path: root/mesonbuild/interpreterbase/
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1 files changed, 791 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mesonbuild/interpreterbase/ b/mesonbuild/interpreterbase/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..173cedc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mesonbuild/interpreterbase/
@@ -0,0 +1,791 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2021 The Meson development team
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from .. import mesonlib, mlog
+from .disabler import Disabler
+from .exceptions import InterpreterException, InvalidArguments
+from ._unholder import _unholder
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from functools import wraps
+import abc
+import itertools
+import copy
+import typing as T
+ from typing_extensions import Protocol
+ from .. import mparser
+ from .baseobjects import InterpreterObject, TV_func, TYPE_var, TYPE_kwargs
+ from .interpreterbase import SubProject
+ from .operator import MesonOperator
+ _TV_IntegerObject = T.TypeVar('_TV_IntegerObject', bound=InterpreterObject, contravariant=True)
+ _TV_ARG1 = T.TypeVar('_TV_ARG1', bound=TYPE_var, contravariant=True)
+ class FN_Operator(Protocol[_TV_IntegerObject, _TV_ARG1]):
+ def __call__(s, self: _TV_IntegerObject, other: _TV_ARG1) -> TYPE_var: ...
+ _TV_FN_Operator = T.TypeVar('_TV_FN_Operator', bound=FN_Operator)
+def get_callee_args(wrapped_args: T.Sequence[T.Any]) -> T.Tuple['mparser.BaseNode', T.List['TYPE_var'], 'TYPE_kwargs', 'SubProject']:
+ # First argument could be InterpreterBase, InterpreterObject or ModuleObject.
+ # In the case of a ModuleObject it is the 2nd argument (ModuleState) that
+ # contains the needed information.
+ s = wrapped_args[0]
+ if not hasattr(s, 'current_node'):
+ s = wrapped_args[1]
+ node = s.current_node
+ subproject = s.subproject
+ args = kwargs = None
+ if len(wrapped_args) >= 3:
+ args = wrapped_args[-2]
+ kwargs = wrapped_args[-1]
+ return node, args, kwargs, subproject
+def noPosargs(f: TV_func) -> TV_func:
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapped(*wrapped_args: T.Any, **wrapped_kwargs: T.Any) -> T.Any:
+ args = get_callee_args(wrapped_args)[1]
+ if args:
+ raise InvalidArguments('Function does not take positional arguments.')
+ return f(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
+ return T.cast('TV_func', wrapped)
+def noKwargs(f: TV_func) -> TV_func:
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapped(*wrapped_args: T.Any, **wrapped_kwargs: T.Any) -> T.Any:
+ kwargs = get_callee_args(wrapped_args)[2]
+ if kwargs:
+ raise InvalidArguments('Function does not take keyword arguments.')
+ return f(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
+ return T.cast('TV_func', wrapped)
+def stringArgs(f: TV_func) -> TV_func:
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapped(*wrapped_args: T.Any, **wrapped_kwargs: T.Any) -> T.Any:
+ args = get_callee_args(wrapped_args)[1]
+ if not isinstance(args, list):
+ mlog.debug('Not a list:', str(args))
+ raise InvalidArguments('Argument not a list.')
+ if not all(isinstance(s, str) for s in args):
+ mlog.debug('Element not a string:', str(args))
+ raise InvalidArguments('Arguments must be strings.')
+ return f(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
+ return T.cast('TV_func', wrapped)
+def noArgsFlattening(f: TV_func) -> TV_func:
+ setattr(f, 'no-args-flattening', True) # noqa: B010
+ return f
+def noSecondLevelHolderResolving(f: TV_func) -> TV_func:
+ setattr(f, 'no-second-level-holder-flattening', True) # noqa: B010
+ return f
+def unholder_return(f: TV_func) -> T.Callable[..., TYPE_var]:
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapped(*wrapped_args: T.Any, **wrapped_kwargs: T.Any) -> T.Any:
+ res = f(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
+ return _unholder(res)
+ return T.cast('T.Callable[..., TYPE_var]', wrapped)
+def disablerIfNotFound(f: TV_func) -> TV_func:
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapped(*wrapped_args: T.Any, **wrapped_kwargs: T.Any) -> T.Any:
+ kwargs = get_callee_args(wrapped_args)[2]
+ disabler = kwargs.pop('disabler', False)
+ ret = f(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
+ if disabler and not ret.found():
+ return Disabler()
+ return ret
+ return T.cast('TV_func', wrapped)
+@dataclass(repr=False, eq=False)
+class permittedKwargs:
+ permitted: T.Set[str]
+ def __call__(self, f: TV_func) -> TV_func:
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapped(*wrapped_args: T.Any, **wrapped_kwargs: T.Any) -> T.Any:
+ kwargs = get_callee_args(wrapped_args)[2]
+ unknowns = set(kwargs).difference(self.permitted)
+ if unknowns:
+ ustr = ', '.join([f'"{u}"' for u in sorted(unknowns)])
+ raise InvalidArguments(f'Got unknown keyword arguments {ustr}')
+ return f(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
+ return T.cast('TV_func', wrapped)
+def typed_operator(operator: MesonOperator,
+ types: T.Union[T.Type, T.Tuple[T.Type, ...]]) -> T.Callable[['_TV_FN_Operator'], '_TV_FN_Operator']:
+ """Decorator that does type checking for operator calls.
+ The principle here is similar to typed_pos_args, however much simpler
+ since only one other object ever is passed
+ """
+ def inner(f: '_TV_FN_Operator') -> '_TV_FN_Operator':
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapper(self: 'InterpreterObject', other: TYPE_var) -> TYPE_var:
+ if not isinstance(other, types):
+ raise InvalidArguments(f'The `{operator.value}` of {self.display_name()} does not accept objects of type {type(other).__name__} ({other})')
+ return f(self, other)
+ return T.cast('_TV_FN_Operator', wrapper)
+ return inner
+def unary_operator(operator: MesonOperator) -> T.Callable[['_TV_FN_Operator'], '_TV_FN_Operator']:
+ """Decorator that does type checking for unary operator calls.
+ This decorator is for unary operators that do not take any other objects.
+ It should be impossible for a user to accidentally break this. Triggering
+ this check always indicates a bug in the Meson interpreter.
+ """
+ def inner(f: '_TV_FN_Operator') -> '_TV_FN_Operator':
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapper(self: 'InterpreterObject', other: TYPE_var) -> TYPE_var:
+ if other is not None:
+ raise mesonlib.MesonBugException(f'The unary operator `{operator.value}` of {self.display_name()} was passed the object {other} of type {type(other).__name__}')
+ return f(self, other)
+ return T.cast('_TV_FN_Operator', wrapper)
+ return inner
+def typed_pos_args(name: str, *types: T.Union[T.Type, T.Tuple[T.Type, ...]],
+ varargs: T.Optional[T.Union[T.Type, T.Tuple[T.Type, ...]]] = None,
+ optargs: T.Optional[T.List[T.Union[T.Type, T.Tuple[T.Type, ...]]]] = None,
+ min_varargs: int = 0, max_varargs: int = 0) -> T.Callable[..., T.Any]:
+ """Decorator that types type checking of positional arguments.
+ This supports two different models of optional arguments, the first is the
+ variadic argument model. Variadic arguments are a possibly bounded,
+ possibly unbounded number of arguments of the same type (unions are
+ supported). The second is the standard default value model, in this case
+ a number of optional arguments may be provided, but they are still
+ ordered, and they may have different types.
+ This function does not support mixing variadic and default arguments.
+ :name: The name of the decorated function (as displayed in error messages)
+ :varargs: They type(s) of any variadic arguments the function takes. If
+ None the function takes no variadic args
+ :min_varargs: the minimum number of variadic arguments taken
+ :max_varargs: the maximum number of variadic arguments taken. 0 means unlimited
+ :optargs: The types of any optional arguments parameters taken. If None
+ then no optional parameters are taken.
+ Some examples of usage blow:
+ >>> @typed_pos_args('mod.func', str, (str, int))
+ ... def func(self, state: ModuleState, args: T.Tuple[str, T.Union[str, int]], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> T.Any:
+ ... pass
+ >>> @typed_pos_args('method', str, varargs=str)
+ ... def method(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.Tuple[str, T.List[str]], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> T.Any:
+ ... pass
+ >>> @typed_pos_args('method', varargs=str, min_varargs=1)
+ ... def method(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.Tuple[T.List[str]], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> T.Any:
+ ... pass
+ >>> @typed_pos_args('method', str, optargs=[(str, int), str])
+ ... def method(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.Tuple[str, T.Optional[T.Union[str, int]], T.Optional[str]], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> T.Any:
+ ... pass
+ When should you chose `typed_pos_args('name', varargs=str,
+ min_varargs=1)` vs `typed_pos_args('name', str, varargs=str)`?
+ The answer has to do with the semantics of the function, if all of the
+ inputs are the same type (such as with `files()`) then the former is
+ correct, all of the arguments are string names of files. If the first
+ argument is something else the it should be separated.
+ """
+ def inner(f: TV_func) -> TV_func:
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapper(*wrapped_args: T.Any, **wrapped_kwargs: T.Any) -> T.Any:
+ args = get_callee_args(wrapped_args)[1]
+ # These are implementation programming errors, end users should never see them.
+ assert isinstance(args, list), args
+ assert max_varargs >= 0, 'max_varags cannot be negative'
+ assert min_varargs >= 0, 'min_varags cannot be negative'
+ assert optargs is None or varargs is None, \
+ 'varargs and optargs not supported together as this would be ambiguous'
+ num_args = len(args)
+ num_types = len(types)
+ a_types = types
+ if varargs:
+ min_args = num_types + min_varargs
+ max_args = num_types + max_varargs
+ if max_varargs == 0 and num_args < min_args:
+ raise InvalidArguments(f'{name} takes at least {min_args} arguments, but got {num_args}.')
+ elif max_varargs != 0 and (num_args < min_args or num_args > max_args):
+ raise InvalidArguments(f'{name} takes between {min_args} and {max_args} arguments, but got {num_args}.')
+ elif optargs:
+ if num_args < num_types:
+ raise InvalidArguments(f'{name} takes at least {num_types} arguments, but got {num_args}.')
+ elif num_args > num_types + len(optargs):
+ raise InvalidArguments(f'{name} takes at most {num_types + len(optargs)} arguments, but got {num_args}.')
+ # Add the number of positional arguments required
+ if num_args > num_types:
+ diff = num_args - num_types
+ a_types = tuple(list(types) + list(optargs[:diff]))
+ elif num_args != num_types:
+ raise InvalidArguments(f'{name} takes exactly {num_types} arguments, but got {num_args}.')
+ for i, (arg, type_) in enumerate(itertools.zip_longest(args, a_types, fillvalue=varargs), start=1):
+ if not isinstance(arg, type_):
+ if isinstance(type_, tuple):
+ shouldbe = 'one of: {}'.format(", ".join(f'"{t.__name__}"' for t in type_))
+ else:
+ shouldbe = f'"{type_.__name__}"'
+ raise InvalidArguments(f'{name} argument {i} was of type "{type(arg).__name__}" but should have been {shouldbe}')
+ # Ensure that we're actually passing a tuple.
+ # Depending on what kind of function we're calling the length of
+ # wrapped_args can vary.
+ nargs = list(wrapped_args)
+ i = nargs.index(args)
+ if varargs:
+ # if we have varargs we need to split them into a separate
+ # tuple, as python's typing doesn't understand tuples with
+ # fixed elements and variadic elements, only one or the other.
+ # so in that case we need T.Tuple[int, str, float, T.Tuple[str, ...]]
+ pos = args[:len(types)]
+ var = list(args[len(types):])
+ pos.append(var)
+ nargs[i] = tuple(pos)
+ elif optargs:
+ if num_args < num_types + len(optargs):
+ diff = num_types + len(optargs) - num_args
+ nargs[i] = tuple(list(args) + [None] * diff)
+ else:
+ nargs[i] = args
+ else:
+ nargs[i] = tuple(args)
+ return f(*nargs, **wrapped_kwargs)
+ return T.cast('TV_func', wrapper)
+ return inner
+class ContainerTypeInfo:
+ """Container information for keyword arguments.
+ For keyword arguments that are containers (list or dict), this class encodes
+ that information.
+ :param container: the type of container
+ :param contains: the types the container holds
+ :param pairs: if the container is supposed to be of even length.
+ This is mainly used for interfaces that predate the addition of dictionaries, and use
+ `[key, value, key2, value2]` format.
+ :param allow_empty: Whether this container is allowed to be empty
+ There are some cases where containers not only must be passed, but must
+ not be empty, and other cases where an empty container is allowed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, container: T.Type, contains: T.Union[T.Type, T.Tuple[T.Type, ...]], *,
+ pairs: bool = False, allow_empty: bool = True):
+ self.container = container
+ self.contains = contains
+ self.pairs = pairs
+ self.allow_empty = allow_empty
+ def check(self, value: T.Any) -> bool:
+ """Check that a value is valid.
+ :param value: A value to check
+ :return: True if it is valid, False otherwise
+ """
+ if not isinstance(value, self.container):
+ return False
+ iter_ = iter(value.values()) if isinstance(value, dict) else iter(value)
+ for each in iter_:
+ if not isinstance(each, self.contains):
+ return False
+ if self.pairs and len(value) % 2 != 0:
+ return False
+ if not value and not self.allow_empty:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def description(self) -> str:
+ """Human readable description of this container type.
+ :return: string to be printed
+ """
+ container = 'dict' if self.container is dict else 'array'
+ if isinstance(self.contains, tuple):
+ contains = ' | '.join([t.__name__ for t in self.contains])
+ else:
+ contains = self.contains.__name__
+ s = f'{container}[{contains}]'
+ if self.pairs:
+ s += ' that has even size'
+ if not self.allow_empty:
+ s += ' that cannot be empty'
+ return s
+_T = T.TypeVar('_T')
+class _NULL_T:
+ """Special null type for evolution, this is an implementation detail."""
+_NULL = _NULL_T()
+class KwargInfo(T.Generic[_T]):
+ """A description of a keyword argument to a meson function
+ This is used to describe a value to the :func:typed_kwargs function.
+ :param name: the name of the parameter
+ :param types: A type or tuple of types that are allowed, or a :class:ContainerType
+ :param required: Whether this is a required keyword argument. defaults to False
+ :param listify: If true, then the argument will be listified before being
+ checked. This is useful for cases where the Meson DSL allows a scalar or
+ a container, but internally we only want to work with containers
+ :param default: A default value to use if this isn't set. defaults to None,
+ this may be safely set to a mutable type, as long as that type does not
+ itself contain mutable types, typed_kwargs will copy the default
+ :param since: Meson version in which this argument has been added. defaults to None
+ :param since_message: An extra message to pass to FeatureNew when since is triggered
+ :param deprecated: Meson version in which this argument has been deprecated. defaults to None
+ :param deprecated_message: An extra message to pass to FeatureDeprecated
+ when since is triggered
+ :param validator: A callable that does additional validation. This is mainly
+ intended for cases where a string is expected, but only a few specific
+ values are accepted. Must return None if the input is valid, or a
+ message if the input is invalid
+ :param convertor: A callable that converts the raw input value into a
+ different type. This is intended for cases such as the meson DSL using a
+ string, but the implementation using an Enum. This should not do
+ validation, just conversion.
+ :param deprecated_values: a dictionary mapping a value to the version of
+ meson it was deprecated in. The Value may be any valid value for this
+ argument.
+ :param since_values: a dictionary mapping a value to the version of meson it was
+ added in.
+ :param not_set_warning: A warning message that is logged if the kwarg is not
+ set by the user.
+ :param feature_validator: A callable returning an iterable of FeatureNew | FeatureDeprecated objects.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name: str,
+ types: T.Union[T.Type[_T], T.Tuple[T.Union[T.Type[_T], ContainerTypeInfo], ...], ContainerTypeInfo],
+ *, required: bool = False, listify: bool = False,
+ default: T.Optional[_T] = None,
+ since: T.Optional[str] = None,
+ since_message: T.Optional[str] = None,
+ since_values: T.Optional[T.Dict[T.Union[_T, T.Type[T.List], T.Type[T.Dict]], T.Union[str, T.Tuple[str, str]]]] = None,
+ deprecated: T.Optional[str] = None,
+ deprecated_message: T.Optional[str] = None,
+ deprecated_values: T.Optional[T.Dict[T.Union[_T, T.Type[T.List], T.Type[T.Dict]], T.Union[str, T.Tuple[str, str]]]] = None,
+ feature_validator: T.Optional[T.Callable[[_T], T.Iterable[FeatureCheckBase]]] = None,
+ validator: T.Optional[T.Callable[[T.Any], T.Optional[str]]] = None,
+ convertor: T.Optional[T.Callable[[_T], object]] = None,
+ not_set_warning: T.Optional[str] = None):
+ = name
+ self.types = types
+ self.required = required
+ self.listify = listify
+ self.default = default
+ self.since = since
+ self.since_message = since_message
+ self.since_values = since_values
+ self.feature_validator = feature_validator
+ self.deprecated = deprecated
+ self.deprecated_message = deprecated_message
+ self.deprecated_values = deprecated_values
+ self.validator = validator
+ self.convertor = convertor
+ self.not_set_warning = not_set_warning
+ def evolve(self, *,
+ name: T.Union[str, _NULL_T] = _NULL,
+ required: T.Union[bool, _NULL_T] = _NULL,
+ listify: T.Union[bool, _NULL_T] = _NULL,
+ default: T.Union[_T, None, _NULL_T] = _NULL,
+ since: T.Union[str, None, _NULL_T] = _NULL,
+ since_message: T.Union[str, None, _NULL_T] = _NULL,
+ since_values: T.Union[T.Dict[T.Union[_T, T.Type[T.List], T.Type[T.Dict]], T.Union[str, T.Tuple[str, str]]], None, _NULL_T] = _NULL,
+ deprecated: T.Union[str, None, _NULL_T] = _NULL,
+ deprecated_message: T.Union[str, None, _NULL_T] = _NULL,
+ deprecated_values: T.Union[T.Dict[T.Union[_T, T.Type[T.List], T.Type[T.Dict]], T.Union[str, T.Tuple[str, str]]], None, _NULL_T] = _NULL,
+ feature_validator: T.Union[T.Callable[[_T], T.Iterable[FeatureCheckBase]], None, _NULL_T] = _NULL,
+ validator: T.Union[T.Callable[[_T], T.Optional[str]], None, _NULL_T] = _NULL,
+ convertor: T.Union[T.Callable[[_T], TYPE_var], None, _NULL_T] = _NULL) -> 'KwargInfo':
+ """Create a shallow copy of this KwargInfo, with modifications.
+ This allows us to create a new copy of a KwargInfo with modifications.
+ This allows us to use a shared kwarg that implements complex logic, but
+ has slight differences in usage, such as being added to different
+ functions in different versions of Meson.
+ The use the _NULL special value here allows us to pass None, which has
+ meaning in many of these cases. _NULL itself is never stored, always
+ being replaced by either the copy in self, or the provided new version.
+ """
+ return type(self)(
+ name if not isinstance(name, _NULL_T) else,
+ self.types,
+ listify=listify if not isinstance(listify, _NULL_T) else self.listify,
+ required=required if not isinstance(required, _NULL_T) else self.required,
+ default=default if not isinstance(default, _NULL_T) else self.default,
+ since=since if not isinstance(since, _NULL_T) else self.since,
+ since_message=since_message if not isinstance(since_message, _NULL_T) else self.since_message,
+ since_values=since_values if not isinstance(since_values, _NULL_T) else self.since_values,
+ deprecated=deprecated if not isinstance(deprecated, _NULL_T) else self.deprecated,
+ deprecated_message=deprecated_message if not isinstance(deprecated_message, _NULL_T) else self.deprecated_message,
+ deprecated_values=deprecated_values if not isinstance(deprecated_values, _NULL_T) else self.deprecated_values,
+ feature_validator=feature_validator if not isinstance(feature_validator, _NULL_T) else self.feature_validator,
+ validator=validator if not isinstance(validator, _NULL_T) else self.validator,
+ convertor=convertor if not isinstance(convertor, _NULL_T) else self.convertor,
+ )
+def typed_kwargs(name: str, *types: KwargInfo, allow_unknown: bool = False) -> T.Callable[..., T.Any]:
+ """Decorator for type checking keyword arguments.
+ Used to wrap a meson DSL implementation function, where it checks various
+ things about keyword arguments, including the type, and various other
+ information. For non-required values it sets the value to a default, which
+ means the value will always be provided.
+ If type tyhpe is a :class:ContainerTypeInfo, then the default value will be
+ passed as an argument to the container initializer, making a shallow copy
+ :param name: the name of the function, including the object it's attached to
+ (if applicable)
+ :param *types: KwargInfo entries for each keyword argument.
+ """
+ def inner(f: TV_func) -> TV_func:
+ def types_description(types_tuple: T.Tuple[T.Union[T.Type, ContainerTypeInfo], ...]) -> str:
+ candidates = []
+ for t in types_tuple:
+ if isinstance(t, ContainerTypeInfo):
+ candidates.append(t.description())
+ else:
+ candidates.append(t.__name__)
+ shouldbe = 'one of: ' if len(candidates) > 1 else ''
+ shouldbe += ', '.join(candidates)
+ return shouldbe
+ def raw_description(t: object) -> str:
+ """describe a raw type (ie, one that is not a ContainerTypeInfo)."""
+ if isinstance(t, list):
+ if t:
+ return f"array[{' | '.join(sorted(mesonlib.OrderedSet(type(v).__name__ for v in t)))}]"
+ return 'array[]'
+ elif isinstance(t, dict):
+ if t:
+ return f"dict[{' | '.join(sorted(mesonlib.OrderedSet(type(v).__name__ for v in t.values())))}]"
+ return 'dict[]'
+ return type(t).__name__
+ def check_value_type(types_tuple: T.Tuple[T.Union[T.Type, ContainerTypeInfo], ...],
+ value: T.Any) -> bool:
+ for t in types_tuple:
+ if isinstance(t, ContainerTypeInfo):
+ if t.check(value):
+ return True
+ elif isinstance(value, t):
+ return True
+ return False
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapper(*wrapped_args: T.Any, **wrapped_kwargs: T.Any) -> T.Any:
+ def emit_feature_change(values: T.Dict[_T, T.Union[str, T.Tuple[str, str]]], feature: T.Union[T.Type['FeatureDeprecated'], T.Type['FeatureNew']]) -> None:
+ for n, version in values.items():
+ warn = False
+ if isinstance(version, tuple):
+ version, msg = version
+ else:
+ msg = None
+ if n in {dict, list}:
+ assert isinstance(n, type), 'for mypy'
+ if isinstance(value, n):
+ feature.single_use(f'"{name}" keyword argument "{}" of type {n.__name__}', version, subproject, msg, location=node)
+ elif isinstance(value, (dict, list)):
+ warn = n in value
+ else:
+ warn = n == value
+ if warn:
+ feature.single_use(f'"{name}" keyword argument "{}" value "{n}"', version, subproject, msg, location=node)
+ node, _, _kwargs, subproject = get_callee_args(wrapped_args)
+ # Cast here, as the convertor function may place something other than a TYPE_var in the kwargs
+ kwargs = T.cast('T.Dict[str, object]', _kwargs)
+ if not allow_unknown:
+ all_names = { for t in types}
+ unknowns = set(kwargs).difference(all_names)
+ if unknowns:
+ ustr = ', '.join([f'"{u}"' for u in sorted(unknowns)])
+ raise InvalidArguments(f'{name} got unknown keyword arguments {ustr}')
+ for info in types:
+ types_tuple = info.types if isinstance(info.types, tuple) else (info.types,)
+ value = kwargs.get(
+ if value is not None:
+ if info.since:
+ feature_name = + ' arg in ' + name
+ FeatureNew.single_use(feature_name, info.since, subproject, info.since_message, location=node)
+ if info.deprecated:
+ feature_name = + ' arg in ' + name
+ FeatureDeprecated.single_use(feature_name, info.deprecated, subproject, info.deprecated_message, location=node)
+ if info.listify:
+ kwargs[] = value = mesonlib.listify(value)
+ if not check_value_type(types_tuple, value):
+ shouldbe = types_description(types_tuple)
+ raise InvalidArguments(f'{name} keyword argument {!r} was of type {raw_description(value)} but should have been {shouldbe}')
+ if info.validator is not None:
+ msg = info.validator(value)
+ if msg is not None:
+ raise InvalidArguments(f'{name} keyword argument "{}" {msg}')
+ if info.feature_validator is not None:
+ for each in info.feature_validator(value):
+ each.use(subproject, node)
+ if info.deprecated_values is not None:
+ emit_feature_change(info.deprecated_values, FeatureDeprecated)
+ if info.since_values is not None:
+ emit_feature_change(info.since_values, FeatureNew)
+ elif info.required:
+ raise InvalidArguments(f'{name} is missing required keyword argument "{}"')
+ else:
+ # set the value to the default, this ensuring all kwargs are present
+ # This both simplifies the typing checking and the usage
+ assert check_value_type(types_tuple, info.default), f'In funcion {name} default value of {} is not a valid type, got {type(info.default)} expected {types_description(types_tuple)}'
+ # Create a shallow copy of the container. This allows mutable
+ # types to be used safely as default values
+ kwargs[] = copy.copy(info.default)
+ if info.not_set_warning:
+ mlog.warning(info.not_set_warning)
+ if info.convertor:
+ kwargs[] = info.convertor(kwargs[])
+ return f(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
+ return T.cast('TV_func', wrapper)
+ return inner
+# This cannot be a dataclass due to
+class FeatureCheckBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+ "Base class for feature version checks"
+ feature_registry: T.ClassVar[T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, T.Set[T.Tuple[str, T.Optional['mparser.BaseNode']]]]]]
+ emit_notice = False
+ def __init__(self, feature_name: str, feature_version: str, extra_message: str = ''):
+ self.feature_name = feature_name # type: str
+ self.feature_version = feature_version # type: str
+ self.extra_message = extra_message # type: str
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_target_version(subproject: str) -> str:
+ # Don't do any checks if project() has not been parsed yet
+ if subproject not in mesonlib.project_meson_versions:
+ return ''
+ return mesonlib.project_meson_versions[subproject]
+ @staticmethod
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def check_version(target_version: str, feature_version: str) -> bool:
+ pass
+ def use(self, subproject: 'SubProject', location: T.Optional['mparser.BaseNode'] = None) -> None:
+ tv = self.get_target_version(subproject)
+ # No target version
+ if tv == '':
+ return
+ # Target version is new enough, don't warn
+ if self.check_version(tv, self.feature_version) and not self.emit_notice:
+ return
+ # Feature is too new for target version or we want to emit notices, register it
+ if subproject not in self.feature_registry:
+ self.feature_registry[subproject] = {self.feature_version: set()}
+ register = self.feature_registry[subproject]
+ if self.feature_version not in register:
+ register[self.feature_version] = set()
+ feature_key = (self.feature_name, location)
+ if feature_key in register[self.feature_version]:
+ # Don't warn about the same feature multiple times
+ # FIXME: This is needed to prevent duplicate warnings, but also
+ # means we won't warn about a feature used in multiple places.
+ return
+ register[self.feature_version].add(feature_key)
+ # Target version is new enough, don't warn even if it is registered for notice
+ if self.check_version(tv, self.feature_version):
+ return
+ self.log_usage_warning(tv, location)
+ @classmethod
+ def report(cls, subproject: str) -> None:
+ if subproject not in cls.feature_registry:
+ return
+ warning_str = cls.get_warning_str_prefix(cls.get_target_version(subproject))
+ notice_str = cls.get_notice_str_prefix(cls.get_target_version(subproject))
+ fv = cls.feature_registry[subproject]
+ tv = cls.get_target_version(subproject)
+ for version in sorted(fv.keys()):
+ if cls.check_version(tv, version):
+ notice_str += '\n * {}: {}'.format(version, {i[0] for i in fv[version]})
+ else:
+ warning_str += '\n * {}: {}'.format(version, {i[0] for i in fv[version]})
+ if '\n' in notice_str:
+ mlog.notice(notice_str, fatal=False)
+ if '\n' in warning_str:
+ mlog.warning(warning_str)
+ def log_usage_warning(self, tv: str, location: T.Optional['mparser.BaseNode']) -> None:
+ raise InterpreterException('log_usage_warning not implemented')
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_warning_str_prefix(tv: str) -> str:
+ raise InterpreterException('get_warning_str_prefix not implemented')
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_notice_str_prefix(tv: str) -> str:
+ raise InterpreterException('get_notice_str_prefix not implemented')
+ def __call__(self, f: TV_func) -> TV_func:
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapped(*wrapped_args: T.Any, **wrapped_kwargs: T.Any) -> T.Any:
+ node, _, _, subproject = get_callee_args(wrapped_args)
+ if subproject is None:
+ raise AssertionError(f'{wrapped_args!r}')
+ self.use(subproject, node)
+ return f(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
+ return T.cast('TV_func', wrapped)
+ @classmethod
+ def single_use(cls, feature_name: str, version: str, subproject: 'SubProject',
+ extra_message: str = '', location: T.Optional['mparser.BaseNode'] = None) -> None:
+ """Oneline version that instantiates and calls use()."""
+ cls(feature_name, version, extra_message).use(subproject, location)
+class FeatureNew(FeatureCheckBase):
+ """Checks for new features"""
+ # Class variable, shared across all instances
+ #
+ # Format: {subproject: {feature_version: set(feature_names)}}
+ feature_registry = {} # type: T.ClassVar[T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, T.Set[T.Tuple[str, T.Optional[mparser.BaseNode]]]]]]
+ @staticmethod
+ def check_version(target_version: str, feature_version: str) -> bool:
+ return mesonlib.version_compare_condition_with_min(target_version, feature_version)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_warning_str_prefix(tv: str) -> str:
+ return f'Project specifies a minimum meson_version \'{tv}\' but uses features which were added in newer versions:'
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_notice_str_prefix(tv: str) -> str:
+ return ''
+ def log_usage_warning(self, tv: str, location: T.Optional['mparser.BaseNode']) -> None:
+ args = [
+ 'Project targets', f"'{tv}'",
+ 'but uses feature introduced in',
+ f"'{self.feature_version}':",
+ f'{self.feature_name}.',
+ ]
+ if self.extra_message:
+ args.append(self.extra_message)
+ mlog.warning(*args, location=location)
+class FeatureDeprecated(FeatureCheckBase):
+ """Checks for deprecated features"""
+ # Class variable, shared across all instances
+ #
+ # Format: {subproject: {feature_version: set(feature_names)}}
+ feature_registry = {} # type: T.ClassVar[T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, T.Set[T.Tuple[str, T.Optional[mparser.BaseNode]]]]]]
+ emit_notice = True
+ @staticmethod
+ def check_version(target_version: str, feature_version: str) -> bool:
+ # For deprecation checks we need to return the inverse of FeatureNew checks
+ return not mesonlib.version_compare_condition_with_min(target_version, feature_version)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_warning_str_prefix(tv: str) -> str:
+ return 'Deprecated features used:'
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_notice_str_prefix(tv: str) -> str:
+ return 'Future-deprecated features used:'
+ def log_usage_warning(self, tv: str, location: T.Optional['mparser.BaseNode']) -> None:
+ args = [
+ 'Project targets', f"'{tv}'",
+ 'but uses feature deprecated since',
+ f"'{self.feature_version}':",
+ f'{self.feature_name}.',
+ ]
+ if self.extra_message:
+ args.append(self.extra_message)
+ mlog.warning(*args, location=location)
+# This cannot be a dataclass due to
+class FeatureCheckKwargsBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+ @property
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def feature_check_class(self) -> T.Type[FeatureCheckBase]:
+ pass
+ def __init__(self, feature_name: str, feature_version: str,
+ kwargs: T.List[str], extra_message: T.Optional[str] = None):
+ self.feature_name = feature_name
+ self.feature_version = feature_version
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ self.extra_message = extra_message
+ def __call__(self, f: TV_func) -> TV_func:
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapped(*wrapped_args: T.Any, **wrapped_kwargs: T.Any) -> T.Any:
+ node, _, kwargs, subproject = get_callee_args(wrapped_args)
+ if subproject is None:
+ raise AssertionError(f'{wrapped_args!r}')
+ for arg in self.kwargs:
+ if arg not in kwargs:
+ continue
+ name = arg + ' arg in ' + self.feature_name
+ self.feature_check_class.single_use(
+ name, self.feature_version, subproject, self.extra_message, node)
+ return f(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
+ return T.cast('TV_func', wrapped)
+class FeatureNewKwargs(FeatureCheckKwargsBase):
+ feature_check_class = FeatureNew
+class FeatureDeprecatedKwargs(FeatureCheckKwargsBase):
+ feature_check_class = FeatureDeprecated