path: root/storage/oqgraph/oqgraph_shim.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/oqgraph/oqgraph_shim.h b/storage/oqgraph/oqgraph_shim.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93c4e5fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/oqgraph/oqgraph_shim.h
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Arjen G Lentz & Antony T Curtis for Open Query
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
+/* ======================================================================
+ Open Query Graph Computation Engine, based on a concept by Arjen Lentz
+ v3 implementation by Antony Curtis, Arjen Lentz, Andrew McDonnell
+ For more information, documentation, support, enhancement engineering,
+ see or contact
+ ======================================================================
+#pragma once
+#include "oqgraph_judy.h"
+#include "oqgraph_thunk.h"
+#include <boost/graph/directed_graph.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/adjacency_iterator.hpp>
+namespace open_query
+ struct OQGraphTraversalCategory
+ : public boost::bidirectional_graph_tag
+ , public boost::adjacency_graph_tag
+ , public boost::edge_list_graph_tag
+ { };
+namespace oqgraph3
+ struct traversal_category
+ : public boost::adjacency_graph_tag
+ , public boost::bidirectional_graph_tag
+ , public boost::edge_list_graph_tag
+ { };
+ struct edge_iterator
+ {
+ typedef edge_iterator self;
+ typedef edge_info value_type;
+ typedef edge_info& reference;
+ typedef edge_info pointer;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ edge_iterator() { }
+ edge_iterator(const graph_ptr& graph, size_t offset=0)
+ : _graph(graph)
+ , _offset(offset) { }
+ value_type operator*();
+ self& operator+=(size_t n) { _offset+= n; return *this; }
+ self& operator++() { ++_offset; return *this; }
+ self operator++(int)
+ { size_t temp= _offset++; return edge_iterator(_graph, temp); }
+ bool seek();
+ bool operator==(const self& x);
+ bool operator!=(const self& x);
+ graph_ptr _graph;
+ size_t _offset;
+ };
+ struct vertex_iterator
+ {
+ typedef vertex_iterator self;
+ typedef vertex_id value_type;
+ typedef vertex_id& reference;
+ typedef vertex_id pointer;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ vertex_iterator() { }
+ vertex_iterator(const cursor_ptr& pos) : _cursor(pos.operator->()) { }
+ vertex_id operator*() const
+ {
+ edge_info edge(*_cursor);
+ if (!_seen.test(edge.origid()))
+ return edge.origid();
+ else
+ return edge.destid();
+ }
+ self& operator++()
+ {
+ edge_info edge(*_cursor);
+ if (!_seen.test(edge.origid()))
+ {
+ _seen.set(edge.origid());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _seen.set(edge.destid());
+ }
+ while (_seen.test(edge.origid()) && _seen.test(edge.destid()))
+ {
+ if (_cursor->seek_next())
+ break;
+ edge= _cursor;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ self operator++(int) { cursor* t(new cursor(*_cursor)); ++(*this); return vertex_iterator(t); }
+ bool operator==(const self& x) { return *_cursor == *x._cursor; }
+ bool operator!=(const self& x) { return *_cursor != *x._cursor; }
+ cursor_ptr _cursor;
+ open_query::judy_bitset _seen;
+ };
+ struct out_edge_iterator
+ {
+ typedef out_edge_iterator self;
+ typedef edge_info value_type;
+ typedef edge_info& reference;
+ typedef edge_info pointer;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ out_edge_iterator() { }
+ out_edge_iterator(const cursor_ptr& cursor) : _cursor(cursor) { }
+ value_type operator*() { return value_type(_cursor); }
+ self& operator++() { _cursor->seek_next(); return *this; }
+ self operator++(int)
+ { cursor_ptr t(new cursor(*_cursor)); ++(*this); return out_edge_iterator(t); }
+ bool operator==(const self& x) { return _cursor == x._cursor; }
+ bool operator!=(const self& x) { return _cursor != x._cursor; }
+ cursor_ptr _cursor;
+ };
+ struct in_edge_iterator
+ {
+ typedef in_edge_iterator self;
+ typedef edge_info value_type;
+ typedef edge_info& reference;
+ typedef edge_info pointer;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ in_edge_iterator() { }
+ in_edge_iterator(const cursor_ptr& cursor) : _cursor(cursor) { }
+ value_type operator*() const { return value_type(_cursor); }
+ self& operator++() { _cursor->seek_next(); return *this; }
+ self operator++(int)
+ { cursor_ptr t(new cursor(*_cursor)); ++(*this); return in_edge_iterator(t); }
+ bool operator==(const self& x) const { return _cursor == x._cursor; }
+ bool operator!=(const self& x) const { return _cursor != x._cursor; }
+ cursor_ptr _cursor;
+ };
+ struct vertex_index_property_map
+ {
+ typedef vertex_id value_type;
+ typedef value_type reference;
+ typedef vertex_id key_type;
+ typedef boost::readable_property_map_tag category;
+ vertex_index_property_map(const graph& g) : _g(g) { }
+ const graph& _g;
+ friend inline reference
+ get(const vertex_index_property_map&, key_type key)
+ { return key; }
+ };
+ struct edge_weight_property_map
+ {
+ typedef weight_t value_type;
+ typedef value_type reference;
+ typedef edge_info key_type;
+ typedef boost::readable_property_map_tag category;
+ edge_weight_property_map(const graph& g) : _g(g) { }
+ friend inline reference
+ get(const edge_weight_property_map& p, const key_type& key)
+ { return key.weight(); }
+ const graph& _g;
+ };
+ struct edge_index_property_map
+ {
+ typedef cursor_ptr value_type;
+ typedef cursor_ptr reference;
+ typedef edge_info key_type;
+ typedef boost::readable_property_map_tag category;
+ edge_index_property_map(const graph& g) : _g(g) { }
+ const graph& _g;
+ };
+namespace boost
+ template<>
+ struct graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>
+ {
+ typedef oqgraph3::vertex_id vertex_descriptor;
+ typedef oqgraph3::edge_info edge_descriptor;
+ typedef boost::adjacency_iterator_generator<
+ oqgraph3::graph,
+ oqgraph3::vertex_id,
+ oqgraph3::out_edge_iterator>::type adjacency_iterator;
+ typedef oqgraph3::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator;
+ typedef oqgraph3::in_edge_iterator in_edge_iterator;
+ typedef oqgraph3::vertex_iterator vertex_iterator;
+ typedef oqgraph3::edge_iterator edge_iterator;
+ typedef boost::directed_tag directed_category;
+ typedef boost::allow_parallel_edge_tag edge_parallel_category;
+ typedef oqgraph3::traversal_category traversal_category;
+ typedef oqgraph3::vertices_size_type vertices_size_type;
+ typedef oqgraph3::edges_size_type edges_size_type;
+ typedef oqgraph3::degree_size_type degree_size_type;
+ static inline oqgraph3::vertex_id null_vertex()
+ { return oqgraph3::vertex_id(-1); }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct graph_traits<const oqgraph3::graph>
+ : public graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct graph_property_type<oqgraph3::graph>
+ {
+ typedef no_property type;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct vertex_property_type<oqgraph3::graph>
+ {
+ typedef no_property type;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct edge_property_type<oqgraph3::graph>
+ {
+ typedef no_property type;
+ };
+#if BOOST_VERSION < 106000 && BOOST_VERSION >= 104601
+ template <>
+ struct graph_bundle_type<oqgraph3::graph>
+ {
+ typedef no_graph_bundle type;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct vertex_bundle_type<oqgraph3::graph>
+ {
+ typedef no_vertex_bundle type;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct edge_bundle_type<oqgraph3::graph>
+ {
+ typedef no_edge_bundle type;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct property_map<oqgraph3::graph, edge_weight_t>
+ {
+ typedef void type;
+ typedef oqgraph3::edge_weight_property_map const_type;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct property_map<oqgraph3::graph, vertex_index_t>
+ {
+ typedef void type;
+ typedef oqgraph3::vertex_index_property_map const_type;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct property_map<oqgraph3::graph, edge_index_t>
+ {
+ typedef void type;
+ typedef oqgraph3::edge_index_property_map const_type;
+ };
+namespace oqgraph3
+ using namespace boost;
+ inline graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_descriptor
+ source(
+ const graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::edge_descriptor& e,
+ const oqgraph3::graph&)
+ { return e.origid(); }
+ inline graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_descriptor
+ target(
+ const graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::edge_descriptor& e,
+ const oqgraph3::graph&)
+ { return e.destid(); }
+ inline std::pair<
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::out_edge_iterator,
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::out_edge_iterator>
+ out_edges(
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_descriptor v,
+ const oqgraph3::graph& g)
+ {
+ oqgraph3::cursor*
+ end= new oqgraph3::cursor(const_cast<oqgraph3::graph*>(&g));
+ oqgraph3::cursor*
+ start= new oqgraph3::cursor(const_cast<oqgraph3::graph*>(&g));
+ start->seek_to(v, boost::none);
+ return std::make_pair(
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::out_edge_iterator(start),
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::out_edge_iterator(end));
+ }
+ inline graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::degree_size_type
+ out_degree(
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_descriptor v,
+ const oqgraph3::graph& g)
+ {
+ std::size_t count = 0;
+ for (std::pair<
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::out_edge_iterator,
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::out_edge_iterator> i= out_edges(v, g);
+ i.first != i.second; ++i.first)
+ {
+ ++count;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ inline std::pair<
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::in_edge_iterator,
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::in_edge_iterator>
+ in_edges(
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_descriptor v,
+ const oqgraph3::graph& g)
+ {
+ oqgraph3::cursor*
+ end= new oqgraph3::cursor(const_cast<oqgraph3::graph*>(&g));
+ oqgraph3::cursor*
+ start= new oqgraph3::cursor(const_cast<oqgraph3::graph*>(&g));
+ start->seek_to(boost::none, v);
+ return std::make_pair(
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::in_edge_iterator(start),
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::in_edge_iterator(end));
+ }
+ inline graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::degree_size_type
+ in_degree(
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_descriptor v,
+ const oqgraph3::graph& g)
+ {
+ std::size_t count = 0;
+ for (std::pair<
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::in_edge_iterator,
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::in_edge_iterator> it= in_edges(v, g);
+ it.first != it.second; ++it.first)
+ {
+ ++count;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ // EdgeListGraph concepts
+ inline std::pair<
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::edge_iterator,
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::edge_iterator>
+ edges(const oqgraph3::graph& g)
+ {
+ std::size_t end= std::size_t(-1);
+ std::size_t start= end;
+ if (g.num_edges())
+ start= 0;
+ return std::make_pair(
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::edge_iterator(
+ const_cast<oqgraph3::graph*>(&g), start),
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::edge_iterator(
+ const_cast<oqgraph3::graph*>(&g), end));
+ }
+ inline std::pair<
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_iterator,
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_iterator>
+ vertices(const oqgraph3::graph& g)
+ {
+ oqgraph3::cursor*
+ start= new oqgraph3::cursor(const_cast<oqgraph3::graph*>(&g));
+ start->seek_to(boost::none, boost::none);
+ return std::make_pair(
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_iterator(start),
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_iterator(
+ new oqgraph3::cursor(const_cast<oqgraph3::graph*>(&g))));
+ }
+ inline graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertices_size_type
+ num_vertices(const oqgraph3::graph& g)
+ {
+ std::size_t count = 0;
+ for (std::pair<
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_iterator,
+ graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_iterator> i= vertices(g);
+ i.first != i.second; ++i.first)
+ {
+ ++count;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ inline property_map<
+ oqgraph3::graph,
+ edge_weight_t>::const_type::reference
+ get(
+ edge_weight_t,
+ const oqgraph3::graph& g,
+ const property_map<
+ oqgraph3::graph,
+ edge_weight_t>::const_type::key_type& key)
+ { return key.weight(); }
+ inline property_map<
+ oqgraph3::graph,
+ edge_weight_t>::const_type
+ get(edge_weight_t,
+ const oqgraph3::graph& g)
+ { return property_map<oqgraph3::graph, edge_weight_t>::const_type(g); }
+ inline property_map<
+ oqgraph3::graph,
+ edge_index_t>::const_type::reference
+ get(edge_index_t,
+ const oqgraph3::graph&,
+ const property_map<
+ oqgraph3::graph,
+ edge_index_t>::const_type::key_type& key)
+ { return key._cursor; }
+ inline property_map<oqgraph3::graph, edge_index_t>::const_type
+ get(edge_index_t, const oqgraph3::graph& g)
+ { return property_map<oqgraph3::graph, edge_index_t>::const_type(g); }
+ inline property_map<oqgraph3::graph, edge_index_t>::const_type::reference
+ get(const property_map<oqgraph3::graph, edge_index_t>::const_type&,
+ const property_map<oqgraph3::graph,
+ edge_index_t>::const_type::key_type& key)
+ { return key._cursor; }
+ inline property_map<oqgraph3::graph, vertex_index_t>::const_type::reference
+ get(vertex_index_t, const oqgraph3::graph&,
+ const property_map<oqgraph3::graph,
+ vertex_index_t>::const_type::key_type& key)
+ { return key; }
+ inline property_map<oqgraph3::graph, vertex_index_t>::const_type
+ get(vertex_index_t, const oqgraph3::graph& g)
+ { return property_map<oqgraph3::graph, vertex_index_t>::const_type(g); }
+ inline optional<graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_descriptor>
+ find_vertex(oqgraph3::vertex_id id, const oqgraph3::graph& g)
+ {
+ // Fix for returning vertex even when not in graph
+ // Psuedocode for fix:
+ // if count(*) from g->TABLE where source=id or target=id > 0 then return id else return null
+ oqgraph3::cursor* found_cursor = new oqgraph3::cursor(const_cast<oqgraph3::graph*>(&g));
+ bool found = (found_cursor->seek_to(id, boost::none) && found_cursor->seek_to(boost::none, id));
+ delete found_cursor;
+ if (found) {
+ // id is neither a from or a to in a link
+ return optional<graph_traits<oqgraph3::graph>::vertex_descriptor>();
+ }
+ return id;
+ }