# Concurrent update of a partition key and INSERT...ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING test # # This test tries to expose problems with the interaction between concurrent # sessions during an update of the partition key and INSERT...ON CONFLICT DO # NOTHING on a partitioned table. # # The convention here is that session 1 moves row from one partition to # another due update of the partition key and session 2 always ends up # inserting, and session 3 always ends up doing nothing. # # Note: This test is slightly resemble to insert-conflict-do-nothing test. setup { CREATE TABLE foo (a int primary key, b text) PARTITION BY LIST(a); CREATE TABLE foo1 PARTITION OF foo FOR VALUES IN (1); CREATE TABLE foo2 PARTITION OF foo FOR VALUES IN (2); INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, 'initial tuple'); } teardown { DROP TABLE foo; } session s1 setup { BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; } step s1u { UPDATE foo SET a=2, b=b || ' -> moved by session-1' WHERE a=1; } step s1c { COMMIT; } session s2 setup { BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; } step s2donothing { INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1, 'session-2 donothing') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; } step s2c { COMMIT; } session s3 setup { BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; } step s3donothing { INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2, 'session-3 donothing') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; } step s3select { SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY a; } step s3c { COMMIT; } # Regular case where one session block-waits on another to determine if it # should proceed with an insert or do nothing. permutation s1u s2donothing s3donothing s1c s2c s3select s3c permutation s2donothing s1u s3donothing s1c s2c s3select s3c