Dedication <paragraph> To my <emphasis> homies <topic classes="abstract"> <title> Abstract <paragraph> Something something <strong> dark side <target refid="target"> <section classes="tex2jax_ignore mathjax_ignore" ids="header target" names="header target"> <title> Header <comment xml:space="preserve"> comment <note> <paragraph> abcd <emphasis> abc <reference refuri=""> google <warning> <paragraph> xyz <admonition classes="admonition-title-with-link-target2"> <title> Title with <reference internal="True" refid="target2"> <inline classes="std std-ref"> link <paragraph> Content <target refid="target2"> <figure ids="id1 target2" names="target2"> <reference refuri=""> <image candidates="{'*': 'example.jpg'}" height="40px" uri="example.jpg"> <caption> Caption <paragraph> <image alt="alternative text" candidates="{'*': 'example.jpg'}" uri="example.jpg"> <paragraph> <reference refuri=""> <paragraph> <strong> <literal classes="code"> a=1{`} <paragraph> <math> sdfds <paragraph> <strong> <math> a=1 <math_block nowrap="False" number="True" xml:space="preserve"> b=2 <target refid="equation-eq-label"> <math_block docname="content" ids="equation-eq-label" label="eq:label" nowrap="False" number="1" xml:space="preserve"> c=2 <paragraph> <reference internal="True" refid="equation-eq-label"> (1) <paragraph> <literal> a=1{`} <table classes="colwidths-auto"> <tgroup cols="2"> <colspec colwidth="50"> <colspec colwidth="50"> <thead> <row> <entry> <paragraph> a <entry classes="text-right"> <paragraph> b <tbody> <row> <entry> <paragraph> <emphasis> a <entry classes="text-right"> <paragraph> 2 <row> <entry> <paragraph> <reference refuri=""> link-a <entry classes="text-right"> <paragraph> <reference refuri=""> link-b <paragraph> this is a paragraph <comment xml:space="preserve"> a comment 2 <paragraph> this is a second paragraph <bullet_list bullet="-"> <list_item> <paragraph> a list <bullet_list bullet="-"> <list_item> <paragraph> a sub list <comment xml:space="preserve"> a comment 3 <bullet_list bullet="-"> <list_item> <paragraph> new list? <paragraph> <reference internal="True" refid="target"> <inline classes="std std-ref"> Header <reference internal="True" refid="target2"> <inline classes="std std-ref"> Caption <comment classes="block_break" xml:space="preserve"> a block break <paragraph> <reference refuri="" title="a title"> name <literal_block language="default" linenos="False" xml:space="preserve"> def func(a, b=1): print(a) <paragraph> Special substitution references: <paragraph> 57 words | 0 min read