import pytest from mdurl import encode @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input_,expected", [ pytest.param("%%%", "%25%25%25", id="should encode percent"), pytest.param("\r\n", "%0D%0A", id="should encode control chars"), pytest.param("?#", "?#", id="should not encode parts of an url"), pytest.param("[]^", "%5B%5D%5E", id="should not encode []^ - commonmark tests"), pytest.param("my url", "my%20url", id="should encode spaces"), pytest.param("φου", "%CF%86%CE%BF%CF%85", id="should encode unicode"), pytest.param( "%FG", "%25FG", id="should encode % if it doesn't start a valid escape seq" ), pytest.param( "%00%FF", "%00%FF", id="should preserve non-utf8 encoded characters" ), pytest.param( "\x00\x7F\x80", "%00%7F%C2%80", id="should encode characters on the cache borders", ), # protects against off-by-one in cache implementation ], ) def test_encode(input_, expected): assert encode(input_) == expected def test_encode_arguments(): assert encode("!@#$", exclude="@$") == "%21@%23$" assert encode("%20%2G", keep_escaped=True) == "%20%252G" assert encode("%20%2G", keep_escaped=False) == "%2520%252G" assert encode("!@%25", exclude="@", keep_escaped=False) == "%21@%2525" def test_encode_surrogates(): # bad surrogates (high) assert encode("\uD800foo") == "%EF%BF%BDfoo" assert encode("foo\uD800") == "foo%EF%BF%BD" # bad surrogates (low) assert encode("\uDD00foo") == "%EF%BF%BDfoo" assert encode("foo\uDD00") == "foo%EF%BF%BD" # valid one # (the codepoint is "D800 DD00" in UTF-16BE) assert encode("𐄀") == "%F0%90%84%80"