/* * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Codership Oy * * This file is part of wsrep-lib. * * Wsrep-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Wsrep-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with wsrep-lib. If not, see . */ #ifndef WSREP_MOCK_PROVIDER_HPP #define WSREP_MOCK_PROVIDER_HPP #include "wsrep/provider.hpp" #include "wsrep/logger.hpp" #include "wsrep/buffer.hpp" #include "wsrep/high_priority_service.hpp" #include #include #include // todo: proper logging #include namespace wsrep { class mock_provider : public wsrep::provider { public: typedef std::map bf_abort_map; mock_provider(wsrep::server_state& server_state) : provider(server_state) , certify_result_() , commit_order_enter_result_() , commit_order_leave_result_() , release_result_() , replay_result_() , group_id_("1") , server_id_("1") , group_seqno_(0) , bf_abort_map_() , start_fragments_() , fragments_() , commit_fragments_() , rollback_fragments_() , toi_write_sets_() , toi_start_transaction_() , toi_commit_() { } enum wsrep::provider::status connect(const std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string&, bool) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return wsrep::provider::success; } int disconnect() WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; } int capabilities() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; } int desync() WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; } int resync() WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; } wsrep::seqno pause() WSREP_OVERRIDE { return wsrep::seqno(0); } int resume() WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; } enum wsrep::provider::status run_applier(wsrep::high_priority_service*) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return wsrep::provider::success; } // Provider implemenatation interface int start_transaction(wsrep::ws_handle&) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; } enum wsrep::provider::status certify(wsrep::client_id client_id, wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle, int flags, wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta) WSREP_OVERRIDE { ws_handle = wsrep::ws_handle(ws_handle.transaction_id(), (void*)1); wsrep::log_debug() << "provider certify: " << "client: " << client_id.get() << " flags: " << std::hex << flags << std::dec << " certify_status: " << certify_result_; if (certify_result_) { return certify_result_; } ++fragments_; if (starts_transaction(flags)) { ++start_fragments_; } if (commits_transaction(flags)) { ++commit_fragments_; } if (rolls_back_transaction(flags)) { ++rollback_fragments_; } wsrep::stid stid(server_id_, ws_handle.transaction_id(), client_id); bf_abort_map::iterator it(bf_abort_map_.find( ws_handle.transaction_id())); if (it == bf_abort_map_.end()) { ++group_seqno_; wsrep::gtid gtid(group_id_, wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_)); ws_meta = wsrep::ws_meta(gtid, stid, wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_ - 1), flags); return wsrep::provider::success; } else { enum wsrep::provider::status ret; if (it->second.is_undefined()) { ws_meta = wsrep::ws_meta(wsrep::gtid(), wsrep::stid(), wsrep::seqno::undefined(), 0); ret = wsrep::provider::error_certification_failed; } else { ++group_seqno_; wsrep::gtid gtid(group_id_, wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_)); ws_meta = wsrep::ws_meta(gtid, stid, wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_ - 1), flags); ret = wsrep::provider::error_bf_abort; } bf_abort_map_.erase(it); return ret; } } enum wsrep::provider::status assign_read_view(wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::gtid*) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return wsrep::provider::success; } int append_key(wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::key&) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; } enum wsrep::provider::status append_data(wsrep::ws_handle&, const wsrep::const_buffer&) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return wsrep::provider::success; } enum wsrep::provider::status rollback(const wsrep::transaction_id) WSREP_OVERRIDE { ++fragments_; ++rollback_fragments_; return wsrep::provider::success; } enum wsrep::provider::status commit_order_enter(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle, const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta) WSREP_OVERRIDE { BOOST_REQUIRE(ws_handle.opaque()); BOOST_REQUIRE(ws_meta.seqno().is_undefined() == false); return commit_order_enter_result_; } int commit_order_leave(const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle, const wsrep::ws_meta& ws_meta, const wsrep::mutable_buffer& err) WSREP_OVERRIDE { BOOST_REQUIRE(ws_handle.opaque()); BOOST_REQUIRE(ws_meta.seqno().is_undefined() == false); return err.size() > 0 ? wsrep::provider::error_fatal : commit_order_leave_result_; } int release(wsrep::ws_handle& ) WSREP_OVERRIDE { // BOOST_REQUIRE(ws_handle.opaque()); return release_result_; } enum wsrep::provider::status replay( const wsrep::ws_handle& ws_handle, wsrep::high_priority_service* hps) WSREP_OVERRIDE { wsrep::mock_high_priority_service& high_priority_service( *static_cast(hps)); wsrep::mock_client_state& cc( static_cast( high_priority_service.client_state())); const wsrep::transaction& tc(cc.transaction()); wsrep::ws_meta ws_meta; if (replay_result_ == wsrep::provider::success) { // If the ws_meta was not assigned yet, the certify // returned early due to BF abort. if (tc.ws_meta().seqno().is_undefined()) { ++group_seqno_; ws_meta = wsrep::ws_meta( wsrep::gtid(group_id_, wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_)), wsrep::stid(server_id_, tc.id(), cc.id()), wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_ - 1), wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction | wsrep::provider::flag::commit); } else { ws_meta = tc.ws_meta(); } } else { return replay_result_; } if (high_priority_service.apply(ws_handle, ws_meta, wsrep::const_buffer())) { return wsrep::provider::error_fatal; } return wsrep::provider::success; } enum wsrep::provider::status enter_toi(wsrep::client_id client_id, const wsrep::key_array&, const wsrep::const_buffer&, wsrep::ws_meta& toi_meta, int flags) WSREP_OVERRIDE { ++group_seqno_; wsrep::gtid gtid(group_id_, wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_)); wsrep::stid stid(server_id_, wsrep::transaction_id::undefined(), client_id); toi_meta = wsrep::ws_meta(gtid, stid, wsrep::seqno(group_seqno_ - 1), flags); ++toi_write_sets_; if (flags & wsrep::provider::flag::start_transaction) ++toi_start_transaction_; if (flags & wsrep::provider::flag::commit) ++toi_commit_; return certify_result_; } enum wsrep::provider::status leave_toi(wsrep::client_id, const wsrep::mutable_buffer&) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return wsrep::provider::success; } std::pair causal_read(int) const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return std::make_pair(wsrep::gtid::undefined(), wsrep::provider::error_not_implemented); } enum wsrep::provider::status wait_for_gtid(const wsrep::gtid&, int) const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return wsrep::provider::success; } wsrep::gtid last_committed_gtid() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return wsrep::gtid(); } enum wsrep::provider::status sst_sent(const wsrep::gtid&, int) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return wsrep::provider::success; } enum wsrep::provider::status sst_received(const wsrep::gtid&, int) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return wsrep::provider::success; } enum wsrep::provider::status enc_set_key(const wsrep::const_buffer&) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return wsrep::provider::success; } std::vector status() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return std::vector(); } void reset_status() WSREP_OVERRIDE { } std::string options() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return ""; } enum wsrep::provider::status options(const std::string&) WSREP_OVERRIDE { return wsrep::provider::success; } std::string name() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return "mock"; } std::string version() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return "0.0"; } std::string vendor() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return "mock"; } void* native() const WSREP_OVERRIDE { return 0; } // // Methods to modify mock state // /** Inject BF abort event into the provider. * * @param bf_seqno Aborter sequence number * @param trx_id Trx id to be aborted * @param[out] victim_seqno */ enum wsrep::provider::status bf_abort(wsrep::seqno bf_seqno, wsrep::transaction_id trx_id, wsrep::seqno& victim_seqno) WSREP_OVERRIDE { bf_abort_map_.insert(std::make_pair(trx_id, bf_seqno)); if (bf_seqno.is_undefined() == false) { group_seqno_ = bf_seqno.get(); } victim_seqno = wsrep::seqno::undefined(); return wsrep::provider::success; } // Parameters to control return value from the call enum wsrep::provider::status certify_result_; enum wsrep::provider::status commit_order_enter_result_; enum wsrep::provider::status commit_order_leave_result_; enum wsrep::provider::status release_result_; enum wsrep::provider::status replay_result_; size_t start_fragments() const { return start_fragments_; } size_t fragments() const { return fragments_; } size_t commit_fragments() const { return commit_fragments_; } size_t rollback_fragments() const { return rollback_fragments_; } size_t toi_write_sets() const { return toi_write_sets_; } size_t toi_start_transaction() const { return toi_start_transaction_; } size_t toi_commit() const { return toi_commit_; } private: wsrep::id group_id_; wsrep::id server_id_; long long group_seqno_; bf_abort_map bf_abort_map_; size_t start_fragments_; size_t fragments_; size_t commit_fragments_; size_t rollback_fragments_; size_t toi_write_sets_; size_t toi_start_transaction_; size_t toi_commit_; }; } #endif // WSREP_MOCK_PROVIDER_HPP