########### suite/sysschema/t/fn_quote_identifier.test ############# # # # Testing of of the sys.quote_identifier() function # # # # Creation: # # 2016-05-23 jkrogh Implement this test as part of bug 22011361 # # # #################################################################### -- source include/not_embedded.inc # Tests for sys schema # Verify the sys.quote_identifer() function perfoms as expected # Passing NULL should return NULL SELECT sys.quote_identifier(NULL); # Passing a simple string SELECT sys.quote_identifier('abc'); # Passing a string containing backticks (`) SELECT sys.quote_identifier('ab`c'); SELECT sys.quote_identifier('ab``c'); SELECT sys.quote_identifier('ab```c'); SELECT sys.quote_identifier('a`b`c'); SELECT sys.quote_identifier('a`b``c');