MCV lists ========= Multivariate MCV (most-common values) lists are a straightforward extension of regular MCV list, tracking most frequent combinations of values for a group of attributes. This works particularly well for columns with a small number of distinct values, as the list may include all the combinations and approximate the distribution very accurately. For columns with a large number of distinct values (e.g. those with continuous domains), the list will only track the most frequent combinations. If the distribution is mostly uniform (all combinations about equally frequent), the MCV list will be empty. Estimates of some clauses (e.g. equality) based on MCV lists are more accurate than when using histograms. Also, MCV lists don't necessarily require sorting of the values (the fact that we use sorting when building them is implementation detail), but even more importantly the ordering is not built into the approximation (while histograms are built on ordering). So MCV lists work well even for attributes where the ordering of the data type is disconnected from the meaning of the data. For example we know how to sort strings, but it's unlikely to make much sense for city names (or other label-like attributes). Selectivity estimation ---------------------- The estimation, implemented in mcv_clauselist_selectivity(), is quite simple in principle - we need to identify MCV items matching all the clauses and sum frequencies of all those items. Currently MCV lists support estimation of the following clause types: (a) equality clauses WHERE (a = 1) AND (b = 2) (b) inequality clauses WHERE (a < 1) AND (b >= 2) (c) NULL clauses WHERE (a IS NULL) AND (b IS NOT NULL) (d) OR clauses WHERE (a < 1) OR (b >= 2) It's possible to add support for additional clauses, for example: (e) multi-var clauses WHERE (a > b) and possibly others. These are tasks for the future, not yet implemented. Hashed MCV (not yet implemented) -------------------------------- Regular MCV lists have to include actual values for each item, so if those items are large the list may be quite large. This is especially true for multivariate MCV lists, although the current implementation partially mitigates this by performing de-duplicating the values before storing them on disk. It's possible to only store hashes (32-bit values) instead of the actual values, significantly reducing the space requirements. Obviously, this would only make the MCV lists useful for estimating equality conditions (assuming the 32-bit hashes make the collisions rare enough). This might also complicate matching the columns to available stats. TODO Consider implementing hashed MCV list, storing just 32-bit hashes instead of the actual values. This type of MCV list will be useful only for estimating equality clauses, and will reduce space requirements for large varlena types (in such cases we usually only want equality anyway). Inspecting the MCV list ----------------------- Inspecting the regular (per-attribute) MCV lists is trivial, as it's enough to select the columns from pg_stats. The data is encoded as anyarrays, and all the items have the same data type, so anyarray provides a simple way to get a text representation. With multivariate MCV lists the columns may use different data types, making it impossible to use anyarrays. It might be possible to produce a similar array-like representation, but that would complicate further processing and analysis of the MCV list. So instead the MCV lists are stored in a custom data type (pg_mcv_list), which however makes it more difficult to inspect the contents. To make that easier, there's a SRF returning detailed information about the MCV lists. SELECT m.* FROM pg_statistic_ext s, pg_statistic_ext_data d, pg_mcv_list_items(stxdmcv) m WHERE s.stxname = 'stts2' AND d.stxoid = s.oid; It accepts one parameter - a pg_mcv_list value (which can only be obtained from pg_statistic_ext_data catalog, to defend against malicious input), and returns these columns: - item index (0, ..., (nitems-1)) - values (string array) - nulls only (boolean array) - frequency (double precision) - base_frequency (double precision)