# To use tox, see https://tox.readthedocs.io # Simply pip or conda install tox # If you use conda, you may also want to install tox-conda # then run `tox` or `tox -- {pytest args}` # To run in parallel using `tox -p` (this does not appear to work for this repo) # To rebuild the tox environment, for example when dependencies change, use # `tox -r` # Note: if the following error is encountered: `ImportError while loading conftest` # then then deleting compiled files has been found to fix it: `find . -name \*.pyc -delete` [tox] envlist = py37-sphinx5 [testenv] usedevelop = true [testenv:py{37,38,39,310}-sphinx{4,5}] deps = black flake8 extras = linkify testing commands_pre = sphinx4: pip install --quiet --upgrade-strategy "only-if-needed" "sphinx==4.5.0" commands = pytest {posargs} [testenv:docs-{update,clean}] extras = linkify rtd whitelist_externals = rm echo commands = clean: rm -rf docs/_build sphinx-build -nW --keep-going -b {posargs:html} docs/ docs/_build/{posargs:html} commands_post = echo "open file://{toxinidir}/docs/_build/{posargs:html}/index.html" [testenv:docs-live] description = Build the documentation and launch browser deps = sphinx-autobuild extras = linkify rtd commands = sphinx-autobuild \ --re-ignore _build/.* \ --port 0 --open-browser \ -n -b {posargs:html} docs/ docs/_build/{posargs:html} [pytest] addopts = --ignore=setup.py markers = sphinx: set parameters for the sphinx `app` fixture (see ipypublish/sphinx/tests/conftest.py) filterwarnings = [flake8] max-line-length = 100 extend-ignore = E203