view_info,;
+ const ssize_t own_index(view.own_index());
+ assert(own_index >= 0);
+ if (own_index < 0)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Connected without being in reported view";
+ }
+ assert(// first connect
+ ||
+ // reconnect to primary component
+ ==
+ view.members()[static_cast<size_t>(own_index)].id());
+ try
+ {
+ server_state.on_connect(view);
+ }
+ catch (const wsrep::runtime_error& e)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Exception: " << e.what();
+ }
+ }
+ wsrep_cb_status_t view_cb(void* app_ctx,
+ void* recv_ctx,
+ const wsrep_view_info_t* view_info,
+ const char*,
+ size_t)
+ {
+ assert(app_ctx);
+ assert(view_info);
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state(
+ *reinterpret_cast<wsrep::server_state*>(app_ctx));
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* high_priority_service(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::high_priority_service*>(recv_ctx));
+ try
+ {
+ wsrep::view view(view_from_native(*view_info,;
+ server_state.on_view(view, high_priority_service);
+ }
+ catch (const wsrep::runtime_error& e)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Exception: " << e.what();
+ }
+ }
+ wsrep_cb_status_t sst_request_cb(void* app_ctx,
+ void **sst_req, size_t* sst_req_len)
+ {
+ assert(app_ctx);
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state(
+ *reinterpret_cast<wsrep::server_state*>(app_ctx));
+ try
+ {
+ std::string req(server_state.prepare_for_sst());
+ if (req.size() > 0)
+ {
+ *sst_req = ::malloc(req.size() + 1);
+ memcpy(*sst_req,, req.size() + 1);
+ *sst_req_len = req.size() + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *sst_req = 0;
+ *sst_req_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const wsrep::runtime_error& e)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ int encrypt_cb(void* app_ctx,
+ wsrep_enc_ctx_t* enc_ctx,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* input,
+ void* output,
+ wsrep_enc_direction_t direction,
+ bool last)
+ {
+ assert(app_ctx);
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state(
+ *static_cast<wsrep::server_state*>(app_ctx));
+ assert(server_state.encryption_service());
+ if (server_state.encryption_service() == 0)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Encryption service not defined in encrypt_cb()";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ wsrep::const_buffer key(enc_ctx->key->ptr, enc_ctx->key->len);
+ wsrep::const_buffer in(input->ptr, input->len);
+ try
+ {
+ return server_state.encryption_service()->do_crypt(&enc_ctx->ctx,
+ key,
+ enc_ctx->iv,
+ in,
+ output,
+ direction == WSREP_ENC,
+ last);
+ }
+ catch (const wsrep::runtime_error& e)
+ {
+ free(enc_ctx->ctx);
+ // Return negative value in case of callback error
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ wsrep_cb_status_t apply_cb(void* ctx,
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* wsh,
+ uint32_t flags,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* buf,
+ const wsrep_trx_meta_t* meta,
+ wsrep_bool_t* exit_loop)
+ {
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* high_priority_service(
+ reinterpret_cast<wsrep::high_priority_service*>(ctx));
+ assert(high_priority_service);
+ wsrep::const_buffer data(buf->ptr, buf->len);
+ wsrep::ws_handle ws_handle(wsrep::transaction_id(wsh->trx_id),
+ wsh->opaque);
+ wsrep::ws_meta ws_meta(
+ wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id(meta->,
+ sizeof(meta->,
+ wsrep::seqno(meta->gtid.seqno)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id(meta->,
+ sizeof(meta->,
+ wsrep::transaction_id(meta->stid.trx),
+ wsrep::client_id(meta->stid.conn)),
+ wsrep::seqno(seqno_from_native(meta->depends_on)),
+ map_flags_from_native(flags));
+ try
+ {
+ if (high_priority_service->apply(ws_handle, ws_meta, data))
+ {
+ }
+ *exit_loop = high_priority_service->must_exit();
+ }
+ catch (const wsrep::runtime_error& e)
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Caught runtime error while applying "
+ << ws_meta.flags() << ": "
+ << e.what();
+ }
+ }
+ wsrep_cb_status_t synced_cb(void* app_ctx)
+ {
+ assert(app_ctx);
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state(
+ *reinterpret_cast<wsrep::server_state*>(app_ctx));
+ try
+ {
+ server_state.on_sync();
+ }
+ catch (const wsrep::runtime_error& e)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "On sync failed: " << e.what() << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ wsrep_cb_status_t sst_donate_cb(void* app_ctx,
+ void* ,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* req_buf,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* req_gtid,
+ const wsrep_buf_t*,
+ bool bypass)
+ {
+ assert(app_ctx);
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state(
+ *reinterpret_cast<wsrep::server_state*>(app_ctx));
+ try
+ {
+ std::string req(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(req_buf->ptr),
+ req_buf->len);
+ wsrep::gtid gtid(wsrep::id(req_gtid->,
+ sizeof(req_gtid->,
+ wsrep::seqno(req_gtid->seqno));
+ if (server_state.start_sst(req, gtid, bypass))
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const wsrep::runtime_error& e)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ void logger_cb(wsrep_log_level_t level, const char* msg)
+ {
+ static const char* const pfx("P:"); // "provider"
+ wsrep::log::level ll(wsrep::log::unknown);
+ switch (level)
+ {
+ ll = wsrep::log::error;
+ break;
+ ll = wsrep::log::warning;
+ break;
+ ll = wsrep::log::info;
+ break;
+ ll = wsrep::log::debug;
+ break;
+ }
+ wsrep::log(ll, pfx) << msg;
+ }
+ static int init_thread_service(void* dlh,
+ wsrep::thread_service* thread_service)
+ {
+ assert(thread_service);
+ if (wsrep::thread_service_v1_probe(dlh))
+ {
+ // No support in library.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (thread_service->before_init())
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Thread service before init failed";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ wsrep::thread_service_v1_init(dlh, thread_service);
+ if (thread_service->after_init())
+ {
+ wsrep::log_error() << "Thread service after init failed";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static void deinit_thread_service(void* dlh)
+ {
+ // assert(not wsrep::thread_service_v1_probe(dlh));
+ wsrep::thread_service_v1_deinit(dlh);
+ }
+ static int init_tls_service(void* dlh,
+ wsrep::tls_service* tls_service)
+ {
+ assert(tls_service);
+ if (not wsrep::tls_service_v1_probe(dlh))
+ {
+ return wsrep::tls_service_v1_init(dlh, tls_service);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ static void deinit_tls_service(void* dlh)
+ {
+ // assert(not wsrep::tls_service_v1_probe(dlh));
+ wsrep::tls_service_v1_deinit(dlh);
+ }
+ static int init_allowlist_service(void* dlh,
+ wsrep::allowlist_service* allowlist_service)
+ {
+ assert(allowlist_service);
+ if (not wsrep::allowlist_service_v1_probe(dlh))
+ {
+ return wsrep::allowlist_service_v1_init(dlh, allowlist_service);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ static void deinit_allowlist_service(void* dlh)
+ {
+ // assert(not wsrep::allowlist_service_v1_probe(dlh));
+ wsrep::allowlist_service_v1_deinit(dlh);
+ }
+ static int init_event_service(void* dlh,
+ wsrep::event_service* service)
+ {
+ assert(service);
+ if (not wsrep::event_service_v1_probe(dlh))
+ {
+ return wsrep::event_service_v1_init(dlh, service);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ static void deinit_event_service(void* dlh)
+ {
+ wsrep::event_service_v1_deinit(dlh);
+ }
+void wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::init_services(
+ const wsrep::provider::services& services)
+ if (services.thread_service)
+ {
+ if (init_thread_service(wsrep_->dlh, services.thread_service))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to initialize thread service");
+ }
+ services_enabled_.thread_service = services.thread_service;
+ }
+ if (services.tls_service)
+ {
+ if (init_tls_service(wsrep_->dlh, services.tls_service))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to initialize TLS service");
+ }
+ services_enabled_.tls_service = services.tls_service;
+ }
+ if (services.allowlist_service)
+ {
+ if (init_allowlist_service(wsrep_->dlh, services.allowlist_service))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to initialize allowlist service");
+ }
+ services_enabled_.allowlist_service = services.allowlist_service;
+ }
+ if (services.event_service)
+ {
+ if (init_event_service(wsrep_->dlh, services.event_service))
+ {
+ wsrep::log_warning() << "Failed to initialize event service";
+ // provider does not produce events, ignore
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ services_enabled_.event_service = services.event_service;
+ }
+ }
+void wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::deinit_services()
+ if (services_enabled_.event_service)
+ deinit_event_service(wsrep_->dlh);
+ if (services_enabled_.tls_service)
+ deinit_tls_service(wsrep_->dlh);
+ if (services_enabled_.thread_service)
+ deinit_thread_service(wsrep_->dlh);
+ if (services_enabled_.allowlist_service)
+ deinit_allowlist_service(wsrep_->dlh);
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state,
+ const std::string& provider_options,
+ const std::string& provider_spec,
+ const wsrep::provider::services& services)
+ : provider(server_state)
+ , wsrep_()
+ , services_enabled_()
+ wsrep_gtid_t state_id;
+ bool encryption_enabled = server_state.encryption_service() &&
+ server_state.encryption_service()->encryption_enabled();
+ std::memcpy(,
+ server_state.initial_position().id().data(),
+ sizeof(;
+ state_id.seqno = server_state.initial_position().seqno().get();
+ struct wsrep_init_args init_args;
+ memset(&init_args, 0, sizeof(init_args));
+ init_args.app_ctx = &server_state;
+ init_args.node_name =;
+ init_args.node_address = server_state_.address().c_str();
+ init_args.node_incoming = server_state_.incoming_address().c_str();
+ init_args.data_dir = server_state_.working_dir().c_str();
+ init_args.options = provider_options.c_str();
+ init_args.proto_ver = server_state.max_protocol_version();
+ init_args.state_id = &state_id;
+ init_args.state = 0;
+ init_args.logger_cb = &logger_cb;
+ init_args.connected_cb = &connected_cb;
+ init_args.view_cb = &view_cb;
+ init_args.sst_request_cb = &sst_request_cb;
+ init_args.encrypt_cb = encryption_enabled ? encrypt_cb : NULL;
+ init_args.apply_cb = &apply_cb;
+ init_args.unordered_cb = 0;
+ init_args.sst_donate_cb = &sst_donate_cb;
+ init_args.synced_cb = &synced_cb;
+ if (wsrep_load(provider_spec.c_str(), &wsrep_, logger_cb))
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to load wsrep library");
+ }
+ init_services(services);
+ if (wsrep_->init(wsrep_, &init_args) != WSREP_OK)
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to initialize wsrep provider");
+ }
+ if (encryption_enabled)
+ {
+ const std::vector<unsigned char>& key = server_state.get_encryption_key();
+ if (key.size())
+ {
+ wsrep::const_buffer const_key(, key.size());
+ enum status const retval(enc_set_key(const_key));
+ if (retval != success)
+ {
+ std::string msg("Failed to set encryption key: ");
+ msg += to_string(retval);
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wsrep_->free(wsrep_);
+ deinit_services();
+ wsrep_unload(wsrep_);
+enum wsrep::provider::status wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::connect(
+ const std::string& cluster_name,
+ const std::string& cluster_url,
+ const std::string& state_donor,
+ bool bootstrap)
+ return map_return_value(wsrep_->connect(wsrep_,
+ cluster_name.c_str(),
+ cluster_url.c_str(),
+ state_donor.c_str(),
+ bootstrap));
+int wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::disconnect()
+ int ret(0);
+ wsrep_status_t wret;
+ if ((wret = wsrep_->disconnect(wsrep_)) != WSREP_OK)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Failed to disconnect from cluster: "
+ << wret << "\n";
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::capabilities() const
+ return map_capabilities_from_native(wsrep_->capabilities(wsrep_));
+int wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::desync()
+ return (wsrep_->desync(wsrep_) != WSREP_OK);
+int wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::resync()
+ return (wsrep_->resync(wsrep_) != WSREP_OK);
+wsrep::seqno wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::pause()
+ return wsrep::seqno(wsrep_->pause(wsrep_));
+int wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::resume()
+ return (wsrep_->resume(wsrep_) != WSREP_OK);
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+ wsrep::high_priority_service *applier_ctx)
+ return map_return_value(wsrep_->recv(wsrep_, applier_ctx));
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::assign_read_view(wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::gtid* gtid)
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* gtid_ptr(NULL);
+ wsrep_gtid_t tmp;
+ if (gtid)
+ {
+ ::memcpy(&tmp.uuid, gtid->id().data(), sizeof(tmp.uuid));
+ tmp.seqno = gtid->seqno().get();
+ gtid_ptr = &tmp;
+ }
+ mutable_ws_handle mwsh(ws_handle);
+ return map_return_value(wsrep_->assign_read_view(wsrep_, mwsh.native(),
+ gtid_ptr));
+int wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::append_key(wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::key& key)
+ if (key.size() > 3)
+ {
+ assert(0);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ wsrep_buf_t key_parts[3];
+ for (size_t i(0); i < key.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ key_parts[i].ptr = key.key_parts()[i].ptr();
+ key_parts[i].len = key.key_parts()[i].size();
+ }
+ wsrep_key_t wsrep_key = {key_parts, key.size()};
+ mutable_ws_handle mwsh(ws_handle);
+ return (wsrep_->append_key(
+ wsrep_, mwsh.native(),
+ &wsrep_key, 1, map_key_type(key.type()), true)
+ != WSREP_OK);
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::append_data(wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& data)
+ const wsrep_buf_t wsrep_buf = {, data.size()};
+ mutable_ws_handle mwsh(ws_handle);
+ return map_return_value(
+ wsrep_->append_data(wsrep_, mwsh.native(), &wsrep_buf,
+ 1, WSREP_DATA_ORDERED, true));
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::certify(wsrep::client_id client_id,
+ wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ int flags,
+ wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ mutable_ws_handle mwsh(ws_handle);
+ mutable_ws_meta mmeta(ws_meta, flags);
+ return map_return_value(
+ wsrep_->certify(wsrep_, client_id.get(), mwsh.native(),
+ mmeta.native_flags(),
+ mmeta.native()));
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+ wsrep::seqno bf_seqno,
+ wsrep::transaction_id victim_id,
+ wsrep::seqno& victim_seqno)
+ wsrep_seqno_t wsrep_victim_seqno;
+ wsrep_status_t ret(
+ wsrep_->abort_certification(
+ wsrep_, seqno_to_native(bf_seqno),
+ victim_id.get(), &wsrep_victim_seqno));
+ victim_seqno = seqno_from_native(wsrep_victim_seqno);
+ return map_return_value(ret);
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::rollback(wsrep::transaction_id id)
+ return map_return_value(wsrep_->rollback(wsrep_, id.get(), 0));
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ const_ws_handle cwsh(ws_handle);
+ const_ws_meta cwsm(ws_meta);
+ return map_return_value(
+ wsrep_->commit_order_enter(wsrep_, cwsh.native(), cwsm.native()));
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const wsrep::mutable_buffer& err)
+ const_ws_handle cwsh(ws_handle);
+ const_ws_meta cwsm(ws_meta);
+ wsrep_buf_t const err_buf = {, err.size() };
+ int ret(wsrep_->commit_order_leave(
+ wsrep_, cwsh.native(), cwsm.native(), &err_buf) != WSREP_OK);
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::release(wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle)
+ mutable_ws_handle mwsh(ws_handle);
+ return (wsrep_->release(wsrep_, mwsh.native()) != WSREP_OK);
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::replay(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* reply_service)
+ const_ws_handle mwsh(ws_handle);
+ return map_return_value(
+ wsrep_->replay_trx(wsrep_, mwsh.native(), reply_service));
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+ wsrep::client_id client_id,
+ const wsrep::key_array& keys,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer& buffer,
+ wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ int flags)
+ mutable_ws_meta mmeta(ws_meta, flags);
+ std::vector<std::vector<wsrep_buf_t> > key_parts;
+ std::vector<wsrep_key_t> wsrep_keys;
+ wsrep_buf_t wsrep_buf = {, buffer.size()};
+ for (size_t i(0); i < keys.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ key_parts.push_back(std::vector<wsrep_buf_t>());
+ for (size_t kp(0); kp < keys[i].size(); ++kp)
+ {
+ wsrep_buf_t buf = {keys[i].key_parts()[kp].data(),
+ keys[i].key_parts()[kp].size()};
+ key_parts[i].push_back(buf);
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t i(0); i < key_parts.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ wsrep_key_t key = {key_parts[i].data(), key_parts[i].size()};
+ wsrep_keys.push_back(key);
+ }
+ return map_return_value(wsrep_->to_execute_start(
+ wsrep_,
+ client_id.get(),
+ wsrep_keys.size(),
+ &wsrep_buf,
+ buffer.size() ? 1 : 0,
+ mmeta.native_flags(),
+ mmeta.native()));
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::leave_toi(wsrep::client_id client_id,
+ const wsrep::mutable_buffer& err)
+ const wsrep_buf_t err_buf = {, err.size() };
+ return map_return_value(wsrep_->to_execute_end(
+ wsrep_, client_id.get(), &err_buf));
+std::pair<wsrep::gtid, enum wsrep::provider::status>
+wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::causal_read(int timeout) const
+ wsrep_gtid_t wsrep_gtid;
+ wsrep_status_t ret(wsrep_->sync_wait(wsrep_, 0, timeout, &wsrep_gtid));
+ wsrep::gtid gtid(ret == WSREP_OK ?
+ wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id(,
+ sizeof(,
+ wsrep::seqno(wsrep_gtid.seqno)) :
+ wsrep::gtid::undefined());
+ return std::make_pair(gtid, map_return_value(ret));
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::wait_for_gtid(const wsrep::gtid& gtid, int timeout)
+ const
+ wsrep_gtid_t wsrep_gtid;
+ std::memcpy(,,
+ sizeof(;
+ wsrep_gtid.seqno = gtid.seqno().get();
+ return map_return_value(wsrep_->sync_wait(wsrep_, &wsrep_gtid, timeout, 0));
+wsrep::gtid wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::last_committed_gtid() const
+ wsrep_gtid_t wsrep_gtid;
+ if (wsrep_->last_committed_id(wsrep_, &wsrep_gtid) != WSREP_OK)
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to read last committed id");
+ }
+ return wsrep::gtid(
+ wsrep::id(, sizeof(,
+ wsrep::seqno(wsrep_gtid.seqno));
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::sst_sent(const wsrep::gtid& gtid, int err)
+ wsrep_gtid_t wsrep_gtid;
+ std::memcpy(,,
+ sizeof(;
+ wsrep_gtid.seqno = gtid.seqno().get();
+ return map_return_value(wsrep_->sst_sent(wsrep_, &wsrep_gtid, err));
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::sst_received(const wsrep::gtid& gtid, int err)
+ wsrep_gtid_t wsrep_gtid;
+ std::memcpy(,,
+ sizeof(;
+ wsrep_gtid.seqno = gtid.seqno().get();
+ return map_return_value(wsrep_->sst_received(wsrep_, &wsrep_gtid, 0, err));
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::enc_set_key(const wsrep::const_buffer& key)
+ wsrep_enc_key_t enc_key = {, key.size()};
+ return map_return_value(wsrep_->enc_set_key(wsrep_, &enc_key));
+wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::status() const
+ std::vector<status_variable> ret;
+ wsrep_stats_var* const stats(wsrep_->stats_get(wsrep_));
+ wsrep_stats_var* i(stats);
+ if (i)
+ {
+ while (i->name)
+ {
+ switch (i->type)
+ {
+ ret.push_back(status_variable(i->name, i->value._string));
+ break;
+ case WSREP_VAR_INT64:
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << i->value._int64;
+ ret.push_back(status_variable(i->name, os.str()));
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << i->value._double;
+ ret.push_back(status_variable(i->name, os.str()));
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ wsrep_->stats_free(wsrep_, stats);
+ }
+ return ret;
+void wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::reset_status()
+ wsrep_->stats_reset(wsrep_);
+std::string wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::options() const
+ std::string ret;
+ char* opts;
+ if ((opts = wsrep_->options_get(wsrep_)))
+ {
+ ret = opts;
+ free(opts);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Failed to get provider options");
+ }
+ return ret;
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::options(const std::string& opts)
+ return map_return_value(wsrep_->options_set(wsrep_, opts.c_str()));
+std::string wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::name() const
+ return (wsrep_->provider_name ? wsrep_->provider_name : "unknown");
+std::string wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::version() const
+ return (wsrep_->provider_version ? wsrep_->provider_version : "unknown");
+std::string wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::vendor() const
+ return (wsrep_->provider_vendor ? wsrep_->provider_vendor : "unknown");
+void* wsrep::wsrep_provider_v26::native() const
+ return wsrep_;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/wsrep_provider_v26.hpp b/wsrep-lib/src/wsrep_provider_v26.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..608b7c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/wsrep_provider_v26.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/provider.hpp"
+struct wsrep_st;
+namespace wsrep
+ class thread_service;
+ class wsrep_provider_v26 : public wsrep::provider
+ {
+ public:
+ void init_services(const wsrep::provider::services& services);
+ void deinit_services();
+ wsrep_provider_v26(wsrep::server_state&, const std::string&,
+ const std::string&,
+ const wsrep::provider::services& services);
+ ~wsrep_provider_v26() WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ connect(const std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string&,
+ int disconnect() WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int capabilities() const WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int desync() WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int resync() WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ wsrep::seqno pause() WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int resume() WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ run_applier(wsrep::high_priority_service*) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int start_transaction(wsrep::ws_handle&) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ assign_read_view(wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::gtid*) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int append_key(wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::key&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ append_data(wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::const_buffer&)
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ certify(wsrep::client_id, wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ int,
+ wsrep::ws_meta&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ bf_abort(wsrep::seqno,
+ wsrep::transaction_id,
+ wsrep::seqno&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ rollback(const wsrep::transaction_id) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ commit_order_enter(const wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int commit_order_leave(const wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ const wsrep::mutable_buffer&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int release(wsrep::ws_handle&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status replay(const wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service*)
+ enum wsrep::provider::status enter_toi(wsrep::client_id,
+ const wsrep::key_array&,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ int)
+ enum wsrep::provider::status leave_toi(wsrep::client_id,
+ const wsrep::mutable_buffer&)
+ std::pair<wsrep::gtid, enum wsrep::provider::status>
+ causal_read(int) const WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status wait_for_gtid(const wsrep::gtid&, int)
+ wsrep::gtid last_committed_gtid() const WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status sst_sent(const wsrep::gtid&, int)
+ enum wsrep::provider::status sst_received(const wsrep::gtid& gtid, int)
+ enum wsrep::provider::status enc_set_key(const wsrep::const_buffer& key)
+ std::vector<status_variable> status() const WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ void reset_status() WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ std::string options() const WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status options(const std::string&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ std::string name() const WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ std::string version() const WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ std::string vendor() const WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ void* native() const WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ wsrep_provider_v26(const wsrep_provider_v26&);
+ wsrep_provider_v26& operator=(const wsrep_provider_v26);
+ struct wsrep_st* wsrep_;
+ services services_enabled_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/src/xid.cpp b/wsrep-lib/src/xid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7757e445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/src/xid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/xid.hpp"
+#include <ostream>
+std::string wsrep::to_string(const wsrep::xid& xid)
+ return std::string(, xid.data_.size());
+std::ostream& wsrep::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const wsrep::xid& xid)
+ return os << to_string(xid);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/CMakeLists.txt b/wsrep-lib/test/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..366cc478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ mock_client_state.cpp
+ mock_high_priority_service.cpp
+ mock_storage_service.cpp
+ test_utils.cpp
+ buffer_test.cpp
+ gtid_test.cpp
+ id_test.cpp
+ nbo_test.cpp
+ rsu_test.cpp
+ server_context_test.cpp
+ toi_test.cpp
+ transaction_test.cpp
+ transaction_test_2pc.cpp
+ transaction_test_xa.cpp
+ view_test.cpp
+ xid_test.cpp
+ wsrep-lib_test.cpp
+ )
+ reporter_test.cpp
+ )
+add_executable(wsrep-lib_test ${TEST_SOURCES})
+target_link_libraries(wsrep-lib_test wsrep-lib)
+add_test(NAME wsrep-lib_test
+ COMMAND wsrep-lib_test)
+ set(UNIT_TEST wsrep-lib_test)
+ add_custom_command(
+ COMMENT "Run tests"
+ )
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/buffer_test.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/buffer_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84d4a483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/buffer_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/buffer.hpp"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer buf;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(buf.size() == 0);
+ (void);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/client_state_fixture.hpp b/wsrep-lib/test/client_state_fixture.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab784f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/client_state_fixture.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "mock_server_state.hpp"
+#include "mock_client_state.hpp"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+ struct replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm
+ {
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm()
+ : server_service(&sc)
+ , sc("s1", wsrep::server_state::rm_sync, server_service)
+ , cc(sc, wsrep::client_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_local)
+ , tc(cc.transaction())
+ {
+ sc.mock_connect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ // Verify initial state
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ }
+ wsrep::mock_server_service server_service;
+ wsrep::mock_server_state sc;
+ wsrep::mock_client cc;
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc;
+ };
+ struct replicating_two_clients_fixture_sync_rm
+ {
+ replicating_two_clients_fixture_sync_rm()
+ : server_service(&sc)
+ , sc("s1", wsrep::server_state::rm_sync, server_service)
+ , cc1(sc, wsrep::client_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_local)
+ , cc2(sc, wsrep::client_id(2),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_local)
+ , tc(cc1.transaction())
+ {
+ sc.mock_connect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc1.before_command() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc1.before_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc2.before_command() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc2.before_statement() == 0);
+ // Verify initial state
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ }
+ wsrep::mock_server_service server_service;
+ wsrep::mock_server_state sc;
+ wsrep::mock_client cc1;
+ wsrep::mock_client cc2;
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc;
+ };
+ struct replicating_client_fixture_async_rm
+ {
+ replicating_client_fixture_async_rm()
+ : server_service(&sc)
+ , sc("s1", wsrep::server_state::rm_async, server_service)
+ , cc(sc, wsrep::client_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_local)
+ , tc(cc.transaction())
+ {
+ sc.mock_connect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ // Verify initial state
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ }
+ wsrep::mock_server_service server_service;
+ wsrep::mock_server_state sc;
+ wsrep::mock_client cc;
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc;
+ };
+ struct replicating_client_fixture_2pc
+ {
+ replicating_client_fixture_2pc()
+ : server_service(&sc)
+ , sc("s1", wsrep::server_state::rm_sync, server_service)
+ , cc(sc, wsrep::client_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_local)
+ , tc(cc.transaction())
+ {
+ sc.mock_connect();
+ cc.do_2pc_ = true;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ // Verify initial state
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ }
+ wsrep::mock_server_service server_service;
+ wsrep::mock_server_state sc;
+ wsrep::mock_client cc;
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc;
+ };
+ struct replicating_client_fixture_autocommit
+ {
+ replicating_client_fixture_autocommit()
+ : server_service(&sc)
+ , sc("s1", wsrep::server_state::rm_sync, server_service)
+ , cc(sc, wsrep::client_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_local)
+ , tc(cc.transaction())
+ {
+ sc.mock_connect();
+ cc.is_autocommit_ = true;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ // Verify initial state
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ }
+ wsrep::mock_server_service server_service;
+ wsrep::mock_server_state sc;
+ wsrep::mock_client cc;
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc;
+ };
+ struct applying_client_fixture
+ {
+ applying_client_fixture()
+ : server_service(&sc)
+ , sc("s1",
+ wsrep::server_state::rm_async, server_service)
+ , cc(sc,
+ wsrep::client_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority)
+ , tc(cc.transaction())
+ {
+ sc.mock_connect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ }
+ void start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id id,
+ wsrep::seqno seqno)
+ {
+ wsrep::ws_handle ws_handle(id, (void*)1);
+ wsrep::ws_meta ws_meta(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("1"), seqno),
+ wsrep::stid(,
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::seqno(0),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction |
+ wsrep::provider::flag::commit);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(ws_handle, ws_meta) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == true);
+ }
+ wsrep::mock_server_service server_service;
+ wsrep::mock_server_state sc;
+ wsrep::mock_client cc;
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc;
+ };
+ struct applying_client_fixture_2pc
+ {
+ applying_client_fixture_2pc()
+ : server_service(&sc)
+ , sc("s1",
+ wsrep::server_state::rm_async, server_service)
+ , cc(sc,
+ wsrep::client_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority)
+ , tc(cc.transaction())
+ {
+ sc.mock_connect();
+ cc.do_2pc_ = true;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ wsrep::ws_handle ws_handle(wsrep::transaction_id(1), (void*)1);
+ wsrep::ws_meta ws_meta(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("1"), wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::stid(,
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::seqno(0),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction |
+ wsrep::provider::flag::commit);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(ws_handle, ws_meta) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == true);
+ }
+ wsrep::mock_server_service server_service;
+ wsrep::mock_server_state sc;
+ wsrep::mock_client cc;
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc;
+ };
+ struct streaming_client_fixture_row
+ {
+ streaming_client_fixture_row()
+ : server_service(&sc)
+ , sc("s1", wsrep::server_state::rm_sync, server_service)
+ , cc(sc,
+ wsrep::client_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_local)
+ , tc(cc.transaction())
+ {
+ sc.mock_connect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ // Verify initial state
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ cc.enable_streaming(wsrep::streaming_context::row, 1);
+ }
+ wsrep::mock_server_service server_service;
+ wsrep::mock_server_state sc;
+ wsrep::mock_client cc;
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc;
+ };
+ struct streaming_client_fixture_byte
+ {
+ streaming_client_fixture_byte()
+ : server_service(&sc)
+ , sc("s1", wsrep::server_state::rm_sync, server_service)
+ , cc(sc,
+ wsrep::client_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_local)
+ , tc(cc.transaction())
+ {
+ sc.mock_connect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ // Verify initial state
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ cc.enable_streaming(wsrep::streaming_context::bytes, 1);
+ }
+ wsrep::mock_server_service server_service;
+ wsrep::mock_server_state sc;
+ wsrep::mock_client cc;
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc;
+ };
+ struct streaming_client_fixture_statement
+ {
+ streaming_client_fixture_statement()
+ : server_service(&sc)
+ , sc("s1", wsrep::server_state::rm_sync, server_service)
+ , cc(sc,
+ wsrep::client_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_local)
+ , tc(cc.transaction())
+ {
+ sc.mock_connect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ // Verify initial state
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ cc.enable_streaming(wsrep::streaming_context::statement, 1);
+ }
+ wsrep::mock_server_service server_service;
+ wsrep::mock_server_state sc;
+ wsrep::mock_client cc;
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/gtid_test.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/gtid_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f4d644b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/gtid_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/gtid.hpp"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+ std::string gtid_str("6a20d44a-6e17-11e8-b1e2-9061aec0cdad:123456");
+ wsrep::gtid gtid;
+ ssize_t ret(wsrep::scan_from_c_str(
+ gtid_str.c_str(),
+ gtid_str.size(), gtid));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(ret == ssize_t(gtid_str.size()),
+ "Expected " << gtid_str.size() << " got " << ret);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(gtid.seqno().get() == 123456);
+ std::string gtid_str("6a20d44a-6e17-11e8-b1e2-9061aec0cdadx:123456");
+ wsrep::gtid gtid;
+ ssize_t ret(wsrep::scan_from_c_str(
+ gtid_str.c_str(),
+ gtid_str.size(), gtid));
+ "Expected " << -EINVAL << " got " << ret);
+ std::string gtid_str("6a20d44a-6e17-11e8-b1e2-9061aec0cdad:9223372036854775808");
+ wsrep::gtid gtid;
+ ssize_t ret(wsrep::scan_from_c_str(
+ gtid_str.c_str(),
+ gtid_str.size(), gtid));
+ "Expected " << -EINVAL << " got " << ret);
+ gtid_str = "6a20d44a-6e17-11e8-b1e2-9061aec0cdad:-9223372036854775809";
+ ret = wsrep::scan_from_c_str(
+ gtid_str.c_str(),
+ gtid_str.size(), gtid);
+ "Expected " << -EINVAL << " got " << ret);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/id_test.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/id_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a87ba16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/id_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/id.hpp"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <sstream>
+ bool exception_check(const wsrep::runtime_error&) { return true; }
+ std::string uuid_str("6a20d44a-6e17-11e8-b1e2-9061aec0cdad");
+ wsrep::id id(uuid_str);
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << id;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(uuid_str == os.str());
+ std::string id_str("1234567890123456");
+ wsrep::id id(id_str);
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << id;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(id_str == os.str());
+ std::string id_str("12345678901234567");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(wsrep::id id(id_str), wsrep::runtime_error,
+ exception_check);
+ char data[16] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 ,6};
+ wsrep::id id(data, sizeof(data));
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << id;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(os.str() == "01020304-0506-0708-0900-010203040506");
+ char data[17] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 ,6, 7};
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(wsrep::id id(data, sizeof(data)),
+ wsrep::runtime_error, exception_check);;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/mock_client_state.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_client_state.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f98b512e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_client_state.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/transaction.hpp"
+#include "mock_client_state.hpp"
+#include "mock_high_priority_service.hpp"
+int wsrep::mock_client_service::bf_rollback()
+ int ret(0);
+ if (client_state_->before_rollback())
+ {
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ else if (client_state_->after_rollback())
+ {
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ return ret;
+struct replayer_context
+ wsrep::mock_client_state state;
+ wsrep::mock_client_service service;
+ replayer_context(wsrep::server_state& server_state,
+ const wsrep::transaction& transaction,
+ const wsrep::client_id& id)
+ : state{server_state, service, id, wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority}
+ , service{&state}
+ {
+ state.before_command();
+ state.clone_transaction_for_replay(transaction);
+ }
+ ~replayer_context() {
+ state.after_applying();
+ state.after_command_before_result();
+ state.after_command_after_result();
+ state.close();
+ }
+enum wsrep::provider::status
+ /* Mimic application and allocate separate client state for replaying. */
+ wsrep::client_id replayer_id{ 1001 };
+ replayer_context replayer(client_state_->server_state(),
+ client_state_->transaction(), replayer_id);
+ wsrep::mock_high_priority_service hps{ client_state_->server_state(),
+ &replayer.state, true };
+ enum wsrep::provider::status ret(
+ client_state_->provider().replay(
+ replayer.state.transaction().ws_handle(),
+ &hps));
+ ++replays_;
+ return ret;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/mock_client_state.hpp b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_client_state.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73b27755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_client_state.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/client_state.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/mutex.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/compiler.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/client_service.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/condition_variable.hpp"
+#include "test_utils.hpp"
+namespace wsrep
+ class mock_client_state : public wsrep::client_state
+ {
+ public:
+ mock_client_state(wsrep::server_state& server_state,
+ wsrep::client_service& client_service,
+ const wsrep::client_id& id,
+ enum wsrep::client_state::mode mode)
+ : wsrep::client_state(mutex_, cond_, server_state, client_service,
+ id, mode)
+ , mutex_()
+ , cond_()
+ { }
+ ~mock_client_state() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ if (transaction().active())
+ {
+ (void)client_service().bf_rollback();
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ wsrep::default_mutex mutex_;
+ wsrep::default_condition_variable cond_;
+ public:
+ private:
+ };
+ class mock_client_service : public wsrep::client_service
+ {
+ public:
+ mock_client_service(wsrep::mock_client_state* client_state)
+ : wsrep::client_service()
+ , is_autocommit_()
+ , do_2pc_()
+ // , fail_next_applying_()
+ // , fail_next_toi_()
+ , bf_abort_during_wait_()
+ , bf_abort_during_fragment_removal_()
+ , error_during_prepare_data_()
+ , killed_before_certify_()
+ , sync_point_enabled_()
+ , sync_point_action_()
+ , bytes_generated_()
+ , client_state_(client_state)
+ , will_replay_called_()
+ , replays_()
+ , unordered_replays_()
+ , aborts_()
+ { }
+ mock_client_service(const mock_client_service&) = delete;
+ mock_client_service& operator=(const mock_client_service&) = delete;
+ int bf_rollback() WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ bool interrupted(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>&)
+ { return killed_before_certify_; }
+ void emergency_shutdown() WSREP_OVERRIDE { ++aborts_; }
+ int remove_fragments() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ if (bf_abort_during_fragment_removal_)
+ {
+ client_state_->before_rollback();
+ client_state_->after_rollback();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ void will_replay() WSREP_OVERRIDE { will_replay_called_ = true; }
+ void signal_replayed() WSREP_OVERRIDE { }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status replay() WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status replay_unordered() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ unordered_replays_++;
+ return wsrep::provider::success;
+ }
+ void wait_for_replayers(
+ wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock)
+ {
+ lock.unlock();
+ if (bf_abort_during_wait_)
+ {
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(*client_state_);
+ }
+ lock.lock();
+ }
+ int prepare_data_for_replication() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ if (error_during_prepare_data_)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ static const char buf[1] = { 1 };
+ wsrep::const_buffer data = wsrep::const_buffer(buf, 1);
+ return client_state_->append_data(data);
+ }
+ void cleanup_transaction() WSREP_OVERRIDE { }
+ size_t bytes_generated() const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ return bytes_generated_;
+ }
+ bool statement_allowed_for_streaming() const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ { return true; }
+ int prepare_fragment_for_replication(wsrep::mutable_buffer& buffer, size_t& position)
+ {
+ if (error_during_prepare_data_)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ static const char buf[1] = { 1 };
+ buffer.push_back(&buf[0], &buf[1]);
+ wsrep::const_buffer data(, buffer.size());
+ position = buffer.size();
+ return client_state_->append_data(data);
+ }
+ void store_globals() WSREP_OVERRIDE { }
+ void reset_globals() WSREP_OVERRIDE { }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status commit_by_xid() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ return wsrep::provider::success;
+ }
+ bool is_explicit_xa() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool is_xa_rollback() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ void debug_sync(const char* sync_point) WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ if (sync_point_enabled_ == sync_point)
+ {
+ switch (sync_point_action_)
+ {
+ case spa_bf_abort_unordered:
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(*client_state_);
+ break;
+ case spa_bf_abort_ordered:
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_ordered(*client_state_);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void debug_crash(const char*) WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ // Not going to do this while unit testing
+ }
+ //
+ // Knobs to tune the behavior
+ //
+ bool is_autocommit_;
+ bool do_2pc_;
+ // bool fail_next_applying_;
+ // bool fail_next_toi_;
+ bool bf_abort_during_wait_;
+ bool bf_abort_during_fragment_removal_;
+ bool error_during_prepare_data_;
+ bool killed_before_certify_;
+ std::string sync_point_enabled_;
+ enum sync_point_action
+ {
+ spa_bf_abort_unordered,
+ spa_bf_abort_ordered
+ } sync_point_action_;
+ size_t bytes_generated_;
+ //
+ // Verifying the state
+ //
+ bool will_replay_called() const { return will_replay_called_; }
+ size_t replays() const { return replays_; }
+ size_t unordered_replays() const { return unordered_replays_; }
+ size_t aborts() const { return aborts_; }
+ private:
+ wsrep::mock_client_state* client_state_;
+ bool will_replay_called_;
+ size_t replays_;
+ size_t unordered_replays_;
+ size_t aborts_;
+ };
+ class mock_client
+ : public mock_client_state
+ , public mock_client_service
+ {
+ public:
+ mock_client(wsrep::server_state& server_state,
+ const wsrep::client_id& id,
+ enum wsrep::client_state::mode mode)
+ : mock_client_state(server_state, *this, id, mode)
+ , mock_client_service(static_cast<mock_client_state*>(this))
+ { }
+ int after_row()
+ {
+ bytes_generated_++;
+ return wsrep::client_state::after_row();
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/mock_high_priority_service.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_high_priority_service.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb67c9a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_high_priority_service.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "mock_high_priority_service.hpp"
+#include "mock_server_state.hpp"
+#include <sstream>
+int wsrep::mock_high_priority_service::start_transaction(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle, const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ return client_state_->start_transaction(ws_handle, ws_meta);
+int wsrep::mock_high_priority_service::next_fragment(
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ return client_state_->next_fragment(ws_meta);
+int wsrep::mock_high_priority_service::adopt_transaction(
+ const wsrep::transaction& transaction)
+ client_state_->adopt_transaction(transaction);
+ if (transaction.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_prepared)
+ {
+ client_state_->restore_xid(transaction.xid());
+ }
+ return 0;
+int wsrep::mock_high_priority_service::apply_write_set(
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& meta,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer& err)
+ assert(client_state_->toi_meta().seqno().is_undefined());
+ assert(client_state_->transaction().state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing ||
+ client_state_->transaction().state() == wsrep::transaction::s_prepared ||
+ client_state_->transaction().state() == wsrep::transaction::s_replaying);
+ if (fail_next_applying_)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "failed " << meta;
+ err.push_back(os.str());
+ assert(err.size() > 0);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int ret(0);
+ if (!(meta.flags() & wsrep::provider::flag::commit))
+ {
+ client_state_->fragment_applied(meta.seqno());
+ }
+ if ((meta.flags() & wsrep::provider::flag::prepare))
+ {
+ client_state_->assign_xid(wsrep::xid(1, 3, 1, "xid"));
+ ret = client_state_->before_prepare() ||
+ client_state_->after_prepare();
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+int wsrep::mock_high_priority_service::commit(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ int ret(0);
+ client_state_->prepare_for_ordering(ws_handle, ws_meta, true);
+ if (do_2pc_)
+ {
+ ret = client_state_->before_prepare() ||
+ client_state_->after_prepare();
+ }
+ const bool is_ordered= !ws_meta.seqno().is_undefined();
+ if (!is_ordered)
+ {
+ client_state_->before_rollback();
+ client_state_->after_rollback();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (ret || client_state_->before_commit() ||
+ client_state_->ordered_commit() ||
+ client_state_->after_commit());
+ }
+int wsrep::mock_high_priority_service::rollback(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ client_state_->prepare_for_ordering(ws_handle, ws_meta, false);
+ return (client_state_->before_rollback() ||
+ client_state_->after_rollback());
+int wsrep::mock_high_priority_service::apply_toi(const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer&)
+ assert(client_state_->transaction().active() == false);
+ assert(client_state_->toi_meta().seqno().is_undefined() == false);
+ return (fail_next_toi_ ? 1 : 0);
+int wsrep::mock_high_priority_service::apply_nbo_begin(
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer&)
+ const int nbo_begin_flags __attribute__((unused))
+ (wsrep::provider::flag::isolation |
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction);
+ assert(ws_meta.flags() & nbo_begin_flags);
+ assert((ws_meta.flags() & ~nbo_begin_flags) == 0);
+ if (fail_next_toi_)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nbo_cs_ = std::unique_ptr<wsrep::mock_client>(
+ new wsrep::mock_client(client_state_->server_state(),
+ wsrep::client_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_local));
+ nbo_cs_->open(wsrep::client_id(1));
+ nbo_cs_->before_command();
+ nbo_cs_->before_statement();
+ return nbo_cs_->enter_nbo_mode(ws_meta);
+ }
+void wsrep::mock_high_priority_service::adopt_apply_error(
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer& err)
+ client_state_->adopt_apply_error(err);
+void wsrep::mock_high_priority_service::after_apply()
+ client_state_->after_applying();
+int wsrep::mock_high_priority_service::log_dummy_write_set(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer& err)
+ return err.size() > 0;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/mock_high_priority_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_high_priority_service.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..615ba9db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_high_priority_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/high_priority_service.hpp"
+#include "mock_client_state.hpp"
+#include <memory>
+namespace wsrep
+ class mock_high_priority_service : public wsrep::high_priority_service
+ {
+ public:
+ mock_high_priority_service(
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state,
+ wsrep::mock_client_state* client_state,
+ bool replaying)
+ : wsrep::high_priority_service(server_state)
+ , do_2pc_()
+ , fail_next_applying_()
+ , fail_next_toi_()
+ , client_state_(client_state)
+ , replaying_(replaying)
+ , nbo_cs_()
+ { }
+ ~mock_high_priority_service() WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ { }
+ int start_transaction(const wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::ws_meta&)
+ int next_fragment(const wsrep::ws_meta&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ const wsrep::transaction& transaction() const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ { return client_state_->transaction(); }
+ int adopt_transaction(const wsrep::transaction&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int apply_write_set(const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int append_fragment_and_commit(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ const wsrep::xid&) WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ { return 0; }
+ int remove_fragments(const wsrep::ws_meta&) WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ { return 0; }
+ int commit(const wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::ws_meta&)
+ int rollback(const wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::ws_meta&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int apply_toi(const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int apply_nbo_begin(const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ void adopt_apply_error(wsrep::mutable_buffer& err) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ void after_apply() WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ void store_globals() WSREP_OVERRIDE { }
+ void reset_globals() WSREP_OVERRIDE { }
+ void switch_execution_context(wsrep::high_priority_service&)
+ int log_dummy_write_set(const wsrep::ws_handle&,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&,
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ bool is_replaying() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return replaying_; }
+ void debug_crash(const char*) WSREP_OVERRIDE { /* Not in unit tests*/}
+ wsrep::client_state& client_state()
+ {
+ return *client_state_;
+ }
+ bool do_2pc_;
+ bool fail_next_applying_;
+ bool fail_next_toi_;
+ wsrep::mock_client* nbo_cs() const { return nbo_cs_.get(); }
+ private:
+ mock_high_priority_service(const mock_high_priority_service&);
+ mock_high_priority_service& operator=(const mock_high_priority_service&);
+ wsrep::mock_client_state* client_state_;
+ bool replaying_;
+ /* Client state associated to NBO processing. This should be
+ * stored elsewhere (like mock_server_state), but is kept
+ * here for convenience. */
+ std::unique_ptr<wsrep::mock_client> nbo_cs_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/mock_provider.hpp b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_provider.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bcfd2e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_provider.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/provider.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/buffer.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/high_priority_service.hpp"
+#include <cstring>
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream> // todo: proper logging
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+namespace wsrep
+ class mock_provider : public wsrep::provider
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef std::map<wsrep::transaction_id, wsrep::seqno> bf_abort_map;
+ mock_provider(wsrep::server_state& server_state)
+ : provider(server_state)
+ , certify_result_()
+ , commit_order_enter_result_()
+ , commit_order_leave_result_()
+ , release_result_()
+ , replay_result_()
+ , group_id_("1")
+ , server_id_("1")
+ , group_seqno_(0)
+ , bf_abort_map_()
+ , start_fragments_()
+ , fragments_()
+ , commit_fragments_()
+ , rollback_fragments_()
+ , toi_write_sets_()
+ , toi_start_transaction_()
+ , toi_commit_()
+ { }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ connect(const std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string&,
+ { return wsrep::provider::success; }
+ int disconnect() WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; }
+ int capabilities() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; }
+ int desync() WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; }
+ int resync() WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; }
+ wsrep::seqno pause() WSREP_OVERRIDE { return wsrep::seqno(0); }
+ int resume() WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status run_applier(wsrep::high_priority_service*)
+ {
+ return wsrep::provider::success;
+ }
+ // Provider implemenatation interface
+ int start_transaction(wsrep::ws_handle&) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ certify(wsrep::client_id client_id,
+ wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ int flags,
+ wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ {
+ ws_handle = wsrep::ws_handle(ws_handle.transaction_id(), (void*)1);
+ wsrep::log_debug() << "provider certify: "
+ << "client: " << client_id.get()
+ << " flags: " << std::hex << flags
+ << std::dec
+ << " certify_status: " << certify_result_;
+ if (certify_result_)
+ {
+ return certify_result_;
+ }
+ ++fragments_;
+ if (starts_transaction(flags))
+ {
+ ++start_fragments_;
+ }
+ if (commits_transaction(flags))
+ {
+ ++commit_fragments_;
+ }
+ if (rolls_back_transaction(flags))
+ {
+ ++rollback_fragments_;
+ }
+ wsrep::stid stid(server_id_,
+ ws_handle.transaction_id(),
+ client_id);
+ bf_abort_map::iterator it(bf_abort_map_.find(
+ ws_handle.transaction_id()));
+ if (it == bf_abort_map_.end())
+ {
+ ++group_seqno_;
+ wsrep::gtid gtid(group_id_, wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_));
+ ws_meta = wsrep::ws_meta(gtid, stid,
+ wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_ - 1),
+ flags);
+ return wsrep::provider::success;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ enum wsrep::provider::status ret;
+ if (it->second.is_undefined())
+ {
+ ws_meta = wsrep::ws_meta(wsrep::gtid(), wsrep::stid(),
+ wsrep::seqno::undefined(), 0);
+ ret = wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++group_seqno_;
+ wsrep::gtid gtid(group_id_, wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_));
+ ws_meta = wsrep::ws_meta(gtid, stid,
+ wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_ - 1),
+ flags);
+ ret = wsrep::provider::error_bf_abort;
+ }
+ bf_abort_map_.erase(it);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ assign_read_view(wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::gtid*)
+ { return wsrep::provider::success; }
+ int append_key(wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::key&)
+ { return 0; }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ append_data(wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::const_buffer&)
+ { return wsrep::provider::success; }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status rollback(const wsrep::transaction_id)
+ {
+ ++fragments_;
+ ++rollback_fragments_;
+ return wsrep::provider::success;
+ }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ commit_order_enter(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ {
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ws_handle.opaque());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ws_meta.seqno().is_undefined() == false);
+ return commit_order_enter_result_;
+ }
+ int commit_order_leave(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta,
+ const wsrep::mutable_buffer& err)
+ {
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ws_handle.opaque());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ws_meta.seqno().is_undefined() == false);
+ return err.size() > 0 ?
+ wsrep::provider::error_fatal :
+ commit_order_leave_result_;
+ }
+ int release(wsrep::ws_handle& )
+ {
+ // BOOST_REQUIRE(ws_handle.opaque());
+ return release_result_;
+ }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status replay(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* hps)
+ {
+ wsrep::mock_high_priority_service& high_priority_service(
+ *static_cast<wsrep::mock_high_priority_service*>(hps));
+ wsrep::mock_client_state& cc(
+ static_cast<wsrep::mock_client_state&>(
+ high_priority_service.client_state()));
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(cc.transaction());
+ wsrep::ws_meta ws_meta;
+ if (replay_result_ == wsrep::provider::success)
+ {
+ // If the ws_meta was not assigned yet, the certify
+ // returned early due to BF abort.
+ if (tc.ws_meta().seqno().is_undefined())
+ {
+ ++group_seqno_;
+ ws_meta = wsrep::ws_meta(
+ wsrep::gtid(group_id_, wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_)),
+ wsrep::stid(server_id_,,,
+ wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_ - 1),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction |
+ wsrep::provider::flag::commit);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ws_meta = tc.ws_meta();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return replay_result_;
+ }
+ if (high_priority_service.apply(ws_handle, ws_meta,
+ wsrep::const_buffer()))
+ {
+ return wsrep::provider::error_fatal;
+ }
+ return wsrep::provider::success;
+ }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status enter_toi(wsrep::client_id client_id,
+ const wsrep::key_array&,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ wsrep::ws_meta& toi_meta,
+ int flags)
+ {
+ ++group_seqno_;
+ wsrep::gtid gtid(group_id_, wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_));
+ wsrep::stid stid(server_id_,
+ wsrep::transaction_id::undefined(),
+ client_id);
+ toi_meta = wsrep::ws_meta(gtid, stid,
+ wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_ - 1),
+ flags);
+ ++toi_write_sets_;
+ if (flags & wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction)
+ ++toi_start_transaction_;
+ if (flags & wsrep::provider::flag::commit)
+ ++toi_commit_;
+ return certify_result_;
+ }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status leave_toi(wsrep::client_id,
+ const wsrep::mutable_buffer&)
+ { return wsrep::provider::success; }
+ std::pair<wsrep::gtid, enum wsrep::provider::status>
+ causal_read(int) const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ return std::make_pair(wsrep::gtid::undefined(),
+ wsrep::provider::error_not_implemented);
+ }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status wait_for_gtid(const wsrep::gtid&,
+ int) const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ { return wsrep::provider::success; }
+ wsrep::gtid last_committed_gtid() const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ { return wsrep::gtid(); }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status sst_sent(const wsrep::gtid&, int)
+ { return wsrep::provider::success; }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status sst_received(const wsrep::gtid&, int)
+ { return wsrep::provider::success; }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status enc_set_key(const wsrep::const_buffer&)
+ { return wsrep::provider::success; }
+ std::vector<status_variable> status() const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ return std::vector<status_variable>();
+ }
+ void reset_status() WSREP_OVERRIDE { }
+ std::string options() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return ""; }
+ enum wsrep::provider::status options(const std::string&)
+ { return wsrep::provider::success; }
+ std::string name() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return "mock"; }
+ std::string version() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return "0.0"; }
+ std::string vendor() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return "mock"; }
+ void* native() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; }
+ //
+ // Methods to modify mock state
+ //
+ /** Inject BF abort event into the provider.
+ *
+ * @param bf_seqno Aborter sequence number
+ * @param trx_id Trx id to be aborted
+ * @param[out] victim_seqno
+ */
+ enum wsrep::provider::status
+ bf_abort(wsrep::seqno bf_seqno,
+ wsrep::transaction_id trx_id,
+ wsrep::seqno& victim_seqno)
+ {
+ bf_abort_map_.insert(std::make_pair(trx_id, bf_seqno));
+ if (bf_seqno.is_undefined() == false)
+ {
+ group_seqno_ = bf_seqno.get();
+ }
+ victim_seqno = wsrep::seqno::undefined();
+ return wsrep::provider::success;
+ }
+ // Parameters to control return value from the call
+ enum wsrep::provider::status certify_result_;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status commit_order_enter_result_;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status commit_order_leave_result_;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status release_result_;
+ enum wsrep::provider::status replay_result_;
+ size_t start_fragments() const { return start_fragments_; }
+ size_t fragments() const { return fragments_; }
+ size_t commit_fragments() const { return commit_fragments_; }
+ size_t rollback_fragments() const { return rollback_fragments_; }
+ size_t toi_write_sets() const { return toi_write_sets_; }
+ size_t toi_start_transaction() const { return toi_start_transaction_; }
+ size_t toi_commit() const { return toi_commit_; }
+ private:
+ wsrep::id group_id_;
+ wsrep::id server_id_;
+ long long group_seqno_;
+ bf_abort_map bf_abort_map_;
+ size_t start_fragments_;
+ size_t fragments_;
+ size_t commit_fragments_;
+ size_t rollback_fragments_;
+ size_t toi_write_sets_;
+ size_t toi_start_transaction_;
+ size_t toi_commit_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/mock_server_state.hpp b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_server_state.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..093a620a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_server_state.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2013 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/server_state.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/server_service.hpp"
+#include "mock_client_state.hpp"
+#include "mock_high_priority_service.hpp"
+#include "mock_storage_service.hpp"
+#include "mock_provider.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/compiler.hpp"
+namespace wsrep
+ class mock_server_service : public wsrep::server_service
+ {
+ public:
+ mock_server_service(wsrep::server_state* server_state)
+ : sync_point_enabled_()
+ , sync_point_action_()
+ , sst_before_init_()
+ , server_state_(server_state)
+ , last_client_id_(0)
+ , last_transaction_id_(0)
+ , logged_view_()
+ , position_()
+ { }
+ mock_server_service(const mock_server_service&) = delete;
+ mock_server_service& operator=(const mock_server_service&) = delete;
+ wsrep::storage_service* storage_service(wsrep::client_service&)
+ {
+ return new wsrep::mock_storage_service(*server_state_,
+ wsrep::client_id(++last_client_id_));
+ }
+ wsrep::storage_service* storage_service(wsrep::high_priority_service&)
+ {
+ return new wsrep::mock_storage_service(*server_state_,
+ wsrep::client_id(++last_client_id_));
+ }
+ void release_storage_service(wsrep::storage_service* storage_service)
+ {
+ delete storage_service;
+ }
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* streaming_applier_service(
+ wsrep::client_service&)
+ {
+ wsrep::mock_client* cs(new wsrep::mock_client(
+ *server_state_,
+ wsrep::client_id(++last_client_id_),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority));
+ wsrep::mock_high_priority_service* ret(
+ new wsrep::mock_high_priority_service(*server_state_,
+ cs, false));
+ cs->open(cs->id());
+ cs->before_command();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* streaming_applier_service(
+ wsrep::high_priority_service&) WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ wsrep::mock_client* cs(new wsrep::mock_client(
+ *server_state_,
+ wsrep::client_id(++last_client_id_),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority));
+ wsrep::mock_high_priority_service* ret(
+ new wsrep::mock_high_priority_service(*server_state_,
+ cs, false));
+ cs->open(cs->id());
+ cs->before_command();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ void release_high_priority_service(
+ wsrep::high_priority_service *high_priority_service)
+ {
+ mock_high_priority_service* mhps(
+ static_cast<mock_high_priority_service*>(high_priority_service));
+ wsrep::mock_client* cs(&static_cast<wsrep::mock_client&>(
+ mhps->client_state()));
+ cs->after_command_before_result();
+ cs->after_command_after_result();
+ cs->close();
+ cs->cleanup();
+ delete cs;
+ delete mhps;
+ }
+ void bootstrap() WSREP_OVERRIDE { }
+ void log_message(enum wsrep::log::level level, const char* message)
+ {
+ wsrep::log(level, server_state_->name().c_str()) << message;
+ }
+ void log_dummy_write_set(wsrep::client_state&,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta&)
+ {
+ }
+ void log_view(wsrep::high_priority_service*, const wsrep::view& view)
+ {
+ logged_view_ = view;
+ }
+ void recover_streaming_appliers(wsrep::client_service&)
+ { }
+ void recover_streaming_appliers(wsrep::high_priority_service&)
+ { }
+ wsrep::view get_view(wsrep::client_service&, const wsrep::id& own_id)
+ {
+ int const my_idx(logged_view_.member_index(own_id));
+ wsrep::view my_view(
+ logged_view_.state_id(),
+ logged_view_.view_seqno(),
+ logged_view_.status(),
+ logged_view_.capabilities(),
+ my_idx,
+ logged_view_.protocol_version(),
+ logged_view_.members()
+ );
+ return my_view;
+ }
+ wsrep::gtid get_position(wsrep::client_service&) WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ return position_;
+ }
+ void set_position(wsrep::client_service&,
+ const wsrep::gtid& gtid) WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ position_ = gtid;
+ }
+ void log_state_change(enum wsrep::server_state::state,
+ enum wsrep::server_state::state)
+ { }
+ bool sst_before_init() const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ { return sst_before_init_; }
+ std::string sst_request() WSREP_OVERRIDE { return ""; }
+ // Action to take when start_sst() method is called.
+ // This can be overriden by test case to inject custom
+ // behavior.
+ std::function<int()> start_sst_action{[](){ return 0; }};
+ int start_sst(const std::string&, const wsrep::gtid&,
+ {
+ return start_sst_action();
+ }
+ void
+ background_rollback(wsrep::unique_lock<wsrep::mutex>& lock,
+ wsrep::client_state& client_state) WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ lock.unlock();
+ client_state.before_rollback();
+ client_state.after_rollback();
+ lock.lock();
+ }
+ int wait_committing_transactions(int) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; }
+ wsrep::transaction_id next_transaction_id()
+ {
+ return wsrep::transaction_id(++last_transaction_id_);
+ }
+ void debug_sync(const char* sync_point) WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ if (sync_point_enabled_ == sync_point)
+ {
+ switch (sync_point_action_)
+ {
+ case spa_none:
+ break;
+ case spa_initialize:
+ server_state_->initialized();
+ break;
+ case spa_initialize_error:
+ throw wsrep::runtime_error("Inject initialization error");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::string sync_point_enabled_;
+ enum sync_point_action
+ {
+ spa_none,
+ spa_initialize,
+ spa_initialize_error
+ } sync_point_action_;
+ bool sst_before_init_;
+ void logged_view(const wsrep::view& view)
+ {
+ logged_view_ = view;
+ }
+ void position(const wsrep::gtid& position)
+ {
+ position_ = position;
+ }
+ private:
+ wsrep::server_state* server_state_;
+ unsigned long long last_client_id_;
+ unsigned long long last_transaction_id_;
+ wsrep::view logged_view_;
+ wsrep::gtid position_;
+ };
+ class mock_server_state : public wsrep::server_state
+ {
+ public:
+ mock_server_state(const std::string& name,
+ enum wsrep::server_state::rollback_mode rollback_mode,
+ wsrep::server_service& server_service)
+ : wsrep::server_state(mutex_, cond_, server_service, NULL,
+ name, "", "", "./",
+ wsrep::gtid::undefined(),
+ 1,
+ rollback_mode)
+ , mutex_()
+ , cond_()
+ , provider_(*this)
+ { }
+ wsrep::mock_provider& provider() const WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ { return provider_; }
+ // mock connected state for tests without overriding the connect()
+ // method.
+ int mock_connect(const std::string& own_id,
+ const std::string& cluster_name,
+ const std::string& cluster_address,
+ const std::string& state_donor,
+ bool bootstrap)
+ {
+ int const ret(server_state::connect(cluster_name,
+ cluster_address,
+ state_donor,
+ bootstrap));
+ if (0 == ret)
+ {
+ wsrep::id cluster_id("1");
+ wsrep::gtid state_id(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(0));
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member> members;
+ members.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id(own_id),
+ "name", ""));
+ wsrep::view bootstrap_view(state_id,
+ wsrep::seqno(1),
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ members);
+ server_state::on_connect(bootstrap_view);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ int mock_connect()
+ {
+ return mock_connect(name(), "cluster", "local", "0", false);
+ }
+ private:
+ wsrep::default_mutex mutex_;
+ wsrep::default_condition_variable cond_;
+ mutable wsrep::mock_provider provider_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/mock_storage_service.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_storage_service.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db513bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_storage_service.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "mock_storage_service.hpp"
+#include "mock_server_state.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/client_state.hpp"
+ wsrep::server_state& server_state,
+ wsrep::client_id client_id)
+ : client_service_(&client_state_)
+ , client_state_(server_state, client_service_, client_id,
+ wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority)
+ client_state_.before_command();
+ client_state_.after_command_before_result();
+ client_state_.after_command_after_result();
+ client_state_.close();
+ client_state_.cleanup();
+int wsrep::mock_storage_service::start_transaction(
+ const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle)
+ return client_state_.start_transaction(ws_handle.transaction_id());
+void wsrep::mock_storage_service::adopt_transaction(
+ const wsrep::transaction& transaction)
+ client_state_.adopt_transaction(transaction);
+int wsrep::mock_storage_service::commit(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ // the logic here matches mariadb's wsrep_storage_service::commit
+ bool ret = 0;
+ const bool is_ordered = !ws_meta.seqno().is_undefined();
+ if (is_ordered)
+ {
+ ret = ret || client_state_.prepare_for_ordering(ws_handle, ws_meta, true);
+ ret = ret || client_state_.before_commit();
+ ret = ret || client_state_.ordered_commit();
+ ret = ret || client_state_.after_commit();
+ }
+ if (!is_ordered)
+ {
+ client_state_.before_rollback();
+ client_state_.after_rollback();
+ }
+ else if (ret)
+ {
+ client_state_.prepare_for_ordering(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta(), false);
+ }
+ client_state_.after_applying();
+ return ret;
+int wsrep::mock_storage_service::rollback(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle,
+ const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta)
+ int ret(client_state_.prepare_for_ordering(
+ ws_handle, ws_meta, false) ||
+ client_state_.before_rollback() ||
+ client_state_.after_rollback());
+ client_state_.after_applying();
+ return ret;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/mock_storage_service.hpp b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_storage_service.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18d2b98d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/mock_storage_service.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/storage_service.hpp"
+#include "mock_client_state.hpp"
+namespace wsrep
+class mock_server_state;
+ class mock_storage_service : public wsrep::storage_service
+ {
+ public:
+ mock_storage_service(wsrep::server_state&, wsrep::client_id);
+ ~mock_storage_service() WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int start_transaction(const wsrep::ws_handle&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ void adopt_transaction(const wsrep::transaction&) WSREP_OVERRIDE;
+ int append_fragment(const wsrep::id&,
+ wsrep::transaction_id,
+ int,
+ const wsrep::const_buffer&,
+ const wsrep::xid&) WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ { return 0; }
+ int update_fragment_meta(const wsrep::ws_meta&) WSREP_OVERRIDE
+ { return 0; }
+ int remove_fragments() WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; }
+ int commit(const wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::ws_meta&)
+ int rollback(const wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::ws_meta&)
+ void store_globals() WSREP_OVERRIDE { }
+ void reset_globals() WSREP_OVERRIDE { }
+ private:
+ wsrep::mock_client_service client_service_;
+ wsrep::mock_client_state client_state_;
+ };
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/nbo_test.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/nbo_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..238a4da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/nbo_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/client_state.hpp"
+#include "client_state_fixture.hpp"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ // NBO is executed in two consecutive TOI operations
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ // First phase certifies the write set and enters TOI
+ wsrep::key key(wsrep::key::exclusive);
+ key.append_key_part("k1", 2);
+ key.append_key_part("k2", 2);
+ wsrep::key_array keys{key};
+ std::string data("data");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.begin_nbo_phase_one(
+ keys,
+ wsrep::const_buffer(,
+ data.size())) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_nbo);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.in_toi());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ // After required resoureces have been grabbed, NBO leave should
+ // end TOI but leave the client state in m_nbo.
+ const wsrep::mutable_buffer err;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.end_nbo_phase_one(err) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_nbo);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.in_toi() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_undefined);
+ // Second phase replicates the NBO end event and grabs TOI
+ // again for finalizing the NBO.
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.begin_nbo_phase_two(keys) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_nbo);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.in_toi());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ // End of NBO phase will leave TOI and put the client state back to
+ // m_local
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.end_nbo_phase_two(err) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.in_toi() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_undefined);
+ // There must have been two toi write sets, one with
+ // start transaction flag, another with commit flag.
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().toi_write_sets() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().toi_start_transaction() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().toi_commit() == 1);
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ // NBO is executed in two consecutive TOI operations
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ // First phase certifies the write set and enters TOI
+ wsrep::key key(wsrep::key::exclusive);
+ key.append_key_part("k1", 2);
+ key.append_key_part("k2", 2);
+ wsrep::key_array keys{key};
+ std::string data("data");
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.begin_nbo_phase_one(
+ keys,
+ wsrep::const_buffer(,
+ data.size())) == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error_status() ==
+ wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.in_toi() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_undefined);
+// This test case operates through server_state object in order to
+// verify that the high priority service is called with appropriate
+// arguments.
+ applying_client_fixture)
+ wsrep::mock_high_priority_service hps(sc, &cc, false);
+ wsrep::ws_handle ws_handle(wsrep::transaction_id::undefined(), (void*)(1));
+ const int nbo_begin_flags(wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction |
+ wsrep::provider::flag::isolation);
+ wsrep::ws_meta ws_meta(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("cluster1"),
+ wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id("s1"),
+ wsrep::transaction_id::undefined(),
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(0),
+ nbo_begin_flags);
+ std::string nbo_begin("nbo_begin");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, ws_meta,
+ wsrep::const_buffer(,
+ nbo_begin.size())) == 0);
+ wsrep::mock_client* nbo_cs(hps.nbo_cs());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(nbo_cs);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(nbo_cs->toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_undefined);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(nbo_cs->mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_nbo);
+ // After this point the control is on local process and applier
+ // has released toi critical section.
+ wsrep::key key(wsrep::key::exclusive);
+ key.append_key_part("k1", 2);
+ key.append_key_part("k2", 2);
+ wsrep::key_array keys{key};
+ // Starting phase two should put nbo_cs in toi mode.
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(nbo_cs->begin_nbo_phase_two(keys) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(nbo_cs->mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_nbo);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(nbo_cs->in_toi());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(nbo_cs->toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ // Ending phase two should make nbo_cs leave TOI mode and
+ // return to m_local mode.
+ const wsrep::mutable_buffer err;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(nbo_cs->end_nbo_phase_two(err) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(nbo_cs->mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(nbo_cs->in_toi() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(nbo_cs->toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_undefined);
+ // There must have been one toi write set with commit flag.
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().toi_write_sets() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().toi_start_transaction() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().toi_commit() == 1);
+// This test case operates through server_state object in order to
+// verify that the high priority service is called with appropriate
+// arguments. The test checks that error is returned in the case if
+// launching asynchronous process for NBO fails.
+ applying_client_fixture)
+ wsrep::mock_high_priority_service hps(sc, &cc, false);
+ wsrep::ws_handle ws_handle(wsrep::transaction_id::undefined(), (void*)(1));
+ const int nbo_begin_flags(wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction |
+ wsrep::provider::flag::isolation);
+ wsrep::ws_meta ws_meta(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("cluster1"),
+ wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id("s1"),
+ wsrep::transaction_id::undefined(),
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(0),
+ nbo_begin_flags);
+ std::string nbo_begin("nbo_begin");
+ hps.fail_next_toi_ = true;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, ws_meta,
+ wsrep::const_buffer(,
+ nbo_begin.size())) == 1);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/reporter_test.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/reporter_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ee381e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/reporter_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/reporter.hpp"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/json/src.hpp>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <deque>
+#include <vector>
+#include <unistd.h> // unlink() for cleanup
+namespace json = boost::json;
+//////// HELPERS ///////
+static inline double
+ struct timespec time;
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &time);
+ return (double(time.tv_sec) + double(time.tv_nsec)*1.0e-9);
+static std::string make_progress_string(int const from, int const to,
+ int const total,int const done,
+ int const indefinite)
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "{ \"from\": " << from << ", "
+ << "\"to\": " << to << ", "
+ << "\"total\": " << total << ", "
+ << "\"done\": " << done << ", "
+ << "\"indefinite\": " << indefinite << " }";
+ return os.str();
+static json::value
+read_file(const char* const filename)
+ std::ifstream input(filename, std::ios::binary);
+ std::vector<char> buffer(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(input), {});
+ json::stream_parser parser;
+ json::error_code err;
+ parser.write(, buffer.size(), err);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ assert(0);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ parser.finish(err);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ assert(0);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return parser.release();
+struct logs
+ std::deque<double> tstamp_;
+ std::deque<std::string> msg_;
+struct progress
+ int from_;
+ int to_;
+ int total_;
+ int done_;
+ int indefinite_;
+ bool indefinite() const { return total_ == indefinite_; }
+ bool steady() const { return total_ == 0; }
+ progress(int const from, int const to, int const total, int const done,
+ int const indefinite)
+ : from_(from)
+ , to_(to)
+ , total_(total)
+ , done_(done)
+ , indefinite_(indefinite)
+ {}
+static bool
+operator==(const progress& left, const progress& right)
+ if (left.indefinite() && right.indefinite()) return true;
+ if (left.steady() && right.steady()) return true;
+ return (left.from_ == right.from_ &&
+ left.to_ == right.to_ &&
+ left.total_ == right.total_ &&
+ left.done_ == right.done_ &&
+ left.indefinite_ == right.indefinite_);
+static bool
+operator!=(const progress& left, const progress& right)
+ return !(left == right);
+static std::ostream&
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const progress& p)
+ os << make_progress_string(p.from_, p.to_, p.total_, p.done_,p.indefinite_);
+ return os;
+struct result
+ logs errors_;
+ logs warnings_;
+ struct
+ {
+ std::string state_;
+ std::string comment_;
+ progress progress_;
+ } status_;
+static void
+parse_result(const json::value& value, struct result& res,
+ const std::string& path = "")
+ //std::cout << "Parsing " << path << ": " << value << ": " << value.kind() << std::endl;
+ switch (value.kind())
+ {
+ case json::kind::object:
+ {
+ auto const obj(value.get_object());
+ if (!obj.empty())
+ {
+ for (auto it = obj.begin(); it != obj.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ std::string const key(it->key().data(), it->key().length());
+ parse_result(it->value(), res, path + "." + key);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case json::kind::array:
+ {
+ auto const arr(value.get_array());
+ if (!arr.empty())
+ {
+ for (auto it = arr.begin(); it != arr.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ parse_result(*it, res, path + ".[]");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case json::kind::string:
+ {
+ auto const val(value.get_string().c_str());
+ if (path == ".errors.[].msg")
+ {
+ res.errors_.msg_.push_back(val);
+ }
+ else if (path == ".warnings.[].msg")
+ {
+ res.warnings_.msg_.push_back(val);
+ }
+ else if (path == ".status.state")
+ {
+ res.status_.state_ = val;
+ }
+ else if (path == ".status.comment")
+ {
+ res.status_.comment_ = val;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case json::kind::uint64:
+ case json::kind::int64:
+ if (path == ".status.progress.from")
+ {
+ res.status_.progress_.from_ = int(value.get_int64());
+ }
+ else if (path == "")
+ {
+ res.status_.progress_.to_ = int(value.get_int64());
+ }
+ else if (path == "")
+ {
+ res.status_.progress_.total_ = int(value.get_int64());
+ }
+ else if (path == ".status.progress.done")
+ {
+ res.status_.progress_.done_ = int(value.get_int64());
+ }
+ else if (path == ".status.progress.indefinite")
+ {
+ res.status_.progress_.indefinite_ = int(value.get_int64());
+ }
+ return;
+ case json::kind::double_:
+ if (path == ".errors.[].timestamp")
+ {
+ res.errors_.tstamp_.push_back(value.get_double());
+ }
+ else if (path == ".warnings.[].timestamp")
+ {
+ res.warnings_.tstamp_.push_back(value.get_double());
+ }
+ return;
+ case json::kind::bool_:
+ return;
+ case json::kind::null:
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(0);
+static bool
+equal(const std::string& left, const std::string& right)
+ return left == right;
+static bool
+equal(double const left, double const right)
+ return ::fabs(left - right) < 0.0001; // we are looking for ms precision
+template <typename T>
+static bool
+operator!=(const std::deque<T>& left, const std::deque<T>& right)
+ if (left.size() != right.size()) return true;
+ for (size_t i(0); i < left.size(); ++i)
+ if (!equal(left[i], right[i])) return true;
+ return false;
+static bool
+operator!=(const logs& left, const logs& right)
+ if (left.tstamp_ != right.tstamp_) return true;
+ return (left.msg_ != right.msg_);
+static bool
+operator==(const result& left, const result& right)
+ if (left.errors_ != right.errors_) return false;
+ if (left.warnings_ != right.warnings_) return false;
+ if (left.status_.state_ != right.status_.state_) return false;
+ if (left.status_.comment_ != right.status_.comment_) return false;
+ if (left.status_.progress_ != right.status_.progress_) return false;
+ return true;
+template <typename T>
+static void
+print_deque(std::ostream& os,const std::deque<T> left,const std::deque<T> right)
+ auto const max(std::max(left.size(), right.size()));
+ for (size_t i(0); i < max; ++i)
+ {
+ os << "|\t'";
+ if (i < left.size())
+ os << left[i] << "'";
+ else
+ os << "'\t";
+ if (i < right.size())
+ os << "\t'" << right[i] << "'";
+ else
+ os << "\t''";
+ if (!equal(left[i], right[i])) os << "\t!!!";
+ os << "\n";
+ }
+static void
+print_logs(std::ostream& os, const logs& left, const logs& right)
+ os << "|\t" << left.msg_.size() << "\t" << right.msg_.size() << "\n";
+ print_deque(os, left.tstamp_, right.tstamp_);
+ print_deque(os, left.msg_, right.msg_);
+// print two results against each other
+template <typename Iteration>
+static std::string
+print(const result& left, const result& right, Iteration it)
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << std::showpoint << std::setprecision(18);
+ os << "Iteration " << it << "\nerrors:\n";
+ print_logs(os, left.errors_, right.errors_);
+ os << "warnings:\n";
+ print_logs(os, left.warnings_, right.warnings_);
+ os << "state:\n";
+ os << "\t" << left.status_.state_ << "\t" << right.status_.state_
+ << "\n";
+ os << "\t" << left.status_.comment_ << "\t" << right.status_.comment_
+ << "\n";
+ os << "\t" << left.status_.progress_ << "\t" << right.status_.progress_
+ << "\n";
+ return os.str();
+#define VERIFY_RESULT(left, right, it) \
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(left == right, print(left, right, it));
+static const char*
+const REPORT = "report.json";
+static progress
+const indefinite(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+static progress
+const steady(-1, -1, 0, 0, -1);
+static struct logs
+const LOGS_INIT = { std::deque<double>(), std::deque<std::string>() };
+static struct result
+ { "DISCONNECTED", "Disconnected", indefinite } };
+template <typename Iteration>
+static void
+test_log(const char* const fname,
+ wsrep::reporter& rep,
+ result& check,
+ wsrep::reporter::log_level const lvl,
+ double const tstamp,
+ const std::string& msg,
+ Iteration const iteration)
+ // this is implementaiton detail, if it changes in the code, it needs
+ // to be changed here
+ size_t const MAX_ERROR(4);
+ logs& log(lvl == wsrep::reporter::error ? check.errors_ : check.warnings_);
+ log.tstamp_.push_back(tstamp);
+ if (log.tstamp_.size() > MAX_ERROR) log.tstamp_.pop_front();
+ log.msg_.push_back(msg);
+ if (log.msg_.size() > MAX_ERROR) log.msg_.pop_front();
+ rep.report_log_msg(lvl, msg, tstamp);
+ auto value = read_file(fname);
+ auto res = RES_INIT;
+ parse_result(value, res);
+ VERIFY_RESULT(res, check, iteration);
+static size_t const MAX_MSG = 4;
+struct reporter_fixture
+ wsrep::default_mutex mutex{};
+ wsrep::reporter rep{mutex, REPORT, MAX_MSG};
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(log_msg_test, reporter_fixture)
+ auto value = read_file(REPORT);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(value != nullptr);
+ struct result res(RES_INIT), check(RES_INIT);
+ parse_result(value, res);
+ VERIFY_RESULT(res, check, -1);
+ struct entry
+ {
+ double tstamp_;
+ std::string msg_;
+ };
+ std::vector<entry> msgs =
+ {
+ { 0.1, "a" },
+ { 0.2, "bb" },
+ { 0.3, "ccc" },
+ { 0.4, "dddd" },
+ { 0.5, "eeeee" },
+ { 0.6, "ffffff" }
+ };
+ for (size_t i(0); i < msgs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ test_log(REPORT, rep, check,
+ wsrep::reporter::error, msgs[i].tstamp_, msgs[i].msg_, i);
+ test_log(REPORT, rep, check,
+ wsrep::reporter::warning, msgs[i].tstamp_, msgs[i].msg_, i);
+ }
+ // test indefinite timestmap
+ std::string const msg("err");
+ rep.report_log_msg(wsrep::reporter::error, msg);
+ value = read_file(REPORT);
+ res = RES_INIT;
+ parse_result(value, res);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(res.errors_.tstamp_.back() > 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(res.errors_.msg_.back() == msg);
+ ::unlink(REPORT);
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(state_test, reporter_fixture)
+ using wsrep::server_state;
+ double const err_tstamp(timestamp());
+ std::string const err_msg("Error!");
+ struct test
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ enum wsrep::server_state::state state;
+ float progress;
+ } input;
+ struct result output;
+ };
+ logs const ERRS_INIT = { {err_tstamp}, {err_msg} };
+ std::vector<test> tests =
+ {
+ {{ server_state::s_disconnected, 0 },
+ { "DISCONNECTED", "Disconnected", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_initializing, 0 },
+ { "DISCONNECTED", "Initializing", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_initialized, 0 },
+ { "DISCONNECTED", "Connecting", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_connected, 0 },
+ { "CONNECTED", "Waiting", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_joiner, 0 },
+ { "JOINING", "Receiving state", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_disconnecting, 0 },
+ { "DISCONNECTING", "Disconnecting", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_disconnected, 0 },
+ { "DISCONNECTED", "Disconnected", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_connected, 0 },
+ { "CONNECTED", "Waiting", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_joiner, 0 },
+ { "JOINING", "Receiving SST", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_initializing, 0 },
+ { "JOINING", "Initializing", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_initialized, 0 },
+ { "JOINING", "Receiving IST", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_joined, 0 },
+ { "JOINED", "Syncing", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_synced, 0 },
+ { "SYNCED", "Operational", steady }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_donor, 0 },
+ { "DONOR", "Donating SST", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_joined, 0 },
+ { "JOINED", "Syncing", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_synced, 0 },
+ { "SYNCED", "Operational", steady }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_disconnecting, 0 },
+ { "DISCONNECTING", "Disconnecting", indefinite }}},
+ };
+ rep.report_log_msg(wsrep::reporter::error, err_msg, err_tstamp);
+ for (auto i(tests.begin()); i != tests.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ rep.report_state(i->input.state);
+ auto value = read_file(REPORT);
+ result res(RES_INIT);
+ parse_result(value, res);
+ auto check(i->output);
+ VERIFY_RESULT(res, check, i - tests.begin());
+ }
+ ::unlink(REPORT);
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(progress_test, reporter_fixture)
+ using wsrep::server_state;
+ wsrep::default_mutex m;
+ wsrep::reporter rep(m, REPORT, MAX_MSG);
+ double const warn_tstamp(timestamp());
+ std::string const warn_msg("Warn!");
+ static progress const progress5_0(-1, -1, 5, 0, -1);
+ static progress const progress5_2(-1, -1, 5, 2, -1);
+ static progress const progress5_5(-1, -1, 5, 5, -1);
+ struct test
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ enum wsrep::server_state::state state;
+ int total;
+ int done;
+ } input;
+ struct result output;
+ };
+ logs const WARN_INIT = { {warn_tstamp}, {warn_msg} };
+ std::vector<test> tests =
+ {
+ {{ server_state::s_initialized, -1, -1 },
+ { "DISCONNECTED", "Connecting", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_connected, -1, -1 },
+ { "CONNECTED", "Waiting", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_joiner, 5, 0 },
+ { "JOINING", "Receiving state", progress5_0 }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_joiner, 5, 2 },
+ { "JOINING", "Receiving state", progress5_2 }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_disconnected, -1, -1 },
+ { "DISCONNECTED", "Disconnected", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_connected, -1, -1 },
+ { "CONNECTED", "Waiting", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_joiner, 5, 0 },
+ { "JOINING", "Receiving SST", progress5_0 }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_joiner, 5, 2 },
+ { "JOINING", "Receiving SST", progress5_2 }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_joiner, 5, 5 },
+ { "JOINING", "Receiving SST", progress5_5 }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_initializing, -1, -1 },
+ { "JOINING", "Initializing", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_initializing, 5, 2 },
+ { "JOINING", "Initializing", progress5_2 }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_initialized, 5, 0 },
+ { "JOINING", "Receiving IST", progress5_0 }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_initialized, 5, 5 },
+ { "JOINING", "Receiving IST", progress5_5 }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_joined, -1, -1 },
+ { "JOINED", "Syncing", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_joined, 5, 2 },
+ { "JOINED", "Syncing", progress5_2 }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_synced, -1, -1 },
+ { "SYNCED", "Operational", steady }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_donor, -1, -1 },
+ { "DONOR", "Donating SST", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_donor, 5, 0 },
+ { "DONOR", "Donating SST", progress5_0 }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_joined, -1, -1 },
+ { "JOINED", "Syncing", indefinite }}},
+ {{ server_state::s_synced, -1, -1 },
+ { "SYNCED", "Operational", steady }}},
+ };
+ rep.report_log_msg(wsrep::reporter::warning, warn_msg, warn_tstamp);
+ for (auto i(tests.begin()); i != tests.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ rep.report_state(i->input.state);
+ if (i-> >= 0)
+ rep.report_progress(make_progress_string(-1, -1,
+ i->, i->input.done,
+ -1));
+ auto value = read_file(REPORT);
+ result res(RES_INIT);
+ parse_result(value, res);
+ auto check(i->output);
+ VERIFY_RESULT(res, check, i - tests.begin());
+ }
+ ::unlink(REPORT);
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(event_test, reporter_fixture)
+ rep.report_event("{\"msg\": \"message\"}");
+ auto value = read_file(REPORT);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE("events").is_array());
+ auto event_array ="events").as_array();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(event_array.size() == 1);
+ auto event = event_array[0];
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(event.is_object());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE("timestamp").is_double());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE("event").is_object());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE("event").at("msg").is_string());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE("event").at("msg").as_string() == "message");
+ ::unlink(REPORT);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/rsu_test.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/rsu_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b032ef8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/rsu_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/client_state.hpp"
+#include "client_state_fixture.hpp"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.begin_rsu(1) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_rsu);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.end_rsu() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_undefined);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/server_context_test.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/server_context_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42b3055d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/server_context_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,960 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "mock_server_state.hpp"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+ struct server_fixture_base
+ {
+ server_fixture_base()
+ : server_service(&ss)
+ , ss("s1",
+ wsrep::server_state::rm_sync, server_service)
+ , cc(ss,
+ wsrep::client_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority)
+ , hps(ss, &cc, false)
+ , ws_handle(wsrep::transaction_id(1), (void*)1)
+ , ws_meta(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("1"), wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id("1"), wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(0),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction |
+ wsrep::provider::flag::commit)
+ , cluster_id("1")
+ , bootstrap_view()
+ , second_view()
+ , third_view()
+ {
+ wsrep::gtid state_id(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(0));
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member> members;
+ members.push_back(wsrep::view::member(
+ wsrep::id("s1"), "s1", ""));
+ bootstrap_view = wsrep::view(state_id,
+ wsrep::seqno(1),
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0, // capabilities
+ 0, // own index
+ 1, // protocol version
+ members);
+ members.push_back(wsrep::view::member(
+ wsrep::id("s2"), "s2", ""));
+ second_view = wsrep::view(wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(2),
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0, // capabilities
+ 1, // own index
+ 1, // protocol version
+ members);
+ members.push_back(wsrep::view::member(
+ wsrep::id("s3"), "s3", ""));
+ third_view = wsrep::view(wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(2)),
+ wsrep::seqno(3),
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0, // capabilities
+ 1, // own index
+ 1, // protocol version
+ members);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 0);
+ }
+ wsrep::mock_server_service server_service;
+ wsrep::mock_server_state ss;
+ wsrep::mock_client cc;
+ wsrep::mock_high_priority_service hps;
+ wsrep::ws_handle ws_handle;
+ wsrep::ws_meta ws_meta;
+ wsrep::id cluster_id;
+ wsrep::view bootstrap_view;
+ wsrep::view second_view;
+ wsrep::view third_view;
+ void connect_in_view(const wsrep::view& view)
+ {
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.connect("cluster", "local", "0", false) == 0);
+ ss.on_connect(view);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_connected);
+ }
+ void prepare_for_sst()
+ {
+ ss.prepare_for_sst();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joiner);
+ }
+ void non_prim()
+ {
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() != wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected);
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member> members;
+ members.push_back(wsrep::view::member(
+, "s1", ""));
+ wsrep::view view(wsrep::gtid(), // state_id
+ wsrep::seqno::undefined(), // view seqno
+ wsrep::view::non_primary, // status
+ 0, // capabilities
+ 0, // own_index
+ 0, // protocol ver
+ members // members
+ );
+ ss.on_view(view, &hps);
+ }
+ void final_view()
+ {
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() != wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected);
+ wsrep::view view(wsrep::gtid(), // state_id
+ wsrep::seqno::undefined(), // view seqno
+ wsrep::view::disconnected, // status
+ 0, // capabilities
+ -1, // own_index
+ 0, // protocol ver
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member>() // members
+ );
+ ss.on_view(view, &hps);
+ }
+ void disconnect()
+ {
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() != wsrep::server_state::s_disconnecting);
+ ss.disconnect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnecting);
+ final_view();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected);
+ }
+ };
+ struct applying_server_fixture : server_fixture_base
+ {
+ applying_server_fixture()
+ : server_fixture_base()
+ {
+ ss.mock_connect();
+ }
+ };
+ struct sst_first_server_fixture : server_fixture_base
+ {
+ sst_first_server_fixture()
+ : server_fixture_base()
+ {
+ server_service.sst_before_init_ = true;
+ }
+ void sst_received_action()
+ {
+ server_service.sync_point_enabled_ = "on_view_wait_initialized";
+ server_service.sync_point_action_ = server_service.spa_initialize;
+ }
+ void initialization_failure_action()
+ {
+ server_service.sync_point_enabled_ = "on_view_wait_initialized";
+ server_service.sync_point_action_ =
+ server_service.spa_initialize_error;
+ }
+ void clear_sync_point_action()
+ {
+ server_service.sync_point_enabled_ = "";
+ server_service.sync_point_action_ = server_service.spa_none;
+ }
+ // Helper method to bootstrap the server with bootstrap view
+ void bootstrap()
+ {
+ connect_in_view(bootstrap_view);
+ sst_received_action();
+ ss.on_view(bootstrap_view, &hps);
+ clear_sync_point_action();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joined);
+ ss.on_sync();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+ }
+ };
+ struct init_first_server_fixture : server_fixture_base
+ {
+ init_first_server_fixture()
+ : server_fixture_base()
+ {
+ server_service.sst_before_init_ = false;
+ }
+ // Helper method to bootstrap the server with bootstrap view
+ void bootstrap()
+ {
+ ss.initialized();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_initialized);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.connect("cluster", "local", "0", false) == 0);
+ ss.on_connect(bootstrap_view);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_connected);
+ ss.on_view(bootstrap_view, &hps);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joined);
+ ss.on_sync();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+ }
+ };
+ // Helper to pass to BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION. Always returns true.
+ bool exception_check(const wsrep::runtime_error&) { return true; }
+// Test on_apply() method for 1pc
+ applying_server_fixture)
+ char buf[1] = { 1 };
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, ws_meta,
+ wsrep::const_buffer(buf, 1)) == 0);
+ const wsrep::transaction& txc(cc.transaction());
+ // ::abort();
+ txc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed,
+ "Transaction state " << txc.state() << " not committed");
+// Test on_apply() method for 2pc
+ applying_server_fixture)
+ hps.do_2pc_ = true;
+ char buf[1] = { 1 };
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, ws_meta,
+ wsrep::const_buffer(buf, 1)) == 0);
+ const wsrep::transaction& txc(cc.transaction());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(txc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+// Test on_apply() method for 1pc transaction which
+// fails applying and rolls back
+ applying_server_fixture)
+ /* make sure default success result is flipped to error_fatal */
+ ss.provider().commit_order_leave_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ hps.fail_next_applying_ = true;
+ char buf[1] = { 1 };
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, ws_meta,
+ wsrep::const_buffer(buf, 1)) == 1);
+ const wsrep::transaction& txc(cc.transaction());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(txc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+// Test on_apply() method for 2pc transaction which
+// fails applying and rolls back
+ applying_server_fixture)
+ /* make sure default success result is flipped to error_fatal */
+ ss.provider().commit_order_leave_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ hps.do_2pc_ = true;
+ hps.fail_next_applying_ = true;
+ char buf[1] = { 1 };
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, ws_meta,
+ wsrep::const_buffer(buf, 1)) == 1);
+ const wsrep::transaction& txc(cc.transaction());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(txc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(server_state_streaming, applying_server_fixture)
+ ws_meta = wsrep::ws_meta(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("1"), wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id("1"),
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(0),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, ws_meta,
+ wsrep::const_buffer("1", 1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ ws_meta.server_id(), ws_meta.transaction_id()));
+ ws_meta = wsrep::ws_meta(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("1"), wsrep::seqno(2)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id("1"),
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(1),
+ 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, ws_meta,
+ wsrep::const_buffer("1", 1)) == 0);
+ ws_meta = wsrep::ws_meta(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("1"), wsrep::seqno(2)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id("1"),
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(1),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::commit);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, ws_meta,
+ wsrep::const_buffer("1", 1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ ws_meta.server_id(), ws_meta.transaction_id()) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected) == "disconnected");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::server_state::s_initializing) == "initializing");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::server_state::s_initialized) == "initialized");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::server_state::s_connected) == "connected");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::server_state::s_joiner) == "joiner");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::server_state::s_joined) == "joined");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::server_state::s_donor) == "donor");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::server_state::s_synced) == "synced");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::server_state::s_disconnecting) == "disconnecting");
+// Test cases for SST first //
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ bootstrap();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ connect_in_view(second_view);
+ prepare_for_sst();
+ sst_received_action();
+ // Mock server service get_view() gets view from logged_view_.
+ // Get_view() is called from sst_received(). This emulates the
+ // case where SST contains the view in which SST happens.
+ server_service.logged_view(second_view);
+ server_service.position(wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(2)));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.sst_received(cc, 0) == 0);
+ clear_sync_point_action();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joined);
+ ss.on_sync();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ connect_in_view(second_view);
+ // Mock server service get_view() gets view from logged_view_.
+ // Get_view() is called from sst_received(). This emulates the
+ // case where the view is stored in stable storage.
+ server_service.logged_view(second_view);
+ sst_received_action();
+ ss.on_view(second_view, &hps);
+ clear_sync_point_action();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joined);
+ ss.on_view(third_view, &hps);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joined);
+ ss.on_sync();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+// Cycle from synced state to disconnected and back to synced. Server
+// storage engines remain initialized.
+ server_state_sst_first_synced_disconnected_synced_no_sst,
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ bootstrap();
+ ss.disconnect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnecting);
+ final_view();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected);
+ // Connect back as a sole member in the cluster
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.connect("cluster", "local", "0", false) == 0);
+ // @todo: s_connecting state would be good to have
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected);
+ // Server state must keep the initialized state
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.is_initialized() == true);
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member> members;
+ members.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("s1"), "name", ""));
+ wsrep::view view(wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(2),
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0, // capabilities
+ 0, // own index
+ 1, // protocol version
+ members);
+ ss.on_connect(view);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_connected);
+ // As storage engines have been initialized, there should not be
+ // any reason to wait for initialization. State should jump directly
+ // to s_joined after handling the view.
+ ss.on_view(view, &hps);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joined);
+ ss.on_sync();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+// Error after connecting to cluster. This scenario may happen if SST
+// request preparation fails.
+ server_state_sst_first_error_on_connect,
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ connect_in_view(second_view);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_connected);
+ disconnect();
+// Error during SST.
+ server_state_sst_first_error_on_joiner,
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ connect_in_view(second_view);
+ ss.prepare_for_sst();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joiner);
+ server_service.position(wsrep::gtid::undefined());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.sst_received(cc, 1) == 0);
+ disconnect();
+ server_state_sst_first_error_on_initializing,
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ connect_in_view(second_view);
+ ss.prepare_for_sst();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joiner);
+ initialization_failure_action();
+ server_service.position(wsrep::gtid(second_view.state_id()));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.sst_received(cc, 0) != 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_initializing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(ss.on_view(second_view, &hps),
+ wsrep::runtime_error, exception_check);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_initializing);
+ disconnect();
+// Error or shutdown happens during catchup phase after receiving
+// SST successfully.
+ server_state_sst_first_error_on_joined,
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ connect_in_view(second_view);
+ ss.prepare_for_sst();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joiner);
+ sst_received_action();
+ // Mock server service get_view() gets view from logged_view_.
+ // Get_view() is called from sst_received(). This emulates the
+ // case where SST contains the view in which SST happens.
+ server_service.logged_view(second_view);
+ server_service.position(wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(2)));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.sst_received(cc, 0) == 0);
+ clear_sync_point_action();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joined);
+ disconnect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected);
+// Error or shutdown happens when donating a snapshot.
+ server_state_sst_first_error_on_donor,
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ bootstrap();
+ ss.start_sst("", wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(2)), false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_donor);
+ disconnect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected);
+// Test cases for init first //
+ init_first_server_fixture)
+ bootstrap();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+ init_first_server_fixture)
+ ss.initialized();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_initialized);
+ connect_in_view(second_view);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_connected);
+ prepare_for_sst();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joiner);
+ server_service.logged_view(second_view);
+ server_service.position(wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(2)));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.sst_received(cc, 0) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joined);
+ ss.on_sync();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+ init_first_server_fixture)
+ ss.initialized();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_initialized);
+ connect_in_view(second_view);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_connected);
+ server_service.logged_view(second_view);
+ ss.on_view(second_view, &hps);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joined);
+ ss.on_view(third_view, &hps);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joined);
+ ss.on_sync();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+// Cycle from synced state to disconnected and back to synced. Server
+// storage engines remain initialized.
+ server_state_init_first_synced_disconnected_synced_no_sst,
+ init_first_server_fixture)
+ bootstrap();
+ ss.disconnect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnecting);
+ final_view();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected);
+ // Connect back as a sole member in the cluster
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.connect("cluster", "local", "0", false) == 0);
+ // @todo: s_connecting state would be good to have
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected);
+ // Server state must keep the initialized state
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.is_initialized() == true);
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member> members;
+ members.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("s1"), "name", ""));
+ wsrep::view view(wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(2),
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0, // capabilities
+ 0, // own index
+ 1, // protocol version
+ members);
+ ss.on_connect(view);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_connected);
+ // As storage engines have been initialized, there should not be
+ // any reason to wait for initialization. State should jump directly
+ // to s_joined after handling the view.
+ ss.on_view(view, &hps);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joined);
+ ss.on_sync();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+// Donor state transitions //
+ server_state_sst_first_donate_success,
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ bootstrap();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+ ss.start_sst("", wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(2)), false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_donor);
+ ss.sst_sent(wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(2)), 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joined);
+ ss.on_sync();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+ server_state_sst_first_donate_error,
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ bootstrap();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+ ss.start_sst("", wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(2)), false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_donor);
+ ss.sst_sent(wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(2)), 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_joined);
+ ss.on_sync();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+ server_state_sst_first_donor_start_sst_error_in_non_prim,
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ bootstrap();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+ server_service.start_sst_action = [&]() {
+ non_prim();
+ return 1;
+ };
+ ss.start_sst("", wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(2)), false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_connected);
+ server_state_sst_first_donor_sst_sent_in_non_prim,
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ bootstrap();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+ ss.start_sst("", wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(2)), false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_donor);
+ non_prim();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_connected);
+ ss.sst_sent(wsrep::gtid(cluster_id, wsrep::seqno(2)), 0);
+ // Must stay in connected state
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_connected);
+// Pause/Resume and Desync/Resync //
+ server_state_sst_first_desync_and_pause_resync_and_resume,
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ bootstrap();
+ ss.desync_and_pause();
+ // @todo: Should we have here different state than synced
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+ ss.resume_and_resync();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_synced);
+// Disconnect //
+ server_state_disconnect,
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ bootstrap();
+ ss.disconnect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnecting);
+ final_view();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected);
+// This test case verifies that the disconnect can be initiated
+// concurrently by several callers. This may happen in failure situations
+// where provider shutdown causes cascading failures and the failing operations
+// try to disconnect the provider.
+ server_state_disconnect_twice,
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ bootstrap();
+ ss.disconnect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnecting);
+ ss.disconnect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnecting);
+ final_view();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected);
+ ss.disconnect();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.state() == wsrep::server_state::s_disconnected);
+// Orphaned SR //
+// Test the behavior of server_state::close_orphaned_sr_transactions().
+// In this test we check the scenario where we initially have 3 nodes in
+// the cluster (s1, s2, s3), and this server_state delivers one streaming
+// fragment from s2 and s3 each, followed by view changes:
+// view 1: primary (s1, s2, s3)
+// view 2: primary (s1, s2)
+// view 3: non-primary (s1)
+// view 4: non-primary (s1, s3)
+// view 5: primary (s1, s2, s3)
+// We expect that on view 2, transaction originated from s3 is considered
+// orphaned, so it should be rolled back.
+// Transaction from s2 should never be considered orphaned in this scenario,
+// we expect it to survive until the end of the test. That's because
+// transactions are rolled back in primary views only, and because s2
+// is member of all primary views in this scenario.
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ connect_in_view(third_view);
+ server_service.logged_view(third_view);
+ sst_received_action();
+ ss.on_view(third_view, &hps);
+ // initially we have members (s1, s2, s3)
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member> members(ss.current_view().members());
+ // apply a fragment coming from s2
+ wsrep::ws_meta meta_s2(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("s2"), wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id("s2"),
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(1),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, meta_s2,
+ wsrep::const_buffer("1", 1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s2.server_id(), meta_s2.transaction_id()));
+ // apply a fragment coming from s3
+ wsrep::ws_meta meta_s3(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("s3"), wsrep::seqno(2)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id("s3"),
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(2),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, meta_s3,
+ wsrep::const_buffer("1", 1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s3.server_id(), meta_s3.transaction_id()));
+ // s3 drops out of the cluster, deliver primary view (s1, s2)
+ wsrep::view::member s3(members.back());
+ members.pop_back();
+ ss.on_view(wsrep::view(ss.current_view().state_id(),
+ ss.current_view().view_seqno() + 1,
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0, // capabilities
+ 0, // own index
+ 1, // protocol version
+ members), &hps);
+ // transaction from s2 is still present
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s2.server_id(), meta_s2.transaction_id()));
+ // transaction from s3 is gone
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(not ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s3.server_id(), meta_s3.transaction_id()));
+ // s2 drops out of the cluster, deliver non-primary view (s1)
+ wsrep::view::member s2(members.back());
+ members.pop_back();
+ ss.on_view(wsrep::view(ss.current_view().state_id(),
+ ss.current_view().view_seqno(),
+ wsrep::view::non_primary,
+ 0, // capabilities
+ 0, // own index
+ 1, // protocol version
+ members), &hps);
+ // no streaming appliers are closed on non-primary view,
+ // so transaction from s2 is still present
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s2.server_id(), meta_s2.transaction_id()));
+ // s3 comes back, deliver non-primary view (s1, s3)
+ members.push_back(s3);
+ ss.on_view(wsrep::view(ss.current_view().state_id(),
+ ss.current_view().view_seqno() + 1,
+ wsrep::view::non_primary,
+ 0, // capabilities
+ 0, // own index
+ 1, // protocol version
+ members), &hps);
+ // transaction s2 is still present after non-primary view
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s2.server_id(), meta_s2.transaction_id()));
+ // s2 comes back, deliver primary-view (s1, s2, s3)
+ members.push_back(s2);
+ ss.on_view(wsrep::view(ss.current_view().state_id(),
+ ss.current_view().view_seqno() + 1,
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0, // capabilities
+ 0, // own index
+ 1, // protocol version
+ members), &hps);
+ // finally, transaction from s2 is still present (part of primary view)
+ // and transaction from s3 is gone
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s2.server_id(), meta_s2.transaction_id()));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(not ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s3.server_id(), meta_s3.transaction_id()));
+ // cleanup
+ wsrep::ws_meta meta_commit_s2(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("s2"), wsrep::seqno(3)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id("s2"),
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(3),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::commit);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, meta_commit_s2,
+ wsrep::const_buffer("1", 1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(not ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_commit_s2.server_id(), meta_commit_s2.transaction_id()));
+// Test the case where two consecutive primary views with the
+// same members are delivered (provider may do so).
+// Expect SR transactions to be rolled back on equal consecutive views
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ connect_in_view(third_view);
+ server_service.logged_view(third_view);
+ sst_received_action();
+ ss.on_view(third_view, &hps);
+ // apply a fragment coming from s2
+ wsrep::ws_meta meta_s2(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("s2"), wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id("s2"),
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(1),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, meta_s2,
+ wsrep::const_buffer("1", 1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s2.server_id(), meta_s2.transaction_id()));
+ // apply a fragment coming from s3
+ wsrep::ws_meta meta_s3(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("s3"), wsrep::seqno(2)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id("s3"),
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(2),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, meta_s3,
+ wsrep::const_buffer("1", 1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s3.server_id(), meta_s3.transaction_id()));
+ // deliver primary view with the same members (s1, s2, s3)
+ ss.on_view(wsrep::view(ss.current_view().state_id(),
+ ss.current_view().view_seqno() + 1,
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0, // capabilities
+ 0, // own index
+ 1, // protocol version
+ ss.current_view().members()), &hps);
+ // transaction from s2 and s3 are gone
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(not ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s2.server_id(), meta_s2.transaction_id()));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(not ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s3.server_id(), meta_s3.transaction_id()));
+// Verify that prepared XA transactions are not rolled back
+// by close_orphaned_transactions()
+ sst_first_server_fixture)
+ connect_in_view(third_view);
+ server_service.logged_view(third_view);
+ sst_received_action();
+ ss.on_view(third_view, &hps);
+ // initially we have members (s1, s2, s3)
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member> members(ss.current_view().members());
+ wsrep::ws_meta meta_s3(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("s3"), wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id("s3"),
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(1),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction |
+ wsrep::provider::flag::prepare);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, meta_s3,
+ wsrep::const_buffer("1", 1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s3.server_id(), meta_s3.transaction_id()));
+ // s3 drops out of the cluster, deliver primary view (s1, s2)
+ wsrep::view::member s3(members.back());
+ members.pop_back();
+ ss.on_view(wsrep::view(ss.current_view().state_id(),
+ ss.current_view().view_seqno() + 1,
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0, // capabilities
+ 0, // own index
+ 1, // protocol version
+ members), &hps);
+ // transaction from s3 is still present
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s3.server_id(), meta_s3.transaction_id()));
+ // s3 comes back, deliver primary view (s1, s2, s3)
+ members.push_back(s3);
+ ss.on_view(wsrep::view(ss.current_view().state_id(),
+ ss.current_view().view_seqno() + 1,
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0, // capabilities
+ 0, // own index
+ 1, // protocol version
+ members), &hps);
+ // transaction from s3 is still present
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_s3.server_id(), meta_s3.transaction_id()));
+ // cleanup
+ wsrep::ws_meta meta_commit_s3(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("s3"), wsrep::seqno(3)),
+ wsrep::stid(wsrep::id("s3"),
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(3),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::commit);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(ss.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, meta_commit_s3,
+ wsrep::const_buffer("1", 1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(not ss.find_streaming_applier(
+ meta_commit_s3.server_id(), meta_commit_s3.transaction_id()));
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/test_utils.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/test_utils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02e88cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/test_utils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "test_utils.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/client_state.hpp"
+#include "mock_server_state.hpp"
+// Simple BF abort method to BF abort unordered transasctions
+void wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(wsrep::client_state& cc)
+ assert(cc.transaction().ordered() == false);
+ cc.bf_abort(wsrep::seqno(1));
+void wsrep_test::bf_abort_ordered(wsrep::client_state& cc)
+ assert(cc.transaction().ordered());
+ cc.bf_abort(wsrep::seqno(0));
+void wsrep_test::bf_abort_in_total_order(wsrep::client_state& cc)
+ cc.total_order_bf_abort(wsrep::seqno(0));
+// BF abort method to abort transactions via provider
+void wsrep_test::bf_abort_provider(wsrep::mock_server_state& sc,
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc,
+ wsrep::seqno bf_seqno)
+ wsrep::seqno victim_seqno;
+ sc.provider().bf_abort(bf_seqno,, victim_seqno);
+ (void)victim_seqno;
+void wsrep_test::terminate_streaming_applier(
+ wsrep::mock_server_state& sc,
+ const wsrep::id& server_id,
+ wsrep::transaction_id transaction_id)
+ // Note that all other arguments than server_id and
+ // transaction_id are chosen arbitrarily and it is hoped
+ // that the mock implementation does not freak out about it.
+ wsrep::mock_client mc(sc, wsrep::client_id(10),
+ wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority);
+ mc.before_command();
+ wsrep::mock_high_priority_service hps(sc, &mc, false);
+ wsrep::ws_handle ws_handle(transaction_id, (void*)(1));
+ wsrep::ws_meta ws_meta(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("cluster1"),
+ wsrep::seqno(100)),
+ wsrep::stid(server_id,
+ transaction_id,
+ wsrep::client_id(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(0),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::rollback);
+ wsrep::const_buffer data(0, 0);
+ sc.on_apply(hps, ws_handle, ws_meta, data);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/test_utils.hpp b/wsrep-lib/test/test_utils.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e4c896d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/test_utils.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+// Forward declarations
+namespace wsrep
+ class client_state;
+ class mock_server_state;
+#include "wsrep/transaction.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/provider.hpp"
+// Utility functions
+namespace wsrep_test
+ // Simple BF abort method to BF abort unordered transasctions
+ void bf_abort_unordered(wsrep::client_state& cc);
+ // Simple BF abort method to BF abort unordered transasctions
+ void bf_abort_ordered(wsrep::client_state& cc);
+ // BF abort method to abort transactions via provider
+ void bf_abort_provider(wsrep::mock_server_state& sc,
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc,
+ wsrep::seqno bf_seqno);
+ // BF abort in total order
+ void bf_abort_in_total_order(wsrep::client_state&);
+ // Terminate streaming applier by applying rollback fragment.
+ void terminate_streaming_applier(
+ wsrep::mock_server_state& sc,
+ const wsrep::id& server_id,
+ wsrep::transaction_id transaction_id);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/toi_test.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/toi_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6370170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/toi_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/client_state.hpp"
+#include "client_state_fixture.hpp"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_undefined);
+ wsrep::key key(wsrep::key::exclusive);
+ key.append_key_part("k1", 2);
+ key.append_key_part("k2", 2);
+ wsrep::key_array keys{key};
+ wsrep::const_buffer buf("toi", 3);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.enter_toi_local(keys, buf) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_toi);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.in_toi());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ wsrep::mutable_buffer err;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.leave_toi_local(err) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_local);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_undefined);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().toi_write_sets() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().toi_start_transaction() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().toi_commit() == 1);
+ applying_client_fixture)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_undefined);
+ wsrep::ws_meta ws_meta(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("1"), wsrep::seqno(2)),
+ wsrep::stid(,
+ wsrep::transaction_id::undefined(),
+ wsrep::seqno(1),
+ wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction |
+ wsrep::provider::flag::commit);
+ cc.enter_toi_mode(ws_meta);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.in_toi());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_high_priority);
+ cc.leave_toi_mode();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.toi_mode() == wsrep::client_state::m_undefined);
+ cc.after_applying();
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/transaction_test.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/transaction_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3efd038d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/transaction_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1763 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/transaction.hpp"
+#include "wsrep/provider.hpp"
+#include "test_utils.hpp"
+#include "client_state_fixture.hpp"
+#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
+ typedef
+ boost::mpl::vector<replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm,
+ replicating_client_fixture_async_rm>
+ replicating_fixtures;
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.is_empty());
+ int vals[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ wsrep::key key(wsrep::key::exclusive);
+ for (int i(0); i < 3; ++i)
+ {
+ key.append_key_part(&vals[i], sizeof(vals[i]));
+ }
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.append_key(key) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.is_empty() == false);
+ wsrep::const_buffer data(&vals[2], sizeof(vals[2]));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.append_data(data) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ cc.after_statement();
+// Test a succesful 1PC transaction lifecycle
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ // Establish default read view
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == cc.assign_read_view(NULL));
+ // Verify that the commit can be successfully executed in separate command
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committing);
+ // Run ordered commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_ordered_commit);
+ // Run after commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test a voluntary rollback
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(transaction_rollback, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ // Run after commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets BF aborted before before_commit
+ transaction_1pc_bf_before_before_commit, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error());
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets BF aborted during before_commit via
+// provider before the write set was ordered and certified.
+ transaction_1pc_bf_during_before_commit_uncertified, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_server_state& sc(T::sc);
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_provider(sc, tc, wsrep::seqno::undefined());
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_cert_failed);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error());
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets BF aborted during before_commit
+// when waiting for replayers
+ transaction_1pc_bf_during_commit_wait_for_replayers, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ cc.bf_abort_during_wait_ = true;
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error());
+ transaction_1pc_bf_during_commit_order_enter, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ auto& sc(T::sc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ sc.provider().commit_order_enter_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_bf_abort;
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.will_replay_called() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == true);
+ sc.provider().commit_order_enter_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ // Replay from after_statement()
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.replays() > 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(not cc.current_error());
+ transaction_1pc_bf_after_before_commit,
+ replicating_client_fixture_async_rm)
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(tc.state(), wsrep::transaction::s_committing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == true);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_ordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(tc.state(), wsrep::transaction::s_committing);
+ // Clean up
+ cc.ordered_commit();
+ cc.after_commit();
+ cc.after_statement();
+// Test a 1PC transaction for which prepare data fails
+ transaction_1pc_error_during_prepare_data, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ cc.error_during_prepare_data_ = true;
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_size_exceeded_error);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error());
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets killed by DBMS before certification
+ transaction_1pc_killed_before_certify, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ cc.killed_before_certify_ = true;
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_interrupted_error);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error());
+// Test a transaction which gets BF aborted inside provider before
+// certification result is known. Replaying will be successful
+ transaction_bf_before_cert_result_replay_success,
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_bf_abort;
+ sc.provider().replay_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.will_replay_called() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test a transaction which gets BF aborted inside provider before
+// certification result is known. Replaying will fail because of
+// certification failure.
+ transaction_bf_before_cert_result_replay_cert_fail,
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_bf_abort;
+ sc.provider().replay_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.will_replay_called() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() );
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets BF aborted during before_commit via
+// provider after the write set was ordered and certified. This must
+// result replaying of transaction.
+ transaction_1pc_bf_during_before_commit_certified, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_server_state& sc(T::sc);
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_provider(sc, tc, wsrep::seqno(1));
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.will_replay_called() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == true);
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.replays() == 1);
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets BF aborted simultaneously with
+// certification failure. BF abort should not succeed as the
+// transaction is going to roll back anyway. Certification failure
+// should not generate seqno for write set meta.
+ transaction_1pc_bf_before_unordered_cert_failure, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_server_state& sc(T::sc);
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ cc.sync_point_enabled_ = "wsrep_before_certification";
+ cc.sync_point_action_ = wsrep::mock_client_service::spa_bf_abort_unordered;
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_cert_failed);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() );
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets "warning error" from certify call
+ transaction_1pc_warning_error_from_certify, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_server_state& sc(T::sc);
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_warning;
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_error_during_commit);
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets transaction missing from certify call
+ transaction_1pc_transaction_missing_from_certify, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_server_state& sc(T::sc);
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_transaction_missing;
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_error_during_commit);
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets size exceeded error from certify call
+ transaction_1pc_size_exceeded_from_certify, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_server_state& sc(T::sc);
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_size_exceeded;
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_error_during_commit);
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets connection failed error from certify call
+ transaction_1pc_connection_failed_from_certify, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_server_state& sc(T::sc);
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_connection_failed;
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_error_during_commit);
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets not allowed error from certify call
+ transaction_1pc_no_allowed_from_certify, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_server_state& sc(T::sc);
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_not_allowed;
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_error_during_commit);
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets fatal error from certify call
+ transaction_1pc_fatal_from_certify, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_server_state& sc(T::sc);
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_fatal;
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_error_during_commit);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.aborts() == 1);
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets unknown from certify call
+ transaction_1pc_unknown_from_certify, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_server_state& sc(T::sc);
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_unknown;
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_error_during_commit);
+// Test a 1PC transaction which gets BF aborted before grabbing lock
+// after certify call
+ transaction_1pc_bf_abort_before_certify_regain_lock, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ cc.sync_point_enabled_ = "wsrep_after_certification";
+ cc.sync_point_action_ = wsrep::mock_client_service::spa_bf_abort_ordered;
+ // Run before commit
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.will_replay_called() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == true);
+ // Rollback sequence
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ // Cleanup after statement
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.replays() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test a transaction which gets BF aborted before before_statement.
+ transaction_1pc_bf_before_before_statement, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::client_state& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ cc.after_statement();
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 1);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+// Test a transaction which gets BF aborted before after_statement.
+ transaction_1pc_bf_before_after_statement, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::client_state& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ // Start a new transaction with ID 1
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error());
+ transaction_1pc_bf_abort_after_after_statement, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::client_state& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_exec);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ transaction_1pc_autocommit_retry_bf_aborted,
+ replicating_client_fixture_autocommit)
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_exec);
+ transaction_1pc_bf_abort_after_after_command_before_result, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::client_state& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_exec);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_result);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ // The result is being sent to client. We need to mark transaction
+ // as must_abort but not override error yet as this might cause
+ // a race condition resulting incorrect result returned to the DBMS client.
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ // After the result has been sent to the DBMS client, the after result
+ // processing should roll back the transaction and set the error.
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_idle);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ cc.sync_rollback_complete();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ transaction_1pc_bf_abort_after_after_command_after_result_sync_rm,
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_exec);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_result);
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_idle);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ cc.sync_rollback_complete();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+// Check the case where client program calls wait_rollback_complete() to
+// gain control before before_command().
+ transaction_1pc_bf_abort_after_after_command_after_result_sync_rm_wait_rollback,
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_exec);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_result);
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_idle);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ cc.sync_rollback_complete();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_idle);
+ cc.wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_exec);
+ // Idempotent
+ cc.wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_exec);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+// Check the case where BF abort happens between client calls to
+// wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership()
+// and before before_command().
+ transaction_1pc_bf_abort_after_acquire_before_before_command_sync_rm,
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_exec);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_result);
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_idle);
+ cc.wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_exec);
+ // As the control is now on client, the BF abort must just change
+ // the state to s_must_abort.
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ transaction_1pc_bf_abort_after_after_command_after_result_async_rm,
+ replicating_client_fixture_async_rm)
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_exec);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_result);
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_idle);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+// Test before_command() with keep_command_error param
+// Failure free case is not affected by keep_command_error
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(transaction_keep_error, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.after_statement();
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ bool keep_command_error(true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command(keep_command_error) == 0);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ keep_command_error = false;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command(keep_command_error) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ cc.after_statement();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test before_command() with keep_command_error param
+// BF abort while idle
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.after_statement();
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_idle);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ cc.sync_rollback_complete();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ bool keep_command_error(true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command(keep_command_error) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ keep_command_error = false;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command(keep_command_error) == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test before_command() with keep_command_error param
+// BF abort after ownership is acquired and before before_command()
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(transaction_keep_error_bf_after_ownership, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.after_statement();
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ cc.wait_rollback_complete_and_acquire_ownership();
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ bool keep_command_error(true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command(keep_command_error) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ keep_command_error = false;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command(keep_command_error) == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test before_command() with keep_command_error param
+// BF abort right after before_command()
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(transaction_keep_error_bf_after_before_command, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.after_statement();
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ bool keep_command_error(true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command(keep_command_error) == 0);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ keep_command_error = false;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command(keep_command_error) == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test before_command() with keep_command_error param
+// BF abort right after after_command_before_result()
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(transaction_keep_error_bf_after_after_command_before_result, T,
+ replicating_fixtures, T)
+ wsrep::mock_client& cc(T::cc);
+ const wsrep::transaction& tc(T::tc);
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.after_statement();
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ bool keep_command_error(true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command(keep_command_error) == 0);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ keep_command_error = false;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_command(keep_command_error) == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ applying_client_fixture)
+ start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1),
+ wsrep::seqno(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_ordered_commit);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ cc.after_applying();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ applying_client_fixture)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ cc.after_applying();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test 1PC with row streaming with one row
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
+// Test 1PC with row streaming with one row
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.enable_streaming(
+ wsrep::streaming_context::row, 2) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
+// Test 1PC row streaming with two separate statements
+ transaction_row_streaming_1pc_commit_two_statements,
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 3);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
+// Fragments are removed in before_prepare in running transaction context.
+// In 1pc the before_prepare() is called from before_commit().
+// However, the BF abort may arrive during this removal and the
+// client_service::remove_fragments() may roll back the transaction
+// internally. This will cause the transaction to leave before_prepare()
+// in aborted state.
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ cc.bf_abort_during_fragment_removal_ = true;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ wsrep_test::terminate_streaming_applier(sc,,
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+// Test streaming rollback
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().rollback_fragments() == 1);
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* hps(
+ sc.find_streaming_applier(
+, wsrep::transaction_id(1)));
+ hps->rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ hps->after_apply();
+ sc.stop_streaming_applier(, wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ server_service.release_high_priority_service(hps);
+// Test streaming BF abort in executing state.
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().rolled_back());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement());
+ wsrep_test::terminate_streaming_applier(sc,,
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ transaction_row_streaming_total_order_bf_abort_executing,
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_in_total_order(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.bf_aborted_in_total_order());
+ // TO BF abort must not replicate rollback fragment,
+ // rollback must complete before TO is allowed to
+ // continue.
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().rollback_fragments() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().rolled_back());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement());
+ wsrep_test::terminate_streaming_applier(sc,,
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+// Test streaming certification failure during fragment replication
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 1);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().rollback_fragments() == 1);
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* hps(
+ sc.find_streaming_applier(
+, wsrep::transaction_id(1)));
+ hps->rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ hps->after_apply();
+ sc.stop_streaming_applier(, wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ server_service.release_high_priority_service(hps);
+// Test streaming certification failure during commit
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_cert_failed);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() );
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().rollback_fragments() == 1);
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* hps(
+ sc.find_streaming_applier(
+, wsrep::transaction_id(1)));
+ hps->rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ hps->after_apply();
+ sc.stop_streaming_applier(, wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ server_service.release_high_priority_service(hps);
+// Test streaming BF abort after succesful certification
+ transaction_row_streaming_bf_abort_during_commit_order_enter,
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ sc.provider().commit_order_enter_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_bf_abort;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(tc.state(), wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ sc.provider().commit_order_enter_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.will_replay_called() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
+// Test a streaming transaction which gets BF aborted inside provider before
+// certification result is known. Replaying will be successful
+ transaction_row_streaming_bf_before_cert_result_replay_success,
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_bf_abort;
+ sc.provider().replay_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.will_replay_called() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test a streaming transaction which gets BF aborted inside provider before
+// certification result is known. Replaying will fail because of
+// certification failure.
+ transaction_row_streaming_bf_before_cert_result_replay_cert_fail,
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_bf_abort;
+ sc.provider().replay_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.will_replay_called() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() );
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ streaming_client_fixture_byte)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ cc.bytes_generated_ = 1;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
+ streaming_client_fixture_byte)
+ cc.enable_streaming(
+ wsrep::streaming_context::bytes, 2) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
+ streaming_client_fixture_statement)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
+ streaming_client_fixture_statement)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
+ streaming_client_fixture_statement)
+ cc.enable_streaming(
+ wsrep::streaming_context::statement, 2) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
+ streaming_client_fixture_statement)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 0);
+ sc.provider().certify_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_deadlock_error);
+ // Note: Due to possible limitation in wsrep-API error codes
+ // or a bug in current Galera provider, rollback fragment may be
+ // replicated even in case of certification failure.
+ // If the limitation is lifted later on or the provider is fixed,
+ // the above check should be change for fragments == 0,
+ // rollback_fragments == 0.
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().rollback_fragments() == 1);
+ wsrep::high_priority_service* hps(
+ sc.find_streaming_applier(
+, wsrep::transaction_id(1)));
+ hps->rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ hps->after_apply();
+ sc.stop_streaming_applier(, wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ server_service.release_high_priority_service(hps);
+// misc //
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::transaction::s_executing) == "executing");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::transaction::s_preparing) == "preparing");
+ wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::transaction::s_certifying) == "certifying");
+ wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::transaction::s_committing) == "committing");
+ wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::transaction::s_ordered_commit) == "ordered_commit");
+ wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::transaction::s_committed) == "committed");
+ wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::transaction::s_cert_failed) == "cert_failed");
+ wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort) == "must_abort");
+ wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::transaction::s_aborting) == "aborting");
+ wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::transaction::s_aborted) == "aborted");
+ wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay) == "must_replay");
+ wsrep::to_string(
+ wsrep::transaction::s_replaying) == "replaying");
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/transaction_test_2pc.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/transaction_test_2pc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f95828d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/transaction_test_2pc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "client_state_fixture.hpp"
+// Test a succesful 2PC transaction lifecycle
+ replicating_client_fixture_2pc)
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_preparing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ws_meta().gtid().is_undefined() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_ordered_commit);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test a 2PC transaction which gets BF aborted before before_prepare
+ transaction_2pc_bf_before_before_prepare,
+ replicating_client_fixture_2pc)
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_prepare());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborting);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() );
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error());
+// Test a 2PC transaction which gets BF aborted before before_prepare
+ transaction_2pc_bf_before_after_prepare,
+ replicating_client_fixture_2pc)
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_preparing);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_ordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_prepare());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.will_replay_called() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test a 2PC transaction which gets BF aborted after_prepare() and
+// the rollback takes place before entering before_commit().
+ transaction_2pc_bf_after_after_prepare,
+ replicating_client_fixture_2pc)
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committing);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_ordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.will_replay_called() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test a 2PC transaction which gets BF aborted between after_prepare()
+// and before_commit()
+ transaction_2pc_bf_before_before_commit,
+ replicating_client_fixture_2pc)
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committing);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_ordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_abort);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.will_replay_called() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test a 2PC transaction which gets BF aborted when trying to grab
+// commit order.
+ transaction_2pc_bf_during_commit_order_enter,
+ replicating_client_fixture_2pc)
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_prepare() == 0);
+ sc.provider().commit_order_enter_result_ = wsrep::provider::error_bf_abort;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.will_replay_called() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == true);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == true);
+ sc.provider().commit_order_enter_result_ = wsrep::provider::success;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_rollback() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 3);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
+// Fragments are removed in before_prepare in running transaction context.
+// However, the BF abort may arrive during this removal and the
+// client_service::remove_fragments() may roll back the transaction
+// internally. This will cause the transaction to leave before_prepare()
+// in aborted state.
+ streaming_client_fixture_row)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ cc.bf_abort_during_fragment_removal_ = true;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_prepare());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ wsrep_test::terminate_streaming_applier(sc,,
+ wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ applying_client_fixture_2pc)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_preparing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_ordered_commit);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ cc.after_applying();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/transaction_test_xa.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/transaction_test_xa.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9fbad27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/transaction_test_xa.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+#include "client_state_fixture.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+// Test a successful XA transaction lifecycle
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ wsrep::xid xid(1, 9, 0, "test xid");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ cc.assign_xid(xid);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_preparing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ // certified() only after the last fragment
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_prepared);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ // XA START + PREPARE fragment
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_ordered_commit);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ // XA PREPARE and XA COMMIT fragments
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test detaching of XA transactions
+ replicating_two_clients_fixture_sync_rm)
+ wsrep::xid xid(1, 1, 1, "id");
+ cc1.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc1.assign_xid(xid);
+ cc1.before_prepare();
+ cc1.after_prepare();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ cc1.xa_detach();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc1.after_statement() == 0);
+ cc2.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(2));
+ cc2.assign_xid(xid);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc2.client_state::commit_by_xid(xid) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc2.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
+ // xa_detach() creates a streaming applier, clean it up
+ wsrep::mock_high_priority_service* hps(
+ static_cast<wsrep::mock_high_priority_service*>(
+ sc.find_streaming_applier(xid)));
+ hps->rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ hps->after_apply();
+ sc.stop_streaming_applier(, wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ server_service.release_high_priority_service(hps);
+ replicating_two_clients_fixture_sync_rm)
+ wsrep::xid xid(1, 1, 1, "id");
+ cc1.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc1.assign_xid(xid);
+ cc1.before_prepare();
+ cc1.after_prepare();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ cc1.xa_detach();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc1.after_statement() == 0);
+ cc2.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(2));
+ cc2.assign_xid(xid);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc2.rollback_by_xid(xid) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc2.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().rollback_fragments() == 1);
+ // xa_detach() creates a streaming applier, clean it up
+ wsrep::mock_high_priority_service* hps(
+ static_cast<wsrep::mock_high_priority_service*>(
+ sc.find_streaming_applier(xid)));
+ hps->rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ hps->after_apply();
+ sc.stop_streaming_applier(, wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ server_service.release_high_priority_service(hps);
+// Test XA replay
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ wsrep::xid xid(1, 1, 1, "id");
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.assign_xid(xid);
+ cc.before_prepare();
+ cc.after_prepare();
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_idle);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_prepared);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_must_replay);
+ // this is normally done by rollbacker
+ cc.xa_replay();
+ cc.sync_rollback_complete();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.unordered_replays() == 1);
+ // xa_replay() creates a streaming applier, clean it up
+ wsrep::mock_high_priority_service* hps(
+ static_cast<wsrep::mock_high_priority_service*>(
+ sc.find_streaming_applier(, wsrep::transaction_id(1))));
+ hps->rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ hps->after_apply();
+ sc.stop_streaming_applier(, wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ server_service.release_high_priority_service(hps);
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ wsrep::xid xid(1, 1, 1, "id");
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.assign_xid(xid);
+ cc.before_prepare();
+ cc.after_prepare();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_exec);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.unordered_replays() == 1);
+ // xa_replay() creates a streaming applier, clean it up
+ wsrep::mock_high_priority_service* hps(
+ static_cast<wsrep::mock_high_priority_service*>(
+ sc.find_streaming_applier(, wsrep::transaction_id(1))));
+ hps->rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ hps->after_apply();
+ sc.stop_streaming_applier(, wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ server_service.release_high_priority_service(hps);
+ replicating_client_fixture_sync_rm)
+ wsrep::xid xid(1, 1, 1, "id");
+ cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ cc.assign_xid(xid);
+ cc.before_prepare();
+ cc.after_prepare();
+ cc.after_command_before_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.state() == wsrep::client_state::s_result);
+ wsrep_test::bf_abort_unordered(cc);
+ cc.after_command_after_result();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.unordered_replays() == 1);
+ // xa_replay() creates a a streaming applier, clean it up
+ wsrep::mock_high_priority_service* hps(
+ static_cast<wsrep::mock_high_priority_service*>(
+ sc.find_streaming_applier(, wsrep::transaction_id(1))));
+ hps->rollback(wsrep::ws_handle(), wsrep::ws_meta());
+ hps->after_apply();
+ sc.stop_streaming_applier(, wsrep::transaction_id(1));
+ server_service.release_high_priority_service(hps);
+// Test a successful XA transaction lifecycle (applying side)
+ applying_client_fixture)
+ wsrep::xid xid(1, 9, 0, "test xid");
+ start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1), wsrep::seqno(1));
+ cc.assign_xid(xid);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_preparing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ws_meta().gtid().is_undefined() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_prepared);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_ordered_commit);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ cc.after_applying();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+// Test a successful XA transaction lifecycle
+ streaming_client_fixture_byte)
+ wsrep::xid xid(1, 9, 0, "test xid");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.start_transaction(wsrep::transaction_id(1)) == 0);
+ cc.assign_xid(xid);
+ cc.bytes_generated_ = 1;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_row() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.streaming_context().fragments_certified() == 1);
+ // XA START fragment with data
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_executing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_preparing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_prepare() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_prepared);
+ // XA PREPARE fragment
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.before_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committing);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.ordered_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_ordered_commit);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_commit() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.state() == wsrep::transaction::s_committed);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.after_statement() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE( == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.ordered() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tc.certified() == false);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cc.current_error() == wsrep::e_success);
+ // XA START fragment (with data), XA PREPARE fragment and XA COMMIT fragment
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().fragments() == 3);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().start_fragments() == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(sc.provider().commit_fragments() == 1);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/view_test.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/view_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1cab1e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/view_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/view.hpp"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member> members;
+ members.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("1"), "", ""));
+ members.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("2"), "", ""));
+ members.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("3"), "", ""));
+ wsrep::view view(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("cluster"), wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(1),
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ members);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(view.member_index(wsrep::id("1")) == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(view.member_index(wsrep::id("2")) == 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(view.member_index(wsrep::id("3")) == 2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(view.member_index(wsrep::id("4")) == -1);
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member> m1;
+ m1.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("1"), "", ""));
+ m1.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("2"), "", ""));
+ m1.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("3"), "", ""));
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member> m2;
+ m2.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("2"), "", ""));
+ m2.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("3"), "", ""));
+ m2.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("1"), "", ""));
+ std::vector<wsrep::view::member> m3;
+ m3.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("1"), "", ""));
+ m3.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("2"), "", ""));
+ m3.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("3"), "", ""));
+ m3.push_back(wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("4"), "", ""));
+ wsrep::view v1(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("cluster"), wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(1),
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ m1);
+ wsrep::view v2(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("cluster"), wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(1),
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ m2);
+ wsrep::view v3(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("cluster"), wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(1),
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ m3);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(v1.equal_membership(v2));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(v2.equal_membership(v1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(!v1.equal_membership(v3));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(!v3.equal_membership(v1));
+ wsrep::view view(wsrep::gtid(wsrep::id("cluster"), wsrep::seqno(1)),
+ wsrep::seqno(1),
+ wsrep::view::primary,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ { wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("1"), "", ""),
+ wsrep::view::member(wsrep::id("2"), "", "") });
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(view.is_member(wsrep::id("2")));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(view.is_member(wsrep::id("1")));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(not view.is_member(wsrep::id("0")));
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/wsrep-lib_test.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/wsrep-lib_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4eedaa30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/wsrep-lib_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file wsrep-lib_test.cpp
+ *
+ * Run wsrep-lib unit tests.
+ *
+ * Commandline arguments:
+ *
+ * --wsrep-log-file=<file> Write log from wsrep-lib logging facility
+ * into <file>. If <file> is left empty, the
+ * log is written into stdout.
+ * --wsrep-debug-level=<int> Set debug level
+ * See wsrep::log::debug_level for valid values
+ */
+#include "wsrep/logger.hpp"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
+// Log file to write messages logged via wsrep-lib logging facility.
+static std::string log_file_name("wsrep-lib_test.log");
+static std::ofstream log_file;
+// Debug log level for wsrep-lib logging
+static std::string debug_log_level;
+static void log_fn(wsrep::log::level level,
+ const char* pfx,
+ const char* msg)
+ log_file << wsrep::log::to_c_string(level) << " " << pfx << msg << std::endl;
+static bool parse_arg(const std::string& arg)
+ const std::string delim("=");
+ auto delim_pos(arg.find(delim));
+ const auto parm(arg.substr(0, delim_pos));
+ std::string val;
+ if (delim_pos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ val = arg.substr(delim_pos + 1);
+ }
+ if (parm == "--wsrep-log-file")
+ {
+ log_file_name = val;
+ }
+ else if (parm == "--wsrep-debug-level")
+ {
+ debug_log_level = val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Error: Unknown argument " << arg << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool setup_env(int argc, char* argv[])
+ for (int i(1); i < argc; ++i)
+ {
+ if (parse_arg(argv[i]) == false)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (log_file_name.size())
+ {
+ if (!log_file)
+ {
+ int err(errno);
+ std::cerr << "Failed to open '" << log_file_name
+ << "': '" << ::strerror(err) << "'" << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Writing wsrep-lib log into '" << log_file_name << "'"
+ << std::endl;
+ wsrep::log::logger_fn(log_fn);
+ }
+ if (debug_log_level.size())
+ {
+ int level = std::stoi(debug_log_level);
+ std::cout << "Setting debug level '" << level << "'" << std::endl;
+ wsrep::log::debug_log_level(level);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool init_unit_test()
+ return setup_env(boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argc,
+ boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argv);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/test/xid_test.cpp b/wsrep-lib/test/xid_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce2ffab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/test/xid_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-lib.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "wsrep/xid.hpp"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+ wsrep::xid null_xid;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(null_xid.is_null());
+ wsrep::xid test_xid(1,0,0,nullptr);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(!test_xid.is_null());
+ wsrep::xid a(1,1,1,"ab");
+ wsrep::xid b(1,1,1,"ab");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(a == b);
+ wsrep::xid a;
+ wsrep::xid b;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(a == b);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(a.is_null());
+ wsrep::xid a(1,1,0,"a");
+ wsrep::xid b(1,0,1,"a");
+ wsrep::xid c(-1,1,0,"a");
+ wsrep::xid d(1,1,0,"b");
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(!(a == b));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(!(a == c));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(!(a == d));
+ wsrep::xid null_xid;
+ wsrep::xid to_clear(1, 1, 0, "a");
+ to_clear.clear();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(to_clear.is_null());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(null_xid == to_clear);
+ wsrep::xid null_xid;
+ std::stringstream null_xid_str;
+ null_xid_str << null_xid;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(null_xid_str.str() == "");
+ wsrep::xid test_xid(1,4,0,"test");
+ std::string xid_str(to_string(test_xid));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(xid_str == "test");
+static bool exception_check(const wsrep::runtime_error&)
+ return true;
+ std::string s(65,'a');
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(wsrep::xid a(1, 65, 0, s.c_str()),
+ wsrep::runtime_error, exception_check);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(wsrep::xid b(1, 0, 65, s.c_str()),
+ wsrep::runtime_error, exception_check);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/CMakeLists.txt b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51bf81af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ v26/wsrep_dummy.c
+ v26/wsrep_gtid.c
+ v26/wsrep_loader.c
+ v26/wsrep_uuid.c
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/.gitignore b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ec5efc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/CMakeLists.txt b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd66d989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wconversion")
+SET(WSREP_SOURCES wsrep_gtid.c wsrep_uuid.c wsrep_loader.c wsrep_dummy.c)
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/CONTRIBUTORS.txt b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2943b885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+All contributors are required to add their name and [Github username/email]
+to this file in connection with their first contribution. If you are making
+a contribution on behalf of a company, you should add the said company name.
+By adding your name and [Github username/email] to this file you agree that
+your contribution is a contribution under a contributor agreement between
+you and Codership Oy. To the extent that you are an employee of a company and
+contribute in that role, you confirm that your contribution is a contribution
+under the contribution license agreement between your employer and Codership
+Oy; and that you have the authorization to give such confirmation. You confirm
+that you have read, understood and signed the contributor license agreement
+applicable to you.
+For the individual contributor agreement see file CONTRIBUTOR_AGREEMENT.txt
+in the same directory as this file.
+Authors from Codership Oy:
+ * Seppo Jaakola <>, Codership Oy
+ * Teemu Ollakka <>, Codership Oy
+ * Alexey Yurchenko <>, Codership Oy
+ * Mario Karuza <>, Codership Oy
+ * Daniele Sciascia <>, Codership Oy
+ [Codership employees, add name and email/username above this line, but leave this line intact]
+Other contributors:
+ [add name and email/username above this line, but leave this line intact]
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/CONTRIBUTOR_AGREEMENT.txt b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/CONTRIBUTOR_AGREEMENT.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bdec2fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/CONTRIBUTOR_AGREEMENT.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+ Codership
+ Contributor License Agreement
+ Codership CLA
+Thank you for your interest in contributing to Galera Cluster, a project
+managed by Codership Oy, a legal entity established under Finnish laws, with
+its principal address at Pohjolankatu 64 A, 00600 Helsinki Finland ("We", "Us"
+or "Our").
+This contributor agreement ("Agreement") documents the rights granted by
+contributors to Us. To make this document effective, please either accept it
+in an electronic service such as or sign and scan it and send it to
+Us by email. This is a legally binding document, so please read it carefully
+before agreeing to it. This Agreement covers the Galera Cluster project: the
+Galera library, the wsrep-lib library, the wsrep-API library, the Wsrep patch
+for MySQL and other eventual patches to MySQL or other technologies.
+1. Definitions
+"You" means the individual who Submits a Contribution to Us or the Legal
+Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been Submitted to Us. "Legal
+Entity" means an entity which is not a natural person. "Affiliates" means
+other Legal Entities that control, are controlled by, or under common control
+with that Legal Entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means
+(i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of
+such Legal Entity, whether by contract or otherwise, (ii) ownership of fifty
+percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares or securities which vote to
+elect the management or other persons who direct such Legal Entity or (iii)
+beneficial ownership of such entity.
+"Contribution" means any work of authorship that is Submitted by You to Us in
+which You own or assert ownership of the Copyright. If You do not own the
+Copyright in the entire work of authorship, you need to have a separate
+permission from Us.
+"Copyright" means all rights protecting works of authorship owned or
+controlled by You, including copyright, moral and neighboring rights, as
+appropriate, for the full term of their existence including any extensions by
+"Material" means the work of authorship which is made available by Us to third
+parties, i.e. the Galera library, the Wsrep patch for MySQL; other eventual
+patches to MySQL; other eventual patches to other database technologies; all
+these together with a database technology, such as MySQL, or its
+derivatives. After You Submit the Contribution, it may be included in the
+"Submit" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+to Us or our representatives, including but not limited to electronic mailing
+lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are
+managed by, or on behalf of, Us for the purpose of discussing and improving
+the Material, provided that such communication is (i) conspicuously marked or
+otherwise designated in writing by You or Your employee as a "Contribution" or
+(ii) submitted in source code control system pursuant to Section 3 (e).
+"Submission Date" means the date on which You Submit a Contribution to Us.
+"Effective Date" means the date You execute this Agreement or the date You
+first Submit a Contribution to Us, whichever is earlier.
+"Media" means any portion of a Contribution which is not software.
+2. Grant of Rights
+2.1 Copyright License
+(a) You retain ownership of the Copyright in Your Contribution and have the
+same rights to use or license the Contribution which You would have had
+without entering into the Agreement. In case we have in writing permitted
+submitting a sublicense to licensed rights, You will not transfer the original
+license, but grant us a sublicense in accordance with this Agreement.
+(b) To the maximum extent permitted by the relevant law, You grant to Us a
+perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, irrevocable
+license under the Copyright covering the Contribution, with the right to
+sublicense such rights through multiple tiers of sublicensees, to reproduce,
+modify, display, perform and distribute the Contribution as part of the
+Material; provided that this license is conditioned upon compliance with
+Section 2.3.
+2.2 Patent License
+For patent claims including, without limitation, method, process, and
+apparatus claims which You, or in case You are a Legal Entity, You or Your
+Affiliates, own, control or have the right to grant, now or in the future, You
+grant to Us a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free,
+irrevocable patent license, with the right to sublicense these rights to
+multiple tiers of sublicensees, to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale,
+import and otherwise transfer the Contribution and the Contribution in
+combination with the Material (and portions of such combination). This license
+is granted only to the extent that the exercise of the licensed rights
+infringes such patent claims; and provided that this license is conditioned
+upon compliance with Section 2.3.
+2.3 Outbound License
+As a condition on the grant of rights in Sections 2.1 and 2.2, to the extent
+we include Your Contribution or a part of it in a Material, we agree to
+license the Contribution under the terms of the license or licenses which We
+are using on the Submission Date for the Material or any licenses which are
+approved by the Open Source Initiative ("OSI") on or after the Effective Date,
+including both permissive and copyleft licenses, whether or not such licenses
+are subsequently disapproved (including any right to adopt any future version
+of a license if approved by the OSI). For clarity, this entitles us to license
+Your Contribution also under a permissive open source license, such as the MIT
+license, and include binaries created under the MIT license in a proprietary
+licensed whole.
+In addition to above defined licenses, We may use the following licenses for
+Media in the Contribution: Creative Commons BY 3.0 or Creative Commons BY-SA
+3.0 (including the right to adopt any future version of a license).
+2.4 Moral Rights.
+If moral rights apply to the Contribution, to the maximum extent permitted by
+law, You waive and agree not to assert such moral rights against Us or our
+successors in interest, or any of our licensees, either direct or indirect.
+2.5 Enforcement.
+You, as a copyright holder to Your Contribution, hereby authorize us to
+enforce the OSI approved license applied by Us to a Material, but only to the
+extent Your Contribution has been included in a Material and always subject to
+Our free discretion on whether such enforcement is necessary or not.
+2.6 Our Rights.
+You acknowledge that We are not obligated to use Your Contribution as part of
+the Material and may decide to include any Contribution We consider
+2.7 Reservation of Rights.
+Any rights not expressly licensed under this section are expressly reserved by
+3. Agreement
+You confirm that:
+(a) You have the legal authority to enter into this Agreement.
+(b) You or Your Affiliates, own the Copyright and patent claims covering the
+ Contribution which are required to grant the rights under Section 2.
+(c) The grant of rights under Section 2 does not violate any grant of rights
+ which You or Your Affiliates have made to third parties, including Your
+ employer. If You are an employee, You have had Your employer approve this
+ Agreement or sign the Entity version of this document. If You are less
+ than eighteen years old, please have Your parents or guardian sign the
+ Agreement.
+(d) You have not Submitted any Code You do not own without written permission
+ from US.
+(e) All pull or merge requests issued under usernames confirmed by You in
+ writing are issued by You; and all such pull or merge requests contain
+ Your Contributions under this Agreement. You will notify Us in writing in
+ the event of You no longer control such usernames.
+4. Disclaimer
+5. Consequential Damage Waiver
+6. Miscellaneous
+6.1 This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the
+laws of Finland excluding its conflicts of law provisions. Under certain
+circumstances, the governing law in this section might be superseded by the
+United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
+("UN Convention") and the parties intend to avoid the application of the UN
+Convention to this Agreement and, thus, exclude the application of the UN
+Convention in its entirety to this Agreement.
+6.2 Any and all Submissions done by You prior to execution of this Agreement
+shall be nonetheless covered by this Agreement.
+6.3 This Agreement sets out the entire agreement between You and Us for Your
+Contributions to Us and overrides all other agreements or understandings.
+6.4 If You or We assign the rights or obligations received through this
+Agreement to a third party, as a condition of the assignment, that third party
+must agree in writing to abide by all the rights and obligations in the
+6.5 The failure of either party to require performance by the other party of
+any provision of this Agreement in one situation shall not affect the right of
+a party to require such performance at any time in the future. A waiver of
+performance under a provision in one situation shall not be considered a
+waiver of the performance of the provision in the future or a waiver of the
+provision in its entirety.
+6.6 If any provision of this Agreement is found void and unenforceable, such
+provision will be replaced to the extent possible with a provision that comes
+closest to the meaning of the original provision and which is enforceable.
+The terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement shall apply
+notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of this Agreement or any
+limited remedy to the maximum extent possible under law.
+This document has been drafted based on Harmony Inividual Contributor License
+Agreement (HA-CLA-I) Version 1.0 July 4, 2011. HA-CLA-I is available from and is licensed by under Creative Commons Attribution
+3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/COPYING b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/COPYING
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27664805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Write Set Replication API specification
+cmake [-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug|Release] . && make [VERBOSE=1]
+in top directory.
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6e33b78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(listener listener.c)
+TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(listener wsrep dl pthread)
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1b20744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+## wsrep API usage examples
+### 1. Listener
+Is a simple program that connects and listens to replication events in
+an existing cluster.
+Usage example (starting listener on the same host as the rest of the cluster):
+$ ./listener /path_to/ gcomm://localhost:4567?gmcast.listen_addr=tcp:// cluster_name
+### 2. Node
+Is a more complex program which implements most of wsrep node functionality
+and can form clusters in itself.
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/listener.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/listener.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fc881fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/listener.c
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2012 Codership Oy <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+/*! @file Example of wsrep event listener. Outputs description of received
+ * events to stdout. To get a general picture you should start with
+ * main() function. */
+#include <wsrep_api.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+/*! This is global application context, it will be used by wsrep callbacks */
+struct application_context
+static struct application_context global_ctx;
+/*! This is receiving thread context, it will be used by wsrep callbacks */
+struct receiver_context
+ char msg[4096];
+/* wsrep provider handle (global for simplicty) */
+static wsrep_t* wsrep = NULL;
+/*! This is a logger callback which library will be using to log events. */
+static void
+logger_cb (wsrep_log_level_t level __attribute__((unused)), const char* msg)
+ fprintf (stderr, "WSREP: %s\n", msg);
+/*! This will be called on cluster view change (nodes joining, leaving, etc.).
+ * Each view change is the point where application may be pronounced out of
+ * sync with the current cluster view and need state transfer.
+ * It is guaranteed that no other callbacks are called concurrently with it. */
+static wsrep_cb_status_t
+view_cb (void* app_ctx __attribute__((unused)),
+ void* recv_ctx __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_view_info_t* view,
+ const char* state __attribute__((unused)),
+ size_t state_len __attribute__((unused)))
+ printf ("New cluster membership view: %d nodes, my index is %d, "
+ "global seqno: %lld\n",
+ view->memb_num, view->my_idx, (long long)view->state_id.seqno);
+/*! This will be called on cluster view change (nodes joining, leaving, etc.).
+ * Each view change is the point where application may be pronounced out of
+ * sync with the current cluster view and need state transfer.
+ * It is guaranteed that no other callbacks are called concurrently with it. */
+static wsrep_cb_status_t
+sst_request_cb (void* app_ctx __attribute__((unused)),
+ void** sst_req,
+ size_t* sst_req_len)
+ /* For simplicity we're skipping state transfer by using magic string
+ * as a state transfer request.
+ * This node will not be considered JOINED (having full state)
+ * by other cluster members. */
+ *sst_req = strdup(WSREP_STATE_TRANSFER_NONE);
+ if (*sst_req)
+ *sst_req_len = strlen(*sst_req) + 1;
+ else
+ *sst_req_len = 0;
+/*! This is called to "apply" writeset.
+ * If writesets don't conflict on keys, it may be called concurrently to
+ * utilize several CPU cores. */
+static wsrep_cb_status_t
+apply_cb (void* recv_ctx,
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle __attribute__((unused)),
+ uint32_t flags __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_buf_t* ws __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_trx_meta_t* meta,
+ wsrep_bool_t* exit_loop __attribute__((unused)))
+ struct receiver_context* ctx = (struct receiver_context*)recv_ctx;
+ snprintf (ctx->msg, sizeof(ctx->msg),
+ "Got writeset %lld, size %zu", (long long)meta->gtid.seqno,
+ ws->len);
+ bool const commit = flags & (WSREP_FLAG_TRX_END | WSREP_FLAG_ROLLBACK);
+ wsrep->commit_order_enter(wsrep, ws_handle, meta);
+ if (commit) puts(ctx->msg);
+ wsrep->commit_order_leave(wsrep, ws_handle, meta, NULL);
+/* The following callbacks are stubs and not used in this example. */
+static wsrep_cb_status_t
+unordered_cb(void* recv_ctx __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_buf_t* data __attribute__((unused)))
+static wsrep_cb_status_t
+sst_donate_cb (void* app_ctx __attribute__((unused)),
+ void* recv_ctx __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_buf_t* msg __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* state_id __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_buf_t* state __attribute__((unused)),
+ wsrep_bool_t bypass __attribute__((unused)))
+static wsrep_cb_status_t synced_cb (void* app_ctx __attribute__((unused)))
+/* This is the listening thread. It blocks in wsrep::recv() call until
+ * disconnect from cluster. It will apply and commit writesets through the
+ * callbacks defined avbove. */
+static void*
+recv_thread (void* arg)
+ struct receiver_context* ctx = (struct receiver_context*)arg;
+ wsrep_status_t rc = wsrep->recv(wsrep, ctx);
+ fprintf (stderr, "Receiver exited with code %d", rc);
+ return NULL;
+/* This is a signal handler to demonstrate graceful cluster leave. */
+static void
+graceful_leave (int signum)
+ printf ("Got signal %d, exiting...\n", signum);
+ wsrep->disconnect(wsrep);
+int main (int const argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc < 4 || argc > 5)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s </path/to/wsrep/provider> <wsrep URI> "
+ "<cluster name> [own address]\n", argv[0]);
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ const char* const wsrep_provider = argv[1];
+ const char* const wsrep_uri = argv[2];
+ const char* const cluster_name = argv[3];
+ const char* const own_address = argc == 5 ? argv[4] : "localhost";
+ /* Now let's load and initialize provider */
+ wsrep_status_t rc = wsrep_load (wsrep_provider, &wsrep, logger_cb);
+ if (WSREP_OK != rc)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Failed to load wsrep provider '%s'\n",wsrep_provider);
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ wsrep_gtid_t state_id = { WSREP_UUID_UNDEFINED, WSREP_SEQNO_UNDEFINED };
+ /* wsrep provider initialization arguments */
+ struct wsrep_init_args wsrep_args =
+ {
+ .app_ctx = &global_ctx,
+ .node_name = "example listener",
+ .node_address = own_address,
+ .node_incoming = "",
+ .data_dir = ".", // working directory
+ .options = "",
+ .proto_ver = 127, // maximum supported application event protocol
+ .state_id = &state_id,
+ .state = NULL,
+ .logger_cb = logger_cb,
+ .view_cb = view_cb,
+ .sst_request_cb = sst_request_cb,
+ .encrypt_cb = NULL,
+ .apply_cb = apply_cb,
+ .unordered_cb = unordered_cb,
+ .sst_donate_cb = sst_donate_cb,
+ .synced_cb = synced_cb
+ };
+ rc = wsrep->init(wsrep, &wsrep_args);
+ if (WSREP_OK != rc)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "wsrep::init() failed: %d\n", rc);
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ /* Connect to cluster */
+ rc = wsrep->connect(wsrep, cluster_name, wsrep_uri, "", 0);
+ if (0 != rc)
+ {
+ if (rc < 0)
+ fprintf (stderr, "wsrep::connect(%s, %s) failed: %d (%s)\n",
+ cluster_name, wsrep_uri, rc, strerror(-(int)rc));
+ else
+ fprintf (stderr, "wsrep::connect() failed: %d\n", rc);
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ /* Now let's start several listening threads*/
+ int const num_threads = 4;
+ struct receiver_context thread_ctx[num_threads];
+ pthread_t threads[num_threads];
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
+ {
+ int err = pthread_create (
+ &threads[i], NULL, recv_thread, &thread_ctx[i]);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Failed to start thread %d: %d (%s)",
+ i, err, strerror(err));
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ }
+ signal (SIGTERM, graceful_leave);
+ signal (SIGINT, graceful_leave);
+ /* Listening threads are now running and receiving writesets. Wait for them
+ * to join. Threads will join after signal handler closes wsrep connection*/
+ for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
+ {
+ pthread_join (threads[i], NULL);
+ }
+ /* Unload provider after nobody uses it any more. */
+ wsrep_unload (wsrep);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/CMakeLists.txt b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/CMakeLists.txt
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index 00000000..d018afde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ "*.h"
+ "*.c"
+ )
+TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(node wsrep dl pthread)
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/
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+# wsrep API node application
+## Overview
+This is a simple application to demonstrate the usage of wsrep API. It
+deliberately does nothing useful in order to present as concentrated and
+concise API usage as possible.
+The program is deliberately written in C to demonstrate the naked API usage.
+For C++ example see a much more advanced integration library at
+## High level architecture
+Process-wise the program consists of an endless main loop that periodically
+samples and prints performance stats and a configurable number of "master" and
+"slave" threads, with master threads loop executing "transactions" and
+replicating resulting "write sets" and slave threads receiving and processing
+the write sets from other nodes.
+Object-wise the program is composed of two main objects: `store` and `wsrep`.
+'store' object contains application "state" and generates and commits changes
+to the state. `wsrep` object contains cluster context and provides interface
+to it. Changes generated by `store` are replicated and certified through
+`wsrep` and then committed to `store`.
+## Unit descriptions (in alphabetical order)
+#### ctx.h
+A small header to declare the application context structure.
+#### log.*
+Implements logging functionality for the application AND
+**a logging callback** for the wsrep provider.
+#### main.c
+Defines `main()` routine that initializes storage and wsrep provider, starts
+the worker threads and loops in a statistics collection loop. Even though it is
+not designed to return it still shows the deinitialization order.
+#### options.*
+Implements reading configuration options from the command line, does not have
+anything related to wsrep API, but shows which additional parameters must be
+configured for the program to make use of wsrep clustering.
+#### socket.*
+Network sockets boilerplate code for setting TCP connections between processes
+(for SST). Has nothing wsrep-related and can be ignored.
+#### sst.*
+Defines **SST callbacks** for the wsrep provider and shows how to asynchronously
+implement state snapshot transfer (yes, you don't want to spend eternity in
+#### stats.*
+Implements performance stats collecting function for the main loop. While it is
+an absolutely optional provider functionality, still it shows how to use that.
+#### store.*
+Defines the `store` object that pretends to store and modify some data in a
+"transactional" manner. It provides the caller that intends to do a change with
+a *change data* and a *key* for replication and certification.
+#### trx.*
+Defines routines to process local and replicated transactions.
+#### worker.*
+Implements worker thread pool functinality. Worker threads run routines defined
+in 'trx.*'. Also implements **apply callback** for the wsrep provider.
+#### wsrep.*
+Maintains wsrep cluster context: provider instance and cluster membership view.
+While there is little use for the latter in this primitive application, still
+it shows **connected and view callbacks** usage. But mostly, for this
+application its purpose is to initialize the provider, connect to the cluster
+and offer access to initialized provider for other parts of the program.
+## Example usage
+./node -f /tmp/galera/0 -v /tmp/galera/0/galera/lib/ -o 'pc.weight=2;evs.send_window=2;evs.user_send_window=1;gcache.recover=no' -s 8 -m 16
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/ctx.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/ctx.h
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/ctx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * @file This unit defines application context for wsrep provider
+ */
+#ifndef NODE_CTX_H
+#define NODE_CTX_H
+#include "store.h"
+#include "wsrep.h"
+struct node_ctx
+ node_wsrep_t* wsrep;
+ node_store_t* store;
+ const struct node_options* opts;
+#endif /* NODE_CTX_H */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/log.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/log.c
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/log.c
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "log.h"
+#include <stdio.h> // fprintf(), fflush()
+#include <sys/time.h> // gettimeofday()
+#include <time.h> // localtime_r()
+#include <stdarg.h> // va_start(), va_end()
+wsrep_log_level_t node_log_max_level = WSREP_LOG_INFO;
+static const char* log_level_str[WSREP_LOG_DEBUG + 2] =
+ "FATAL: ",
+ "ERROR: ",
+ " WARN: ",
+ " INFO: ",
+ "DEBUG: ",
+ "XXXXX: "
+static inline void
+log_timestamp_and_log(const char* const prefix, // source of msg
+ int const severity,
+ const char* const msg)
+ struct tm date;
+ struct timeval time;
+ gettimeofday(&time, NULL);
+ localtime_r (&time.tv_sec, &date);
+ FILE* log_file = stderr;
+ fprintf(log_file,
+ "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d " /* timestamp fmt */
+ "[%s] %s%s\n", /* [prefix] severity msg */
+ date.tm_year + 1900, date.tm_mon + 1, date.tm_mday,
+ date.tm_hour, date.tm_min, date.tm_sec,
+ (int)time.tv_usec / 1000,
+ prefix, log_level_str[severity], msg
+ );
+ fflush (log_file);
+node_log_cb(wsrep_log_level_t const severity, const char* const msg)
+ /* REPLICATION: let provider log messages be prefixed with 'wsrep'*/
+ log_timestamp_and_log("wsrep", severity, msg);
+node_log(wsrep_log_level_t const severity,
+ const char* const file,
+ const char* const function,
+ int const line,
+ ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ char string[2048];
+ int max_string = sizeof(string);
+ char* str = string;
+ /* provide file:func():line info only if debug logging is on */
+ int const len = snprintf(str, (size_t)max_string, "%s:%s():%d: ",
+ file, function, line);
+ str += len;
+ max_string -= len;
+ }
+ va_start(ap, line);
+ {
+ const char* format = va_arg (ap, const char*);
+ if (max_string > 0 && NULL != format) {
+ vsnprintf (str, (size_t)max_string, format, ap);
+ }
+ }
+ va_end(ap);
+ /* actual logging */
+ log_timestamp_and_log(" node", severity, string);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/log.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/log.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09404f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/log.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * @file This unit defines logging macros for the application and
+ * a logger callback for the wsrep provider.
+ */
+#ifndef NODE_LOG_H
+#define NODE_LOG_H
+#include "../../wsrep_api.h"
+ * REPLICATION: a logger callback for wsrep provider
+ */
+extern void
+node_log_cb(wsrep_log_level_t severity, const char* message);
+ * Applicaton log function intended to be used through the macros defined below.
+ * For simplicity it uses log levels defined by wsrep API, but it does not have
+ * to. */
+extern void
+node_log (wsrep_log_level_t level,
+ const char* file,
+ const char* function,
+ const int line,
+ ...);
+ * This variable made global to avoid calling node_log() when debug logging
+ * is disabled. */
+extern wsrep_log_level_t node_log_max_level;
+#define NODE_DO_LOG_DEBUG (WSREP_LOG_DEBUG <= node_log_max_level)
+ * Base logging macro that records current file, function and line number */
+#define NODE_LOG(level, ...)\
+ node_log(level, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__, NULL)
+ * @name Logging macros.
+ * Must be implemented as macros to report the location of the code where
+ * they are called.
+ */
+#define NODE_DEBUG(...) if (NODE_DO_LOG_DEBUG) \
+#endif /* NODE_LOG_H */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/main.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3124042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "ctx.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "options.h"
+#include "stats.h"
+#include "worker.h"
+#include "wsrep.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <signal.h> // sigaction()
+#include <string.h> // strerror()
+static void
+signal_handler(int const signum)
+ NODE_INFO("Got signal %d. Terminating.", signum);
+static void
+ sigset_t sa_mask;
+ sigemptyset(&sa_mask);
+ struct sigaction const act =
+ {
+ .sa_handler = signal_handler,
+ .sa_mask = sa_mask,
+ .sa_flags = (int)SA_RESETHAND
+ };
+ if (sigaction(SIGINT /* Ctrl-C */, &act, NULL))
+ {
+ NODE_INFO("sigaction() failed: %d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno));
+ abort();
+ }
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ install_signal_handler();
+ struct node_options opts;
+ int err = node_options_read(argc, argv, &opts);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to read command line opritons: %d (%s)",
+ err, strerror(err));
+ return err;
+ }
+ struct node_ctx node;
+ node.opts = &opts;
+ /* REPLICATION: before connecting to cluster we need to initialize our
+ * storage to know our current position (GTID) */
+ = node_store_open(&opts);
+ if (!
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to open node store");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ wsrep_gtid_t current_gtid;
+ node_store_gtid(, &current_gtid);
+ /* REPLICATION: complete initialization of application context
+ * (including provider itself) */
+ node.wsrep = node_wsrep_init(&opts, &current_gtid, &node);
+ if (!node.wsrep)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to initialize wsrep provider");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: now we can connect to the cluster and start receiving
+ * replication events */
+ if (node_wsrep_connect(node.wsrep, opts.address, opts.bootstrap) !=
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to connect to primary component");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: and start processing replicaiton events */
+ struct node_worker_pool* slave_pool =
+ node_worker_start(&node, NODE_WORKER_SLAVE, (size_t)opts.slaves);
+ if (!slave_pool)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to create slave worker pool");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: now that replicaton events are being processed we can
+ * wait to sync with the cluster */
+ if (!node_wsrep_wait_synced(node.wsrep))
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to wait fir SYNCED event");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ NODE_INFO("Synced with cluster");
+ /* REPLICATION: now we can start replicate own events */
+ struct node_worker_pool* master_pool =
+ node_worker_start(&node, NODE_WORKER_MASTER, (size_t)opts.masters);
+ if (opts.masters > 0 && !master_pool)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to create master worker pool");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ node_stats_loop(&node, (int)opts.period);
+ /* REPLICATON: to shut down we go in the opposite order:
+ * first - disconnect from the cluster to signal master threads
+ * to exit loop,
+ * second - join master and slave threads,
+ * third - close provider once not in use */
+ node_wsrep_disconnect(node.wsrep);
+ node_worker_stop(master_pool);
+ node_worker_stop(slave_pool);
+ node_wsrep_close(node.wsrep);
+ /* and finally, when the storage can no longer be disturbed, close it */
+ node_store_close(;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..40e0a498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#!/bin/sh -eu
+rm -rf $NODE_DIR/*
+mkdir -p $NODE_DIR
+NODE_PORT=${NODE_PORT:-$((10000 + $NODE_ID))}
+NODE_BIN=${NODE_BIN:-$(dirname $0)/node}
+# convert possible relative path to absolute path
+set -x
+-n "$NODE_NAME" \
+-f "$NODE_DIR" \
+-o "$NODE_OPT" \
+-t "$NODE_HOST" \
+-p $NODE_PORT \
+-d 10 \
+-a "$NODE_ADDR"
+set +x
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/options.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/options.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bd08ffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/options.c
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "options.h"
+#include <ctype.h> // isspace()
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h> // strtol()
+#include <string.h> // strcmp()
+ * getopt_long() declarations begin
+ */
+#define OPTS_NA no_argument
+#define OPTS_RA required_argument
+#define OPTS_OA optional_argument
+typedef enum opt
+ OPTS_DELAY = 'd',
+ OPTS_DATA_DIR = 'f',
+ OPTS_HELP = 'h',
+ OPTS_PERIOD = 'i',
+ OPTS_NAME = 'n',
+ OPTS_SLAVES = 's',
+ OPTS_WS_SIZE = 'w',
+ OPTS_OPS = 'x'
+ opt_t;
+static struct option s_opts[] =
+ { "address", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_ADDRESS },
+ { "bootstrap", OPTS_NA, NULL, OPTS_BOOTSTRAP },
+ { "delay", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_DELAY },
+ { "storage", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_DATA_DIR },
+ { "help", OPTS_NA, NULL, OPTS_HELP },
+ { "period", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_PERIOD },
+ { "masters", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_MASTERS },
+ { "name", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_NAME },
+ { "options", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_OPTIONS, },
+ { "base-port", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_BASE_PORT },
+ { "records", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_RECORDS },
+ { "slaves", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_SLAVES },
+ { "base-host", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_BASE_HOST },
+ { "provider", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_PROVIDER },
+ { "size", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_WS_SIZE },
+ { "ops", OPTS_RA, NULL, OPTS_OPS },
+ { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
+static const char* opts_string = "a:d:f:hi:m:n:o:p:r:s:t:v:w:x:";
+ * getopt_long() declarations end
+ */
+static const struct node_options opts_defaults =
+ .provider = "none",
+ .address = "",
+ .options = "",
+ .name = "unnamed",
+ .data_dir = ".",
+ .base_host = "localhost",
+ .masters = 0,
+ .slaves = 1,
+ .ws_size = 1024,
+ .records = 1024*1024,
+ .delay = 0,
+ .base_port = 4567,
+ .period = 10,
+ .operations= 1,
+ .bootstrap = true
+static void
+opts_print_help(FILE* out, const char* prog_name)
+ fprintf(
+ out,
+ "Usage: %s [OPTION...]\n"
+ "\n"
+ " -h, --help this thing.\n"
+ " -v, --provider=PATH a path to wsrep provider library file.\n"
+ " -a, --address=STRING list of node addresses in the group.\n"
+ " If not set the node assumes that it is the first\n"
+ " node in the group (default)\n"
+ " -o, --options=STRING a string of wsrep provider options.\n"
+ " -n, --name=STRING human-readable node name.\n"
+ " -f, --data-dir=PATH a directory to save working data in.\n"
+ " Should be private to the process.\n"
+ " -t, --base-host=ADDRESS address of this node at which other members can\n"
+ " connect to it\n"
+ " -p, --base-port=NUM base port which the node shall listen for\n"
+ " connections from other members. This port will be\n"
+ " used for replication, port+1 for IST and port+2\n"
+ " for SST. Default: 4567\n"
+ " -m, --masters=NUM number of concurrent master workers.\n"
+ " -s, --slaves=NUM number of concurrent slave workers.\n"
+ " (can't be less than 1)\n"
+ " -w, --size=NUM desirable size of the resulting writesets\n"
+ " (approximate lower boundary). Default: 1K\n"
+ " -r, --records=NUM number of records in the store. Default: 1M\n"
+ " -x, --ops=NUM number of operations per transaction. Default: 1\n"
+ " -d, --delay=NUM delay in milliseconds between \"commits\"\n"
+ " (per master thread).\n"
+ " -b, --bootstrap bootstrap the cluster with this node.\n"
+ " Default: 'Yes' if --address is not given, 'No'\n"
+ " otherwise.\n"
+ " -i, --period period in seconds between performance stats output\n"
+ "\n"
+ , prog_name);
+static void
+opts_print_config(FILE* out, const struct node_options* opts)
+ fprintf(
+ out,
+ "Continuing with the following configuration:\n"
+ "provider: %s\n"
+ "address: %s\n"
+ "options: %s\n"
+ "name: %s\n"
+ "data dir: %s\n"
+ "base addr: %s:%ld\n"
+ "masters: %ld\n"
+ "slaves: %ld\n"
+ "writeset size: %ld bytes\n"
+ "records: %ld\n"
+ "operations: %ld\n"
+ "commit delay: %ld ms\n"
+ "stats period: %ld s\n"
+ "bootstrap: %s\n"
+ ,
+ opts->provider, opts->address, opts->options, opts->name, opts->data_dir,
+ opts->base_host, opts->base_port,
+ opts->masters, opts->slaves, opts->ws_size, opts->records,
+ opts->operations,
+ opts->delay, opts->period, opts->bootstrap ? "Yes" : "No"
+ );
+static int
+opts_check_conversion(int cond, const char* ptr, int idx)
+ if (!cond || errno || (*ptr != '\0' && !isspace(*ptr)))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Bad value for %s option.\n", s_opts[idx].name);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+node_options_read(int argc, char* argv[], struct node_options* opts)
+ *opts = opts_defaults;
+ int opt = 0;
+ int opt_idx = 0;
+ char* endptr;
+ int ret = 0;
+ bool address_given = false;
+ bool bootstrap_given = false;
+ while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, opts_string, s_opts, &opt_idx)) != -1)
+ {
+ switch (opt)
+ {
+ address_given = strcmp(opts->address, optarg);
+ opts->address = optarg;
+ break;
+ bootstrap_given = true;
+ opts->bootstrap = true;
+ break;
+ case OPTS_DELAY:
+ opts->delay = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10);
+ if ((ret = opts_check_conversion(opts->delay >= 0, endptr, opt_idx)))
+ goto err;
+ break;
+ opts->data_dir = optarg;
+ break;
+ case OPTS_HELP:
+ ret = 1;
+ goto help;
+ opts->period = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10);
+ if ((ret = opts_check_conversion(opts->period > 0, endptr, opt_idx)))
+ goto err;
+ break;
+ opts->masters = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10);
+ if ((ret = opts_check_conversion(opts->masters >= 0, endptr,
+ opt_idx)))
+ goto err;
+ break;
+ case OPTS_NAME:
+ opts->name = optarg;
+ break;
+ opts->options = optarg;
+ break;
+ opts->base_port = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10);
+ if ((ret = opts_check_conversion(
+ opts->base_port > 0 && opts->base_port < 65536,
+ endptr, opt_idx)))
+ goto err;
+ break;
+ opts->records = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10);
+ if ((ret = opts_check_conversion(opts->records >= 0, endptr,
+ opt_idx)))
+ goto err;
+ break;
+ opts->slaves = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10);
+ if ((ret = opts_check_conversion(opts->slaves > 0, endptr, opt_idx)))
+ goto err;
+ break;
+ opts->base_host = optarg;
+ break;
+ opts->provider = optarg;
+ break;
+ case OPTS_WS_SIZE:
+ opts->ws_size = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10);
+ if ((ret = opts_check_conversion(opts->ws_size > 0, endptr,
+ opt_idx)))
+ goto err;
+ break;
+ case OPTS_OPS:
+ opts->operations = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10);
+ if ((ret = opts_check_conversion(opts->operations >= 1, endptr,
+ opt_idx)))
+ goto err;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ opts_print_help(stderr, argv[0]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!bootstrap_given)
+ {
+ opts->bootstrap = !address_given;
+ }
+ opts_print_config(stdout, opts);
+ opts->delay *= 1000; /* convert to microseconds for usleep() */
+ }
+ return ret;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/options.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/options.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62172281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/options.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * @file This unit defines options interface
+ */
+#include <stdbool.h>
+struct node_options
+ const char* provider; // path to wsrep provider
+ const char* address; // wsrep cluster address string
+ const char* options; // wsrep option string
+ const char* name; // node name (for logging purposes)
+ const char* data_dir; // name of the storage file
+ const char* base_host;// host own address
+ long masters; // number of master threads
+ long slaves; // number of slave threads
+ long ws_size; // desired writeset size
+ long records; // total number of records
+ long delay; // delay between commits
+ long base_port;// base port to use
+ long period; // statistics output interval
+ long operations;// number of "statements" in a "transaction"
+ bool bootstrap;// bootstrap the cluster with this node
+extern int
+node_options_read(int argc, char* argv[], struct node_options* opts);
+#endif /* NODE_OPTIONS_H */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/socket.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/socket.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..377abcaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/socket.c
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "socket.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <ctype.h> // isspace()
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <limits.h> // USHRT_MAX
+#include <netdb.h> // struct addrinfo
+#include <stdio.h> // snprintf()
+#include <string.h> // strerror()
+#include <sys/socket.h> // bind(), connect(), accept(), send(), recv()
+struct node_socket
+ int fd;
+ * Initializes addrinfo from the separate host address and port arguments
+ *
+ * Requires calling freeaddrinfo() later
+ *
+ * @param[in] host - if NULL, will be initialized for listening
+ * @param[in] port
+ *
+ * @return struct addrinfo* or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static struct addrinfo*
+socket_get_addrinfo2(const char* const host,
+ uint16_t const port)
+ struct addrinfo const hints =
+ {
+ .ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE | /** will be ignored if host is not NULL */
+ AI_NUMERICSERV, /** service is a numeric port */
+ .ai_family = AF_UNSPEC, /** either IPv4 or IPv6 */
+ .ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM, /** STREAM or DGRAM */
+ .ai_protocol = 0,
+ .ai_addrlen = 0,
+ .ai_addr = NULL,
+ .ai_canonname = NULL,
+ .ai_next = NULL
+ };
+ char service[6];
+ snprintf(service, sizeof(service), "%hu", port);
+ struct addrinfo* info;
+ int err = getaddrinfo(host, service, &hints, &info);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to resolve '%s': %d (%s)",
+ host, err, gai_strerror(err));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return info;
+ * Initializes addrinfo from single address and port string
+ * The port is expected to be in numerical form and appended to the host address
+ * via colon.
+ *
+ * Requires calling freeaddrinfo() later
+ *
+ * @param[in] addr full address specification, including port
+ *
+ * @return struct addrinfo* or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static struct addrinfo*
+socket_get_addrinfo1(const char* const addr)
+ int const addr_len = (int)strlen(addr);
+ char* const addr_buf = strdup(addr);
+ if (!addr_buf)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("strdup(%s) failed: %d (%s)", addr, errno, strerror(errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ struct addrinfo* res = NULL;
+ long port;
+ char* endptr;
+ int i;
+ for (i = addr_len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ if (addr_buf[i] == ':') break;
+ }
+ if (addr_buf[i] != ':')
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Malformed address:port string: '%s'", addr);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ addr_buf[i] = '\0';
+ port = strtol(addr_buf + i + 1, &endptr, 10);
+ if (port <= 0 || port > USHRT_MAX || errno ||
+ (*endptr != '\0' && !isspace(*endptr)))
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Malformed/invalid port: '%s'. Errno: %d (%s)",
+ addr_buf + i + 1, errno, strerror(errno));
+ goto end;
+ }
+ res = socket_get_addrinfo2(strlen(addr_buf) > 0 ? addr_buf : NULL,
+ (uint16_t)port);
+ free(addr_buf);
+ return res;
+static struct node_socket*
+socket_create(int const fd)
+ assert(fd > 0);
+ struct node_socket* res = calloc(1, sizeof(struct node_socket));
+ if (res)
+ {
+ res->fd = fd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to allocate struct node_socket: %d (%s)",
+ errno, strerror(errno));
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ return res;
+ * Definition of function type with the signature of bind() and connect()
+ */
+typedef int (*socket_act_fun_t) (int sfd,
+ const struct sockaddr* addr,
+ socklen_t addrlen);
+static int
+socket_bind_and_listen(int const sfd,
+ const struct sockaddr* const addr,
+ socklen_t const addrlen)
+ int ret = bind(sfd, addr, addrlen);
+ if (!ret)
+ ret = listen(sfd, SOMAXCONN);
+ return ret;
+ * A "template" method to do the "right thing" with the addrinfo and create a
+ * socket from it. The "right thing" would normally be bind and listen for
+ * a server socket OR connect for a client socket.
+ *
+ * @param[in] info addrinfo list, swallowed and deallocated
+ * @param[in] action_fun the "right thing" to do on socket and struct sockaddr
+ * @param[in] action_str action description to be printed in the error message
+ * @param[in] orig_host host address to be pronted in the error message
+ * @param[in] orig_port port to be printed in the error message, if orig_host
+ * string contains the port, this parameter should be 0
+ *
+ * The last three parameters are for diagnostic puposes only. orig_host and
+ * orig_port are supposed to be what were used to obtain addrinfo.
+ *
+ * @return new struct node_socket.
+ */
+static struct node_socket*
+socket_from_addrinfo(struct addrinfo* const info,
+ socket_act_fun_t const action_fun,
+ const char* const action_str,
+ const char* const orig_host,
+ uint16_t const orig_port)
+ int sfd;
+ int err = 0;
+ /* Iterate over addrinfo list and try to apply action_fun on the resulting
+ * socket. Once successful, break loop. */
+ struct addrinfo* addr;
+ for (addr = info; addr != NULL; addr = addr->ai_next)
+ {
+ sfd = socket(addr->ai_family, addr->ai_socktype, addr->ai_protocol);
+ if (sfd == -1)
+ {
+ err = errno;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (action_fun(sfd, addr->ai_addr, addr->ai_addrlen) == 0) break;
+ err = errno;
+ close(sfd);
+ }
+ freeaddrinfo(info); /* no longer needed */
+ if (!addr)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to %s to '%s%s%.0hu': %d (%s)",
+ action_str,
+ orig_host ? orig_host : "", orig_port > 0 ? ":" : "",
+ orig_port > 0 ? orig_port : 0, /* won't be printed if 0 */
+ err, strerror(err));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ assert(sfd > 0);
+ return socket_create(sfd);
+struct node_socket*
+node_socket_listen(const char* const host, uint16_t const port)
+ struct addrinfo* const info = socket_get_addrinfo2(host, port);
+ if (!info) return NULL;
+ return socket_from_addrinfo(info, socket_bind_and_listen,
+ "bind a listening socket", host, port);
+struct node_socket*
+node_socket_connect(const char* const addr_str)
+ struct addrinfo* const info = socket_get_addrinfo1(addr_str);
+ if (!info) return NULL;
+ return socket_from_addrinfo(info, connect, "connect", addr_str, 0);
+struct node_socket*
+node_socket_accept(struct node_socket* socket)
+ int sfd = accept(socket->fd, NULL, NULL);
+ if (sfd < 0)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to accept connection: %d (%s)",
+ errno, strerror(errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return socket_create(sfd);
+node_socket_send_bytes(node_socket_t* socket, const void* buf, size_t len)
+ ssize_t const ret = send(socket->fd, buf, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ if (ret != (ssize_t)len)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to send %zu bytes: %d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+node_socket_recv_bytes(node_socket_t* socket, void* buf, size_t len)
+ ssize_t const ret = recv(socket->fd, buf, len, MSG_WAITALL);
+ if (ret != (ssize_t)len)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to recv %zu bytes: %d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+node_socket_close(node_socket_t* socket)
+ if (!socket) return;
+ if (socket->fd > 0) close(socket->fd);
+ free(socket);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/socket.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/socket.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a77eff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/socket.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * @file This unit implements auxiliary networking functions (for SST purposes)
+ * It has nothing wsrep related and is not of general purpose.
+ */
+#ifndef NODE_SOCKET_H
+#define NODE_SOCKET_H
+#include <stddef.h> // size_t
+#include <stdint.h> // uint16_t
+typedef struct node_socket node_socket_t;
+ * Open listening socket at a given address
+ *
+ * @return listening socket
+ */
+extern node_socket_t*
+node_socket_listen(const char* host, uint16_t port);
+ * Connect to a given address.
+ *
+ * @return connected socket
+ */
+extern node_socket_t*
+node_socket_connect(const char* addr);
+ * Wait for connection on a listening socket
+ * @return connected socket
+ */
+extern node_socket_t*
+node_socket_accept(node_socket_t* s);
+ * Send a given number of bytes
+ * @return 0 or a negative error code
+ */
+extern int
+node_socket_send_bytes(node_socket_t* s, const void* buf, size_t len);
+ * Receive a given number of bytes
+ * @return 0 or a negative error code
+ */
+extern int
+node_socket_recv_bytes(node_socket_t* s, void* buf, size_t len);
+ * Release all recources associated with the socket */
+extern void
+node_socket_close(node_socket_t* s);
+#endif /* NODE_SOCKET_H */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/sst.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/sst.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e93534ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/sst.c
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "sst.h"
+#include "ctx.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "socket.h"
+#include <arpa/inet.h> // htonl()
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <stdio.h> // snprintf()
+#include <stdlib.h> // abort()
+#include <string.h> // strdup()
+#include <unistd.h> // usleep()
+ * Helper: creates detached thread */
+static int
+sst_create_thread(void* (*thread_routine) (void*),
+ void* const thread_arg)
+ pthread_t thr;
+ pthread_attr_t attr;
+ int ret = pthread_attr_init(&attr);
+ ret = ret ? ret : pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
+ ret = ret ? ret : pthread_create(&thr, &attr, thread_routine, thread_arg);
+ return ret;
+ * Helper: creates detached thread and waits for it to call
+ * sst_sync_with_parent() */
+static void
+sst_create_and_sync(const char* const role,
+ pthread_mutex_t* const mtx,
+ pthread_cond_t* const cond,
+ void* (*thread_routine) (void*),
+ void* const thread_arg)
+ int ret = pthread_mutex_lock(mtx);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to lock %s mutex: %d (%s)", role, ret, strerror(ret));
+ abort();
+ }
+ ret = sst_create_thread(thread_routine, thread_arg);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to create detached %s thread: %d (%s)",
+ role, ret, strerror(ret));
+ abort();
+ }
+ ret = pthread_cond_wait(cond, mtx);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to synchronize with %s thread: %d (%s)",
+ role, ret, strerror(ret));
+ abort();
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(mtx);
+ * Helper: syncs with parent thread and allows it to continue and return
+ * asynchronously */
+static void
+sst_sync_with_parent(const char* role,
+ pthread_mutex_t* mtx,
+ pthread_cond_t* cond)
+ int ret = pthread_mutex_lock(mtx);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to lock %s mutex: %d (%s)", role, ret, strerror(ret));
+ abort();
+ }
+ NODE_INFO("Initialized %s thread", role);
+ pthread_cond_signal(cond);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(mtx);
+static pthread_mutex_t sst_joiner_mtx = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+static pthread_cond_t sst_joiner_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
+struct sst_joiner_ctx
+ struct node_ctx* node;
+ node_socket_t* socket;
+ * waits for SST completion and signals the provider to continue */
+static void*
+sst_joiner_thread(void* ctx)
+ assert(ctx);
+ struct node_ctx* const node = ((struct sst_joiner_ctx*)ctx)->node;
+ node_socket_t* const listen = ((struct sst_joiner_ctx*)ctx)->socket;
+ ctx = NULL; /* may be unusable after next statement */
+ /* this allows parent callback to return */
+ sst_sync_with_parent("JOINER", &sst_joiner_mtx, &sst_joiner_cond);
+ wsrep_gtid_t state_gtid = WSREP_GTID_UNDEFINED;
+ int err = -1;
+ /* REPLICATION: wait for donor to connect and send the state snapshot */
+ node_socket_t* const connected = node_socket_accept(listen);
+ if (!connected) goto end;
+ uint32_t state_len;
+ err = node_socket_recv_bytes(connected, &state_len, sizeof(state_len));
+ if (err) goto end;
+ state_len = ntohl(state_len);
+ if (state_len > 0)
+ {
+ /* REPLICATION: get the state of state_len size */
+ void* state = malloc(state_len);
+ if (state)
+ {
+ err = node_socket_recv_bytes(connected, state, state_len);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ free(state);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: install the newly received state. */
+ err = node_store_init_state(node->store, state, state_len);
+ free(state);
+ if (err) goto end;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to allocate %zu bytes for state snapshot.",
+ state_len);
+ err = -ENOMEM;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* REPLICATION: it was a bypass, the node will receive missing data via
+ * IST. It starts with the state it currently has. */
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: find gtid of the received state to report to provider */
+ node_store_gtid(node->store, &state_gtid);
+ assert(err <= 0);
+ node_socket_close(connected);
+ node_socket_close(listen);
+ /* REPLICATION: tell provider that SST is received */
+ wsrep_status_t sst_ret;
+ wsrep_t* const wsrep = node_wsrep_provider(node->wsrep);
+ sst_ret = wsrep->sst_received(wsrep, &state_gtid, NULL, err);
+ if (WSREP_OK != sst_ret)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to report completion of SST: %d", sst_ret);
+ abort();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+enum wsrep_cb_status
+node_sst_request_cb (void* const app_ctx,
+ void** const sst_req,
+ size_t* const sst_req_len)
+ static int const SST_PORT_OFFSET = 2;
+ assert(app_ctx);
+ struct node_ctx* const node = app_ctx;
+ const struct node_options* const opts = node->opts;
+ char* sst_str = NULL;
+ /* REPLICATION: 1. prepare the node to receive SST */
+ uint16_t const sst_port = (uint16_t)(opts->base_port + SST_PORT_OFFSET);
+ size_t const sst_len = strlen(opts->base_host)
+ + 1 /* ':' */ + 5 /* max port len */ + 1 /* \0 */;
+ sst_str = malloc(sst_len);
+ if (!sst_str)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to allocate %zu bytes for SST request", sst_len);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ /* write in request the address at which we listen */
+ int ret = snprintf(sst_str, sst_len, "%s:%hu", opts->base_host, sst_port);
+ if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= sst_len)
+ {
+ free(sst_str);
+ sst_str = NULL;
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to write a SST request");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ node_socket_t* const socket = node_socket_listen(NULL, sst_port);
+ if (!socket)
+ {
+ free(sst_str);
+ sst_str = NULL;
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to listen at %s", sst_str);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION 2. start the "joiner" thread that will wait for SST and
+ * report its success to provider, and syncronize with it. */
+ struct sst_joiner_ctx ctx =
+ {
+ .node = node,
+ .socket = socket
+ };
+ sst_create_and_sync("JOINER", &sst_joiner_mtx, &sst_joiner_cond,
+ sst_joiner_thread, &ctx);
+ NODE_INFO("Waiting for SST at %s", sst_str);
+ if (sst_str)
+ {
+ *sst_req = sst_str;
+ *sst_req_len = strlen(sst_str) + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *sst_req = NULL;
+ *sst_req_len = 0;
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION 3. return SST request to provider */
+static pthread_mutex_t sst_donor_mtx = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+static pthread_cond_t sst_donor_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
+struct sst_donor_ctx
+ wsrep_gtid_t state;
+ struct node_ctx* node;
+ node_socket_t* socket;
+ wsrep_bool_t bypass;
+ * donates SST and signals provider that it is done. */
+static void*
+sst_donor_thread(void* const args)
+ struct sst_donor_ctx const ctx = *(struct sst_donor_ctx*)args;
+ int err = 0;
+ const void* state;
+ size_t state_len;
+ if (ctx.bypass)
+ {
+ /* REPLICATION: if bypass is true, there is no need to send snapshot,
+ * just signal the joiner that snapshot is not needed and
+ * it can proceed to apply IST. We'll do it by sending 0
+ * for the size of snapshot */
+ state = NULL;
+ state_len = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* REPLICATION: if bypass is false, we need to send a full state snapshot
+ * Get hold of the state, which is currently just GTID
+ * NOTICE that while parent is waiting, the store is in a
+ * quiescent state, provider blocking any modifications. */
+ err = node_store_acquire_state(ctx.node->store, &state, &state_len);
+ if (state_len > UINT32_MAX) err = -ERANGE;
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: after getting hold of the state we can allow parent callback
+ * to return and the node to resume its normal operation */
+ sst_sync_with_parent("DONOR", &sst_donor_mtx, &sst_donor_cond);
+ if (err >= 0)
+ {
+ uint32_t tmp = htonl((uint32_t)state_len);
+ err = node_socket_send_bytes(ctx.socket, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
+ }
+ if (state_len != 0)
+ {
+ if (err >= 0)
+ {
+ assert(state);
+ err = node_socket_send_bytes(ctx.socket, state, state_len);
+ }
+ node_store_release_state(ctx.node->store);
+ }
+ node_socket_close(ctx.socket);
+ /* REPLICATION: signal provider the success of the operation */
+ wsrep_t* const wsrep = node_wsrep_provider(ctx.node->wsrep);
+ wsrep->sst_sent(wsrep, &ctx.state, err);
+ return NULL;
+enum wsrep_cb_status
+node_sst_donate_cb (void* const app_ctx,
+ void* const recv_ctx,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* const str_msg,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* const state_id,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* const state,
+ wsrep_bool_t const bypass)
+ (void)recv_ctx;
+ (void)state;
+ struct sst_donor_ctx ctx =
+ {
+ .node = app_ctx,
+ .state = *state_id,
+ .bypass = bypass
+ };
+ /* we are expecting a human-readable 0-terminated string */
+ void* p = memchr(str_msg->ptr, '\0', str_msg->len);
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Received a badly formed State Transfer Request.");
+ /* REPLICATION: in case of a failure we return the status to provider, so
+ * that the joining node can be notified of it by cluster */
+ }
+ const char* addr = str_msg->ptr;
+ ctx.socket = node_socket_connect(addr);
+ if (!ctx.socket) return WSREP_CB_FAILURE;
+ sst_create_and_sync("DONOR", &sst_donor_mtx, &sst_donor_cond,
+ sst_donor_thread, &ctx);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/sst.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/sst.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7006a1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/sst.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * @file This unit defines SST interface
+ */
+#ifndef NODE_SST_H
+#define NODE_SST_H
+#include "../../wsrep_api.h"
+extern enum wsrep_cb_status
+node_sst_request_cb (void* app_ctx,
+ void** sst_req,
+ size_t* sst_req_len);
+extern enum wsrep_cb_status
+node_sst_donate_cb (void* app_ctx,
+ void* recv_ctx,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* str_msg,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* state_id,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* state,
+ wsrep_bool_t bypass);
+#endif /* NODE_SST_H */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/stats.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/stats.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b02240f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/stats.c
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "stats.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h> // snprintf()
+#include <stdlib.h> // abort()
+#include <string.h> // strcmp()
+#include <unistd.h> // usleep()
+static const char* const stats_legend[STATS_MAX] =
+ " repl(B/s)",
+ " repl(W/s)",
+ " recv(B/s)",
+ " recv(W/s)",
+ "total(B/s)",
+ "total(W/s)",
+ "",
+ "",
+ " paused(%)"
+/* stats IDs in provider output - provider dependent, here we use Galera's */
+static const char* const galera_ids[STATS_MAX] =
+ "replicated_bytes", /**< STATS_REPL_BYTE */
+ "replicated", /**< STATS_REPL_WS */
+ "received_bytes", /**< STATS_RECV_BYTE */
+ "received", /**< STATS_RECV_WS */
+ "", /**< STATS_TOTAL_BYTE */
+ "", /**< STATS_TOTAL_WS */
+ "local_cert_failures", /**< STATS_CERT_FAILS */
+ "", /**< STATS_STORE_FAILS */
+ "flow_control_paused_ns" /**< STATS_FC_PAUSED */
+/* maps local stats IDs to provider stat IDs */
+static int stats_galera_map[STATS_MAX];
+ * Helper to map provider stats to own stats set */
+static void
+stats_establish_mapping(wsrep_t* const wsrep)
+ int const magic_map = -1;
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(stats_galera_map)/sizeof(stats_galera_map[0]); i++)
+ {
+ stats_galera_map[i] = magic_map; /* initialize map array */
+ }
+ struct wsrep_stats_var* const stats = wsrep->stats_get(wsrep);
+ /* to compensate for STATS_TOTAL_* and STATS_STORE_FAILS having no
+ * counterparts */
+ int mapped = 3;
+ i = 0;
+ while (stats[i].name) /* stats array is terminated by Null name */
+ {
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < STATS_MAX; j++)
+ {
+ if (magic_map == stats_galera_map[j] /* j-th member still unset */
+ &&
+ !strcmp(stats[i].name, galera_ids[j]))
+ {
+ stats_galera_map[j] = (int)i;
+ mapped++;
+ if (STATS_MAX == mapped) /* all mapped */ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ wsrep->stats_free(wsrep, stats);
+static void
+stats_get(node_store_t* const store, wsrep_t* const wsrep, long long stats[])
+ stats[STATS_STORE_FAILS] = node_store_read_view_failures(store);
+ struct wsrep_stats_var* const ret = wsrep->stats_get(wsrep);
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("wsrep::stats_get() call failed.");
+ abort();
+ }
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < STATS_MAX; i++)
+ {
+ int j = stats_galera_map[i];
+ if (j >= 0)
+ {
+ assert(WSREP_VAR_INT64 == ret[j].type);
+ stats[i] = ret[j].value._int64;
+ }
+ }
+ wsrep->stats_free(wsrep, ret);
+ // totals are just sums
+ stats[STATS_TOTAL_WS ] = stats[STATS_REPL_WS ] + stats[STATS_RECV_WS ];
+static void
+stats_print(long long bef[], long long aft[], double period)
+ double rate[STATS_MAX];
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < STATS_MAX; i++)
+ {
+ rate[i] = (double)(aft[i] - bef[i])/period;
+ }
+ rate[STATS_FC_PAUSED] /= 1.0e+07; // nanoseconds to % of seconds
+ char str[256];
+ int written = 0;
+ /* first line write legend */
+ for (i = 0; i < STATS_MAX; i++)
+ {
+ size_t const space_left = sizeof(str) - (size_t)written;
+ written += snprintf(&str[written], space_left, "%s", stats_legend[i]);
+ }
+ str[written] = '\n';
+ written++;
+ /* second line write values */
+ for (i = 0; i < STATS_MAX; i++)
+ {
+ size_t const space_left = sizeof(str) - (size_t)written;
+ long long const value = (long long)rate[i];
+ written += snprintf(&str[written], space_left, " %9lld", value);
+ }
+ str[written] = '\0';
+ /* use logging macro for timestamp */
+ NODE_INFO("\n%s", str);
+node_stats_loop(const struct node_ctx* const node, int const period)
+ double const period_sec = period;
+ useconds_t const period_usec = (useconds_t)period * 1000000;
+ wsrep_t* const wsrep = node_wsrep_provider(node->wsrep);
+ stats_establish_mapping(wsrep);
+ long long stats1[STATS_MAX];
+ long long stats2[STATS_MAX];
+ stats_get(node->store, wsrep, stats1);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (usleep(period_usec)) break;
+ stats_get(node->store, wsrep, stats2);
+ stats_print(stats1, stats2, period_sec);
+ if (usleep(period_usec)) break;
+ stats_get(node->store, wsrep, stats1);
+ stats_print(stats2, stats1, period_sec);
+ }
+ if (EINTR != errno)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Unexpected usleep(%lld) error: %d (%s)",
+ (long long)period_usec, errno, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* interrupted by signal */
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/stats.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/stats.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7ab7ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/stats.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * @file This unit defines performance statistics loop
+ */
+#ifndef NODE_STATS_H
+#define NODE_STATS_H
+#include "ctx.h"
+ * Prints out statistics with a given period.
+ *
+ * @param[in] node node context
+ * @param[in] period in seconds
+ */
+extern void
+node_stats_loop(const struct node_ctx* node, int period);
+#endif /* NODE_STATS_H */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/store.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/store.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1dc2d6c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/store.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1044 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "store.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stddef.h> // ptrdiff_t
+#include <stdint.h> // uintptr_t
+#include <stdlib.h> // abort()
+#include <string.h> // memset()
+ static inline size_t \
+ store_serialize_##INTTYPE(void* const to, INTTYPE##_t const from) \
+ { \
+ memcpy(to, &from, sizeof(from)); /* for simplicity ignore endianness */ \
+ return sizeof(from); \
+ }
+ static inline size_t \
+ store_deserialize_##INTTYPE(INTTYPE##_t* const to, const void* const from) \
+ { \
+ memcpy(to, from, sizeof(*to)); /* for simplicity ignore endianness */ \
+ return sizeof(*to); \
+ }
+typedef struct record
+ wsrep_seqno_t version;
+ uint32_t value;
+ /* this order ensures that there is no padding between the members */
+ (sizeof(((record_t*)(NULL))->version) + sizeof(((record_t*)(NULL))->value))
+static inline size_t
+store_record_set(void* const base,
+ size_t const index,
+ const record_t* const record)
+ char* const position = (char*)base + index*STORE_RECORD_SIZE;
+ memcpy(position, record, STORE_RECORD_SIZE);
+static inline size_t
+store_record_get(const void* const base,
+ size_t const index,
+ record_t* const record)
+ const char* const position = (const char*)base + index*STORE_RECORD_SIZE;
+ memcpy(record, position, STORE_RECORD_SIZE);
+static inline bool
+store_record_equal(const record_t* const lhs, const record_t* const rhs)
+ return (lhs->version == rhs->version) && (lhs->value == rhs->value);
+/* transaction context */
+struct store_trx_op
+ /* Normally what we'd need for transaction context is the record index and
+ * new record value. Here we also save read view snapshot (rec_from & rec_to)
+ * to
+ * 1. test provider certification correctness if provider supports read view
+ * 2. if not, detect conflicts at a store level. */
+ record_t rec_from;
+ record_t rec_to;
+ uint32_t idx_from;
+ uint32_t idx_to;
+ uint32_t new_value;
+ uint32_t size; /* nominal "size" of operation to manipulate on-the-wire
+ * writeset size. */
+ sizeof(((struct store_trx_op*)NULL)->idx_from) + \
+ sizeof(((struct store_trx_op*)NULL)->idx_to) + \
+ sizeof(((struct store_trx_op*)NULL)->new_value) + \
+ sizeof(((struct store_trx_op*)NULL)->size))
+struct store_trx_ctx
+ wsrep_gtid_t rv_gtid;
+ size_t ops_num;
+ struct store_trx_op* ops;
+static inline bool
+store_trx_add_op(struct store_trx_ctx* const trx)
+ struct store_trx_op* const new_ops =
+ realloc(trx->ops, sizeof(struct store_trx_op)*(trx->ops_num + 1));
+ if (new_ops)
+ {
+ trx->ops = new_ops;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ memset(&trx->ops[trx->ops_num], 0, sizeof(*trx->ops));
+ trx->ops_num++;
+ }
+ return (NULL == new_ops);
+struct store_trx_entry
+ bool used;
+ struct store_trx_ctx ctx;
+typedef wsrep_uuid_t member_t;
+struct node_store
+ wsrep_gtid_t gtid;
+ pthread_mutex_t gtid_mtx;
+ wsrep_trx_id_t trx_id;
+ pthread_mutex_t trx_id_mtx;
+ char* snapshot;
+ member_t* members;
+ void* records;
+ size_t op_size;
+ long read_view_fails;
+ uint32_t members_num;
+ uint32_t records_num;
+ uint32_t entries_mask;
+ bool read_view_support; // read view support by cluster
+ /* trx pool piggybacked */
+node_store_open(const struct node_options* const opts)
+ /* make the size of trx pool the next highest power of 2 over the total
+ * number of workers */
+ uint32_t trx_pool_mask = (uint32_t)(opts->masters + opts->slaves);
+ if (trx_pool_mask > 0)
+ {
+ trx_pool_mask -= 1;
+ trx_pool_mask |= trx_pool_mask >> 1;
+ trx_pool_mask |= trx_pool_mask >> 2;
+ trx_pool_mask |= trx_pool_mask >> 4;
+ trx_pool_mask |= trx_pool_mask >> 8;
+ trx_pool_mask |= trx_pool_mask >> 16;
+ }
+ assert(((trx_pool_mask + 1) & trx_pool_mask) == 0); // 2^n - 1
+ size_t const desired_op_size = (size_t)(opts->ws_size/opts->operations);
+ size_t const op_size = (desired_op_size > STORE_OP_SIZE ?
+ desired_op_size : STORE_OP_SIZE);
+ /* since the number of workers will never change, we can allocate trx pool
+ * together with the main store struc */
+ size_t const store_alloc_size = sizeof(struct node_store) +
+ /* op_size - additional buffer for op serialization per trx */
+ (sizeof(struct store_trx_entry) + op_size)*(trx_pool_mask + 1);
+ struct node_store* const ret = malloc(store_alloc_size);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ memset(ret, 0, store_alloc_size);
+ ret->records = malloc((size_t)opts->records * STORE_RECORD_SIZE);
+ if (ret->records)
+ {
+ pthread_mutex_init(&ret->gtid_mtx, NULL);
+ pthread_mutex_init(&ret->trx_id_mtx, NULL);
+ ret->op_size = op_size;
+ ret->records_num = (uint32_t)opts->records;
+ ret->entries_mask = trx_pool_mask;
+ uint32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < ret->records_num; i++)
+ {
+ /* keep state in serialized form for easy snapshotting */
+ struct record const record = { WSREP_SEQNO_UNDEFINED, i };
+ store_record_set(ret->records, i, &record);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ free(ret);
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+node_store_close(struct node_store* const store)
+ assert(store);
+ assert(store->records);
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&store->trx_id_mtx);
+ free(store->records);
+ free(store->members);
+ free(store);
+#define STORE_MUTEX_LOCK(mtx) \
+ { \
+ int err = pthread_mutex_lock(mtx); \
+ if (err) \
+ { \
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to lock " #mtx ": %d (%s)", \
+ err, strerror(err)); \
+ abort(); \
+ } \
+ }
+static inline struct store_trx_entry*
+store_get_trx_entry(struct node_store* const store, wsrep_trx_id_t const trx_id)
+ return (struct store_trx_entry*)
+ ((char*)(store + 1) + (trx_id & store->entries_mask)*
+ (sizeof(struct store_trx_entry) + store->op_size));
+static inline struct store_trx_ctx*
+store_get_trx_ctx(struct node_store* const store, wsrep_trx_id_t const trx_id)
+ return &(store_get_trx_entry(store, trx_id)->ctx);
+static inline wsrep_trx_id_t
+store_new_trx_id(struct node_store* const store)
+ wsrep_trx_id_t ret;
+ struct store_trx_entry* trx;
+ STORE_MUTEX_LOCK(&store->trx_id_mtx);
+ do
+ {
+ store->trx_id++;
+ trx = store_get_trx_entry(store, store->trx_id);
+ }
+ while (trx->used);
+ trx->used = true;
+ ret = store->trx_id;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&store->trx_id_mtx);
+ memset(&trx->ctx, 0, sizeof(trx->ctx));
+ return ret;
+static inline void
+store_free_trx_id(struct node_store* const store, wsrep_trx_id_t const trx_id)
+ struct store_trx_entry* const trx = store_get_trx_entry(store, trx_id);
+ assert(trx->used);
+ free(trx->ctx.ops);
+ STORE_MUTEX_LOCK(&store->trx_id_mtx);
+ trx->used = false;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&store->trx_id_mtx);
+ * deserializes membership from snapshot */
+static int
+store_new_members(const char* ptr, const char* const endptr,
+ uint32_t* const num, member_t** const memb)
+ ptr += store_deserialize_uint32(num, ptr);
+ if (*num < 2)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Bogus number of members %u", *num);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int ret = (int)sizeof(*num);
+ size_t const msize = sizeof(member_t) * *num;
+ if ((endptr - ptr) < (ptrdiff_t)msize)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("State snapshot does not contain all membership: "
+ "%zd < %zu", endptr - ptr, msize);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *memb = calloc(*num, sizeof(member_t));
+ if (!*memb)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Could not allocate new membership");
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ memcpy(*memb, ptr, msize);
+ return ret + (int)msize;
+ * deserializes records from snapshot */
+static int
+store_new_records(const char* ptr, const char* const endptr,
+ uint32_t* const num, void** const rec)
+ ptr += store_deserialize_uint32(num, ptr);
+ int ret = (int)sizeof(*num);
+ if (!*num)
+ {
+ *rec = NULL;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ size_t const rsize = STORE_RECORD_SIZE * *num;
+ if ((endptr - ptr) < (ptrdiff_t)rsize)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("State snapshot does not contain all records: "
+ "%zu < %zu", endptr - ptr, rsize);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *rec = malloc(rsize);
+ if (!*rec)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Could not allocate new records");
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ memcpy(*rec, ptr, rsize);
+ return ret + (int)rsize;
+node_store_init_state(struct node_store* const store,
+ const void* const state,
+ size_t const state_len)
+ /* First, deserialize and prepare new state */
+ if (state_len <= sizeof(member_t)*2 /* at least two members */ +
+ WSREP_UUID_STR_LEN + 1 /* : */ + 1 /* seqno */ + 1 /* \0 */)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("State snapshot too short: %zu", state_len);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ wsrep_gtid_t state_gtid;
+ int ret;
+ ret = wsrep_gtid_scan(state, state_len, &state_gtid);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ {
+ char state_str[WSREP_GTID_STR_LEN + 1] = { 0, };
+ memcpy(state_str, state, sizeof(state_str) - 1);
+ NODE_ERROR("Could not find valid GTID in the received data: %s",
+ state_str);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ret++; /* \0 */
+ if ((state_len - (size_t)ret) < sizeof(uint32_t))
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("State snapshot does not contain the number of members");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ const char* ptr = ((char*)state);
+ const char* const endptr = ptr + state_len;
+ ptr += ret;
+ uint32_t m_num;
+ member_t* new_members;
+ ret = store_new_members(ptr, endptr, &m_num, &new_members);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ptr += ret;
+ bool const read_view_support = ptr[0];
+ ptr += 1;
+ uint32_t r_num;
+ void* new_records;
+ ret = store_new_records(ptr, endptr, &r_num, &new_records);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ {
+ free(new_members);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ptr += ret;
+ STORE_MUTEX_LOCK(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ /* just a sanity check */
+ if (0 == wsrep_uuid_compare(&state_gtid.uuid, &store->gtid.uuid) &&
+ state_gtid.seqno < store->gtid.seqno)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Received snapshot that is in the past: my seqno %lld,"
+ " received seqno: %lld",
+ (long long)store->gtid.seqno, (long long)state_gtid.seqno);
+ free(new_members);
+ free(new_records);
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ free(store->members);
+ store->members_num = m_num;
+ store->members = new_members;
+ free(store->records);
+ store->records_num = r_num;
+ store->records = new_records;
+ store->gtid = state_gtid;
+ store->read_view_support = read_view_support;
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ return ret;
+node_store_acquire_state(node_store_t* const store,
+ const void** const state,
+ size_t* const state_len)
+ int ret = 0;
+ STORE_MUTEX_LOCK(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ if (!store->snapshot)
+ {
+ size_t const memb_len = store->members_num * sizeof(member_t);
+ size_t const rec_len = store->records_num * STORE_RECORD_SIZE;
+ size_t const buf_len = WSREP_GTID_STR_LEN + 1
+ + sizeof(uint32_t) + memb_len
+ + 1 /* read view support */
+ + sizeof(uint32_t) + rec_len;
+ store->snapshot = malloc(buf_len);
+ if (store->snapshot)
+ {
+ char* ptr = store->snapshot;
+ /* state GTID */
+ ret = wsrep_gtid_print(&store->gtid, ptr, buf_len);
+ if (ret > 0)
+ {
+ NODE_INFO("");
+ assert((size_t)ret < buf_len);
+ ptr[ret] = '\0';
+ ret++;
+ ptr += ret;
+ assert((size_t)ret < buf_len);
+ /* membership */
+ ptr += store_serialize_uint32(ptr, store->members_num);
+ ret += (int)sizeof(uint32_t);
+ assert((size_t)ret + memb_len < buf_len);
+ memcpy(ptr, store->members, memb_len);
+ ptr += memb_len;
+ ret += (int)memb_len;
+ assert((size_t)ret + sizeof(uint32_t) <= buf_len);
+ /* read view support */
+ ptr[0] = store->read_view_support;
+ ptr += 1;
+ ret += 1;
+ /* records */
+ ptr += store_serialize_uint32(ptr, store->records_num);
+ ret += (int)sizeof(uint32_t);
+ assert((size_t)ret + rec_len < buf_len);
+ memcpy(ptr, store->records, rec_len);
+ ret += (int)rec_len;
+ assert((size_t)ret <= buf_len);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to record GTID: %d (%s)", ret,strerror(-ret));
+ free(store->snapshot);
+ store->snapshot = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to allocate snapshot buffer of size %zu",buf_len);
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(0); /* provider should prevent such situation */
+ ret = -EAGAIN;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ if (ret > 0)
+ {
+ NODE_INFO("\n\nPrepared snapshot of %u records\n\n", store->records_num);
+ *state = store->snapshot;
+ *state_len = (size_t)ret;
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ return ret;
+node_store_release_state(node_store_t* const store)
+ STORE_MUTEX_LOCK(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ assert(store->snapshot);
+ free(store->snapshot);
+ store->snapshot = 0;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&store->gtid_mtx);
+node_store_update_membership(struct node_store* const store,
+ const wsrep_view_info_t* const v)
+ assert(store);
+ assert(WSREP_VIEW_PRIMARY == v->status);
+ assert(v->memb_num > 0);
+ STORE_MUTEX_LOCK(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ bool const continuation = v->state_id.seqno == store->gtid.seqno + 1 &&
+ 0 == wsrep_uuid_compare(&v->state_id.uuid, &store->gtid.uuid);
+ bool const initialization = WSREP_SEQNO_UNDEFINED == store->gtid.seqno &&
+ 0 == wsrep_uuid_compare(&WSREP_UUID_UNDEFINED, &store->gtid.uuid);
+ if (!(continuation || initialization))
+ {
+ char store_str[WSREP_GTID_STR_LEN + 1] = { 0, };
+ wsrep_gtid_print(&store->gtid, store_str, sizeof(store_str));
+ char view_str[WSREP_GTID_STR_LEN + 1] = { 0, };
+ wsrep_gtid_print(&v->state_id, view_str, sizeof(view_str));
+ NODE_FATAL("Attempt to initialize store GTID from incompatible view:\n"
+ "\tstore: %s\n"
+ "\tview: %s",
+ store_str, view_str);
+ abort();
+ }
+ wsrep_uuid_t* const new_members = calloc(sizeof(wsrep_uuid_t),
+ (size_t)v->memb_num);
+ if (!new_members)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Could not allocate new members array");
+ abort();
+ }
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < v->memb_num; i++)
+ {
+ new_members[i] = v->members[i].id;
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: at this point we should compare old and new memberships and
+ * rollback all streaming transactions from the partitioned
+ * members, if any. But we don't support it in this program yet.
+ */
+ free(store->members);
+ store->members = new_members;
+ store->members_num = (uint32_t)v->memb_num;
+ store->gtid = v->state_id;
+ store->read_view_support = (v->capabilities & WSREP_CAP_SNAPSHOT);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ return 0;
+node_store_gtid(struct node_store* const store,
+ wsrep_gtid_t* const gtid)
+ assert(store);
+ STORE_MUTEX_LOCK(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ *gtid = store->gtid;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&store->gtid_mtx);
+static inline void
+store_serialize_op(void* const buf, const struct store_trx_op* const op)
+ char* ptr = buf;
+ ptr += store_record_set(ptr, 0, &op->rec_from);
+ ptr += store_record_set(ptr, 0, &op->rec_to);
+ ptr += store_serialize_uint32(ptr, op->idx_from);
+ ptr += store_serialize_uint32(ptr, op->idx_to);
+ ptr += store_serialize_uint32(ptr, op->new_value);
+ store_serialize_uint32(ptr, op->size);
+static inline void
+store_deserialize_op(struct store_trx_op* const op, const void* const buf)
+ const char* ptr = buf;
+ ptr += store_record_get(ptr, 0, &op->rec_from);
+ ptr += store_record_get(ptr, 0, &op->rec_to);
+ ptr += store_deserialize_uint32(&op->idx_from, ptr);
+ ptr += store_deserialize_uint32(&op->idx_to, ptr);
+ ptr += store_deserialize_uint32(&op->new_value, ptr);
+ store_deserialize_uint32(&op->size, ptr);
+static inline void
+store_serialize_gtid(void* const buf, const wsrep_gtid_t* const gtid)
+ char* ptr = buf;
+ memcpy(ptr, &gtid->uuid, sizeof(gtid->uuid));
+ ptr += sizeof(gtid->uuid);
+ store_serialize_int64(ptr, gtid->seqno);
+static inline void
+store_deserialize_gtid(wsrep_gtid_t* const gtid, const void* const buf)
+ const char* ptr = buf;
+ memcpy(&gtid->uuid, ptr, sizeof(gtid->uuid));
+ ptr += sizeof(gtid->uuid);
+ store_deserialize_int64(&gtid->seqno, ptr);
+#define STORE_GTID_SIZE (sizeof(((wsrep_gtid_t*)(NULL))->uuid) + sizeof(int64_t))
+node_store_execute(node_store_t* const store,
+ wsrep_t* const wsrep,
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* const ws_handle)
+ assert(store);
+ if (0 == ws_handle->trx_id)
+ {
+ assert(sizeof(ws_handle->trx_id) >= sizeof(uintptr_t));
+ ws_handle->trx_id = store_new_trx_id(store);
+ }
+ struct store_trx_ctx* trx = store_get_trx_ctx(store, ws_handle->trx_id);
+ if (store_trx_add_op(trx)) return -ENOMEM;
+ struct store_trx_op* const op = &trx->ops[trx->ops_num - 1];
+ STORE_MUTEX_LOCK(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ if (1 == trx->ops_num)
+ {
+ /* First operation, save ID of the read view of the transaction */
+ trx->rv_gtid = store->gtid;
+ }
+ /* Transaction op: copy value from one random record to another... */
+ op->idx_from = (uint32_t)rand() % store->records_num;
+ op->idx_to = (uint32_t)rand() % store->records_num;
+ store_record_get(store->records, op->idx_from, &op->rec_from);
+ store_record_get(store->records, op->idx_to, &op->rec_to);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ wsrep_status_t ret = WSREP_TRX_FAIL;
+ if (op->rec_from.version > trx->rv_gtid.seqno ||
+ op->rec_to.version > trx->rv_gtid.seqno)
+ {
+ /* transaction read view changed, trx needs to be restarted */
+#if 0
+ NODE_INFO("Transaction read view changed: %lld -> %lld, returning %d",
+ (long long)trx->rv_gtid.seqno,
+ (long long)(op->rec_from.version > op->rec_to.version ?
+ op->rec_from.version : op->rec_to.version),
+ ret);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* Transaction op: ... and modify it somehow, e.g. increment by 1 */
+ op->new_value = op->rec_from.value + 1;
+ if (1 == trx->ops_num) // first trx operation
+ {
+ /* REPLICATION: Since this application does not implement record locks,
+ * it needs to establish read view for each transaction for
+ * a proper conflict detection and transaction isolation.
+ * Otherwose we'll need to implement record versioning */
+ if (store->read_view_support)
+ {
+ ret = wsrep->assign_read_view(wsrep, ws_handle, &trx->rv_gtid);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("wsrep::assign_read_view(%lld) failed: %d",
+ trx->rv_gtid.seqno, ret);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Record read view in the writeset for debugging purposes */
+ assert(store->op_size > STORE_GTID_SIZE);
+ store_serialize_gtid(trx + 1, &trx->rv_gtid);
+ wsrep_buf_t ws = { .ptr = trx + 1, .len = STORE_GTID_SIZE };
+ ret = wsrep->append_data(wsrep, ws_handle, &ws, 1, WSREP_DATA_ORDERED,
+ true);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("wsrep::append_data(rv_gtid) failed: %d", ret);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: append keys touched by the operation
+ *
+ * NOTE: depending on data access granularity some applications may require
+ * multipart keys, e.g. <schema>:<table>:<row> in a SQL database.
+ * Single part keys match hashtables and key-value stores.
+ * Below we have two different single-part keys which reference two
+ * different records. */
+ uint32_t key_val;
+ wsrep_buf_t key_part = { .ptr = &key_val, .len = sizeof(key_val) };
+ wsrep_key_t ws_key = { .key_parts = &key_part, .key_parts_num = 1 };
+ /* REPLICATION: Key 1 - the key of the source, unchanged record */
+ store_serialize_uint32(&key_val, op->idx_from);
+ ret = wsrep->append_key(wsrep, ws_handle,
+ &ws_key,
+ 1, /* single key */
+ true /* provider shall make a copy of the key */);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("wsrep::append_key(REFERENCE) failed: %d", ret);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: Key 2 - the key of the record we want to update */
+ store_serialize_uint32(&key_val, op->idx_to);
+ ret = wsrep->append_key(wsrep, ws_handle,
+ &ws_key,
+ 1, /* single key */
+ true /* provider shall make a copy of the key */);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("wsrep::append_key(UPDATE) failed: %d", ret);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: append transaction operation to the "writeset"
+ * (WS buffer was allocated together with trx context above) */
+ assert(store->op_size >= STORE_OP_SIZE);
+ assert(store->op_size == (uint32_t)store->op_size);
+ op->size = (uint32_t)store->op_size;
+ store_serialize_op(trx + 1, op);
+ wsrep_buf_t ws = { .ptr = trx + 1, .len = store->op_size };
+ ret = wsrep->append_data(wsrep, ws_handle, &ws, 1, WSREP_DATA_ORDERED, true);
+ if (!ret) return 0;
+ NODE_ERROR("wsrep::append_data(op) failed: %d", ret);
+ store_free_trx_id(store, ws_handle->trx_id);
+ return ret;
+node_store_apply(node_store_t* const store,
+ wsrep_trx_id_t* const trx_id,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* const ws)
+ assert(store);
+ (void)store;
+ *trx_id = store_new_trx_id(store);
+ struct store_trx_ctx* const trx = store_get_trx_ctx(store, *trx_id);
+ /* prepare trx context for commit */
+ const char* ptr = ws->ptr;
+ size_t left = ws->len;
+ /* at least one operation should be there */
+ assert(left >= STORE_GTID_SIZE + STORE_OP_SIZE);
+ if (left >= STORE_GTID_SIZE)
+ {
+ store_deserialize_gtid(&trx->rv_gtid, ptr);
+ left -= STORE_GTID_SIZE;
+ }
+ while (left >= STORE_OP_SIZE)
+ {
+ if (store_trx_add_op(trx))
+ {
+ store_free_trx_id(store,*trx_id); /* "rollback": release resources */
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ struct store_trx_op* const op = &trx->ops[trx->ops_num - 1];
+ store_deserialize_op(op, ptr);
+ assert(op->idx_to <= store->records_num);
+ left -= op->size;
+ ptr += op->size;
+ }
+ if (left != 0)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to process last (%d/%zu) bytes of the writeset.",
+ (int)left, ws->len);
+ abort();
+ }
+ return 0;
+static uint32_t const store_fnv32_seed = 2166136261;
+static inline uint32_t
+store_fnv32a(const void* buf, size_t const len, uint32_t seed)
+ static uint32_t const fnv32_prime = 16777619;
+ const uint8_t* bp = (const uint8_t*)buf;
+ const uint8_t* const be = bp + len;
+ while (bp < be)
+ {
+ seed ^= *bp++;
+ seed *= fnv32_prime;
+ }
+ return seed;
+static void
+store_checksum_state(node_store_t* store)
+ uint32_t res = store_fnv32_seed;
+ uint32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < store->members_num; i++)
+ {
+ res = store_fnv32a(&store->members[i], sizeof(*store->members), res);
+ }
+ res = store_fnv32a(store->records, store->records_num * STORE_RECORD_SIZE,
+ res);
+ res = store_fnv32a(&store->gtid.uuid, sizeof(store->gtid.uuid), res);
+ wsrep_seqno_t s;
+ store_serialize_int64(&s, store->gtid.seqno);
+ res = store_fnv32a(&s, sizeof(s), res);
+ NODE_INFO("\n\n\tSeqno: %lld; state hash: %#010x\n",
+ (long long)store->gtid.seqno, res);
+static inline void
+store_update_gtid(node_store_t* const store, const wsrep_gtid_t* ws_gtid)
+ assert(0 == wsrep_uuid_compare(&store->gtid.uuid, &ws_gtid->uuid));
+ store->gtid.seqno++;
+ if (store->gtid.seqno != ws_gtid->seqno)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Out of order commit: expected %lld, got %lld",
+ store->gtid.seqno, ws_gtid->seqno);
+ abort();
+ }
+ static wsrep_seqno_t const period = 0x000fffff; /* ~1M */
+ if (0 == (store->gtid.seqno & period))
+ {
+ store_checksum_state(store);
+ }
+node_store_commit(node_store_t* const store,
+ wsrep_trx_id_t const trx_id,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* const ws_gtid)
+ assert(store);
+ assert(trx_id);
+ struct store_trx_ctx* const trx = store_get_trx_ctx(store, trx_id);
+ bool const check_read_view_snapshot =
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+ !store->read_view_support;
+ 1;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ STORE_MUTEX_LOCK(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ store_update_gtid(store, ws_gtid);
+ /* First loop is to check if we can commit all operations if provider
+ * does not support read view or for debugging puposes */
+ size_t i;
+ if (check_read_view_snapshot)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < trx->ops_num; i++)
+ {
+ struct store_trx_op* const op = &trx->ops[i];
+ record_t from, to;
+ store_record_get(store->records, op->idx_from, &from);
+ store_record_get(store->records, op->idx_to, &to);
+ if (!store_record_equal(&op->rec_from, &from) ||
+ !store_record_equal(&op->rec_to, &to))
+ {
+ /* read view changed since transaction was executed,
+ * can't commit */
+ assert(op->rec_from.version <= from.version);
+ assert(op->rec_to.version <= to.version);
+ if (op->rec_from.version == from.version)
+ assert(op->rec_from.value == from.value);
+ if (op->rec_to.version == to.version)
+ assert(op->rec_to.value == to.value);
+ if (store->read_view_support) abort();
+ store->read_view_fails++;
+ NODE_INFO("Read view changed at commit time, rollback trx");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Second loop is to actually modify the dataset */
+ for (i = 0; i < trx->ops_num; i++)
+ {
+ struct store_trx_op* const op = &trx->ops[i];
+ record_t const new_record =
+ { .version = ws_gtid->seqno, .value = op->new_value };
+ store_record_set(store->records, op->idx_to, &new_record);
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ store_free_trx_id(store, trx_id);
+node_store_rollback(node_store_t* const store,
+ wsrep_trx_id_t const trx_id)
+ assert(store);
+ assert(trx_id);
+ store_free_trx_id(store, trx_id);
+node_store_update_gtid(node_store_t* const store,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* const ws_gtid)
+ assert(store);
+ STORE_MUTEX_LOCK(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ store_update_gtid(store, ws_gtid);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&store->gtid_mtx);
+node_store_read_view_failures(node_store_t* const store)
+ assert(store);
+ long ret;
+ STORE_MUTEX_LOCK(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ ret = store->read_view_fails;;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&store->gtid_mtx);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/store.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/store.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51da74d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/store.h
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * @file This unit defines simple "transactional storage engine" interface
+ */
+#ifndef NODE_STORE_H
+#define NODE_STORE_H
+#include "options.h"
+#include "../../wsrep_api.h"
+typedef struct node_store node_store_t;
+ * open a store and optionally assocoate a file with it */
+extern node_store_t*
+node_store_open(const struct node_options* opts);
+ * close store and deallocate associated resources */
+extern void
+node_store_close(node_store_t* store);
+ * initialize store with a state */
+extern int
+node_store_init_state(node_store_t* store, const void* state, size_t state_len);
+ * Return a pointer to state snapshot that is guaranteed to be unchanged
+ * until node_store_release_state() is called.
+ *
+ * @param[out] state pointer to state snapshot
+ * @param[out] state_len soze of state snapshot
+ */
+extern int
+node_store_acquire_state(node_store_t* store,
+ const void** state, size_t* state_len);
+ * release state */
+extern void
+node_store_release_state(node_store_t* store);
+ * inform store about new membership */
+extern int
+node_store_update_membership(node_store_t* store, const wsrep_view_info_t* v);
+ * get the current GTID (last committed) */
+extern void
+node_store_gtid(node_store_t* store, wsrep_gtid_t* gtid);
+ * execute and prepare local transaction in store and return its key and write
+ * set.
+ *
+ * This operation allocates resources that must be freed with either
+ * node_store_commit() or node_store_rollback()
+ *
+ * @param[in] wsrep provider handle
+ * @param[out] ws_handle reference to the resulting write set in the provider
+ */
+extern int
+node_store_execute(node_store_t* store,
+ wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle);
+ * apply and prepare foreign write set received from replication
+ *
+ * This operation allocates resources that must be freed with either
+ * node_store_commit() or node_store_rollback()
+ *
+ * @param[out] trx_id locally unique transaction ID
+ * @param[in] ws foreign transaction write set
+ */
+extern int
+node_store_apply(node_store_t* store,
+ wsrep_trx_id_t* trx_id,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* ws);
+ * commit prepared transaction identified by trx_id */
+extern void
+node_store_commit(node_store_t* store,
+ wsrep_trx_id_t trx_id,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* ws_gtid);
+ * rollback prepared transaction identified by trx_id */
+extern void
+node_store_rollback(node_store_t* store,
+ wsrep_trx_id_t trx_id);
+ * update storage GTID for transactions that had to be skipped/rolled back */
+extern void
+node_store_update_gtid(node_store_t* store,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* ws_gtid);
+ * @return the number of store read view snapshot check failures at commit time.
+ * (should be zero if provider implements assign_read_view() call) */
+extern long
+node_store_read_view_failures(node_store_t* store);
+#endif /* NODE_STORE_H */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/trx.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/trx.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afdcada4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/trx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "trx.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h> // ENOMEM, etc.
+#include <stdbool.h>
+node_trx_execute(node_store_t* const store,
+ wsrep_t* const wsrep,
+ wsrep_conn_id_t const conn_id,
+ int ops_num)
+ wsrep_status_t cert = WSREP_OK; // for cleanup
+ static unsigned int const ws_flags =
+ wsrep_trx_meta_t ws_meta;
+ wsrep_status_t ret = WSREP_OK;
+ /* prepare simple transaction and obtain a writeset handle for it */
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t ws_handle = { 0, NULL };
+ while (ops_num--)
+ {
+ if (0 != (ret = node_store_execute(store, wsrep, &ws_handle)))
+ {
+#if 0
+ NODE_INFO("master [%d]: node_store_execute() returned %d",
+ conn_id, ret);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: (replicate and) certify the writeset (pointed to by
+ * ws_handle) with the cluster */
+ cert = wsrep->certify(wsrep, conn_id, &ws_handle, ws_flags, &ws_meta);
+ if (WSREP_BF_ABORT == cert)
+ {
+ /* REPLICATION: transaction was signaled to abort due to multi-master
+ * conflict. It must rollback immediately: it blocks
+ * transaction that was ordered earlier and will never
+ * be able to enter commit order. */
+ node_store_rollback(store, ws_handle.trx_id);
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: writeset was totally ordered, need to enter commit order */
+ if (ws_meta.gtid.seqno > 0)
+ {
+ ret = wsrep->commit_order_enter(wsrep, &ws_handle, &ws_meta);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("master [%d]: wsrep::commit_order_enter(%lld) failed: "
+ "%d", (long long)(ws_meta.gtid.seqno), ret);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: inside commit monitor
+ * Note: we commit transaction only if certification succeded */
+ if (WSREP_OK == cert)
+ node_store_commit(store, ws_handle.trx_id, &ws_meta.gtid);
+ else
+ node_store_update_gtid(store, &ws_meta.gtid);
+ ret = wsrep->commit_order_leave(wsrep, &ws_handle, &ws_meta, NULL);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("master [%d]: wsrep::commit_order_leave(%lld) failed: "
+ "%d", (long long)(ws_meta.gtid.seqno), ret);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(cert);
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: if wsrep->certify() returned anything else but WSREP_OK
+ * transaction must roll back. BF aborted trx already did it. */
+ if (cert && WSREP_BF_ABORT != cert)
+ node_store_rollback(store, ws_handle.trx_id);
+ /* NOTE: this application follows the approach that resources must be freed
+ * at the same level where they were allocated, so it is assumed that
+ * ws_key and ws were deallocated in either commit or rollback calls.*/
+ /* REPLICATION: release provider resources associated with the trx */
+ wsrep->release(wsrep, &ws_handle);
+ return ret ? ret : cert;
+node_trx_apply(node_store_t* const store,
+ wsrep_t* const wsrep,
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* const ws_handle,
+ const wsrep_trx_meta_t* const ws_meta,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* const ws)
+ /* no business being here if event was not ordered */
+ assert(ws_meta->gtid.seqno > 0);
+ wsrep_trx_id_t trx_id;
+ wsrep_buf_t err_buf = { NULL, 0 };
+ int app_err;
+ if (ws)
+ {
+ app_err = node_store_apply(store, &trx_id, ws);
+ if (app_err)
+ {
+ /* REPLICATION: if applying failed, prepare an error buffer with
+ * sufficient error specification */
+ err_buf.ptr = &app_err; // suppose error code is enough
+ err_buf.len = sizeof(app_err);
+ }
+ }
+ else /* ws failed certification and should be skipped */
+ {
+ /* just some non-0 code to choose node_store_update_gtid() below */
+ app_err = 1;
+ }
+ wsrep_status_t ret;
+ ret = wsrep->commit_order_enter(wsrep, ws_handle, ws_meta);
+ if (ret) {
+ node_store_rollback(store, trx_id);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (!app_err) node_store_commit(store, trx_id, &ws_meta->gtid);
+ else node_store_update_gtid(store, &ws_meta->gtid);
+ ret = wsrep->commit_order_leave(wsrep, ws_handle, ws_meta, &err_buf);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/trx.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/trx.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1d763a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/trx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * @file This unit defines "transaction" interface
+ */
+#ifndef NODE_TRX_H
+#define NODE_TRX_H
+#include "store.h"
+#include "../../wsrep_api.h"
+ * executes and replicates local transaction
+ */
+extern wsrep_status_t
+node_trx_execute(node_store_t* store,
+ wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_conn_id_t conn_id,
+ int ops_num);
+ * applies and commits slave write set
+ *
+ * @param ws replicated event writeset. NULL if it failed certification (and so
+ * must be skipped, but it was ordered, so store GTID must be updated)
+ */
+extern wsrep_status_t
+node_trx_apply(node_store_t* store,
+ wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle,
+ const wsrep_trx_meta_t* ws_meta,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* ws);
+#endif /* NODE_TRX_H */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/worker.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/worker.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9901ad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/worker.c
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "worker.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "options.h"
+#include "trx.h"
+#include "wsrep.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h> // strerror()
+struct node_worker
+ struct node_ctx* node;
+ pthread_t thread_id;
+ size_t id;
+ bool exit;
+enum wsrep_cb_status
+node_worker_apply_cb(void* const recv_ctx,
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* const ws_handle,
+ uint32_t const ws_flags,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* const ws,
+ const wsrep_trx_meta_t* const ws_meta,
+ wsrep_bool_t* const exit_loop)
+ assert(recv_ctx);
+ struct node_worker* const worker = recv_ctx;
+ wsrep_status_t const ret = node_trx_apply(
+ worker->node->store,
+ node_wsrep_provider(worker->node->wsrep),
+ ws_handle,
+ ws_meta,
+ ws_flags & WSREP_FLAG_ROLLBACK ? NULL : ws);
+ *exit_loop = worker->exit;
+static void*
+worker_slave(void* recv_ctx)
+ struct node_worker* const worker = recv_ctx;
+ wsrep_t* const wsrep = node_wsrep_provider(worker->node->wsrep);
+ wsrep_status_t const ret = wsrep->recv(wsrep, worker);
+ if (WSREP_OK != ret)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("slave worker [%zu] exited with error %d.", worker->id, ret);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static void*
+worker_master(void* send_ctx)
+ struct node_worker* const worker = send_ctx;
+ struct node_ctx* const node = worker->node;
+ wsrep_t* const wsrep = node_wsrep_provider(node->wsrep);
+ assert(node->opts->ws_size > 0);
+ wsrep_status_t ret;
+ do
+ {
+ /* REPLICATION: we should not perform any local writes until the node
+ * is synced with the cluster. */
+ if (!node_wsrep_wait_synced(node->wsrep))
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("master worker [%zu] failed waiting for SYNCED state.",
+ worker->id);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* REPLICATION: the node is now synced */
+ do
+ {
+ ret = node_trx_execute(node->store,
+ wsrep,
+ worker->id,
+ (int)node->opts->operations);
+ }
+ while(WSREP_OK == ret // success
+ || (WSREP_TRX_FAIL == ret // certification failed, trx rolled back
+ && (usleep(10000),true)) // retry after short sleep
+ );
+ }
+ while (WSREP_CONN_FAIL == ret); // provider in bad state (e.g. non-Primary)
+ return NULL;
+struct node_worker_pool
+ size_t size; // size of the pool (nu,ber of nodes)
+ struct node_worker worker[1]; // worker context array;
+struct node_worker_pool*
+node_worker_start(struct node_ctx* const ctx,
+ node_worker_type_t const type,
+ size_t const size)
+ assert(ctx);
+ if (0 == size) return NULL;
+ const char* const type_str = type == NODE_WORKER_SLAVE ? "slave" : "master";
+ size_t const alloc_size =
+ sizeof(struct node_worker_pool) +
+ sizeof(struct node_worker) * (size - 1);
+ struct node_worker_pool* const ret = malloc(alloc_size);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ void* (* const routine) (void*) =
+ type == NODE_WORKER_SLAVE ? worker_slave : worker_master;
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ struct node_worker* const worker = &ret->worker[i];
+ worker->node = ctx;
+ worker->id = i;
+ worker->exit = false;
+ int const err = pthread_create(&worker->thread_id,
+ routine,
+ worker);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to start %s worker[%zu]: %d (%s)",
+ type_str, i, err, strerror(err));
+ if (0 == i)
+ {
+ free(ret);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break; // some threads have started,
+ // need to return to close them first
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ret->size = i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Failed to allocate %zu bytes for the %s worker pool",
+ alloc_size, type_str);
+ }
+ return ret;
+node_worker_stop(struct node_worker_pool* pool)
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; pool && i < pool->size; i++)
+ {
+ pthread_join(pool->worker[i].thread_id, NULL);
+ }
+ free(pool);
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/worker.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/worker.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ae06423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/worker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * @file This unit defines worker thread interface
+ */
+#ifndef NODE_WORKER_H
+#define NODE_WORKER_H
+#include "ctx.h"
+#include "../../wsrep_api.h"
+ * REPLICATION: a callback to apply and commit slave replication events */
+extern enum wsrep_cb_status
+node_worker_apply_cb(void* recv_ctx,
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle,
+ uint32_t ws_flags,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* ws,
+ const wsrep_trx_meta_t* ws_meta,
+ wsrep_bool_t* exit_loop);
+typedef enum node_worker_type
+ node_worker_type_t;
+struct node_worker_pool;
+ * Starts the required number of workier threads of a given type
+ *
+ * @param[in] ctx application context
+ * @param[in] type of a worker
+ * @param[in] number of workers
+ *
+ * @return worker pool handle
+ */
+extern struct node_worker_pool*
+node_worker_start(struct node_ctx* ctx,
+ node_worker_type_t type,
+ size_t number);
+ * Stops workers in a pool and deallocates respective resources */
+extern void
+node_worker_stop(struct node_worker_pool* pool);
+#endif /* NODE_WORKER_H */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/wsrep.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/wsrep.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6cea6d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/wsrep.c
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "wsrep.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "sst.h"
+#include "store.h"
+#include "worker.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h> // snprintf()
+#include <stdlib.h> // abort()
+#include <string.h> // strcasecmp()
+struct node_wsrep
+ wsrep_t* instance; // wsrep provider instance
+ struct wsrep_view
+ {
+ pthread_mutex_t mtx;
+ wsrep_gtid_t state_id;
+ wsrep_view_status_t status;
+ wsrep_cap_t capabilities;
+ int proto_ver;
+ int memb_num;
+ int my_idx;
+ wsrep_member_info_t* members;
+ }
+ view;
+ struct
+ {
+ pthread_mutex_t mtx;
+ pthread_cond_t cond;
+ int value;
+ }
+ synced;
+ bool bootstrap; // shall this node bootstrap a primary view?
+static struct node_wsrep s_wsrep =
+ .instance = NULL,
+ .view =
+ {
+ .state_id = {{{ 0, }}, WSREP_SEQNO_UNDEFINED },
+ .capabilities = 0,
+ .proto_ver = -1,
+ .memb_num = 0,
+ .my_idx = -1,
+ .members = NULL
+ },
+ .synced =
+ {
+ .value = 0
+ },
+ .bootstrap = false
+static const char* wsrep_view_status_str[WSREP_VIEW_MAX] =
+#define WSREP_CAPABILITIES_MAX ((int)sizeof(wsrep_cap_t) * 8) // bitmask
+static const char* wsrep_capabilities_str[WSREP_CAPABILITIES_MAX] =
+ "PA",
+ "TOI",
+ "PAUSE",
+ "NBO",
+ * REPLICATION: callback is called by provider when the node connects to group.
+ * This happens out-of-order, before the node receives a state
+ * transfer and syncs with the cluster. Unless application requires
+ * it it can be empty. We however want to know the GTID of the
+ * group out of order for SST tricks, so we record it out of order.
+ */
+static enum wsrep_cb_status
+wsrep_connected_cb(void* const x,
+ const wsrep_view_info_t* const v)
+ char gtid_str[WSREP_GTID_STR_LEN + 1];
+ wsrep_gtid_print(&v->state_id, gtid_str, sizeof(gtid_str));
+ NODE_INFO("connect_cb(): Connected at %s to %s group of %d member(s)",
+ gtid_str, wsrep_view_status_str[v->status], v->memb_num);
+ struct node_wsrep* const wsrep = ((struct node_ctx*)x)->wsrep;
+ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&wsrep->view.mtx))
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to lock VIEW mutex");
+ abort();
+ }
+ wsrep->view.state_id = v->state_id;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&wsrep->view.mtx);
+ * logs view data */
+static void
+wsrep_log_view(const struct wsrep_view* v)
+ char gtid[WSREP_GTID_STR_LEN + 1];
+ wsrep_gtid_print(&v->state_id, gtid, sizeof(gtid));
+ gtid[WSREP_GTID_STR_LEN] = '\0';
+ char caps[256];
+ int written = 0;
+ size_t space_left = sizeof(caps);
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < WSREP_CAPABILITIES_MAX && space_left > 0; i++)
+ {
+ wsrep_cap_t const f = 1u << i;
+ if (!(f & v->capabilities)) continue;
+ if (wsrep_capabilities_str[i])
+ {
+ written += snprintf(&caps[written], space_left, "%s|",
+ wsrep_capabilities_str[i]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ written += snprintf(&caps[written], space_left, "%d|", i);
+ }
+ space_left = sizeof(caps) - (size_t)written;
+ }
+ caps[written ? written - 1 : 0] = '\0'; // overwrite last '|'
+ char members_list[1024];
+ written = 0;
+ space_left = sizeof(members_list);
+ for (i = 0; i < v->memb_num && space_left > 0; i++)
+ {
+ wsrep_member_info_t* m = &v->members[i];
+ char uuid[WSREP_UUID_STR_LEN + 1];
+ wsrep_uuid_print(&m->id, uuid, sizeof(uuid));
+ uuid[WSREP_UUID_STR_LEN] = '\0';
+ written += snprintf(&members_list[written], space_left,
+ "%s%d: %s '%s' incoming:'%s'\n",
+ v->my_idx == i ? " * " : " ", i,
+ uuid, m->name, m->incoming);
+ space_left = sizeof(members_list) - (size_t)written;
+ }
+ members_list[written ? written - 1 : 0] = '\0'; // overwrite the last '\n'
+ "New view received:\n"
+ "state: %s (%s)\n"
+ "capabilities: %s\n"
+ "protocol version: %d\n"
+ "members(%d)%s%s",
+ gtid, wsrep_view_status_str[v->status],
+ caps,
+ v->proto_ver,
+ v->memb_num, v->memb_num ? ":\n" : "", members_list);
+ * REPLICATION: callback is called when the node needs to process cluster
+ * view change. The callback is called in "total order isolation",
+ * so all the preceding replication events will be processed
+ * strictly before the call and all subsequent - striclty after.
+ */
+static enum wsrep_cb_status
+wsrep_view_cb(void* const x,
+ void* const r,
+ const wsrep_view_info_t* const v,
+ const char* const state,
+ size_t const state_len)
+ (void)r;
+ (void)state;
+ (void)state_len;
+ struct node_ctx* const node = x;
+ if (WSREP_VIEW_PRIMARY == v->status)
+ {
+ /* REPLICATION: membership change is a totally ordered event and as such
+ * should be a part of the state, like changes to the
+ * database. */
+ int err = node_store_update_membership(node->store, v);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to update membership in store: %d (%s)",
+ err, strerror(-err));
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+ enum wsrep_cb_status ret = WSREP_CB_SUCCESS;
+ struct node_wsrep* const wsrep = ((struct node_ctx*)x)->wsrep;
+ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&wsrep->view.mtx))
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to lock VIEW mutex");
+ abort();
+ }
+ /* below we'll just copy the data for future reference (if need be): */
+ size_t const memb_size = (size_t)v->memb_num * sizeof(wsrep_member_info_t);
+ void* const tmp = realloc(wsrep->view.members, memb_size);
+ if (memb_size > 0 && !tmp)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Could not allocate memory for a new view: %zu bytes",
+ memb_size);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wsrep->view.members = tmp;
+ if (memb_size) memcpy(wsrep->view.members, &v->members[0], memb_size);
+ }
+ wsrep->view.state_id = v->state_id;
+ wsrep->view.status = v->status;
+ wsrep->view.capabilities = v->capabilities;
+ wsrep->view.proto_ver = v->proto_ver;
+ wsrep->view.memb_num = v->memb_num;
+ wsrep->view.my_idx = v->my_idx;
+ /* and now log the info */
+ wsrep_log_view(&wsrep->view);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&wsrep->view.mtx);
+ return ret;
+ * REPLICATION: callback is called by provider when the node becomes SYNCED */
+static enum wsrep_cb_status
+wsrep_synced_cb(void* const x)
+ struct node_wsrep* const wsrep = ((struct node_ctx*)x)->wsrep;
+ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&wsrep->synced.mtx))
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to lock SYNCED mutex");
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (wsrep->synced.value == 0)
+ {
+ NODE_INFO("become SYNCED");
+ wsrep->synced.value = 1;
+ pthread_cond_broadcast(&wsrep->synced.cond);
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&wsrep->synced.mtx);
+struct node_wsrep*
+node_wsrep_init(const struct node_options* const opts,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* const current_gtid,
+ void* const app_ctx)
+ if (s_wsrep.instance != NULL) return NULL; // already initialized
+ wsrep_status_t err;
+ err = wsrep_load(opts->provider, &s_wsrep.instance, node_log_cb);
+ if (WSREP_OK != err)
+ {
+ if (strcasecmp(opts->provider, WSREP_NONE))
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("wsrep_load(%s) failed: %s (%d).",
+ opts->provider, strerror(err), err);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("Initializing dummy provider failed: %s (%d).",
+ strerror(err), err);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ char base_addr[256];
+ snprintf(base_addr, sizeof(base_addr) - 1, "%s:%ld",
+ opts->base_host, opts->base_port);
+ struct wsrep_init_args args =
+ {
+ .app_ctx = app_ctx,
+ .node_name = opts->name,
+ .node_address = base_addr,
+ .node_incoming = "", // we don't accept client connections
+ .data_dir = opts->data_dir,
+ .options = opts->options,
+ .proto_ver = 0, // this is the first version of the application
+ // so the first version of the writeset protocol
+ .state_id = current_gtid,
+ .state = NULL, // unused
+ .logger_cb = node_log_cb,
+ .connected_cb = wsrep_connected_cb,
+ .view_cb = wsrep_view_cb,
+ .synced_cb = wsrep_synced_cb,
+ .encrypt_cb = NULL, // not implemented ATM
+ .apply_cb = node_worker_apply_cb,
+ .unordered_cb = NULL, // not needed now
+ .sst_request_cb = node_sst_request_cb,
+ .sst_donate_cb = node_sst_donate_cb
+ };
+ wsrep_t* wsrep = s_wsrep.instance;
+ err = wsrep->init(wsrep, &args);
+ if (WSREP_OK != err)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("wsrep::init() failed: %d, must shutdown", err);
+ node_wsrep_close(&s_wsrep);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return &s_wsrep;
+node_wsrep_connect(struct node_wsrep* const wsrep,
+ const char* const address,
+ bool const bootstrap)
+ wsrep->bootstrap = bootstrap;
+ wsrep_status_t err = wsrep->instance->connect(wsrep->instance,
+ "wsrep_cluster",
+ address,
+ wsrep->bootstrap);
+ if (WSREP_OK != err)
+ {
+ NODE_ERROR("wsrep::connect(%s) failed: %d, must shutdown",
+ address, err);
+ node_wsrep_close(wsrep);
+ }
+ return err;
+node_wsrep_disconnect(struct node_wsrep* const wsrep)
+ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&wsrep->synced.mtx))
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to lock SYNCED mutex");
+ abort();
+ }
+ wsrep->synced.value = -1; /* this will signal master threads to exit */
+ pthread_cond_broadcast(&wsrep->synced.cond);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&wsrep->synced.mtx);
+ wsrep_status_t const err = wsrep->instance->disconnect(wsrep->instance);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ /* REPLICATION: unless connection is not closed, slave threads will
+ * never return. */
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to close wsrep connection: %d", err);
+ abort();
+ }
+node_wsrep_close(struct node_wsrep* const wsrep)
+ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&wsrep->view.mtx))
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to lock VIEW mutex");
+ abort();
+ }
+ assert(0 == wsrep->view.memb_num); // the node must be disconneted
+ assert(NULL == wsrep->view.members);
+ free(wsrep->view.members);
+ wsrep->view.members = NULL;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&wsrep->view.mtx);
+ wsrep->instance->free(wsrep->instance);
+ wsrep->instance = NULL;
+node_wsrep_wait_synced(struct node_wsrep* const wsrep)
+ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&wsrep->synced.mtx))
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to lock SYNCED mutex");
+ abort();
+ }
+ while (wsrep->synced.value == 0)
+ {
+ pthread_cond_wait(&wsrep->synced.cond, &wsrep->synced.mtx);
+ }
+ bool const ret = wsrep->synced.value > 0;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&wsrep->synced.mtx);
+ return ret;
+node_wsrep_connected_gtid(struct node_wsrep* wsrep, wsrep_gtid_t* gtid)
+ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&wsrep->view.mtx))
+ {
+ NODE_FATAL("Failed to lock VIEW mutex");
+ abort();
+ }
+ *gtid = wsrep->view.state_id;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&wsrep->view.mtx);
+node_wsrep_provider(struct node_wsrep* wsrep)
+ return wsrep->instance;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/wsrep.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/wsrep.h
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index 00000000..75c7eac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/examples/node/wsrep.h
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+/* Copyright (c) 2019, Codership Oy. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * @file This unit defines various helpers to manage wsrep provider
+ */
+#ifndef NODE_WSREP_H
+#define NODE_WSREP_H
+#include "options.h"
+#include "../../wsrep_api.h"
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+typedef struct node_wsrep node_wsrep_t;
+ * loads and initializes wsrep provider for further usage
+ *
+ * @param[in] opts program options
+ * @param[in] current_gtid GTID corresponding to the current node state
+ * @param[in] app_ctx application context to be passed to callbacks
+ *
+ * @return initialized object pointer
+ */
+extern node_wsrep_t*
+node_wsrep_init(const struct node_options* opts,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* current_gtid,
+ void* app_ctx);
+ * connects to primary component
+ *
+ * @param[in] wsrep wsrep context
+ * @param[in] address address to connect at (provider specific)
+ * @param[in] bootsstrap bootstrap primary component if there's none
+ *
+ * @return wsrep status code
+ */
+extern wsrep_status_t
+node_wsrep_connect(node_wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ const char* address,
+ bool bootstrap);
+ * disconnects from primary component
+ */
+extern void
+node_wsrep_disconnect(node_wsrep_t* wsrep);
+ * deinitializes and unloads wsrep provider
+ */
+extern void
+node_wsrep_close(node_wsrep_t* wsrep);
+ * waits for the node to become SYNCED
+ *
+ * @return true if node is synced, false in any other event.
+ */
+extern bool
+node_wsrep_wait_synced(node_wsrep_t* wsrep);
+ * @param[in] wsrep context
+ * @param[out] gtid of the current view */
+extern void
+node_wsrep_connected_gtid(node_wsrep_t* wsrep, wsrep_gtid_t* gtid);
+ * @return wsrep provider instance */
+extern wsrep_t*
+node_wsrep_provider(node_wsrep_t* wsrep);
+#endif /* NODE_WSREP_H */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep.xcf b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep.xcf
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep.xcf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_allowlist_service.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_allowlist_service.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71f4d7e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_allowlist_service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-API.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-API. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file wsrep_allowlist_service.h
+ *
+ * This file defines interface for connection allowlist checks.
+ *
+ * The provider which is capable of using the service interface v1 must
+ * export the following functions.
+ *
+ * int wsrep_init_allowlist_service_v1(wsrep_allowlist_service_v1_t*)
+ * void wsrep_deinit_allowlist_service_v1()
+ *
+ * which can be probed by the application.
+ *
+ * The application must initialize the service via above init function
+ * before the provider is initialized via wsrep->init(). The deinit
+ * function must be called after the provider side resources have been
+ * released via wsrep->free().
+ */
+#include "wsrep_api.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+ * Type tag for application defined allowlist processing context.
+ *
+ * Application may pass pointer to the context when initializing
+ * the allowlist service. This pointer is passed a first parameter for
+ * each service call.
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_allowlist_context wsrep_allowlist_context_t;
+typedef enum
+ WSREP_ALLOWLIST_KEY_IP = 0, // IP allowlist check
+ WSREP_ALLOWLIST_KEY_SSL // SSL certificate allowlist check
+} wsrep_allowlist_key_t;
+ * Allowlist connection check callback.
+ *
+ * @retval WSREP_OK connection allowed
+ * @retval WSREP_NOT_ALLOWED connection not allowed
+ */
+typedef wsrep_status_t (*wsrep_allowlist_cb_t)(
+ wsrep_allowlist_context_t*,
+ wsrep_allowlist_key_t key,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* value);
+ * Allowlist service struct.
+ *
+ * A pointer to this struct must be passed to the call to
+ * wsrep_init_allowlist_service_v1.
+ *
+ * The application must provide implementation to all functions defined
+ * in this struct.
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_allowlist_service_v1_st
+ /* Allowlist check callback */
+ wsrep_allowlist_cb_t allowlist_cb;
+ /* Pointer to application defined allowlist context. */
+ wsrep_allowlist_context_t* context;
+} wsrep_allowlist_service_v1_t;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#define WSREP_ALLOWLIST_SERVICE_INIT_FUNC_V1 "wsrep_init_allowlist_service_v1"
+#define WSREP_ALLOWLIST_SERVICE_DEINIT_FUNC_V1 "wsrep_deinit_allowlist_service_v1"
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_api.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_api.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59bb71da
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+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_api.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1380 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Codership Oy <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+ @file wsrep API declaration.
+ Due to C language rules this header layout doesn't lend itself to intuitive
+ reading. So here's the scoop: in the end this header declares two main types:
+ * struct wsrep_init_args
+ and
+ * struct wsrep
+ wsrep_init_args contains initialization parameters for wsrep provider like
+ names, addresses, etc. and pointers to callbacks. The callbacks will be called
+ by provider when it needs to do something application-specific, like log a
+ message or apply a writeset. It should be passed to init() call from
+ wsrep API. It is an application part of wsrep API contract.
+ struct wsrep is the interface to wsrep provider. It contains all wsrep API
+ calls. It is a provider part of wsrep API contract.
+ Finally, wsrep_load() method loads (dlopens) wsrep provider library. It is
+ defined in wsrep_loader.c unit and is part of libwsrep.a (which is not a
+ wsrep provider, but a convenience library).
+ wsrep_unload() does the reverse.
+#ifndef WSREP_H
+#define WSREP_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * *
+ * wsrep replication API *
+ * *
+ **************************************************************************/
+/*! Empty backend spec */
+#define WSREP_NONE "none"
+ * @brief log severity levels, passed as first argument to log handler
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_log_level
+ WSREP_LOG_FATAL, //!< Unrecoverable error, application must quit.
+ WSREP_LOG_ERROR, //!< Operation failed, must be repeated.
+ WSREP_LOG_WARN, //!< Unexpected condition, but no operational failure.
+ WSREP_LOG_INFO, //!< Informational message.
+ WSREP_LOG_DEBUG //!< Debug message. Shows only of compiled with debug.
+} wsrep_log_level_t;
+ * @brief error log handler
+ *
+ * All messages from wsrep provider are directed to this
+ * handler, if present.
+ *
+ * @param level log level
+ * @param message log message
+ */
+typedef void (*wsrep_log_cb_t)(wsrep_log_level_t, const char *);
+ * Certain provider capabilities application may want to know about
+ */
+#define WSREP_CAP_MULTI_MASTER ( 1ULL << 0 )
+#define WSREP_CAP_TRX_REPLAY ( 1ULL << 3 )
+#define WSREP_CAP_ISOLATION ( 1ULL << 4 )
+#define WSREP_CAP_PAUSE ( 1ULL << 5 )
+#define WSREP_CAP_CAUSAL_READS ( 1ULL << 6 )
+#define WSREP_CAP_CAUSAL_TRX ( 1ULL << 7 )
+#define WSREP_CAP_SESSION_LOCKS ( 1ULL << 9 )
+#define WSREP_CAP_UNORDERED ( 1ULL << 12 )
+#define WSREP_CAP_ANNOTATION ( 1ULL << 13 )
+#define WSREP_CAP_PREORDERED ( 1ULL << 14 )
+#define WSREP_CAP_STREAMING ( 1ULL << 15 )
+#define WSREP_CAP_SNAPSHOT ( 1ULL << 16 )
+#define WSREP_CAP_NBO ( 1ULL << 17 )
+typedef uint32_t wsrep_cap_t; //!< capabilities bitmask
+ * Writeset flags
+ *
+ * TRX_END the writeset and all preceding writesets must be committed
+ * ROLLBACK all preceding writesets in a transaction must be rolled back
+ * ISOLATION the writeset must be applied AND committed in isolation
+ * PA_UNSAFE the writeset cannot be applied in parallel
+ * COMMUTATIVE the order in which the writeset is applied does not matter
+ * NATIVE the writeset contains another writeset in this provider format
+ *
+ * TRX_START shall be set on the first trx fragment by provider
+ * TRX_PREPARE shall be set on the fragment which prepares the transaction
+ *
+ * Note that some of the flags are mutually exclusive (e.g. TRX_END and
+ */
+#define WSREP_FLAG_TRX_END ( 1ULL << 0 )
+#define WSREP_FLAG_ROLLBACK ( 1ULL << 1 )
+#define WSREP_FLAG_ISOLATION ( 1ULL << 2 )
+#define WSREP_FLAG_PA_UNSAFE ( 1ULL << 3 )
+#define WSREP_FLAG_NATIVE ( 1ULL << 5 )
+#define WSREP_FLAG_TRX_START ( 1ULL << 6 )
+#define WSREP_FLAG_TRX_PREPARE ( 1ULL << 7 )
+#define WSREP_FLAG_SNAPSHOT ( 1ULL << 8 )
+typedef uint64_t wsrep_trx_id_t; //!< application transaction ID
+typedef uint64_t wsrep_conn_id_t; //!< application connection ID
+typedef int64_t wsrep_seqno_t; //!< sequence number of a writeset, etc.
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+typedef bool wsrep_bool_t;
+typedef _Bool wsrep_bool_t; //!< should be the same as standard (C99) bool
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/*! undefined seqno */
+/*! wsrep provider status codes */
+typedef enum wsrep_status
+ WSREP_OK = 0, //!< success
+ WSREP_WARNING, //!< minor warning, error logged
+ WSREP_TRX_MISSING, //!< transaction is not known by wsrep
+ WSREP_TRX_FAIL, //!< transaction aborted, server can continue
+ WSREP_BF_ABORT, //!< trx was victim of brute force abort
+ WSREP_SIZE_EXCEEDED, //!< data exceeded maximum supported size
+ WSREP_CONN_FAIL, //!< error in client connection, must abort
+ WSREP_NODE_FAIL, //!< error in node state, wsrep must reinit
+ WSREP_FATAL, //!< fatal error, server must abort
+ WSREP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, //!< feature not implemented
+ WSREP_NOT_ALLOWED //!< operation not allowed
+} wsrep_status_t;
+/*! wsrep callbacks status codes */
+typedef enum wsrep_cb_status
+ WSREP_CB_SUCCESS = 0, //!< success (as in "not critical failure")
+ WSREP_CB_FAILURE //!< critical failure (consistency violation)
+ /* Technically, wsrep provider has no use for specific failure codes since
+ * there is nothing it can do about it but abort execution. Therefore any
+ * positive number shall indicate a critical failure. Optionally that value
+ * may be used by provider to come to a consensus about state consistency
+ * in a group of nodes. */
+} wsrep_cb_status_t;
+ * UUID type - for all unique IDs
+ */
+typedef union wsrep_uuid {
+ uint8_t data[16];
+ size_t alignment;
+} wsrep_uuid_t;
+/*! Undefined UUID */
+static const wsrep_uuid_t WSREP_UUID_UNDEFINED = {{0,}};
+/*! UUID string representation length, terminating '\0' not included */
+#define WSREP_UUID_STR_LEN 36
+ * Scan UUID from string
+ * @return length of UUID string representation or negative error code
+ */
+extern int
+wsrep_uuid_scan (const char* str, size_t str_len, wsrep_uuid_t* uuid);
+ * Print UUID to string
+ * @return length of UUID string representation or negative error code
+ */
+extern int
+wsrep_uuid_print (const wsrep_uuid_t* uuid, char* str, size_t str_len);
+ * @brief Compare two UUIDs
+ *
+ * Performs a byte by byte comparison of lhs and rhs.
+ * Returns 0 if lhs and rhs match, otherwise -1 or 1 according to the
+ * difference of the first byte that differs in lsh and rhs.
+ *
+ * @return -1, 0, 1 if lhs is respectively smaller, equal, or greater than rhs
+ */
+extern int
+wsrep_uuid_compare (const wsrep_uuid_t* lhs, const wsrep_uuid_t* rhs);
+#define WSREP_MEMBER_NAME_LEN 32 //!< maximum logical member name length
+#define WSREP_INCOMING_LEN 256 //!< max Domain Name length + 0x00
+ * Global transaction identifier
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_gtid
+ wsrep_uuid_t uuid; /*!< History UUID */
+ wsrep_seqno_t seqno; /*!< Sequence number */
+} wsrep_gtid_t;
+/*! Undefined GTID */
+static const wsrep_gtid_t WSREP_GTID_UNDEFINED = {{{0, }}, -1};
+/*! Minimum number of bytes guaranteed to store GTID string representation,
+ * terminating '\0' not included (36 + 1 + 20) */
+#define WSREP_GTID_STR_LEN 57
+ * Scan GTID from string
+ * @return length of GTID string representation or negative error code
+ */
+extern int
+wsrep_gtid_scan(const char* str, size_t str_len, wsrep_gtid_t* gtid);
+ * Print GTID to string
+ * @return length of GTID string representation or negative error code
+ */
+extern int
+wsrep_gtid_print(const wsrep_gtid_t* gtid, char* str, size_t str_len);
+ * Source/server transaction ID (trx ID assigned at originating node)
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_stid {
+ wsrep_uuid_t node; //!< source node ID
+ wsrep_trx_id_t trx; //!< local trx ID at source
+ wsrep_conn_id_t conn; //!< local connection ID at source
+} wsrep_stid_t;
+ * Transaction meta data
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_trx_meta
+ wsrep_gtid_t gtid; /*!< Global transaction identifier */
+ wsrep_stid_t stid; /*!< Source transaction identifier */
+ wsrep_seqno_t depends_on; /*!< Sequence number of the last transaction
+ this transaction may depend on */
+} wsrep_trx_meta_t;
+/*! Abstract data buffer structure */
+typedef struct wsrep_buf
+ const void* ptr; /*!< Pointer to data buffer */
+ size_t len; /*!< Length of buffer */
+} wsrep_buf_t;
+/*! Transaction handle struct passed for wsrep transaction handling calls */
+typedef struct wsrep_ws_handle
+ wsrep_trx_id_t trx_id; //!< transaction ID
+ void* opaque; //!< opaque provider transaction context data
+} wsrep_ws_handle_t;
+ * member status
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_member_status {
+ WSREP_MEMBER_UNDEFINED, //!< undefined state
+ WSREP_MEMBER_JOINER, //!< incomplete state, requested state transfer
+ WSREP_MEMBER_DONOR, //!< complete state, donates state transfer
+ WSREP_MEMBER_JOINED, //!< complete state
+ WSREP_MEMBER_SYNCED, //!< complete state, synchronized with group
+ WSREP_MEMBER_ERROR, //!< this and above is provider-specific error code
+} wsrep_member_status_t;
+ * static information about a group member (some fields are tentative yet)
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_member_info {
+ wsrep_uuid_t id; //!< group-wide unique member ID
+ char name[WSREP_MEMBER_NAME_LEN]; //!< human-readable name
+ char incoming[WSREP_INCOMING_LEN]; //!< address for client requests
+} wsrep_member_info_t;
+ * group status
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_view_status {
+ WSREP_VIEW_PRIMARY, //!< primary group configuration (quorum present)
+ WSREP_VIEW_NON_PRIMARY, //!< non-primary group configuration (quorum lost)
+ WSREP_VIEW_DISCONNECTED, //!< not connected to group, retrying.
+} wsrep_view_status_t;
+ * view of the group
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_view_info {
+ wsrep_gtid_t state_id; //!< global state ID
+ wsrep_seqno_t view; //!< global view number
+ wsrep_view_status_t status; //!< view status
+ wsrep_cap_t capabilities;//!< capabilities available in the view
+ int my_idx; //!< index of this member in the view
+ int memb_num; //!< number of members in the view
+ int proto_ver; //!< application protocol agreed on the view
+ wsrep_member_info_t members[1];//!< array of member information
+} wsrep_view_info_t;
+ * @brief connected to group
+ *
+ * This handler is called once the first primary view is seen.
+ * The purpose of this call is to provide basic information only,
+ * like node UUID and group UUID.
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_cb_status (*wsrep_connected_cb_t) (
+ void* app_ctx,
+ const wsrep_view_info_t* view
+ * @brief group view handler
+ *
+ * This handler is called in *total order* corresponding to the group
+ * configuration change. It is to provide a vital information about
+ * new group view.
+ *
+ * @param app_ctx application context
+ * @param recv_ctx receiver context
+ * @param view new view on the group
+ * @param state current state
+ * @param state_len length of current state
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_cb_status (*wsrep_view_cb_t) (
+ void* app_ctx,
+ void* recv_ctx,
+ const wsrep_view_info_t* view,
+ const char* state,
+ size_t state_len
+ * Magic string to tell provider to engage into trivial (empty) state transfer.
+ * No data will be passed, but the node shall be considered JOINED.
+ * Should be passed in sst_req parameter of wsrep_sst_cb_t.
+ */
+ * Magic string to tell provider not to engage in state transfer at all.
+ * The member will stay in WSREP_MEMBER_UNDEFINED state but will keep on
+ * receiving all writesets.
+ * Should be passed in sst_req parameter of wsrep_sst_cb_t.
+ */
+ * @brief Creates and returns State Snapshot Transfer request for provider.
+ *
+ * This handler is called whenever the node is found to miss some of events
+ * from the cluster history (e.g. fresh node joining the cluster).
+ * SST will be used if it is impossible (or impractically long) to replay
+ * missing events, which may be not known in advance, so the node must always
+ * be ready to accept full SST or abort in case event replay is impossible.
+ *
+ * Normally SST request is an opaque buffer that is passed to the
+ * chosen SST donor node and must contain information sufficient for
+ * donor to deliver SST (typically SST method and delivery address).
+ * to modify the standard provider behavior.
+ *
+ * @note Currently it is assumed that sst_req is allocated using
+ * malloc()/calloc()/realloc() and it will be freed by
+ * wsrep provider.
+ *
+ * @param app_ctx application context
+ * @param sst_req location to store SST request
+ * @param sst_req_len location to store SST request length or error code,
+ * value of 0 means no SST.
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_cb_status (*wsrep_sst_request_cb_t) (
+ void* app_ctx,
+ void** sst_req,
+ size_t* sst_req_len
+ * @brief apply callback
+ *
+ * This handler is called from wsrep library to apply replicated writeset
+ * Must support brute force applying for multi-master operation
+ *
+ * @param recv_ctx receiver context pointer provided by the application
+ * @param ws_handle internal provider writeset handle
+ * @param flags WSREP_FLAG_... flags
+ * @param data data buffer containing the writeset
+ * @param meta transaction meta data of the writeset to be applied
+ * @param exit_loop set to true to exit receive loop
+ *
+ * @return error code:
+ * @retval 0 - success
+ * @retval non-0 - application-specific error code
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_cb_status (*wsrep_apply_cb_t) (
+ void* recv_ctx,
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle,
+ uint32_t flags,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* data,
+ const wsrep_trx_meta_t* meta,
+ wsrep_bool_t* exit_loop
+ * @brief unordered callback
+ *
+ * This handler is called to execute unordered actions (actions that need not
+ * to be executed in any particular order) attached to writeset.
+ *
+ * @param recv_ctx receiver context pointer provided by the application
+ * @param data data buffer containing the writeset
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_cb_status (*wsrep_unordered_cb_t) (
+ void* recv_ctx,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* data
+ * @brief a callback to donate state snapshot
+ *
+ * This handler is called from wsrep library when it needs this node
+ * to deliver state to a new cluster member.
+ * No state changes will be committed for the duration of this call.
+ * Wsrep implementation may provide internal state to be transmitted
+ * to new cluster member for initial state.
+ *
+ * @param app_ctx application context
+ * @param recv_ctx receiver context
+ * @param str_msg state transfer request message
+ * @param gtid current state ID on this node
+ * @param state current wsrep internal state buffer
+ * @param bypass bypass snapshot transfer, only transfer uuid:seqno pair
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_cb_status (*wsrep_sst_donate_cb_t) (
+ void* app_ctx,
+ void* recv_ctx,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* str_msg,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* state_id,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* state,
+ wsrep_bool_t bypass
+ * @brief a callback to signal application that wsrep state is synced
+ * with cluster
+ *
+ * This callback is called after wsrep library has got in sync with
+ * rest of the cluster.
+ *
+ * @param app_ctx application context
+ *
+ * @return wsrep_cb_status enum
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_cb_status (*wsrep_synced_cb_t) (void* app_ctx);
+ * An opaque encryption key of arbitrary size - provided by the application
+ * May contain not only the key, but also algorithm specification and the like.
+ */
+typedef wsrep_buf_t wsrep_enc_key_t;
+ * Initialization vector/nonce. Given that most symmetric ciphers use 16 byte
+ * blocks this can be made 32 bytes without much loss of generality.
+ * Must be set by provider to start an encryption/decrytpion operation.
+ */
+typedef char wsrep_enc_iv_t[32];
+ * Encryption context that should be sufficient to deterministically encrypt/
+ * decrypt a data buffer either standalone or as part of a stream. May be used
+ * passed in apply_cb() along with the encrypted replication events to
+ * application as well.
+ *
+ * @param key [in] can be a pointer to const since provider will have to keep
+ * the keys until the last writeset that uses the key is in the
+ * cache
+ * @param iv [in] initialization vector for the beginning of the new
+ * operation.
+ * @param ctx [in/out] ongoing operation context
+ * To initialize a new context the encrypt_cb() caller sets it to
+ * NULL, which signals the encryption of a new continuous buffer.
+ * In that case the callback allocates the new context (using
+ * supplied key and iv) and stores the pointer to it for
+ * processing subsequent data.
+ * The end of the operation is signaled by passing TRUE in the
+ * parameter `last` to the encryption callback, the callback then
+ * finishes any pending encryption and deallocates the context.
+ */
+typedef struct
+ const wsrep_enc_key_t* key;
+ const wsrep_enc_iv_t* iv;
+ void* ctx;
+ * Encryption direction
+ */
+typedef enum
+ WSREP_ENC = 0, /* encryption */
+ WSREP_DEC = 1 /* decryption */
+ * Encryption/decryption callback. Must be used by both provider and the
+ * application to obtain identical results. Can be NULL for no encryption.
+ *
+ * @param app_ctx application context
+ * @param enc_ctx current operation context
+ * @param input input data buffer
+ * @param output an output buffer, must be at least the size of the input
+ * data plus unwritten bytes from the previous call(s). E.g. in
+ * block mode, encryption/decryption operation will write data
+ * to output in multiples of the algoritm block size. So a call
+ * to encrypt a single byte won't normally write anything to
+ * output waiting for the next input chunk. So on the next call
+ * it may write one byte more than was given in the input.
+ * @param direction of the operation (encryption/decryption)
+ * @param last true if this is the last buffer to encrypt in the stream.
+ * In that case the callback shall write the remaining bytes of
+ * the stream to output (if any) and deallocate ctx->ctx if
+ * allocated previously
+ *
+ * @return a number of bytes written to output or a negative error code.
+ */
+typedef int (*wsrep_encrypt_cb_t)
+ void* app_ctx,
+ wsrep_enc_ctx_t* enc_ctx,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* input,
+ void* output,
+ wsrep_enc_direction_t direction,
+ bool last
+ * Initialization parameters for wsrep provider.
+ */
+struct wsrep_init_args
+ void* app_ctx; //!< Application context for callbacks
+ /* Configuration parameters */
+ const char* node_name; //!< Symbolic name of this node (e.g. hostname)
+ const char* node_address; //!< Address to be used by wsrep provider
+ const char* node_incoming; //!< Address for incoming client connections
+ const char* data_dir; //!< Directory where wsrep files are kept if any
+ const char* options; //!< Provider-specific configuration string
+ int proto_ver; //!< Max supported application protocol version
+ /* Application initial state information. */
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* state_id; //!< Application state GTID
+ const wsrep_buf_t* state; //!< Initial state for wsrep provider
+ /* Application callbacks */
+ wsrep_log_cb_t logger_cb; //!< logging handler
+ wsrep_connected_cb_t connected_cb; //!< connected to group
+ wsrep_view_cb_t view_cb; //!< group view change handler
+ wsrep_sst_request_cb_t sst_request_cb; //!< SST request creator
+ wsrep_encrypt_cb_t encrypt_cb; //!< Encryption callback
+ /* Applier callbacks */
+ wsrep_apply_cb_t apply_cb; //!< apply callback
+ wsrep_unordered_cb_t unordered_cb; //!< callback for unordered actions
+ /* State Snapshot Transfer callbacks */
+ wsrep_sst_donate_cb_t sst_donate_cb; //!< donate SST
+ wsrep_synced_cb_t synced_cb; //!< synced with group
+/*! Type of the stats variable value in struct wsrep_status_var */
+typedef enum wsrep_var_type
+ WSREP_VAR_STRING, //!< pointer to null-terminated string
+ WSREP_VAR_INT64, //!< int64_t
+ WSREP_VAR_DOUBLE //!< double
+/*! Generalized stats variable representation */
+struct wsrep_stats_var
+ const char* name; //!< variable name
+ wsrep_var_type_t type; //!< variable value type
+ union {
+ int64_t _int64;
+ double _double;
+ const char* _string;
+ } value; //!< variable value
+/*! Key struct used to pass certification keys for transaction handling calls.
+ * A key consists of zero or more key parts. */
+typedef struct wsrep_key
+ const wsrep_buf_t* key_parts; /*!< Array of key parts */
+ size_t key_parts_num; /*!< Number of key parts */
+} wsrep_key_t;
+/*! Key type:
+ * SHARED - higher level resource shared between clients, e.g. SQL table
+ * REFERENCE - resource referenced but not modified, e.g. parent row
+ * UPDATE - resource is modified
+ * EXCLUSIVE - resource is either created or deleted */
+typedef enum wsrep_key_type
+} wsrep_key_type_t;
+/*! Data type:
+ * ORDERED state modification event that should be applied and committed
+ * in order.
+ * UNORDERED some action that does not modify state and execution of which is
+ * optional and does not need to happen in order.
+ * ANNOTATION (human readable) writeset annotation. */
+typedef enum wsrep_data_type
+} wsrep_data_type_t;
+ * @brief Helper method to reset trx writeset handle state when trx id changes
+ *
+ * Instead of passing wsrep_ws_handle_t directly to wsrep calls,
+ * wrapping handle with this call offloads bookkeeping from
+ * application.
+ */
+static inline wsrep_ws_handle_t* wsrep_ws_handle_for_trx(
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle,
+ wsrep_trx_id_t trx_id)
+ if (ws_handle->trx_id != trx_id)
+ {
+ ws_handle->trx_id = trx_id;
+ ws_handle->opaque = NULL;
+ }
+ return ws_handle;
+ * A handle for processing preordered actions.
+ * Must be initialized to WSREP_PO_INITIALIZER before use.
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_po_handle { void* opaque; } wsrep_po_handle_t;
+static const wsrep_po_handle_t WSREP_PO_INITIALIZER = { NULL };
+typedef struct wsrep_st wsrep_t;
+ * wsrep interface for dynamically loadable libraries
+ */
+struct wsrep_st {
+ const char *version; //!< interface version string
+ /*!
+ * @brief Initializes wsrep provider
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param args wsrep initialization parameters
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*init) (wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ const struct wsrep_init_args* args);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Returns provider capabilities bitmap
+ *
+ * Note that these are potential provider capabilities. Provider will
+ * offer only capabilities supported by all members in the view
+ * (see wsrep_view_info).
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ */
+ wsrep_cap_t (*capabilities) (wsrep_t* wsrep);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Passes provider-specific configuration string to provider.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param conf configuration string
+ *
+ * @retval WSREP_OK configuration string was parsed successfully
+ * @retval WSREP_WARNING could not parse configuration string, no action taken
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*options_set) (wsrep_t* wsrep, const char* conf);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Returns provider-specific string with current configuration values.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ *
+ * @return a dynamically allocated string with current configuration
+ * parameter values
+ */
+ char* (*options_get) (wsrep_t* wsrep);
+ /*!
+ * @brief A call to set/rotate the key in provider.
+ *
+ * This may happen asynchronously and so is a best effort operation.
+ * Some buffers may still be encrypted with a previous key.
+ *
+ * @param a key object for the encryption callback
+ *
+ * return success or an error code
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*enc_set_key)(wsrep_t* wsrep, const wsrep_enc_key_t* key);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Opens connection to cluster
+ *
+ * Returns when either node is ready to operate as a part of the cluster
+ * or fails to reach operating status.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param cluster_name unique symbolic cluster name
+ * @param cluster_url URL-like cluster address (backend://address)
+ * @param state_donor name of the node to be asked for state transfer.
+ * @param bootstrap a flag to request initialization of a new wsrep
+ * service rather then a connection to the existing one.
+ * cluster_url may still carry important initialization
+ * parameters, like backend spec and/or listen address.
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*connect) (wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ const char* cluster_name,
+ const char* cluster_url,
+ const char* state_donor,
+ wsrep_bool_t bootstrap);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Closes connection to cluster.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep this wsrep handler
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*disconnect)(wsrep_t* wsrep);
+ /*!
+ * @brief start receiving replication events
+ *
+ * This function does not return until provider is closed or \p exit_loop
+ * parameter to wsrep_apply_cb_t() is set to true.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param recv_ctx receiver context
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*recv)(wsrep_t* wsrep, void* recv_ctx);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Tells provider that a given writeset has a read view associated
+ * with it.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param handle writeset handle
+ * @param rv read view GTID established by the caller or if NULL,
+ * provider will infer it internally.
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*assign_read_view)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* handle,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* rv);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Certifies transaction with provider.
+ *
+ * Must be called before transaction commit. Returns success code, which
+ * caller must check.
+ *
+ * In case of WSREP_OK, transaction can proceed to commit.
+ * Otherwise transaction must rollback.
+ *
+ * In case of a failure there are two conceptually different situations:
+ * - the writeset was not ordered. In that case meta struct shall contain
+ * - the writeset was successfully ordered, but failed certification.
+ * In this case meta struct shall contain a valid GTID.
+ *
+ * Regardless of the return code, if meta struct contains a valid GTID
+ * the commit order critical section must be entered with that GTID.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param conn_id connection ID
+ * @param ws_handle writeset of committing transaction
+ * @param flags fine tuning the replication WSREP_FLAG_*
+ * @param meta transaction meta data
+ *
+ * @retval WSREP_OK writeset successfully certified, can commit
+ * @retval WSREP_TRX_FAIL must rollback transaction
+ * @retval WSREP_CONN_FAIL must close client connection
+ * @retval WSREP_NODE_FAIL must close all connections and reinit
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*certify)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_conn_id_t conn_id,
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle,
+ uint32_t flags,
+ wsrep_trx_meta_t* meta);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Enters commit order critical section.
+ *
+ * Anything executed between this call and commit_order_leave() will be
+ * executed in provider enforced order.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param ws_handle internal provider writeset handle
+ * @param meta transaction meta data
+ *
+ * @retval WSREP_OK commit order entered successfully
+ * @retval WSREP_NODE_FAIL must close all connections and reinit
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*commit_order_enter)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle,
+ const wsrep_trx_meta_t* meta);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Leaves commit order critical section
+ *
+ * Anything executed between commit_order_enter() and this call will be
+ * executed in provider enforced order.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param ws_handle internal provider writeset handle
+ * @param meta transaction meta data
+ * @param error buffer containing error info (null/empty for no error)
+ *
+ * @retval WSREP_OK commit order left successfully
+ * @retval WSREP_NODE_FAIL must close all connections and reinit
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*commit_order_leave)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle,
+ const wsrep_trx_meta_t* meta,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* error);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Releases resources after transaction commit/rollback.
+ *
+ * Ends total order critical section.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param ws_handle writeset of committing transaction
+ * @retval WSREP_OK release succeeded
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*release) (wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Replay trx as a slave writeset
+ *
+ * If local trx has been aborted by brute force, and it has already
+ * replicated before this abort, we must try if we can apply it as
+ * slave trx. Note that slave nodes see only trx writesets and certification
+ * test based on write set content can be different to DBMS lock conflicts.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param ws_handle writeset of committing transaction
+ * @param trx_ctx transaction context
+ *
+ * @retval WSREP_OK cluster commit succeeded
+ * @retval WSREP_TRX_FAIL must rollback transaction
+ * @retval WSREP_BF_ABORT brute force abort happened after trx replicated
+ * must rollback transaction and try to replay
+ * @retval WSREP_CONN_FAIL must close client connection
+ * @retval WSREP_NODE_FAIL must close all connections and reinit
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*replay_trx)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle,
+ void* trx_ctx);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Abort certify() call of another thread.
+ *
+ * It is possible, that some high-priority transaction needs to abort
+ * another transaction which is in certify() call waiting for resources.
+ *
+ * The kill routine checks that abort is not attempted against a transaction
+ * which is front of the caller (in total order).
+ *
+ * If the abort was successful, the victim sequence number is stored
+ * into location pointed by the victim_seqno.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param bf_seqno seqno of brute force trx, running this cancel
+ * @param victim_trx transaction to be aborted, and which is committing
+ * @param victim_seqno seqno of the victim transaction if assigned
+ *
+ * @retval WSREP_OK abort succeeded
+ * @retval WSREP_NOT_ALLOWED the provider declined the abort request
+ * @retval WSREP_TRX_MISSING the victim_trx was missing
+ * @retval WSREP_WARNING abort failed
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*abort_certification)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_seqno_t bf_seqno,
+ wsrep_trx_id_t victim_trx,
+ wsrep_seqno_t* victim_seqno);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Send a rollback fragment on behalf of trx
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param trx transaction to be rolled back
+ * @param data data to append to the fragment
+ *
+ * @retval WSREP_OK rollback fragment sent successfully
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*rollback)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_trx_id_t trx,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* data);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Appends a row reference to transaction writeset
+ *
+ * Both copy flag and key_type can be ignored by provider (key type
+ * interpreted as WSREP_KEY_EXCLUSIVE).
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param ws_handle writeset handle
+ * @param keys array of keys
+ * @param count length of the array of keys
+ * @param type type of the key
+ * @param copy can be set to FALSE if keys persist through commit.
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*append_key)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle,
+ const wsrep_key_t* keys,
+ size_t count,
+ enum wsrep_key_type type,
+ wsrep_bool_t copy);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Appends data to transaction writeset
+ *
+ * This method can be called any time before certify() call and it appends
+ * a data buffer to the transaction writeset.
+ * Repeated calls of the method will result in direct buffer concatenation
+ * and all data will be passed as a single buffer to the apply callback.
+ *
+ * Both copy and unordered flags can be ignored by provider.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param ws_handle writeset handle
+ * @param data array of data buffers
+ * @param count buffer count
+ * @param type type of data
+ * @param copy can be set to FALSE if data persists through commit.
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*append_data)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* data,
+ size_t count,
+ enum wsrep_data_type type,
+ wsrep_bool_t copy);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Blocks until the given GTID is committed
+ *
+ * This call will block the caller until the given GTID
+ * is guaranteed to be committed, or until a timeout occurs.
+ * The timeout value is given in parameter tout, if tout is -1,
+ * then the global causal read timeout applies.
+ *
+ * If no pointer upto is provided the call will block until
+ * causal ordering with all possible preceding writes in the
+ * cluster is guaranteed.
+ *
+ * If pointer to gtid is non-null, the call stores the global
+ * transaction ID of the last transaction which is guaranteed
+ * to be committed when the call returns.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param upto gtid to wait upto
+ * @param tout timeout in seconds
+ * -1 wait for global causal read timeout
+ * @param gtid location to store GTID
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*sync_wait)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_gtid_t* upto,
+ int tout,
+ wsrep_gtid_t* gtid);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Returns the last committed gtid
+ *
+ * @param gtid location to store GTID
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*last_committed_id)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_gtid_t* gtid);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Clears allocated connection context.
+ *
+ * Whenever a new connection ID is passed to wsrep provider through
+ * any of the API calls, a connection context is allocated for this
+ * connection. This call is to explicitly notify provider of connection
+ * closing.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param conn_id connection ID
+ * @param query the 'set database' query
+ * @param query_len length of query (does not end with 0)
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*free_connection)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_conn_id_t conn_id);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Replicates a query and starts "total order isolation" section.
+ *
+ * Regular mode:
+ *
+ * Replicates the action spec and returns success code, which caller must
+ * check. Total order isolation continues until to_execute_end() is called.
+ * Regular "total order isolation" is achieved by calling to_execute_start()
+ *
+ * Two-phase mode:
+ *
+ * In this mode a query execution is split in two phases. The first phase is
+ * acquiring total order isolation to access critical section and the
+ * second phase is to release acquired resources in total order.
+ *
+ * To start the first phase the call is made with WSREP_FLAG_TRX_START set.
+ * The action is replicated and success code is returned. The total order
+ * isolation continues until to_execute_end() is called. However, the provider
+ * will keep the reference to the operation for conflict resolution purposes.
+ *
+ * The second phase is started with WSREP_FLAG_TRX_END set. Provider
+ * returns once it has achieved total ordering isolation for second phase.
+ * Total order isolation continues until to_execute_end() is called.
+ * All references to the operation are cleared by provider before
+ * call to to_execute_end() returns.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param conn_id connection ID
+ * @param keys array of keys
+ * @param keys_num length of the array of keys
+ * @param action action buffer array to be executed
+ * @param count action buffer count
+ * @param flags flags
+ * @param meta transaction meta data
+ *
+ * @retval WSREP_OK cluster commit succeeded
+ * @retval WSREP_CONN_FAIL must close client connection
+ * @retval WSREP_NODE_FAIL must close all connections and reinit
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*to_execute_start)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_conn_id_t conn_id,
+ const wsrep_key_t* keys,
+ size_t keys_num,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* action,
+ size_t count,
+ uint32_t flags,
+ wsrep_trx_meta_t* meta);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Ends the total order isolation section.
+ *
+ * Marks the end of total order isolation. TO locks are freed
+ * and other transactions are free to commit from this point on.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param conn_id connection ID
+ * @param error error information about TOI operation (empty for no error)
+ *
+ * @retval WSREP_OK cluster commit succeeded
+ * @retval WSREP_CONN_FAIL must close client connection
+ * @retval WSREP_NODE_FAIL must close all connections and reinit
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*to_execute_end)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_conn_id_t conn_id,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* error);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Collects preordered replication events into a writeset.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep wsrep provider handle
+ * @param handle a handle associated with a given writeset
+ * @param data an array of data buffers.
+ * @param count length of data buffer array.
+ * @param copy whether provider needs to make a copy of events.
+ *
+ * @retval WSREP_OK cluster-wide commit succeeded
+ * @retval WSREP_TRX_FAIL operation failed (e.g. trx size exceeded limit)
+ * @retval WSREP_NODE_FAIL must close all connections and reinit
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*preordered_collect) (wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_po_handle_t* handle,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* data,
+ size_t count,
+ wsrep_bool_t copy);
+ /*!
+ * @brief "Commits" preordered writeset to cluster.
+ *
+ * The contract is that the writeset will be committed in the same (partial)
+ * order this method was called. Frees resources associated with the writeset
+ * handle and reinitializes the handle.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep wsrep provider handle
+ * @param po_handle a handle associated with a given writeset
+ * @param source_id ID of the event producer, also serves as the partial order
+ * or stream ID - events with different source_ids won't be
+ * ordered with respect to each other.
+ * @param flags WSREP_FLAG_... flags
+ * @param pa_range the number of preceding events this event can be processed
+ * in parallel with. A value of 0 means strict serial
+ * processing. Note: commits always happen in wsrep order.
+ * @param commit 'true' to commit writeset to cluster (replicate) or
+ * 'false' to rollback (cancel) the writeset.
+ *
+ * @retval WSREP_OK cluster-wide commit succeeded
+ * @retval WSREP_TRX_FAIL operation failed (e.g. NON-PRIMARY component)
+ * @retval WSREP_NODE_FAIL must close all connections and reinit
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*preordered_commit) (wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_po_handle_t* handle,
+ const wsrep_uuid_t* source_id,
+ uint32_t flags,
+ int pa_range,
+ wsrep_bool_t commit);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Signals to wsrep provider that state snapshot has been sent to
+ * joiner.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param state_id state ID
+ * @param rcode 0 or negative error code of the operation.
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*sst_sent)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* state_id,
+ int rcode);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Signals to wsrep provider that new state snapshot has been received.
+ * May deadlock if called from sst_prepare_cb.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param state_id state ID
+ * @param state initial state provided by SST donor
+ * @param rcode 0 or negative error code of the operation.
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*sst_received)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* state_id,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* state,
+ int rcode);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Generate request for consistent snapshot.
+ *
+ * If successful, this call will generate internally SST request
+ * which in turn triggers calling SST donate callback on the nodes
+ * specified in donor_spec. If donor_spec is null, callback is
+ * called only locally. This call will block until sst_sent is called
+ * from callback.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param msg context message for SST donate callback
+ * @param msg_len length of context message
+ * @param donor_spec list of snapshot donors
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*snapshot)(wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* msg,
+ const char* donor_spec);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Returns an array of status variables.
+ * Array is terminated by Null variable name.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @return array of struct wsrep_status_var.
+ */
+ struct wsrep_stats_var* (*stats_get) (wsrep_t* wsrep);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Release resources that might be associated with the array.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle.
+ * @param var_array array returned by stats_get().
+ */
+ void (*stats_free) (wsrep_t* wsrep, struct wsrep_stats_var* var_array);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Reset some stats variables to initial value, provider-dependent.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle.
+ */
+ void (*stats_reset) (wsrep_t* wsrep);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Pauses writeset applying/committing.
+ *
+ * @return global sequence number of the paused state or negative error code.
+ */
+ wsrep_seqno_t (*pause) (wsrep_t* wsrep);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Resumes writeset applying/committing.
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*resume) (wsrep_t* wsrep);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Desynchronize from cluster
+ *
+ * Effectively turns off flow control for this node, allowing it
+ * to fall behind the cluster.
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*desync) (wsrep_t* wsrep);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Request to resynchronize with cluster.
+ *
+ * Effectively turns on flow control. Asynchronous - actual synchronization
+ * event to be delivered via sync_cb.
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*resync) (wsrep_t* wsrep);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Acquire global named lock
+ *
+ * @param wsrep wsrep provider handle
+ * @param name lock name
+ * @param shared shared or exclusive lock
+ * @param owner 64-bit owner ID
+ * @param tout timeout in nanoseconds.
+ * 0 - return immediately, -1 wait forever.
+ * @return wsrep status or negative error code
+ * @retval -EDEADLK lock was already acquired by this thread
+ * @retval -EBUSY lock was busy
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*lock) (wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ const char* name, wsrep_bool_t shared,
+ uint64_t owner, int64_t tout);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Release global named lock
+ *
+ * @param wsrep wsrep provider handle
+ * @param name lock name
+ * @param owner 64-bit owner ID
+ * @return wsrep status or negative error code
+ * @retval -EPERM lock does not belong to this owner
+ */
+ wsrep_status_t (*unlock) (wsrep_t* wsrep, const char* name, uint64_t owner);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Check if global named lock is locked
+ *
+ * @param wsrep wsrep provider handle
+ * @param name lock name
+ * @param owner if not NULL will contain 64-bit owner ID
+ * @param node if not NULL will contain owner's node UUID
+ * @return true if lock is locked
+ */
+ wsrep_bool_t (*is_locked) (wsrep_t* wsrep, const char* name, uint64_t* conn,
+ wsrep_uuid_t* node);
+ /*!
+ * wsrep provider name
+ */
+ const char* provider_name;
+ /*!
+ * wsrep provider version
+ */
+ const char* provider_version;
+ /*!
+ * wsrep provider vendor name
+ */
+ const char* provider_vendor;
+ /*!
+ * @brief Frees allocated resources before unloading the library.
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ */
+ void (*free)(wsrep_t* wsrep);
+ void *dlh; //!< reserved for future use
+ void *ctx; //!< reserved for implementation private context
+ *
+ * @brief Loads wsrep library
+ *
+ * @param spec path to wsrep library. If NULL or WSREP_NONE initializes dummy
+ * pass-through implementation.
+ * @param hptr wsrep handle
+ * @param log_cb callback to handle loader messages. Otherwise writes to stderr.
+ *
+ * @return zero on success, errno on failure
+ */
+int wsrep_load(const char* spec, wsrep_t** hptr, wsrep_log_cb_t log_cb);
+ * @brief Unloads the wsrep library. The application must call
+ * wsrep->free() before unload to release library side resources.
+ *
+ * @param hptr wsrep handler pointer
+ */
+void wsrep_unload(wsrep_t* hptr);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* WSREP_H */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_config_service.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_config_service.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a471897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_config_service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-API.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-API. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file wsrep_config_service.h
+ *
+ * This file defines interface to retrieve a complete list of configuration
+ * parameters accepted by the provider.
+ * *
+ * The provider which is capable of using the service interface v1 must
+ * export the following functions:
+ *
+ * int wsrep_init_config_service_v1(wsrep_config_service_v1_t*)
+ * void wsrep_deinit_config_service_v1()
+ *
+ * which can be probed by the application.
+ *
+ */
+#include "wsrep_api.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Flags to describe parameters.
+ * By default, a parameter is dynamic and of type string,
+ * unless flagged otherwise.
+ */
+#define WSREP_PARAM_DEPRECATED (1 << 0)
+#define WSREP_PARAM_READONLY (1 << 1)
+#define WSREP_PARAM_TYPE_BOOL (1 << 2)
+#define WSREP_PARAM_TYPE_INTEGER (1 << 3)
+#define WSREP_PARAM_TYPE_DOUBLE (1 << 4)
+ )
+typedef struct wsrep_parameter
+ int flags;
+ const char* name;
+ union {
+ bool as_bool;
+ int64_t as_integer;
+ double as_double;
+ const char* as_string;
+ } value;
+} wsrep_parameter_t;
+ * Callback called once for each parameter exposed by provider.
+ * The callback should return WSREP_OK on success. Any other
+ * return value causes get_parameters() to return WSREP_FATAL.
+ *
+ * @param p parameter
+ * @param context application context
+ *
+ * @return WSREP_OK on success, otherwise application failure
+ */
+typedef wsrep_status_t (*wsrep_get_parameters_cb) (const wsrep_parameter_t* p,
+ void* context);
+ * Get configuration parameters exposed by the provider.
+ *
+ * @param wsrep pointer to provider handle
+ * @param cb function pointer for callback
+ * @param context application context passed to callback
+ *
+ * @return WSREP_OK on success, WSREP_FATAL on failure
+ */
+typedef wsrep_status_t (*wsrep_get_parameters_fn) (wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_get_parameters_cb cb,
+ void* context);
+ * Config service struct.
+ *
+ * A pointer to this struct must be passed to the call to
+ * wsrep_init_config_service_v1.
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_config_service_v1_st {
+ wsrep_get_parameters_fn get_parameters;
+} wsrep_config_service_v1_t;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define WSREP_CONFIG_SERVICE_INIT_FUNC_V1 "wsrep_init_config_service_v1"
+#define WSREP_CONFIG_SERVICE_DEINIT_FUNC_V1 "wsrep_deinit_config_service_v1"
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_dummy.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_dummy.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7bd441dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_dummy.c
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Codership Oy <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+/*! @file Dummy wsrep API implementation. */
+#include "wsrep_api.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/*! Dummy backend context. */
+typedef struct wsrep_dummy
+ wsrep_log_cb_t log_fn;
+ char* options;
+} wsrep_dummy_t;
+/* Get pointer to wsrep_dummy context from wsrep_t pointer */
+#define WSREP_DUMMY(_p) ((wsrep_dummy_t *) (_p)->ctx)
+/* Trace function usage a-la DBUG */
+#define WSREP_DBUG_ENTER(_w) do { \
+ if (WSREP_DUMMY(_w)) { \
+ if (WSREP_DUMMY(_w)->log_fn) \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+static void dummy_free(wsrep_t *w)
+ if (!w->ctx) return;
+ if (WSREP_DUMMY(w)->options) {
+ free(WSREP_DUMMY(w)->options);
+ WSREP_DUMMY(w)->options = NULL;
+ }
+ free(w->ctx);
+ w->ctx = NULL;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_init (wsrep_t* w,
+ const struct wsrep_init_args* args)
+ WSREP_DUMMY(w)->log_fn = args->logger_cb;
+ if (args->options) {
+ WSREP_DUMMY(w)->options = strdup(args->options);
+ }
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_cap_t dummy_capabilities (wsrep_t* w __attribute__((unused)))
+ return 0;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_options_set(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const char* conf)
+ if (WSREP_DUMMY(w)->options) {
+ free(WSREP_DUMMY(w)->options);
+ WSREP_DUMMY(w)->options = NULL;
+ }
+ if (conf) {
+ WSREP_DUMMY(w)->options = strdup(conf);
+ }
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static char* dummy_options_get (wsrep_t* w)
+ return strdup(WSREP_DUMMY(w)->options);
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_enc_set_key(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const wsrep_enc_key_t* key __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_connect(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const char* name __attribute__((unused)),
+ const char* url __attribute__((unused)),
+ const char* donor __attribute__((unused)),
+ wsrep_bool_t bootstrap __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_disconnect(wsrep_t* w)
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_recv(wsrep_t* w,
+ void* recv_ctx __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_assign_read_view(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* rv __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_certify(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const wsrep_conn_id_t conn_id __attribute__((unused)),
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle __attribute__((unused)),
+ uint32_t flags __attribute__((unused)),
+ wsrep_trx_meta_t* meta __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_commit_order_enter(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_trx_meta_t* meta __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_commit_order_leave(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_trx_meta_t* meta __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_buf_t* error __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_release(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_replay_trx(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle __attribute__((unused)),
+ void* trx_ctx __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_abort_certification(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const wsrep_seqno_t bf_seqno __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_trx_id_t trx_id __attribute__((unused)),
+ wsrep_seqno_t *victim_seqno __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_rollback(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const wsrep_trx_id_t trx __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_buf_t* data __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_append_key(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_key_t* key __attribute__((unused)),
+ const size_t key_num __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_key_type_t key_type __attribute__((unused)),
+ const bool copy __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_append_data(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ wsrep_ws_handle_t* ws_handle __attribute__((unused)),
+ const struct wsrep_buf* data __attribute__((unused)),
+ const size_t count __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_data_type_t type __attribute__((unused)),
+ const bool copy __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_sync_wait(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ wsrep_gtid_t* upto __attribute__((unused)),
+ int tout __attribute__((unused)),
+ wsrep_gtid_t* gtid __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_last_committed_id(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ wsrep_gtid_t* gtid __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_free_connection(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const wsrep_conn_id_t conn_id __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_to_execute_start(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const wsrep_conn_id_t conn_id __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_key_t* key __attribute__((unused)),
+ const size_t key_num __attribute__((unused)),
+ const struct wsrep_buf* data __attribute__((unused)),
+ const size_t count __attribute__((unused)),
+ const uint32_t flags __attribute__((unused)),
+ wsrep_trx_meta_t* meta __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_to_execute_end(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const wsrep_conn_id_t conn_id __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_buf_t* err __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_preordered_collect(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ wsrep_po_handle_t* handle __attribute__((unused)),
+ const struct wsrep_buf* data __attribute__((unused)),
+ size_t count __attribute__((unused)),
+ wsrep_bool_t copy __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_preordered_commit(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ wsrep_po_handle_t* handle __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_uuid_t* source_id __attribute__((unused)),
+ uint32_t flags __attribute__((unused)),
+ int pa_range __attribute__((unused)),
+ wsrep_bool_t commit __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_sst_sent(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* state_id __attribute__((unused)),
+ const int rcode __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_sst_received(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const wsrep_gtid_t* state_id __attribute__((unused)),
+ const wsrep_buf_t* state __attribute__((unused)),
+ const int rcode __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_snapshot(
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ const wsrep_buf_t* msg __attribute__((unused)),
+ const char* donor_spec __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static struct wsrep_stats_var dummy_stats[] = {
+static struct wsrep_stats_var* dummy_stats_get (wsrep_t* w)
+ return dummy_stats;
+static void dummy_stats_free (
+ wsrep_t* w,
+ struct wsrep_stats_var* stats __attribute__((unused)))
+static void dummy_stats_reset (wsrep_t* w)
+static wsrep_seqno_t dummy_pause (wsrep_t* w)
+ return -ENOSYS;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_resume (wsrep_t* w)
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_desync (wsrep_t* w)
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_resync (wsrep_t* w)
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_lock (wsrep_t* w,
+ const char* s __attribute__((unused)),
+ bool r __attribute__((unused)),
+ uint64_t o __attribute__((unused)),
+ int64_t t __attribute__((unused)))
+static wsrep_status_t dummy_unlock (wsrep_t* w,
+ const char* s __attribute__((unused)),
+ uint64_t o __attribute__((unused)))
+ return WSREP_OK;
+static bool dummy_is_locked (wsrep_t* w,
+ const char* s __attribute__((unused)),
+ uint64_t* o __attribute__((unused)),
+ wsrep_uuid_t* t __attribute__((unused)))
+ return false;
+static wsrep_t dummy_iface = {
+ &dummy_init,
+ &dummy_capabilities,
+ &dummy_options_set,
+ &dummy_options_get,
+ &dummy_enc_set_key,
+ &dummy_connect,
+ &dummy_disconnect,
+ &dummy_recv,
+ &dummy_assign_read_view,
+ &dummy_certify,
+ &dummy_commit_order_enter,
+ &dummy_commit_order_leave,
+ &dummy_release,
+ &dummy_replay_trx,
+ &dummy_abort_certification,
+ &dummy_rollback,
+ &dummy_append_key,
+ &dummy_append_data,
+ &dummy_sync_wait,
+ &dummy_last_committed_id,
+ &dummy_free_connection,
+ &dummy_to_execute_start,
+ &dummy_to_execute_end,
+ &dummy_preordered_collect,
+ &dummy_preordered_commit,
+ &dummy_sst_sent,
+ &dummy_sst_received,
+ &dummy_snapshot,
+ &dummy_stats_get,
+ &dummy_stats_free,
+ &dummy_stats_reset,
+ &dummy_pause,
+ &dummy_resume,
+ &dummy_desync,
+ &dummy_resync,
+ &dummy_lock,
+ &dummy_unlock,
+ &dummy_is_locked,
+ "Codership Oy <>",
+ &dummy_free,
+int wsrep_dummy_loader(wsrep_t* w)
+ if (!w)
+ return EINVAL;
+ *w = dummy_iface;
+ // allocate private context
+ if (!(w->ctx = malloc(sizeof(wsrep_dummy_t))))
+ return ENOMEM;
+ // initialize private context
+ WSREP_DUMMY(w)->log_fn = NULL;
+ WSREP_DUMMY(w)->options = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_event_service.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_event_service.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d0d16ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_event_service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-API.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-API. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file wsrep_event_service.h
+ *
+ * This file defines interface for various unordered events generated by the
+ * cluster or the provider.
+ *
+ * An event has a name and a payload, both are null-terminated strings.
+ * (It is intended that payload is a JSON encoded structure).
+ * The name serves to distinguish the events to pass them to respective
+ * handlers.
+ *
+ * The provider which is capable of using the service interface v1 must
+ * export the following functions.
+ *
+ * int wsrep_init_event_service_v1(wsrep_event_service_v1_t*)
+ * void wsrep_deinit_event_service_v1()
+ *
+ * which can be probed by the application.
+ *
+ * The application must initialize the service via above init function
+ * before the provider is initialized via wsrep->init(). The deinit
+ * function must be called after the provider side resources have been
+ * released via wsrep->free().
+ */
+#include "wsrep_api.h"
+#include <sys/types.h> /* posix size_t */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+ * Type tag for application defined event processing context.
+ *
+ * Application may pass pointer to the context when initializing
+ * the event service. This pointer is passed a first parameter for
+ * each service call.
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_event_context wsrep_event_context_t;
+ * Process an event
+ *
+ * @param name event name
+ * @param value JSON enconded event value
+ *
+ * @return void, it is up to the receiver to decide what to do about
+ * possible error.
+ */
+typedef void (*wsrep_event_cb_t)(wsrep_event_context_t*,
+ const char* name, const char* value);
+ * Event service struct.
+ *
+ * A pointer to this struct must be passed to the call to
+ * wsrep_init_event_service_v1.
+ *
+ * The application must provide implementation to all functions defined
+ * in this struct.
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_event_service_v1_st
+ /* Event receiver callback */
+ wsrep_event_cb_t event_cb;
+ /* Pointer to application defined event context. */
+ wsrep_event_context_t* context;
+} wsrep_event_service_v1_t;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#define WSREP_EVENT_SERVICE_INIT_FUNC_V1 "wsrep_init_event_service_v1"
+#define WSREP_EVENT_SERVICE_DEINIT_FUNC_V1 "wsrep_deinit_event_service_v1"
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_gtid.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_gtid.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b6dfb90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_gtid.c
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2013 Codership Oy <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+/*! @file Helper functions to deal with GTID string representations */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "wsrep_api.h"
+ * Read GTID from string
+ * @return length of GTID string representation or -EINVAL in case of error
+ */
+wsrep_gtid_scan(const char* str, size_t str_len, wsrep_gtid_t* gtid)
+ int offset;
+ char* endptr;
+ if (str_len > INT_MAX) return -EINVAL;
+ if ((offset = wsrep_uuid_scan(str, str_len, &gtid->uuid)) > 0 &&
+ offset < (int)str_len && str[offset] == ':') {
+ ++offset;
+ if (offset < (int)str_len)
+ {
+ errno = 0;
+ gtid->seqno = strtoll(str + offset, &endptr, 0);
+ if (errno == 0) {
+ return (int)(endptr - str);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -EINVAL;
+ * Write GTID to string
+ * @return length of GTID string representation or -EMSGSIZE if string is too
+ * short
+ */
+wsrep_gtid_print(const wsrep_gtid_t* gtid, char* str, size_t str_len)
+ int offset, ret;
+ if (str_len > INT_MAX) return -EINVAL;
+ if ((offset = wsrep_uuid_print(&gtid->uuid, str, str_len)) > 0)
+ {
+ ret = snprintf(str + offset, (size_t)((int)str_len - offset),
+ ":%" PRId64, gtid->seqno);
+ if (ret <= ((int)str_len - offset)) {
+ return (offset + ret);
+ }
+ }
+ return -EMSGSIZE;
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_loader.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_loader.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd4efa7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_loader.c
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Codership Oy <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+/*! @file wsrep implementation loader */
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "wsrep_api.h"
+// Logging stuff for the loader
+static const char* log_levels[] = {"FATAL", "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG"};
+static void default_logger (wsrep_log_level_t lvl, const char* msg)
+ fprintf (stderr, "wsrep loader: [%s] %s\n", log_levels[lvl], msg);
+static wsrep_log_cb_t logger = default_logger;
+ * Library loader
+ **************************************************************************/
+static int wsrep_check_iface_version(const char* found, const char* iface_ver)
+ const size_t msg_len = 128;
+ char msg[128];
+ if (strcmp(found, iface_ver)) {
+ snprintf (msg, msg_len,
+ "provider interface version mismatch: need '%s', found '%s'",
+ iface_ver, found);
+ logger (WSREP_LOG_ERROR, msg);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int verify(const wsrep_t *wh, const char *iface_ver)
+ char msg[128];
+ const size_t msg_len = sizeof(msg);
+#define VERIFY(_p) if (!(_p)) { \
+ snprintf(msg, msg_len, "wsrep_load(): verify(): %s\n", # _p); \
+ logger (WSREP_LOG_ERROR, msg); \
+ return EINVAL; \
+ }
+ VERIFY(wh);
+ VERIFY(wh->version);
+ if (wsrep_check_iface_version(wh->version, iface_ver))
+ return EINVAL;
+ VERIFY(wh->init);
+ VERIFY(wh->options_set);
+ VERIFY(wh->options_get);
+ VERIFY(wh->enc_set_key);
+ VERIFY(wh->connect);
+ VERIFY(wh->disconnect);
+ VERIFY(wh->recv);
+ VERIFY(wh->assign_read_view);
+ VERIFY(wh->certify);
+ VERIFY(wh->commit_order_enter);
+ VERIFY(wh->commit_order_leave);
+ VERIFY(wh->release);
+ VERIFY(wh->replay_trx);
+ VERIFY(wh->abort_certification);
+ VERIFY(wh->append_key);
+ VERIFY(wh->append_data);
+ VERIFY(wh->free_connection);
+ VERIFY(wh->to_execute_start);
+ VERIFY(wh->to_execute_end);
+ VERIFY(wh->preordered_collect);
+ VERIFY(wh->preordered_commit);
+ VERIFY(wh->sst_sent);
+ VERIFY(wh->sst_received);
+ VERIFY(wh->stats_get);
+ VERIFY(wh->stats_free);
+ VERIFY(wh->stats_reset);
+ VERIFY(wh->pause);
+ VERIFY(wh->resume);
+ VERIFY(wh->desync);
+ VERIFY(wh->resync);
+ VERIFY(wh->lock);
+ VERIFY(wh->unlock);
+ VERIFY(wh->is_locked);
+ VERIFY(wh->provider_name);
+ VERIFY(wh->provider_version);
+ VERIFY(wh->provider_vendor);
+ VERIFY(wh->free);
+ return 0;
+typedef int (*wsrep_loader_fun)(wsrep_t*);
+static wsrep_loader_fun wsrep_dlf(void *dlh, const char *sym)
+ union {
+ wsrep_loader_fun dlfun;
+ void *obj;
+ } alias;
+ alias.obj = dlsym(dlh, sym);
+ return alias.dlfun;
+static int wsrep_check_version_symbol(void *dlh)
+ char** dlversion = NULL;
+ dlversion = (char**) dlsym(dlh, "wsrep_interface_version");
+ if (dlversion == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ return wsrep_check_iface_version(*dlversion, WSREP_INTERFACE_VERSION);
+extern int wsrep_dummy_loader(wsrep_t *w);
+int wsrep_load(const char *spec, wsrep_t **hptr, wsrep_log_cb_t log_cb)
+ int ret = 0;
+ void *dlh = NULL;
+ wsrep_loader_fun dlfun;
+ char msg[1024];
+ const size_t msg_len = sizeof(msg) - 1;
+ msg[msg_len] = 0;
+ if (NULL != log_cb)
+ logger = log_cb;
+ if (!(spec && hptr))
+ return EINVAL;
+ snprintf (msg, msg_len,
+ "wsrep_load(): loading provider library '%s'", spec);
+ logger (WSREP_LOG_INFO, msg);
+ if (!(*hptr = malloc(sizeof(wsrep_t)))) {
+ logger (WSREP_LOG_FATAL, "wsrep_load(): out of memory");
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
+ if (!spec || strcmp(spec, WSREP_NONE) == 0) {
+ if ((ret = wsrep_dummy_loader(*hptr)) != 0) {
+ free (*hptr);
+ *hptr = NULL;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ int open_flags = RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL;
+ /* Keep the shared object to allow ASAN resolve symbols and report
+ * memleaks. This also suppresses some false positives. */
+ open_flags |= RTLD_NODELETE;
+#endif /* __SANITIZE_ADDRESS__ */
+ if (!(dlh = dlopen(spec, open_flags))) {
+ snprintf(msg, msg_len, "wsrep_load(): dlopen(): %s", dlerror());
+ logger (WSREP_LOG_ERROR, msg);
+ ret = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!(dlfun = wsrep_dlf(dlh, "wsrep_loader"))) {
+ ret = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (wsrep_check_version_symbol(dlh) != 0) {
+ ret = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if ((ret = (*dlfun)(*hptr)) != 0) {
+ snprintf(msg, msg_len, "wsrep_load(): loader failed: %s",
+ strerror(ret));
+ logger (WSREP_LOG_ERROR, msg);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if ((ret = verify(*hptr, WSREP_INTERFACE_VERSION)) != 0) {
+ snprintf (msg, msg_len,
+ "wsrep_load(): interface version mismatch: my version %s, "
+ "provider version %s", WSREP_INTERFACE_VERSION,
+ (*hptr)->version);
+ logger (WSREP_LOG_ERROR, msg);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ (*hptr)->dlh = dlh;
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ if (dlh) dlclose(dlh);
+ free(*hptr);
+ *hptr = NULL;
+ } else {
+ snprintf (msg, msg_len,
+ "wsrep_load(): %s %s by %s loaded successfully.",
+ (*hptr)->provider_name, (*hptr)->provider_version,
+ (*hptr)->provider_vendor);
+ logger (WSREP_LOG_INFO, msg);
+ }
+ return ret;
+void wsrep_unload(wsrep_t *hptr)
+ if (!hptr) {
+ logger (WSREP_LOG_WARN, "wsrep_unload(): null pointer.");
+ } else {
+ if (hptr->free)
+ hptr->free(hptr);
+ if (hptr->dlh)
+ {
+ int err;
+ if ((err = dlclose(hptr->dlh)))
+ {
+ char msg[1024];
+ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "dlclose(): %s", dlerror());
+ msg[sizeof(msg) - 1] = '\0';
+ logger(WSREP_LOG_WARN, msg);
+ }
+ }
+ free(hptr);
+ }
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_membership_service.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_membership_service.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6053a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_membership_service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-API.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-API. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file wsrep_membership_service.h
+ *
+ * This file defines interface for quering the immediate membership and
+ * members' states of the current configuration. The information is provided
+ * OUT OF ORDER to facilitate administrative tasks.
+ *
+ * The provider which is capable of using the service interface v1 must
+ * export the following functions.
+ *
+ * int wsrep_init_membership_service_v1(struct wsrep_membership_service_v1*)
+ * void wsrep_deinit_membership_service_v1()
+ *
+ * which can be probed by the application.
+ *
+ * The application must initialize the service via above init function
+ * before the provider is initialized via wsrep->init(). The deinit
+ * function must be called after the provider side resources have been
+ * released via wsrep->free().
+ */
+#include "wsrep_api.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+ * Member info structure extended to contain member state
+ */
+struct wsrep_member_info_ext
+ struct wsrep_member_info base;
+ wsrep_seqno_t last_committed;
+ enum wsrep_member_status status;
+ * Extended membership structure
+ */
+struct wsrep_membership
+ /**
+ * Epoch of the membership data (last time it was updated)
+ */
+ wsrep_uuid_t group_uuid;
+ /**
+ * Sequence number of the last received (not processed) action
+ */
+ wsrep_seqno_t last_received;
+ /**
+ * When the members' data was last updated
+ */
+ wsrep_seqno_t updated;
+ /**
+ * Current group state
+ */
+ enum wsrep_view_status state;
+ /**
+ * Number of members in the array
+ */
+ size_t num;
+ /**
+ * Membership array
+ */
+ struct wsrep_member_info_ext members[1];
+ * Memory allocation callback for wsrep_get_mmebership_fn() below
+ *
+ * @param size of buffer to allocate
+ * @return allocated buffer pointer or NULL in case of error
+ */
+typedef void* (*wsrep_allocator_cb) (size_t size);
+ * Query membership
+ *
+ * @param wsrep provider handle
+ * @param allocator to use for wsrep_membership struct allocation
+ * @param membership pointer to pointer to the memebrship structure.
+ * The structure is allocated by provider and must be freed
+ * by the caller.
+ * @return error code of the call
+ */
+typedef wsrep_status_t (*wsrep_get_membership_fn) (
+ wsrep_t* wsrep,
+ wsrep_allocator_cb allocator,
+ struct wsrep_membership** membership);
+ * Membership service struct.
+ */
+struct wsrep_membership_service_v1
+ wsrep_get_membership_fn get_membership;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+(*wsrep_membership_service_v1_init_fn) (struct wsrep_membership_service_v1*);
+/** must be exported by the provider */
+#define WSREP_MEMBERSHIP_SERVICE_V1_INIT_FN "wsrep_init_membership_service_v1"
+#define WSREP_MEMBERSHIP_SERVICE_V1_DEINIT_FN "wsrep_deinit_membership_service_v1"
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_thread_service.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_thread_service.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..956751aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_thread_service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-API.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-API. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file wsrep_thread_service.h
+ *
+ * Service interface for threads, mutexes and condition variables.
+ * The application which may provide callbacks to routines which will
+ * be used to manage lifetime and use threads and sycnronization primitives.
+ *
+ * The type tags and interface methods are loosely modeled after POSIX
+ * threading interface.
+ *
+ * The application must either none or all of the callbacks defined in
+ * wsrep_thread_service structure which is defined below.
+ *
+ * The error codes returned by the callbacks are generally assumed to
+ * the system error numbers defined in errno.h unless stated otherwise.
+ *
+ * The provider must implement and export the following functions
+ * to provide initialization point for the service implementation:
+ *
+ * Version 1:
+ * int wsrep_init_thread_service_v1(wsrep_thread_service_v1_t*)
+ * void wsrep_deinit_thread_service_v1().
+ *
+ * The application defined implementation must be initialized before
+ * calling the provider initialization function via wsrep->init(). The
+ * deinitialization must be done via deinit function after the
+ * provider side resources have been released via wsrep->free().
+ */
+#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+ /* Forward declarations */
+ struct timespec;
+ struct sched_param;
+ /** Thread type tags */
+ typedef struct wsrep_thread_key_st wsrep_thread_key_t;
+ typedef struct wsrep_thread_st wsrep_thread_t;
+ /** Mutex type tags */
+ typedef struct wsrep_mutex_key_st wsrep_mutex_key_t;
+ typedef struct wsrep_mutex_st wsrep_mutex_t;
+ /** Condition variable tags */
+ typedef struct wsrep_cond_key_st wsrep_cond_key_t;
+ typedef struct wsrep_cond_st wsrep_cond_t;
+ /**
+ * Create key for a thread with a name. This key object will be passed
+ * to thread creation and destrunction notification callbacks.
+ *
+ * @param name Name of the thread.
+ */
+ typedef const wsrep_thread_key_t* (*wsrep_thread_key_create_cb_t)(
+ const char* name);
+ /**
+ * Create a new thread.
+ *
+ * @param[out] thread Newly allocated thread.
+ * @param key Key created by wsrep_thread_key_create_cb_t
+ * @param start_fn Pointer to start routine
+ * @param arg Argument for start_fn
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero error code in case of failure.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_thread_create_cb_t)(const wsrep_thread_key_t* key,
+ wsrep_thread_t** thread,
+ void* (*start_fn)(void*),
+ void* arg);
+ /**
+ * Detach a thread.
+ *
+ * @param thread Thread to be detached.
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of error, non-zero error code in case of failure.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_thread_detach_cb_t)(wsrep_thread_t* thread);
+ /**
+ * Compare two threads for equality.
+ *
+ * @params t1, t2 Threads to be compared.
+ *
+ * @return Non-zero value if threads are equal, zero otherwise.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_thread_equal_cb_t)(wsrep_thread_t* t1,
+ wsrep_thread_t* t2);
+ /**
+ * Terminate the calling thread.
+ *
+ * @param thread Pointer to thread.
+ * @param retval Pointer to return value.
+ *
+ * This function does not return.
+ */
+ typedef void __attribute__((noreturn)) (*wsrep_thread_exit_cb_t)(
+ wsrep_thread_t* thread, void* retval);
+ /**
+ * Join a thread. Trying to join detached thread may cause undefined
+ * behavior.
+ *
+ * @param thread Thread to be joined.
+ * @param[out] retval Return value from the thread wthat was joined.
+ *
+ * @return Zero in case of success, non-zero error code in case of error.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_thread_join_cb_t)(wsrep_thread_t* thread,
+ void** retval);
+ /**
+ * Return a pointer to the wsrep_thread_t of the calling thread.
+ *
+ * @return Pointer to wsrep_thread_t associated with current thread.
+ */
+ typedef wsrep_thread_t* (*wsrep_thread_self_cb_t)(void);
+ /**
+ * Set the scheduling policy for the thread.
+ *
+ * @param thread Thread for which sceduing policy should be changed.
+ * @param policy New scheduling policy for the thread.
+ * @param param New scheduling parameters for the thread.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_thread_setschedparam_cb_t)(
+ wsrep_thread_t* thread, int policy, const struct sched_param* param);
+ /**
+ * Get the current scheduling policy for the thread.
+ *
+ * @param thread Thread.
+ * @param policy Pointer to location where the scheduling policy will
+ * will be stored in.
+ * @param Param Pointer to location where the current scheduling
+ * parameters will be stored.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_thread_getschedparam_cb_t)(wsrep_thread_t* thread,
+ int* policy,
+ struct sched_param* param);
+ /**
+ * Create key for a mutex with a name. This key object must be passed
+ * to mutex creation callback.
+ *
+ * @param name Name of the mutex.
+ *
+ * @return Const pointer to mutex key.
+ */
+ typedef const wsrep_mutex_key_t* (*wsrep_mutex_key_create_cb_t)(
+ const char* name);
+ /**
+ * Create a mutex.
+ *
+ * @param key Mutex key obtained via wsrep_mutex_key_create_cb call.
+ * @param memblock Optional memory block allocated by the provider
+ * which can be used by the implementation to store
+ * the mutex.
+ * @param memblock_size Size of the optional memory block.
+ *
+ * @return Pointer to wsrep_mutex_t object or NULL in case of failure.
+ */
+ typedef wsrep_mutex_t* (*wsrep_mutex_init_cb_t)(
+ const wsrep_mutex_key_t* key, void* memblock, size_t memblock_size);
+ /**
+ * Destroy a mutex. This call must consume the mutex object.
+ *
+ * @param mutex Mutex to be destroyed.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_mutex_destroy_cb_t)(wsrep_mutex_t* mutex);
+ /**
+ * Lock a mutex.
+ *
+ * @param mutex Mutex to be locked.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero error code on error.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_mutex_lock_cb_t)(wsrep_mutex_t* mutex);
+ /**
+ * Try to lock a mutex.
+ *
+ * @param Mutex to be locked.
+ *
+ * @return Zero if mutex was successfully locked.
+ * @return EBUSY if the mutex could not be acquired because it was already
+ * locked.
+ * @return Non-zero error code on any other error.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_mutex_trylock_cb_t)(wsrep_mutex_t* mutex);
+ /**
+ * Unlock a mutex.
+ *
+ * @param mutex Mutex to be unlocked.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on error.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_mutex_unlock_cb_t)(wsrep_mutex_t* mutex);
+ /**
+ * Create key for a condition variable with a name. This key
+ * must be passed to wsrep_cond_create_cb when creating a new
+ * condition variable.
+ *
+ * @param name Name of the condition variable.
+ *
+ * @return Allocated key object.
+ */
+ typedef const wsrep_cond_key_t* (*wsrep_cond_key_create_cb_t)(
+ const char* name);
+ /**
+ * Create a new condition variable.
+ *
+ * @param key Const pointer to key object created by
+ * wsrep_cond_key_create_cb.
+ * @param memblock Optional memory block allocated by the provider
+ * which can be used by the implementation to store
+ * the mutex.
+ * @param memblock_size Size of the optional memory block.
+ *
+ * @return Pointer to new condition variable.
+ */
+ typedef wsrep_cond_t* (*wsrep_cond_init_cb_t)(const wsrep_cond_key_t* key,
+ void* memblock,
+ size_t memblock_size);
+ /**
+ * Destroy a condition variable. This call must consume the condition
+ * variable object.
+ *
+ * @param cond Condition variable to be destroyed.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on error.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_cond_destroy_cb_t)(wsrep_cond_t* cond);
+ /**
+ * Wait for condition.
+ *
+ * @param cond Condition variable to wait for.
+ * @param mutex Mutex associated to the condition variable. The mutex
+ * may be unlocked for the duration of the wait.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on error.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_cond_wait_cb_t)(wsrep_cond_t* cond,
+ wsrep_mutex_t* mutex);
+ /**
+ * Perform timed wait on condition.
+ *
+ * @param cond Condition to wait for.
+ * @param mutex Mutex associated to the condition variable. The mutex
+ * may be unlocked for the duration of the wait.
+ * @param wait_until System time to wait until before returning from the
+ * the timed wait.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success.
+ * @return ETIMEDOUT if the time specified by wait_until has passed.
+ * @return Non-zero error code on other error.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_cond_timedwait_cb_t)(wsrep_cond_t* cond,
+ wsrep_mutex_t* mutex,
+ const struct timespec* wait_until);
+ /**
+ * Signal a condition variable. This will wake up at least one of
+ * the threads which is waiting for the condition.
+ *
+ * @param cond Condition variable to signal.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on failure.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_cond_signal_cb_t)(wsrep_cond_t* cond);
+ /**
+ * Broadcast a signal to condition variable. This will wake up
+ * all the threads which are currently waiting on condition variable.
+ *
+ * @param cond Condition variable to broadcast the signal to.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, non-zero on failure.
+ */
+ typedef int (*wsrep_cond_broadcast_cb_t)(wsrep_cond_t* cond);
+ typedef struct wsrep_thread_service_v1_st
+ {
+ /* Threads */
+ wsrep_thread_key_create_cb_t thread_key_create_cb;
+ wsrep_thread_create_cb_t thread_create_cb;
+ wsrep_thread_detach_cb_t thread_detach_cb;
+ wsrep_thread_equal_cb_t thread_equal_cb;
+ wsrep_thread_exit_cb_t thread_exit_cb;
+ wsrep_thread_join_cb_t thread_join_cb;
+ wsrep_thread_self_cb_t thread_self_cb;
+ wsrep_thread_setschedparam_cb_t thread_setschedparam_cb;
+ wsrep_thread_getschedparam_cb_t thread_getschedparam_cb;
+ /* Mutexes */
+ wsrep_mutex_key_create_cb_t mutex_key_create_cb;
+ wsrep_mutex_init_cb_t mutex_init_cb;
+ wsrep_mutex_destroy_cb_t mutex_destroy_cb;
+ wsrep_mutex_lock_cb_t mutex_lock_cb;
+ wsrep_mutex_trylock_cb_t mutex_trylock_cb;
+ wsrep_mutex_unlock_cb_t mutex_unlock_cb;
+ /* Condition variables */
+ wsrep_cond_key_create_cb_t cond_key_create_cb;
+ wsrep_cond_init_cb_t cond_init_cb;
+ wsrep_cond_destroy_cb_t cond_destroy_cb;
+ wsrep_cond_wait_cb_t cond_wait_cb;
+ wsrep_cond_timedwait_cb_t cond_timedwait_cb;
+ wsrep_cond_signal_cb_t cond_signal_cb;
+ wsrep_cond_broadcast_cb_t cond_broadcast_cb;
+ } wsrep_thread_service_v1_t;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define WSREP_THREAD_SERVICE_INIT_FUNC_V1 "wsrep_init_thread_service_v1"
+#define WSREP_THREAD_SERVICE_DEINIT_FUNC_V1 "wsrep_deinit_thread_service_v1"
+/* For backwards compatibility. */
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_tls_service.h b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_tls_service.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c632f4aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_tls_service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Codership Oy <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of wsrep-API.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Wsrep-API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with wsrep-API. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file wsrep_tls_service.h
+ *
+ * This file defines interface for TLS services provided by the application,
+ * used by the provider.
+ *
+ * In order to support both synchronous and asynchronous IO operations,
+ * the interface is designed to work with sockets in both blocking
+ * and non-blockig mode.
+ *
+ * The provider is in charge of opening and closing file
+ * descriptors and connecting transport. After the connection has
+ * been established, all further IO operations will be delegated
+ * to the TLS service implementation which is provided by the application.
+ *
+ * The provider which is capable of using the service interface v1 must
+ * export the following functions.
+ *
+ * int wsrep_init_tls_service_v1(wsrep_tls_service_v1_t*)
+ * void wsrep_deinit_tls_service_v1()
+ *
+ * which can be probed by the application.
+ *
+ * The application must initialize the service via above init function
+ * before the provider is initialized via wsrep->init(). The deinit
+ * function must be called after the provider side resources have been
+ * released via wsrep->free().
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h> /* posix size_t */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+ * Type tag for application defined TLS context.
+ *
+ * Application may pass pointer to the context when initializing
+ * TLS service. This pointer is passed a first parameter for
+ * each service call.
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_tls_context wsrep_tls_context_t;
+ * TLS stream structure.
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_tls_stream_st
+ /**
+ * File descriptor corresponding to the stream. The provider is
+ * responsible in opening and closing the socket.
+ */
+ int fd;
+ /**
+ * Opaque pointer reserved for application use.
+ */
+ void* opaque;
+} wsrep_tls_stream_t;
+ * Enumeration for return codes.
+ */
+enum wsrep_tls_result
+ /**
+ * The operation completed successfully, no further actions
+ * are necessary.
+ */
+ wsrep_tls_result_success = 0,
+ /**
+ * The operation completed successfully, but the application side wants
+ * to make further reads. The provider must wait until the stream
+ * becomes readable and then try the same operation again.
+ */
+ wsrep_tls_result_want_read,
+ /**
+ * The operation completed successfully, but the application side wants
+ * to make further writes. The provider must wait until the stream
+ * becomes writable and then try the same operation again.
+ */
+ wsrep_tls_result_want_write,
+ /**
+ * End of file was read from the stream. This result is needed to
+ * make difference between graceful stream shutdown and zero length
+ * reads which result from errors.
+ */
+ wsrep_tls_result_eof,
+ /**
+ * An error occurred. The specific error reason must be
+ * queried with wsrep_tls_stream_get_error_number and
+ * wsrep_tls_stream_get_error_category.
+ */
+ wsrep_tls_result_error
+ * Initialize a new TLS stream.
+ *
+ * Initialize the stream for IO operations. During this call the
+ * application must set up all of the data structures needed for
+ * IO, but must not do any reads or writes into the stream yet.
+ *
+ * @param stream TLS stream to be initialized.
+ *
+ * @return Zero on success, system error number on error.
+ */
+typedef int (*wsrep_tls_stream_init_t)(wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream);
+ * Deinitialize the TLS stream.
+ *
+ * Deinitialize the TLS stream and free all allocated resources.
+ * Note that this function must not close the socket file descriptor
+ * associated the the stream.
+ *
+ * @param stream Stream to be deinitialized.
+ */
+typedef void (*wsrep_tls_stream_deinit_t)(wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream);
+ * Get error number of the last stream error. The error numbers are
+ * defined by the application and must be integral type. By the convention
+ * zero value must denote success.
+ *
+ * For managing errors other than system errors, the application may
+ * provide several error categories via wsrep_tls_stream_get_error_category_t.
+ *
+ * @param stream TLS stream to get the last error from.
+ *
+ * @return Error number.
+ */
+typedef int (*wsrep_tls_stream_get_error_number_t)(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ const wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream);
+ * Get the error category of the last stream error.
+ *
+ * The category is represented via a const void pointer to the provider.
+ * If the category is NULL pointer, the error number is assumed to be
+ * system error.
+ *
+ * @param stream Stream to get last error category from.
+ *
+ * @return Pointer to error category.
+ */
+typedef const void* (*wsrep_tls_stream_get_error_category_t)(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ const wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream);
+ * Return human readable error message by error number and error
+ * category.
+ *
+ * The message string returned by the application must contain only
+ * printable characters and must be null terminated.
+ *
+ * @param error_number Error number returned by
+ * wsrep_tls_stream_get_error_number_t.
+ * @param category Error category returned by
+ * wsrep_tls_stream_get_error_category_t.
+ *
+ * @return Human readable message string.
+ */
+typedef const char* (*wsrep_tls_error_message_get_t)(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ const wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream,
+ int error_number, const void* category);
+ * Initiate TLS client side handshake. This function is called for the
+ * stream sockets which have been connected by the provider.
+ *
+ * If the stream socket is in non-blocking mode, the call should return
+ * immediately with appropriate result indicating if more actions are needed
+ * in the case the operation would block. The provider will call this function
+ * again until either a success or an error is returned.
+ *
+ * @param stream TLS stream.
+ *
+ * @return Enum wsrep_tls_result.
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_tls_result (*wsrep_tls_stream_client_handshake_t)(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream);
+ * Initiate TLS server side handshake. This function is called for stream
+ * sockets which have been accepted by the provider.
+ *
+ * If the stream socket is in non-blocking mode, the call should return
+ * immediately with appropriate result indicating if more actions are needed
+ * in the case the operation would block. The provider will call this function
+ * again until either a success or an error is returned.
+ *
+ * @param stream TLS stream.
+ *
+ * @return Enum wsrep_tls_result.
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_tls_result (*wsrep_tls_stream_server_handshake_t)(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream);
+ * Perform a read from the stream. If the file descriptor associated
+ * to the stream is in non-blocking mode, the call must return immediately
+ * with appropriate result if the stream processing would block.
+ *
+ * @param[in] stream TLS stream.
+ * @param[in] buf Buffer to read the data into.
+ * @param[in] max_count Maximum number of bytes to read.
+ * @param[out] bytes_transferred Number of bytes read into the buffer during
+ * the operation.
+ *
+ * @return Enum wsrep_tls_result.
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_tls_result (*wsrep_tls_stream_read_t)(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream,
+ void* buf,
+ size_t max_count,
+ size_t* bytes_transferred);
+ * Perform a write to the stream. If the file descriptor asociated to
+ * te stream is in non-blocking mode, the call must return immediately
+ * with appropriate result if the stream processing would block.
+ *
+ * @param[in] stream TLS stream.
+ * @param[in] buf Buffer which contains the data to write.
+ * @param[in] count Number of bytes to be written.
+ * @param[out] bytes_transferred Number of bytes written into the stream
+ * during the opration.
+ *
+ * @return Enum wsrep_tls_result.
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_tls_result (*wsrep_tls_stream_write_t)(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream,
+ const void* buf,
+ size_t count,
+ size_t* bytes_transferred);
+ * Shutdown the TLS stream.
+ *
+ * Note that the implementation must not close the associated stream
+ * socket, just shut down the protocol.
+ *
+ * If the shutdown call returns either wsrep_result_want_read or
+ * wsrep_result_want_write, the provider must wait until the socket
+ * becomes readable or writable and then call the function again
+ * until the return status is either success or an error occurs.
+ *
+ * @param stream TLS stream to be shut down.
+ *
+ * @return Enum wsrep_tls_result code.
+ *
+ */
+typedef enum wsrep_tls_result (*wsrep_tls_stream_shutdown_t)(
+ wsrep_tls_context_t*,
+ wsrep_tls_stream_t* stream);
+ * TLS service struct.
+ *
+ * A pointer to this struct must be passed to the call to
+ * wsrep_init_tls_service_v1.
+ *
+ * The application must provide implementation to all functions defined
+ * in this struct.
+ */
+typedef struct wsrep_tls_service_v1_st
+ /* Stream */
+ wsrep_tls_stream_init_t stream_init;
+ wsrep_tls_stream_deinit_t stream_deinit;
+ wsrep_tls_stream_get_error_number_t stream_get_error_number;
+ wsrep_tls_stream_get_error_category_t stream_get_error_category;
+ wsrep_tls_stream_client_handshake_t stream_client_handshake;
+ wsrep_tls_stream_server_handshake_t stream_server_handshake;
+ wsrep_tls_stream_read_t stream_read;
+ wsrep_tls_stream_write_t stream_write;
+ wsrep_tls_stream_shutdown_t stream_shutdown;
+ /* Error */
+ wsrep_tls_error_message_get_t error_message_get;
+ /* Pointer to application defined TLS context. */
+ wsrep_tls_context_t* context;
+} wsrep_tls_service_v1_t;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#define WSREP_TLS_SERVICE_INIT_FUNC_V1 "wsrep_init_tls_service_v1"
+#define WSREP_TLS_SERVICE_DEINIT_FUNC_V1 "wsrep_deinit_tls_service_v1"
+#endif /* WSREP_TLS_SERVICE_H */
diff --git a/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_uuid.c b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_uuid.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ac2ca91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wsrep-lib/wsrep-API/v26/wsrep_uuid.c
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2009 Codership Oy <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+/*! @file Helper functions to deal with history UUID string representations */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "wsrep_api.h"
+ * Read UUID from string
+ * @return length of UUID string representation or -EINVAL in case of error
+ */
+wsrep_uuid_scan (const char* str, size_t str_len, wsrep_uuid_t* uuid)
+ unsigned int uuid_len = 0;
+ unsigned int uuid_offt = 0;
+ while (uuid_len + 1 < str_len) {
+ /* We are skipping potential '-' after uuid_offt == 4, 6, 8, 10
+ * which means
+ * (uuid_offt >> 1) == 2, 3, 4, 5,
+ * which in turn means
+ * (uuid_offt >> 1) - 2 <= 3
+ * since it is always >= 0, because uuid_offt is unsigned */
+ if (((uuid_offt >> 1) - 2) <= 3 && str[uuid_len] == '-') {
+ // skip dashes after 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th positions
+ uuid_len += 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isxdigit(str[uuid_len]) && isxdigit(str[uuid_len + 1])) {
+ // got hex digit, scan another byte to uuid, increment uuid_offt
+ sscanf (str + uuid_len, "%2hhx", uuid->data + uuid_offt);
+ uuid_len += 2;
+ uuid_offt += 1;
+ if (sizeof (uuid->data) == uuid_offt)
+ return (int)uuid_len;
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return -EINVAL;
+ * Write UUID to string
+ * @return length of UUID string representation or -EMSGSIZE if string is too
+ * short
+ */
+wsrep_uuid_print (const wsrep_uuid_t* uuid, char* str, size_t str_len)
+ if (str_len > 36) {
+ const unsigned char* u = uuid->data;
+ return snprintf(str, str_len, "%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-"
+ "%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
+ u[ 0], u[ 1], u[ 2], u[ 3], u[ 4], u[ 5], u[ 6], u[ 7],
+ u[ 8], u[ 9], u[10], u[11], u[12], u[13], u[14], u[15]);
+ }
+ else {
+ return -EMSGSIZE;
+ }
+ * Compare two UUIDs
+ * @return -1, 0, 1 if lhs is respectively smaller, equal, or greater than rhs
+ */
+wsrep_uuid_compare (const wsrep_uuid_t* lhs, const wsrep_uuid_t* rhs)
+ return memcmp(lhs, rhs, sizeof(wsrep_uuid_t));