# Copyright 2013-2014 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import io import sys import time import platform import shlex import subprocess import shutil import typing as T from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path if T.TYPE_CHECKING: from ._typing import StringProtocol, SizedStringProtocol """This is (mostly) a standalone module used to write logging information about Meson runs. Some output goes to screen, some to logging dir and some goes to both.""" def is_windows() -> bool: platname = platform.system().lower() return platname == 'windows' def _windows_ansi() -> bool: # windll only exists on windows, so mypy will get mad from ctypes import windll, byref # type: ignore from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD kernel = windll.kernel32 stdout = kernel.GetStdHandle(-11) mode = DWORD() if not kernel.GetConsoleMode(stdout, byref(mode)): return False # ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING == 0x4 # If the call to enable VT processing fails (returns 0), we fallback to # original behavior return bool(kernel.SetConsoleMode(stdout, mode.value | 0x4) or os.environ.get('ANSICON')) def colorize_console() -> bool: _colorize_console = getattr(sys.stdout, 'colorize_console', None) # type: bool if _colorize_console is not None: return _colorize_console try: if is_windows(): _colorize_console = os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) and _windows_ansi() else: _colorize_console = os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) and os.environ.get('TERM', 'dumb') != 'dumb' except Exception: _colorize_console = False sys.stdout.colorize_console = _colorize_console # type: ignore[attr-defined] return _colorize_console def setup_console() -> None: # on Windows, a subprocess might call SetConsoleMode() on the console # connected to stdout and turn off ANSI escape processing. Call this after # running a subprocess to ensure we turn it on again. if is_windows(): try: delattr(sys.stdout, 'colorize_console') except AttributeError: pass log_dir = None # type: T.Optional[str] log_file = None # type: T.Optional[T.TextIO] log_fname = 'meson-log.txt' # type: str log_depth = [] # type: T.List[str] log_timestamp_start = None # type: T.Optional[float] log_fatal_warnings = False # type: bool log_disable_stdout = False # type: bool log_errors_only = False # type: bool _in_ci = 'CI' in os.environ # type: bool _logged_once = set() # type: T.Set[T.Tuple[str, ...]] log_warnings_counter = 0 # type: int log_pager: T.Optional['subprocess.Popen'] = None def disable() -> None: global log_disable_stdout # pylint: disable=global-statement log_disable_stdout = True def enable() -> None: global log_disable_stdout # pylint: disable=global-statement log_disable_stdout = False def set_quiet() -> None: global log_errors_only # pylint: disable=global-statement log_errors_only = True def set_verbose() -> None: global log_errors_only # pylint: disable=global-statement log_errors_only = False def initialize(logdir: str, fatal_warnings: bool = False) -> None: global log_dir, log_file, log_fatal_warnings # pylint: disable=global-statement log_dir = logdir log_file = open(os.path.join(logdir, log_fname), 'w', encoding='utf-8') log_fatal_warnings = fatal_warnings def set_timestamp_start(start: float) -> None: global log_timestamp_start # pylint: disable=global-statement log_timestamp_start = start def shutdown() -> T.Optional[str]: global log_file # pylint: disable=global-statement if log_file is not None: path = log_file.name exception_around_goer = log_file log_file = None exception_around_goer.close() return path stop_pager() return None class AnsiDecorator: plain_code = "\033[0m" def __init__(self, text: str, code: str, quoted: bool = False): self.text = text self.code = code self.quoted = quoted def get_text(self, with_codes: bool) -> str: text = self.text if with_codes and self.code: text = self.code + self.text + AnsiDecorator.plain_code if self.quoted: text = f'"{text}"' return text def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.text) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.get_text(colorize_console()) TV_Loggable = T.Union[str, AnsiDecorator, 'StringProtocol'] TV_LoggableList = T.List[TV_Loggable] class AnsiText: def __init__(self, *args: 'SizedStringProtocol'): self.args = args def __len__(self) -> int: return sum(len(x) for x in self.args) def __str__(self) -> str: return ''.join(str(x) for x in self.args) def bold(text: str, quoted: bool = False) -> AnsiDecorator: return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[1m", quoted=quoted) def italic(text: str, quoted: bool = False) -> AnsiDecorator: return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[3m", quoted=quoted) def plain(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator: return AnsiDecorator(text, "") def red(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator: return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[1;31m") def green(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator: return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[1;32m") def yellow(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator: return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[1;33m") def blue(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator: return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[1;34m") def cyan(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator: return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[1;36m") def normal_red(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator: return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[31m") def normal_green(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator: return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[32m") def normal_yellow(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator: return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[33m") def normal_blue(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator: return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[34m") def normal_cyan(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator: return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[36m") # This really should be AnsiDecorator or anything that implements # __str__(), but that requires protocols from typing_extensions def process_markup(args: T.Sequence[TV_Loggable], keep: bool) -> T.List[str]: arr = [] # type: T.List[str] if log_timestamp_start is not None: arr = ['[{:.3f}]'.format(time.monotonic() - log_timestamp_start)] for arg in args: if arg is None: continue if isinstance(arg, str): arr.append(arg) elif isinstance(arg, AnsiDecorator): arr.append(arg.get_text(keep)) else: arr.append(str(arg)) return arr def force_print(*args: str, nested: bool, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None: if log_disable_stdout: return iostr = io.StringIO() kwargs['file'] = iostr print(*args, **kwargs) raw = iostr.getvalue() if log_depth: prepend = log_depth[-1] + '| ' if nested else '' lines = [] for l in raw.split('\n'): l = l.strip() lines.append(prepend + l if l else '') raw = '\n'.join(lines) # _Something_ is going to get printed. try: output = log_pager.stdin if log_pager else None print(raw, end='', file=output) except UnicodeEncodeError: cleaned = raw.encode('ascii', 'replace').decode('ascii') print(cleaned, end='') # We really want a heterogeneous dict for this, but that's in typing_extensions def debug(*args: TV_Loggable, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None: arr = process_markup(args, False) if log_file is not None: print(*arr, file=log_file, **kwargs) log_file.flush() def _debug_log_cmd(cmd: str, args: T.List[str]) -> None: if not _in_ci: return args = [f'"{x}"' for x in args] # Quote all args, just in case debug('!meson_ci!/{} {}'.format(cmd, ' '.join(args))) def cmd_ci_include(file: str) -> None: _debug_log_cmd('ci_include', [file]) def log(*args: TV_Loggable, is_error: bool = False, once: bool = False, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None: if once: log_once(*args, is_error=is_error, **kwargs) else: _log(*args, is_error=is_error, **kwargs) def _log(*args: TV_Loggable, is_error: bool = False, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None: nested = kwargs.pop('nested', True) arr = process_markup(args, False) if log_file is not None: print(*arr, file=log_file, **kwargs) log_file.flush() if colorize_console(): arr = process_markup(args, True) if not log_errors_only or is_error: force_print(*arr, nested=nested, **kwargs) def log_once(*args: TV_Loggable, is_error: bool = False, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None: """Log variant that only prints a given message one time per meson invocation. This considers ansi decorated values by the values they wrap without regard for the AnsiDecorator itself. """ def to_str(x: TV_Loggable) -> str: if isinstance(x, str): return x if isinstance(x, AnsiDecorator): return x.text return str(x) t = tuple(to_str(a) for a in args) if t in _logged_once: return _logged_once.add(t) _log(*args, is_error=is_error, **kwargs) # This isn't strictly correct. What we really want here is something like: # class StringProtocol(typing_extensions.Protocol): # # def __str__(self) -> str: ... # # This would more accurately embody what this function can handle, but we # don't have that yet, so instead we'll do some casting to work around it def get_error_location_string(fname: str, lineno: int) -> str: return f'{fname}:{lineno}:' def _log_error(severity: str, *rargs: TV_Loggable, once: bool = False, fatal: bool = True, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None: from .mesonlib import MesonException, relpath # The typing requirements here are non-obvious. Lists are invariant, # therefore T.List[A] and T.List[T.Union[A, B]] are not able to be joined if severity == 'notice': label = [bold('NOTICE:')] # type: TV_LoggableList elif severity == 'warning': label = [yellow('WARNING:')] elif severity == 'error': label = [red('ERROR:')] elif severity == 'deprecation': label = [red('DEPRECATION:')] else: raise MesonException('Invalid severity ' + severity) # rargs is a tuple, not a list args = label + list(rargs) location = kwargs.pop('location', None) if location is not None: location_file = relpath(location.filename, os.getcwd()) location_str = get_error_location_string(location_file, location.lineno) # Unions are frankly awful, and we have to T.cast here to get mypy # to understand that the list concatenation is safe location_list = T.cast('TV_LoggableList', [location_str]) args = location_list + args log(*args, once=once, **kwargs) global log_warnings_counter # pylint: disable=global-statement log_warnings_counter += 1 if log_fatal_warnings and fatal: raise MesonException("Fatal warnings enabled, aborting") def error(*args: TV_Loggable, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None: return _log_error('error', *args, **kwargs, is_error=True) def warning(*args: TV_Loggable, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None: return _log_error('warning', *args, **kwargs, is_error=True) def deprecation(*args: TV_Loggable, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None: return _log_error('deprecation', *args, **kwargs, is_error=True) def notice(*args: TV_Loggable, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None: return _log_error('notice', *args, **kwargs, is_error=False) def get_relative_path(target: Path, current: Path) -> Path: """Get the path to target from current""" # Go up "current" until we find a common ancestor to target acc = ['.'] for part in [current, *current.parents]: try: path = target.relative_to(part) return Path(*acc, path) except ValueError: pass acc += ['..'] # we failed, should not get here return target def exception(e: Exception, prefix: T.Optional[AnsiDecorator] = None) -> None: if prefix is None: prefix = red('ERROR:') log() args = [] # type: T.List[T.Union[AnsiDecorator, str]] if all(getattr(e, a, None) is not None for a in ['file', 'lineno', 'colno']): # Mypy doesn't follow hasattr, and it's pretty easy to visually inspect # that this is correct, so we'll just ignore it. path = get_relative_path(Path(e.file), Path(os.getcwd())) # type: ignore args.append(f'{path}:{e.lineno}:{e.colno}:') # type: ignore if prefix: args.append(prefix) args.append(str(e)) restore = log_disable_stdout if restore: enable() log(*args, is_error=True) if restore: disable() # Format a list for logging purposes as a string. It separates # all but the last item with commas, and the last with 'and'. def format_list(input_list: T.List[str]) -> str: l = len(input_list) if l > 2: return ' and '.join([', '.join(input_list[:-1]), input_list[-1]]) elif l == 2: return ' and '.join(input_list) elif l == 1: return input_list[0] else: return '' @contextmanager def nested(name: str = '') -> T.Generator[None, None, None]: log_depth.append(name) try: yield finally: log_depth.pop() def start_pager() -> None: if not colorize_console(): return pager_cmd = [] if 'PAGER' in os.environ: pager_cmd = shlex.split(os.environ['PAGER']) else: less = shutil.which('less') if not less and is_windows(): git = shutil.which('git') if git: path = Path(git).parents[1] / 'usr' / 'bin' less = shutil.which('less', path=str(path)) if less: pager_cmd = [less] if not pager_cmd: return global log_pager # pylint: disable=global-statement assert log_pager is None try: # Set 'LESS' environment variable, rather than arguments in # pager_cmd, to also support the case where the user has 'PAGER' # set to 'less'. Arguments set are: # "R" : support color # "X" : do not clear the screen when leaving the pager # "F" : skip the pager if content fits into the screen env = os.environ.copy() if 'LESS' not in env: env['LESS'] = 'RXF' # Set "-c" for lv to support color if 'LV' not in env: env['LV'] = '-c' log_pager = subprocess.Popen(pager_cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, encoding='utf-8', env=env) except Exception as e: # Ignore errors, unless it is a user defined pager. if 'PAGER' in os.environ: from .mesonlib import MesonException raise MesonException(f'Failed to start pager: {str(e)}') def stop_pager() -> None: global log_pager # pylint: disable=global-statement if log_pager: try: log_pager.stdin.flush() log_pager.stdin.close() except BrokenPipeError: pass log_pager.wait() log_pager = None