#include // test include guard #include #define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN #include using namespace opentracing; TEST_CASE("string_view") { SECTION("A default-constructed string_view is empty.") { string_view ref; CHECK(nullptr == ref.data()); CHECK(0 == ref.length()); } SECTION("string_view can be initialized from a c-string.") { const char* val = "hello world"; string_view ref(val); CHECK(val == ref.data()); CHECK(std::strlen(val) == ref.length()); } SECTION("string_view can be initialized from an std::string.") { const std::string val = "hello world"; string_view ref(val); CHECK(val == ref.data()); CHECK(val.length() == ref.length()); } SECTION("A copied string_view points to the same data as its source.") { const std::string val = "hello world"; string_view ref(val); string_view cpy(ref); CHECK(val == cpy.data()); CHECK(val.length() == cpy.length()); } SECTION("operator[] can be used to access characters in a string_view") { string_view s = "abc123"; CHECK(&s[0] == s.data()); CHECK(&s[1] == s.data() + 1); } }