# To use tox, see https://tox.readthedocs.io # Simply pip or conda install tox # If you use conda, you may also want to install tox-conda # then run `tox` or `tox -- {pytest args}` # run in parallel using `tox -p` [tox] envlist = py37 [testenv] usedevelop = true [testenv:py{37,38,39,310}] extras = testing commands = pytest {posargs} [testenv:docs-{update,clean}] extras = rtd whitelist_externals = rm commands = clean: rm -rf docs/_build sphinx-build -nW --keep-going -b {posargs:html} docs/ docs/_build/{posargs:html} [flake8] max-line-length = 100 extend-ignore = E203,E731