from __future__ import annotations from import Callable from pathlib import Path class OptionsDict(dict): """A dictionary, with attribute access to core markdownit configuration options.""" @property def maxNesting(self) -> int: """Internal protection, recursion limit.""" return self["maxNesting"] @maxNesting.setter def maxNesting(self, value: int): self["maxNesting"] = value @property def html(self) -> bool: """Enable HTML tags in source.""" return self["html"] @html.setter def html(self, value: bool): self["html"] = value @property def linkify(self) -> bool: """Enable autoconversion of URL-like texts to links.""" return self["linkify"] @linkify.setter def linkify(self, value: bool): self["linkify"] = value @property def typographer(self) -> bool: """Enable smartquotes and replacements.""" return self["typographer"] @typographer.setter def typographer(self, value: bool): self["typographer"] = value @property def quotes(self) -> str: """Quote characters.""" return self["quotes"] @quotes.setter def quotes(self, value: str): self["quotes"] = value @property def xhtmlOut(self) -> bool: """Use '/' to close single tags (
).""" return self["xhtmlOut"] @xhtmlOut.setter def xhtmlOut(self, value: bool): self["xhtmlOut"] = value @property def breaks(self) -> bool: """Convert newlines in paragraphs into
.""" return self["breaks"] @breaks.setter def breaks(self, value: bool): self["breaks"] = value @property def langPrefix(self) -> str: """CSS language prefix for fenced blocks.""" return self["langPrefix"] @langPrefix.setter def langPrefix(self, value: str): self["langPrefix"] = value @property def highlight(self) -> Callable[[str, str, str], str] | None: """Highlighter function: (content, langName, langAttrs) -> escaped HTML.""" return self["highlight"] @highlight.setter def highlight(self, value: Callable[[str, str, str], str] | None): self["highlight"] = value def read_fixture_file(path: str | Path) -> list[list]: text = Path(path).read_text(encoding="utf-8") tests = [] section = 0 last_pos = 0 lines = text.splitlines(keepends=True) for i in range(len(lines)): if lines[i].rstrip() == ".": if section == 0: tests.append([i, lines[i - 1].strip()]) section = 1 elif section == 1: tests[-1].append("".join(lines[last_pos + 1 : i])) section = 2 elif section == 2: tests[-1].append("".join(lines[last_pos + 1 : i])) section = 0 last_pos = i return tests def _removesuffix(string: str, suffix: str) -> str: """Remove a suffix from a string. Replace this with str.removesuffix() from stdlib when minimum Python version is 3.9. """ if suffix and string.endswith(suffix): return string[: -len(suffix)] return string