Duplicate Reference definitions: . [a]: b [a]: c . :2: (WARNING/2) Duplicate reference definition: A [myst.ref] . Missing Reference: . [a](b) . :1: (ERROR/3) Unknown target name: "b". . Unknown role: . abc {xyz}`a` . :3: (ERROR/3) Unknown interpreted text role "xyz". . Unknown directive: . ```{xyz} ``` . :2: (ERROR/3) Unknown directive type "xyz". . Bad Front Matter: . --- a: { --- . :1: (WARNING/2) Malformed YAML [myst.topmatter] . Unknown Front Matter myst key: . --- myst: unknown: true --- . :1: (WARNING/2) Unknown field: unknown [myst.topmatter] . Invalid Front Matter myst key: . --- myst: title_to_header: 1 url_schemes: [1] substitutions: key: [] --- . :1: (WARNING/2) 'title_to_header' must be of type (got 1 that is a ). [myst.topmatter] :1: (WARNING/2) 'url_schemes[0]' must be of type (got 1 that is a ). [myst.topmatter] :1: (WARNING/2) 'substitutions['key']' must be of type (, , ) (got [] that is a ). [myst.topmatter] . Bad HTML Meta . --- myst: html_meta: name noequals: value --- . :: (ERROR/3) Error parsing meta tag attribute "name noequals": no '=' in noequals. . Directive parsing error: . ```{class} ``` . :2: (ERROR/3) Directive 'class': 1 argument(s) required, 0 supplied . Directive run error: . ```{date} x ``` . :2: (ERROR/3) Invalid context: the "date" directive can only be used within a substitution definition. . Do not start headings at H1: . ## title 1 . :1: (WARNING/2) Document headings start at H2, not H1 [myst.header] . Non-consecutive headings: . # title 1 ### title 3 . :2: (WARNING/2) Non-consecutive header level increase; H1 to H3 [myst.header] . multiple footnote definitions . [^a] [^a]: definition 1 [^a]: definition 2 . :: (WARNING/2) Multiple footnote definitions found for label: 'a' [myst.footnote] . Warnings in eval-rst . some external lines ```{eval-rst} some internal lines .. unknown:: some text :unknown:`a` ``` . :10: (ERROR/3) Unknown directive type "unknown". .. unknown:: some text :12: (ERROR/3) Unknown interpreted text role "unknown". . bad-option-value . ```{note} :class: [1] ``` . :1: (ERROR/3) Directive 'note': option "class" value not string (enclose with ""): [1] :class: [1] . header nested in admonition . ```{note} # Header ``` . :2: (WARNING/2) Disallowed nested header found, converting to rubric [myst.nested_header] . nested parse warning . Paragraph ```{note} :class: abc :name: xyz {unknown}`a` ``` . :7: (ERROR/3) Unknown interpreted text role "unknown". .