# Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the # following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN # NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, # DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR # OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE # USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # URLs to parse, and expected data # { url : parsed } PARSED = { "//some_path": {"pathname": "//some_path"}, "HTTP://www.example.com/": { "protocol": "HTTP:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "www.example.com", "pathname": "/", }, "HTTP://www.example.com": { "protocol": "HTTP:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "www.example.com", "pathname": "", }, "http://www.ExAmPlE.com/": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "www.ExAmPlE.com", "pathname": "/", }, "http://user:pw@www.ExAmPlE.com/": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "user:pw", "hostname": "www.ExAmPlE.com", "pathname": "/", }, "http://USER:PW@www.ExAmPlE.com/": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "USER:PW", "hostname": "www.ExAmPlE.com", "pathname": "/", }, "http://user@www.example.com/": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "user", "hostname": "www.example.com", "pathname": "/", }, "http://user%3Apw@www.example.com/": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "user%3Apw", "hostname": "www.example.com", "pathname": "/", }, "http://x.com/path?that's#all, folks": { "protocol": "http:", "hostname": "x.com", "slashes": True, "search": "?that's", "pathname": "/path", "hash": "#all, folks", }, "HTTP://X.COM/Y": { "protocol": "HTTP:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "X.COM", "pathname": "/Y", }, # + not an invalid host character # per https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#host-parsing "http://x.y.com+a/b/c": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "x.y.com+a", "pathname": "/b/c", }, # an unexpected invalid char in the hostname. "HtTp://x.y.cOm;a/b/c?d=e#f gi": { "protocol": "HtTp:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "x.y.cOm", "pathname": ";a/b/c", "search": "?d=e", "hash": "#f gi", }, # make sure that we don't accidentally lcast the path parts. "HtTp://x.y.cOm;A/b/c?d=e#f gi": { "protocol": "HtTp:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "x.y.cOm", "pathname": ";A/b/c", "search": "?d=e", "hash": "#f gi", }, "http://x...y...#p": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "x...y...", "hash": "#p", "pathname": "", }, 'http://x/p/"quoted"': { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "x", "pathname": '/p/"quoted"', }, " Is a URL!": { "pathname": " Is a URL!" }, "http://www.narwhaljs.org/blog/categories?id=news": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "www.narwhaljs.org", "search": "?id=news", "pathname": "/blog/categories", }, "http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "mt0.google.com", "pathname": "/vt/lyrs=m@114&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=", }, "http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "mt0.google.com", "search": "???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=", "pathname": "/vt/lyrs=m@114", }, "http://user:pass@mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "user:pass", "hostname": "mt0.google.com", "search": "???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=", "pathname": "/vt/lyrs=m@114", }, "file:///etc/passwd": { "slashes": True, "protocol": "file:", "pathname": "/etc/passwd", "hostname": "", }, "file://localhost/etc/passwd": { "protocol": "file:", "slashes": True, "pathname": "/etc/passwd", "hostname": "localhost", }, "file://foo/etc/passwd": { "protocol": "file:", "slashes": True, "pathname": "/etc/passwd", "hostname": "foo", }, "file:///etc/node/": { "slashes": True, "protocol": "file:", "pathname": "/etc/node/", "hostname": "", }, "file://localhost/etc/node/": { "protocol": "file:", "slashes": True, "pathname": "/etc/node/", "hostname": "localhost", }, "file://foo/etc/node/": { "protocol": "file:", "slashes": True, "pathname": "/etc/node/", "hostname": "foo", }, "http:/baz/../foo/bar": {"protocol": "http:", "pathname": "/baz/../foo/bar"}, "http://user:pass@example.com:8000/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "user:pass", "port": "8000", "hostname": "example.com", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?baz=quux", "pathname": "/foo/bar", }, "//user:pass@example.com:8000/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag": { "slashes": True, "auth": "user:pass", "port": "8000", "hostname": "example.com", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?baz=quux", "pathname": "/foo/bar", }, "/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag": { "hash": "#frag", "search": "?baz=quux", "pathname": "/foo/bar", }, "http:/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag": { "protocol": "http:", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?baz=quux", "pathname": "/foo/bar", }, "mailto:foo@bar.com?subject=hello": { "protocol": "mailto:", "auth": "foo", "hostname": "bar.com", "search": "?subject=hello", }, "javascript:alert('hello');": { "protocol": "javascript:", "pathname": "alert('hello');", }, "xmpp:isaacschlueter@jabber.org": { "protocol": "xmpp:", "auth": "isaacschlueter", "hostname": "jabber.org", }, "http://atpass:foo%40bar@": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "atpass:foo%40bar", "hostname": "", "port": "8080", "pathname": "/path", "search": "?search=foo", "hash": "#bar", }, "svn+ssh://foo/bar": { "hostname": "foo", "protocol": "svn+ssh:", "pathname": "/bar", "slashes": True, }, "dash-test://foo/bar": { "hostname": "foo", "protocol": "dash-test:", "pathname": "/bar", "slashes": True, }, "dash-test:foo/bar": { "hostname": "foo", "protocol": "dash-test:", "pathname": "/bar", }, "dot.test://foo/bar": { "hostname": "foo", "protocol": "dot.test:", "pathname": "/bar", "slashes": True, }, "dot.test:foo/bar": { "hostname": "foo", "protocol": "dot.test:", "pathname": "/bar", }, # IDNA tests "http://www.日本語.com/": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "www.日本語.com", "pathname": "/", }, "http://example.Bücher.com/": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "example.Bücher.com", "pathname": "/", }, "http://www.Äffchen.com/": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "www.Äffchen.com", "pathname": "/", }, "http://www.Äffchen.cOm;A/b/c?d=e#f gi": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "www.Äffchen.cOm", "pathname": ";A/b/c", "search": "?d=e", "hash": "#f gi", }, "http://SÉLIER.COM/": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "SÉLIER.COM", "pathname": "/", }, "http://ليهمابتكلموشعربي؟.ي؟/": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "ليهمابتكلموشعربي؟.ي؟", "pathname": "/", }, "http://➡.ws/➡": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "➡.ws", "pathname": "/➡", }, "http://bucket_name.s3.amazonaws.com/image.jpg": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "bucket_name.s3.amazonaws.com", "pathname": "/image.jpg", }, "git+http://github.com/joyent/node.git": { "protocol": "git+http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "github.com", "pathname": "/joyent/node.git", }, # if local1@domain1 is uses as a relative URL it may # be parse into auth@hostname, but here there is no # way to make it work in url.parse, I add the test to be explicit "local1@domain1": {"pathname": "local1@domain1"}, # While this may seem counter-intuitive, a browser will parse # as a path. "www.example.com": {"pathname": "www.example.com"}, # ipv6 support "[fe80::1]": {"pathname": "[fe80::1]"}, "coap://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]": { "protocol": "coap:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210", }, "coap://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]:61616/": { "protocol": "coap:", "slashes": True, "port": "61616", "hostname": "1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A", "pathname": "/", }, "http://user:password@[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]:8080": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "user:password", "port": "8080", "hostname": "3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1", "pathname": "", }, "coap://u:p@[::]:61616/.well-known/r?n=Temperature": { "protocol": "coap:", "slashes": True, "auth": "u:p", "port": "61616", "hostname": "::", "search": "?n=Temperature", "pathname": "/.well-known/r", }, # empty port "http://example.com:": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "example.com", "pathname": ":", }, "http://example.com:/a/b.html": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "example.com", "pathname": ":/a/b.html", }, "http://example.com:?a=b": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "example.com", "search": "?a=b", "pathname": ":", }, "http://example.com:#abc": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "example.com", "hash": "#abc", "pathname": ":", }, "http://[fe80::1]:/a/b?a=b#abc": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "fe80::1", "search": "?a=b", "hash": "#abc", "pathname": ":/a/b", }, "http://-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com/rss": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com", "pathname": "/rss", }, "http://-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com:80/rss": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "port": "80", "hostname": "-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com", "pathname": "/rss", }, "http://user:pass@-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com/rss": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "user:pass", "hostname": "-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com", "pathname": "/rss", }, "http://user:pass@-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com:80/rss": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "user:pass", "port": "80", "hostname": "-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com", "pathname": "/rss", }, "http://_jabber._tcp.google.com/test": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "_jabber._tcp.google.com", "pathname": "/test", }, "http://user:pass@_jabber._tcp.google.com/test": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "user:pass", "hostname": "_jabber._tcp.google.com", "pathname": "/test", }, "http://_jabber._tcp.google.com:80/test": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "port": "80", "hostname": "_jabber._tcp.google.com", "pathname": "/test", }, "http://user:pass@_jabber._tcp.google.com:80/test": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "user:pass", "port": "80", "hostname": "_jabber._tcp.google.com", "pathname": "/test", }, "http://x:1/' <>\"`/{}|\\^~`/": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "port": "1", "hostname": "x", "pathname": "/' <>\"`/{}|\\^~`/", }, "http://a@b@c/": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "a@b", "hostname": "c", "pathname": "/", }, "http://a@b?@c": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "a", "hostname": "b", "pathname": "", "search": "?@c", }, "http://a\r\" \t\n<'b:b@c\r\nd/e?f": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "auth": "a\r\" \t\n<'b:b", "hostname": "c", "search": "?f", "pathname": "\r\nd/e", }, # git urls used by npm "git+ssh://git@github.com:npm/npm": { "protocol": "git+ssh:", "slashes": True, "auth": "git", "hostname": "github.com", "pathname": ":npm/npm", }, "http://example.com?foo=bar#frag": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "example.com", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?foo=bar", "pathname": "", }, "http://example.com?foo=@bar#frag": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "example.com", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?foo=@bar", "pathname": "", }, "http://example.com?foo=/bar/#frag": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "example.com", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?foo=/bar/", "pathname": "", }, "http://example.com?foo=?bar/#frag": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "example.com", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?foo=?bar/", "pathname": "", }, "http://example.com#frag=?bar/#frag": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "hostname": "example.com", "hash": "#frag=?bar/#frag", "pathname": "", }, 'http://google.com" onload="alert(42)/': { "hostname": "google.com", "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "pathname": '" onload="alert(42)/', }, "http://a.com/a/b/c?s#h": { "protocol": "http:", "slashes": True, "pathname": "/a/b/c", "hostname": "a.com", "hash": "#h", "search": "?s", }, "http://atpass:foo%40bar@": { "auth": "atpass:foo%40bar", "slashes": True, "hostname": "", "protocol": "http:", "pathname": "/", }, "http://atslash%2F%40:%2F%40@foo/": { "auth": "atslash%2F%40:%2F%40", "hostname": "foo", "protocol": "http:", "pathname": "/", "slashes": True, }, # ipv6 support "coap:u:p@[::1]:61616/.well-known/r?n=Temperature": { "protocol": "coap:", "auth": "u:p", "hostname": "::1", "port": "61616", "pathname": "/.well-known/r", "search": "?n=Temperature", }, "coap:[fedc:ba98:7654:3210:fedc:ba98:7654:3210]:61616/s/stopButton": { "hostname": "fedc:ba98:7654:3210:fedc:ba98:7654:3210", "port": "61616", "protocol": "coap:", "pathname": "/s/stopButton", }, # encode context-specific delimiters in path and query, but do not touch # other non-delimiter chars like `%`. # # `?` and `#` in path and search "http://ex.com/foo%3F100%m%23r?abc=the%231?&foo=bar#frag": { "protocol": "http:", "hostname": "ex.com", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?abc=the%231?&foo=bar", "pathname": "/foo%3F100%m%23r", "slashes": True, }, # `?` and `#` in search only "http://ex.com/fooA100%mBr?abc=the%231?&foo=bar#frag": { "protocol": "http:", "hostname": "ex.com", "hash": "#frag", "search": "?abc=the%231?&foo=bar", "pathname": "/fooA100%mBr", "slashes": True, }, # "http://": { "protocol": "http:", "hostname": "", "slashes": True, }, }