source include/; --echo # --echo # MDEV-16708: Unsupported commands for prepared statements --echo # if (`SELECT $PS_PROTOCOL = 0`) { --skip Need ps-protocol } --source include/ SET @save_storage_engine= @@default_storage_engine; SET default_storage_engine= InnoDB; --echo # Test case 18: Check that the statements CREATE EVENT/ALTER EVENT/ --echo # DROP EVENT can be executed as a prepared statement --echo # Create the event e1 that specifies time in past. Such event is created --echo # just for the sake of its existence and never will be triggered. --echo # Disable warnings temprorary in order to hide the following warnings --echo # generated in result of execution the 'CREATE EVENT' statement: --echo # "1544 | Event execution time is in the past. Event has been disabled" --echo # "1105 | Event scheduler is switched off, use SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=ON to enable it." --disable_warnings CREATE EVENT e1 ON SCHEDULE AT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 1 DAY ON COMPLETION PRESERVE DO SET @a=1; ALTER EVENT e1 COMMENT 'New comment'; DROP EVENT IF EXISTS e1; --enable_warnings --echo # Test case 19: Check that the statement 'SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS' can be --echo # executed as a prepared statement. SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS; SET default_storage_engine= @save_storage_engine;