CREATE FUNCTION elog_test() RETURNS void AS $$ plpy.debug('debug', detail='some detail') plpy.log('log', detail='some detail')'info', detail='some detail')'the question', detail=42);'This is message text.', detail='This is detail text', hint='This is hint text.', sqlstate='XX000', schema_name='any info about schema', table_name='any info about table', column_name='any info about column', datatype_name='any info about datatype', constraint_name='any info about constraint') plpy.notice('notice', detail='some detail') plpy.warning('warning', detail='some detail') plpy.error('stop on error', detail='some detail', hint='some hint') $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; SELECT elog_test(); INFO: info DETAIL: some detail INFO: () INFO: the question DETAIL: 42 INFO: This is message text. DETAIL: This is detail text HINT: This is hint text. NOTICE: notice DETAIL: some detail WARNING: warning DETAIL: some detail ERROR: plpy.Error: stop on error DETAIL: some detail HINT: some hint CONTEXT: Traceback (most recent call last): PL/Python function "elog_test", line 18, in plpy.error('stop on error', detail='some detail', hint='some hint') PL/Python function "elog_test" DO $$'other types', detail=(10, 20)) $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; INFO: other types DETAIL: (10, 20) DO $$ import time; from datetime import date'other types', detail=date(2016, 2, 26)) $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; INFO: other types DETAIL: 2016-02-26 DO $$ basket = ['apple', 'orange', 'apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana']'other types', detail=basket) $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; INFO: other types DETAIL: ['apple', 'orange', 'apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana'] -- should fail DO $$'wrong sqlstate', sqlstate='54444A') $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; ERROR: ValueError: invalid SQLSTATE code CONTEXT: Traceback (most recent call last): PL/Python anonymous code block, line 1, in'wrong sqlstate', sqlstate='54444A') PL/Python anonymous code block DO $$'unsupported argument', blabla='fooboo') $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; ERROR: TypeError: 'blabla' is an invalid keyword argument for this function CONTEXT: Traceback (most recent call last): PL/Python anonymous code block, line 1, in'unsupported argument', blabla='fooboo') PL/Python anonymous code block DO $$'first message', message='second message') $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; ERROR: TypeError: argument 'message' given by name and position CONTEXT: Traceback (most recent call last): PL/Python anonymous code block, line 1, in'first message', message='second message') PL/Python anonymous code block DO $$'first message', 'second message', message='third message') $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; ERROR: TypeError: argument 'message' given by name and position CONTEXT: Traceback (most recent call last): PL/Python anonymous code block, line 1, in'first message', 'second message', message='third message') PL/Python anonymous code block -- raise exception in python, handle exception in plgsql CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION raise_exception(_message text, _detail text DEFAULT NULL, _hint text DEFAULT NULL, _sqlstate text DEFAULT NULL, _schema_name text DEFAULT NULL, _table_name text DEFAULT NULL, _column_name text DEFAULT NULL, _datatype_name text DEFAULT NULL, _constraint_name text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS void AS $$ kwargs = { "message": _message, "detail": _detail, "hint": _hint, "sqlstate": _sqlstate, "schema_name": _schema_name, "table_name": _table_name, "column_name": _column_name, "datatype_name": _datatype_name, "constraint_name": _constraint_name } # ignore None values plpy.error(**dict((k, v) for k, v in iter(kwargs.items()) if v)) $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; SELECT raise_exception('hello', 'world'); ERROR: plpy.Error: hello DETAIL: world CONTEXT: Traceback (most recent call last): PL/Python function "raise_exception", line 9, in plpy.error(**dict((k, v) for k, v in iter(kwargs.items()) if v)) PL/Python function "raise_exception" SELECT raise_exception('message text', 'detail text', _sqlstate => 'YY333'); ERROR: plpy.Error: message text DETAIL: detail text CONTEXT: Traceback (most recent call last): PL/Python function "raise_exception", line 9, in plpy.error(**dict((k, v) for k, v in iter(kwargs.items()) if v)) PL/Python function "raise_exception" SELECT raise_exception(_message => 'message text', _detail => 'detail text', _hint => 'hint text', _sqlstate => 'XX555', _schema_name => 'schema text', _table_name => 'table text', _column_name => 'column text', _datatype_name => 'datatype text', _constraint_name => 'constraint text'); ERROR: plpy.Error: message text DETAIL: detail text HINT: hint text CONTEXT: Traceback (most recent call last): PL/Python function "raise_exception", line 9, in plpy.error(**dict((k, v) for k, v in iter(kwargs.items()) if v)) PL/Python function "raise_exception" SELECT raise_exception(_message => 'message text', _hint => 'hint text', _schema_name => 'schema text', _column_name => 'column text', _constraint_name => 'constraint text'); ERROR: plpy.Error: message text HINT: hint text CONTEXT: Traceback (most recent call last): PL/Python function "raise_exception", line 9, in plpy.error(**dict((k, v) for k, v in iter(kwargs.items()) if v)) PL/Python function "raise_exception" DO $$ DECLARE __message text; __detail text; __hint text; __sqlstate text; __schema_name text; __table_name text; __column_name text; __datatype_name text; __constraint_name text; BEGIN BEGIN PERFORM raise_exception(_message => 'message text', _detail => 'detail text', _hint => 'hint text', _sqlstate => 'XX555', _schema_name => 'schema text', _table_name => 'table text', _column_name => 'column text', _datatype_name => 'datatype text', _constraint_name => 'constraint text'); EXCEPTION WHEN SQLSTATE 'XX555' THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS __message = MESSAGE_TEXT, __detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, __hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT, __sqlstate = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, __schema_name = SCHEMA_NAME, __table_name = TABLE_NAME, __column_name = COLUMN_NAME, __datatype_name = PG_DATATYPE_NAME, __constraint_name = CONSTRAINT_NAME; RAISE NOTICE 'handled exception' USING DETAIL = format('message:(%s), detail:(%s), hint: (%s), sqlstate: (%s), ' 'schema_name:(%s), table_name:(%s), column_name:(%s), datatype_name:(%s), constraint_name:(%s)', __message, __detail, __hint, __sqlstate, __schema_name, __table_name, __column_name, __datatype_name, __constraint_name); END; END; $$; NOTICE: handled exception DETAIL: message:(plpy.Error: message text), detail:(detail text), hint: (hint text), sqlstate: (XX555), schema_name:(schema text), table_name:(table text), column_name:(column text), datatype_name:(datatype text), constraint_name:(constraint text) -- The displayed context is different between Python2 and Python3, -- but that's not important for this test. \set SHOW_CONTEXT never DO $$ try: plpy.execute("select raise_exception(_message => 'my message', _sqlstate => 'XX987', _hint => 'some hint', _table_name => 'users_tab', _datatype_name => 'user_type')") except Exception as e: raise e $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; INFO: (119577128, None, 'some hint', None, 0, None, 'users_tab', None, 'user_type', None) ERROR: plpy.SPIError: plpy.Error: my message HINT: some hint DO $$ try: plpy.error(message = 'my message', sqlstate = 'XX987', hint = 'some hint', table_name = 'users_tab', datatype_name = 'user_type') except Exception as e:'sqlstate: %s, hint: %s, table_name: %s, datatype_name: %s' % (e.sqlstate, e.hint, e.table_name, e.datatype_name)) raise e $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; INFO: sqlstate: XX987, hint: some hint, table_name: users_tab, datatype_name: user_type ERROR: plpy.Error: my message HINT: some hint