/* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=2:smarttab: * Copyright 2019 MariaDB Corporation Ab. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include "common.h" #include "sha256.h" #include const char *default_domain = "s3.amazonaws.com"; static void set_error(ms3_st *ms3, const char *error) { ms3_cfree(ms3->last_error); if (!error) { ms3->last_error = NULL; return; } ms3->last_error = ms3_cstrdup(error); } static void set_error_nocopy(ms3_st *ms3, char *error) { ms3_cfree(ms3->last_error); if (!error) { ms3->last_error = NULL; return; } ms3->last_error = error; } static uint8_t build_request_uri(CURL *curl, const char *base_domain, const char *bucket, const char *object, const char *query, bool use_http, uint8_t protocol_version) { char uri_buffer[MAX_URI_LENGTH]; const char *domain; const uint8_t path_parts = 10; // "https://" + "." + "/" const char *http_protocol = "http"; const char *https_protocol = "https"; const char *protocol; if (base_domain) { domain = base_domain; } else { domain = default_domain; } if (use_http) { protocol = http_protocol; } else { protocol = https_protocol; } if (query) { if (path_parts + strlen(domain) + strlen(bucket) + strlen(object) + strlen( query) >= MAX_URI_LENGTH - 1) { return MS3_ERR_URI_TOO_LONG; } if (protocol_version == 1) { snprintf(uri_buffer, MAX_URI_LENGTH - 1, "%s://%s/%s%s?%s", protocol, domain, bucket, object, query); } else { snprintf(uri_buffer, MAX_URI_LENGTH - 1, "%s://%s.%s%s?%s", protocol, bucket, domain, object, query); } } else { if (path_parts + strlen(domain) + strlen(bucket) + strlen( object) >= MAX_URI_LENGTH - 1) { return MS3_ERR_URI_TOO_LONG; } if (protocol_version == 1) { snprintf(uri_buffer, MAX_URI_LENGTH - 1, "%s://%s/%s%s", protocol, domain, bucket, object); } else { snprintf(uri_buffer, MAX_URI_LENGTH - 1, "%s://%s.%s%s", protocol, bucket, domain, object); } } ms3debug("URI: %s", uri_buffer); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, uri_buffer); return 0; } /* Handles object name to path conversion. * Must always start with a '/' even if object is empty. * Object should be urlencoded. Unfortunately curl also urlencodes slashes. * So this breaks up on slashes and reassembles the encoded parts. * Not very efficient but works until we write a custom encoder. */ static char *generate_path(CURL *curl, const char *object, char *path_buffer) { char *tok_ptr = NULL; char *save_ptr = NULL; char *out_ptr = path_buffer; char *path; // Keep scanbuild happy path_buffer[0] = '\0'; if (!object) { sprintf(path_buffer, "/"); return path_buffer; } path = ms3_cstrdup(object); // Because strtok_r is destructive tok_ptr = strtok_r((char *)path, "/", &save_ptr); while (tok_ptr != NULL) { char *encoded = curl_easy_escape(curl, tok_ptr, (int)strlen(tok_ptr)); snprintf(out_ptr, 1024 - (out_ptr - path_buffer), "/%s", encoded); out_ptr += strlen(encoded) + 1; curl_free(encoded); tok_ptr = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &save_ptr); } if (path_buffer[0] != '/') { sprintf(path_buffer, "/"); } ms3_cfree(path); return path_buffer; } /* At a later date we need to make this accept multi-param/values to support * pagination */ static char *generate_query(CURL *curl, const char *value, const char *continuation, uint8_t list_version, bool use_delimiter, char *query_buffer) { char *encoded; query_buffer[0] = '\0'; if (use_delimiter) { snprintf(query_buffer, 3072, "delimiter=%%2F"); } if (list_version == 2) { if (continuation) { encoded = curl_easy_escape(curl, continuation, (int)strlen(continuation)); if (strlen(query_buffer)) { snprintf(query_buffer + strlen(query_buffer), 3072 - strlen(query_buffer), "&continuation-token=%s&list-type=2", encoded); } else { snprintf(query_buffer, 3072, "continuation-token=%s&list-type=2", encoded); } curl_free(encoded); } else { if (strlen(query_buffer)) { snprintf(query_buffer + strlen(query_buffer), 3072 - strlen(query_buffer), "&list-type=2"); } else { sprintf(query_buffer, "list-type=2"); } } } else if (continuation) { // Continuation is really marker here encoded = curl_easy_escape(curl, continuation, (int)strlen(continuation)); if (strlen(query_buffer)) { snprintf(query_buffer + strlen(query_buffer), 3072 - strlen(query_buffer), "&marker=%s", encoded); } else { snprintf(query_buffer, 3072, "marker=%s", encoded); } curl_free(encoded); } if (value) { encoded = curl_easy_escape(curl, value, (int)strlen(value)); if (strlen(query_buffer)) { snprintf(query_buffer + strlen(query_buffer), 3072 - strlen(query_buffer), "&prefix=%s", encoded); } else { snprintf(query_buffer, 3072, "prefix=%s", encoded); } curl_free(encoded); } return query_buffer; } /* \n \n \n \n \n - host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date - empty if no POST data */ static uint8_t generate_request_hash(uri_method_t method, const char *path, const char *bucket, const char *query, char *post_hash, struct curl_slist *headers, bool has_source, bool has_token, char *return_hash) { char signing_data[3072]; size_t pos = 0; uint8_t sha256hash[32]; // SHA_256 binary length uint8_t hash_pos = 0; uint8_t i; struct curl_slist *current_header = headers; // Method first switch (method) { case MS3_GET: { sprintf(signing_data, "GET\n"); pos += 4; break; } case MS3_HEAD: { sprintf(signing_data, "HEAD\n"); pos += 5; break; } case MS3_PUT: { sprintf(signing_data, "PUT\n"); pos += 4; break; } case MS3_DELETE: { sprintf(signing_data, "DELETE\n"); pos += 7; break; } default: { ms3debug("Bad method detected"); return MS3_ERR_IMPOSSIBLE; } } // URL path if (bucket) { snprintf(signing_data + pos, sizeof(signing_data) - pos, "/%s%s\n", bucket, path); pos += strlen(path) + strlen(bucket) + 2; } else { snprintf(signing_data + pos, sizeof(signing_data) - pos, "%s\n", path); pos += strlen(path) + 1; } // URL query (if exists) if (query) { snprintf(signing_data + pos, sizeof(signing_data) - pos, "%s\n", query); pos += strlen(query) + 1; } else { sprintf(signing_data + pos, "\n"); pos++; } do { snprintf(signing_data + pos, sizeof(signing_data) - pos, "%s\n", current_header->data); pos += strlen(current_header->data) + 1; } while ((current_header = current_header->next)); // List if header names // The newline between headers and this is important if (has_source && has_token) { snprintf(signing_data + pos, sizeof(signing_data) - pos, "\nhost;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-copy-source;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token\n"); pos += 77; } else if (has_source) { snprintf(signing_data + pos, sizeof(signing_data) - pos, "\nhost;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-copy-source;x-amz-date\n"); pos += 56; } else if (has_token) { snprintf(signing_data + pos, sizeof(signing_data) - pos, "\nhost;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token\n"); pos += 59; } else { snprintf(signing_data + pos, sizeof(signing_data) - pos, "\nhost;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date\n"); pos += 38; } // Hash of post data (can be hash of empty) snprintf(signing_data + pos, sizeof(signing_data) - pos, "%.*s", 64, post_hash); //pos+= 64; ms3debug("Signature data1: %s", signing_data); // Hash all of the above sha256((uint8_t *)signing_data, strlen(signing_data), (uint8_t *)sha256hash); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { sprintf(return_hash + hash_pos, "%.2x", sha256hash[i]); hash_pos += 2; } ms3debug("Signature data: %s", signing_data); ms3debug("Signature: %.*s", 64, return_hash); return 0; } static uint8_t build_request_headers(CURL *curl, struct curl_slist **head, const char *base_domain, const char *region, const char *key, const char *secret, const char *object, const char *query, uri_method_t method, const char *bucket, const char *source_bucket, const char *source_key, struct put_buffer_st *post_data, uint8_t protocol_version, const char *session_token) { uint8_t ret = 0; time_t now; struct tm tmp_tm; char headerbuf[3072]; char secrethead[45]; char date[9]; char sha256hash[65]; char post_hash[65]; uint8_t tmp_hash[32]; // Alternate between these two so hmac doesn't overwrite itself uint8_t hmac_hash[32]; uint8_t hmac_hash2[32]; uint8_t hash_pos = 0; const char *domain; struct curl_slist *headers = NULL; uint8_t offset; uint8_t i; bool has_source = false; bool has_token = false; struct curl_slist *current_header; // Host header if (base_domain) { domain = base_domain; } else { domain = default_domain; } if (protocol_version == 2) { snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), "host:%s.%s", bucket, domain); } else { snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), "host:%s", domain); } headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerbuf); *head = headers; // Hash post data sha256(post_data->data, post_data->length, tmp_hash); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { sprintf(post_hash + hash_pos, "%.2x", tmp_hash[i]); hash_pos += 2; } snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), "x-amz-content-sha256:%.*s", 64, post_hash); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerbuf); if (source_bucket) { char *bucket_escape; char *key_escape; bucket_escape = curl_easy_escape(curl, source_bucket, (int)strlen(source_bucket)); key_escape = curl_easy_escape(curl, source_key, (int)strlen(source_key)); snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), "x-amz-copy-source:/%s/%s", bucket_escape, key_escape); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerbuf); ms3_cfree(bucket_escape); ms3_cfree(key_escape); } // Date/time header time(&now); snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), "x-amz-date:"); offset = strlen(headerbuf); gmtime_r(&now, &tmp_tm); strftime(headerbuf + offset, sizeof(headerbuf) - offset, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ", &tmp_tm); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerbuf); // Temp Credentials Security Token if (session_token) { snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), "x-amz-security-token:%s",session_token); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerbuf); has_token = true; } if (source_bucket) { has_source = true; } // Builds the request hash if (protocol_version == 1) { ret = generate_request_hash(method, object, bucket, query, post_hash, headers, has_source, has_token, sha256hash); } else { ret = generate_request_hash(method, object, NULL, query, post_hash, headers, has_source, has_token, sha256hash); } if (ret) { return ret; } // User signing key hash // Date hashed using AWS4:secret_key snprintf(secrethead, sizeof(secrethead), "AWS4%.*s", 40, secret); strftime(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), "%Y%m%d", &tmp_tm); hmac_sha256((uint8_t *)secrethead, strlen(secrethead), (uint8_t *)headerbuf, strlen(headerbuf), hmac_hash); // Region signed by above key hmac_sha256(hmac_hash, 32, (uint8_t *)region, strlen(region), hmac_hash2); // Service signed by above key (s3 always) sprintf(headerbuf, "s3"); hmac_sha256(hmac_hash2, 32, (uint8_t *)headerbuf, strlen(headerbuf), hmac_hash); // Request version signed by above key (always "aws4_request") sprintf(headerbuf, "aws4_request"); hmac_sha256(hmac_hash, 32, (uint8_t *)headerbuf, strlen(headerbuf), hmac_hash2); // Sign everything with the key snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n"); offset = strlen(headerbuf); strftime(headerbuf + offset, sizeof(headerbuf) - offset, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ\n", &tmp_tm); offset = strlen(headerbuf); strftime(date, 9, "%Y%m%d", &tmp_tm); snprintf(headerbuf + offset, sizeof(headerbuf) - offset, "%.*s/%s/s3/aws4_request\n%.*s", 8, date, region, 64, sha256hash); ms3debug("Data to sign: %s", headerbuf); hmac_sha256(hmac_hash2, 32, (uint8_t *)headerbuf, strlen(headerbuf), hmac_hash); hash_pos = 0; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { sprintf(sha256hash + hash_pos, "%.2x", hmac_hash[i]); hash_pos += 2; } // Make auth header if (source_bucket && session_token) { snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), "Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=%s/%s/%s/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-copy-source;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token;x-amz-copy-source, Signature=%s", key, date, region, sha256hash); } else if (source_bucket) { snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), "Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=%s/%s/%s/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-copy-source;x-amz-date, Signature=%s", key, date, region, sha256hash); } else if (session_token) { snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), "Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=%s/%s/%s/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token, Signature=%s", key, date, region, sha256hash); } else { snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), "Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=%s/%s/%s/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=%s", key, date, region, sha256hash); } headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerbuf); // Disable this header or PUT will barf with a 501 sprintf(headerbuf, "Transfer-Encoding:"); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerbuf); if ((method == MS3_PUT) && !source_bucket) { snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), "Content-Length:%zu", post_data->length); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerbuf); } current_header = headers; do { ms3debug("Header: %s", current_header->data); } while ((current_header = current_header->next)); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers); switch (method) { case MS3_GET: { // Nothing extra to do here break; } case MS3_HEAD: { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1L); break; } case MS3_PUT: { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT"); break; } case MS3_DELETE: { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE"); break; } default: ms3debug("Bad method detected"); return MS3_ERR_IMPOSSIBLE; } return 0; } static size_t header_callback(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *userdata) { ms3debug("%.*s\n", (int)(nitems * size), buffer); if (userdata) { // HEAD request if (!strncasecmp(buffer, "Last-Modified", 13)) { ms3_status_st *status = (ms3_status_st *) userdata; // Date/time, format: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 16:58:54 GMT struct tm ttmp = {0}; strptime(buffer + 15, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", &ttmp); status->created = mktime(&ttmp); } else if (!strncasecmp(buffer, "Content-Length", 14)) { ms3_status_st *status = (ms3_status_st *) userdata; // Length status->length = strtoull(buffer + 16, NULL, 10); } } return nitems * size; } static size_t body_callback(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *userdata) { uint8_t *ptr; size_t realsize = nitems * size; struct memory_buffer_st *mem = (struct memory_buffer_st *)userdata; if (realsize + mem->length >= mem->alloced) { size_t additional_size = mem->buffer_chunk_size; if (realsize >= mem->buffer_chunk_size) { additional_size = (ceil((double)realsize / (double)mem->buffer_chunk_size) + 1) * mem->buffer_chunk_size; } ptr = (uint8_t *)ms3_crealloc(mem->data, mem->alloced + additional_size); if (!ptr) { ms3debug("Curl response OOM"); return 0; } mem->alloced += additional_size; mem->data = ptr; } memcpy(&(mem->data[mem->length]), buffer, realsize); mem->length += realsize; mem->data[mem->length] = '\0'; ms3debug("Read %zu bytes, buffer %zu bytes", realsize, mem->length); // ms3debug("Data: %s", (char*)buffer); return nitems * size; } uint8_t execute_request(ms3_st *ms3, command_t cmd, const char *bucket, const char *object, const char *source_bucket, const char *source_object, const char *filter, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_size, char *continuation, void *ret_ptr) { CURL *curl = NULL; struct curl_slist *headers = NULL; uint8_t res = 0; struct memory_buffer_st mem; uri_method_t method; char *path = NULL; char *query = NULL; struct put_buffer_st post_data; CURLcode curl_res; long response_code = 0; mem.data = NULL; mem.length = 0; mem.alloced = 1; mem.buffer_chunk_size = ms3->buffer_chunk_size; post_data.data = (uint8_t *) data; post_data.length = data_size; post_data.offset = 0; curl = ms3->curl; if (!ms3->first_run) { curl_easy_reset(curl); } else { ms3->first_run = false; } path = generate_path(curl, object, ms3->path_buffer); if (cmd == MS3_CMD_LIST_RECURSIVE) { query = generate_query(curl, filter, continuation, ms3->list_version, false, ms3->query_buffer); } else if (cmd == MS3_CMD_LIST) { query = generate_query(curl, filter, continuation, ms3->list_version, true, ms3->query_buffer); } res = build_request_uri(curl, ms3->base_domain, bucket, path, query, ms3->use_http, ms3->protocol_version); if (res) { return res; } switch (cmd) { case MS3_CMD_COPY: case MS3_CMD_PUT: method = MS3_PUT; curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, (char *)data); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, data_size); break; case MS3_CMD_DELETE: method = MS3_DELETE; break; case MS3_CMD_HEAD: method = MS3_HEAD; curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, ret_ptr); break; case MS3_CMD_LIST: case MS3_CMD_LIST_RECURSIVE: case MS3_CMD_GET: case MS3_CMD_LIST_ROLE: method = MS3_GET; break; case MS3_CMD_ASSUME_ROLE: default: ms3debug("Bad cmd detected"); ms3_cfree(mem.data); return MS3_ERR_IMPOSSIBLE; } if (ms3->iam_role) { ms3debug("Using assumed role: %s",ms3->iam_role); res = build_request_headers(curl, &headers, ms3->base_domain, ms3->region, ms3->role_key, ms3->role_secret, path, query, method, bucket, source_bucket, source_object, &post_data, ms3->protocol_version, ms3->role_session_token); } else { res = build_request_headers(curl, &headers, ms3->base_domain, ms3->region, ms3->s3key, ms3->s3secret, path, query, method, bucket, source_bucket, source_object, &post_data, ms3->protocol_version, NULL); } if (res) { ms3_cfree(mem.data); curl_slist_free_all(headers); return res; } if (ms3->disable_verification) { ms3debug("Disabling SSL verification"); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); } if (ms3->port) curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PORT, (long)ms3->port); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, header_callback); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, body_callback); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&mem); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_res = curl_easy_perform(curl); if (curl_res != CURLE_OK) { ms3debug("Curl error: %s", curl_easy_strerror(curl_res)); set_error(ms3, curl_easy_strerror(curl_res)); ms3_cfree(mem.data); curl_slist_free_all(headers); return MS3_ERR_REQUEST_ERROR; } curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response_code); ms3debug("Response code: %ld", response_code); if (response_code == 404) { char *message = parse_error_message((char *)mem.data, mem.length); if (message) { ms3debug("Response message: %s", message); } set_error_nocopy(ms3, message); res = MS3_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } else if (response_code == 403) { char *message = parse_error_message((char *)mem.data, mem.length); if (message) { ms3debug("Response message: %s", message); } set_error_nocopy(ms3, message); res = MS3_ERR_AUTH; } else if (response_code >= 400) { char *message = parse_error_message((char *)mem.data, mem.length); if (message) { ms3debug("Response message: %s", message); } set_error_nocopy(ms3, message); res = MS3_ERR_SERVER; if (ms3->iam_role) { res = MS3_ERR_AUTH_ROLE; } } switch (cmd) { case MS3_CMD_LIST_RECURSIVE: case MS3_CMD_LIST: { char *cont = NULL; parse_list_response((const char *)mem.data, mem.length, &ms3->list_container, ms3->list_version, &cont); if (cont) { res = execute_request(ms3, cmd, bucket, object, source_bucket, source_object, filter, data, data_size, cont, NULL); if (res) { return res; } ms3_cfree(cont); } ms3_cfree(mem.data); break; } case MS3_CMD_COPY: case MS3_CMD_PUT: { ms3_cfree(mem.data); break; } case MS3_CMD_GET: { struct memory_buffer_st *buf = (struct memory_buffer_st *) ret_ptr; if (res) { ms3_cfree(mem.data); } else { buf->data = mem.data; buf->length = mem.length; } break; } case MS3_CMD_DELETE: { ms3_cfree(mem.data); break; } case MS3_CMD_HEAD: { ms3_cfree(mem.data); break; } case MS3_CMD_LIST_ROLE: case MS3_CMD_ASSUME_ROLE: default: { ms3_cfree(mem.data); ms3debug("Bad cmd detected"); res = MS3_ERR_IMPOSSIBLE; } } curl_slist_free_all(headers); return res; }