path: root/docs
diff options
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
+# You can set these variables from the command line, and also
+# from the environment for the first two.
+SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
+BUILDDIR = _build
+# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
+.PHONY: help Makefile
+# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
+# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
+%: Makefile
+# raise warnings to errors
+ @$(SPHINXBUILD) -b html -nW --keep-going "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)/html" $(SPHINXOPTS) $(O)
+# increase logging level to verbose
+ @$(SPHINXBUILD) -b html -v "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)/html" $(SPHINXOPTS) $(O)
diff --git a/docs/_static/custom.css b/docs/_static/custom.css
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/_static/custom.css
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+.code-cell > .highlight > pre {
+ border-left-color: green;
+ border-left-width: medium;
+ border-left-style: solid;
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+# markdown-it design principles
+## Data flow
+Input data is parsed via nested chains of rules. There are 3 nested chains -
+`core`, `block` & `inline`:
+ core.rule1 (normalize)
+ ...
+ core.ruleX
+ block
+ block.rule1 (blockquote)
+ ...
+ block.ruleX
+ core.ruleX1 (intermediate rule that applies on block tokens, nothing yet)
+ ...
+ core.ruleXX
+ inline (applied to each block token with "inline" type)
+ inline.rule1 (text)
+ ...
+ inline.ruleX
+ core.ruleYY (applies to all tokens)
+ ... (abbreviation, footnote, typographer, linkifier)
+The result of the parsing is a *list of tokens*, that will be passed to the `renderer` to generate the html content.
+These tokens can be themselves parsed again to generate more tokens (ex: a `list token` can be divided into multiple `inline tokens`).
+An `env` sandbox can be used alongside tokens to inject external variables for your parsers and renderers.
+Each chain (core / block / inline) uses an independent `state` object when parsing data, so that each parsing operation is independent and can be disabled on the fly.
+## Token stream
+Instead of traditional AST we use more low-level data representation - *tokens*.
+The difference is simple:
+- Tokens are a simple sequence (Array).
+- Opening and closing tags are separate.
+- There are special token objects, "inline containers", having nested tokens.
+ sequences with inline markup (bold, italic, text, ...).
+See [token class](
+for details about each token content.
+In total, a token stream is:
+- On the top level - array of paired or single "block" tokens:
+ - open/close for headers, lists, blockquotes, paragraphs, ...
+ - codes, fenced blocks, horizontal rules, html blocks, inlines containers
+- Each inline token have a `.children` property with a nested token stream for inline content:
+ - open/close for strong, em, link, code, ...
+ - text, line breaks
+Why not AST? Because it's not needed for our tasks. We follow KISS principle.
+If you wish - you can call a parser without a renderer and convert the token stream
+to an AST.
+More details about tokens:
+- [Renderer source](
+- [Token source](
+- [Live demo]( - type your text and click `debug` tab.
+## Rules
+Rules are functions, doing "magic" with parser `state` objects. A rule is associated with one or more *chains* and is unique. For instance, a `blockquote` token is associated with `blockquote`, `paragraph`, `heading` and `list` chains.
+Rules are managed by names via [Ruler]( instances and can be `enabled` / `disabled` from the [MarkdownIt]( methods.
+You can note, that some rules have a `validation mode` - in this mode rules do not
+modify the token stream, and only look ahead for the end of a token. It's one
+important design principle - a token stream is "write only" on block & inline parse stages.
+Parsers are designed to keep rules independent of each other. You can safely enable/disable them, or
+add new ones. There are no universal recipes for how to create new rules - design of
+distributed state machines with good data isolation is a tricky business. But you
+can investigate existing rules & plugins to see possible approaches.
+Also, in complex cases you can try to ask for help in tracker. Condition is very
+simple - it should be clear from your ticket, that you studied docs, sources,
+and tried to do something yourself. We never reject with help to real developers.
+## Renderer
+After the token stream is generated, it's passed to a [renderer](
+It then plays all the tokens, passing each to a rule with the same name as token type.
+Renderer rules are located in `md.renderer.rules[name]` and are simple functions
+with the same signature:
+def function(renderer, tokens, idx, options, env):
+ return htmlResult
+In many cases that allows easy output change even without parser intrusion.
+For example, let's replace images with vimeo links to player's iframe:
+import re
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark")
+vimeoRE = re.compile(r'^https?:\/\/(www\.)?\/(\d+)($|\/)')
+def render_vimeo(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
+ token = tokens[idx]
+ if vimeoRE.match(token.attrs["src"]):
+ ident = vimeoRE.match(token.attrs["src"])[2]
+ return ('<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">\n' +
+ ' <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="//' +
+ ident + '"></iframe>\n' +
+ '</div>\n')
+ return self.image(tokens, idx, options, env)
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark")
+md.add_render_rule("image", render_vimeo)
+Here is another example, how to add `target="_blank"` to all links:
+from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
+def render_blank_link(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
+ tokens[idx].attrSet("target", "_blank")
+ # pass token to default renderer.
+ return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options, env)
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark")
+md.add_render_rule("link_open", render_blank_link)
+print(md.render("[a]\n\n[a]: b"))
+Note, if you need to add attributes, you can do things without renderer override.
+For example, you can update tokens in `core` chain. That is slower, than direct
+renderer override, but can be more simple.
+You also can write your own renderer to generate other formats than HTML, such as
+JSON/XML... You can even use it to generate AST.
+## Summary
+This was mentioned in [Data flow](md/data-flow), but let's repeat sequence again:
+1. Blocks are parsed, and top level of token stream filled with block tokens.
+2. Content on inline containers is parsed, filling `.children` properties.
+3. Rendering happens.
+And somewhere between you can apply additional transformations :) . Full content
+of each chain can be seen on the top of
+[]( and
+Also you can change output directly in [renderer]( for many simple cases.
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+# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
+# This file only contains a selection of the most common options. For a full
+# list see the documentation:
+# -- Path setup --------------------------------------------------------------
+# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
+# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
+# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
+from glob import glob
+import os
+# import sys
+# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
+# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
+project = "markdown-it-py"
+copyright = "2020, executable book project"
+author = "executable book project"
+# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
+# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
+# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
+# ones.
+extensions = [
+ "sphinx.ext.autodoc",
+ "sphinx.ext.viewcode",
+ "sphinx.ext.intersphinx",
+ "myst_parser",
+ "sphinx_copybutton",
+ "sphinx_design",
+# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
+# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
+# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path.
+exclude_patterns = ["_build", "Thumbs.db", ".DS_Store"]
+nitpicky = True
+nitpick_ignore = [
+ ("py:class", "Match"),
+ ("py:class", "Path"),
+ ("py:class", "x in the interval [0, 1)."),
+ ("py:class", "markdown_it.helpers.parse_link_destination._Result"),
+ ("py:class", "markdown_it.helpers.parse_link_title._Result"),
+ ("py:class", "MarkdownIt"),
+ ("py:class", "RuleFunc"),
+ ("py:class", "_NodeType"),
+ ("py:class", "typing_extensions.Protocol"),
+# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
+# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
+# a list of builtin themes.
+html_title = "markdown-it-py"
+html_theme = "sphinx_book_theme"
+html_theme_options = {
+ "use_edit_page_button": True,
+ "repository_url": "",
+ "repository_branch": "master",
+ "path_to_docs": "docs",
+html_static_path = ["_static"]
+html_css_files = ["custom.css"]
+# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
+# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
+# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
+# html_static_path = ["_static"]
+intersphinx_mapping = {
+ "python": ("", None),
+ "mdit-py-plugins": ("", None),
+def run_apidoc(app):
+ """generate apidoc
+ See:
+ """
+ import os
+ import shutil
+ import sphinx
+ from sphinx.ext import apidoc
+ logger = sphinx.util.logging.getLogger(__name__)
+"running apidoc")
+ # get correct paths
+ this_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+ api_folder = os.path.join(this_folder, "api")
+ module_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(this_folder, "../"))
+ ignore_paths = ["../", "../", "../tests", "../benchmarking"]
+ ignore_paths = [
+ os.path.normpath(os.path.join(this_folder, p)) for p in ignore_paths
+ ]
+ # functions from these modules are all imported in the with __all__
+ for rule in ("block", "core", "inline"):
+ for path in glob(
+ os.path.normpath(
+ os.path.join(this_folder, f"../markdown_it/rules_{rule}/*.py")
+ )
+ ):
+ if os.path.basename(path) not in ("", f"state_{rule}.py"):
+ ignore_paths.append(path)
+ if os.path.exists(api_folder):
+ shutil.rmtree(api_folder)
+ os.mkdir(api_folder)
+ argv = ["-M", "--separate", "-o", api_folder, module_path] + ignore_paths
+ apidoc.OPTIONS.append("ignore-module-all")
+ apidoc.main(argv)
+ # we don't use this
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(api_folder, "modules.rst")):
+ os.remove(os.path.join(api_folder, "modules.rst"))
+def setup(app):
+ """Add functions to the Sphinx setup."""
+ if os.environ.get("SKIP_APIDOC", None) is None:
+ app.connect("builder-inited", run_apidoc)
+ from sphinx.directives.code import CodeBlock
+ class CodeCell(CodeBlock):
+ """Custom code block directive."""
+ def run(self):
+ """Run the directive."""
+ self.options["class"] = ["code-cell"]
+ return super().run()
+ # note, these could be run by myst-nb,
+ # but currently this causes a circular dependency issue
+ app.add_directive("code-cell", CodeCell)
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+# Contribute to markdown-it-py
+We welcome all contributions! ✨
+See the [EBP Contributing Guide]( for general details, and below for guidance specific to markdown-it-py.
+Before continuing, make sure you've read:
+1. [Architecture description](md/architecture)
+2. [Security considerations](md/security)
+3. [API documentation](api/markdown_it)
+## Development guidance
+Details of the port can be found in the `markdown_it/port.yaml` and in `port.yaml` files, within the extension folders.
+## Code Style
+Code style is tested using [flake8](, with the configuration set in `.flake8`, and code formatted with [black](
+Installing with `markdown-it-py[code_style]` makes the [pre-commit]( package available, which will ensure this style is met before commits are submitted, by reformatting the code and testing for lint errors.
+It can be setup by:
+>> cd markdown-it-py
+>> pre-commit install
+Editors like VS Code also have automatic code reformat utilities, which can adhere to this standard.
+All functions and class methods should be annotated with types and include a docstring.
+## Testing
+For code tests, markdown-it-py uses [pytest](
+>> cd markdown-it-py
+>> pytest
+You can also use [tox](, to run the tests in multiple isolated environments (see the `tox.ini` file for available test environments):
+>> cd markdown-it-py
+>> tox -p
+This can also be used to run benchmarking tests using [pytest-benchmark](
+>> cd markdown-it-py
+tox -e py38-bench-packages -- --benchmark-min-rounds 50
+For documentation build tests:
+>> cd markdown-it-py/docs
+>> make clean
+>> make html-strict
+## Contributing a plugin
+1. Does it already exist as JavaScript implementation ([see npm](
+ Where possible try to port directly from that.
+ It is usually better to modify existing code, instead of writing all from scratch.
+2. Try to find the right place for your plugin rule:
+ - Will it conflict with existing markup (by priority)?
+ - If yes - you need to write an inline or block rule.
+ - If no - you can morph tokens within core chains.
+ - Remember that token morphing in core chains is always more simple than writing
+ block or inline rules, if you don't copy existing ones. However,
+ block and inline rules are usually faster.
+ - Sometimes, it's enough to only modify the renderer, for example, to add
+ header IDs or `target="_blank"` for the links.
+## FAQ
+### I need async rule, how to do it?
+Sorry. You can't do it directly. All complex parsers are sync by nature. But you
+can use workarounds:
+1. On parse phase, replace content by random number and store it in `env`.
+2. Do async processing over collected data.
+3. Render content and replace those random numbers with text; or replace first, then render.
+Alternatively, you can render HTML, then parse it to DOM, or
+[cheerio]( AST, and apply transformations
+in a more convenient way.
+### How to replace part of text token with link?
+The right sequence is to split text to several tokens and add link tokens in between.
+The result will be: `text` + `link_open` + `text` + `link_close` + `text`.
+See implementations of [linkify]( and [emoji]( - those do text token splits.
+__Note:__ Don't try to replace text with HTML markup! That's not secure.
+### Why is my inline rule not executed?
+The inline parser skips pieces of texts to optimize speed. It stops only on [a small set of chars](, which can be tokens. We did not made this list extensible for performance reasons too.
+If you are absolutely sure that something important is missing there - create a
+ticket and we will consider adding it as a new charcode.
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+# markdown-it-py
+> Markdown parser done right.
+- {fa}`check,text-success mr-1` Follows the __[CommonMark spec]( for baseline parsing
+- {fa}`check,text-success mr-1` Configurable syntax: you can add new rules and even replace existing ones.
+- {fa}`check,text-success mr-1` Pluggable: Adds syntax extensions to extend the parser (see the [plugin list](md/plugins))
+- {fa}`check,text-success mr-1` High speed (see our [benchmarking tests](md/performance))
+- {fa}`check,text-success mr-1` [Safe by default](md/security)
+For a good introduction to [markdown-it] see the __[Live demo](
+This is a Python port of the well used [markdown-it], and some of its associated plugins.
+The driving design philosophy of the port has been to change as little of the fundamental code structure (file names, function name, etc) as possible, just sprinkling in a little Python syntactical sugar ✨.
+It is very simple to write complimentary extensions for both language implementations!
+## References & Thanks
+Big thanks to the authors of [markdown-it]
+- Alex Kocharin [github/rlidwka](
+- Vitaly Puzrin [github/puzrin](
+Also [John MacFarlane]( for his work on the CommonMark spec and reference implementations.
+## Related Links
+- <> - reference CommonMark implementations in C & JS, also contains latest spec & online demo.
+- <> - CommonMark forum, good place to collaborate developers' efforts.
+:maxdepth: 2
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+# Security
+Many people don't understand that markdown format does not care much about security.
+In many cases you have to pass output to sanitizers.
+`markdown-it` provides 2 possible strategies to produce safe output:
+1. Don't enable HTML. Extend markup features with [plugins](md/plugins).
+ We think it's the best choice and use it by default.
+ - That's ok for 99% of user needs.
+ - Output will be safe without sanitizer.
+2. Enable HTML and use external sanitizer package(s).
+Also by default `markdown-it` prohibits some kind of links, which could be used
+for XSS:
+- `javascript:`, `vbscript:`
+- `file:`
+- `data:`, except some images (gif/png/jpeg/webp).
+So, by default `markdown-it` should be safe. We care about it.
+If you find a security problem - contact us via tracker or email.
+Such reports are fixed with top priority.
+## Plugins
+Usually, plugins operate with tokenized content, and that's enough to provide safe output.
+But there is one non-evident case you should know - don't allow plugins to generate arbitrary element `id` and `name`.
+If those depend on user input - always add prefixes to avoid DOM clobbering.
+See [discussion]( for details.
+So, if you decide to use plugins that add extended class syntax or autogenerating header anchors - be careful.
+# Performance
+You can view our continuous integration benchmarking analysis at: <>,
+or you can run it for yourself within the repository:
+$ tox -e py38-bench-packages -- --benchmark-columns mean,stddev
+Name (time in ms) Mean StdDev
+test_mistune 70.3272 (1.0) 0.7978 (1.0)
+test_mistletoe 116.0919 (1.65) 6.2870 (7.88)
+test_markdown_it_py 152.9022 (2.17) 4.2988 (5.39)
+test_commonmark_py 326.9506 (4.65) 15.8084 (19.81)
+test_pymarkdown 368.2712 (5.24) 7.5906 (9.51)
+test_pymarkdown_extra 640.4913 (9.11) 15.1769 (19.02)
+test_panflute 678.3547 (9.65) 9.4622 (11.86)
+As you can see, `markdown-it-py` doesn't pay with speed for it's flexibility.
+`mistune` is not CommonMark compliant, which is what allows for its
+faster parsing, at the expense of issues, for example, with nested inline parsing.
+See [mistletoes's explanation](
+for further details.
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+# Plugin extensions
+The following plugins are embedded within the core package:
+- [tables]( (GFM)
+- [strikethrough]( (GFM)
+These can be enabled individually:
+from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark").enable('table')
+or as part of a configuration:
+from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
+md = MarkdownIt("gfm-like")
+See [](
+Many other plugins are then available *via* the `mdit-py-plugins` package, including:
+- Front-matter
+- Footnotes
+- Definition lists
+- Task lists
+- Heading anchors
+- LaTeX math
+- Containers
+- Word count
+For full information see: <>
+Or you can write them yourself!
+They can be chained and loaded *via*:
+from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
+from mdit_py_plugins import plugin1, plugin2
+md = MarkdownIt().use(plugin1, keyword=value).use(plugin2, keyword=value)
+html_string = md.render("some *Markdown*")
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+ formats: ipynb,md:myst
+ text_representation:
+ extension: .md
+ format_name: myst
+ format_version: '0.8'
+ jupytext_version: 1.4.2
+ display_name: Python 3
+ language: python
+ name: python3
+# Using `markdown_it`
+> This document can be opened to execute with [Jupytext](!
+markdown-it-py may be used as an API *via* the [`markdown-it-py`]( package.
+The raw text is first parsed to syntax 'tokens',
+then these are converted to other formats using 'renderers'.
+## Quick-Start
+The simplest way to understand how text will be parsed is using:
+```{code-cell} python
+from pprint import pprint
+from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
+```{code-cell} python
+md = MarkdownIt()
+md.render("some *text*")
+```{code-cell} python
+for token in md.parse("some *text*"):
+ print(token)
+ print()
+## The Parser
+The `MarkdownIt` class is instantiated with parsing configuration options,
+dictating the syntax rules and additional options for the parser and renderer.
+You can define this configuration *via* directly supplying a dictionary or a preset name:
+- `zero`: This configures the minimum components to parse text (i.e. just paragraphs and text)
+- `commonmark` (default): This configures the parser to strictly comply with the [CommonMark specification](
+- `js-default`: This is the default in the JavaScript version.
+ Compared to `commonmark`, it disables HTML parsing and enables the table and strikethrough components.
+- `gfm-like`: This configures the parser to approximately comply with the [GitHub Flavored Markdown specification](
+ Compared to `commonmark`, it enables the table, strikethrough and linkify components.
+ **Important**, to use this configuration you must have `linkify-it-py` installed.
+```{code-cell} python
+from markdown_it.presets import zero
+```{code-cell} python
+md = MarkdownIt("zero")
+You can also override specific options:
+```{code-cell} python
+md = MarkdownIt("zero", {"maxNesting": 99})
+```{code-cell} python
+You can find all the parsing rules in the source code:
+``, ``,
+```{code-cell} python
+Any of the parsing rules can be enabled/disabled, and these methods are "chainable":
+```{code-cell} python
+md.render("- __*emphasise this*__")
+```{code-cell} python
+md.enable(["list", "emphasis"]).render("- __*emphasise this*__")
+You can temporarily modify rules with the `reset_rules` context manager.
+```{code-cell} python
+with md.reset_rules():
+ md.disable("emphasis")
+ print(md.render("__*emphasise this*__"))
+md.render("__*emphasise this*__")
+Additionally `renderInline` runs the parser with all block syntax rules disabled.
+```{code-cell} python
+md.renderInline("__*emphasise this*__")
+### Typographic components
+The `smartquotes` and `replacements` components are intended to improve typography:
+`smartquotes` will convert basic quote marks to their opening and closing variants:
+- 'single quotes' -> ‘single quotes’
+- "double quotes" -> “double quotes”
+`replacements` will replace particular text constructs:
+- ``(c)``, ``(C)`` → ©
+- ``(tm)``, ``(TM)`` → ™
+- ``(r)``, ``(R)`` → ®
+- ``(p)``, ``(P)`` → §
+- ``+-`` → ±
+- ``...`` → …
+- ``?....`` → ?..
+- ``!....`` → !..
+- ``????????`` → ???
+- ``!!!!!`` → !!!
+- ``,,,`` → ,
+- ``--`` → &ndash
+- ``---`` → &mdash
+Both of these components require typography to be turned on, as well as the components enabled:
+```{code-cell} python
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark", {"typographer": True})
+md.enable(["replacements", "smartquotes"])
+md.render("'single quotes' (c)")
+### Linkify
+The `linkify` component requires that [linkify-it-py]( be installed (e.g. *via* `pip install markdown-it-py[linkify]`).
+This allows URI autolinks to be identified, without the need for enclosing in `<>` brackets:
+```{code-cell} python
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark", {"linkify": True})
+### Plugins load
+Plugins load collections of additional syntax rules and render methods into the parser.
+A number of useful plugins are available in [`mdit_py_plugins`]( (see [the plugin list](./,
+or you can create your own (following the [markdown-it design principles](./
+```{code-cell} python
+from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
+import mdit_py_plugins
+from mdit_py_plugins.front_matter import front_matter_plugin
+from mdit_py_plugins.footnote import footnote_plugin
+md = (
+ MarkdownIt()
+ .use(front_matter_plugin)
+ .use(footnote_plugin)
+ .enable('table')
+text = ("""
+a: 1
+a | b
+- | -
+1 | 2
+A footnote [^1]
+[^1]: some details
+## The Token Stream
+Before rendering, the text is parsed to a flat token stream of block level syntax elements, with nesting defined by opening (1) and closing (-1) attributes:
+```{code-cell} python
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark")
+tokens = md.parse("""
+Here's some *text*
+1. a list
+> a *quote*""")
+[(t.type, t.nesting) for t in tokens]
+Naturally all openings should eventually be closed,
+such that:
+```{code-cell} python
+sum([t.nesting for t in tokens]) == 0
+All tokens are the same class, which can also be created outside the parser:
+```{code-cell} python
+```{code-cell} python
+from markdown_it.token import Token
+token = Token("paragraph_open", "p", 1, block=True, map=[1, 2])
+token == tokens[0]
+The `'inline'` type token contain the inline tokens as children:
+```{code-cell} python
+You can serialize a token (and its children) to a JSONable dictionary using:
+```{code-cell} python
+This dictionary can also be deserialized:
+```{code-cell} python
+### Creating a syntax tree
+```{versionchanged} 0.7.0
+`nest_tokens` and `NestedTokens` are deprecated and replaced by `SyntaxTreeNode`.
+In some use cases it may be useful to convert the token stream into a syntax tree,
+with opening/closing tokens collapsed into a single token that contains children.
+```{code-cell} python
+from markdown_it.tree import SyntaxTreeNode
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark")
+tokens = md.parse("""
+# Header
+Here's some text and an image ![title](image.png)
+1. a **list**
+> a *quote*
+node = SyntaxTreeNode(tokens)
+print(node.pretty(indent=2, show_text=True))
+You can then use methods to traverse the tree
+```{code-cell} python
+```{code-cell} python
+## Renderers
+After the token stream is generated, it's passed to a [renderer](
+It then plays all the tokens, passing each to a rule with the same name as token type.
+Renderer rules are located in `md.renderer.rules` and are simple functions
+with the same signature:
+def function(renderer, tokens, idx, options, env):
+ return htmlResult
+You can inject render methods into the instantiated render class.
+```{code-cell} python
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark")
+def render_em_open(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
+ return '<em class="myclass">'
+md.add_render_rule("em_open", render_em_open)
+This is a slight change to the JS version, where the renderer argument is at the end.
+Also `add_render_rule` method is specific to Python, rather than adding directly to the `md.renderer.rules`, this ensures the method is bound to the renderer.
+You can also subclass a render and add the method there:
+```{code-cell} python
+from markdown_it.renderer import RendererHTML
+class MyRenderer(RendererHTML):
+ def em_open(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
+ return '<em class="myclass">'
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark", renderer_cls=MyRenderer)
+Plugins can support multiple render types, using the `__ouput__` attribute (this is currently a Python only feature).
+```{code-cell} python
+from markdown_it.renderer import RendererHTML
+class MyRenderer1(RendererHTML):
+ __output__ = "html1"
+class MyRenderer2(RendererHTML):
+ __output__ = "html2"
+def plugin(md):
+ def render_em_open1(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
+ return '<em class="myclass1">'
+ def render_em_open2(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
+ return '<em class="myclass2">'
+ md.add_render_rule("em_open", render_em_open1, fmt="html1")
+ md.add_render_rule("em_open", render_em_open2, fmt="html2")
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark", renderer_cls=MyRenderer1).use(plugin)
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark", renderer_cls=MyRenderer2).use(plugin)
+Here's a more concrete example; let's replace images with vimeo links to player's iframe:
+```{code-cell} python
+import re
+from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
+vimeoRE = re.compile(r'^https?:\/\/(www\.)?\/(\d+)($|\/)')
+def render_vimeo(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
+ token = tokens[idx]
+ if vimeoRE.match(token.attrs["src"]):
+ ident = vimeoRE.match(token.attrs["src"])[2]
+ return ('<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">\n' +
+ ' <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="//' +
+ ident + '"></iframe>\n' +
+ '</div>\n')
+ return self.image(tokens, idx, options, env)
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark")
+md.add_render_rule("image", render_vimeo)
+Here is another example, how to add `target="_blank"` to all links:
+```{code-cell} python
+from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
+def render_blank_link(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
+ tokens[idx].attrSet("target", "_blank")
+ # pass token to default renderer.
+ return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options, env)
+md = MarkdownIt("commonmark")
+md.add_render_rule("link_open", render_blank_link)
+print(md.render("[a]\n\n[a]: b"))