path: root/lib/widget/quick.c
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 624 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/widget/quick.c b/lib/widget/quick.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aec3070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/widget/quick.c
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+ Widget based utility functions.
+ Copyright (C) 1994-2022
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Authors:
+ Miguel de Icaza, 1994, 1995, 1996
+ Radek Doulik, 1994, 1995
+ Jakub Jelinek, 1995
+ Andrej Borsenkow, 1995
+ Andrew Borodin <>, 2009-2022
+ This file is part of the Midnight Commander.
+ The Midnight Commander is free software: you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
+ or (at your option) any later version.
+ The Midnight Commander is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** \file quick.c
+ * \brief Source: quick dialog engine
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf() */
+#include "lib/global.h"
+#include "lib/strutil.h" /* str_term_width1() */
+#include "lib/util.h" /* tilde_expand() */
+#include "lib/widget.h"
+/*** global variables ****************************************************************************/
+/*** file scope macro definitions ****************************************************************/
+#ifdef ENABLE_NLS
+#define I18N(x) (x = x != NULL && *x != '\0' ? _(x) : x)
+#define I18N(x) (x = x)
+/*** file scope type declarations ****************************************************************/
+typedef struct
+ Widget *widget;
+ quick_widget_t *quick_widget;
+} quick_widget_item_t;
+/*** file scope variables ************************************************************************/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*** file scope functions ************************************************************************/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static WInput *
+quick_create_input (int y, int x, const quick_widget_t * qw)
+ WInput *in;
+ in = input_new (y, x, input_colors, 8, qw->u.input.text, qw->u.input.histname,
+ qw->u.input.completion_flags);
+ in->is_password = qw->u.input.is_passwd;
+ in->strip_password = qw->u.input.strip_passwd;
+ return in;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void
+quick_create_labeled_input (GArray * widgets, int *y, int x, quick_widget_t * quick_widget,
+ int *width)
+ quick_widget_item_t in, label;
+ label.quick_widget = g_new0 (quick_widget_t, 1);
+ label.quick_widget->widget_type = quick_label;
+ label.quick_widget->options = quick_widget->options;
+ label.quick_widget->state = quick_widget->state;
+ /* FIXME: this should be turned in depend of label_location */
+ label.quick_widget->pos_flags = quick_widget->pos_flags;
+ switch (quick_widget->u.input.label_location)
+ {
+ case input_label_above:
+ label.widget = WIDGET (label_new (*y, x, I18N (quick_widget->u.input.label_text)));
+ *y += label.widget->rect.lines - 1;
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, label);
+ in.widget = WIDGET (quick_create_input (++(*y), x, quick_widget));
+ in.quick_widget = quick_widget;
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, in);
+ *width = MAX (label.widget->rect.cols, in.widget->rect.cols);
+ break;
+ case input_label_left:
+ label.widget = WIDGET (label_new (*y, x, I18N (quick_widget->u.input.label_text)));
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, label);
+ in.widget = WIDGET (quick_create_input (*y, x + label.widget->rect.cols + 1, quick_widget));
+ in.quick_widget = quick_widget;
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, in);
+ *width = label.widget->rect.cols + in.widget->rect.cols + 1;
+ break;
+ case input_label_right:
+ in.widget = WIDGET (quick_create_input (*y, x, quick_widget));
+ in.quick_widget = quick_widget;
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, in);
+ label.widget =
+ WIDGET (label_new
+ (*y, x + in.widget->rect.cols + 1, I18N (quick_widget->u.input.label_text)));
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, label);
+ *width = label.widget->rect.cols + in.widget->rect.cols + 1;
+ break;
+ case input_label_below:
+ in.widget = WIDGET (quick_create_input (*y, x, quick_widget));
+ in.quick_widget = quick_widget;
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, in);
+ label.widget = WIDGET (label_new (++(*y), x, I18N (quick_widget->u.input.label_text)));
+ *y += label.widget->rect.lines - 1;
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, label);
+ *width = MAX (label.widget->rect.cols, in.widget->rect.cols);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ INPUT (in.widget)->label = LABEL (label.widget);
+ /* cross references */
+ label.quick_widget->u.label.input = in.quick_widget;
+ in.quick_widget->u.input.label = label.quick_widget;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*** public functions ****************************************************************************/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+quick_dialog_skip (quick_dialog_t * quick_dlg, int nskip)
+ int len;
+ int blen = 0;
+ int x, y; /* current positions */
+ int y1 = 0; /* bottom of 1st column in case of two columns */
+ int y2 = -1; /* start of two columns */
+ int width1 = 0; /* width of single column */
+ int width2 = 0; /* width of each of two columns */
+ gboolean have_groupbox = FALSE;
+ gboolean two_columns = FALSE;
+ gboolean put_buttons = FALSE;
+ /* x position of 1st column is 3 */
+ const int x1 = 3;
+ /* x position of 2nd column is 4 and it will be fixed later, after creation of all widgets */
+ int x2 = 4;
+ GArray *widgets;
+ size_t i;
+ quick_widget_t *quick_widget;
+ WGroupbox *g = NULL;
+ WDialog *dd;
+ GList *input_labels = NULL; /* Widgets not directly requested by the user. */
+ int return_val;
+ len = str_term_width1 (I18N (quick_dlg->title)) + 6;
+ quick_dlg->rect.cols = MAX (quick_dlg->rect.cols, len);
+ y = 1;
+ x = x1;
+ /* create widgets */
+ widgets = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (quick_widget_item_t), 8);
+ for (quick_widget = quick_dlg->widgets; quick_widget->widget_type != quick_end; quick_widget++)
+ {
+ quick_widget_item_t item = { NULL, quick_widget };
+ int width = 0;
+ switch (quick_widget->widget_type)
+ {
+ case quick_checkbox:
+ item.widget =
+ WIDGET (check_new
+ (++y, x, *quick_widget->u.checkbox.state,
+ I18N (quick_widget->u.checkbox.text)));
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
+ width = item.widget->rect.cols;
+ if (g != NULL)
+ width += 2;
+ if (two_columns)
+ width2 = MAX (width2, width);
+ else
+ width1 = MAX (width1, width);
+ break;
+ case quick_button:
+ /* single button */
+ item.widget = WIDGET (button_new (++y, x, quick_widget->u.button.action,
+ quick_widget->u.button.action == B_ENTER ?
+ I18N (quick_widget->u.button.text),
+ quick_widget->u.button.callback));
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
+ width = item.widget->rect.cols;
+ if (g != NULL)
+ width += 2;
+ if (two_columns)
+ width2 = MAX (width2, width);
+ else
+ width1 = MAX (width1, width);
+ break;
+ case quick_input:
+ *quick_widget->u.input.result = NULL;
+ y++;
+ if (quick_widget->u.input.label_location != input_label_none)
+ {
+ quick_create_labeled_input (widgets, &y, x, quick_widget, &width);
+ input_labels = g_list_prepend (input_labels, quick_widget->u.input.label);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ item.widget = WIDGET (quick_create_input (y, x, quick_widget));
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
+ width = item.widget->rect.cols;
+ }
+ if (g != NULL)
+ width += 2;
+ if (two_columns)
+ width2 = MAX (width2, width);
+ else
+ width1 = MAX (width1, width);
+ break;
+ case quick_label:
+ item.widget = WIDGET (label_new (++y, x, I18N (quick_widget->u.label.text)));
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
+ y += item.widget->rect.lines - 1;
+ width = item.widget->rect.cols;
+ if (g != NULL)
+ width += 2;
+ if (two_columns)
+ width2 = MAX (width2, width);
+ else
+ width1 = MAX (width1, width);
+ break;
+ case quick_radio:
+ {
+ WRadio *r;
+ char **items = NULL;
+ /* create the copy of radio_items to avoid mwmory leak */
+ items = g_new (char *, quick_widget-> + 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < (size_t) quick_widget->; i++)
+ items[i] = g_strdup (_(quick_widget->[i]));
+ items[i] = NULL;
+ r = radio_new (++y, x, quick_widget->, (const char **) items);
+ r->pos = r->sel = *quick_widget->;
+ g_strfreev (items);
+ item.widget = WIDGET (r);
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
+ y += item.widget->rect.lines - 1;
+ width = item.widget->rect.cols;
+ if (g != NULL)
+ width += 2;
+ if (two_columns)
+ width2 = MAX (width2, width);
+ else
+ width1 = MAX (width1, width);
+ }
+ break;
+ case quick_start_groupbox:
+ I18N (quick_widget->u.groupbox.title);
+ len = str_term_width1 (quick_widget->u.groupbox.title);
+ g = groupbox_new (++y, x, 1, len + 4, quick_widget->u.groupbox.title);
+ item.widget = WIDGET (g);
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
+ have_groupbox = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case quick_stop_groupbox:
+ if (g != NULL)
+ {
+ Widget *w = WIDGET (g);
+ y++;
+ w->rect.lines = y + 1 - w->rect.y;
+ g = NULL;
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
+ }
+ break;
+ case quick_separator:
+ y++;
+ if (quick_widget->u.separator.line)
+ {
+ item.widget = WIDGET (hline_new (y, x, 1));
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
+ }
+ break;
+ case quick_start_columns:
+ y2 = y;
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
+ two_columns = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case quick_next_column:
+ x = x2;
+ y1 = y;
+ y = y2;
+ break;
+ case quick_stop_columns:
+ x = x1;
+ y = MAX (y1, y);
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
+ two_columns = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case quick_buttons:
+ /* start put several buttons in bottom line */
+ if (quick_widget->
+ {
+ y++;
+ if (quick_widget->u.separator.line)
+ item.widget = WIDGET (hline_new (y, 1, -1));
+ }
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
+ /* several buttons in bottom line */
+ y++;
+ quick_widget++;
+ for (; quick_widget->widget_type == quick_button; quick_widget++)
+ {
+ item.widget = WIDGET (button_new (y, x++, quick_widget->u.button.action,
+ quick_widget->u.button.action == B_ENTER ?
+ I18N (quick_widget->u.button.text),
+ quick_widget->u.button.callback));
+ item.quick_widget = quick_widget;
+ g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
+ blen += item.widget->rect.cols + 1;
+ }
+ /* stop dialog build here */
+ blen--;
+ quick_widget->widget_type = quick_end;
+ quick_widget--;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* adjust dialog width */
+ quick_dlg->rect.cols = MAX (quick_dlg->rect.cols, blen + 6);
+ if (have_groupbox)
+ {
+ if (width1 != 0)
+ width1 += 2;
+ if (width2 != 0)
+ width2 += 2;
+ }
+ if (width2 == 0)
+ len = width1 + 6;
+ else
+ {
+ len = width2 * 2 + 7;
+ if (width1 != 0)
+ len = MAX (len, width1 + 6);
+ }
+ quick_dlg->rect.cols = MAX (quick_dlg->rect.cols, len);
+ width1 = quick_dlg->rect.cols - 6;
+ width2 = (quick_dlg->rect.cols - 7) / 2;
+ if (quick_dlg->rect.x == -1 || quick_dlg->rect.y == -1)
+ dd = dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, y + 3, quick_dlg->rect.cols, WPOS_CENTER | WPOS_TRYUP, FALSE,
+ dialog_colors, quick_dlg->callback, quick_dlg->mouse_callback,
+ quick_dlg->help, quick_dlg->title);
+ else
+ dd = dlg_create (TRUE, quick_dlg->rect.y, quick_dlg->rect.x, y + 3, quick_dlg->rect.cols,
+ WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, FALSE, dialog_colors, quick_dlg->callback,
+ quick_dlg->mouse_callback, quick_dlg->help, quick_dlg->title);
+ /* add widgets into the dialog */
+ x2 = x1 + width2 + 1;
+ g = NULL;
+ two_columns = FALSE;
+ x = (WIDGET (dd)->rect.cols - blen) / 2;
+ for (i = 0; i < widgets->len; i++)
+ {
+ quick_widget_item_t *item;
+ int column_width;
+ WRect *r;
+ item = &g_array_index (widgets, quick_widget_item_t, i);
+ r = &item->widget->rect;
+ column_width = two_columns ? width2 : width1;
+ /* adjust widget width and x position */
+ switch (item->quick_widget->widget_type)
+ {
+ case quick_label:
+ {
+ quick_widget_t *input = item->quick_widget->u.label.input;
+ if (input != NULL && input->u.input.label_location == input_label_right)
+ {
+ /* location of this label will be adjusted later */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ case quick_checkbox:
+ case quick_radio:
+ if (r->x != x1)
+ r->x = x2;
+ if (g != NULL)
+ r->x += 2;
+ break;
+ case quick_button:
+ if (!put_buttons)
+ {
+ if (r->x != x1)
+ r->x = x2;
+ if (g != NULL)
+ r->x += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r->x = x;
+ x += r->cols + 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case quick_input:
+ {
+ Widget *label = WIDGET (INPUT (item->widget)->label);
+ int width = column_width;
+ if (g != NULL)
+ width -= 4;
+ switch (item->quick_widget->u.input.label_location)
+ {
+ case input_label_left:
+ /* label was adjusted before; adjust input line */
+ r->x = label->rect.x + label->rect.cols + 1 - WIDGET (label->owner)->rect.x;
+ r->cols = width - label->rect.cols - 1;
+ break;
+ case input_label_right:
+ if (r->x != x1)
+ r->x = x2;
+ if (g != NULL)
+ r->x += 2;
+ r->cols = width - label->rect.cols - 1;
+ label->rect.x = r->x + r->cols + 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (r->x != x1)
+ r->x = x2;
+ if (g != NULL)
+ r->x += 2;
+ r->cols = width;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* forced update internal variables of input line */
+ r->lines = 1;
+ widget_set_size_rect (item->widget, r);
+ }
+ break;
+ case quick_start_groupbox:
+ g = GROUPBOX (item->widget);
+ if (r->x != x1)
+ r->x = x2;
+ r->cols = column_width;
+ break;
+ case quick_stop_groupbox:
+ g = NULL;
+ break;
+ case quick_separator:
+ if (item->widget != NULL)
+ {
+ if (g != NULL)
+ {
+ Widget *wg = WIDGET (g);
+ HLINE (item->widget)->auto_adjust_cols = FALSE;
+ r->x = wg->rect.x + 1 - WIDGET (wg->owner)->rect.x;
+ r->cols = wg->rect.cols;
+ }
+ else if (two_columns)
+ {
+ HLINE (item->widget)->auto_adjust_cols = FALSE;
+ if (r->x != x1)
+ r->x = x2;
+ r->x--;
+ r->cols = column_width + 2;
+ }
+ else
+ HLINE (item->widget)->auto_adjust_cols = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case quick_start_columns:
+ two_columns = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case quick_stop_columns:
+ two_columns = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case quick_buttons:
+ /* several buttons in bottom line */
+ put_buttons = TRUE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (item->widget != NULL)
+ {
+ unsigned long id;
+ /* add widget into dialog */
+ item->widget->options |= item->quick_widget->options; /* FIXME: cannot reset flags, setup only */
+ item->widget->state |= item->quick_widget->state; /* FIXME: cannot reset flags, setup only */
+ id = group_add_widget_autopos (GROUP (dd), item->widget, item->quick_widget->pos_flags,
+ NULL);
+ if (item->quick_widget->id != NULL)
+ *item->quick_widget->id = id;
+ }
+ }
+ /* skip frame widget */
+ if (dd->bg != NULL)
+ nskip++;
+ while (nskip-- != 0)
+ group_set_current_widget_next (GROUP (dd));
+ return_val = dlg_run (dd);
+ /* Get the data if we found something interesting */
+ if (return_val != B_CANCEL)
+ for (i = 0; i < widgets->len; i++)
+ {
+ quick_widget_item_t *item;
+ item = &g_array_index (widgets, quick_widget_item_t, i);
+ switch (item->quick_widget->widget_type)
+ {
+ case quick_checkbox:
+ *item->quick_widget->u.checkbox.state = CHECK (item->widget)->state;
+ break;
+ case quick_input:
+ if ((item->quick_widget->u.input.completion_flags & INPUT_COMPLETE_CD) != 0)
+ *item->quick_widget->u.input.result =
+ tilde_expand (input_get_ctext (INPUT (item->widget)));
+ else
+ *item->quick_widget->u.input.result = input_get_text (INPUT (item->widget));
+ break;
+ case quick_radio:
+ *item->quick_widget-> = RADIO (item->widget)->sel;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ widget_destroy (WIDGET (dd));
+ g_list_free_full (input_labels, g_free); /* destroy input labels created before */
+ g_array_free (widgets, TRUE);
+ return return_val;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */