single dollar . $ .
. double-dollar . $$ .$$
. single character inline equation. (valid=True) . $a$ .a
. inline equation with single greek character (valid=True) . $\\varphi$ .\\varphi
. simple equation starting and ending with numbers. (valid=True) . $1+1=2$ .1+1=2
. simple equation including special html character. (valid=True) . $1+1<3$ .1+1<3
. equation including backslashes. (valid=True) . $a \\backslash$ .a \\backslash
. use of currency symbol, i.e. digits before/after opening/closing (valid=True) . 3$1+2$ $1+2$3 .3$1+2$ $1+2$3
. use of currency symbol (valid=True) . If you solve $1+2$ you get $3 .If you solve 1+2 you get $3
. inline fraction (valid=True) . $\\frac{1}{2}$ .\\frac{1}{2}
. inline column vector (valid=True) . $\\begin{pmatrix}x\\\\y\\end{pmatrix}$ .\\begin{pmatrix}x\\\\y\\end{pmatrix}
. inline bold vector notation (valid=True) . ${\\tilde\\bold e}_\\alpha$ .{\\tilde\\bold e}_\\alpha
. exponentiation (valid=True) . $a^{b}$ .a^{b}
. conjugate complex (valid=True) . $a^\*b$ with $a^\*$ .a^\*b with a^\*
. Inline multi-line (valid=True) . a $a \not=1$ b .a a \not=1 b
. Inline multi-line with newline (valid=False) . a $a \not=1$ b .a $a
\not=1$ b
. single block equation, greek index (valid=True) . $$e_\\alpha$$ .{e}_x
a1+1=2 1+1=2b cxd
. following dollar character '$' is allowed. (valid=True) . $x$ $ .x $
. consecutive inline equations. (valid=True) . $x$ $y$ .x y
. inline equation after '-' sign in text. (valid=True) . so-what is $x$ .so-what is x
. display equation with line breaks. (valid=True) . $$ 1+1=2 $$ .code
. Sum without equation number. (valid=True) . $$\\sum\_{i=1}^n$$ .. display equation in blockquote. (valid=True) . > formula > > $$ a+b=c$$ (2) > > in blockquote. .see a = b + c c^2=a^2+b^2 (2) c^2=a^2+b^2
. mixed syntax: . $$ a=1 \\ b=2 $$ (abc) - ab $c=1$ d .formula
¶ a+b=cin blockquote.
\1+1=2 1+1=2\\
. empty line between text and display formula is required. (valid=False) . some text \$\\$a+b=c\$\$ .some text $\$a+b=c$$
. whitespace character after opening $ or before closing $ is not allowed. (valid=False) . $ $ $ x$ $x $ .$ $ $ x$ $x $
. new line in blockquote block (valid=False): . > \$\$ a+b\n=c\$\$ .. math-escaping: escaped start $: . \$p_2 = $a .$$ a+b\n=c$$
$p_2 = $a
. math-escaping: escaped end $: . $p_2 = \$a .$p_2 = $a
. math-escaping: internal escaped $: . $p_2 = \$1$ .p_2 = \$1
. math-escaping: double-escaped start $: . \\$p_2 = 1$ .\p_2 = 1
. math-escaping: double-escaped end $: . $p_2 = \\$a .p_2 = \\a
. Inline double-dollar start: . $$a=1$$ b .a
a $a=1$ b
. Inline mixed single/double dollars: . Hence, for $\alpha \in (0, 1)$, $$ \mathbb P (\alpha \bar{X} \ge \mu) \le \alpha; $$ i.e., $[\alpha \bar{X}, \infty)$ is a lower 1-sided $1-\alpha$ confidence bound for $\mu$. .Hence, for \alpha \in (0, 1),