Raw . foo . foo . Hard-break . foo\ bar . foo
\\ bar . Strong: . **foo** . foo . Emphasis . *foo* . foo . Escaped Emphasis: . \*foo* . *foo* . Mixed Inline . a *b* **c** `abc` \\* . a b c abc \* . Inline Code: . `foo` . foo . Heading: . # foo .
foo . Heading Levels: . # a ## b ### c # d . <document source="notset"> <section ids="a" names="a"> <title> a <section ids="b" names="b"> <title> b <section ids="c" names="c"> <title> c <section ids="d" names="d"> <title> d . Block Code: . foo . <document source="notset"> <literal_block classes="code" xml:space="preserve"> foo . Fenced Code: . ```sh foo ``` . <document source="notset"> <literal_block classes="code sh" xml:space="preserve"> foo . Fenced Code no language: . ``` foo ``` . <document source="notset"> <literal_block classes="code" xml:space="preserve"> foo . Fenced Code no language with trailing whitespace: . ``` foo ``` . <document source="notset"> <literal_block classes="code" xml:space="preserve"> foo . Image empty: . ![]() . <document source="notset"> <paragraph> <image alt="" uri=""> . Image with alt and title: . ![alt](src "title") . <document source="notset"> <paragraph> <image alt="alt" title="title" uri="src"> . Image with escapable html: . ![alt](http://www.google<>.com) . <document source="notset"> <paragraph> <image alt="alt" uri="http://www.google%3C%3E.com"> . Block Quote: . > *foo* . <document source="notset"> <block_quote> <paragraph> <emphasis> foo . Bullet List: . - *foo* * bar . <document source="notset"> <bullet_list bullet="-"> <list_item> <paragraph> <emphasis> foo <bullet_list bullet="*"> <list_item> <paragraph> bar . Nested Bullets . - a - b - c - d . <document source="notset"> <bullet_list bullet="-"> <list_item> <paragraph> a <bullet_list bullet="-"> <list_item> <paragraph> b <bullet_list bullet="-"> <list_item> <paragraph> c <list_item> <paragraph> d . Enumerated List: . 1. *foo* 1) bar para 10. starting 11. enumerator . <document source="notset"> <enumerated_list enumtype="arabic" prefix="" suffix="."> <list_item> <paragraph> <emphasis> foo <enumerated_list enumtype="arabic" prefix="" suffix=")"> <list_item> <paragraph> bar <paragraph> para <enumerated_list enumtype="arabic" prefix="" start="10" suffix="."> <list_item> <paragraph> starting <list_item> <paragraph> enumerator . Nested Enumrated List: . 1. a 2. b 1. c . <document source="notset"> <enumerated_list enumtype="arabic" prefix="" suffix="."> <list_item> <paragraph> a <list_item> <paragraph> b <enumerated_list enumtype="arabic" prefix="" suffix="."> <list_item> <paragraph> c . Sphinx Role containing backtick: . {code}``a=1{`}`` . <document source="notset"> <paragraph> <literal classes="code"> a=1{`} . Target: . (target)= . <document source="notset"> <target ids="target" names="target"> . Target with whitespace: . (target with space)= . <document source="notset"> <target ids="target-with-space" names="target\ with\ space"> . Referencing: . (target)= Title ===== [alt1](target) [](target2) [alt2](https://www.google.com) [alt3](#target3) . <document source="notset"> <target ids="target" names="target"> <section ids="title" names="title"> <title> Title <paragraph> <reference refname="target"> alt1 <paragraph> <reference refname="target2"> <paragraph> <reference refuri="https://www.google.com"> alt2 <paragraph> <reference refname="#target3"> alt3 . Comments: . line 1 % a comment line 2 . <document source="notset"> <paragraph> line 1 <comment xml:space="preserve"> a comment <paragraph> line 2 . Block Break: . +++ string . <document source="notset"> <comment classes="block_break" xml:space="preserve"> string . Link Reference: . [name][key] [key]: https://www.google.com "a title" . <document source="notset"> <paragraph> <reference refuri="https://www.google.com" title="a title"> name . Link Reference short version: . [name] [name]: https://www.google.com "a title" . <document source="notset"> <paragraph> <reference refuri="https://www.google.com" title="a title"> name . Block Quotes: . ```{epigraph} a b*c* -- a**b** ``` . <document source="notset"> <block_quote classes="epigraph"> <paragraph> a b <emphasis> c <attribution> a <strong> b . Link Definition in directive: . ```{note} [a] ``` [a]: link . <document source="notset"> <note> <paragraph> <reference refname="link"> a . Link Definition in nested directives: . ```{note} [ref1]: link ``` ```{note} [ref1] [ref2] ``` ```{note} [ref2]: link ``` . <document source="notset"> <note> <note> <paragraph> <reference refname="link"> ref1 [ref2] <note> . Footnotes: . [^a] [^a]: footnote*text* . <document source="notset"> <paragraph> <footnote_reference auto="1" ids="id1" refname="a"> <transition classes="footnotes"> <footnote auto="1" ids="a" names="a"> <paragraph> footnote <emphasis> text . Footnotes nested blocks: . [^a] [^a]: footnote*text* abc xyz > a - b c finish . <document source="notset"> <paragraph> <footnote_reference auto="1" ids="id1" refname="a"> <paragraph> finish <transition classes="footnotes"> <footnote auto="1" ids="a" names="a"> <paragraph> footnote <emphasis> text <paragraph> abc xyz <block_quote> <paragraph> a <bullet_list bullet="-"> <list_item> <paragraph> b <paragraph> c . Front Matter: . --- a: 1 b: foo c: d: 2 --- . <document source="notset"> <field_list> <field> <field_name> a <field_body> <paragraph> <literal> 1 <field> <field_name> b <field_body> <paragraph> <literal> foo <field> <field_name> c <field_body> <paragraph> <literal> {"d": 2} . Front Matter Biblio: . --- author: Chris Sewell authors: Chris Sewell, Chris Hodgraf organization: EPFL address: | 1 Cedar Park Close Thundersley Essex contact: <https://example.com> version: 1.0 revision: 1.1 status: good date: 2/12/1985 copyright: MIT dedication: | To my *homies* abstract: Something something **dark** side other: Something else --- . <document source="notset"> <field_list> <field> <field_name> author <field_body> <paragraph> Chris Sewell <field> <field_name> authors <field_body> <paragraph> Chris Sewell, Chris Hodgraf <field> <field_name> organization <field_body> <paragraph> EPFL <field> <field_name> address <field_body> <paragraph> 1 Cedar Park Close Thundersley Essex <field> <field_name> contact <field_body> <paragraph> <reference refuri="https://example.com"> https://example.com <field> <field_name> version <field_body> <paragraph> 1.0 <field> <field_name> revision <field_body> <paragraph> 1.1 <field> <field_name> status <field_body> <paragraph> good <field> <field_name> date <field_body> <paragraph> 2/12/1985 <field> <field_name> copyright <field_body> <paragraph> MIT <field> <field_name> dedication <field_body> <paragraph> To my <emphasis> homies <field> <field_name> abstract <field_body> <paragraph> Something something <strong> dark side <field> <field_name> other <field_body> <paragraph> <literal> Something else . Front Matter Bad Yaml: . --- a: { --- . <document source="notset"> <system_message level="2" line="1" source="notset" type="WARNING"> <paragraph> Malformed YAML [myst.topmatter] . Front Matter HTML Meta . --- myst: html_meta: keywords: Sphinx, documentation, builder description lang=en: An amusing story description lang=fr: Un histoire amusant http-equiv=Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 --- . <document source="notset"> <pending> .. internal attributes: .transform: docutils.transforms.components.Filter .details: component: 'writer' format: 'html' nodes: <meta content="Sphinx, documentation, builder" name="keywords"> <pending> .. internal attributes: .transform: docutils.transforms.components.Filter .details: component: 'writer' format: 'html' nodes: <meta content="An amusing story" lang="en" name="description"> <pending> .. internal attributes: .transform: docutils.transforms.components.Filter .details: component: 'writer' format: 'html' nodes: <meta content="Un histoire amusant" lang="fr" name="description"> <pending> .. internal attributes: .transform: docutils.transforms.components.Filter .details: component: 'writer' format: 'html' nodes: <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"> . Full Test: . --- a: 1 --- (target)= # header 1 ## sub header 1 a *b* **c** `abc` ## sub header 2 x y [a](http://www.xyz.com) z --- # header 2 ```::python {a=1} a = 1 ``` [](target) . <document source="notset"> <field_list> <field> <field_name> a <field_body> <paragraph> <literal> 1 <target ids="target" names="target"> <section ids="header-1" names="header\ 1"> <title> header 1 <section ids="sub-header-1" names="sub\ header\ 1"> <title> sub header 1 <paragraph> a <emphasis> b <strong> c <literal> abc <section ids="sub-header-2" names="sub\ header\ 2"> <title> sub header 2 <paragraph> x y <reference refuri="http://www.xyz.com"> a z <transition> <section ids="header-2" names="header\ 2"> <title> header 2 <literal_block classes="code ::python" xml:space="preserve"> a = 1 <paragraph> <reference refname="target"> .