#!/bin/sh set -efu pys="$(py3versions -s 2> /dev/null)" cp -a tests "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" cd "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" for py in $pys; do echo "=== $py ===" $py -m pytest -k 'not test_extended_syntaxes and not test_html_to_nodes and not test_html_ast and not test_html_round_trip and not test_basic and not test_syntax_elements and not test_docutils_roles and not test_docutils_directives and not test_syntax_extensions and not test_syntax_elements and not test_tables and not test_directive_options and not test_sphinx_directives and not test_sphinx_roles and not test_dollarmath and not test_amsmath and not test_containers and not test_evalrst_elements and not test_definition_lists and not test_render and not test_errors and not test_cmdline' --ignore=tests/test_renderers/test_fixtures_sphinx.py --ignore=tests/test_renderers/test_myst_refs.py --ignore=tests/test_sphinx/test_sphinx_builds.py 2>&1 done