# Changelog ## 0.18.1 - 2022-27-09 Full Changelog: [v0.18.0...v0.18.1](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/compare/v0.18.0...v0.18.1) - ⬆️ UPGRADE: docutils 0.19 support (#611) - ✨ NEW: Add `attrs_image` (experimental) extension (#620) - e.g. `![image](image.png){#id .class width=100px}` - See: [Optional syntax section](docs/syntax/optional.md) - **Important**: This is an experimental extension, and may change in future releases ## 0.18.0 - 2022-06-07 Full Changelog: [v0.17.2...v0.18.0](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/compare/v0.17.2...v0.18.0) This release adds support for Sphinx v5 (dropping v3), restructures the code base into modules, and also restructures the documentation, to make it easier for developers/users to follow. It also introduces **document-level configuration** *via* the Markdown top-matter, under the `myst` key. See the [Local configuration](docs/configuration.md) section for more information. ### Breaking changes This should not be breaking, for general users of the sphinx extension (with `sphinx>3`), but will be for anyone directly using the Python API, mainly just requiring changes in import module paths. The `to_docutils`, `to_html`, `to_tokens` (from `myst_parser/main.py`) and `mock_sphinx_env`/`parse` (from `myst_parser.sphinx_renderer.py`) functions have been removed, since these were primarily for internal testing. Instead, for single page builds, users should use the docutils parser API/CLI (see [](docs/docutils.md)), and for testing, functionality has been moved to . The top-level `html_meta` and `substitutions` top-matter keys have also been deprecated (i.e. they will still work but will emit a warning), as they now form part of the `myst` config, e.g. ```yaml --- html_meta: "description lang=en": "metadata description" substitutions: key1: I'm a **substitution** --- ``` is replaced by: ```yaml --- myst: html_meta: "description lang=en": "metadata description" substitutions: key1: I'm a **substitution** --- ``` ### Key PRs - ♻️📚 Restructure code base and documentation (#566) - ⬆️ Drop Sphinx 3 and add Sphinx 5 support (#579) - 🐛 FIX: `parse_directive_text` when body followed by options (#580) - 🐛 FIX: floor table column widths to integers (#568), thanks to @Jean-Abou-Samra! ## 0.17.2 - 2022-04-17 Full Changelog: [v0.17.1...v0.17.2](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/compare/v0.17.1...v0.17.2) - ♻️ REFACTOR: Replace `attrs` by `dataclasses` for configuration (#557) ## 0.17.1 - 2022-04-15 Full Changelog: [v0.17.0...v0.17.1](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/compare/v0.17.0...v0.17.1) - 🐛 FIX: Heading anchor resolution for parallel builds (#525) - 🔧 MAINTAIN: Move packaging from setuptools to flit (#553) - 🔧 MAINTAIN: Directly specify attrs dependency (#555) ## 0.17.0 - 2022-02-11 This release contains a number of breaking improvements. Full Changelog: [v0.16.1...v0.17.0](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/compare/v0.16.1...v0.17.0) ### ‼️ Markdown link resolution improvements **WARNING: This is a breaking change for links that rely on auto-generated anchor links**. You should now [manually enable auto-generated anchor links](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/optional.html?highlight=anchor#auto-generated-header-anchors) if you see errors like `WARNING reference target not found`. Markdown links are of the format `[text](link)`. MyST-Parser looks to smartly resolve such links, by identifying if they are: 1. A link to an external resource, e.g. `[text](http://example.com)` 2. A link to another source document, e.g. `[text](file.md)` - If `header-anchors` are enabled, anchor links are also supported, e.g. `[text](file.md#anchor)` 3. A link to an internal sphinx cross-reference, e.g. `[text](my-reference)` an additional situation is now supported: 4. A link to a source file, which is not a document, e.g. `[text](file.js)`. This behaves similarly to the sphinx `download` role. In addition, configuration to more finely tune this behaviour has been added. - `myst_all_links_external=True`, will make all links be treated as (1) - `myst_url_schemes=("http", "https")`, sets what URL schemes are treated as (1) - `myst_ref_domains=("std", "py")`, sets what Sphinx reference domains are checked, when handling (3) See [Markdown Links and Referencing](docs/syntax/syntax.md#markdown-links-and-referencing) for more information. ### ‼️ Dollarmath is now disabled by default **WARNING: This is a breaking change for dollar math**. You should now manually enable dollar math (see below). The default configuration is now `myst_enable_extensions=()`, instead of `myst_enable_extensions=("dollarmath",)`. If you are using math enclosed in `$` or `$$` in your documents, you should enable `dollarmath` explicitly. See [Dollar delimited math](docs/syntax/optional.md#math-shortcuts) for more information. ### ⬆️ Drop Python 3.6 support MyST-Parser now supports, and is tested against, Python 3.7 to 3.10. ### ✨ Add the `strikethrough` extension and `myst_gfm_only` configuration The `strikethrough` extension allows text within `~~` delimiters to have a strike-through (horizontal line) placed over it. For example, `~~strikethrough with *emphasis*~~` renders as: ~~strikethrough with *emphasis*~~. **Important**: This extension is currently only supported for HTML output. See [Strikethrough](docs/syntax/optional.md#strikethrough) for more information. The `myst_gfm_only=True` configuration sets up specific configuration, to enable compliance only with [GitHub-flavored Markdown](https://github.github.com/gfm/), including enabling the `strikethrough`, `tasklist` and `linkify` extensions, but disabling support for roles and directives. ### ✨ Add `myst_title_to_header` configuration Setting `myst_title_to_header=True`, allows for a `title` key in the frontmatter to be used as the document title. for example: ```md --- title: My Title with *emphasis* --- ``` would be equivalent to: ```md # My Title with *emphasis* ``` See [Front matter](docs/syntax/syntax.md#front-matter) for more information. ### 👌 Internal improvements 👌 IMPROVE: Convert nested headings to rubrics. Headings within directives are not directly supported by sphinx, since they break the structure of the document. Previously myst-parser would emit a `myst.nested_header` warning, but still generate the heading, leading to unexpected outcomes. Now the warning is still emitted, but also the heading is rendered as a [rubric](https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#rubric) non-structural heading (i.e. it will not show in the ToC). Other internal improvements primarily focused in improving support for the for "docutils-only" use, introduced in `v0.16`: - ♻️ REFACTOR: `default_parser` -> `create_md_parser` in [#474](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/474) - 👌 IMPROVE: Add `bullet` attribute to `bullet_list` node in [#465](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/465) - 👌 IMPROVE: Use correct renderer for `state.inline_text` in [#466](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/466) - 👌 IMPROVE: Docutils parser settings in [#476](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/476) - 🐛 FIX: front-matter rendering with docutils in [#477](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/477) - 👌 IMPROVE: Code block highlighting in [#478](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/478) - 👌 IMPROVE: `note_refname` for docutils internal links in [#481](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/481) - 🐛 FIX: Ordered list starting number in [#483](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/483) - 👌 IMPROVE: Propagate enumerated list suffix in [#484](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/484) - 👌 IMPROVE: `DocutilsRenderer.create_highlighted_code_block` in [#488](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/488) - 🐛 FIX: Source line reporting for nested parsing in [#490](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/490) - 🔧 MAINTAIN: Implement `MockInliner.parse` in [#504](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/504) ## 0.16.1 - 2021-12-16 ✨ NEW: Add `myst_linkify_fuzzy_links` option. When using the [`linkify` extension](docs/syntax/optional.md#linkify), this option can be used to disable matching of links that do not contain a schema (such as `http://`). ## 0.16.0 - 2021-12-06 This release contains a number of exciting improvements: ### Upgrade of Markdown parser `markdown-it-py` has been upgraded to [v2.0.0](https://github.com/executablebooks/markdown-it-py/releases/tag/v2.0.0). This upgrade brings full compliance with the [CommonMark v0.30 specification](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/). Additionally, `mdit-py-plugins` has been upgraded to [v0.3.0](https://github.com/executablebooks/mdit-py-plugins/releases/tag/v0.3.0). This improves the parsing of the MyST target syntax, to allow for spaces and additional special characters in the target name, for example this is now valid: ```md (a bc |@<>*./_-+:)= # Header ``` Also MyST role syntax now supports unlimited length in the role name and new lines in the content. For example, this is now valid: ```md {abc}`xy new line` ``` ### Improvements for Docutils-only use MyST now allows for Docutils-only use (outside of Sphinx), that allows for MyST configuration options to be set via the `docutils.conf` file, or on the command line. On installing MyST-Parser, the following CLI-commands are made available: - `myst-docutils-html`: converts MyST to HTML - `myst-docutils-html5`: converts MyST to HTML5 - `myst-docutils-latex`: converts MyST to LaTeX - `myst-docutils-xml`: converts MyST to docutils-native XML - `myst-docutils-pseudoxml`: converts MyST to pseudo-XML (to visualise the AST structure) You can also install the [myst-docutils](https://pypi.org/project/myst-docutils/) package from `pip`, which includes no direct install requirements on docutils or sphinx. See [MyST with Docutils](docs/docutils.md) for more information. Thanks to help from [@cpitclaudel](https://github.com/cpitclaudel)! ### Include MyST files in RST files With `docutils>=0.17`, the `include` directive has a `parser` option. This can be used with myst-parser to include MyST files in RST files. ```md Parse using the docutils only parser: .. include:: include.md :parser: myst_parser.docutils_ Parse using the sphinx parser: .. include:: include.md :parser: myst_parser.sphinx_ ``` ### Addition of the `fieldlist` syntax extension Field lists are mappings from field names to field bodies, based on the [reStructureText syntax](https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#field-lists): ```rst :name only: :name: body :name: Multiple Paragraphs ``` This should eventually allow for MyST Markdown docstrings! (see ) See [Field Lists syntax](docs/syntax/optional.md#field-lists) for more information. ### Improvements to table rendering Tables with no body are now allowed, for example: ```md | abc | def | | --- | --- | ``` Also cell alignment HTML classes have now been changed to: `text-left`, `text-center`, or `text-right`, for example: ```md | left | center | right | | :--- | :----: | ----: | | a | b | c | ``` is converted to: ```html







``` These classes should be supported by most sphinx HTML themes. See [Tables syntax](docs/syntax/syntax.md#tables) for more information. ### Pull Requests - 🐛 FIX: Add mandatory attributes on `enumerated_list` by @cpitclaudel in [#418](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/418) - 📚 DOCS: Add reference to MySTyc in landing page by @astrojuanlu in [#413](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/413) - ⬆️ UPGRADE: markdown-it-py v2, mdit-py-plugins v0.3 by @chrisjsewell in [#449](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/449) - 👌 IMPROVE: Table rendering by @chrisjsewell in [#450](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/450) - 🐛 FIX: Ensure parent files are re-built if `include` file changes by @chrisjsewell in [#451](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/451) - 🐛 FIX: Convert empty directive option to `None` by @chrisjsewell in [#452](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/452) - 👌 IMPROVE: Add `\\` for hard-breaks in latex by @chrisjsewell in [#453](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/453) - 🔧 MAINTAIN: Remove empty "sphinx" extra by @hukkin in [#350](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/350) - ✨ NEW: Add `fieldlist` extension by @chrisjsewell in [#455](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/455) - ✨ NEW: Add Docutils MyST config and CLI by @cpitclaudel in [#426](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/426) - 🔧 MAINTAIN: Add publishing job for `myst-docutils` by @chrisjsewell in [#456](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/456) - 🧪 TESTS: Add for `gettext_additional_targets` by @jpmckinney in [#459](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/459) ### New Contributors - @cpitclaudel made their first contribution in [#418](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/418) - @astrojuanlu made their first contribution in [#413](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/413) **Full Changelog**: ## 0.15.2 - 2021-08-26 This is mainly a maintenance release that fixes some incompatibilities with `sphinx<3.1`, improvements for compatibility with `docutils=0.17`, and improvements to robustness. ## 0.15.1 - 2021-06-18 👌 IMPROVE: MathJax compatibility with `nbsphinx` `nbsphinx` also overrides the MathJax configuration. For compatibility, `output_area` is added to the list of default processed classes, and the override warning is allowed to be suppressed with `suppress_warnings = ["myst.mathjax"]`. ## 0.15.0 - 2021-06-13 ### Upgraded to `sphinx` v4 ⬆️ A principe change in this release is to updates the requirements of myst-parser from `sphinx>=2,<4` to `sphinx>=3,<5`. ### Changed MathJax handling ♻️ Instead of removing all `$` processing for the whole project, during MyST document parsing, the top-level section is now given the classes `tex2jax_ignore` and `mathjax_ignore` (turning off default MathJax processing of all HTML elements) and MathJax is then configured to process elements with the `tex2jax_process|mathjax_process|math` classes. See [the math syntax guide](docs/syntax/optional.md#math-shortcuts) for further information. ### Set URL scheme defaults ‼️ The `myst_url_schemes` default is now: `("http", "https", "mailto", "ftp")`. This means that only these URL will be considered as external (e.g. `[](https://example.com)`), and references like `[](prefix:main)` will be considered as internal references. Set `myst_url_schemes = None`, to revert to the previous default. ### Added `myst_heading_slug_func` option 👌 Use this option to specify a custom function to auto-generate heading anchors (see [Auto-generated header anchors](docs/syntax/optional.md#auto-generated-header-anchors)). Thanks to [@jpmckinney](https://github.com/jpmckinney)! ## 0.14.0 - 2021-05-04 ### Upgrade to `markdown-it-py` v1.0 ⬆️ This release updates the code-base to fully support the [markdown-it-py](https://markdown-it-py.readthedocs.io) `v1.0.0` release. In particular for users, this update alters the parsing of tables to be consistent with the [Github Flavoured Markdown (GFM) specification](https://github.github.com/gfm/#tables-extension-). ### New Features ✨ - **Task lists** utilise the [markdown-it-py tasklists plugin](markdown_it:md/plugins), and are applied to Markdown list items starting with `[ ]` or `[x]`. ```markdown - [ ] An item that needs doing - [x] An item that is complete ``` Add "tasklist" to the `myst_enable_extensions` configuration to enable. See [the optional syntax guide](docs/syntax/optional.md#task-lists) for further information. - The **`sub-ref`** role has been added for use identical to ReST's `|name|` syntax. This allows one to access Sphinx's built-in `|today|`, `|release|` and `|version|` substitutions, and also introduces two new substitutions: `wordcount-words` and `wordcount-minutes`, computed by the markdown-it-py [`wordcount_plugin`](https://github.com/executablebooks/mdit-py-plugins/pull/20). ```markdown > {sub-ref}`today` | {sub-ref}`wordcount-words` words | {sub-ref}`wordcount-minutes` min read ``` See [the roles syntax guide](docs/syntax/syntax.md) for further information. - The **`dmath_double_inline`** configuration option allows display math (i.e. `$$`) within an inline context. See [the math syntax guide](docs/syntax/optional.md#math-shortcuts) for further information. ### Remove v0.13 deprecations ‼️ The deprecations made to extension configurations and colon fences in `0.13.0` (see below) have now been removed: - Configuration variables: `myst_admonition_enable`, `myst_figure_enable`, `myst_dmath_enable`, `myst_amsmath_enable`, `myst_deflist_enable`, `myst_html_img_enable` - `:::{admonition,class}` -> `:::{admonition}\n:class: class` - `:::{figure}` -> `:::{figure-md}` ### Fix extraction of nested footnotes 🐛 Previously footnote definitions in block elements like lists would crash the parsing: ```markdown - [^e]: footnote definition in a block element ``` These are now correctly extracted. ## 0.13.7 - 2021-04-25 👌 IMPROVE: Add warning for nested headers: Nested headers are not supported within most elements (this is a limitation of the docutils/sphinx document structure), and can lead to unexpected outcomes. For example in admonitions: ````markdown ```{note} # Unsupported Header ``` ```` A warning (of type `myst.nested_header`) is now emitted when this occurs. 🔧 MAINTAIN: Python 3.9 is now officially supported. ## 0.13.6 - 2021-04-10 🐛 FIX: docutils `v0.17` compatibility ## 0.13.5 - 2021-02-15 - ⬆️ UPGRADE: required markdown-it-py to `v0.6.2`: In particular, this fixes missing source line mappings for table rows and their children - 👌 IMPROVE: Store `rawtext` in AST nodes: We now ensure that the raw text is propagated from the Markdown tokens to the Sphinx AST. In particular, this is required by the `gettext` builder, to generate translation POT templates. Thanks to [@jpmckinney](https://github.com/jpmckinney)! - ✨ NEW: Add warning types `myst.subtype`: All parsing warnings are assigned a type/subtype, and also the messages are appended with them. These warning types can be suppressed with the sphinx `suppress_warnings` config option. See [How-to suppress warnings](howto/warnings) for more information. ## 0.13.3 - 2021-01-20 Minor fixes: - 🐛 FIX: front-matter parsing for bibliographic keys - 🐛 FIX: directive/role name translations - 👌 IMPROVE: Add warning for multiple footnote definitions ## 0.13.2 - 2021-01-20 ✨ NEW: Add `html_admonition` extension : By adding `"html_admonition"` to `myst_enable_extensions`, you can enable parsing of `
` HTML blocks to sphinx admonitions. : This is helpful when you care about viewing the "source" Markdown, such as in Jupyter Notebooks. : For example: ```html

This is the **title**

This is the *content*
``` : See [the optional syntax guide](docs/syntax/optional.md) for further information. 👌 IMPROVE: Footnotes : If the label is an integer, then it will always use this integer for the rendered label (i.e. they are manually numbered). : Add `myst_footnote_transition` configuration, to turn on/off transition line. : Add `footnotes` class to transition `
` in HTML. : See [the syntax guide](docs/syntax/syntax.md) for further information. 👌 IMPROVE: `substitution` extension logic : Parse inline substitutions without block rules, unless the substitution starts with a directive. 🐛 FIX: Render front-matter as `field_list` : To improve use by sphinx extensions). 👌 IMPROVE: Code quality : Add isort and mypy type checking to code base. (thanks to contributors @akhmerov, @tfiers) ## 0.13.1 - 2020-12-31 👌 Directives can now be used for inline substitutions, e.g. ```md --- substitutions: key: | ```{image} img/fun-fish.png :alt: fishy :height: 20px ``` --- An inline image: {{ key }} ``` ## 0.13.0 - 2020-12-18 This release makes some major updates to the optional syntaxes. For full details see [Optional MyST Syntaxes](docs/syntax/optional.md). ### 🗑 Deprecations `myst_enable_extensions = ["dollarmath", ...]` now replaces and deprecates individual enable configuration variables: `admonition_enable` -> `"colon_fence"`, `figure_enable` -> `"colon_fence"`, `dmath_enable` -> `"dollarmath"`, `amsmath` -> `"colon_fence"`, `deflist_enable` -> `"deflist"`, `html_img_enable` -> `"html_image"`. The `colon_fence` extension (replacing `admonition_enable`) now works exactly the same as normal ```` ``` ```` code fences, but using `:::` delimiters. This is helpful for directives that contain Markdown text, for example: ```md :::{admonition} The title :class: note This note contains *Markdown* ::: ``` ### ✨ New The `smartquotes` extension will automatically convert standard quotations to their opening/closing variants: - `'single quotes'`: ‘single quotes’ - `"double quotes"`: “double quotes” The `linkify` extension will automatically identify “bare” web URLs, like `www.example.com`, and add hyperlinks; www.example.com. This extension requires that [linkify-it-py](https://github.com/tsutsu3/linkify-it-py) is installed. The `replacements` extension will automatically convert some common typographic texts, such as `+-` -> `±`. The `substitution` extension allows you to specify "substitution definitions" in either the `conf.py` (as `myst_substitutions`) and/or individual file's front-matter (front-matter takes precedence), which will then replace substitution references. For example: ```md --- substitutions: key1: definition --- {{ key1 }} ``` The substitutions are assessed as [jinja2 expressions](http://jinja.palletsprojects.com/) and includes the [Sphinx Environment](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/extdev/envapi.html) as `env`, so you can do powerful thinks like: ``` {{ [key1, env.docname] | join('/') }} ``` The `figure-md` directive has been added (replacing `enable_figure`), which parses a "Markdown friendly" figure (used with the `colon_fence` extension): ```md :::{figure-md} fig-target :class: myclass fishy This is a caption in **Markdown** ::: ``` ### 👌 Improvements Using the `html_image` extension, HTML images are now processed for both blocks and (now) inline. So you can correctly do, for example: ```md I’m an inline image: | table column | | ----------------------------------------- | | | ``` ## 0.12.10 - 2020-09-21 🐛 FIX: allow dates to be parsed in frontmatter. : This fixes a bug that would raise errors at parse time if non-string date objects were in front-matter YAML. See [#253](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/253) ## 0.12.9 - 2020-09-08 ✨ NEW: Auto-generate heading anchors. : This utilises `markdown-it-py`'s `anchors-plugin`, to generate unique anchor "slugs" for each header (up to a certain level), and allows them to be referenced *via* a relative path, e.g. `[](./file.md#header-anchor)`, or in the same document, e.g. `[](#header-anchor)`. Slugs are generated in the GitHub style ([see here](https://github.com/Flet/github-slugger)); lower-case text, removing punctuation, replacing spaces with `-`, enforce uniqueness *via* suffix enumeration `-1`. It is enabled in your `conf.py` *via* `myst_heading_anchors = 2` (sets maximum heading level). See [the documentation here](docs/syntax/optional.md#auto-generated-header-anchors). 🐛 FIX: doc reference resolution for singlehtml/latex. : These reference resolutions are passed to the "missing-reference" event, and require the `node["refdoc"]` attribute to be available, which was missing for `[text](./path/to/file.md)` type references. ## 0.12.7 - 2020-08-31 ✨ NEW: Want to include your README.md in the documentation? : See [including a file from outside the docs folder](howto/include-readme). (👌 added `relative-docs` option in 0.12.8) ## 0.12.5 - 2020-08-28 ✨ NEW: Add Markdown figure syntax : Setting `myst_figure_enable = True` in your sphinx `conf.py`, combines the above two extended syntaxes, to create a fully Markdown compliant version of the `figure` directive. See [Markdown Figures](docs/syntax/optional.md#markdown-figures) for details. (👌 formatting of caption improved in 0.12.6) ## 0.12.4 - 2020-08-27 👌 IMPROVE: the mathjax extension is now only overridden if strictly necessary (to support dollar and ams math), and the override is more precise, to mitigate any unwanted side-effects ## 0.12.3 - 2020-08-26 ✨ NEW: Add definition lists. : This addition, enabled by `myst_deflist_enable = True`, allows for "Pandoc style" definition lists to be parsed and rendered, e.g. ```md Term 1 : Definition ``` See the [Definition Lists documentation](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/optional.html#definition-lists) for further details. 👌 IMPROVE: mathjax_config override. : Only `mathjax_config["tex2jax"]` will now be overridden, in order to not interfere with other user configurations, such as adding TeX macros. The configuration name has also changed from `myst_override_mathjax` to `myst_update_mathjax`. See [Mathjax and math parsing](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/syntax.html#mathjax-and-math-parsing) for further details. ## 0.12.2 - 2020-08-25 ✨ NEW: Add the `eval-rst` directive : This directive parses its contents as ReStructuredText, which integrates back into the rest of the document, e.g. for cross-referencing. See [this documentation](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/syntax.html#how-directives-parse-content) for further explanation. In particular, this addition solves some outstanding user requests: - How-to [include rST files into a Markdown file](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using/howto.html#include-rst-files-into-a-markdown-file) - How-to [Use sphinx.ext.autodoc in Markdown files](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using/howto.html#use-sphinx-ext-autodoc-in-markdown-files) Thanks to [@stephenroller](https://github.com/stephenroller) for the contribution 🎉 ## 0.12.1 - 2020-08-19 ✨ NEW: Add `myst_commonmark_only` config option, for restricting the parser to strict CommonMark (no extensions). ## 0.12.0 - 2020-08-19 ### ‼️ BREAKING If you are using math in your documents, be sure to read the updated [Math syntax guide](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/syntax.html#math-shortcuts)! In particular, the Mathjax configuration is now overridden, such that LaTeX environments will only be rendered if `myst_amsmath_enable=True` is set. The `myst_math_delimiters` option has also been removed (please open an issue if you would like brackets math parsing to be re-implemented). In addition the `myst_html_img` option name has been changed to `myst_html_img_enable`. Some underlying code has also been refactored, to centralise handling of configuration options (see [commit 98573b9](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/commit/98573b9c6e3602ab31d627b5266ae5c1ba2c9e5f)). ### Improved 👌 More configuration options for math parsing (see [MyST configuration options](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using/intro.html#myst-configuration-options)). ## 0.11.2 - 2020-07-13 ### Added ✨ - `` tag parsing to sphinx representation, see [the image syntax guide](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/syntax.html#images) ### Improved 👌 - `[title](link)` syntax now works with intersphinx references. Recognised URI schemas can also be configured, see the [configuration options](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using/intro.html#myst-configuration-options) ## 0.11.1 - 2020-07-12 ### Fix - Correctly pin required minimum markdown-it-py version ## 0.11.0 - 2020-07-12 ### Added ✨ * Special admonition directive syntax (optional): ```md :::{note} This text is **standard** _Markdown_ ::: ``` See [the syntax guide section](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/syntax.html#admonition-directives-special-syntax-optional) for details. * Direct parsing of [amsmath](https://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath) LaTeX equations (optional). See [the syntax guide section](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/syntax.html#direct-latex-math-optional) for details. ### Breaking ‼️ * Sphinx configuration options are now set as separate variables, rather than a single dict. See [MyST configuration options](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using/intro.html#myst-configuration-options) for details. ## 0.10.0 - 2020-07-08 ([full changelog](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/compare/v0.9.1...aaed58808af485c29bbbf73c5aac10697bfa08b9)) ### Improved 👌 * Support Sphinx version 3 [#197](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/197) ([@chrisjsewell](https://github.com/chrisjsewell)) * Update Trove Classifiers [#192](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/192) ([@chrisjsewell](https://github.com/chrisjsewell)) * Add functionality to use docutils specialized role [#189](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/pull/189) ([@chrisjsewell](https://github.com/chrisjsewell)) ### Contributors to this release ([GitHub contributors page for this release](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/graphs/contributors?from=2020-07-20&to=2020-08-07&type=c)) [@AakashGfude](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3AAakashGfude+updated%3A2020-07-20..2020-08-07&type=Issues) | [@asmeurer](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Aasmeurer+updated%3A2020-07-20..2020-08-07&type=Issues) | [@choldgraf](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Acholdgraf+updated%3A2020-07-20..2020-08-07&type=Issues) | [@chrisjsewell](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Achrisjsewell+updated%3A2020-07-20..2020-08-07&type=Issues) | [@codecov](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Acodecov+updated%3A2020-07-20..2020-08-07&type=Issues) | [@webknjaz](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Awebknjaz+updated%3A2020-07-20..2020-08-07&type=Issues) | [@welcome](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Awelcome+updated%3A2020-07-20..2020-08-07&type=Issues) ## Past Releases ### Contributors ([GitHub contributors page for these releases](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/graphs/contributors?from=2020-01-01&to=2020-07-20&type=c)) [@akhmerov](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Aakhmerov+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@asmeurer](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Aasmeurer+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@certik](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Acertik+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@choldgraf](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Acholdgraf+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@chrisjsewell](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Achrisjsewell+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@codecov](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Acodecov+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@dhermes](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Adhermes+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@filippo82](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Afilippo82+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@jlperla](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Ajlperla+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@jstac](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Ajstac+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@martinagvilas](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Amartinagvilas+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@mlncn](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Amlncn+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@mmcky](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Ammcky+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@moorepants](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Amoorepants+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@najuzilu](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Anajuzilu+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@nathancarter](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Anathancarter+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@pauleveritt](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Apauleveritt+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@phaustin](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Aphaustin+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@rossbar](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Arossbar+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@rowanc1](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Arowanc1+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@sbliven](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Asbliven+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues) | [@webknjaz](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aexecutablebooks%2FMyST-Parser+involves%3Awebknjaz+updated%3A2020-01-01..2020-07-20&type=Issues)